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MR Lagman VP for Operations

Mr Panganiban- Head Accounting Office, he took great pains to get a big budget for the program for he
is the one who introduced it.
The more award credits earned, the more expensive merchandise that could be redeemed (calculators,
watches, living room and dining room sets and microwave ovens)
There is an increase in target compared to previous years.
Paranaque and Sucat branches share most of the bulk because they are the bigger branches
Mr Lagman would eventually replace Mr Panganiban
Replacing Mr Lagman could be Mr Torres and Mr Garrido
1st month after EMP, slight improvement in volume of deposits and accounts.
Sucat was the major contributor.
and 3
months, Sucat consistently topped the EMP, posting highest percentage increase in deposit
The head office branch which had an edge over other branches in terms of number of team members
and clients placed third. Though Mr Lagman projected that existing accounts of head office branch alone
could bring in substantial additional deposits. The branch was also situated in a growing commercial
district in Paranaque, where there are no other banks to compete with.
During the BSLAs first quarter meeting, Mr Lagman brought up a topic by jokingly asking Mr. Torres if he
had guards who looked like stunt men assigned at his doors. Mr Torres just smiled and promised to
remove Mr. Garrido from his lofty perch on the second half of the program period.
Mr. Lagman knew that by just bringing up the inefficiency of the Paranaque branch in the EMP, he
antagonized Mr Torres, which Lagman never really liked.
He saw Mr Torres as a person who would always interfere with company policies to earn the gratitude
and admiration of his staff.
It was known, that on the previous year, Mr Torres pushed for and was almost successful if not for Mr
Lagman for setting up an Employee Relations Committee. Mr Torres pointed out to Mr. Lucban that the
committee might function in the future as a mini-union.
On his way home, Mr Torres, reflected over what transpired during the first quarter meeting. He had a
fairly good idea why the Cash Department/Head Office Branch was behind the EMP, but because of Mr
Lucban he felt that the meeting was not the proper time to set the records straight.
Mr Torres had been with BSLA since the beginning, after graduating from a Big Local University, he was
hired by Mr Francisco Lucban, who was then the president. He had occupied a lot of positions from his
entry as a junior bookkeeper up to being the branch manager.
Mr Torres was popular with his staff because he started from the bottom and was known to pitch in
help whenever a staff was absent.
Mr Torres also knew that the Cash department was understaffed and had repeatedly requested
additional personnel.
After the first year of operations of EMP

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