Scales of MES Hospital Accommodation - 2003

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Appendix to Govt of India letter No 68452/Q3W(Policy/

!8"/2##4/$ (W%" $t 28 &'n 2##4

()A*+( ,- A)),..,$A/I,N
A0.+$ -,0)+( 1,(PI/A*( % 2##3
,--I)+ ,- $GA-.(
.INI(/02 ,- $+-+N)+3 G,4/ ,- IN$IA
N+W $+*1I
P56*I(1+$ 62
Q5A0/+0.A(/+0 G+N+0A*7( 60AN)1
2+A0 ,- P56*I)A/I,N % 2##4
(8 No (ection ('9:ect /a9le/(ec Pa;e No
"8 General Notes % " %3
28 " Ward Units & Ancillaries % 4 < 5
38 Ward Ancillaries " 6%=
48 2 Special Ward Units & Ancillaries % 8%"6
58 Special Ward Ancillaries 2A "=%"8
68 Special Ward Ancillaries (Family Wards) 26 "! < 2"
=8 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 2) 22 < 23
88 Delivery Suite 2$ 24 < 25
!8 Additional Ward Ancillaries 2+ 26
"#8 Burn Centre (Ward Ancillaries & Clinic) 2- 2= < 28
""8 Intensive Care Unit (Ward Ancillaries) 2G 2!
"28 3 ut !atients" Department % 3# < 33
"38 ut !atients" Department 3A 34 < 36
"48 Consultin# Suites 36 3= < 4"
"58 ut !atients Clinic (Family) 3) 42 < 45
"68 ut !atient Clinic $ Department o% S&in (W'ere Aut'orised) 3$ 46%4=
"=8 ut !atient Clinic $ !syc'iatric Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 3+ 48 < 4!
"88 ut !atient Clinic $ Neurolo#y Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 3- 5# < 5"
"!8 ut !atient Clinic $ rt'opaedic Centre and Arti%icial (im) Su) Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 3G 52 < 53
2#8 ut !atient Clinic $ Clinical Immunolo#y and *'eumatolo#y Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 31 54 < 55
2"8 ut !atient Clinic $ Urolo#y & Nep'rolo#y (W'ere Aut'orised) 3& 56 < 5=
228 ut !atient Clinic $ Gastro$enterolo#y Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 3> 58 < 6#
238 ut !atient Clinic $ *espiratory (W'ere Aut'orised) 3* 6" < 62
248 ut !atient Clinic $ Clinical +aematolo#y (W'ere Aut'orised) 3. 63
258 ut !atient Clinic $ ncolo#y Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 3N 64 < 65
268 ut !atient Clinic $ Cardiolo#y, Cardio$t'oracic Sur#ery & -ascular Sur#ery Centre (W'ere
3P 66 < 6=
2=8 ut !atient Clinic $ *econstructive Sur#ery (W'ere Aut'orised) 3Q 68
288 Anaest'esia !D and !ain Clinic 30 6!
2!8 .ndocrinolo#y Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 3( =# < ="
3#8 4 Dental Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 4 =2 < =3
3"8 5 peration /'eatre Department =4
328 peration /'eatre Department 5 =5%=!
338 6 Central Sterile Service Department (CSSD) 6 8# < 8"
348 = *adio$dia#nosis Department % 82
358 *adio$dia#nosis Department (0 1 *ay Department) =A 83 < 86
368 C/ Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) =6 8=
3=8 2a#netic *esonance Ima#in# =) 88
388 8 *e'a)ilitation Centre & !'ysiot'erapy Department % 8!
3!8 *e'a)ilitation Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) 8A !# < !2
4#8 !'ysiot'erapy Department (For +ospitals, 3'ic' are not aut'orised *e'a)ilitation Centre) 86 !3
4"8 ! !at'olo#y (a)oratories % !4< !5
428 !at'olo#y (a)oratory !A !6 < "##
438 2ortuary & Autopsy !6 "#"
448 Animal +ouse and .4perimental Sur#ery !) "#2 < "#3
458 "# Blood Ban& and Blood Component (a) (W'ere Aut'orised) % "#4
468 Blood Ban& and Blood Component (a) (W'ere Aut'orised) "# "#5
4=8 "" Nuclear 2edicine Centre (*adiation 2edicine5*adio Isotope Centre) (W'ere Aut'orised) % "#6
488 Nuclear 2edicine Centre (*adiation 2edicine5*adio Isotope Centre) (W'ere Aut'orised) "" "#= < "#!
4!8 "2 *adiot'erapy Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) % ""# < """
5#8 *adiot'erapy Centre (W'ere Aut'orised) "2 ""2 < ""5
5"8 "3 Cardiac Cat'eterisation (a)oratory (W'ere Aut'orised) "3 ""6 < ""=
528 "4 Bone 2arro3 /ransplantation Unit (W'ere Aut'orised) "4 ""8 < ""!
