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Self-Study Program

Course Number 851403

The 02E Direct Shift Gearbox
Design and Function
Volkswagen of America, Inc.
Service Training
Printed in U.S.A.
Printed 05/2004
Course Number 851403
2004 Volkswagen of America, Inc.
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Table of Contents
The Self-Study Program provides you with information
regarding designs and functions.
The Self-Study Program is not a Repair Manual.
For maintenance and repair work, always refer to the
current technical literature.
Important/ Note!
Selector Lever................................................................................3
Direct Shift Gearbox Design.........................................................9
Basic Concept, Torque Input, Multi-disc Clutches, Driveshafts, Output
Shafts, Reverse Gear Shaft, Differential Gear, Selector Lever Park Position
Interlock, Synchronization, Torque Transfer in the Vehicle, Power Flow in
the Transmission
Mechatronics Module.................................................................26
Electro-hydraulic Control Unit ...................................................28
Transmission Lubrication System..............................................30
System Overview ........................................................................38
Sensors ........................................................................................40
Actuators .....................................................................................48
Functional Diagram.....................................................................54
The current transm ission m arket in Europe is prim arily m anual transm issions. H ow ever, the
m arkets in Japan and the U nited States use prim arily autom atic transm issions. Both of these
transm issions have benefits and draw backs.
M anual transm ission benefits:
H igh efficiency
D river control
Autom atic transm ission benefits:
H igh com fort
Ease of use
Based on this inform ation, Volksw agen set out to design a transm ission that com bined the
best characteristics of each of these transm issions. The result is the D irect Shift G earbox
(D SG ).
Transm ission Fluid Filter
Transm ission Fluid C ooler
Transm ission Fluid Pum p
M echatronics
M ulti-disc C lutch
The dual w et-clutch design and autom atic shifting program s of this transm ission w ill satisfy
the autom atic transm ission drivers dem ands of high com fort and ease of use.
The fast and sm ooth shifting capabilities, w hich can be controlled by the driver, satisfy the
m anual transm ission drivers dem ands.
A lso, this transm ission offers fuel consum ption characteristics as low as m ost vehicles w ith
m anual transm issions.
The D irect Shift G earbox has the follow ing features:
Six forw ard gears and one reverse gear
N orm al driving program , D
Sport shifting program , S
Selector lever and steering w heel Tiptronic sw itches (optional)
M echatronics integrates electronic and electro-hydraulic controls into a single unit, located
inside of the transm ission
H illholder function: if a vehicle is brought to a stop by light braking, the clutch
pressure rises and the vehicle rem ains m otionless
C reep regulation: perm its creepingof the vehicle w hen the brake pedal is released and
the accelerator pedal is not depressed
Em ergency running m ode: w hen in em ergency running m ode, the vehicle can only be
driven in either 1
and 3
gears, or only in 2
Transm ission Fluid Filter
Transm ission Fluid C ooler
Electric C onnection w ith
the Vehicle
Part num ber D SG 02E (D irect Shift G earbox
Torque M axim al 258 lbs-ft (350 N m ) (engine dependent)
C lutch Tw o w et m ulti-disc clutches
G ear ranges Six forw ard gears, one reverse gear (all synchronized)
O perating m ode Autom atic and Tiptronic m ode
Fluid volum e 1.9 gallons (7.2 liters D irect Shift G earbox fluid G 052 182
W eight
A bout 207 lbs (94 kg) in front drive vehicles, 229 lbs (104 kg)
in 4M otion vehicles
Selector Lever
The selector lever operation is the sam e as
in other autom atic transm ission vehicles.
H ow ever, the D irect Shift G earbox also
offers the possibility of being shifted w ith
Tiptronic. This can be activated either
through the selector lever or by using the
optional steering w heel buttons.
The selector lever controls the selector
lever interlock and the ignition key interlock
of the vehicles equipped w ith an autom atic
transm ission. The interlock function
operates the sam e as before, but the
construction is different.
The selector lever positions are:
P - Park
To shift the selector lever out of this
position, the ignition m ust be O N and the
brake pedal m ust be depressed. In addition,
the unlocking button m ust be depressed on
the selector lever.
R - Reverse
To shift into Reverse, the unlocking button
m ust be depressed.
N - Neutral
In this position, the transm ission is idling.
If the selector lever rem ains in N eutral for
an extended period of tim e, the brake pedal
m ust once again be depressed to change
the lever position.
D - Drive
This position allow s for autom atic shifting of
forw ard gears.
U nlocking B utton
Steering W heel Sw itches
S - Sport
This position allow s for autom atic shifting of
forw ard gears but w ill hold each of these
gears until a higher R PM before shifting.
The Tiptronic functions can be controlled in
the right cover plate of the selector lever
and can also be controlled w ith the steering
w heel sw itches.
Selector Lever Design
The selector lever includes the follow ing
com ponents:
Selector Lever Sensor System Control
Module J 587
The H all sensors in the selector lever input
unit record the position of the selector lever
and com m unicate this position to the
M echatronics via the C A N -B us.
Shift Lock Solenoid N110
This solenoid locks the selector lever in the
Pand N positions. The solenoid is
controlled by the Selector Lever Sensor
System C ontrol M odule J587.
N 110
H all Sensors to identify the Selector Lever position
Selector Lever Sensor System
C ontrol M odule J587
Locking Pin H ole for N
Locking Pin H ole for P
Selector Lever Park Position Interlock
Switch F319
If the selector lever is in the Pposition,
the sw itch sends the signal Selector lever
in Ppositionto the Steering C olum n
Electronics System C ontrol M odule J527.
The control m odule requires this signal to
control the ignition key interlock.
Selector Lever
Selector Lever
The Shift Lock Solenoid N 110 functions as
follow s:
Selector lever locked in P:
W hen the selector lever is in P, the spring
activated locking pin is in the locking pin
hole P. As a result, it prevents the
accidental shifting of the selector lever.
Selector lever unlocked:
O nce the ignition has been sw itched on and
the brake pedal has been applied, the
Selector Lever Sensor System C ontrol
M odule J587 energizes the Shift Lock
Solenoid N 110. As a result, the locking pin is
pulled out of the locking pin hole P.
The selector lever can then be m oved in
other positions.
