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Rocksalt Lamps

Air contains positive and negative ions. Positive ions are formed by burning of fuel, operation of appliances such as
microwaves and entertainment media such as TVs, computers, etc. The concentration of negative ions is very high in
hilly areas and near a beach or waterfall. Rock salt is also a tremendous source of the beneficial negative ions. When
rock salt is heated, it releases abundance of negative ions in the atmosphere. These are known to purify the air in a
natural manner by neutralizing the ill-effects of the dangerous positive ions.
Naturo Rock Salt Lamps operate on the principle that when the lamp is lit either by a bulb or by a candle, it gets
heated and thus releases negative ions in the atmosphere. The more the proportion of negative ions in the air, the
better it is for the health.
Pyramid Vastu and Fengshui

The Pyramid gives tremendous amount of peace and harmony to mind, body and soul. The four angles of a Pyramid
represent intellect, truthfulness, spirituality and peace.
In ancient times houses were strictly constructed as per the principles of Vastu Shastra. The modern fast life and
multi-story culture has deprived us of using the Vastu principles. If a house or workplace or farm is against Vastu
principles, correcting it with pyramids can help a lot. The pyramids are a boon to mankind and diminish the stress and
unhappiness created by minor Vastu dosh.
The pyramids made from Natural Crystal rock prove to be excellent for practicing Yoga and meditation, enabling good
concentration on the subject. These are also very useful in study rooms. These pyramid-shaped lamps serve the dual
purpose of giving positive health benefits as well as providing Vastu Corrections.
The great Pyramids of Egypt one of the Seven Wonders of the World known since five thousand years and designed
with the best combination of Mathe-science, Astronomy, Architecture, Engg, also matches with principles of Vastu.
Naturo Healthplus has made detailed study of these pyramids and followed the same principles while making Salt
Lamp Pyramids to get the best health / Vastu benefits.
A lamp in the shape of a globe (considered the perfect form in the universe combining earth and fire) creates sheng
chi or positive energy as per Fengshui principles. Though it can go well in any room with any furniture, people
prefer to place it in a meditation or yoga room for its spiritual significance. We put in special efforts to ensure that the
shape is as close to a perfect sphere as possible.


Imagine a bowl of fire that can have
different colored flames and can be kept
next to you. Our firebowls are very
similar to that. The bowl itself is crafted
from rocksalt and a bulb is passed over
from the bottom. Rocksalt crystals are
placed inside the bowl. When the bulb is
lit, the transparency of the bowl and
crystals produce a magical glow.
Different colored bulbs produce different
types of glows, that are very soothing to
the mind.

Crystal Baskets

Similar in concept to the firebowls is the crystal
basket. The baskets are made of different
material and the rocksalt crystals are placed
within, with a bulb lit at the bottom.
The baskets can be hexagonal or round in shape.

Scientific Study and Research
Studies show that we receive 56% of our energy from the air we breathe. In fresh country-side air we find up to 4000
negative ions per cubic centimeter and near a beach or close to a waterfall it goes up to 10,000. The number of
negative ions that can be measured in most major cities at rush hour does not even reach 100. A series of scientific
studies show that Salt Crystal Lamps can increase the negative ion count by up to 300% in their vicinity.
Dr. Albert P. Krueger, a microbiologist and experimental pathologist at the University of California, found that an
astonishingly small quantity of negative ions could kill bacteria and quickly take them out of the air so that they were
less likely to infect people. This is particularly useful to patients recovering from burns. (Krueger, A. P. The Action of
Air Ions on Bacteria. Journal of General Physiology. Berkeley: University of California, 1957.)
Research papers from St. Bartholomews Hospital in London, Australias National University (A.N.U), the Pavlov
Institute in Russia, all showed that improved lung capacity and relief from asthma symptoms are achieved quite
rapidly by exposure to negative ions. Studies at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute
have demonstrated that High Density Negative Ionizers appear to act as a specific antidepressant for patients with
seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased
drowsiness, and more mental energy, says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain:
Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive
Sciences in Charlotte, N.C. A research summary report by the Institute of Biophysical Research, Germany, says: The
Salt Crystal lamp attracts water molecules from the surrounding air to its warm surface. The water and salt form a
solution. The evaporation on warm surface creates a stream of ions with surplus stock of negative ions.
Salt Crystal lamps act as a natural amplifier of the frequencies, which are essential to our health, between 8 to 10
Hertz. By using Salt Crystal lamps we can in a natural way neutralize and balance electromagnetic frequencies
unnatural to us. Salt Crystal lamps, depending on their crystalline color structure, emit light in the 600-700 nanometre
band. This helps in treatment with monochromatic light because of the direct influence of these color/ wavelengths on
our cell growth and cell function.

