E-MBA Syllabus 2nd Sem

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Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA)

Course Structure of Proposed Executive MBA Programme ( A

'irst ear ( Semester ))
Course Title Marks
Internal External
201 Marketing Management 50 50
202 International Business Management 50 50
203 Human Resource Management 50 50
204 !erations Management 50 50
205 Management In"ormation #$stems 50 50
Total 500
Semester ))
!"# % MA*+E,)-. MA-A.EME-,/
1% Marketing Conce!ts & Marketing Conce!t' Marketing (rocess'
Marketing Mix' Customer )alue' Customer #atis"action and delig*t'
+unctions o" Marketing
2% Marketing (lanning, -nal$sis o" Marketing o!!ortunit$' (roduct
Market #election' (rocess o" Marketing (lanning and Contents o"
Marketing (lan
3% #ales +orecasting Conce!t and met*ods' Introduction to Marketing
Researc*,(rocess, #co!e' .stacles in acce!tance%
4% Consumer Be*a)iour, +actors in/uencing consumer .e*a)iour,
Consumer decision making !rocess, Industrial Bu$er .e*a)iour 0s%
1omestic Bu$er .e*a)iour%
5% 1ealing 2it* com!etition, Identi3cation and -nal$sis o" Com!etitors%
4% Market segmentation, Bases "or market segmentation o" consumer
goods' industrial goods and ser)ices, Market Targeting and
!ositioning strategies%
5% Market E)aluation and Controls, (rocess' t$!es o" control
tec*ni6ues, Marketing -udit, Marketing Et*ics' internet Marketing' e
Books Recommended
1% Marketing Management, (*ili! 7otler' (earson Education
2% Marketing Management, (*ili! 7otler and 7e)in 8ane 7eller' (earson Education
3% +undamentals o" Marketing,#tanton%
4% Marketing Management & Ra9an #axena' Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
5% Marketing Management, #% Ramas2am$ and #% ;amakumari' McMillan India
4% Marketing Management, -run 7umar and ; Meenaxi' 0ikas (u.lis*ing
5% Marketing Conce!ts and Cases Mic*ael <% Et=el' Bruce <% >alker' >illiam <%
#tanton' -9a$ (andit%
?% (rinci!les o" Marketing , (*ili! 7otler and :ar$ -rmstrong' (earson
@% Marketing Models, 8ilien A 7otler A Moort*$' (rentice Hall
10% Marketing Management' B%0%#ang)ikar' #%0%7ada)ekar' Ra)indra 1es*muk*'
C%M%<os*i'Bi$ani' 1iamond
11% Marketing Management & T7 (anda' Excel Books
12% Case #tudies in Marketing & Indian context, R% #rini)as%
13% Case stud$ solutions, H% 7aus*al
14% Marketing Management & C=inkota' BT*omsonC
15% Basic marketing, >illiam 1% (erreault <r%
14% Marketing , C*una2alla
!"! % )-,E*-A,)0-A1 BUS)-ESS MA-A.EME-,
1% International Business En)ironment , :lo.ali=ation , +orces' Meaning'
dimensions and stages in :lo.ali=ation , 7enc*i *mae Model ,
Introduction to t*eories o" International Trade .$ -dam #mit*' Ricardo
and *lin A Heckler , Trading En)ironment o" International Trade ,
TariD and ;on,tariD Barriers , Trade Blocks , Rise o" ne2 economies
like <a!an' #out* East -sia and C*ina
2% Countr$ Risk -nal$sis , (olitical' #ocial and Economic , Cultural and
Et*ical !ractices , Res!onsi.ilities o" International Business , Economic
crisis o" Bra=il' Mexico' India' #out* East -sia and -rgentina
3% Managing Multinational Enter!rises , (ro.lems and (otential ,
Multinational #er)ice rgani=ations , Indian com!anies .ecoming
Multinationals , (otential' ;eed and (ro.lems
4% Introduction to International +inancial Management , Balance o" Trade
and Balance o" (a$ment , International Monetar$ +und' -sian
1e)elo!ment Bank and >orld Bank , +inancial Markets and
Instruments , Introduction to Ex!ort and Im!ort +inance , Met*ods o"
!a$ment in International Trade
5% Bilateral and Multilateral Trade 8a2s , :eneral -greement on Trade
and TariDs' B:-TTC' >orld Trade rgani=ation , #eattle and 1o*a
round o" talks , 1is!ute settlement mec*anism under >T , (ro.lems
o" (atent 8a2s , International con)ention on com!etiti)eness
4% International Marketing , Entr$ strategies , Market selection , Barriers
5% :lo.al sourcing and its im!act on Indian Industr$ , :lo.ali=ation and
internal re"orm !rocess , IndiaEs com!etiti)e ad)antage in industries
like IT' Textiles' :ems A <e2eller$ etc% , (otential and t*reats%
?% ;egotiations and commercial di!lomac$%
@% Minimum 10 Case #tudies to .e co)ered in t*e class
Books Recommended
1% International Business En)ironment , #undaram and Black' (rentice Hall o" India
2% International Business En)ironment , B*alla and Ra9u' -nmol (u.lis*ers
3% International +inancial Management , (%:%-!te' Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
4% International Business , +rancis C*erulinam' Himala$a
5% International Business , Rao and Rangac*ari
4% Ex!ort Management , Rat*od
5% :lo.al Business Toda$ , C*arles Hill' Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
?% International Business , C*arles Hill' Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
@% International Business En)ironment A !erations , <o*n 1%1aniels
!"$ % 2UMA- *ES0U*CES MA-A.EME-,
1% Human Resources Management & Introduction and Im!ortance &
E)olution & 1iDerence .et2een HR Management and HRM & role o"
HR Manager & #tructure o" HR de!artment & 1uties and
res!onsi.ilities o" HR Manager%
2% HR1 #$stems, E)olution & :oals F Elements and t*eir
interrelations*i! & HR #trategies & HR strategies and rgani=ational
3% Man!o2er (lanning & .9ecti)es & Estimating man!o2er
re6uirement & Recruitment and selection !rocess & Main resources o"
recruitment & -ssessment 1e)ices &#uccession (lanning%
4% Merit Rating & (romotions & Trans"ers & <o. 1escri!tion & <o.
