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Activity 3 Using Trim and Extend

In the last activity, you learned the importance of the Snap commands. In
this activity, you will learn how to use the Trim and Extend commands
from the Modify toolbar. The trim and extend commands allow you to
modify lines, arcs and other objects which intersect each other. This is a
valuable measure and saves much time when completing drawings.
Using the Trim Command
The Trim command is used when you want to trim a line or arc that extends
to the outer limits of a geometric shape.
Draw a circle on your screen.
Draw a line through the circle similar to the diagram below.
e are now going to trim the parts of the line that extend outside the circle.
!lic" on the Trim button in the Modify toolbar.
#ou will then be as"ed to select the object that you want to trim to. In
this case, select the circle, push $enter%.
&ow you have to select the object you want to trim. In this case it would
be the lines that extend outside the circle. !lic" on each part of the line
that you want to trim, and notice what happens, push $enter% when you
are done trimming. #our drawing should li"e this.
Neat Feature: Try using the functions of the Zoom command in the
View Menu!
Using The Extend Command
The 'xtend command is the opposite of the Trim command. The 'xtend is
used when you want to extend a line to an object. The extend command is a
two step process, just li"e the Trim command.
Draw a circle on your screen.
(sing the line tool and snap commands, draw a line from the center of
the circle to an outside edge. It should loo" li"e the drawing below)
e are now going to use the extend command to extend the line in the center
to the opposite side of the circle.
!lic" on the Extend button in Modify toolbar.
#ou will then be prompted to select the object in which you want to
extend the line to. !lic" on the circle, then push $enter%.
&ext, you will select the object which you wish to extend. In this case, it
is the line. !lic" on the line. &otice that the line automatically extends
to the other side of the circle. *ush $enter% when you are finished. #our
drawing should now loo" li"e this)
&ow that you are familiar with the Trim and 'xtend commands, complete
the +ctivity , 'xercise *arts + - ..
Did You Know
You can take a full semester course in CAD called
Com!uter Aided Drafting ""#$!
Activity 3 Exercise (Part A)
/. Ma"e sure that the +uto!+D 0T software is loaded. &ext, select 1ile,
2pen. In the 2pen window,go to the 2 drive and loo" under T3S(D
and +uto!+D. 0oad the following drawing) 4+!+D35,+6. The
drawing below should appear on your screen.
7. (sing your Trim command from the modify menu, trim the lines in
the drawing so that when you are finished, your drawing loo"s li"e the
drawing below)
,. Save your wor" as 4Trim6.
8. The next thing that you have to do is merge your drawing with your
title bloc", similar to the way it was done in 'xercise 7. There will be
one change, you will have to scale the si9e of your title bloc" so that it
is large enough to house your drawing.
Activity 3 Exercise (continued)
:. !lic" on the Insert menu at the top of your screen. &ext, clic" on
Bloc. The Insert window will then open, clic" on the !ile button and
select 4Title6 ;from your student folder< and 2pen. &ext, clic" next
to the word 'xplode so that the box is chec"ed. +t the Insert window,
clic" on o"ay.
=. #ou will then be prompted for an insertion point, input the coordinates
?. hen prompted for an 5 scale factor, push " $enter%. &ext, you will
be prompted for # scale factor, push $enter%.
@. Set the Aotation angle will be >, $enter%.
#our title bloc" should now appear around your drawing, you will
notice that your drawing is not centered in the title bloc". The next
step will be to center the drawing.
B. The easiest way to center your drawing when you do not "now the
center 5,# coordinates is to use your snap commands. To do this we
will first draw two reference lines. !lic" on the #ine tool and then
$na% to &id%oint. &ext, clic" near the top of the rectangle around
your drawing to accept the midpoint. !lic" on the $na% to &id%oint
button again, and clic" at the bottom midpoint of the rectangle to
finish the line. Aight clic" or push $enter% to complete the line. #our
drawing should loo" li"e this)
%eference &ine
Activity 3 Exercise (continued)
/>. The next step is to draw a reference line from the top midpoint of the
title bloc" to the bottom midpoint of the title bloc". Aefer to the
drawing below
//. The next step is to center the drawing in the title bloc". !lic" above
the upper left3hand corner of the drawing and drag the window to the
lower left3hand corner so that all parts of the drawing are selected,
then clic".
/7. !lic" on the &ove tool in the modify toolbar. #ou will notice that
your drawing turns into dashed lines. #ou will be prompted for a
.ase point, clic" on the $na% to &id%oint button and then clic" on
the midpoint of the reference line you added to your drawing. #ou
will notice that your drawing will move.
/,. #ou will then be prompted for a Second point of displacement. To
define this point, clic" on the $na% to &id%oint button and then snap
to the midpoint of the second reference line, your drawing should now
be centered.
/8. &ext, delete the two reference lines. !lic" on each reference line so
that they are highlighted, and then push the delete "ey on your
Activity 3 Exercise (continued)
/:. Save your Drawing as ;#our &ame<+ctivity >,+
Activity 3 Exercise (Part B)
/. 1rom the +uto!+D 0T Student 'xercises, load the following
drawing) 4+!+D35,.6.
7. (sing the Extend command, modify the drawing on your screen so
that all possible lines are extended. The finished drawing should loo"
li"e this)
'ote) #ou will have to use the Trim command to trim the lines in the upper
left hand and lower left hand corners.
,. Save your drawing as 4;#our &ame<+ctivity >,.6.
8. Merge your title bloc" with your drawing, the 5 Scale factor is 8.
:. (pdate the title bloc" ;name +ctivity ,.< and center your drawing.
Save and print your wor".
Activity 3 (evie) *uestions+
/. (sing the 'xtend command is a
+. three step process.
.. four step process.
!. single step process.
D. two step process.
7. The CCCCCCCCCCC command is used to remove unwanted parts of
lines or arcs.
+. erase
.. extend
!. trim
D. delete
,. The term used for resi9ing a title bloc" to fit a drawing is
+. editing.
.. merging
!. scaling.
D. modifying.
8. The easiest way to center a drawing in a title bloc" when you do not
"now the 5,# coordinates is to
+. snap it.
.. use modes.
!. use hidden lines.
D. use reference lines.
:. hen the title bloc" was resi9ed in +ctivity ,, which factor was
changed from the defaultD
+. The E factor.
.. The 5 factor.
!. The # factor.
D. The F factor.

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