Velvett Fogg (U.K. Rock Band) : Development

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Velvett Fogg (U.K.

Rock Band)
The band in 1969
Velvett Fogg are a cult British psychedelic rock band. Tony Iommi was a member in
mid-1968, but soon left to form Black abbath. Their lone eponymous album was
released in !anuary 1969, and re-released on "# by anctuary $ecords in %&&%.
'e(ett )o**

were one of many new bands within the 0under*round0 scene, that
were formed at the end of 196&s that would attempt to take pop music to a hi*her le(el
of creati(ity. Birmin*ham also had its own flourishin* under*round music scene durin*
that time with a (ariety of inno(ati(e *roups emer*in*.
The line up of 'el(ett )o** all came from within this alternati(e music scene in the city.
'el(ett )o** were formed in 1968 from members of a Birmin*ham band 1ra(y Train.
2p front was soul sin*er 3rnie 4andy, Bob 4ewitt was lead *uitarist, with 1raham
5ullett on drums, and 5ick 6ollard on bass *uitar.7ondoner )rank 8ilson who played
4ammond or*an, was also on (ocals, en(entually, becomin* band leader and lead
The newly formed band spent most of the year tourin* 1ermany playin* at army bases
and clubs.
Their sta*e act included a li*ht show and a *o-*o dancer
The Velvett Fogg Album
&1 - 9ellow "a(e 8oman
&% - :ew 9ork 5inin* #isaster
&- - 8i;ard of 1obsolod
&. - <nce =mon* the Trees
&/ - 7ady "aroline
&6 - "ome =way 5elinda
&> - <wed to the #ip
&8 - 8ithin the :i*ht
&9 - 6lastic 5an
1& ? Telstar
<n their return to Birmin*ham, the band, now mana*ed by an a*ency called Inter "ity
=rtists, were *i(en a record deal by !ack #orsey of 6ye $ecords. It was also a time
when it seemed that the more unusual or contro(ersial a band was, then the *reater
chance there would be for success in the record business. The record label was lookin*
to si*n unusual 0under*round music0 acts and 'el(ett )o** were told to, in !ack
#orsey@s words, 0de(elop an ima*e that would make people think you would piss on the
pope0A BCeith 7awD.
The initial line-up of 'el(ett )o** featured *uitarist Tony Iommi Blater to make the bi*
time with Black abbathD.
Iommi was in the line-up for only one *i* before he left to be replaced temporarily by
Ian 7ei*hton. 7ei*hton was 0a *reat blues *uitarist0 said his friend )rank 8ilson. It was
durin* this time that 6ye $ecords arran*ed a photo-shoot of the band for the co(er of
their proposed first album.
Before recordin* could be*in in late 1968, Ian 7ei*hton departed 'el(ett )o** and was
replaced by *uitaristE(ocalist 6aul 3astment Ba cousin of the band@s pre(ious *uitarist
Tony IommiD. 6aul 3astment was also to contribute ori*inal compositions for the album
alon* with )rank 8ilson, 1raham 5ullet and 5ick 6ollard.
'el(ett )o** recorded the tracks for their debut album under direction of 6ye $ecords
producer !ack #orsey. =pparently, #orsey aimed to *et the band onto the then-popular
0pro*ressi(e0 band wa*on. 0I was a classically trained pianist but we all had to play
way below our capabilities0 says )rank 8ilson. The band were also allowed to record
co(ers of a few son*s they liked and these included psychedelic-soundin* (ersions of
:ew 9ork 5inin* #isaster 19.1 by The Bee 1ees and Tim $ose@s "ome =way
Ceith 7aw in 1969
Keith "a#
<ri*inal son*s for the 'el(ett )o** album would be supplied by Ceith 7aw Bsin*er and
, a local who became a friend of the band. = (eteran of the 8est
5idlands music science, 7aw played with such *roups as The Williamsons, Love and
Understanding, Paint, and Jardine. In his initial writin* sessions with the band 7aw
came up with @9ellow "a(e 8oman@, @<nce =mon* The Trees@ and @8ithin@ The :i*ht@.
Album $over $ontrover%
'el(ett )o**@s self-titled album was released on the 6ye $ecords label in !anuary 1969.
By far the most contro(ersial feature of the 'el(ett )o** album was the record co(er. It
displayed the pre-6aul 3astment line-up of the band wearin* *arish make-upEbody-paint
and costume but also included two well-endowed youn* women wearin* nothin* but
strate*ically applied body paint.
This politically incorrect packa*e was accompanied by a typically obscure slee(enote
by the influential 2.C. disc Fockey !ohn 6eel who commented that 0there is a lot of
*ood music on this record. $emember 'el(ett )o** - you will hear the name a*ain.0
Teltar &ingle
=lon* with the 'el(ett )o** album, 6ye $ecords also released a sin*le by the *roup. It
was a co(er of The Tornados classic instrumental Telstar which was recorded by the
band as reGuested by !ack #orsey who hoped to cash in on the publicity surroundin* the
=merican moon landin*s takin* place at that time.
Band Dibanded
8hile recei(in* some radio play, the record did not sell enou*h copies to chart and a bi*
ad(ertisin* campai*n
planned by the record company to promote the album ne(er materialised.
The band did some tourin* after the sin*le came out. 6erhaps discoura*ed by poor sales
of the 'el(ett )o** album, 6ye seemed to lose interest in the band so withdrew their
backin*. In the autumn of 1969 the *roup disbanded with the members *oin* their
separate ways.
)rank 8ilson says 0I personally thou*ht the first line-up in 1ermany was the best and
most satisfyin*.0

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