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SAP Software Licensing

As a SAP Gold Partner, we believe it is important, not only to understand your needs, but
also to understand the future goals of your company. Our goal is to make sure you
understand what you own and your contractual obligations. Our goal is to create an
optimal buying strategy that delivers value. Our objective is to make our customers
stronger through commitment and ownership in their success. o achieve this we will
help manage both of these over time, creating and implementing an optimal buying
strategy that delivers the most cost efficient solutions, while building the vendor
partnerships you want and deserve.
Our methodology takes us through several processes allowing us to fully understand your
environment, contracts, business re!uirements, desired vendor relationships and actual
software usage. "e utili#e the information gathered to build a license management and
buying strategy which will ma$imi#e your software and % investments.
"e discuss and analy#e your environment to fully understand your applications,
users, hardware and architecture so we can build an accurate topology of e$isting
and potential future environments.
"e interview the appropriate parties to understand your e$isting and desired
vendor relationships.
"e analy#e all your e$isting contracts to understand what you own and your
contractual obligations.
"e create a comprehensive spreadsheet listing your full environment, including
software usage and actual software licenses.
"e create a comprehensive binder with all contracts put in chronological order so
you have accurate records which can be easily accessed.
A findings report is created which communicates compliance with e$isting
contracts, optimal licensing recommendations and details of all information
gathered during the process.
Phase 1:
In-Depth Investigation Interview the User Community to Determine Usage and
uture !eeds
Our interview process enables us to become e$perts on your internal systems. %t is critical
to have a firm grasp of your architecture, application types, users, usage cycles, growth or
consolidation plans and disaster recovery strategies. his information allows us to
combine !uantitative and !ualitative data to deliver a more accurate analysis&and help
you to better plan for the future.
Interview Appropriate Parties to Understand "#isting and Desired $endor
hrough discussions on the current state of your relationships with your vendors, we are
able to help mend or enhance those relationships with creative ideas which are beneficial
to both parties.
Understand 'our Current License Landscape
Our consultants review your e$isting contracts and licensing agreements to discover
products, license types, terms and conditions. hey build a license history synopsis,
listing all contracts and orders in chronological order and whether they were customi#ed
for your particular business and architectural environment.
Phase (: %eporting
Create the License Inventory %eport
his report includes the name of each server, the number of processors per server, the
application's( database or application each server is supporting, the named user
population, concurrent usage estimates, e$isting licenses allocated and the license number
associated with each license.
Comprehensive )inder with Contracts in Chrono&ogica& *rder
All software contracts you have entered into are placed into a consolidated binder for
easy access. )ot only can this binder be used as a reference, but it can also be used for
audit purposes.
"va&uate and Determine Comp&iance
"e use the information gathered through evaluating e$isting contracts, conducting cross*
network verification, and interviewing the user community to determine license
*ptimi+e Licensing ,etrics and Purchase Strategy
Our consultants then analy#e how licenses are currently allocated and predict future
needs, future architecture and hardware changes. hey create a succinct summary report
of the best and most cost*effective ways to optimi#e your license environment going
indings %eport
+rom our e$tensive information gathering and analysis of your licenses, we provide a
findings report which delivers your state of compliance with e$isting contracts, our
recommendations for optimal licensing and all of the steps taken to determine the
+or more details visit SAP go&d partner, SAP Partners- SAP Imp&ementation- .A!A
/echno&ogy 0 SC, with SAP1

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