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Human Resources Management

Half Spring 2013/2014
Professor Filipa Castanheira

Group n4
Ins Almeida
Sara Goulo
Tanja Schreiber
Andr Macedo
Afonso Freitas e Costa

Human Resources
Alves Ribeiro SA

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 3
Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 5
The Company ................................................................................................................... 7
ALVES RIBEIRO SAS STRUCTURE ..................................................................................... 7
THE EMPLOYEES & THE COMPANY ................................................................................... 8
The Human Resources Department .................................................................................. 8
IMPORTANCE OF THE HR DEPARTMENT IN THE COMPANY ................................................. 9
The Human Resources Manager ...................................................................................... 9
The Human Resources Strategy & System ..................................................................... 10
THE HRM STRATEGY ..................................................................................................... 10
THE HRM PRACTICES ..................................................................................................... 10
THE HRM SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 14
Jaime Romanas Overall Opinion ................................................................................... 15
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix ......................................................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX 1 - OVERALL ORGANIZATION CHART ............................................................... 20
APPENDIX 2 - THE SCRIPT OF THE INTERVIEW .................................................................. 21
APPENDIX 3 - PERSONAL DATA ....................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX 4 PERSONAL DATA ANSWERS ....................................................................... 24
APPENDIX 5 - THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE INTERVIEW .......................................................... 25
Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 37


The group would like to thank Jaime Romana, Alves Ribeiro SAs Human Resources Manager,
who did a great effort in answering all the questions effectively and precisely, for his availability
and willingness to help the team in getting all the necessary information that enabled the group
to write this report; without him it would not have been possible to accomplish this work.
The group would also like to thank Professor Filipa Castanheira for her theoretical lectures that
gave us great foundations regarding human resources, which will for sure be part of our future
working life. The materials taught and provided were extremely useful for the accomplishment
of this work.
Finally, the group would like to thank the Grader Verena Menezes for the permanent
availability in helping students clarifying any possible doubt.


Executive Summary
This reports goal is to describe and analyze Alves Ribeiro SAs human resourses
practices and how these are integrated within the organization. Based on the information of the
human resources manager Jaime Romana, this paper will compare the strategies proposed by
literature with the actual practices as seen in the company.
Alves Ribeiro SA is one of the leaders in the construction industry in Portugal, both in
private and public work. It has always been a company with a stable structure but the current
economic crisis has led to some changes. Currently, the human resources department is
composed by two employees that are responsible for managing people, solving every problem
that may occur and to promote harmony in the companys environment. It may seem an easy
work but they have a lot of time-consuming tasks.
A human resources manager has to deal with people everyday so he needs to be a person
that loves to listen and help people. Jaime Romana, the human resources manager of Alves
Ribeiro SA is a person that advocates an open door policy. The human resources department has
to address several problems every day and each of them requires a different approach and a
different solution. This is why the department thought that having no human resources
management strategy defined was a better way to deal with every issue since they have to
frequently adapt to each case. As such, the human resources manager defines his strategy as
acting as a chameleon.
Although the department does not have a strategy outlined, it has some characteristics
already defined for each practice. The human resources department is engaged in the selection
and recruitment process; however, at Alves Ribeiro SA it is crucial to have an executive from the
respective department to be involved in the hiring process as well.
Nowadays, there are not many entry interviews but exit interviews are very important and
are performed accurately. Feedback is another important practice to embed in the human
resources management system. Yet, the company does not have any strategies defined
according to retaining talent and the incentive system. Moreover, Jaime Romana declared he
has no intention of changing and improving his current tactics anytime soon, unless a specific
situation forces him to.
Comparing strategies proposed in literature with the daily practices witnessed at Alves
Ribeiro SA, one has to conclude that there is a huge gap between theory and reality. Given the

huge importance of human capital, especially in times of crisis, the organization would be well-
advised to consider a more modern approach on the subject of how to manage people.

The Company
Artur Fernandes Alves Ribeiro founded Alves Ribeiro SA in 1941; at the time it was the
only company that belonged to the Group Alves Ribeiro. Over time, this family business has
grown and Alves Ribeiro SA is the heart of the group. The activity of the company is civil
construction and public work. It is known for its image of flexibility, great financial strength,
home environment and a long and well-known curriculum.
Today, Portugal is facing a hard crisis and the construction field has been one of the most
negatively affected areas. In accordance to what the interviewee described, this is probably the
deepest crisis the construction field and the company went through. Due to this economic
depression, there are very few calls for bids for public works and a lot of companies are fighting
for it, which is translates into a big decrease on opportunities and on revenues. Since Alves
Ribeiro SA works with its own equity, the firm is able to invest in private construction in order
to diversify its activity, but this is not a viable solution; the market is full of houses and there is
no one to buy them. Yet, Alves Ribeiro SA does not let itself be defeated and so responded to the
crisis by expanding the business in foreign countries, just like Angola and Brazil.

Alves Ribeiro SAs Structure
The human resources (HR) manager Jaime Romana states that there are eighteen
departments within the company. This strict division into departments was only done to satisfy
the qualitys certification; before that there was no official document defining each
department. As a family business, they started working and dividing logically the tasks
according to the needs.
Looking at the organizational chart of the company (Appendix 1), Alves Ribeiro SA has a
Pyramid Organization Structure; this shape reflects a hierarchy in the company composition. At
the bottom, there are more workers with fewer responsibilities and, as moving up the pyramid,
we find less people but with higher responsibilities (the executive level). This type of
organizational structure has positive and negative aspects. By dividing the company into well-
defined sectors, the labor is also divided and so each department will be specialized in some
tasks and will be more efficient. Like this, each employee knows what are his responsibilities
and he also knows to whom he has to report to. As being divided into sections, there is an easier
and shorter channel of communication among the workers in the same sector and the managers.
However, the communication might be longer to get to the top of the pyramid. It might also

create some barriers between different departments and it may lead to different goals between
Nowadays, Alves Ribeiro SA has 165 employees. In the past, there were much more
workers, even in the human resources department, but with the crisis there is less work to do
and so the company cannot afford to keep all the employees.

