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Event Report

Intra Event

Innovation Challenge, ASHRAE GIKI Chapters Intra event took place on September 9, 2014. The competition was
designed to promote technical outlook in the participants, many of whom were freshmen.

The intra event is quite popular in GIKI; the practical engineering application employed makes it one of a kind. Extensive
event publicity turned out to be fruitful, and an overwhelmingly positive response surprised the organizers. Nearly 40
teams were registered, with each team having 2-3 members. A modest registration fee of Rs.200/team was set to cover
the cost of materials and event promotion.

The proceedings started at 8 pm. The participants reached the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering MLH, where the
society president Mr. Agha Raza briefed the participants about the ASHRAE international chapter (its objectives and
student benefits), ASHRAE northern chapter and finally the GIKI Chapter. They were then informed about the rules of
the competition, the target of which was the construction of an air turbine from ordinary household materials provided
by the organizers (e.g. pipe, pencils, rubbers, A4 pages, scissors, discs, tape etc.). The teams would be given 100 minutes
for the construction, after which their turbines would be tested on their weight-lifting capability. With a starting weight
of 0.5 N, the turbine being able to lift the heaviest weight would be the winner.

Before the competition began, the participants mobile phones were collected to prevent any illegal means. All the
teams sprang to action as the time started. The society was pleased to see the different teams employing varying plans
and techniques, and showing distinct levels of synergy and coordination. As the time progressed, the designs started
taking form and the society was impressed to see such a level of ingenuity from young to-be engineers.

When the time ended, the various constructions were tested against each other; the winning team was awarded with a
prize money of Rs.3000 and free ASHRAE International membership. The contenders thoroughly enjoyed the experience
and appreciated the societys efforts. This event could not have been possible without the help of the GIKI
administration, and the support of our advisor Dr. Javed Chattha.

Written by:
Osamah Raheel-batch 22
Content Writing team

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