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Week 11- chronicle entry – Hanem Ibrahim

My Goal for this week is learning about the History of Book Fair.
Targeted information goals:

What is the book fair? When it started? And where?

What are the important book fair around the world?

How book fair affected the industry of book making?


1- Al-Juaid , K (2007, August16) Okaz Market Back to Life After 1,300

Years. Retrieved on Nov.13, 2009 . From:
2- Tradition and future: the history of the Frankfurt Book Fair(2009)
Retrieved on Nov.13, 2009 . From http://www.frankfurt-book-
3- Definition of book fair in
(2009).- Retrieved on Nov.13, 2009 . From
4- International Book Fairs(2008) Retrieved on Nov.13, 2009 . From

According to wordnetweb. (2009) The book fair or book exhibition is a

trade market that organized by publishers or booksellers to promote the sale
of books. There are different types of book exhibitions for (international,
local, schools, Children books, some … ) these book exhibitions held in big
cities all over the countries, they have economic effects, and they also
support the growing markets of these countries.

The history of Book fairs dates back to the ancient times, where they
were held among the activities of big markets in some of great ancient cities
like (Athens, Rome, Alexandria…) were having a places where all scientists
and poets were gathered to introduce their works or poems to the public,
that’s happened even before the existence of the book in some of the areas
like Okaz Market which was the most famous ancient market in the Arabian
Peninsula. It got its name from what Arabs used to do there — they bragged
about their own achievements and ancestors. The market is first recorded in
500 B.C. There near Makkah where the pilgrims and visitors had many things
to do besides shopping. They challenged each other to see who could make
the best Arabic poems; they boasted the achievements of their. Since the
market offered so many cultural activities it helped to preserve and protect
the Arabic language, helped to produce fine poems and encouraged talented
poets to produce more. (Al-Juaid, K., 2007) The best seven poems were
written on some old palm paper and hanged over the wall of the Holly Kaaba
(The Hanging Poems) , that’s showed how they were honoring those poets.

The history of the oldest book fair after Gutenberg’s invention of

printing go back to the Frankfurt Book Fair back to the 15th century, only a
few miles down the road from Mainz where Gutenberg had his first book
published . Frankfurt remained the central and undisputed European book
fair city through to the 17th century. In the course of political and cultural
upheaval, in the 18th century Leipzig then came to play the part. Almost 60
trade-fair years later, the Frankfurt Book Fair is the largest of its kind in the
world - and the hallmark for global activities in the field of culture.( Tradition
and future…, 2009)

A large number of international book fairs are held throughout the year
such as (Hong Kong Book Fair , Moscow International Book Fair, London
Book Fair, Beijing International Book Fair, Tokyo International Book Fair,
Nigeria International Book Fair, New Delhi World Book Fair, Cairo
International Book Fair…) Most of these are primarily intended as trade fairs
for the book trade, but an increasing number have extensive programs of
cultural events and opportunities to meet authors. Some set out to attract
the general public, others have particular days when the public can get in.
Although they're not really intended for authors, the book fairs have lots of
benefits, there we could know about new and forthcoming books on display,
there are seminars, conferences and author events which may be planned,
and the chance to see the publishing world in action. (International Book

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