The Employees & the Company
Alves Ribeiro SA always makes sure that the employees are committed to the companys
values; every worker holds and honors the companys flag. Nevertheless, currently, the fear of
being fired is increasing as people are fully aware of the economic situation, and it is becoming
more difficult to maintain a stable job position. The fact that, today, companies offer minimum
wages for graduated workers, demotivates people. A long time ago, things were not like this
and people enjoyed a balanced and harmonic work environment. But now it is harder. Facing
the actual conditions, the HR department feels the need to keep and promote carefully peace in
the companys environment.

The Human Resources Department
Jaime Romana and his subordinate Lus are the only workers in the HR department and
they have to deal with every problem concerning the companys employees. They define
themselves as the bridge between the employees and the employers, by giving directions and
helping the workers on communicating and discussing everything with the superiors. They have
to listen to both sides and find a solution that combines the fact that one wants to win big and
the other wants to pay little.
If we look at the HR departments in other companies, we will probably find a universe of
people divided into different staff sections. At Alves Ribeiro SA, if Lus is missing, Jaime has to
do all the work. Having only two people in this sector can lead to overwork and by consequence
not performing some tasks on time. Yet, they both have a close work relationship with their co-
workers; they know everyone and every issue in the company so they might be more efficient
on getting solutions to some problems than a department that is parted into different sections.
Managing problems is not the only role of this department; they are also responsible for several
tasks that take a lot of time (e.g. processes, payroll salaries, etc.). In a company as the one

described, there is a division responsible for that time consuming task. Yet, at Alves Ribeiro SA,
Jaime and Lus are the only ones responsible for that.

Importance of the HR department in the Company
In every firm the HR department is important because it is responsible for managing the
workers and without them there is no company. However, managing people is not only about
the legal parts, there is also the need to make employees feel happy and satisfied in their work;
to do that it is important to promote a peaceful environment in the firm. Yet, this is not as simple
as it seems; for example, when there is the need to revoke contracts, the HR managers must do
it carefully in order to not upset the workers, which stay with the company, and the group
dynamic. One should not overlook the importance of keeping employees happy. So, the HR
department has to combine the desire and needs of the two poles, employees and employers, in
order to be able to solve all the disagreements and to encourage a good ambience. In other
words, unhappiness leads to losses in production, so every company wants to have happy and
productive workers. To do that, there is the need to understand the motivators of each person
and try to adapt them to the structure of the work environment. This department has a hard,
constant and important work to do.

The Human Resources Manager
The manager is the most important person in the HR department; his function is to create
value, contribute to the business strategy and to shape the companys culture. Jaime Romana is
aware of that and is confident about the objectives of the department he runs; he is the Human
Resources Manager of Alves Ribeiro SA and is responsible for all the good and bad things that
happen there. He is a 60 year-old Portuguese citizen and has been a member of the company for
28 years. Before joining the company, he was already working in the human resources field in
another company. Despite trying to take the course twice in human resources management
(HRM), first at ISEG and then at ISCTE, he never managed to finish his degree because he was
already working, and it was impossible for him to conciliate both things.
The HR manager loves his job and is proud of it; Jaime would not change it for anything.
He is committed to the company and is always trying to do things the best way he knows, the
most efficient way possible. To do that, he has to be flexible in order to be able to adapt to every
situation that comes up. Due to all the work he has to do and all the issues he has to deal with, it

is difficult to disconnect from work when he is not there; however, he always tries to keep these
problems out of home and to find ways to sometimes be able to unwind and tune out work (e.g.
by going hunting).
Along the interview, Jaime showed to be a person that really likes to share what he
knows; but always pointing out that he only talks about the real world. This means there must
be no place for fantasies as, for instance, things we can find written but hardly happen in the
real world. Jaime Romana is not focused on strategic issues, he believes that the experience of
day-to-day work is worth more than any theory written in books and that the hard part of his job
is to find a way to be different from the other HR managers the biggest difficulty is to be
original because most things are already written. Since he has no plans for the future, he lives
and acts according to what happens every day; yet, he as a clear objective of fulfilling all his
The manager is always willing to help everyone; he always has the door open for anyone
who needs support. Managing a company is managing people is Jaimes motto and to do that
it is important that the companys culture is always transmitted from worker to worker.

The Human Resources Strategy & System
The HRM Strategy
Alves Ribeiro SA is a company with well-established values, where principles and work
methods are developed along the way. As such, the majority of the workers are already
embedded with the firms culture and are able to adapt to different duties on a needed basis,
taking a more practical approach to issues. The HR department does not differ from this view
and, allied with the difficult economic background we are living in, it also adjusts to new issues
on a needed basis. Taking this into consideration, they prefer not to have a written HRM
strategy, even though they apply one, which enables them to respond to every clients needs
with efficiency and reliability the HR department tries to adapt to each situation in the best
way possible.

The HRM Practices
As referred before, the department always applies a strategy that consists in adapting to
each different situation; they just know they want to treat each worker the best way possible and

through a reliable relationship, and to act according to what each situation requires. As a
consequence, all the techniques and programs inherent to a written strategy are also done when
required but not as a mandatory demand. For example, some workers are currently taking
French lessons as a technical requisite to deal with French clients and not because it was stated
in their contracts, which they had to learn the language as a work requirement.
Selection and recruitment processes are also taken with versatility since problems and
contexts are constantly changing and what was possible some years ago cannot be done now.
For instance, recruiting capacity has changed drastically being common policy to fill in the job
internally before reaching the market. This requires employees to act with great flexibility, not
only to their job description.
In this industry, it is required that an engineer or a foreman do an internship to complete
their studies; the company takes advantage of these by acquiring a lot of information about the
worker, details that are not available through an interview or an exam. The evaluation on real
work context gives better insights into people. The HR manager, who has already recruited
countless people in many different ways, is not an apologist of a written form of recruitment and
defends a diverse approach depending on the situation. While taking this approach, they are
aware of the possible setbacks of not having it written, but in a company like this, adaptability
stands out from the rest and it is highly valued.
Applicants always pass through the HR department after they had their interview with the
responsible department manager, as the two HR employees are responsible for the legal
regulations (e.g. data collection). However, they are not the ones making the final call as to
whether people should be hired or dismissed, leaving this decision to each divisions director in
cooperation with the administration. Also, they are not always the ones performing hiring
interviews since jobs in the firm vary a lot in terms of work requirements, ranging from a
foreman to a business analyst. As such, people interviewing will always be available
professionals from specific departments with the sufficient knowledge to ascertain if the
interviewees are competent for the job. As such, a person of the budget department will
obviously not question a prospective foreman, nor will a marketer interview a business analyst.
There is no one directly assigned or trained to do it on each division, people just adapt to the
situation and try to perform the questioning as best as they can. This reasoning enhances the
versatility that Alves Ribeiro SA requires from their workers and is preferred due to cost savings
that originate from not having a specifically trained person to perform the job in each