538 "5 /ec'nical /rainin# Department "5 "2#
548 "6 +ospital Administrative Department % "2"
558 +ospital Administrative Department "6 "2" < "23
568 "= +ospital Administrative Services % "24 < "25
5=8 General Stores Services (62 Stores) "=A "26 < "2=
588 2edical Stores Services "=6 "28 < "2!
5!8 +ospital .7uipment 2aintenance Services (/radesmen) "=) "3#
6#8 Dietary Service (+ospital 8itc'en) "=$ "3" < "32
6"8 (aundry Service "=+ "33
628 +ospital Gara#e "=- "34
638 Wel%are and Amenity "=G "35 < "36
648 "8 +ospital .n#ineerin# Services % "3= < "62
658 "! Section +ospital 1 Sic& Bay 1 Station o% Stren#t' up to 9: )eds $General % "63
668 Section +ospital 1 Sic& Bay 1 Station 2edicare Centres "! "64 < "6=
6=8 2# NBC Decontamination Centre $ General % "68
688 NBC Decontamination Centre 2# A "6! < "="
6!8 (a)oratory Bio$sa%ety level I- 2# 6 "=2
=# (ist o% amendments 5 corri#endum
G+N+0A* N,/+(
;<= +ospital Bed Sla)s Armed Forces 'ospitals, %or t'e purpose o% scales o% accommodation are #rouped into di%%erent )ed sla)s< /'e smallest unit
o% 'ospital in t'e t'ree services namely section 'ospitals, sic& )ays and Station medicare centres, 3'ic' 'ave )ed stren#t'
up to 9: )eds, are #rouped as one type o% 'ospitals< t'er types o% 'ospitals are classi%ied under di%%erent 'ospital )ed sla)s
namely 9>$:?, >;$??, =;;$=??, 9;;$@??, :;;$>??, A;;$B??, C;; & a)ove and C+ & A+(*&*)< Section 'ospitals, sic&
)ays and Station medicare centres 3'ic' 'ave )ed stren#t' o% 9> )eds or less 3ill also )e covered under a)ove sla)s<
+ospitals C;; )eds and a)ove, Command +ospitals and Army +ospital (*e%erral and *esearc') 'ave )een aut'orised a
separate set o% scales<
;<9 Scales o% Accommodation Scales o% Accommodation #iven in section = to 9; are to )e provided %or Armed Forces 'ospitals 'avin# )ed stren#t' o% 9>
)eds and over< For smallest unit o% Armed Forces 'ospitals o% )ed stren#t' up to 9: )eds separate set o% scales are #iven<
/'ese are to )e read in conDunction 3it' ot'er sections< *e%erence a)out ran& structure in t'e scales viE< 3aitin# rooms etc<
is t'at o% Army< /'is may )e read as e7uivalent 3'ile 3or&in# accommodation %or 'ospitals o% ot'er t3o services<
;<9<= Scope /'ese scales o% accommodation 3ill )e applica)le to all %uture ne3 'ospital constructions, addition o% centres5 departments
to e4istin# 'ospital, alteration, modi%ications and add$ons 3'erever aut'orised )y respective DGs2S o% t'ree services<
;<@ Space 2odule A via)le space$plannin# module o% =:<;; s7 m )ased on )asic space unit o% @<>; s7 m 'as )een stipulated in order to
%ormaliEe t'e re7uirements %or various %acilities in t'e 'ospital< Assumin# plannin# #rid o% =<A m< Si4 suc' #rid units i<e<
@<9 m 4 :<C m 3ill lead to a carpet area o% a)out =:<;; s7 m a%ter deductin# t'e 3all t'ic&ness derives t'is space$plannin#
module< /'is could )e %urt'er su)$divided into @ #rid units %or )eds space in #eneral 3ard and =<> #rid units to cater %or
smallest need %or toilet etc<
All %loor spaces mentioned in various ta)les o% t'e 'ospital scales are )ased on t'e a)ove )asic space unit< 2inor %ractional
variation in %loor spaces in actual plannin# o% 'ospital )uildin# may )e considered as permissi)le<
A certain amount o% %le4i)ility %or arc'itectural, aest'etic, structural and utility service plannin# 3ill )e allo3ed at t'e
detailed plannin# sta#e<
;<: Unit Accommodation %or
Scales o% accommodation covered under section = to 9; is e4clusively %or tec'nical accommodation o% t'e 'ospital and
