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Deploying WINS

Updated: March 28, 2003

Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
Windos Internet Na%e Ser!ice &WINS' in the Microso(t) Windos) Ser!er 2003
operating syste% allos large organi*ations to acco%plish Net+I,S na%e resol-tion
ith high a!aila.ility, sec-rity, and per(or%ance/ The (olloing sections descri.e the
WINS deploy%ent process, incl-ding ho to design and c-sto%i*e a sec-re replication
strategy/ WINS %igration in(or%ation and e0a%ples are also pro!ided/
In This Chapter
,!er!ie o( WINS Deploy%ent
+-ilding 1o-r WINS Ser!er Strategy
Designing 1o-r WINS "eplication Strategy
Sec-ring 1o-r WINS Sol-tion
Integrating WINS ith ,ther Ser!ices
I%ple%enting 1o-r WINS Sol-tion
Additional "eso-rces (or Deploying WINS
Related Information
2or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t Windos Internet Na%e Ser!ice &WINS', see the
Networking Collection o( the Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference &or see
the Netor3ing 4ollection on the We. at http:55/%icroso(t/co%5res3it'/
2or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t planning and designing yo-r Do%ain Na%e Syste%
&DNS' netor3, see 6Deploying Do%ain Na%e Syste% &DNS'6 in this .oo3/
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
,!er!ie o( WINS Deploy%ent
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
WINS pro!ides a dyna%ic sol-tion (or netor3 .asic inp-t5o-tp-t syste% &Net+I,S'
na%e resol-tion in enterprise netor3s/ Altho-gh %ost large netor3s c-rrently ha!e a
WINS in(rastr-ct-re, so%e still rely on other %ethods o( Net+I,S na%e resol-tion, s-ch
as the 7%hosts (ile/ I( yo-r organi*ation does not c-rrently -se WINS, and intends to
contin-e operating ith Microso(t) Windos) 89, Windos 88, Windos Millenni-%
:dition, or Microso(t) Windos NT) !ersion ;/0, consider i%ple%enting WINS hen
yo- deploy Windos Ser!er 2003 in order to a-to%ate Net+I,S na%e resol-tion/
4ertain applications, s-ch as Microso(t) :0change Ser!er, also rely on Net+I,S na%e
resol-tion/ There(ore, e!en i( all o( yo-r co%p-ters are r-nning Microso(t)
Windos) 2000, Windos <#, or Windos Ser!er 2003, yo- %ight still re=-ire
Net+I,S na%e resol-tion .ased on the applications r-nning in yo-r en!iron%ent/
I( yo- are -pgrading yo-r c-rrent WINS ser!ers to Windos Ser!er 2003, deter%ine i(
yo-r e0isting hardare is co%pati.le ith Windos Ser!er 2003, then %igrate yo-r
WINS sol-tion to Windos Ser!er 2003/
+y deploying WINS, yo- pro!ide Net+I,S na%e resol-tion (or clients on yo-r netor3/
WINS i%ple%ents a distri.-ted data.ase (or Net+I,S na%es and their corresponding
addresses/ WINS clients register their na%es at a local WINS ser!er, and the WINS
ser!ers replicate the entries to the other WINS ser!ers/ This ens-res the -ni=-eness o(
Net+I,S na%es and %a3es local na%e resol-tion possi.le/
+-ilding 1o-r WINS Ser!er Strategy
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
When .-ilding yo-r WINS ser!er strategy, acco-nt (or any e0isting hardare that yo-
%ight need to -pgrade, ho %any WINS ser!ers are needed (or yo-r design, and ho
yo-r ser!er strategy increases WINS a!aila.ility and opti%i*es WINS per(or%ance/
2ig-re ;/2 shos the process (or .-ilding yo-r WINS ser!er strategy/
Figure 4.2 Building Your WINS Server Strateg
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
Designing 1o-r WINS "eplication Strategy
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
A good replication design is essential to yo-r WINS a!aila.ility and per(or%ance/
Designs enco%passing %-ltiple WINS ser!ers distri.-te Net+I,S na%e resol-tion