Analysis of Naturos rock salt crystals
We use mineral rocks sourced from a handful of select mines across the world. In order to ascertain that our products
consistently exhibit the highest quality standards, we regularly get the raw rock samples tested by external experts.
Purity and Positive Energy are two parameters that we constantly monitor, and hence our products are guaranteed to
conform to high international standards.
Health benefits
Reduces fatigue and counters EMF (Electro Magnetic Pollution) effects from electronic equipment
Minimizes the effects of all radiation, pollution and smog from the air
Reduces Depression and histamine (which triggers hay fever)
Has beneficial effects on anyone suffering from bronchial complaints such as bronchitis and common cold
Helps sufferers of insomnia, migraine, headaches, tiredness, and general feelings of malaise Increases the speed
and quality of healing of burns and surgical incisions with less infection and reduced pain Enhances the bodys
absorption and utilization of oxygen, thus assisting concentration and alertness
Reduces the effects of passive smoking, and allergies to pollen, dust and pets
Removes and destroys airborne bacteria and viruses Effective for catarrh, sinus, eczema, burns, emphysema, and
can even be substituted for tranquilizers
Balances the effects of levels of serotonin, (a chemical in the brain associated with anxiety and mood stress) resulting
in people feeling more alert, stable and energetic

Best Locations for placement
A lamp can be anywhere you want the air quality to be improved or preserved, any place where you want to create a
cozy, relaxing, wellness environment and enjoy the beauty of nature. Some of the specific locations are:
For office workers, a lamp at work can help improve your concentration and refresh you, neutralizing the effects of
stress, artificial light and air environment
A lamp or two in the massage room will greatly enhance and create a natural ionizing calming, wellness environment
and will also keep the air fresh While you recover from an illness, a lamp by your bedside will be a comforting and
healthy companion
Computer users can place a Salt Crystal Lamp near the computer to reduce fatigue, counter EMF (electro magnetic
pollution) effects from equipment and also to minimize the effects of monitor-radiation
On a Car dash-board while commuting in metro cities it will save you from bad effects of pollution, will reduce the
stress due to concentration on driving and reduce your stress
Natural Health Practitioners can use a Salt Crystal Lamp glowing in the consulting or treating room to assist the
healing process and add to a calming environment
Parents can place a comforting Salt Crystal Lamp by the childs bedside, near the TV to reduce radiation and improve
a childs concentration and breathing environment
Meditation room, Reiky treatmnet, Spa, Health Centres, Beauty Parlours, Gymnasium and all other spots supporting
activities related with positive health.

A must for kids

Modern age mothers take best care of the
newborn and infant children but cannot
provide the fresh air to breathe for the
healthy growth of the child. A salt crystal
lamp by the babys side will give
confidence to the mother that her baby is
inhaling pure air.
As the baby grows up into a school-going kid, it will have certain stress related to studies, homework, exams, etc. The
salt crystal lamp can help improve centration/reduce stress. when placed near the screen of TV or computer, the
lamp can reduce radiation, fatigue as well as EMF significantly.
Fornof & Gilbert (1988) reported that indoor air ion levels affect the reactions of children to stressors. Negative air
ionization increase physiological tolerance of stressors and reduced secondary effects of stress in behavior and


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Naturo Healthplus


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Firebowls . rocksalt
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Bartholomew , ( ) ,
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Fornof (1988 )
. ionization

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