department. On the other hand, it is also possible that the lack of training can lead to bad
admissions or wrongly dismissing talent.
Even though the HR department is not always responsible for performing job interviews,
they would never let go off an employee without having an exit interview. Sometimes, these
exit interviews are easier since peoples contracts were expired and were not renewed, so it was
already an expected situation. There are some cases though in which people need to leave for
various reasons like legitimate cause or downsizing, amongst others. These latter cases need to
be dealt cautiously not only on legal matters but especially to keep a good and peaceful work
environment. People leaving have to accept and understand their dismissal without resentment
and the ones staying cannot feel discomfort or mistrust. This is crucial for a smooth functioning
of the company and really difficult to establish, and so it is a main area where human resources
management gets into play. The HR department involvement is crucial, and again they have to
adjust to different contexts along time, like the tough economic crisis that have weakened all
firms for like the tough economic crisis that has weakened all firms for some years now, still
continuing today. In times like these, it is more often necessary to cut on work force and control
over employees levels of satisfaction is even more at stake. This results in HR workers feeling
connected to the employees who have to leave, not just on a professional level but also on a
Alves Ribeiro SA is a firm where employees normally stay for many years and people
develop friendships with their coworkers. That is why it is sometimes difficult to see them leave
the company and is why a process of accompaniment follows dismissal, not only to help people
on their next steps but also to avoid disagreements with the company and the people that stay.
Furthermore, their professional track is monitored with special attention in order to infer a
possible return on a potential approach to the market.
Nowadays, Alves Ribeiro SA does not adopt any type of reward or incentive system. This
is due to the current conditions of the market. Having competent employees is especially
important in times like these and firms strive to retain the best people. However, the manager
argued that companies in Portugal have been downsizing due to the crisis, making it impossible
for firms to retain a large number of talented people. During the interview, Jaime Romana even
confessed that the organization rarely searches for new talents in the market because that
process implies high costs the firm cannot support. Alves Ribeiro SA usually manages to keep
people working for a long time as they embody the companys culture and values throughout
the years of work and at the end they just want to stay. A relevant element that motivates

people working there is that it is a much respected company in the market; this is also one of the
main reasons why talented people are still coming to the company even before the firm tries to
reach them.
In fact, unlike other companies, Alves Ribeiro SA does not have a defined strategy for
searching, tracking and recruiting potential talents. For instance, many firms in the United States
frequently search in the market for promising candidates and it is a common practice to start
monitoring future graduates at an early stage. Sometimes these firms even try to bind them to
the firm before graduation. However, Alves Ribeiro SA usually does not search for high
potentials and possibly even may have to let talented employees go in order to decrease costs.
Given its established name in the industry, the company is lucky enough to get some of
the best people wanting to work for it and that is exactly how it catches its talents. People get
used to work there, embodying the firms culture, which makes it rare to see workers wanting to
leave, thus, making it easier for the company to retain employees. As a way of retaining also the
most demanding employees in the company, Jaime Romana recommends that firms ensure a
good quality of life, a good work ambiance, and opportunities to progress in the career and
performance rewards. The first two are already inherent to the companys principles. The other
motivators are more difficult to implement due to the financial restrictions of the company.
Nevertheless, these are offered for outstanding performances, on a needed basis. As common to
other HRM system components, they perform it in a practical way and not as a written
obligation, giving them more flexibility to act.
However, not establishing a reward system based on predefined goals may cause
frustration and impatience amongst employees and may result in their departure. The firm
retains its talents due to the adverse situation of people in the current job market. Since the
unemployment rate is quite high (approximately 15,3%) right now, people feel very insecure
and would take a great risk if they left their current job in order to pursue other opportunities.
Also, given the crisis situation, the only strategy a firm can adopt to retain its talented workers,
in Jaime Romanas opinion, is giving them good quality life, a good working environment and
opportunities to make progress in their careers. But he recognizes that to follow this strategy,
money is needed. Yet, there are other straightforward ways of retaining talents, but they would
still represent to the firm a large sum of money, such as giving them a vehicle, a laptop, a life
insurance or a performance prize.

To what feedback is concerned, the HR manager believes that it is a mandatory tool to
strive for success, although its extent will obviously depend on the degree of the private and
work relationships. A higher degree of relationship translates into a higher degree of feedback.
Not only it gives feedback to other employees but also receives it from his superiors. People are
constantly evaluated on real work context, and criticisms as well as compliments are needed to
improve ones performance and achieve better results. It is not a written policy to provide
feedback in Alves Ribeiro SA, and people act with flexibility when doing so. This could pose an
advantage as workers are only addressed for specific issues when they really need to be, despite
of already being evaluated by their superiors through their job performance every day.

The HRM System
The HRM system refers to a work system that horizontally aligns and links up the
mutually reinforcing HR practices with the organizations vertically integrated strategy. As such,
an HRM system serves to give employees a direction that is in accordance with the companys
corporate strategy, leading to the achievement of the companys strategic goals and the
organizations overall effectiveness by driving performance competencies. During the interview
with HR manager Jaime Romana, it became clear that Alves Ribeiro SA does not implement
many HR practices, and when it does, these are not strategically integrated within an HRM
system. The interviewee repeatedly pointed out that outlining a precise HRM strategy would
restrict him in his flexibility, which he highlights as the most important attribute for being
successful in the industry, taking the current economic situation into account.
In literature, the term Human Resources Management System (HRMS) may also refer
to the system at the intersection of the organization of personnel and information technology
(IT), also commonly referred to as Human Resources Management Information System
(HRMIS). The systems purpose is to merge HR practices and processes with activities
associated with the IT field into one database. This is achieved by the use of enterprise resource
planning software (ERP). It can help to simplify administrative activities (e.g. governing
employees data) or serve as an applicant tracking system. Alves Ribeiro SA uses Microsoft
Dynamics NAV (formerly named Navision), an ERP software product that is addressed to
small- and medium-sized firms and can serve various functions, not only with regard to HRM.
Nevertheless, at this organization it is only used to monitor payroll. Apart from this ERP system,
the companys employees only use emails to communicate internally and to register and secure
requests and issues of all sorts. This is highly in accordance with the lack of drafting a concrete

HRM strategy. Moreover, as there are no structured HR processes, such as recruitment
processes, the company does not feel the need to invest in its HRM system.

