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Best known as a governing parliamentary system that is called the basic law Germany and consists of the President as the head of
state, the President of the Bundetag who controls what happens everyday, and the Chancellor. Here the power is centralized and run
through parliament and members are elected to office. Moreover, the overall law of the land is setup under a civil law system that
handles any Constitutional issues. Criminal law is no different except for the fact that it is handled nationally. Germany's foreign
relations conducts business with over 150 countries and the military is organized. Also, in order to get any amendment passed
through it must reach a two-thirds majority got by parliament, consisting of both chambers, thus the amendment fails.
The social market economy structure that exists in Germany is one that is based on an experienced workforce, innovative
inventions, and tons of capital. Germany's economy has a whole is the biggest and most powerful and is ranked both 4th and fifth
by GDP and PPP respectively. As of late there have been drastic measures have taken place to integrate and modernize the German
economy, a process that is set to remain intact for many years down the road. Furthermore, this is conducted through the monetary
policy which is fully operated through European Central Bank who protects several industries and sectors. Finally, tourism is a large
reason for the country's successful economy as it is the 7th popular country to visit of any other visited country.
As of a few years ago the estimated population of Germany stood at 80.3 million and holds an approximated life expectancy of a
little over 80 years of age. While the population has a whole is said to stand at a rate of 225 people/square kilometer the population
consists of national minorities, immigrants, and those who inhabit the urban areas. While the urbanization of Germany is on a large
scale the immigration population accounts for nearly 8% of the entire population. Furthermore, the national minorities included the
Danes, Frisians, Roma, Sinti, and Sorbs groups. Here german is the official language and Christianity is the most popular religion.
Finally, the health care system is the oldest known health care system throughout the entire world.
Widely inspired and influenced on the religious and secular groups, German culture has long since followed the current trends. While
it is up to the governing German states to decide which institutions are made public the arts, architecture, and music are among the
most popularly attended and enjoyed. In the area of art many artists have produced a large amount of famous paintings including
Surrealist works from Max Ernst and Romanticism works from Carl Spitzweg. Architecture, was also extremely popular as many of
the widely known architectural styles invaded Germans lands and were seen in the Baroque art as well as the Classicism and
historic development. Contemporary styles were also constructed by popular architects such as Albert Speer, Helmet Jahn, and
many others involved.
USA is my all time favorite country. I just love it !
France is the country of the baguette and wine.
Australia is the land of kangaroos and skin cancer
Canada and the caribou but especially Quebec
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The Germany is the world leader in beer thanks to oktober

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