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, P a r e n t s ' A t t a c h m e n t T o C h i l d r e n
I Swa m i P a r t h a s a r a t h y dren losedirection andpurpose in life. It cor-
r rodesandruins their lives.Neither parents nor
hildren are victims of the intense at- kidsanticipatethenegativeeffectsof suchindul-
tachment exhibited by their parents.gence, that itcouldleadtoastatewhenoneloses
Thelovethat parents bear fortheir chil- thepleasureandjoyderivedfromsenseobjects.
drenhasmetamorphosed intoadreadful form And then one developsboredomwhich could
of attachment. This ishappening universally. driveonetocommitseriousblunders, evensui:
because of the selfish trait in parents. The cide.Nevertheless,well-meaningparentscontin-
parental attachment totheir belovedoneshas uetopampertheir childrenwithsensualluxuri-
turned into adeadly virus nowsweepingthe esnotrealisingtheimpendingdamagetothem.
entire world. Fewcanclaimto befree from Withregards to the second manifestation,
the parents' compulsive attachment to their parents' possessiveness fixes their .kidsin an
children. Howeverwell-meaningtheymaybe, \ ironcasket.Theyareshackledbyforceful direc-
their attachment turns theparent-child rela- tions.and instructions. Andwhenthe parents
tionship sour anddestructive. constantlydictatetheir doctrinesanddogmasto
Constantconfrontationbetweenpar- . kids, they cantakenomoreandbuckle
ents and children invariably ends in under the pressure. Then one of two
separation, causing families trauma. dreadful consequences follows. Chil-
Theparentsbeinginnocenthaveno.cluedren becomea'vegetable' or arebel!In
of theeffectsaccruing fromwhat they thefirstcasethekidturns inert andlnac-
claimasloveandcarefortheir dearones. tive, hardly responding totheexternal
Blissfullyunawareof consequences,. tHE world.Thekidreachesthisstateifhis
theydoteontheir belovedones. natureispassiveandsubmissiveand
Parents'attachmenttotheirchil- SP EA KING. succumbs to' the continuous on-
-drenmanifestsintwodistinctways: >.............. . slaughtsof hisparents' dictations. If,
1. Opulent parents pamper T REE however,thekidisvocal andaggres-
their children by showering money and ap- sive,hebecomesarebel. Hewouldargue, swear,
pliances, amenities and facilities limitlessly counter theunsolicitedadvicesshoweredupon
uponthem. Theyoungarethus saturated with him. Hecouldeventurnviolent,orleavehome.
luxuries, onlytolosetheirjoy. - In either case, oppressive attachment of
2.Another Glassof parents manifest their parents towards their children is asource of
attachment through possessiveness towards trauma tochildren eventhough such parents
their children. They virtually pester them are well-wishing, well-meaning, caring par-
with constant instructions and directions. ents! Parents ought torealise theblunder that
They pound them with dos and don'ts, doc- their love and care lacks the support of a
trines and dogmas. And their-directives in- str:ongintellect. Andtheir rigid controls flow'
variably fall short of reason orjudgment. fromtheir emotional attachment rather than
Inthefirst manifestation, theparents indis- a discerning intellect. They must visualise
criminatelyletloosemoneyandsensual objects thedamagedoneandthedirenecessity of de-
of'all sorts uponthe kids without restriction. velopingtheintellect inthemselves andtheir
-Thepampering starts with toys, tricycles and children. Fromthenewly released book, The
bicycles,later withFerraris, yachts,jetsandthe Holocaust of Attachment. Postyour comments
works. Through indulgence in luxuries, qhil atspeakingtr .

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