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In chapter 12 of Sankara Digvijaya of Swami Vidyaranya It is

said that when Adi Sankara visited the temple of Hari-Sankara,

he composed ten verses which could be interpreted as praise
of Siva as well as of Vishnu, in order to bring out their non-
difference. These ten verses are given below, with translation.
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For Siva- mahaasomkalaavilaasam- who shines with the great
crescent moon, anaadim gaam- the ancient bull, mainam
mahaH- the brilliance that is the daughter of Mena (Parvati).
Meaning- May the all-pervading one (Siva) who shines with a
great crescent moon, who calls with great affection the ancient
bull (Nandi), and who accepted the divine brilliance (jyoti) that
is the daughter of Mena (as his consort), confer all welfare on
For Vishnu- mahaasomakalaavilaasam- (soma=water)-who
plays in the waters of pralaya, anaadim gaam- the Vedas,
mainam mahaH- the brilliant form of a Fish.
Meaning- May the all-pervading one (Vishnu), who assumed
the form of a brilliant Fish and played in the waters of pralaya,
and who saved the Vedas confer all welfare on me.
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For Siva- yo mandaraagam should be read as
yoamandaraagam- He who, with amanda= great, raagam =
affection, vishaadI= consuming poison,
adrilolochidachaarumurte= having a beautiful form matching
with that of the (Kailasa) mountain,
Meaning- O You with a beautiful form matching that of Mount
Kailasa, who drank poison out of affection for the gods and
enabled them to consume nectar, deign to bestow your
boundless compassion.
For Vishnu- mandaraagam- Mandara mountain, vishaadI
should be read as avishaadI= without any difficulty,
adrilolochitachaarumurte= with a beautiful form fit for (carrying)
the Mandara mountain.
Meaning- O You who took a beautiful form suitable for carrying
the Mandara mountain (the tortoise) and carried the mountain
and made the gods drink nectar without any difficulty for You,
may You shower Your unbounded compassion.
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For Siva- sphurad-vara-aheesa-kalebaraH= whose body is
resplendent with great snakes.
Meaning- We always fold our palms like the lotus at evening
time in salutation to Him who displays His greatness by
adorning His body with great snakes.
For Vishnu- sphurad-varaaheesa-kalebaraH- having the form of
a great splendrous boar.
Meaning. We always fold our palms like the lotus at evening
time in salutation to Him who took the form of a great
splendrous boar and displayed His greatness.
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For Siva- kesaritaam varaam should be split as ke (on the
head) saritaam- among rivers, varaam- great, kunjaram-
elephant, prahlaadam-great joy, panchaananam- one with five
faces (Siva).
Meaning- We prostrate to the ancient five-faced one (Siva),
who carries the great river (Ganga) on His head, who killed
Gajaasura, the enemy of the gods, and spread great joy.
For Vishnu- kesaritaam varaam- the form of a great lion,
kunjara- foremost (among the enemies of gods),
panchaananam- lion-faced.
Meaning- We prostrate to the ancient one who took the form of
a great lion, killed the foremost among the enemies of the gods
(Hiranyakasipu), and made Prahlada very happy.
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For Siva- balyaaharaNaabhilaashaH- desirous of getting the
sacrificial offerings (in Dakshas yajna), vaamanam- adorable,
haari ajinam vasaanaH- wearing a beautiful skin as cloth.
aashramiNaam aadyaH-the foremost among those who
observe the rules of the Ashramas.
Meaning- May Lord Siva, who desired offerings at the sacrifice
performed by Daksha, who wears an adorable beautiful deer
skin as cloth, who, after being deprived of his consort (Sati)
performed penance, who is the foremost among those who
observe the rules of the Ashramas, protect us.
For Vishnu- balyaaharaNaabhilaashaH- who wanted to receive
a gift from Mahabali, aashramiNaam aadyaH-being in the first
of the aashramas (brahmacharya),
Meaning- May Lord Vishnu, who desired to receive a gift from
Mahabali, who took the form of Vamana,who wears a beauriful
deer skin, who performed austerities without a wife (as a
brahmachari), protect us.

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For Siva- adhikodyattaravaariNaa- who bears the ganga with its
immense waters, nakshatranaathasphuritena- resplendent with
the moon.
Meaning- We are protected by Lord Siva who bears the Ganga
on His head, who easily defeated Arjuna in battle, who is
resplendent with the moon (on His forehead),
For Vishnu- We are protected by Vishnu, who, as Parasurama
with extreme prowess defeated Kartaviryaarjuna in battle, and
who shines like the moon.
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For Siva- May the great God Siva, who dispels all untruth by
the brilliance of His Truth-nature, who destroyed Kamadeva
having ten-pronged manifestations, and who had the daughter
of the mountain as his consort, bestow happiness upon me.
(Swami Tapasyanandas translation).
For Vishnu- May Rama, who with the prowess attained by the
knowledge of numerous divine missiles, defeated Ravana, and
who had Sita as His consort, bestow happiness upon me.
(Swami Tapasyanandas translation).
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Swami Tapasyanandas translation:--
For Siva- May Siva who excels as a dancer, who is of the
nature of moksha-dharma, whose neck looks forbidding by the
brilliance of the poison Halahala sticking to it, whose crown is
kissed by the moon, and who is of indescribable brilliance,
protect me.
For Vishnu- May Balarama, who has the palm tree as his
standard, who is an embodiment of eternal Dharma, who is
forbidding on account of his fierce voice ubder the influence of
liquor and the plough weapon on his shoulder, who is fondled
by his father Vasudeva, and who is of indescribable brilliance,
protect me.
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Swami Tapasyanandas translation:--
For Siva- May I be protected by the Lord Siva, in whose lap is
Vinayaka seated embracing him with his trunk, who has the
Ganga on his crown, whose name is sanctifying, who presents
Himself in the minds of those who meditate on Him, and who
has the moon as His decoration.
For Vishnu- May I receive the protection of Mahavishnu having
by His side Garuda, who incites terror in the minds of serpents,
and who in His Krishna-incarnation charmed even the mind of
Putana, and who has a crown of peacock feathers adorning His
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Swami Tapasyanandas translation:--
For Siva- I worship that spiritual radiance Siva, who is all-
knowing, who is the destroyer of Mara, who is full of mercy,
who is all knowledge, and who is praised by those who
destroyed the yajna of Daksha.
For Vishnu- I worship that spiritual radiance manifested as
Buddha, who was all-knowing, who was the conqueror of Mara,
who was full of mercy, who was of the nature of Bodha
(spiritual consciousness), and who was the adored of those
who were opponents of yajnas.

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