Enetwork Basic Configuration PT Practice Sba Smith.N Studio

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ENetwork Basic Configuration PT Practice SBA

A few things to keep in mind while completing this activity:

1. Do not use the browser Back button or close or reload any Exam windows during the exam.
2. Do not close Packet Tracer when you are done. It will close automatically.
3. Click the Submit Assessment button to submit your work.
In this practice Packet Tracer Skills Exam, you will:
finish connecting the devices
design and implement an addressing scheme to meet stated requirements
configure, verify, and troubleshoot connectivity between all devices in the network
Addressing Table
Device Interface Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
Fa0/0 n/a
Fa0/1 n/a
Switch1 VLAN1
NOTE: The initial network has some errors. To aid in configuring and verifying the devices as well
troubleshooting the existing errors, use a printed version of these instructions to fill in the missing
address information in the table during Step 2.
Step 1: Connect the Devices.
Connect the following devices using the appropriate cable:
a. Connect PC1 to Switch1.
b. Connect Switch1 to the Fa0/0 interface on Router1.
c. Connect Switch2 to the Fa0/1 interface on Router1.
d. Connect PC1 to the Router1 console port.
Step 2: Determine the IP Addressing Scheme.
Design an addressing scheme and fill in the Addressing Table based on the following
a. Subnet the address space to provide 30 host addresses for LAN 1 while wasting
the least amount of address space.
b. Assign the first available subnet to LAN 1.
c. Assign the lowest (first) host address in this subnet to the Fa0/0 interface on Router1.
d. Assign the second address in this subnet to the VLAN 1 interface on Switch1.
e. Assign the highest (last) host IP address in this subnet to PC1.
f. Using the next available subnet, further subnet it to provide 10 host addresses for LAN2 while
wasting the least amount of address space.
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
g. Assign the lowest (first) host address in the LAN2 subnet to the Fa0/1 interface on Router1.
Step 3: Configure Router1.
a. Configure Router1 with the following basic parameters:
The router name is Router1.
The privileged EXEC mode uses the following encrypted password: class
Enable Telnet and console line login using the following password: cisco
Configure the banner message-of-the-day as Authorized access only!
b. Configure the two Fast Ethernet interfaces, including addressing and a description.
c. Close the terminal window after completing the router configuration.
Step 4: Configure Switch1 and Verify Connectivity.
a. Remove the console connection between PC1 and Router1.
b. Connect PC1 to the Switch1 console port.
c. Configure Switch1 with the following basic parameters:
The switch name is Switch1
The privileged EXEC mode uses the following encrypted password: class
Enable Telnet and console line login using the following password: cisco
Configure the banner message-of-the-day as Authorized access only!
d. Configure interface VLAN 1 and default gateway for Switch1.
e. Switch1 should be able to ping the default gateway.
Step 5: Configure and Verify PC1 Addressing.
a. Using the IP addressing you determined in Step 2, configure PC1 with the correct addressing.
b. PC1 should be able to ping the default gateway.
Step 6: Verify and Troubleshoot End-to-End Connectivity.
Verify that PC1 is able to ping PC2. If the ping fails, locate and correct any errors. For example,
make sure PC2 is configured correctly with appropriate addressing for the subnet it belongs to.

Version 1.0
Created in Packet Tracer 5.2.1 and Marvel 1.0.1
All contents are Copyright 1992 - 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information.

Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.

https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
Activity Topology and Instructions
In this section, the initial topology and instructions are shown for review purposes.

ENetwork Basic Configuration PT Practice SBA
A few things to keep in mind while completing this activity:
1. Do not use the browser Back button or close or reload any Exam windows during the exam.
2. Do not close Packet Tracer when you are done. It will close automatically.
3. Click the Submit Assessment button to submit your work.
finish connecting the devices
design and implement an addressing scheme to meet stated requirements
configure, verify, and troubleshoot connectivity between all devices in the network
Addressing Table
Device Interface Address SubnetMask DefaultGatewa
Fa0/0 n/a
Fa0/1 n/a
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
Switch1 VLAN1
NOTE: The initial network has some errors. To aid in configuring and verifying the devices as well troubleshooting
the existing errors, use a printed version of these instructions to fill in the missing address information in the table
during Step 2.
Step 1: Connect the Devices.
Connect the following devices using the appropriate cable:
a. Connect PC1 to Switch1.
b. Connect Switch1 to the Fa0/0 interface on Router1.
c. Connect Switch2 to the Fa0/1 interface on Router1.
d. Connect PC1 to the Router1 console port.
Step 2: Determine the IP Addressing Scheme.
Design an addressing scheme and fill in the Addressing Table based on the following requirements:
a. Subnet the address space to provide 30 host addresses for LAN 1 while wasting the least
amount of address space.
b. Assign the first available subnet to LAN 1.
c. Assign the lowest (first) host address in this subnet to the Fa0/0 interface on Router1.
d. Assign the second address in this subnet to the VLAN 1 interface on Switch1.
e. Assign the highest (last) host IP address in this subnet to PC1.
f. Using the next available subnet, further subnet it to provide 10 host addresses for LAN2 while wasting
the least amount of address space.
g. Assign the lowest (first) host address in the LAN2 subnet to the Fa0/1 interface on Router1.
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
Step 3: Configure Router1.
a. Configure Router1 with the following basic parameters:
The router name is Router1.
The privileged EXEC mode uses the following encrypted password: class
Enable Telnet and console line login using the following password: cisco
Configure the banner message-of-the-day as Authorized access only!
b. Configure the two Fast Ethernet interfaces, including addressing and a description.
c. Close the terminal window after completing the router configuration.
Step 4: Configure Switch1 and Verify Connectivity.
a. Remove the console connection between PC1 and Router1.
b. Connect PC1 to the Switch1 console port.
c. Configure Switch1 with the following basic parameters:
The switch name is Switch1
The privileged EXEC mode uses the following encrypted password: class
Enable Telnet and console line login using the following password: cisco
Configure the banner message-of-the-day as Authorized access only!
d. Configure interface VLAN 1 and default gateway for Switch1.
e. Switch1 should be able to ping the default gateway.
Step 5: Configure and Verify PC1 Addressing.
a. Using the IP addressing you determined in Step 2, configure PC1 with the correct addressing.
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
b. PC1 should be able to ping the default gateway.
Step 6: Verify and Troubleshoot End-to-End Connectivity.
Verify that PC1 is able to ping PC2. If the ping fails, locate and correct any errors. For example, make sure PC2 is
configured correctly with appropriate addressing for the subnet it belongs to.