across 7AN and WAN en!iron%ents, con(ining WINS client tra((ic to locali*ed areas/ To
ens-re consistent, netor3>ide na%e resol-tion, WINS ser!ers %-st replicate their local
entries to other ser!ers/ 2or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t a WINS replication strategy, see the
e0a%ples later in this section/
2ig-re ;/9 shos the process (or designing yo-r WINS replication strategy/
Figure 4.! "esigning Your WINS Repli#ation Strateg
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
+e(ore con(ig-ring replication, care(-lly design and re!ie yo-r WINS replication
topology/ 2or WANs, this planning can .e critical to the s-ccess o( yo-r deploy%ent and
-se o( WINS/
WINS pro!ides the (olloing choices hen yo- are con(ig-ring replication:
1o- can %an-ally con(ig-re WINS replication (or a WAN en!iron%ent/
2or larger netor3s, yo- can con(ig-re WINS to replicate ithin a 7AN
In s%aller or .o-nded 7AN installations, consider ena.ling and -sing WINS
a-to%atic partner con(ig-ration (or si%pli(ied set-p o( WINS replication/
In larger or installations, yo- %ight ha!e to con(ig-re WINS across
-ntr-sted Windos NT do%ains/
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
I( yo-r netor3 -ses only to WINS ser!ers, con(ig-re the% as p-sh5p-ll replication
partners to each other/ When con(ig-ring replication partners, a!oid p-sh>only or p-ll>
only ser!ers e0cept here necessary to acco%%odate slo lin3s/ In general, p-sh5p-ll
replication is the %ost si%ple and e((ecti!e ay to ens-re (-ll WINS replication .eteen
partners/ This also ens-res that the pri%ary and secondary WINS ser!ers (or any
partic-lar WINS client are p-sh5p-ll partners o( each other, a re=-ire%ent (or proper
WINS (-nctioning in the e!ent o( a (ail-re o( the pri%ary ser!er o( the client/
In %ost cases, the h-.>and>spo3e %odel pro!ides a si%ple and e((ecti!e design (or
organi*ations that re=-ire co%plete con!ergence ith %ini%al ad%inistrati!e
inter!ention/ 2or e0a%ple, this %odel or3s ell (or organi*ations ith centrali*ed
head=-arters or a corporate data center &the h-.' and se!eral .ranch o((ices &the spo3es'/
Also, a second or red-ndant h-. &that is, a second WINS ser!er in the central location'
can increase the (a-lt tolerance (or WINS/
In so%e large enterprise WINS netor3s, li%ited replication partnering can e((ecti!ely
s-pport replication o!er slo netor3 lin3s/ ?oe!er, hen yo- plan li%ited WINS
replication, ens-re that each ser!er has at least one replication partner/ 2-rther%ore,
.alance each slo lin3 that e%ploys a -nidirectional lin3 .y a -nidirectional lin3
elsehere in the netor3 that carries -pdated entries in the opposite direction/
Sec-ring 1o-r WINS Sol-tion
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
In %any WINS i%ple%entations, WINS replication occ-rs across p-.lic netor3s, s-ch
as the Internet/ "eplicating the Net+I,S na%es and I# addresses o( all hosts ithin the
organi*ation o!er these p-.lic netor3s creates a sec-rity ris3, hich yo- can %itigate .y
-sing @#N t-nnels or placing ser!ers ithin a peri%eter netor3/ 2ig-re ;/$$ shos
here yo- per(or% this step in the process o( deploying yo-r WINS sol-tion/
Figure 4.$$ Se#uring WINS "uring the "eploment %ro#ess
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
Integrating WINS ith ,ther Ser!ices
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
Most netor3 ad%inistrators deploying WINS also plan a strategy (or DNS and D?4#
ser!ers, .eca-se WINS is so closely lin3ed to DNS and D?4#/ 2ig-re ;/$2 shos hen
yo- per(or% this step in the process o( deploying yo-r WINS sol-tion/
Figure 4.$2 Integrating WINS "uring the "eploment %ro#ess