E)aluation & <o. Enlargement & <o. Enric*ment & <o. Rotation%
5% Training and 1e)elo!ment & Training (rocess and Met*odolog$ &
;eed and o.9ecti)es & training (rocedure, Met*ods o" Training, Tools
and -ids & E)aluation o" Training (rogrammes%
4% (er"ormance -!!raisal s$stems, 1e3nition' Conce!ts o" (er"ormance
Management & 1iDerent met*ods o" (er"ormance -!!raisal & Rating
5% 7inds o" #e!aration & Resignation' 1isc*arge' 1ismissal' Retirement'
0oluntar$ Retirement' :olden *ands*ake and Contractual
em!lo$ment etc
?% Tools to im!ro)e managerial eDecti)eness & 7ai=en & Gualit$ Circles,
times Management
Books Recommended
1% Human Resource Management & :arr$ 1essler' (earson Education
2% HR Management & C%B% Mamaoria' Himala$a
3% Managing Human Resources, R%#% 12i2edi
4% Human resource Management & B%( Mic*ael
5% Human resource Management & de% (%C% (ardes*i' ;irali (rakas*an
4% Human resources Management & Mir=a A #ai$adin
5% Managing Human Resources & -run Mona!!a' McMillan India 8td%
?% Human Resource Management & 0#( Rao
!"& ( 0PE*A,)0-S MA-A.EME-,
1% Historical !ers!ecti)e, Industrial Re)olution & E)olution o" M
conce!ts "rom local +actories to :lo.ali=ation' C*ange o" "ocus "rom
cost & (roducti)it$ & Gualit$ to En)ironmental concerns%
2% T$!es o" industries & 0ariet$ o" Business & Integration +
Manu"acturing and
ser)ices & #cale o" !erations & Economics & Creation o" >ealt* and
3% M as a s$stem & +unctional H 1ecision areas & rgani=ational
#tructures BTraditionalA ModernC' (roduct 1esign & (rocess C*oice &
(rocess C*aracteristics%
4% (lanning A Control !erations & 1emand +orecasting & -ggregate
(lanning & Resource H Ca!acit$ !lanning , <ust in Time s$stems &
(roduction -cti)it$ Control & #c*eduling Bottleneck & Introduction to
MR(' ER(%
5% Materials Management& Im!ortance & #u!!l$ c*ain H 0alue c*ain
Material +lo2 Management & (urc*asing A #u!!l$ Management%
4% In)entor$ & Conce!t & ;eed & T$!es & Classi3cation & In)entor$ costs
& EG, +ixed order A +ixed !eriod models & #a"et$ #tock & 8ead
5% +acilit$ 8ocation , -d)antages & T$!es o" 8a$outs, Building Material
Handling A #torage s$stem
?% Gualit$ Management #$stem & I# @000 ' I# 14000 & TGM
Maintenance Management & Total (roducti)e Maintenance BT(MC
@% Com!etiti)e M & +lexi.le Manu"acturing #$stem ' :rou!
