O Nabi Tell The Believing Men To Lower Some of Their Gazes.

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In this day and age, due to the shamelessness and immodesty which has been spread through

Pornography, TV, VCR, Internet, Cell Phone, Cinema, etc., so many people's lives have been destroyed.
Young people have ruined their youth in illicit seual intercourse and masturbation. !i"e#li"e marriages
have been bro$en due to unlaw"ul love a""airs. %n a social level, society is plagued with problems such as
rape, prostitution, child molestation and pedophile, homoseuality, &I'( and other seually transmitted
The )uestion arises as to what is the root o" all these problems. *ay &llah Ta'ala reward our *asha'i$h
and pious predecessors, who loo$ at the world with the eye o" the heart, enlightened by the light o" the
+ur,aan,-adith and the burning love o" &llah Ta,ala. They have diagnosed all these sic$ness to be brought
about by one deadly disease. The root o" all these problems is the (I. %/ T-0 0Y0(, casting evil glances,
loo$ing at the opposite or same se with lust"ul ga1es. 2n"ortunately today, people do not even consider
casting evil glances to be a sin, when in actuality it is the root o" innumerable vices and sins.
0vil glance is a dangerous sin. It is etremely important to re"rain "rom it care"ully. & little bit o" uncaring
glance could result in great harm. The damage o" heart caused by evil glances o"ten lasts "or a long time.
The a""ected heart then triggers only evil thoughts causing great disruption in Ibadat 3worship4. The heart
and mind loses serenity. *ay &llah Taala save every one o" us 5 the persistence o" such an evil act even
results in higher degree o" violations resulting a death that snatches Iman, the most precious wealth6 #
&nother reality which people are totally unaware o" is that by protecting one's eyes "rom lust"ul glances,
one is promised the taste o" the sweetness o" Imaan.
%nce the sweetness o" Imaan enters the heart, it will never be ta$en bac$. Thus by protecting the eyes,
one is given grad tidings o" a good death. Rasulullah 3 4 said7
"Verily the evil glance is a poisonous arrow from the arrows of Iblees. He who abstains from casting evil
glances, I will grant him such Imaan, that he will feel the sweetness of it in his heart". 3.arrated by Ibn
*as,ud in Tabarani and 8an1ul#2mmaal9 Vol. :, pg. ;;<4
&t any cost we have to abstain "rom the things, companies and environments those induce and trigger
evil glances. =e should ban all those sources and shut the eyes be"ore any sources that >could contain,
any type o" polluted pictures or images. .o matter how use"ul and important the materials seem to be,
"or instance the newspaper 3similarly the news sites in the Internet4, we should abstain "rom each and
every threat with care. The na"s and shaytan would ta$e "ull advantage presenting several ecuses and
lead me towards various pit"alls. They would uphold the contentment that you are per"orming prayers.
You are care"ully re"raining "rom many haraam. You are so and so, there"ore, be con"ident and peep into
any thing you li$e 5 that won,t harm much. In this way even the pious#li$e people would be invited to
various acts, which ultimately would open up the doors o" evil glances and spoil the whole li"e. & constant
vigilance is there"ore re)uired with regular supplication 3dua4.
Casting evil glances is clearly "orbidden by the clear and eplicit tet o" the +ur'aan. &llah Ta'ala
O Nabi Tell the believing men to lower some of their gazes."
(Sura Nur ; Ayat 30 !uz "#$
3*eaning, do not loo$ at ghair mahram women and handsome boys4. There"ore, he who casts evil
glances is opposing the clear and eplicit command o" +ur'aan, and one who opposes the clear and
eplicit command o" +ur'aan is guilty o" committing a HARAAM act. Thus, to save onesel" "rom this sin, it
is su""icient to meditate upon the "act that the one who casts evil glances is opposing a commandment o"
the +ur,aan. In other words, he is disobeying &llah Ta'ala.
The one who casts evil glances is breaching the trust o" &llah Ta'ala. &llah Ta'ala says7
"%e &nows the mistrust of the eyes an' that whi(h the hearts (on(eal." (Sura
)umin; Ayat "# !uz *+$
&llah Ta'ala uses the word , which means to commit mistrust. This indicates that we are not the
owners o" our eyes rather we have been entrusted with them. This is the reason why suicide is "orbidden,
because we are not owners o" our bodies. &llah Ta'ala has entrusted us with our bodies. (ince they are a
trust "rom &llah Ta'ala, to use it against -is pleasure, to harm it or to put an end to it is "orbidden. I" we
were owners o" our bodies then perhaps we would have the right to use them the way we desire. ?y not
giving us the choice and "reedom to utili1e our bodies, the way we desire is the proo" that this is a trust
"rom &llah Ta'ala. To embe11le this trust o" &llah Ta'ala is a great crime. The one who casts evil glances is
breaching and embe11ling the trust o" sight which &llah Ta'ala has granted him.
-ow un"ortunate it is that many among us are completely oblivion o" this etremely poisonous and deadly
sin6 I" my eyes are resting on the >haraam, i.e. the restricted things without any "eeling today, where am
I in terms o" Iman @ is a )uestion to mysel", be"ore it gets too late6
*any have been destroyed in this evil path. *any have been deceived. *ovies, TVs, Internet and even
cartoons o" this age are highly contaminated things6 % *uslim6 'o not let your eye "reely move around.
&llah Taala $nows every heart,s intention and desire. It is easy to escape your spouse, it is easy to escape
your parents and "riends, it is never possible to escape &llah Taala who never sleeps and always in
observation6 You are returning to -im soon.

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