Selector lever locked in N:
If the selector lever rem ains in the N
position for m ore than 2 seconds, J587 w ill
energize N 110, allow ing the locking pin to
engage in the N locking pin hole. This
prevents accidental shifting of the selector
lever into a drive gear. This pin w ill be
unlocked w hen the brake pedal is
Shift Lock Solenoid N110
Locking Pin
H ole for N
Shift Lock Solenoid N 110
C om pression
Locking Pin
H ole for P Locking Pin
Emergency release
In case of a pow er supply failure to the
Shift Lock Solenoid N 110, the selector lever
can no longer be shifted because the shift
lock Prem ains activated by spring
A pply m echanical pressure on the locking
pin w ith a sm all object to disengage the
shift lock. This releases the selector lever
into the N position.
Selector Lever
J 527
Selector Lever
Ignition key interlock
The ignition key interlock prevents the
rem oval of the ignition key from the ignition
assem bly if the selector lever is not
engaged and locked in the Park position.
It operates electrom echanically and is
controlled by the Steering C olum n
Electronics System C ontrol M odule J527.
The interlock functions as follows:
Selector lever in P; ignition sw itched O FF.
If the selector lever is in P, the Selector
Lever Park Position Interlock Sw itch F319 is
The Steering C olum n Electronics System
C ontrol M odule J527 recognizes that the
sw itch is open. The Ignition Sw itch Key
Lock Solenoid N 376 is not energized.
The com pression spring in the solenoid
presses the locking pin into the disengaged
M agnet N 376
Retaining Lug
Ignition O FF
Locking Pin
C om pression Spring
- +
J 527
The interlock functions as follows:
Selector lever in D , the ignition is
sw itched O N .
W hen the selector lever is in D , the
Selector Lever Park Position Interlock
Sw itch F319 is closed.
The Steering C olum n Electronics System
C ontrol M odule J527 energizes the Ignition
Sw itch Key Lock Solenoid N 376. The locking
pin is pushed through the solenoids,
against the strength of the com pression
spring, and into the lock position.
In the lock position, the locking pin prevents
the ignition key from being turned back and
rem oved.
O nly w hen the selector lever is pushed in
Pw ill the Selector Lever Park Position
Interlock Sw itch F319 open w hile the
control m odule deactivates the solenoid.
The locking pin is then pulled back by the
com pression spring. The ignition key can be
rotated and pulled out.
Ignition O n
N 376
Selector Lever
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Basic Concept
The D irect Shift G earbox is basically a
m anual transm ission designed to operate
like an autom atic transm ission. In place of
a dry clutch, tw o w et clutches are used.
These w et clutches rotate in transm ission
fluid. The M echatronics C ontrol M odule
J743 controls clutch operation and gear
B asically, the transm ission is alw ays
O uter D isc-C arrier K2 O uter D isc-C arrier K1 D ual-m ass Flyw heel
Input H ub
C lutch D riving D isc
M ain H ub
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Direct Shift Gearbox Schematic diagram
Input Shafts
O utput Shaft 2
Reverse G ear
D rive G ear of
the D ifferential
O utput Shaft 1
M ulti-disc C lutches
Input from
Torque Input
The torque is transferred from the
crankshaft to the dual-m ass flyw heel. The
splines of the dual-m ass flyw heel on the
entry hub of the dual clutch transfer the
torque to the driving disc of the m ulti-disc
The dual-m ass flyw heel transfers the
torque to the input hub via splines.
Therefore, the follow ing com ponents turn
at the sam e speed as the dual-m ass
flyw heel and input hub:
C lutch driving disc
M ain hub
O uter disc-carrier K1
O uter disc carrier K2
O uter D isc-C arrier K2 O uter D isc-C arrier K1 D ual-m ass Flyw heel
Input H ub
C lutch D riving D isc
M ain H ub
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Multi-disc Clutches
The torque is transferred into the respective
clutch through the outer disc-carrier. B y
closing the clutch, the torque is transferred
to the inner disc-carrier and then to the
corresponding input shaft. There is alw ays
one m ulti-disc clutch activated in all drive
Multi-disc clutch K1
C lutch K1 is the outer clutch and transfers
the torque to Input Shaft 1 for 1
, 3
, and
gears and Reverse.
Increasing the transm ission fluid pressure
in the clutch K1 fluid pressure cavity w ill
close the clutch. A s a result, piston 1
m oves and presses the m ulti-discs of clutch
K1 together. The torque is transferred to
Input Shaft 1 by the m ulti-disc clutch.
W hen the clutch opens, the spring w asher
pushes piston 1 back into its initial position.
Inner D isc-C arrier K1
O uter D isc-C arrier K1
Piston 1
Transm ission
Fluid Pressure
C avity K1
Input Shaft 1
Spring W asher
C lutch K1
Multi-disc clutch K2
C lutch K2 is the inner clutch and transfers
the torque to Input Shaft 2 for 2
, 4
, and
Increasing the transm ission fluid pressure
in the clutch K2 fluid pressure cavity w ill
close the clutch. The piston K2 closes the
pow er flow to Input Shaft 2 through the
m ulti-disc clutch.
W hen the clutch opens, the coil springs
push piston 2 back into its initial position.
C lutch K2
Piston 2
Fluid Pressure C avity K2
Inner D isc-C arrier K2
C oil Spring
Input Shaft 2
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Drive Shafts
The engine torque is transferred to the
input shafts by the m ulti-disc clutches K1
and K2.
Input Shaft 2
Input Shaft 2 is a hollow shaft and
is coupled to the m ulti-disc K2 by
external splines.
The helical gear w heels for 6
, 4
and 2
gears are on Input Shaft 2. A com m on
gearw heel is used for 6
and 4
The D riveshaft 2 Speed Sensor G 502 is
located next to the second gear w heel.
This sensor m easures the speed of Input
Shaft 2.
Input Shaft 1
Input Shaft 2
Im pulsion W heel
G ears 2
G ear
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
The Input Shafts m ay be referred to as
D riveshafts in the repair inform ation.
Input Shaft 1
Input Shaft 1 rotates inside of Input Shaft 2,
w hich is hollow . It is connected to the
m ulti-disc clutch K1 by external splines.
The helical gear w heel for 5
gear, the
com m on gear w heel for 1
gear and
Reverse, and the gear w heel for 3
gear are
located in Input Shaft 1.