Jaime Romanas Overall Opinion
When analyzing a department and his manager it is also important to understand the
managers point of view and future plans. Concerning a change of strategy in the HR
department, the manager believes it will not happen in the near future. The main strategy, as
referred before, is adapting to the circumstance, which makes the manager act as a chameleon.
The working environment and challenges that arise in a company are very different in real life
comparing to what is studied in theory. For Jaime Romana, this is a matter of great importance
and that is why his strategy is adapting to the circumstances; this is the way, he says, in which
he can better act on the superior interest of the company and its workers.
Yet, he believes that everything can be improved, even his strategy of being a
chameleon. In his opinion, nothing that we do today cannot be improved in the future; he
also confesses that an improvement of any kind takes its time. He often sees his jobs duties as
something like building a puzzle or a lego. When dealing with some task he often chooses a
course of action but then he must go back and build everything again from the beginning, since
he noticed some piece was in the wrong place. Improvement is always welcomed but only
where and when necessary and taking into account that it is time consuming. One of the factors
that lead to some changes are accidents that might happen on the job; those cases deserve high
attention and demand prompt reactions to correct what was wrongly done.
In the interviewees opinion, the ideal person to work in the field of human resources
should not have any specific characteristics or attributes, good judgment, credibility and social
acceptance is essential for the person. These three points must actually be compulsory
characteristics in a person who deals with human resources. This department frequently deals
with particular cases that deserve the most discretion and careful when dealing with them. It is
obvious that good judgment and credibility are, overall, the minimum of what is expected and
demanded from a human resources manager; otherwise this department would face severe
difficulties in developing its work. Jaime Romana even confessed that a situation, in which he
or his colleague loses credibility inside the company would be disastrous, as all the workers
would also be affected. He also states that these points are fundamental, in such a way that

workers will not feel unhappy in a hostile environment inside the company. For instance,
credibility is essential in a situation of dismissal of a worker, where he must manage the
workers exit clause in his contract with the firm with all cautions, in order to ensure not only
the security and rights of the employee but also the relief and rights of Alves Ribeiro SA.
On this topic, Jaime Romana also said he did not expect that these attributes and
characteristics can be find in human resources management books. He confessed that despite
working in this department for several years long, he still keeps some books that help him in
specific situations where he must deal with concrete and precise concepts. Also, regarding the
question of improvements or changing inside an organization, Jaime Romana described
credibility and good judgment as essential for the people developing those reforms, because
change and improvement can always be made, but only where necessary. He said he would
only change anything in his department when there is a strongly need for it. Despite being a
strong supporter of improvement and progress, he said that these tasks are nowadays very
difficult to reach for any firm like Alves Ribeiro SA, because they demand a strong allocation of
financial resources that are not available for all situations, only for those that are qualified as
fundamentally important. He emphasized that these are the real issues that nowadays happen in
organizations and that are worth to study.

Alves Ribeiro SA is a Portuguese medium-sized enterprise, which is structured into
eighteen departments, including a HR department. The section is composed of only two people,
being responsible for 165 employees. The company represents a typical structure and
development of an organization that started out as a small family-owned business and, as such,
had no need for an HR department as tasks were divided between the few existing employees
(comparable to start ups that also usually lack an HR executive). When the company began to
expand, Alves Ribeiro SA recognized the need for an HR department. However, this section
lacks the necessary interaction with other departments, especially the strategic management.
Moreover, there is no structure to be found when implementing HR processes, such as feedback
process. According to the HR manager, his approach, to act as a chameleon, gives him more
flexibility in order to attend issues at hand. He opposes having a formulated strategy, as he
mistakenly believes that having a concrete strategy would not allow him to act outside of a rigid

Alves Ribeiro SA is a good example to illustrate that in Portugal most companies still use
a less strategic, but more familiar-type approach regarding the allocation of human resources,
not taking into account the organizations overall objectives (Moreira 2008). The mere structure
and formation of the firm is one factor that accounts for the companys lack of an HR system
and strategy. Another barrier and major restraint is the HR managers attitude towards the idea
of having a defined HR System that is aligned with the organizations culture, values and
corporate strategy. Especially in Portugal, it is the publics opinion that managing people only
requires common sense and practical experience (the opposite of evidence-based management
that relies on data collection of vital metrics and its relationship to HR). Jaime Romana also
believes that certain characteristics in a person are necessary for performing the job of an HR
manager instead of professional training and specific knowledge regarding the HR discipline.
Having worked at the company for over 28 years, the HR manager is convinced that
HRM strategies only work in theory, hence, not recognizing the value of a precise HR
framework. This is why, considering the four levels of integration between HRM function and
the strategic management function, one can easily spot that Alves Ribeiro SA reflects
administrative linkage (Golden and Ramanujam 1985). This is the lowest level of integration.
The HR manager focuses on the daily tasks without having a broader strategic outlook towards
human resources management related issues. The HRM system is disconnected from strategy
formulation and implementation with regard to strategic management processes. In contrast,
integrative linkage (highest level of integration) is a dynamic and multifaceted model. Jaime
Romana is mistaken when he believes that following an HRM strategy, which is embedded
within the organizations strategy, would lead to less flexibility. The opposite is true: literature,
but also real-life examples of successful companies, suggest that the right strategy will
eventually award the organization with more flexibility.
Nowadays, interdependency between departments becomes more important. Before
being able to develop and communicate an HRM strategy, strategic business issues must be
identified (Noe et al. 2012). Jaime Romana stresses that, nowadays, people need to adapt
quickly to new tasks that are not in their job description. In order to better react to this situation,
aligning and developing the right HR practices should be crucial. In integrated linkage, the
HRM manager is also often part of the senior management team, hence, being able to actively
built and integrate the HRM functions into the strategy formulation process. Developing human
capital is vital for the companys success. Moreover, having a highly development HRMI
System could save managers time and allow them to focus on other tasks at hand. Furthermore,

