How To Build Self Confidence

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How to Build Self Confidence

originated by:Anonymous, Christina Spillane, Wpendy, Krystle C. (see all)

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#earn to be com$ortable !ith yoursel$ and !ho you are.
Do you !ant to be con$ident and $eel con$ident, but !hat i$ you%re starting !ith little or
no con$idence& "o! do you get $rom 'oint A to 'oint (& )rue sel$*con$idence isn%t an
o+ernight ac,uisition. -t dedication to reali/e you are a good human being that is
!orthy o$ respect and lo+e.
edit Steps
0. 0
Recognize your insecurities. What does that +oice in the bac. o$ your mind say&
What you ashamed o$ yoursel$& )his could be anything $rom acne, to
regrets, or $riends at school. Whate+er is you $eel un!orthy, ashamed, or
in$erior, identi$y it, gi+e it a name, and !rite it do!n. 1ou can also tear these
!ritten pieces to start $eeling positi+e on those points.
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Stop Jealous Thoughts
3*4inute 5ealous )hought Stopper )echni,ue Sho!s 1ou "o!
7. 7
Talk about it with friends and loved ones. Wear it on your slee+e. Each day you
should chip a!ay at it8 !ear it do!n. )here%s no ,uic. $i9. 2et to the root o$ the
problem8 $ocus on it and understand that you need to resol+e each issue be$ore
you can mo+e on. And that doesn%t mean you ha+e to get rid o$ !hate+er
you $eel bad (many times, you simply can%t). 1ou need to learn to accept yoursel$,
your past, your circumstances as they are, !ithout necessarily o$ them as
3. 3
Remember that no one is perfect. E+en the most con$ident people ha+e
insecurities. At some point in any o$ our li+es, !e may $eel !e lac. something.
)hat is reality. #earn that li$e is $ull o$ bumps do!n the road.
;. ;
dentify your successes. E+eryone is good at something, so disco+er the things at
!hich you e9cel, then $ocus on your talents. 2i+e yoursel$ permission to ta.e
pride in them. 2i+e yoursel$ credit $or your successes. -n$eriority is a state o$
mind in !hich you%+e declared yoursel$ a +ictim. Do not allo! yoursel$ to be
+ictimi/ed. E9press yoursel$, !hether it%s through art, music, !riting, etc. <ind
something you en=oy. E+eryone is born !ith talents and strengths. 1ou can
de+elop and e9cel in yours. -$ it%s di$$icult to name t!o or three things you ha+e
some ability in or =ust plain lo+e to do, thin. about things others do that you
!ould li.e to do too and ta.e some lessons or =oin an enthusiasts club. When
you%re $ollo!ing your passion, not only !ill it ha+e a therapeutic e$$ect, but you%ll
$eel uni,ue and accomplished, all o$ !hich can help build your sel$ con$idence.
'lus, adding a +ariety o$ interests to your li$e !ill not only ma.e you more
con$ident, but it !ill increase your chances o$ meeting compatible $riends>
?. ?
Be thankful for what you have. A lot o$ the times, at the root o$ insecurity and
lac. o$ con$idence is a $eeling o$ not ha+ing enough o$ something, !hether it%s
emotional +alidation, good luc., money, etc. (y!ledging and appreciating
!hat you do ha+e, you can combat the $eeling o$ being incomplete and
unsatis$ied. <inding that inner peace !ill do !onders $or your con$idence.
@. @
Be !ositive" even if you don#t feel the same way. A+oid sel$*pity, or the pity and
sympathy o$ others. 6e+er allo! others to ma.e you $eel in$erior**they can only
do so i$ you let them. -$ you continue to loathe and belittle yoursel$, others are
going to do and belie+e li.e!ise. -nstead, spea. positi+ely about yoursel$, about
your $uture, and about your progress. Do not be a$raid to pro=ect your strengths
and ,ualities to others. (y doing so, you rein$orce those ideas in your mind and
encourage your gro!th in a positi+e direction.
A. A
$ccept compliments gracefully. Don%t roll your eyes and say, :1eah, right,: or
shrug it o$$. )a.e it to heart and respond positi+ely (:)han. you: and a smile
!or.s !ell).
B. B
%ook in the mirror and smile. Studies surrounding !hat%s called the :$acial
$eedbac. theory: suggest that the e9pressions on your $ace can actually encourage
your brain to register certain emotions. So by in the mirror and smiling
e+ery day, you might $eel happier !ith yoursel$ and more con$ident in the long
C. C
- am gorgeous, huh&
&ake it' Along the same lines o$ smiling to ma.e yoursel$ $eel happy, acting
con$ident might actually ma.e you belie+e it. 'retend you%re a completely
con$ident +ersion o$ you8 go through the motions and see ho! you $eel>
0D. 0D
Stick to your principles. -t might be tough, but i$ you don%t ha+e something you
can belie+e in, you don%t ha+e anything. -$ you don%t stand $or something, you !ill
$all $or anything. 6o matter !hat%s happened in your li$e, you can al!ays lay
claim to the $act that $rom this day $or!ard, you%+e $ollo!ed your principles to the
best o$ your ability.
00. 00
Help others. When you .no! you%re .ind to the people around you, and are a positi+e di$$erence in other people%s li+es (e+en i$ it%s =ust being .inder
to the person !ho ser+es you co$$ee in the morning), you%ll .no! that you are a
positi+e $orce in the !orld**!hich !ill boost your sel$ con$idence. 5ust
recogni/ing !ho or !hat you%re li.e inside !ill help you become that on the
outside. E9ercise helps you build strength and con$idence, increases libido, and
has many other positi+e e$$ects.

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