The D riveshaft 1 Speed Sensor G 501 is
located betw een 1
, Reverse and 3
w heels. This sensor m easures the speed
of Input Shaft 1.
A strong m agnet can destroy the
im pulsion w heels!
Im pulsion W heel
G ear 1
G ear/
G ear
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Output Shafts
Just as there are tw o input shafts, there are
tw o output shafts in the D irect Shift
G earbox.
Stretched representation
G ear 3
G ear 4
G ear 2
G ear
O utput G ear
W heel
Sliding C ollar
Mounting position in the transmission
D rive Shafts
The follow ing are located on the O utput
Shaft 1:
The triple synchronized control w heels
for 1
, 2
and 3
The single synchronized control w heel
for 4
The output gear w heel for engaging the
differential gear
The output shaft m eshes in the gear w heel
of the differential gear final drive.
The overall length of the transm ission w as
shortened by using a com m on gear w heel
on the input shafts for 1
gear and Reverse,
as w ell as a com m on gear w heel for 4
gears .
Output Shaft 1
Output Shaft 2
Stretched representation Mounting position in the transmission
Im pulsion W heel
for G 195 and
G 196
G ear 6
G ear Reverse O utput G ear
W heel
S308_87 S308_105b
The follow ing are located on the O utput
Shaft 2:
A n im pulsion w heel for the
transm ission output R PM
The control w heels for 5
and 6
as w ell as the gear w heel of the reverse
The output gear w heel for engaging the
differential gear
B oth output shafts provide the torque to
the differential gear through their output
gear w heel.
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Reverse Gear Shaft
The R everse G ear Shaft changes the
direction of rotation of O utput Shaft 2 and,
as a result, changes also the direction of
rotation of the gears for the final drive of
the differential gear. It is m eshed w ith the
gear and R everse com m on gear w heel
on Input Shaft 1, and w ith the Reverse
control w heel on O utput Shaft 2.
Stretched representation Mounting position in the transmission
G ear W heel for 1
G ear
and R everse
Reverse G ear Shaft
S308_105c S308_088
Differential Gear
Both output shafts transfer the torque to
the differential drive gear.
The differential gear transfers the torque
through the drive train to the w heels.
The park position lock w heel is integrated
into the differential gear.
Stretched representation Mounting position in the transmission
D rive G ear of the
D ifferential
Parking Lock W heel
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Parking Lock
A parking lock is built into the differential
gear assem bly to help ensure a com plete
stop of the vehicle and prevent the vehicle
from unintentionally rolling aw ay w hen the
hand brake is not activated.
The parking lock is m echanically controlled
by a connecting cable betw een the selector
lever and the parking position lock lever in
the transm ission.
The only function of the connecting cable is
to operate the parking lock.
Parking Lock
Parking Lock W heel
The parking lock is engaged by shifting the
selector lever in the Pposition. As a
result, the parking lock engages into the
teeth of the parking lock w heel.
A detent spring locks the lever in place and
sets the parking lock in its position.
If the parking lock does not lock into a gap
betw een the teeth of the parking lock
w heel, the spring w ill be com pressed. If
the vehicle m oves, the parking lock w ill lock
into the next gap of the parking lock w heel.
The park position lock is disengaged by
shifting the selector lever out of the P
position. The slider is pushed back to the
right into its initial position and the
com pression spring 2 pushes the parking
lock out of the gap of the parking lock
w heel.
C onnecting C able to the Selector Lever
C om pression
Spring 1
D etent Spring
C om pression
Spring 2
Parking Lock
W heel
Parking Lock
To change gears w ithout interference or
noise, the D irect Shift G earbox uses
synchronization on each gear.
The purpose of a synchronizer is to bring to
the sam e speed the gears to be m eshed
and the selector sleeve. This allow s for
easy shifting.
The synchronizer rings are m ade of brass
that is coated in m olybdenum . The
m olybdenum allow s for long life.
G ears 1, 2 and 3 are equipped w ith triple
synchronization. This triple synchronization
provides a larger heat transfer surface. The
larger heat surface is needed because the
rotation speed differences are higher in the
low er gears.
G ears 4,5 and 6 have sim ple cone
synchronization. Since the speed
differences are not as high, the larger
surface area of the triple synchronizers is
not needed.
Interm ediate R ing Inner R ing
O uter R ing Friction C one
Friction C one
R ing
S308_022 S308_078
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
The reverse gear has a double-cone
The sim ple synchronization is m ade of:
The synchronizing ring
The friction cone of the shifting gear
w heel
The triple synchronization is m ade of:
A n outer ring (synchronization ring)
A n interm ediate ring
A n inner ring (2
synchronization ring)
The friction cone of the shifting gear
w heel
Triple Synchroniser Simple Synchroniser
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Torque Distribution
The engine torque is transferred from the
dual-m ass flyw heel to the transm ission.
For front-w heel drive vehicles, this torque is
transferred to a drive shaft on either side,
w hich allow s the w heels to turn.
For all-w heel drive vehicles, there are drive
shafts for the front w heels and a drive shaft
going to the rear differential to drive the
rear w heels.
D irect Shift G earbox
D ifferential G ear
H aldex C oupling
Rear D ifferential
S308_020 S308_021
Vehicles equipped w ith the D irect Shift
G earbox have a H aldex coupling to
distribute the torque to the rear w heels.
W hen the H aldex coupling locks, torque is
passed from the input shaft to the rear
differential and out through the rear input
shafts to the rear w heels.
Transmission Power Flow
The engine torque is transferred to the
transm ission either through clutch K1 or K2.
Each of these clutches drives a separate
Input Shaft 1 is driven by the K1 clutch
Input Shaft 2 is driven by the K2 clutch
There are tw o additional shafts needed to
transfer the pow er to the differential:
O utput shaft 1 for gears 1, 2, 3, and 4
O utput shaft 2 for gears 5, 6 and Reverse
K1 C lutch
Input Shaft 1
O utput Shaft 1
D ifferential
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
K2 C lutch
Input Shaft 2
O utput Shaft 1
D ifferential
K1 C lutch
Input Shaft 1
O utput Shaft 1
D ifferential
K2 C lutch
Input Shaft 2
O utput Shaft 1
D ifferential
K1 C lutch
Input Shaft 1
O utput Shaft 2
D ifferential
K2 C lutch
Input Shaft 2
O utput Shaft 2
D ifferential
K1 C lutch
Input Shaft 1
Reverse G ear Shaft
O utput Shaft 2
D ifferential
The change of rotation direction for Reverse is
perform ed through the reverse gear shaft.