it helps structuring HR processes that can add value to employees and the company (Noe et al.
According to Jaime Romana the economic crisis is the main restraints and reason for not
always being able to give his employees the rewards or benefits he feels they deserve. There
had been a lot of budget cuts, resulting in the dismissal of many employees. Without having
money to invest, he believes that guaranteeing a good quality of life, a good working
environment and career opportunities, which according to him are the key elements to retain
talent, is difficult. The company lays a great emphasis on values that may be the basis on which
to build upon a future strategy. The firm has a high reputation for being a fair and stable
employer. Moreover, as employees feel respected and well treated, they commit to the company.
However, since Alves Ribeiro SA has to let go off more people, it faces the danger of breaching
its implicit contract with its employees (Noe et al. 2012) as these values cannot always be
deployed anymore and people are afraid of being fired. Thus, the biggest challenge that Jaime
Romana now faces, as the link between the employees and their superiors, is to appease
employees and reduce the fear amongst co-workers so that a high level of productivity,
satisfaction amongst employees and a peaceful work ambience is restored. For this, he will need
an elaborate strategy. Though based on our findings of the interview, this will be highly unlikely
as the HR manager clearly stated that he has no intention of making changes unless he really
has to.
As a future outlook, we would recommend that, in order to maintain a successful
performance, the company is advised to formulate a HR strategy that is aligned with the human
resources tools and practices. Even though Alves Ribeiro SA already implements some practices,
these have to be further developed according to the needs of the company. In order to evaluate
which competencies are important in each employee, the organization must consider the
economic situation and how it affects the industry it operates in and formulate a corporate
strategy. After having defined the companys goals, Alves Ribeiro SA can align its HRM
strategy accordingly, also taking into account the companys pyramid structure and how this
affects communication and processes. Having a strategy does not make you less flexible but can
help you to better achieve your goals and uncover weak spots. Moreover, it is especially
important to draft objectives with regard to employer benefits and performance evaluation.
Without a clear vision and goal, it will be difficult to evaluate improvement.
Finally, there are also smaller steps the company can take in order to unburden the HR
department, improve employees performances and evaluation and to strengthen the

communication and workflow within the company. We recommend that the company further
extends delegating HR responsibilities to the managers, but only after proper training. It should
install a system of regular feedback of the employees by the superiors, which report back to the
HR department. This way, the HR department will work as an important center, relieving the
HR executives of there day to day tasks and giving them time to gain a broader perspective on
how to add value to the company by managing people.

Appendix 1 - Overall Organization Chart

Appendix 2 - The Script of the Interview

We are a group of students from the Master in Management in NovaSbe and we were asked to
make a report, about the strategy of the Human Resources Management department of an
organization of our choice, for the Human Resources Management course. The Data collected
during the Interview will only be used to write the report and nothing will be transmitted to the
company - it is all confidential.

Description of the HR Manager
1. Can you fill the simple questions on that paper so that we know a little bit more about
you? (Appendix 3 Personal Data)
2. For how long do you work at the company?
3. Have you ever wanted to be in HR?
4. Did you have any other plans before working for this company?
5. Can you dissociate your personal life from your professional life?
6. Do you feel happy doing your job/at your job?

Description of the Organization
1. What is the company about?
2. How many departments exist?
3. How many people work at the company?
4. For how many are you accountable for? (from what department are they?)
5. Do you feel the employees committed with the company values?
6. Do you have any kind of relationship with your superiors?

Description of the HR Department
1. How many persons work in the HR department?
2. What is your role in the organization and in the HR department?
3. What is the role of the others workers of the HR department?
4. Any important characteristic(s) about the department that you want to reveal?
5. What do you think is the role/importance of this department in the organization?

Description of the HRM Strategy
1. Do you have a HRM strategy? (training and development programs, recruitment
techniques, selection, exit interviews, background checks, recognition rewards and
incentives, staying in touch with former employees,.)
a. If yes, how does it work?
b. If not, how do you manage your tasks?
c. Why did you choose that strategy?
2. Who is involved in the recruitment and the selection process?
3. Then, how do you conduct your interviews? (both entry and exit)
4. Do you have criteria to select and retain high potentials?
5. Do you keep track of people leaving the company? (hoping for a potential comeback or
other reasons)
6. Do you ask or give feedback from your employers/employees?
a. Does it happen the other way around?
7. Does the company have any kind of reward system to hire/keep your workers?
8. How does the company motivate the employees?

Opinion about HRM Strategy
1. Do you foresee some changes about your current HR policy?
2. What aspects / practices do you think should be improved or even implemented?
3. What do you believe are the most important characteristics for HR people to better
perform their job?
4. Do you believe you can explore peoples talent and help them developing it?

Thank you for your availability, honesty, time and your help!

Appendix 3 - Personal Data


Age: __________________________________________________________________

Background (educational, previous jobs and/or important experiences):____________

Personal Characteristics: (rate from 1 to 5 - 1 being the worst and 5 the best)

Appendix 4 Personal Data Answers

Appendix 5 - The Transcript of the Interview

Group: Good afternoon. In a first place, we want to thank you for receiving us here and helping
us. As you already know, we are students at management master at the Nova University here in
Lisbon and we have to analyze the human resources department of a company of our choice. To
begin, we would ask you to fill out this sheet, which contains simple data in order to make us
know you better.
Jaime Romana: Sure. I do not know if I'll be able to help you but I hope so.
Group: According to the data you gave us, you never finished a degree. For some particular
reason or you did not have the opportunity to do so?
Jaime Romana: I do not have one because I never finished it. I started by taking a course at
ISEG, when I was already working. At that time, it took a long time to get from here to there, by
car it was unthinkable, therefore it had to be by bus; and when I got there for the first class, it
was already in the second or third one; so sometimes it was not even worth going. So I was
ended up leaving. After that, I started taking the course of human resources management in
ISCTE, but I did not finish it; got equivalence until the third year but then the same thing started
happening, I did not have time so I ended up leaving. Enjoy the time you have now to do all you
have to do because then it becomes more difficult. In my case I had no time and had to give
priority to what was a priority. Where do we make money? Things are very easy to see when
we walk in real life. So if you came here to understand things, if you came to a place to find
beautiful words about all these buzzwords that are used, even in this thing to move from section
personnel to human resources, to HR; that is a fantasy, the bullshit is the same: they are just
buzzwords. So if you came here to meet real things, you came to the right place, however, if
you came looking for fantasies I can point you other places you can go.
Group: What we really want to understand is how things happen in real life.
Jaime Romana: You will notice that in this area, as in others, the biggest difficulty is to be
original because most things are already written. They may not have the same meaning but
everything is out there. In this area, is hard to be original because there is nothing to discover. I
am not saying that there are no things that are moving forward but there is no space to make an
important discovery. Big names that you can see this field, you may have already heard about
some, Fordism, Taylorism, Elton Mayo, Max Weber. Well, I want to be very clear that if you

