Woman in White

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The Woman in White Wilkie Collins


1 Limmeridge House was in _____.
a [ ] London b [ ] the suburbs c [ ] Cumberland d [ ] the north of England
2 At Limmeridge, alter Hartright saw Anne Catheric! again _____.
a [ ] in the "illage b [ ] in the school
c [ ] at #rs $airlie%s gra"e d [ ] at a dance
& #arian listened to Count $osco and 'ir (erci"al )l*de from the _____.
a [ ] librar* b [ ] room c [ ] garden d [ ] roof
+ Laura was buried in _____.
a [ ] ,lac!water (ar! b [ ] Limmeridge c [ ] London d [ ] Ham-shire
. alter Hartright saw two "eiled women _____.
a [ ] at Laura%s gra"e b [ ] in Limmeridge church*ard
c [ ] at the boat/house d [ ] at ,lac!water (ar!
0 alter attended the o-era because he _____.
a [ ] li!ed music b [ ] wanted to see Count $osco
c [ ] wanted to tal! to Count $osco d [ ] wanted (esca to see Count $osco
1 alter was sure that _____.
a [ ] (esca !new Count $osco
b [ ] Count $osco !new (esca
c [ ] Count $osco and (esca had met before
d [ ] (esca was afraid of Count $osco
2 3n 2.th 4ul*, Laura was _____.
a [ ] dead b [ ] ali"e c [ ] in London d [ ] in Ham-shire
5 6he man with the scar _____.
a [ ] waited outside Count $osco%s house b [ ] s-o!e to Count $osco
c [ ] followed Count $osco%s cab d [ ] wrote a note to Count $osco
17 Count $osco was !illed in _____.
a [ ] (aris b [ ] London c [ ] 8tal* d [ ] Limmeridge

Choose the best answer.
11 (rofessor (esca hel-ed alter Hartright because _____.
a [ ] alter was his friend b [ ] alter had sa"ed his life
c [ ] he taught alter 8talian d [ ] alter taught him English
12 6he woman in white was _____.
a [ ] Anne Catheric! b [ ] Laura $airlie
c [ ] #arian Halcombe d [ ] #rs 9ese*
1& Count $osco was married to Laura $airlie%s _____.
a [ ] mother b [ ] sister c [ ] aunt d [ ] friend
1+ _____ was o--osed to the marriage settlement.
a [ ] Count $osco b [ ] #r $airlie c [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de d [ ] #r )ilmore
1. _____ was afraid of Count $osco.
a [ ] Anne Catheric! b [ ] Laura c [ ] #arian d [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de
10 #arian _____.
a [ ] ga"e her letters to Count $osco b [ ] ga"e her letters to $ann*
c [ ] -osted her letters herself d [ ] -ut her letters in the -ost/bag
11 #arian was being loo!ed after b* _____.
a [ ] Laura b [ ] #rs :ubelle c [ ] Countess $osco d [ ] #rs #ichelson
12 #arian found _____ in the as*lum.
a [ ] Laura b [ ] Anne c [ ] Countess $osco d [ ] $ann*
15 _____ had changed the marriage register.
a [ ] Count $osco b [ ] #rs Catheric! c [ ] alter d [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de
27 Count $osco was !illed because he _____.
a [ ] had !illed Anne Catheric! b [ ] was a member of the ,rotherhood
c [ ] had betra*ed the ,rotherhood d [ ] had gone to (aris

Who said or thought this?
21 ;8%m dar! and ugl*, and she%s fair and -rett*.%
a [ ] Laura $airlie b [ ] #arian Halcombe
c [ ] Anne Catheric! d [ ] #rs Clements
22 ;8s #iss $airlie well and ha--*<%
a [ ] alter Hartright b [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de
c [ ] Anne Catheric! d [ ] #rs Clements
2& ;ise men do not murder.%
a [ ] Count $osco b [ ] #arian c [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de d [ ] Laura
2+ ;Come here tomorrow and 8 will tell *ou.%
a [ ] Anne Catheric! b [ ] Laura $airlie
c [ ] #arian Halcombe d [ ] Count $osco
2. ;=es, she has written again toda*.%
a [ ] $ann* b [ ] #arian Halcombe c [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de d [ ] Count $osco
20 ;8 thin! )od was guiding Laura%s footste-s.%
a [ ] alter b [ ] Laura c [ ] #arian d [ ] Anne
21 ;6he* ha"e tried to ma!e me forget e"er*thing.%
a [ ] alter b [ ] Laura c [ ] #arian d [ ] Anne
22 ;)o> And ne"er come bac!.%
a [ ] #rs Catheric! b [ ] #rs Clements c [ ] 'ir (erci"al )l*de d [ ] #arian
25 ;=ou don%t !now what *ou as!.%
a [ ] alter b [ ] Count $osco c [ ] (esca d [ ] the man with the scar
&7 ;6here she is, ali"e and well ? )od bless her>%
a [ ] #r @*rle b [ ] #arian c [ ] #r $airlie d [ ] an old man

