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Fun facts from Screw the kitties.

1: Alice is actually a character from an original story I am writing. Yes, she's still just as crazy.

2: My job fucking sucks.

3: I got accepted to Cornell:)

4: Yesterday's Naruto episode made me sad. :( I love Kisame so much.

5: Alice has a tongue ring. The stud color varies.

6: I can lick my elbow. Is that weird?

7: Over 1,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows.

8: On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.

9: The word "democracy" is banned in online chat rooms in China.

10: Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.

11: Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they
don't know you're there.

12: 'Jedi' is an official religion, with over 70,000 followers, in Australia.

13: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

14: One of my best friends is rooming with me up at Ohio State:)

15: Actor Mark Wahlberg has a third nipple.

16: Cliff-hangers are a double standard. You love making them for other people to experience, but when
someone gives you one, it's like being shot.

16: A snail can sleep for three years. I wish I could do that...

17: Alice's favorite color is red despite the fact that she is color blind. She has a facilitation with blood.
Kathryn's is red and/or purple. Kathryn likes red because it's like a heart or the color of love. She likes
purple simply because it "looks amazing" on her and it makes her feel pretty.

18: The octopus' testicles are located in its head.

19: I only have 25 more days of high school.(Dani)

20: Halle Berry's stunt double in Catwoman was a man.

21: Regularly check your pets for bumps and lumps. And if you have a female dog, get her fixed. They're
finding more and more cancers in dogs all the time these days and getting your pet checked out as soon
as you notice the lumps/bumps could save its life.

22: OSU quads are so packed...

23: I only have 12 more days of high school:D

24: I got a new puppy. His name is Bowie and he's a German Shepard/Husky/Collie mix. He's freaking

25: My Puppy is named Bowie, after David Bowie.

26: Cielo is a character in one of my original stories.

27: Cielo shares his birthday with Deidara. It's May 5th. :)

28: They have square watermelons in Japan - they stack better.

29: Owls are the only birds who can see the color blue.

30: I graduated 3rd in my class of 144. :)

31: Bowie hates baths.

32: Today is Itachi's birthday, as well as my cousin Kyle. :) I love my cousin. He's ten time more awesome
than I am.

33: The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump.

34: Naruto: Shippden has ranked several times as one of most watched series in Japan.

35: Itachi is tied with Jiraiya for having the highest stat total in the databooks.

36: The Legend of Korra finale was... incredible.

37: Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.

38: It's my 18th birthday today.

39: Kri is a prodigy. He is the youngest member on his team and actually, he's younger than Cielo. Kasai
is eleven and Ken is twelve. Most of the other participating genin are from eleven and up. There are
probably only a few others who are younger.

40: It is currently 3:50 am as I post this. I also have no AC and it's around 100 degrees here in Ohio. Fuck
my life.

41: My AC has been fixed.

42: The first section of this chapter, the part in third person when Kisame is preparing for his shower is a
tiny excerpt from one of my original stories, altered in order to fit Kisame and the situation at hand. :D

43: I'm moving next week, so updates might be a little slow.

44: I just met you, and this is crazy... but I'm the author... so call me Dani? Yeah. I just went there.

45: I got my roommate assignments for OSU. Thankfully, one of my best friends and one of the only
females I can stand to be around all the time is one of my roommates. I will have two others. Yes, 4 girls
in one room.

46: Dolly and Bowie spend 94% of their day wrestling together. It's cute most of the time, but it gets a
little annoying. They're doing it right now. Dolly is sitting on the couch with me and Bo keeps doing laps
around the room before pouncing on her. He then uses me as a kick off to do more laps.

47: OSU orientation sucks.

48: I don't have work until Wednesday. And that makes me happier than it should. :) Also, there are two
ways this story could go from here. One is the way it will go because I've already planned it out. The
other way might just be written as a teaser and for fun at some point. lol

49: Dolly usually doesn't play with toys. But I got her a ball, and she refuses to let it go. I'm the only one
that's allowed to take it. She won't even let Bo get near it. She is currently lying on the couch beside me,
protecting it.

50: I love Memes. They're hilarious.

51: Bo is insane.

52: There are two golf balls sitting on the moon.

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