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T h e s y s t e m m u s t b e o r g a n i z a t o n a l l y

f e x i b l e .
Agencies must be able to use the system
on a day-to-day basis.
The system must be sufciently standard.
T h e s y s t e m m u s t b e c o s t e f e c t v e .
Four Essental
1.2 History of ICS.
The Incident Command System or ICS was developed in the 1970s following a
series of catastrophic fires in Californias urban interface !t that time" many people died
or in#ured and property damage ran into the millions $mergency managers faced a
number of problems" such as%
1 &oor communication for e'ample" too many people reporting to one supervisor
( )ifferent emergency response organi*ational structures
+ ,ac- of reliable incident information
. Inade/uate and incompatible communications
0 ,ac- of a structure for coordinated planning between agencies
1 2nclear lines of authority for e'ample" lac- of personnel accountability" including
unclear chains of command and supervision
7 Terminology differences between agencies
3 2nclear or unspecified incident ob#ectives
!fter that" the Incident Command System was developed by an interagency tas-
force wor-ing in a cooperative local" state" and federal interagency effort called
4I5$SC6&$ 74irefighting 5esources of California 6rgani*ed for &otential $mergencies8
$arly in the development process" four essential re/uirements became clear%
ICS applications and users have steadily increased since the system9s original
development In 1930" the ICS that was originally developed in California under the
4I5$SC6&$ program made the transition into a national program called the :ational
Interagency Incident ;anagement System 7:II;S8 !t that time ICS became the
bac-bone of a wider<based system for all federal agencies with wild land fire
management responsibilities
1.3 Implementation of ICS.
1.3.1 Tiered Response to Emergencies
5esponse to emergencies based on =>)T three tiered approach which provide a
clear demarcation of roles and responsibilities between" $5T
" $;T
and authorities The
+ tiers definition are as follows%
1 Tier 1 - Minor Emergency
Tier 1 is classified as ;inor $mergency whereby is not seriously threatening the
plant operations neither does it poses danger to life The ris- of damage to the
environment and?or property is also minimal The emergency can be managed by
on<site emergency team
( Tier 2 - Major Emergency
Tier ( is classified as ;a#or $mergency whereby it is seriously threatening the
plant operations and poses danger to life The ris- damage to environment and
property is also e'tensive @owever it shall not cause an alarm to the public This
type of emergency may re/uire the support of outside resources from Aabatan
Bomba dan &enyelamat ;alaysia 7AB&;8 and =lang $mergency ;utual !id
+ Tier 3 - Crisis
Tier + is classified as Crisis whereby there is potential for multiple facilities and
severe damage to asset and the environment involving neighbouring sites and

$mergency 5esponse Team

$mergency ;anagement Team
surrounding communities The incident is clearly beyond the capacity of =>)T
to control and conse/uently re/uires action from government or other e'ternal
1.3.2Emergency Management and rgani!ation
This section describes the organi*ation structure during different level of
emergency and also the role and responsibilities of each position listed in the organi*ation
chart $mergency response varies as emergency escalates and when the emergency is
declared by the commanding officer The appropriate emergency response teams and
supports will be mobili*ed based on the level of emergency" as shown in table below
$mergency ,evel Corresponding Team?6rgani*ation ,ead By?,ocation
Tier 1 D ;inor $5T Shift Superintendent as 6SC at IC&
Tier ( D ;a#or $5T E $;T" =$;!" AB&; &l a nt ;a na ge r a s I nc i de nt
Commander at $CC
Tier + D Crisis
;=: (0 ,evel 1
2nified Command% &6,IC$"
AB&;" =>)T 6C;T
AB&; chief" as )eputy 6SC at IC&
6C&) as 6SC at $CC or &=T=
1." #$rpose of Emergency Response #lan.

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