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
I%ple%enting 1o-r WINS Sol-tion
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
2or .est per(or%ance, a!oid deploying WINS on hea!ily loaded ser!ers, or on ser!ers
that per(or% other tas3s that %ight red-ce per(or%ance o( the hard dis3, %e%ory, and
processors/ I( yo- do host %ore than one ser!ice on a WINS ser!er, consider ho each
ser!ice %ight i%pact the others/ 2or e0a%ple, hosting to na%e ser!ices &s-ch as WINS
and DNS' on the sa%e ser!er can res-lt in slo per(or%ance (or each ser!ice d-e to
intensi!e hard dis3 access/ ,r a WINS ser!er hosting a print ser!ice %ight .e slo to
register na%es i( it is handling se!eral large print Ao.s si%-ltaneo-sly/ It %ight .e
appropriate to r-n %-ltiple ser!ices on the sa%e co%p-ter in a .ranch o((ice .eca-se
ser!ers in .ranch o((ices are -s-ally not -nder hea!y -se/
2ig-re ;/$3 shos the process (or i%ple%enting yo-r WINS sol-tion/
Figure 4.$& Implementing Your WINS Solution
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
Additional "eso-rces (or Deploying WINS
Updated: March 28, 2003
Applies To: Windos Ser!er 2003, Windos Ser!er 2003 "2, Windos Ser!er 2003
ith S#$, Windos Ser!er 2003 ith S#2
2or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t WINS, re(er to the (olloing so-rces:
Related Information
The Networking Collection o( the Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference &or
see the Netor3ing 4ollection on the We. at http:55/%icroso(t/co%5res3it'
(or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t Windos Internet Na%e Ser!ice &WINS', Windos
Ser!er 2003 DNS, or the 7%hosts (ile/
6Deploying Do%ain Na%e Syste% &DNS'6 in this .oo3 (or in(or%ation a.o-t
ena.ling WINS loo3-p or a.o-t planning and designing yo-r DNS netor3/
6Designing and Deploying Ser!er 4l-sters6 in the Planning Server Deployents
.oo3 o( this 3it/
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio
6Deploying D?4#6 in this .oo3/
6Deploying Dial>-p and @#N "e%ote Access Ser!ers6 in this .oo3 (or %ore
in(or%ation a.o-t !irt-al pri!ate netor3s and the "o-ting and "e%ote Access
6Deploying I#Sec6 in this .oo3/
6Designing a Test :n!iron%ent6 in Planning! Testing! and Piloting Deployent
Pro"ects o( this 3it/
The Windows Sec#rity Collection o( the Windows Server 2003 Technical
Reference &or see the Windos Sec-rity 4ollection on the We. at
http:55/%icroso(t/co%5res3it' (or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t do%ain and (orest
"24 $00$: Protocol Standard for a Net$%&S Service on a TCP'(DP Transport)
Concepts and *ethods
Related Tools
2or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t the Netor3 Monitor tool, see 6Netor3 Monitor6 in
?elp and S-pport 4enter (or Windos Ser!er 2003/
2or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t the Netsh co%%and>line tool, see 6Netsh6 in ?elp
and S-pport 4enter (or Windos Ser!er 2003/
Related 'elp Topi#s
2or .est res-lts in identi(ying ?elp topics .y title, in ?elp and S-pport 4enter, -nder the
Sear#h .o0, clic3 Set sear#h options/ Under 'elp Topi#s, select the Sear#h in title
onl chec3.o0/
6WINS6 in ?elp and S-pport 4enter (or Windos Ser!er 2003/
6Netsh co%%ands (or WINS6 in ?elp and S-pport 4enter (or Windos
Ser!er 2003/
64on(ig-ring WINS replication6 in ?elp and S-pport 4enter (or Windos
Ser!er 2003 (or %ore in(or%ation a.o-t WINS con(ig-ration across WANs,
7ANs, or -ntr-sted do%ains/
6:na.ling Ber.eros @9 a-thentication6 in ?elp and S-pport 4enter (or Windos
Ser!er 2003/
Smith Nguyen Studio.
https:/ / SmithNguyenStudio

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