Direct Shift Gearbox Design
Mechatronics Module
The M echatronics assem bly is located
inside of the transm ission and im m ersed in
transm ission fluid. This assem bly is m ade
up of both the transm ission control m odule
and electro-hydraulic controls.
The M echatronics is the central control
m odule of the transm ission. A ll sensor
signals from the transm ission and other
relevant areas of the vehicle are sent to the
M echatronics assem bly. As a result, the
M echatronics assem bly can m onitor the
operation of the transm ission and regulate
output correctly.
Electro-hydraulic C ontrol U nit
C entral C onnector
to the Vehicle.
Tw elve sensors are located w ithin the
M echatronics assem bly. These sensors
regulate eight hydraulic gear actuators, six
pressure m odulation valves, five control
valves and the pressure and cooling of both
The M echatronics assem bly can adapt to
learn the positions of the clutches, the
positions of the gear actuators for each
specific gear and the m ain transm ission
fluid pressure.
The benefits of this assem bly are:
Integrated sensors
Actuators located directly on the
M echatronics assem bly
A ll interaction w ith the rest of the
vehicle is done through a single
These features reduce the num ber of
connectors and w ires, providing better
electrical reliability and low er w eight.
H ow ever, this also m eans that the
transm ission control m odule electronics are
exposed to higher therm al and m echanical
loads. The M echatronics assem bly has
been engineered to easily w ithstand these
C ontrol M odule
Mechatronics Module
Electro-hydraulic Control Unit
Electro-hydraulic Control Unit
The electro hydraulic control unit is
integrated to the M echatronics m odule.
A ll the solenoid valves, pressure control
valves, the hydraulic slider and the m ultiplexer
are located inside the control unit.
N 88 Solenoid Valve 1 (G ear actuating valve)
N 89 Solenoid Valve 2 (G ear actuating valve)
N 90 Solenoid Valve 3 (G ear actuating valve)
N 91 Solenoid Valve 4 (G ear actuating valve)
N 92 Solenoid Valve 5 (M ultiplexer valve)
N 215 Pressure Control Valve 1 (Clutch valve K1)
N 216 Pressure Control Valve 2 (Clutch valve K2)
A pressure relief valve is located outside of
the hydraulic m odule. This valve prevents high
internal pressures that can dam age the
hydraulic valves.
N 217 Pressure C ontrol Valve 3 (M ain pressure
N 218 Pressure C ontrol Valve 4 (C oolant valve)
N 233 Pressure C ontrol Valve 5 (Safety valve 1)
N 371 Pressure control valve 6 (Safety valve 2)
A Pressure Relief Valve
B Printed C ircuit Board
N 215
N 218
N 371 B
N 88 N 233
N 217
N 92
N 216
Valves have different shifting characteristics
according to their function. The tw o
function types are:
Yes/N ocontrol valves
M odulation valves
The Yes/N ocontrol valve type includes:
The gear selector valves and
The m ultiplexer valve
The M odulation valve type includes:
The m ain pressure valve
The cooling fluid valve
The clutch valves
The safety valve
The gear actuator valves N 89, N 90 and N 91
can be seen by rem oving the printed circuit
N 89
N 92
N 90
N 91
Electro-hydraulic Control Unit
Transmission Lubrication System
Transmission Fluid System
The D SG transm ission has a fluid capacity
of 7.2 liters. This fluid m ust m eet the
follow ing requirem ents:
Ensure clutch regulation and hydraulic
H ave a stable viscosity through the
entire tem perature range
W ithstand and lubricate the dual-clutch,
w heels, shafts, bearings and
synchronizer rings under high
m echanical loads
N o foam
A llow for sm ooth operation of all valves
A llow for correct operation of the dual-
clutch and gear control piston
A separate transm ission fluid cooler
prevents the transm ission fluid tem perature
from rising above 135C
(275F). This cooler uses engine coolant to
reduce tem perature.
G ear Actuator
Transm ission Fluid C ooler
Transm ission Fluid Filter
Transm ission Fluid Spraying
Tube for C ooling the G ear
W heels
Valve Body
Transm ission Fluid Pum p Transm ission Fluid Sum p
Transmission Fluid Pump
A crescent shaped pum p draw s the
transm ission fluid and produces the m ain
pressure required for the hydraulic parts to
operate. It produces up to 26.4 gal/m in (100
l/m in) and a m axim um pressure of 20 bar
(290 psi).
The transm ission fluid pum p supplies fluid
The m ulti-disc clutches
The clutch cooling
The gear shift hydraulic pressure
The gear w heel lubrication
The transm ission fluid pum p is driven by
the pum p shaft rotating at engine R PM .
This pum p shaft is a third shaft located
inside Input Shaft 1, w hich rotates w ithin
Input Shaft 2.
C rescent
Suction Side Return Pipe to Suction Side
Pum p Shaft
D ual-M ass
Flyw heel
Transm ission
Fluid Pum p
Input Shaft 1 Input Shaft 2
Transmission Lubrication System
Transmission Lubrication System
Schematic Diagram
Transm ission
Fluid Pum p
Transm ission
Fluid C ooler
Suction Filter
Transm ission
Fluid Filter
Transm ission Fluid
Spraying Tube
Transm ission
Fluid Sum p
Pressure R elief Valve M ain Pressure Slide Valve
Pressure C ontrol Valve 3
O il Pum p Return Pipe
C lutch C ooling Fluid Slide Valve
C ooling Fluid tow ard the C lutches
Lubrication/C ooling of G ear W heels
To M ulti-
D isc C lutch K2
To M ulti-D isc
C lutch K1
G ear Actuator
Color Coding
Regulated pressure, w ork pressure
U ncontrolled pressure
C ontrolled pressure, clutch cooling
Transm ission fluid sum p return circuit
Transmission Lubrication System
The transm ission pum p draw s the
transm ission fluid from the sum p, through
the filter, pressurizes it and sends it to the
m ain pressure slider valve.
