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~ Alea Iacta Est ~

Parasaran Raman
I spent 5+ wonderful years as a PhD student (Fall 2008 - Fall 2013) in Computing (Data Management
& Analysis Track) at the School of Computing, University of Utah [Salt Lake is my all-time favorite
city to live in, if only it did not snow in the valley].
I am now at Yahoo! Inc., working on (real) large datasets. [The bay area can be expensive, but the
weather and food make up for everything!!]
I worked as a Research Assistant with my wonderful advisor, Dr. Suresh Venkatasubramanian. After
a slightly unsuccessful attempt at building a distance metric for clusterings by constructing a lattice
structure on top of all possible partitions of data, I found other ways to navigate the landscape of
clusterings. I built a reproducing kernel Hilbert space based framework for representing partitions that
can be used to compare, combine, generate and evaluate clusterings towards a holistic meta-
clustering approach.
Here are some things you might be interested in:
My resume
My dissertation
My defense slides
My defense video
It turns out that I can always define any part of my life in 4 lines.
Grad Days
Ask (?) possible research questions and try answering them at the theory
Work Days : here and here
Keep chugging at COBOL Code.
Keep chugging at COBOL Code.
Keep chugging at COBOL Code.
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All this between large mugs of coffee.
Undergrad Days
Attending many technical conferences at various colleges in Mathematics
and Computer Science, winning many of them.
Leading and Organizing many technical symposiums at college.
Designing Posters / Banners, Creating Softwares in Flash for various
contests held at college.
Representing my college in Soccer at regional levels.
School Days
Play Cricket on the streets.
Participate / Win Quiz and Essay Writing contests.
Break my head over Math Puzzles.
Pray Rain God to send incessant showers hoping that it could keep me at
I love reading quotations and here are few I like in particular.
There is no easy way to prove a deep result - Law of conservation of difficulties.
Black holes result from God dividing the universe by zero. In the binary system we
count on our fists instead of on our fingers. The human mind has never invented a
labor-saving machine equal to algebra. Bad code isn't bad, its just misunderstood.
I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand. - Confucious
Blogs I Read
On Topology
Machine Learning
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My Biased Coin
Ice Cold Coffee
Some Links
Complexity Zoo
Theory Conferences : Accepted Papers
Clustering Wiki
Randomization Wiki
My Research Wiki
Books I Enjoy
Five Equations that changed the world
Fermats Enigma
Who is Fourier?
Dr. Eulers Fabulous Formula
The Code Book
Prime Obsession
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