came to the real world then you came to the right place, but if you came looking for fantasies
then I tell you now to not waste your time.
Group: We prefer the real world.
Jaime Romana: So go. Let's start with what is normal. My name is Jaime Romana; I am a
Portuguese citizen, I am 60 years old; I work in the area of human resources for many years; I
work in this company for 28 years.
Group: 28 years? That is a lot of years! Dont you get sick of always being here?
Jaime Romana: I do not have time to get sick of it.
Group: Did you ever wanted to work in human resources?
Jaime Romana: No.
Group: In that case, how did you get in the human resources area?
Jaime Romana: When I got here had I was already working in the area, in the same area but in
a completely different thing.
Group: What made you choose human resources?
Jaime Romana: I was already working in human resources at the company where I was before
I came here.
Group: You liked and decided to continue in it?
Jaime Romana: This is not about liking or not. We are in real life; sometimes it does not matter
if you like what you do. Now you are taking a degree, if you do not think in practical terms; I'm
talking about those people who have to earn money for a living. You may like very a lot to do
something, being a doctor, psychologist, etc.. Today, it is not worth people thinking this way
because most of them end up in the unemployment.
Group: There is a high probability to happen that, but the truth is that we cannot all think like
this, because if so no one would take a degree.
Jaime Romana: People can have a degree but many of them are not even working. So imagine
those people who go for psychology, which are more than many. What is the output of this
field? Only half a dozen of them end up working in this field but not all because the market ends
up educating too many people... I do not blame the students, but the ones that formatted the

degrees and the number of students that each degree allows. A degree must exist but cannot
form so many people because the market cannot absorb all of them. The most serious is that
neither in ours nor in another market there is space for so many workers; there is no market for
so many people in that areas. I apologize; maybe we have to be more objective.
Group: Before you start working for this company, did you have any other plans? When you
came here you knew exactly what to expect?
Jaime Romana: Yes, I already knew.
Group: How did you come to this company?
Jaime Romana: Through an interview that have been made to more people. I had an
experimental time with some tests; this has a fancier name but I will not use it. After six months
or I was staying here or I would have to leave. I'm saying this because when I came to Alves
Ribeiro SA, I did not leave my other job, I was in an unpaid leave situation. That is, if I was not
staying here I would have my job secured in the other company.
Group: Do you feel that you can separate your personal life from your professional life? Or are
you always thinking about your work?
Jaime Romana: It is important that the person can separate both from each other. It is difficult,
as you know when you leave school and go home you cannot forget all the problems; the same
happens with work. However, I always had a rule that consists on going home and not be
constantly talking about work, about problems,... Everyone ends up bringing problems home
but have to avoid passing them to other people, because if we involve other people we are also
involving ourselves and we will not be able to switch off from that. The human resources
department is very special because there are always two poles, the employer and the employee
and they almost always have disagreements between one thing or another and this department is
the balance between the two. Have to listen to one side and then to listen the other; one side
wants to win big and the other side wants to pay little, the rest you can understand easily.
Group: Do you feel happy? Are you happy with your job?
Jaime Romana: Yes, I do.
Group: Do you like what you do? What if you could choose something else now?
Jaime Romana: Yes, I like. Now, I would not choose anything but I also like other things. I'm
not tied to this situation. Previously you asked me if I could turn off from my job; I hunt, I have

a dog and go hunting on the weekends, and I can say that it is perhaps the only place where I
can disconnect from work, family problems, etc.
Group: About the company, can you explain in what constitutes the activity of the company?
Jaime Romana: The activity of the company is civil construction and public works, which, as
you know, is very ill at this time. It is perhaps the worst crisis in which the construction has been
through, for me the deepest. When a crisis like this happens, a company like Alves Ribeiro SA,
that work with equity, throw hand to private construction in order to diversify their activity.
However, today this is not a viable solution. In public works there is almost no awards of public
works and there are too many companies for what the market currently offers. The private
construction is not worth it because the market is full of houses, which means that building
houses is not a solution because the company will not sell the houses for 10, 15, 20 years.
Group: How many departments are there in the company?
Jaime Romana: I think 18 but am going to check right now. Here is the map of the
organization of the company, you can keep it. There are companies where these things are
exposed in a report, but here it was made as an absolute necessity that had to do with quality
Group: The construction of that map was your responsibility?
Jaime Romana: No.
Group: Any idea about how many people are currently working in the company?
Jaime Romana: I am sure that at this moment there are 165. I'm talking about the company
Alves Ribeiro, because there are other companies in the group with other workers.
Group: For how many people are you responsible for? For everyone in the company?
Jaime Romana: No, no one is responsible for everyone in the company. I am directly
responsible for the people who work in this department, in this case Lus, and a few more, for
example Cristina (telephone operator), the cook, etc... Let's say that I am directly responsible for
5 people; indirectly there are about half a dozen people that report to me in a lot things they do,
for example the administrators at the work field (administradores de obra). Let me be clear that
you are here in a family business.
Group: These 5 people you referred to are all part of the human resources department?

Jaime Romana: No. I had more people here but right now it is only Louis and I. The others are
special cases. In this building two companies of the group are headquartered, Alves Ribeiro and
ALRISA; these people in special cases, such as the cook and the telephone operator, work for
both companies but I'm responsible for them despite that I only work for Alves Ribeiro. There
are human resource departments with staff sections where there is almost a universe of people.
Here, you came to a place where, if Lus is missing, I have to do everything.
Group: These are the people who report to you directly but daily do you live with others?
Jaime Romana: Sure, daily we have several people around here. If you came here two days
ago maybe it was a permanent coming and going of people.
Group: Do you feel that the employees are committed to the company values?
Jaime Romana: Yes, but not in the traditional way. Nowadays, people do not have time to
achieve that anymore. It is becoming harder to get a safe and stable job position. Ten years ago,
when we built the Estdio de Alvalade (Alvalade Stadium), we had 600/700 employees and
they were not all from Alves Ribeiro. Those were not with us for just 1 or 2 days. Our people
hold and honor the companys flag. But today it is harder to expect that from them since
companies offer minimum wages for graduated workers. Back to the given example, ten years
ago people would come to us and would be asked about how much liquid wage would they like
to get, no matter what would be their function.
Group: So nowadays, you dont have the time needed to implement that culture?
Jaime Romana: There is huge contracts turnover. This way people cannot really show their
endorsement or sometimes they do not have enough time to be shown everything about the
Group: Do you have any kind of relationship with your superiors?
Jaime Romana: I believe I have the usual relationship between our positions. We deal with the
workers to help them and give directions and then we communicate the results of this first
relation to our superiors.
Group: At this time there are only two people in this department?
Jaime Romana: Yes.