AllcontentsareCopyright 1992 - 2010CiscoSystems,Inc.Allrightsreserved.ThisdocumentisCiscoPublicInformation.

Proposed Solution
Answer Topology

Answer Scripts
show r un
Bui l di ng conf i gur at i on. . .

Cur r ent conf i gur at i on : 838 byt es
ver si on 12. 4
no ser vi ce t i mest amps l og dat et i me msec
no ser vi ce t i mest amps debug dat et i me msec
no ser vi ce passwor d- encr ypt i on
host name Rout er 1
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
enabl e secr et 5 $1$mERr $9cTj UI EqNGur Qi FU. ZeCi 1
i p ssh ver si on 1
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 0
descr i pt i on LAN 1
i p addr ess 172. 16. 1. 1 255. 255. 255. 224
dupl ex aut o
speed aut o
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 1
descr i pt i on LAN 2
i p addr ess 172. 16. 1. 33 255. 255. 255. 240
dupl ex aut o
speed aut o
i nt er f ace Ser i al 0/ 0/ 0
no i p addr ess
shut down
i nt er f ace Ser i al 0/ 0/ 1
no i p addr ess
shut down
i nt er f ace Vl an1
no i p addr ess
shut down
i p cl assl ess
l oggi ng t r ap debuggi ng
l i ne con 0
passwor d ci sco
l ogi n
l i ne vt y 0 4
passwor d ci sco
l ogi n
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
l i ne vt y 5 15
passwor d ci sco
l ogi n
nt p updat e- cal endar

show r un
Bui l di ng conf i gur at i on. . .

Cur r ent conf i gur at i on : 1247 byt es
ver si on 12. 2
no ser vi ce t i mest amps l og dat et i me msec
no ser vi ce t i mest amps debug dat et i me msec
no ser vi ce passwor d- encr ypt i on
host name Swi t ch1
enabl e secr et 5 $1$mERr $9cTj UI EqNGur Qi FU. ZeCi 1
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 1
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 2
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 3
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 4
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 5
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 6
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 7
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 8
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 9
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 10
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 11
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 12
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 13
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 14
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 15
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 16
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 17
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 18
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 19
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 20
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 21
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 22
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 23
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 24
i nt er f ace Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1
i nt er f ace Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 2
i nt er f ace Vl an1
descr i pt i on VLAN1 addr ess
i p addr ess 172. 16. 1. 2 255. 255. 255. 224
i p def aul t - gat eway 172. 16. 1. 1
l oggi ng t r ap debuggi ng
l i ne con 0
passwor d ci sco
l ogi n
l i ne vt y 0 4
passwor d ci sco
l ogi n
l i ne vt y 5 15
passwor d ci sco
l ogi n

show r un
Bui l di ng conf i gur at i on. . .

Cur r ent conf i gur at i on : 1081 byt es
ver si on 12. 1
no ser vi ce t i mest amps l og dat et i me msec
no ser vi ce t i mest amps debug dat et i me msec
no ser vi ce passwor d- encr ypt i on
host name Swi t ch2
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 1
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 2
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 3
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 4
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 5
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 6
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 7
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 8
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 9
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 10
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 11
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 12
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 13
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 14
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 15
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 16
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 17
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 18
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 19
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 20
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 21
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 22
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 23
i nt er f ace Fast Et her net 0/ 24
i nt er f ace Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1
i nt er f ace Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 2
i nt er f ace Vl an1
i p addr ess 172. 16. 1. 34 255. 255. 255. 240
i p def aul t - gat eway 172. 16. 1. 33
l oggi ng t r ap debuggi ng
Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio
l i ne con 0
l i ne vt y 0 4
l ogi n
l i ne vt y 5 15
l ogi n

Performance Component - a description of what the student knows and can do about a coherent set of networking knowledge and
skills; the level at which the student's work product can be assigned a proficiency estimate.
Proficiency Estimate - a description of a student's level of mastery of the performance component. The proficiency estimate is not
meant to be a comprehensive statement of what the student knows and can do.
Work Product - student performance recorded during this assessment. For example, the submitted activity file, timing statistics, and
final running configurations.
Work Product Feature - An aspect of the student's work product. The feature can have a name and a value. For example, Name =
FastEthernet0/0:IP Address; Value =
Individual work product features are combined into performance components and scored based on the complexity of the performance
observed. Because the construction of performance components is based on the underlying work product features as well as the unique
design of each scenario, strict boundaries for determining a proficiency rating are not possible. In general:
None - 0% to 25% of possible points
Novice - 26% to 50% of possible points
Partial - 51% to 85% of possible points
Proficient - 86% to 100% of possible points

Smith Nguyen Studio. Smith Nguyen Studio.

https:/ / www.facebook.com/ SmithNguyenStudio

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