does not include t'e scales %or married and ot'er t'an married accommodation %or personnel< 2arried and /2
accommodation is to )e provided as per scales laid do3n separately %or ot'er units< W'ile computin# t'e re7uirement %or
coy o%%ice t'ese are to )e e4cluded as t'e same 'ave )een included in t'e 'ospital scales<
;<> Circulation Area /'e space %or circulation area suc' as corridors, verandas, passa#es and entrance 'all to )e &ept optimum<
In vertically planned 'ospitals ade7uate li%ts space in eac' area %or sta%% patients, visitors and services )e planned<
In vertically planned 'ospitals ramps provided 3ill )e over and a)ove t'e circulation area<
;<><= Conversion Factor For assessment o% plint' area a conversion %actor o% =9;F is to )e added to total %loor area re7uirement< /'is is to cater %or
circulation area includin# stairs, li%ts and 3all t'ic&ness< (.%%orts s'ould )e made to restrict t'e plint' area 3it'in t'is limit)<
;<><9 Corridor Widt' Desira)le 3idt' o% corridor is 9<:m (=<> times t'e plannin# #rid linear dimension re%er ;<@)< /'is is to %acilitate movement o%
stretc'ers5trolleys< !assa#es leadin# to departments, 3'ic' are not li&ely to )e used %or movement o% stretc'ers5trolleys, may
'ave lesser 3idt'< For operation t'eatres in sterile Eone 3ider corridor space may )e provided i% considered essential<
;<A Floor +ei#'t /'e 'ei#'t o% all rooms in 'ospitals s'ould not )e less t'an @<9; meters measured at any point %rom t'e sur%ace o% t'e %loor
to t'e lo3est point o% t'e ceilin#< /'e minimum 'eadroom suc' as under t'e )ottom o% t'e )eams, %an and li#'ts s'all )e 9<C
m measured vertically under suc' situations< /'e 'ei#'t o% t'e operation t'eatres 3ill not )e less t'an : meters<
;<B (i#'t and -entilation All rooms s'all 'ave %or admission o% li#'t and air, one or more apertures suc' as 3indo3s and %an li#'t openin# directly to
t'e e4ternal air or into an open veranda< /'e minimum a##re#ate areas o% suc' openin# e4cludin# doors inclusive o% %rames
s'all )e not less t'an 9; percent o% t'e %loor area in case suc' apertures are located on one 3all< /'e a##re#ate areas s'all
not )e less t'an => percent o% t'e %loor area, i% suc' apertures are located on t'e opposite 3all at t'e same sill level<
-entilation #rill in door s'utters are to )e provided in rooms openin# into central corridor 'avin# only one 3all %or 3indo3s
and %an li#'ts openin# directly to e4ternal air or into an open veranda<
;<C Fly52os7uito
Fly5 mos7uito proo%in# is to )e ensured )y provisionin# o% 3ire #auEe s'utters to doors and 3indo3 openin# directly into
e4ternal atmosp'ere or open veranda at stations prone to %ly5 mos7uito nuisance< Areas 3'ic' are re7uired to )e %ly proo%ed
at all stations are as under G$
=< Dinin# rooms
9< +ospital &itc'en
@< Ward !antry
:< Sanitary anne4es ((avatories)
>< Animal 'ouses and e4perimental sur#ery
A< Fres' ration stores
B< +ospital 3et canteens
C< Ward units (Full)
;<? Built in Furniture Certain speci%ic re7uirement o% )uilt in %urniture 'ave )een enlisted in various ta)les under constructional re7uirements<
/'ese are re7uired to )e provided su)Dect to omission o% loose items o% %urniture e7uivalent to t'em aut'orised under scales
o% 'ospital %urniture< For speci%ication o% la)oratory and 3or& )enc'es re%er notes under /a)le ?A<
;<=; Speci%ications !ermanent speci%ications as laid do3n )y en#ineers are to )e adopted 3it' speci%ic application o% under$mentioned