The M ain Pressure Valve N 217 controls the
m ain pressure slider valve. This regulates
fluid pressure inside of the transm ission.
A transm ission fluid channel from the m ain
pressure slider valve directs extra fluid back
to the transm ission pum p suction side.
Pressurized fluid from the m ain pressure
slider valve branches off into tw o channels.
O ne channel directs the fluid to the
transm ission fluid cooler, cooling the fluid
and returning it to the sum p. The other
channel directs the fluid to the clutch
cooling fluid slide valve.
O ther features of the fluid circuit:
The transm ission fluid cooler is in the
engine cooling circuit and uses engine
coolant to control tem perature
The transm ission fluid filter is located
outside of the transm ission housing
The pressure relief valve lim its the fluid
pressure to 32 bar (464 psi)
The individual gears are lubricated by
fluid spray from directional nozzles
Transmission Lubrication System
Transmission Lubrication System
Schematic Diagram of Hydraulic Elements in the Transmission Lubrication
Pressure R elief Valve U V
M ain Pressure Slide Valve
M ain Pressure Valve N 217
Safety Valves N 233 and N 371
Pressure Accum ulator
C heck Valve
Sensor G 194
C lutch
Valve N 216
M ultiplex
valve N 92
M ultiplex
Accum ulator
Sensor G 193
C heck Valve
C lutch Valve
N 215
G ear Actuator
To K2
To K1
N 88 N 89 N 90 N 91
Color Coding
Regulated pressure, w ork pressure
U ncontrolled pressure
Transm ission fluid sum p return circuit
Electro-hydraulic Control of the
Transmission Fluid System.
Pressure Control Valve 3 for Automatic
Transmission N217
The Pressure C ontrol Valve 3 for Autom atic
Transm ission N 217 controls the m ain
pressure valve. This controls the m ain
pressure for all of the transm ission
com ponents including:
Pressure C ontrol Valve 1 N 215
Pressure C ontrol Valve 2 N 216
C lutch K1
C lutch K2
Solenoid Valve 1 N 88
Solenoid Valve 2 N 89
Solenoid Valve 3 N 90
Solenoid Valve 4 N 91
In addition to controlling the m ain supply
pressure, N 217 also controls:
The transm ission fluid return through
the transm ission fluid cooler,
transm ission fluid filter and spray nozzle
Transm ission fluid pum p return circuit
Multiplexer valve
Solenoid Valve 5, N 92, operates the
m ultiplexer in the transm ission. The
m ultiplexer is a slide valve that allow s four
solenoid valves to have the control of eight
solenoid valves.
The m ultiplexer has tw o positions, hom e
and w ork. The default position is the hom e
position and it is held in that position by a
spring w hen N 92 is not energized. In this
position, gears 1,3,6 and Reverse can be
W hen N 92 is energized, pressure is applied
to the m ultiplexer and the spring is
com pressed. In the w ork position, gears
2,4,5, and N eutral can be selected. A lso, in
the w ork position, the m ultiplexer spring is
com pressed.
Safety valve
A safety valve for clutches K1 (N 233) and
K2 (N 371) allow s a quicker opening of the
respective clutch. This is necessary w hen
the actual clutch pressure is above the
rated pressure.
Pressure sensors G193 and G194
Pressure sensors G 193 and G 194 control
the clutch pressure of clutches K1 and K2.
A pressure relief valve prevents an increase
of the m ain pressure that could result from
a defective m ain pressure slide valve.
Transmission Lubrication System
Transmission Lubrication System
Clutch Cooling Lubrication
The m echanical friction in the m ulti-disc
clutches increases the tem perature of
the dual clutch.
To cool dow n the clutches, the
transm ission fluid circulation system
includes a separate clutch cooling
system .
The coolant slide valve and the
Pressure C ontrol Valve 4 N 218 (clutch
cooling valve) belong to the clutch
cooling system .
The m ulti-plate clutches oil tem perature
sensor G 509 m easures the fluid
tem perature directly at the m ulti-disc
clutchesfluid discharge.
D epending on the m easured tem perature,
the pressure control valve either increases
or reduces the fluid pressure to the clutch
cooling fluid slide valve. The clutch coolant
slide valve opens or closes the fluid
pressure for the fluid channel to the m ulti-
disc clutches.
The m axim um cooling fluid flow is 20 liters
per m inute. The m axim um cooling fluid
pressure is 2 bar (29 psi).
C lutch C oolant
Slide Valve
Pressure Accum ulator
M echatronics
Transm ission Fluid
Tem perature Sensor for
the M ulti-D isc C lutches
N 218
Shifting Gears
G ear shifting is based on m anual
transm ission gearshift forks. Each fork
shifts 2 gears.
The operation of the gearshift forks is
perform ed hydraulically in the D irect Shift
G earbox, instead of w ith a cam m echanism
like the one used in com m on m anual
transm issions.
The gearshift forks are set in cylinder ball
bearings, for sm ooth operation.
To shift a gear, the M echatronics fluid is
sent to the left cylinder. Since the right
cylinder pressure is open, the gearshift fork
m oves and activates the selector sleeve. As
a result, the gear is engaged.
O nce the gear is engaged, the gearshift
fork pressure is sw itched off. The gear is
stopped by a detent in the shift tooth
system and by the indexing socket of the
gearshift fork.
W hen the gearshift fork is not activated, it
is held in the neutral position by a detent in
the transm ission housing.
O n each gearshift fork, there is a
perm anent m agnet. W ith this m agnet, the
position sensor in the M echatronics can
identify the exact position of the individual
gearshift forks.
Fluid Pressure
from the M echatronics
Indexing Sleeve
Position Sensor M agnet
G earshift Fork
Sliding C ollar
Transmission Lubrication System
System Overview
M ulti-Plate C lutch O il Tem perature
Sensor G 509
Sensor for Transm ission R PM
G 182
Senders for Transm ission O utput
R PM G 195 and G 196
D riveshaft 1 Speed Sensor G 501
and D riveshaft 2 Speed Sensor
G 502
Sender 1 G 193 and Sender 2
G 194 for H ydraulic Pressure,
Autom atic Transm ission
Transm ission Fluid Tem perature
Sensor G 93
Tem perature Sensor (in C ontrol
M odule) G 510
G ear Position D istance Sensors 1
to 4, G 487, G 488, G 489, G 490
Tiptronic B uttons (on the Steering
W heel) E438 and E439
D irect Shift G earbox (D SG )
M echatronics J743
Selector Lever Sensor
System C ontrol M odule
Shift Lock Solenoid N 110
Pressure C ontrol Valves
N 215, N 216, N 217
Solenoid Valves
N 88, N 89, N 90, N 91,
N 92, N 218, N 233, N 371
D iagnostic C onnector
System Overview
Sensor for Transmission RPM G182
The sensor for transm ission R PM is
positioned inside the transm ission housing.