Group: whats your role at the company and specifically in this department? Do you have any
other responsibility beside Human resources?
Jaime Romana: I have to deal with everything that comes to me. Beyond the human resources
problems we have to manage processes, release wages, which takes a lot of time. In HR area
people dont like to admit but wage releases are the most time expensive task in our jobs.
However there are companies such as EDP, which has a human resources department with
several sections. Here we have the tasks more concentrated. (Jaime showed us a paper with the
companys departments structure) As you see, this company has a pyramidal structure. The
ones that are in the bottom of the pyramid are are more and with less responsibilities. On the top
is the inverse. There are few people but with a lot of responsibilities. Today we work in a
networking, in other words, with informatics system. The network is a web and has the
advantage that we can control everything from one point.
Group: What is the difference between your work and the other worker?
Jaime Romana: There are some differences, my salary is higher and I have all the
responsibilities that he does not have. I ask for what is good and what is bad and he answers me.
Though I am in a senior management position, I have to read daily a lot of things. Create,
program and project to the future... Here we do not have time for it! Things are happening all
the time. I have to adapt myself. In some companies, the ones that have management positions
just have to manage and do not have to execute. In my case, I have to do both things. I am
responsible for having everything done on time. I have to read the State Budget because there
were a lot of changes and I have to be updated. I have to manage and execute. We have normal
situations every month, for example social security file, but I have to answer to a lot of problems.
However, manage people it is not a repeated thing. Today, Jos comes to meet me because he
needs something and then Manuel or Chico will come. There are always different problems to
Group: Can you give us some examples of tasks that you have to do?
Jaime Romana: I think that something that is common to every people nowadays is consulting
the e-mail and it takes time because we have to answer to it. I do not consider it as a
complementary thing because everyone uses the e-mail to communicate. It is the fastest and
more efficient way that we have to communicate and it is very good because everything is
recorded. Solving problems by telephone or personally is not a good way of working anymore.

Group: What is the importance of this department in the company?
Jaime Romana: This department has the same importance here than in any other place. Helps
people solving problems and some of those problems require social peace in the company.
When, for example, we have to revoke employment contracts, all this process has to be well
managed, that the ones who are leaving do it in the best way, and the ones who stay cannot stay
stressed and uncomfortable.
Group: Do you have any HRM strategy?
Jaime Romana: No, I do not have any strategy. In this type of company it is difficult to have a
strategy because we have to adapt to new situation all the time. In Alves Ribeiro, we practice a
lot of things that are not written. If you ask me if I think it is important, yes I think it is. The
company has more than 70 years and we have a business culture that makes us deal with each
person and each case in the most reliable way that each moment of time allow us.
Group: Do you have any training program?
Jaime Romana: We do not have it programed. We are taking French lessons to work with
France, for example. But in real work environment we have technical obligations, it is what
training means for us.
Group: Do you have recruitment techniques?
Jaime Romana: No, we do not have it written. In the case of a bricklayer, we do it in the field
by someone that works in the same department. I did a lot of recruitments to a lot of different
departments. There are a lot of ways to do recruitments. But first there must be the need.
Nowadays, things have changed. Theres no capacity to recruit as before and that job filling is
generally done internally. Also, theres the possibility that the firm cannot place anyone to take
the job and the workers have to step up and give an extra help to accomplish the tasks assigned
to it. Actually, given the present economic conditions, I believe in the theory of one man
assigned to many different tasks. Its impossible to stick only with your job requirements, you
have to be versatile.
Group: So, youre saying that the recruitment process depends on the situation?
Jaime Romana: Well, it varies. If the process is made internally, externally, if its mixed, takes
two or three interviews, if psychological exams are made depends completely on the situation.
I can give you a practical example: imagine an engineer or a foreman that to complete their

studies are obliged to take an internship from six months to one year. By having them for that
period on the firm, enables us to acquire much more information about the worker that we could
have possibly have obtained with interviews or exams. I believe that the evaluation on real work
context is easier and it can give better insights on people. On other cases, the best process of
recruitment is better applied pursuing other terms. However, I can assure that most people
working on this company were contracted internally, after this experience process.
Group: When you have to dismiss someone from their duties, is it common to take leaving
Jaime Romana: Well, I cant let people leave without a talk. However, there are two different
cases which are the ones who have a contract with definite length or the ones with an indefinite
duration. For the first case, people know when their contract expires and if no renegotiation is
taken, they are already expecting it and so not much talk is needed as both parties are in
concordance. For the latter cases, theres a lot to deal with and not only with lawful obligations
on contract termination. Besides all the written procedures, what really concerns me is the
subsistence of a peaceful ambience within the firm. It is critical to ensure that people leaving
fully understand their dismissal and accept it in the best way possible. On the other hand, people
staying cant get uncomfortable with the situation or engage into disagreement or mistrust
Group: But, is it this department who takes all decisions on admissions or displacements?
Jaime Romana: They do pass through this department for obvious reasons since we are the
ones responsible to deal with people in the company. However, the decision itself is not of our
competence, it regards to each department director to discuss any problem with the
administration and together take the best decision for the individual in question and for the
company as a whole.
Group: Do you keep contact with people leaving the company, not only personally but also for
a possible return?
Jaime Romana: People usually work in this company for several years and its sometimes
difficult to see them go away for various reasons; as you become more than work colleagues
and develop friendships. As so, I usually keep contact with former employees at a personal level.
As you said, it is always important to keep an eye on prospective talents and by that we watch
their work closely as well as other people in the market.