Choose the best answer.
&1 a -lace where mentall* ill are cared for
a [ ] church b [ ] school c [ ] hos-ital d [ ] as*lum
&2 dar! and miserable
a [ ] gloom* b [ ] low c [ ] sad d [ ] dust*
&& a woman em-lo*ed to teach children of a rich famil* in their home
a [ ] teacher b [ ] go"erness c [ ] nurse d [ ] house!ee-er
&+ to tremble from cold or fear
a [ ] sha!e b [ ] shi"er c [ ] sob d [ ] faint
&. where dead bodies are !e-t before burial
a [ ] gra"e b [ ] church*ard c [ ] morgue d [ ] "estr*
&0 to gi"e someone a gentle -ush to get their attention
a [ ] sha!e b [ ] touch c [ ] -ush d [ ] nudge
&1 a s!etch
a [ ] -ainting b [ ] -icture c [ ] sim-le drawing d [ ] ma-
&2 a serious infectious disease
a [ ] fe"er b [ ] t*-hus c [ ] heart attac! d [ ] ache
&5 someone who is legall* res-onsible for a child
a [ ] uncle b [ ] godfather c [ ] guardian d [ ] law*er
+7 mar!s left b* someone%s feet
a [ ] foot-rints b [ ] footste-s c [ ] trail d [ ] -ath

Choose the best answer.
+1 Laura $airlie was going to marr* 'ir (erci"al )l*de because _____.
a [ ] she lo"ed him b [ ] he was rich
c [ ] she made a -romise to her father d [ ] he was a baronet
+2 hen alter Hartright left Limmeridge House, Laura $airlie ga"e him a -icture of
the summer/ house to show him that she _____.
a [ ] was a good artist b [ ] had learned a lot from him
c [ ] would not marr* 'ir (erci"al )l*de d [ ] lo"ed him
+& hen Laura told 'ir (erci"al )l*de that she lo"ed another man, he _____.
a [ ] said he hated her b [ ] as!ed who the man was
c [ ] became "er* angr* d [ ] said he wanted to marr* her more
++ 'ir (erci"al )l*de would inherit _____ if Laura died before him.
a [ ] A17,777 b [ ] the income from A17,777
c [ ] A27,777 d [ ] the income from A27,777
+. Anne Catheric! did not !ee- her a--ointment with Laura because she _____.
a [ ] was afraid of 'ir (erci"al )l*de
b [ ] had changed her mind about telling Laura
c [ ] had been followed b* Count $osco
d [ ] was ill
+0 #arian became ill because she _____.
a [ ] was -oisoned b [ ] sta*ed outside in the rain
c [ ] caught a disease d [ ] didn%t eat
+1 #arian got news of her sister%s death _____.
a [ ] from #rs #ichelson b [ ] in a letter from Countess $osco
c [ ] in a letter from 'ir (erci"al )l*de d [ ] from #r $airlie
+2 Anne Catheric! was dead and _____.
a [ ] Laura had ta!en her -lace in the as*lum b [ ] Count $osco had !illed her
c [ ] buried at Limmeridge d [ ] buried in London
+5 'ir (erci"al )l*de%s secret was that _____.
a [ ] he was Anne Catheric!%s father b [ ] his -arents weren%t married
c [ ] he had been married twice d [ ] he was a criminal
.7 8f Anne Catheric! had not died _____.
a [ ] the -lot would ha"e failed
b [ ] Laura would ha"e been !illed
c [ ] Count $osco would ha"e !illed her
d [ ] Count $osco would ha"e !illed #arian

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