It electronically senses the outside of the
double coupling and records the input
transm ission R PM .
The transm ssion input R PM is identical to
the engine R PM .
G 182 is a H all sensor that is integrated w ith
the M ulti-plate C lutch O il Tem perature
Sensor G 509. Electrical w ires connect both
sensors to the M echatronics.
Signal utilization
The transm ission input R PM signal is used
to calculate the m ulti-disc clutches slip. For
this calculation, the control m odule also
uses the signals from sensors G 501 and
G 502. W ith the calculated slip rate, the
control m odule can regulate correctly the
opening and closing of the clutches.
G 182
Effect of signal failure
In case of signal failure, the control m odule
uses the engine R PM from the C A N as a
replacem ent signal.
Driveshaft 1 Speed Sensor G501
and Driveshaft 2 Speed Sensor
The tw o sensors located in the
M echatronics unit are H all effect sensors.
Sensor G 501 records the R PM of Input
Shaft 1.
Sensor G 502 records the R PM of Input
Shaft 2.
To identify the shaft R PM , each sensor
detects an im pulsion w heel installed on the
respective shaft. The im pulsion w heel is
m ade of sheet m etal. A coat of rubber-
m etal is deposited on the sheet m etal. This
coat constitutes a ring of sm all m agnets
w ith N orth and South poles. There is an air
gap betw een each m agnet.
G 501
G 502
Im pulsion W heel
for G 501
Im pulsion W heel
for G 502
Signal utilization
W hen this signal is com pared to the
transm ission input R PM signal, the control
m odule calculates the output R PM of the
m ulti-disc clutches K1 and K2, and can
identify the clutch slippage. O nce the
slippage is know n, the control m odule
regulates the opening and closing of the
clutches. This signal is also used to m onitor
the currently selected gear in the
transm ission. B y com paring this signal to
the output R PM sensor signal, the control
m odule can verify that the correct gear is
Effect of signal failure
In case of a signal failure, the affected
transm ission circuit is closed.
In case of sensor G 501 failure, it is only
possible to drive in 2
In case of sensor G 502 failure, it is only
possible to drive in 1
and 3
A strong m agnet w ill destroy the
im pulsion w heel.
Sender 1 for Transmission Output
RPM G195 and Sender 2 for
Transmission Output RPM G196
The sensors G 195 and G 196 are located in
the M echatronics and are perm anently
m ounted on the control m odule.
Like all other R PM sensors in this
transm ission, these sensors are H all effect
sensors. Both sense the sam e im pulsion
w heel on O utput Shaft 2.
The tw o sensors are placed next to each
other and are protected by a housing. As a
result, tw o opposite signals are generated.
If the signal of sensor G 195 is high, the
signal of sensor G 196 is low .
G 195 G 196
S308_026a G 196
G 195
Im pulsion
W heel
Signal utilization
W ith the detailed signals, the control
m odule can identify the vehicle speed and
the direction of travel. The direction of travel
is identified by com paring the signals
against each other. W hen a m odification of
travel direction occurs, the signals com e in
opposite order in the control m odule.
Effect of signal failure
In case of signal failure, the control m odule
uses the vehicle speed signal and the travel
direction signal from the A B S control
m odule.
Sender 1 G193 and Sender 2 G194
for Hydraulic Pressure, Automatic
The pressure sensors G 193 and G 194 are
located in the electro-hydraulic control unit
of the M echatronics.
The sam e pressure that acts on the m ulti-
disc clutch K1 acts on Sender 1 G 193. The
m ulti-disc clutch K2 pressure acts on
Sender 2 G 194.
Parallel Plates C eram ic M em brane
G 193
G 194
Effect of signal failure
In case of failure of the pressure signal, or if
the pressure does not build up, the
corresponding transm ission circuit is
closed. The transm ission can only be
operated in 1
and 3
gear, or in 2
Pressure sensor function
The pressure sensor consists of a pair of
electrically conductive parallel plates. The
upper plate is m ounted on a ceram ic
m em brane, w hich is deflected according to
the pressure variation. The other plate is
rigidly coupled to a ceram ic substrate. This
substrate does not react to the pressure
The upper m em brane is bent according to
the pressure variations, and the distance
betw een the plates varies accordingly. As a
result, a reliable signal is produced as a
function of the transm ission fluid pressure.
Signal utilization
W ith these signals, the M echatronics
electronic control m odule can identify the
hydraulic pressure acting on the respective
m ulti-disc clutch. Precise hydraulic pressure
is required for the control m odule to
regulate the m ulti-disc clutches.
Multi-plate Clutch Oil Temperature
Sensor G509
The M ulti-Plate C lutch O il Tem perature
Sensor G 509 is integrated w ith the Sensor
for Transm ission R PM G 182. It m easures
the tem perature of the transm ission fluid
leaving the m ulti-disc clutches. The m ulti-
disc clutches generate m ore heat than any
other com ponent in the transm ission, and
the transm ission fluid leaving them m ust
be m onitored accurately.
This sensor is built so that it can m easure
the tem perature very quickly and very
precisely. It can record tem peratures from
55C to + 180C (-67F to 356F).
G 509
Signal utilization
W ith the signals from tem perature sensor
G 509, the control m odule regulates the
am ount of clutch cooling fluid and initiates
other m easurem ents to protect the
transm ission.
Effect of signal failure
In case of signal failure, the control m odule
uses the signals from sensors G 93 and
G 510 as replacem ent signals.
Transmission Fluid Temperature
Sensor G93 and Control Module
Temperature Sensor G510
Sensors G 93 and G 510 are integrated into
the M echatronics unit, w hich is surrounded
by transm ission fluid. Excessive heat in the
transm ission fluid can dam age the
M echatronics.
