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Lidia Moragues


In the film we can see the basic differences shown between the British and
Asian lifestyle.
First of all, Jess meets Jules and makes a really strong relationship that causes
misunderstandings with both British and Asian family thinking they are lesbian.
Later on, we can see this differences when Jess best friend says he is gay and
Jess tells him he cant be gay because he is Indian. With this we can see that in
this culture is very bad seen to be gay.
At last, the relation between Jess and the coach, at first isnt well accepted
because he is Britain and her family really opposes the fact of going out with a
British boy, but later on Jess family kind of accept it.
This is seen in the relationship between Jess and his best friend who tells her
hes gay, Jess promise not saying anything to anybody and stands by him in
every single moment without judging him.
The relation between Jules and Jess is also important because even though
they fight in a particular moment because of Joe, later on they fix the problem
and become best friends again.
A clear love friendship is between Jess and his father, because even though
Jess family doesnt want her to play football, his father lets her go to play a
match on her sisters wedding in order to make her happier. Within this, we can
see how her father really loves her although her passion with football. He
doesnt judge her for that.
Love is also shown between the sisters, because they hide each others
secrets in order to do what they really love doing. For example, when Jess tells
her sister she is training in a football club.
Between Jess and his coach, there is a really passionate relation because they
have to pass through tough times like having to tell Jess family and Jules in
order to be able on going out.
Jess sister and his boyfriend also represent love, because they want to get
married, and even though when both families do not understand each other, the
keep seeing each other because they want to be together.

Lidia Moragues

We can see it in Jess because in spite of the rejection of all her family, she
continues playing football because it is her passion.
We also notice this in Jess father, because at the end of the film we can see
how he starts playing cricket again. This act shows that he has learn from her
daughter and that he follows also his dream of playing cricket.

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