Tec*nolog$ ' Cellular
Manu"acturing ' +ocus Manu"acturing ' 8ean Manu"acturing 5,# ' 3M
& Eliminating >aste & 0alue -nal$sis
10% Tools A Tec*ni6ues "or !ro.lem sol)ing & #GC' #(C'7ai=en'5GC Tools'
(oka$oke' #ix #igma & >ork #tud$ & >ork Measurement
Books Recommended
1% !erations Management T*eor$ A (ractice & B% Ma*ade)an B (earson EducationC
2% !erations Management & <% Hei=er' Barr$ Render% B(earson EducationC
3% Introduction to Materials Management & <%R% Ton$ -rnold A #te!*an ;% C*a!mann
4% >ork stud$, I%8%
5% Com!etiti)e Manu"acturing Management & ;ic*olas
4% 8ogistics A #u!!l$ c*ain Management & Martin C*risto!*er B(earson EducationC
5% I# @000 A 14000 B$ Bureau o" Indian #tandard
?% (roduction A !erations Management & I% 7ac*ru' BExcel BooksC
!"3 ( MA-A.EME-, )-'0*MA,)0- SS,EMS
1% Management In"ormation #$stems & ;ature' ;eed' (ur!ose and
.9ecti)es' -!!roac*es to MI#' ;e2 o!!ortunities 2it* tec*nologies'
In"ormation as a strategic resource & #trategic in"ormation s$stems "or
com!etiti)e ad)antage , MI# as an instrument "or t*e organi=ational
2% In"ormation' Management and 1ecision Making & rgani=ations A
in"ormation s$stems' Ma9or t$!es o" s$stems and "unctional
!ers!ecti)e' In"ormation' In"ormation s$stems A .usiness strategies'
Models o" 1ecision Making
3% In"ormation Tec*nolog$ , IT in"rastructure' com!onents' (lanning'
contem!orar$ !lat"orms' IT Ca!a.ilities and t*eir organi=ational
im!act & Telecommunication' ;et2orks A internet' current trends in
tec*nologies A tools &, IT ena.led ser)ices' e .usiness' 2ireless
tec*nologies etc%
4% 1ata Resource Management , rgani=ing data' 1ata.ase en)ironment
A data management' 1ata.ase trends' 1ata.ase A 2e.' o!!ortunities
A c*allenges' data 2are*ouses' data centers A mining%%
5% Building A managing in"ormation s$stems & IT (lanning' (rocess
Redesign' #$stems de)elo!ment' #$stems -nal$sis and 1esign ,
#$stems 1e)elo!ment 8i"e C$cle , -lternati)e #$stem Building
-!!roac*es , (rotot$!ing , Ra!id 1e)elo!ment Tools , C-#E Tools ,
.9ect riented #$stems' redesigning t*e organi=ation 2it*
in"ormation s$stems' B(R A !rocess im!ro)ement' End user
com!uting and <udging In"o #$stems EDecti)eness' Controlling t*e
4% Managing InternationalH :lo.al In"ormation #$stems' 1ecision #u!!ort
#$stems , :rou! 1ecision #u!!ort #$stems' Intelligent s$stems ,
Executi)e In"ormation #$stems , Executi)e #u!!ort #$stems , Ex!ert
#$stems and 7no2ledge Based Ex!ert #$stems , -rti3cial
Intelligence' 7no2ledge Management #$stems' Enter!rise a!!lications
A Business (rocess Integration%
5% Managing c*ange and understand .usiness )alue o" s$stems' BC('
1RM' Management Issues in MI# , In"ormation #ecurit$ and Control ,
Gualit$ -ssurance , Et*ical and #ocial 1imensions , Intellectual
(ro!ert$ Rig*ts as related to IT #er)ices H IT (roducts
?% -!!lications o" MI# in "unctional areas as 2ell as in t*e ser)ice sector
s*ould .e co)ered 2it* t*e *el! o" minimum 5 case studies%
Books Recommended
1% Management In"ormation #$stems , 8audon and 8audon' @t* Edition' (earson
Education -sia
2% In"ormation tec*nolog$ "or management' Tur.an' Mclean' >et*er.e & >ile$ India
3% Management In"ormation #$stems , 1a)is and lson'Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
4% Management In"ormation #$stems' ?He , <ames -% JBrien' :eorge M% Marakas ,
Mc:ra2 Hill
5% Management In"ormation #$stems , T*omson
4% Introduction to In"ormation #$stems' 13He <ames -% JBrien' :eorge M% Marakas ,
Mc:ra2 Hill
5% -nal$sis and 1esign o" In"ormation #$stems , Ra9araman' (rentice Hall
?% 1ecision #u!!ort #$stems and Intelligent #$stems ,Tur.an and -ronson' (earson
Education -sia
@% Management In"ormation #$stems , #c*ult*esis' Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
10% Management In"ormation #$stems , #adago!an' (rentice Hall
11% Management In"ormation #$stems , <a$ant ke
12% Management In"ormation #$stems , <a2adekar' Tata Mc:ra2 Hill
13% #$stems -nal$sis and design & igor *a2r$s=kie2$c= & !rentice,*all India
14% 1ata mining & adriaans & Kantinge & !earson education
15% 1ata 2are*ousing in t*e real 2orld & -na*or$HMurra$ & (earson Education
14% Com!uter et*ics & 1e.ora* :% <o*nson & (earson Education
15% Et*ics in in"ormation tec*nolog$ & Re$nolds , t*omson
1?% Ex!ert #$stems & :iarratanoH Rile$ & T*omson
1@% #$stems -nal$sis A design & #atKinger,<ackson,Burd & T*omson
20% 7no2ledge Management #$stems & #tuart Barnes & T*omson 8earning
21% In"ormation #$stems Toda$ & <essu!H0alacic* & (earson Education

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