These tw o sensors m easure the tem perature
of the M echatronics and the fluid
surrounding it. A s a result, transm ission
fluid tem perature increases can be
detected early enough to prevent a rapid
increase in the M echatronics tem perature.
G 93
G 510
Signal utilization
B oth sensor signals are used to m easure
the M echatronics tem perature.
In addition, based on the sensor signals, a
w arm -up control program is started.
B oth sensors are used to check each other.
Effect of signal failure
W hen tem perature reaches 138C (280F),
the M echatronics initiates a reduction in
engine torque. A t tem peratures above
145C (293F), the m ulti-disc clutches are
no longer provided w ith fluid pressure and
the clutches open.
Gear Position Distance Sensors 1
to 4 G487, G488, G489, G490
These H all effect position sensors are
located in the M echatronics. A long w ith the
m agnets and the gearshift forks, they
produce a signal allow ing the control
m odule to know the position of the gear
Each position sensor m onitors the position
of a gear actuator/gearshift fork, w hich
allow s a decision betw een tw o gears :
G 487 for gears 1/3
G 488 for gears 2/4
G 489 for gears 6/R
G 490 for gears 5/N
G 487
G 488
G 489
G 490
Signal utilization
O nce it has received the exact position, the
control m odule lets the gear actuator use
the transm ission fluid pressure to shift
Position Sensor
M agnet
Effect of signal failure
If a position sensor fails to provide a signal,
the affected transm ission circuit is closed.
The gears in the affected transm ission
circuit can no longer be used.
Selector Lever Sensor System
Control Module J 587
The Selector Lever Sensor System C ontrol
M odule J587 is integrated in the selector
lever. It functions sim ultaneously as a
control m odule and as tw o separate
sensors. A s a control m odule, it w orks to
control the solenoid for the selector lever
interlock. The selector lever lighting is
A t the sam e tim e, it contains a H all effect
sensor to recognize the position of the
selector lever and a H all effect sensor to
recognize the Tiptronic controls.
The signals for selector lever position and
for Tiptronic are sent to the M echatronics
and to the control m odule for application of
the shift table.
H all Sensor for
Tiptronic position
Selector Lever Sensor
System C ontrol M odule J587
H all sensors S308_041
Pressure Control Valve 3 N217
(Main Pressure Valve)
The Pressure C ontrol Valve 3 N 217 is
located in the electro-hydraulic control unit
of the M echatronics. It is a m odulation
valve. The m ain pressure in the
M echatronics hydraulic system is regulated
by this valve.
The m ost im portant factor in com puting
m ain pressure is clutch pressure, w hich
depends on engine torque.
Engine tem perature and engine speed are
used to correct the m ain pressure.
The control m odule continually adjusts the
m ain pressure based on current conditions.
N 217
Effect of signal failure
If the pressure control valve is defective,
the m axim um m ain pressure w ill be used.
A s a result, fuel consum ption m ay increase
and gearshifts m ay becom e harsh.
Pressure Control Valve 1 N215 and
Pressure Control Valve 2 N216
(Clutch Valves)
The Pressure C ontrol Valves N 215 and
N 216 are located in the electro-hydraulic
control unit of the M echatronics.
They are m odulation valves and produce
the control pressure for the m ulti-disc
clutches Pressure C ontrol Valve N 215 for
m ulti-disc clutch K1 and Pressure C ontrol
Valve N 216 for m ulti-disc clutch K2.
Engine torque is the basis for the
com putation of clutch pressure. The control
m odule adjusts clutch pressure based on
the actual friction coefficient of the m ulti-
disc clutches.
N 215
N 216
Effect of signal failure
In case of failure of a pressure control
valve, the corresponding transm ission
circuit is closed. This failure w ill be
displayed in the instrum ent panel insert.
Pressure Control Valve 4 N218
(Coolant Valve)
The Pressure C ontrol Valve N 218 is located
in the electro-hydraulic control unit. It is a
m odulation valve and controls a hydraulic
slide valve to regulate the volum e of clutch
cooling fluid. To control the valve, the
control m odule uses the signal from the
M ulti-Plate C lutch O il Tem perature Sensor
G 509.
N 218
Effect of signal failure
If the pressure control valve cannot be
actuated, the m axim um cooling fluid
volum e flow s through the m ulti-disc
clutches. In case of low outside
tem perature, this could result in problem s
shifting gears as w ell as a higher fuel
consum ption.
Solenoid Valves 1 N88, 2 N89, 3
N90 and 4 N91 (Gear Actuator
The four solenoid valves are located in the
electro-hydraulic control unit of the
M echatronics. These are O N /O FF valves.
They regulate all fluid pressure of the
m ultiplexer slide valves for the gear
W hen de-energized, the solenoid valves are
closed and no fluid pressure is provided to
the gear actuators.
Solenoid Valve 1 N 88 controls the fluid
pressure to shift the 1
and 5
Solenoid Valve 2 N 89 controls the fluid
pressure to shift 3
gear and N eutral
Solenoid Valve 3 N 90 controls the fluid
pressure to shift 2
and 6
Solenoid Valve 4 N 91 controls the fluid
pressure to shift 4
gear and Reverse
N 90
N 89
N 88
N 91
Effect of signal failure
In case of failure of a solenoid valve, the
corresponding transm ission circuit,
containing the corresponding gear actuator,
w ill be closed. The vehicle can only be
driven in 1
and 3
gears, or only in 2
Solenoid Valve 5 N92 (Multiplexer
The Solenoid Valve 5 N 92 is located in the
M echatronics electro-hydraulic control unit.
It controls the m ultiplexer in the hydraulic
control unit.
W hen the solenoid valve is activated, gears
2, 4 and 6 can be shifted. W hen the
solenoid valve is deactivated, gears 1, 3, 5,
and Reverse can be shifted.
N 92
Effect of signal failure
The m ultiplexer slide valve rem ains in its
resting position. It can no longer be
activated by fluid pressure.
Incorrect gear shifting m ay occur. It is also
possible that the vehicle w ill not engage
any gear.
Pressure Regulating Valve 5 N233
and Pressure Regulating Valve 6
N371 (Safety Valves)
Pressure Regulating Valves N 233 and N 371
are housed in the M echatronics hydraulic
m odule. They are m odulation valves. They
regulate the safety valves inside the
M echatronics valve body.