;<=;<= Floorin# Besides t'e provisionin# o% speci%ic %loorin# in 'ospitals e<#< lar#e sla)5tiles o% /erraEo5Granite52ar)le5-itri%ied tiles5!-C
%loorin#5#lass mosaic %or e<# BissaEa5*esin5stainless steel or any ot'er suita)le material decided a%ter detailed study o% t'e
trade, electro conductive %loorin# is to )e provided in operation t'eatres, casualty t'eatre and operatin# delivery room<
Floorin# in *adio#rap'y rooms s'ould )e o% insulatin# material li&e ru))er, (inoleum and as)estos vinyl tiles< In
Gymnasium it is to )e 3ood par7uet %or routine e4ercise and re'a)ilitation purpose< In *adiot'erapy, *adio Isotope and
*adiation 2edicine Centre it is to )e o% non$a)sor)ent material particularly in *adioactive areas< In la)oratories (Usin# acid
and al&alis e4tensively) t'e %loorin# is to )e o% material, 3'ic' can resist acid and al&ali reaction< Non$s&id type o% %loorin#
%or 3ater tan& and t'erapeutic )at'in# area 3ill )e provided< Dado and s&irtin# in all suc' situations is to )e eit'er o% same
material or #laEed ceramic tiles to )e decided )y arc'itects and users on t'e %unctional utility o% space<
;<=;<9 Walls & Ceilin# Granite, +ard 6uality mar)le, stainless steel or any ot'er non$corrosive suita)le 3all %inis'es to )e used %or / comple4
and (a)our *oom< For ot'er 3ards oil )ound distemper may )e used<
;<=;<@ Sound !roo%in# Insulation )y use o% #lass 3ool, cor& or insulation )oards in 3alls and ceilin#, 'ermetically sealed insulatin# #lass unit in
3indo3s and air ti#'t doors53indo3s is to )e provided to ensure desired de#ree o% sound proo%in# %or rooms re7uired to )e
sound proo%ed<
;<=;<: Curtain *ails$pelmet
Curtain rails$pelmet )o4 are to )e provided in rooms, 3'ic' re7uire privacy and protection %rom sunrays<
;<=;<> Future .4pansion Future e4pansion o% t'e 'ospital 3ill al3ays )e catered )y allo3in# up to =; percent o% area over and a)ove t'e total
permissi)le plint' area< It 3ill )e included in t'e proDect, &eepin# in mind arc'itectural and aest'etic aspects o% t'e
'ospital )uildin#< Ne3 %acilities re7uired to )e constructed due to pro#ress in science and tec'nolo#y, )ut not included in
t'e scales at present 3ill )e provided as special items o% 3or&< In addition dependin# upon t'e siEe o% t'e 'ospital at least
one or t3o modular units 3ill )e planned %or t'e %uture e4pansion o% t'e 'ospital<

(+)/I,N % "
WA0$ 5NI/ AN$ AN)I**A0I+(
Ward 'nit
=<=<= General (a) Separate 3ard units are to )e provided %or o%%icers, o%%icer"s %amilies, HC"s5*"s, HC"s5*"s %amilies< !atients in *
3ard and HC"s5*"s %amily 3ard 3ill )e mainly classi%ied discipline 3ise e<#< medical and sur#ical< Dependin# upon local
re7uirements, sel%$contained suites consistin# o% patients" cu)icle, sittin#, dinin#, pantry, dressin# and toilet %acilities may )e provided %or
senior o%%icers in 'ospitals located in Counter Insur#ency ps Areas e# Command +ospital (Nort'ern Command), and ot'ers<
()) In Army +ospital (* & *), Command +ospitals, Ional +ospitals t'e 3ards 3ill )e as per t'e inte#rated su)speciality centre in
addition to t'e #eneral specialties and 'ierarc'ical classi%ication as enumerated in (a) a)ove<
(c) rdinarily, a 3ard unit 3ill comprise o% 9:$@9 )eds< In cases 3'ere it is not possi)le to constitute a 3ard o% t'is siEe %or any reason
e<#< dispersal o% )eds on account o% ran& structure or discipline$3ise distri)ution o% )eds, t'e minimum num)er o% )eds in a 3ard unit
