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Issue 15 Nov.

Upcoming Competitions
Featured Class
Strongman Coach Connie
Turkey Potluck
Important Reminders
Paleo Snack Recipe
CF Kids & Mobility Info

November 22 at 10am
Join us for a Turkey Potluck & Hooverball Tournament at noon
We'll provide the turkeys, you provide the traditional sides!
Sign up for tournament will be posted at the gym.
*Hooverball is a volleyball-type med ball game designed by President
Hoover's personal physician to keep him fit! Challenging, but FUN!

Yummy Paleo Snack
Sweet & Spicy Roasted Almonds


CF Kids Session 1 ends Nov. 13
See Coach Melissa to sign up
for Session 2!
Please note Mobility Class will meet on
Saturdays, Nov. 15 & 22
at 9:15 & 10:15
There will be NO regular wod on Nov. 22
because of our Turkey Potluck
Thanksgiving gym hours:
Nov. 26- 4:30pm class is the last class of
the day
Nov. 27- Gym is closed. Join us for Turkey
Trot downtown
Nov. 28- Open gym from 9-1
Upcoming Competitions
Nova WL Open- Springfield- Nov. 7
Team SF Charlotte-Nov. 22
SF Rubicon- Dec. 6
Kill Cliff East Coast Qualifier- Jan. 2015
Festivus- April 18, 2015

Connie & Rob are Having a Baby!
Here are her thoughts on continuing to train while creating Forward's youngest athlete "
1. Tell us the great news! When are you due? Is this the rst grand baby? Boy or girl? How are you feeling? Etc!
2. Like many pregnant women who CF, I'm sure you were concerned about how to continue to workout throughout the pregnancy safely.
What have you learned? How have things changed?
3. How has your diet changed?
4. What are your workout plans for after the baby comes?
5. Any advice for CF women out there who are thinking if starting a family?
1. Omg, there's 2 pink lines.... Now what?! Baby Ched is expected to make his arrival around St. Patricks day (3/17)
of 2015. My sister in law just had a baby boy so he will be the second grand baby on Rob's side and the rst on mine.
I'm feeling great! The rst 14 weeks wasn't so fun, but that's past. Now if only I could gure out how to sleep while
working nights...
2. As soon as I found out I started browsing and I have learned to really listen to my
body. When things start to get uncomfortable, I have to really take a step back and slow down instead of embracing
the crosst mentality to ght through it. Everything has changed. I scale everything including how many times I get
to the box. I used to go 4-5 days a week and now I'm lucky to get 3-4. My main goal is to just keep moving. My doctor
told me not to lift more than 25 pounds. I couldn't help but laugh. I have cut percentages in half and skip some of the
strength work. Although I miss throwing heavy weights around, I know this won't last forever and still have light
tires to ip and stones to lift. :)
3. Paleo schmaleo. My diet really hasn't changed. I eat mostly clean, but if I'm craving something sweet or salty I give
in. While I was having all the morning sickness, I thought this baby was going to make me a vegetarian, but I'm glad
he's past that now.
4. Be prepared to see Baby Ched around. This kid will be used to hearing barbells dropping. I hope to be back in full
force after he's born.
5. My advice would be go for it! Don't stop moving. You don't have to worry about getting in the rx and pr'ing Fran
every day, but do what you can. I can truly say the support I'm getting from everyone at forward from the coaches to
the 9:30 moms keep me coming back.

Featured Class of the Month: The Strongman Class
By: Coach Rob Chedester
Nominate YOUR class next month by sending a picture & a paragraph (or more) to Carrie at
Join our CF Forward Strongman page on FB to get updates on weekly wods & classes. Change up your routine,
gain extra strength that will translate to your CF wods, and just come see what all the fun is about!
Strongman training with a CrossFit aspect is still functional movement. It's as simple as picking up an awkward
object at the grocery store, such as a bag of dog food cat litter or just that awkward bag of potatoes. Strongman
can be modified for any person of any age.
WODs can be modified for any person, same as Crossfit. If you like doing Fran or Grace, think about trying it with the stone. If you
train it with an awkward object once a week for a month at a comparable weight, your times will go up because of the instability in an
awkward object. Awkward objects require more core stability.
Stones :
There are big stones, there are little stones-- stones for all people! We can modify stones with med balls. Working the stone movement,
you're actually working three separate movements for CrossFit- the dead lift, squat and snatch all in one movement! You work big
muscles and little muscles in your back that you may or may not work when doing the functional movements with a barbell.
Tire flips:
Tires are the same as stones- big ones and little ones, awkward sizes, different heights! We use the stones and tires in the same
manner- to work and focus on hip drive, hip thrust, deadlift position and just to pick up awkward objects. It's simply fun to do!
Farmers handles & Axel bar deadlifts:
These two pieces of equipment are both unique in their own way. The Axel bar may seem the same as a regular barbell, but when you
add the increased diameter, it works grip strength, which we all know is crucial in Crossfit. The farmers handles put your hands in a
position of power but the awkwardness of the length and instability of the handle works grip strength, forearm strength and overall
endurance in the arm and forearm. Unlike kettle bell carries, where you are just stagnant in the movement and hold them close to
your side, the farmers handles will move and rotate as you move and walk with handles.

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