Group: Are there any kind of incentives or rewards to the best workers?
Jaime Romana: Yes there are. There are no written rewards or incentives to workers but it
ends up to happen on a practical way. This is a kind of business where employees are easily
monitored based on their performances and good workers are usually rewarded for their efforts.
Group: Whos involved in selection and recruitment process? Only this department?
Jaime Romana: No, a lot of people are involved. Imagine that we are trying to hire someone
for the budgeting department, it makes sense that he/she is interviewed by some high rank of
that department who has the ability to verify if he/she is qualified for the job. As such, there are
many interviews that dont even pass through me. However, as we are talking about recruiting
our department is permanently involved, sometimes not in interviews but always in data
collection, for example.
Group: But do every department have someone directly assigned to the recruitment process?
Jaime Romana: No, not at all, theres no one particularly trained for that specific task in each
department. People adapt to it on a needed basis and have the sufficient knowledge to evaluate
if the interviewee is able to perform the job.
Group: Do you ask for feedback to your employees and superiors? And do you give them
Jaime Romana: Mandatorily! The extent of the feedback obviously depends on the degree of
the relationships between people, but it happens along the way. I believe that its a really
important tool to the workers performance development.
Group: In a further extent to feedback, is there any kind of performance evaluation?
Jaime Romana: Yes of course, but not as a written obligation. People are evaluated daily based
on their behaviors and accomplishments on real work context and people in charge have to
keep updated on that. For example, many years ago, when this concept wasnt even in vogue I
kept my evaluation written down, not as an obligation but because it helped me to better
perform my job.
Group: Not considering the incentives and acknowledgement rewards, how do you keep your
employees motivated? Is there any criteria to retain the best talented people?

Jaime Romana: Well, I believe thats easy to answer: given the actual conditions of the market,
firms strive to retain the best people. However, as companies have been constantly downsizing,
all talented people cant stay and some end up leaving. To what Alves Ribeiro concerns, we
rarely search for those in the market given the high costs the process entails. We usually keep
people for long time spans as they embody the firm culture and they want to stay. On the other
hand, as we are a very respectful company in the market, talented people come to us before we
try to reach them. But today, most firms in the market, including those bigger multi-national
firms, which need highly qualified people, start picking their new talents directly from
universities besides searching in the market. Probably right now, those big firms are tracking
your universitys best student.
Group: Given that nowadays, as you said, the companys culture is not so much important to
its employees, how can you retain the best talents in your company?
Jaime Romana: Right now there are no jobs outside (due to the high unemployment rate), so
people are not willing to take the risk to leave their current position. Also, there are some
exceptions, but I believe its not important for us to discuss about that now. Given the current
crisis situation, the only thing a common firm can do to retain its talent workers is giving them
good quality of life, a good working environment inside the company, opportunities to progress
in their careers, etc. But companies must have money to do that. For instance, you could give
them a car or a laptop, or even a life insurance, but you could also give a performance prize
(money). You have to give them some benefit that costs money.
Group: Are you foreseeing any changes in your resource management strategy or in your
working method?
Jaime Romana: No. I always try to adapt myself to any circumstances, like a chameleon, and
Im planning to continue doing that. In the real life this isnt easy and sometimes not like the
theories you study at university. For instance, some years ago I had a lawyer that was making
his internship in this company. Can you believe that in the beginning he couldnt even make a
law statement? I also would like to tell you, besides believing this is a stupid thing, that all the
theories that you are studying, may not be entirely valid in a couple of years from now. Im
sorry to say this, but the changes along the years have shown that.
Group: Do you think theres anything that can be improved in your department?

Jaime Romana: Of course there is. Theres nothing that we do today that cant be improved in
the future, but to pursue that it takes a lot of time. I can characterize my work as building a
puzzle or a Lego. You sometimes put the pieces in the places, but then you understand you have
to change them again and you only stop until you have all them in the right places. All of that
consumes a lot of time. Also, sometimes people have little accidents during their careers, and
that demands a fast reaction on correcting what was made in the wrong way.
Group: Can you state some of the most important characteristics that a person should have to
work in the human resource field?
Jaime Romana: I believe there are no specific characteristics or attributes. Well, if you check
on college books youll find those details you are asking for. I even have some of them here in
one of my shelves. I use them often to check for some concepts. But I think the most important
qualities for a person to work on human resources management are having a good judgment,
credibility and being socially accepted. This is essential for managing people. Without that, its
impossible to manage human resources. For instance, consider a group of friends and you
understand that one of them is having an inappropriate behavior and then he steps aside from
the group. Thats a problem for the group. Here we are in the same situation. If my colleague or
I lose credibility, then, this will also become a problem for the workers. We already got
situations like this and its very difficult to deal with them. When you dismiss someone and you
have to manage his or her exit clause on the contract, you must have the necessary credibility in
order to do everything right. Here I can only share with you about these situations these
concrete situations. As you saw during this interview, never expect from me quoting concepts
or definitions from books. I believe thats important for you to study and understand the
grounds, but then you must look to the real world and analyze it as it is. I cant help you more
than this. I want you to retain the good examples from real life regarding human resources.
When we spoke before about improving or changing something, you already saw all that. When
the government changes they change everything every time inside their cabinets, offices, teams,
etc. The Social Security even changed its name several times. But whats the need of changing
just for change? For me it doesnt make any sense, only if you change it for better. But
sometimes you dont need to change anything to something better. It costs a lot of money and
you need to balance the costs and benefits. First you must think if you really need to change.
Here we take change in a very rational way and, as I said before, I act like a chameleon; I mean
I act according to the circumstances and always thinking if I really need to change it. So, try not
to stick to the theories you are learning, because thats not the real life in most places (in some

places they are), but instead use it to understand whats the real life and problem solving of
managing people inside companies and organizations.
Group: Do you use any software to control and perform all that tasks?
Jaime Romana: Well, as I said before, we use the email as a very important tool. These emails
are from a network designed for the company only. And then we use Navision, a software that
help us to control payrolls.
Group: Thats all. Thank you for your help!
Jaime Romana: Youre welcome. If you need any other information just contact me.

Slides from Human Resources Management classes Filipa Castanheira

Tam M. (2013) A Happy Worker is a Productive Worker

Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. (2012) Human Resource
Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage (Global Edition)

Description in Microsofts Website, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Software

Golden, K. and V. Ramanujam. (1985) Between a Dream and a Nightmare: On the
Integration of the Human Resource Function and the Strategic Business Planning
Process, Human Resource Management

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