In case of a safety related failure in a
transm ission circuit, the safety valve cuts
the hydraulic pressure of the corresponding
transm ission circuit.
Pressure Regulating Valve 5 N 233 controls
the safety slide valve in transm ission
circuit 1. Pressure Regulating Valve 6 N 371
controls the safety slide valve in
transm ission circuit 2.
N 371
N 233
Effect of signal failure
In case of failure of a pressure control
valve, it is no longer possible to shift any
gear in the corresponding transm ission
If transm ission circuit 1 shuts dow n, it is
only possible to drive in 2
If transm ission circuit 2 shuts dow n, it is
only possible to drive in 1
or 3
N89 N88
J 329
Functional Diagram
A Battery
E313 Selector Lever
F4 B ack-up Light Sw itch
F319 Selector Lever Park Position Lock Sw itch
G 93 Transm ission Fluid Tem perature Sensor
G 182 Sensor for Transm ission R PM
G 193 Sender 1 for H ydraulic Pressure
G 194 Sender 2 for H ydraulic Pressure
G 195 Sender for Transm ission O utput R PM
G 196 Sender 2 for Transm ission O utput R PM
G 487 G ear Position D istance Sensor 1
G 488 G ear Position D istance Sensor 2
G 489 G ear Position D istance Sensor 3
G 490 G ear Position D istance Sensor 4
G 501 D riveshaft 1 Speed Sensor
G 502 D riveshaft 2 Speed Sensor
G 509 M ulti-plate C lutch O il Tem perature Sensor
G 510 Tem perature Sensor (in C ontrol M odule)
J Engine control m odule
J329 Voltage Supply Term inal 15 (B + ) Relay
J519 Vehicle Electrical System C ontrol M odule
J527 Steering C olum n Electronic System s C ontrol
M odule
J587 Selector Lever Sensor System C ontrol M odule
J743 D irect Shift G earbox (D SG ) M echatronics
N 88 Solenoid Valve 1
N 89 Solenoid Valve 2
N 90 Solenoid Valve 3
N 91 Solenoid Valve 4
N 92 Solenoid Valve 5
N 110 Shift Lock Solenoid
N 215 Pressure C ontrol Valve 1 for Autom atic Transm ission
N 216 Pressure C ontrol Valve 2 for Autom atic Transm ission
N 217 Pressure C ontrol Valve 3 for Autom atic Transm ission
N 218 Pressure C ontrol Valve 4 for Autom atic Transm ission
N 233 Pressure C ontrol Valve 5 for Autom atic Transm ission
N 371 Pressure C ontrol Valve 6 for Autom atic Transm ission
a Term inal 30 over safety sw itch SC 21
K-W ire
C A N D rivetrain high
C A N D rivetrain low
Functional Diagram
J 519
J 743
N91 N90 N92 N215 N216
J ...
G93 G195 G501
G510 G196 G502
G487 G489
G488 G490
N217 N218
N233 N371
G193 G194
G182 J 587
J 527
v a
L101 N110 F319
J ... J ...
The schem atic below show s the
M echatronics links for the D irect Shift
G earbox in the C A N D atabus structure of
the vehicle.
J104 A B S C ontrol m odule w ith ED L
J248 D iesel D irect Fuel Injection (D FI)
Engine C ontrol M odule
J285 C ontrol M odule w ith Indicator U nit
in the Instrum ent Panel Insert
J519 Vehicle Electrical System C ontrol
M odule
J527 Steering C olum n Electronic
System s C ontrol M odule
J533 D ata B us O n-Board D iagnostic
J587 Selector Lever Sensor System
C ontrol M odule
J623 Engine C ontrol M odule (EC M )
J743 D irect Shift G earbox (D SG )
M echatronics
D iagnostic connector
C A N -D ata bus D rivetrain
C A N -D ata bus C om fort
The vehicle diagnostic, test, and
inform ation system VAS 5051 provides the
follow ing operating m odes:
G uided Fault Finding
G uided Functions
Guided Fault Finding operating mode
In the G uided Fault Findingm ode, the
D irect Shift G earbox defines a test plan
using sensors, actuators, and the
M echatronics.
G 93 Transm ission Fluid Tem perature
G 182 Sensor for Transm ission R PM
G 193 Sensor 1 for H ydraulic Pressure
G 194 Sensor 2 for H ydraulic Pressure
G 195 Sender for Transm ission O utput
G 196 Sender 2 for Transm ission O utput
G 487 G ear Position D istance Sensor 1
G 488 G ear Position D istance Sensor 2
G 489 G ear Position D istance Sensor 3
G 490 G ear Position D istance Sensor 4
G 501 D riveshaft 1 Speed Sensor
G 502 D riveshaft 2 Speed Sensor
G 509 M ulti-Plate C lutch O il Tem perature
G 510 Tem perature Sensor (in Control
M odule)
N 88 Solenoid Valve 1
N 89 Solenoid Valve 2
N 90 Solenoid Valve 3
N 91 Solenoid Valve 4
N 92 Solenoid Valve 5
N 110 Shift Lock Solenoid
N 215 Pressure C ontrol Valve 1
N 216 Pressure C ontrol Valve 2
N 217 Pressure C ontrol Valve 3
N 218 Pressure C ontrol Valve 4
N 233 Pressure C ontrol Valve 5
N 371 Pressure C ontrol Valve 6
J743 M echatronics gear m onitoring
J743 M echatronics shifting m onitoring
J743 M echatronics pow er supply voltage
Guided Functions operating mode
In the G uided Functionsoperating m ode,
the D irect Shift G earbox executes a test
plan to test the oil levels.
Pay attention to the instructions in VAS
5051 w hen testing sensors and
Special Tools
A new special tool, the VAS 6252, has been
created to check and adjust the fluid level of
the D irect Shift G earbox.
This tool has a quick release coupling to
easily control the fluid level.
A three-w ay valve on the fluid bottle
connection allow s for easy replacem ent of
the bottle.
Three-w ay valve
Q uick coupling
Be careful not to m ix different types of
transm ission fluids. Poor operation or
internal dam age can result.

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Printed in U.S.A.
May, 2004

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