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QNT/351 Week 2 My Stats Lab Answers

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1.Choose the correct answer below:
A. It is an estimate or prediction or some other generalization about a population based
on information contained in a sample
B. It is a characteristic or property of an individual experimental unit
C. It is the process used to assign numbers to variables of individual population units
D. It is the science that deals with collection, classification, and interpretation of
information or data
2. Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data
Choose the correct answer bellow
A. Quantitative data are collected from an observational study , while qualitative data
are from a designed experiment
B. Quantitative data are data from a sample, while qualitative data are data from a
C. Quantitative data are numerical in nature, while qualitative data are categorical in
D. Quantitative data are data from a population, while qualitative data are data from a
E. Quantitative data are categorical in nature, while qualitative data are numerical in
F. Quantitative data are collected from a designed experiment, while qualitative data
are from a observational study
3. Explain how populations and variables differ. Choose the correct answer bellow:
A. A population is a set of units of interest to a study. A variable is a subset of the units
of a population
B. A variable is a set of units of interest to a study. A population is a characteristic or
property of the units being studied.
C. A population is a set of units of interest to a study. A variable is an object upon which
data is collected
D. A population is a set of units of interest to a study. A variable is a characteristic or
property of the units being studied
4. Define statistical thinking. Choose the correct answer bellow:
A. Statistical thinking involves applying rational thought and the science of statistics to
critically assess data and interferences
B. Statistical thinking is a statement about the degree of uncertainty associated with a
statistical inference
C. Statistical thinking utilizes sample data to make estimates, decisions, predictions, or
other generalization about a larger set of data
D. Statistical thinking is a series of actions or operations that transforms inputs to
5. Suppose youre given a data set that classifies each sample unit into one of four
categories: A,B,C or D. You plan to create a computer database consisting of these
data, and you decide to code the data as A=, B=, C=3, and D=4. Are the data consisting
of the classifications A, B, C, and D qualitative or quantitative? After the data are input
as 1, 2, 3, or 4, are they qualitative or quantitative?
Are the data consisting of the classifications A, B, C, and D qualitative or quantitative?
A. Quantitative, because they are measured on a naturally occurring numerical sale
B. Quantitative, because they can only be classified into categories
C. Qualitative, because they can only be classified into categories
D. Qualitative, because they are measured on a naturally occurring numerical sale
After the data are input as 1, 2, 3, or 4, are they qualitative or quantitative?
A. Qualitative, because they are measured on a naturally occurring numerical sale
B. Quantitative, because they are measured on a naturally occurring numerical sale
C. Qualitative, because they cannot be meaningfully added, subtracted, multiplied, or
D. Quantitative, because they cannot be meaningfully added, subtracted, multiplied, or
6. A company tracked all credit card purchases during the year 2005 and measured
two variables: (1) the cardholders town of residence, and (2) the amount (in dollars)
of each monthly payment
a. identify the type (qualitative or quantitative) of each variable measured
b. does the data set collected represent a population or a sample?
a. Is the variable (1) qualitative or quantitative?
Is the variable (2) qualitative or quantitative?
b. Does the data set collected represent a population or a sample?
7. Identify each of the following variables as qualitative or quantitative
a. college major
b. distance of commute to work
c. number of pets in a family
d. natural hair color
a. Is a college major qualitative or quantitative?
b. Is distance of commute to work qualitative or quantitative?
c. Is number of pets in a family qualitative or quantitative
d. Is natural hair color qualitative or quantitative?
8. Identify each of the following variables as qualitative or quantitative
a. Eye color
b. Number of brothers and sisters
c. Size of home
d. Political party preference
a. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Eye color is a quantitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Eye color is a qualitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Eye color is a qualitative variable. Its values are numerical
Eye color is a quantitative variable. Its values are numerical

b. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Numbers of brothers and sisters is a quantitative variable. Its values are not
Numbers of brothers and sisters is a quantitative variable. Its values are
Numbers of brothers and sisters is a qualitative variable. Its values not numerical
Numbers of brothers and sisters is a qualitative variable. Its values are not
c. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Size of home is a quantitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Size of home is a qualitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Size of home is a qualitative variable. Its values are numerical
Size of home is a quantitative variable. Its values are numerical
d. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Political party preference is quantitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Political party preference is quantitative variable. Its values are numerical
Political party preference is qualitative variable. Its values not numerical
Political party preference is qualitative variable. Its values are not numerical
9. A company surveyed a random sample of 10,000 employees in the region. One
question the asked was, If your employer provides you with mentoring opportunities
are you likely to remain in your job for the next five years? The found that 730
members of the sample said yes.
a. Identify the population of interest in the company
The 10,000 employees surveyed
All people in the region
The 730 employees who answered yes
All employees in the region
b. Based on the question posed by the company what is the variable of interest?
If they answered yes to the survey question
If the employees are provided with mentoring opportunities
How long the employees are likely to remain in their job
The number of employees surveyed
c. Is the variable quantitative or qualitative?
The variable is a quantitative variable. Its values can be expressed on a naturally
occurring numerical scale
The variable is a qualitative variable. Its values cannot be expressed on a
naturally occurring numerical scale
The variable is a qualitative variable. Its values can be expressed on a naturally
occurring numerical scale
The variable is a quantitative variable. Its values cannot be expressed on a
naturally occurring numerical scale
d. Describe the sample
All people in the region
The 10,000 employees surveyed
All employees in the region
The 730 employees who answered yes
10. Identify each of the following variables as qualitative or quantitative
Amount one paid on taxes
Storage space on a computer drive
Favorite baby name
a. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Amount one paid on taxes is a quantitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Amount one paid on taxes is a quantitative variable. Its values are numerical
Amount one paid on taxes is a qualitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Amount one paid on taxes is a qualitative variable. Its values are numerical
b. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Storage space on a computer drive is a qualitative variable. Its values are not
Storage space on a computer drive is a quantitative variable. Its values are not
Storage space on a computer drive is a qualitative variable. Its values are
Storage space on a computer drive is a quantitative variable. Its values are
c. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Nationality is a qualitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Nationality is a quantitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Nationality is a qualitative variable. Its values are numerical
Nationality is a quantitative variable. Its values are numerical
d. Is the variable qualitative or quantitative? Why?
Favorite baby name is a qualitative variable. Its values are numerical
Favorite baby name is a qualitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Favorite baby name is a quantitative variable. Its values are not numerical
Favorite baby name is a quantitative variable. Its values are numerical

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