3ill )e C %or provision o% 3ard ancillaries< For constitutin# t'e a)ovementioned minimum or ma4imum num)er o% )eds di%%erent
cate#ories o% )eds 3ill )e clu))ed to#et'er in a sin#le 3ard unit e<#< o%%icers and HC"s or o%%icer"s %amily and HC"s5* %amilies )eds<
(d) .ac' 3ard unit 3ill 'ave a set o% standard 3ard ancillaries descri)ed in para @<=<
(e) A 3ard unit %or o%%icers5o%%icer"s %amilies 3ill )e made up o% sin#le, dou)le and %our )edded rooms only< .ac' patient in
o%%icers5o%%icer"s %amilies 3ill )e provided 3it' a )uilt in 3ardro)e top 'al% 'an#in#, )ottom 'al% s'elved 3it' 'al% len#t' mirror inside<
Dimensions o% 3ardro)e to )e ;<A; 4 ;<A; 4 9<;; m<
(%) /o cater %or certain cases re7uirin# isolation %rom ot'er patients in t'e 3ard units %or HCs, * and t'eir %amilies provision 3ill
)e made %or t'e %ollo3in#G $
(i) ne sin#le )edded room %or a 3ard unit o% C$=> )eds<
(ii) /3o sin#le )edded rooms %or a 3ard unit o% =A )eds & a)ove<
(#) S'ould t'e adoption o% t'e room re%erred to 'ave result in an odd num)er o% )eds in a #eneral 3ard a dou)le )edded room5an
additional sin#le )edded room may )e provided so as to ma&e t'e num)er o% )eds in t'e #eneral 3ard even t'ere)y ensurin# proper
overall utiliEation o% space<
=<=<9 Special Wards Certain 3ard units re7uire special 3ard accommodation %or various specialties< Similarly special ancillaries are also re7uired %or t'em<
/'ese are detailed in section 9<
=<=<@ /ype o% Wards Wards 3ill )e o% *i#s type (commonly &no3n as cu)icle type)< W')5at t'e scale o% one per si4 )eds 3ill )e provided %or compliance
3it' universal precautions<
=<9<= Floor Space .4cept 3'ere speci%ically aut'orised ot'er3ise, t'e %loor space per )ed in a #eneral 3ard 3ill )e B<;; s7< m e4clusive o% central corridor
in t'e case o% a *i#s type 3ard (re%er s&etc' attac'ed)< Central corridor 3ill )e 9<: meters 3idt'< Floor space %or a sin#le )edded room
3ill )e =:<;; s7< m< and %or a dou)le$)edded room 9=<;; s7< m<
=<9<9 Constructional
(a) Widt' o% door s'all in no case )e less t'an =<9; mJ position o% door s'all not encroac' upon t'e )ed<
()) Dado s'all )e up to a 'ei#'t o% =<9; m in all 3ards<
=<9<@ Crisis Beds W'ere a 'ospital is speci%ically aut'orised to 'old crisis )eds and climatic conditions render &eepin# t'e patients in open veranda'
inadvisa)le, additional accommodation at t'e scale o% B s7< m< 5 crisis )ed in lieu o% veranda' is to )e provided in eac' 3ard unit< /'is
accommodation is to )e in t'e %orm o% day space only< Crisis )eds 3ill not )e rec&oned %or t'e purpose o% determinin# t'e re7uirement
o% 3ard ancillaries and t'e siEe o% 3ard unit<
=<9<: Sanitary
(a) A common toilet coverin# an area o% B<;; s7< m< is to )e provided %or t3o rooms (sin#le5dou)le) in HC"s5*,
HC"s5*"s %amily 3ard units< It 3ill comprise o% a )at', a 3c< in separate cu)icles and a 3')< For an individual room in a 3ard
unit, toilet 3ill )e o% ><9> s7< m< comprisin# o% a )at', a 3c< and 3')<
()) .ac' sin#le and dou)le )edded room in o%%icers5o%%icer"s %amily 3ard unit is to )e provided an attac'ed toilet coverin#
an area o% ><9> s7< m< comprisin# o% a )at', a 3c< and a 3')< In case o% : )edded room t'e attac'ed toilet o% B<;; s7< m<
comprisin# o% a )at', a 3c< in a separate cu)icle and a 3')<
(c) For t'e #eneral )eds in a 3ard unit o% HCs, * or HC"s5*"s %amilies, t'e %ollo3in# %acilities are to )e provided in a
lavatory )loc&G $
For 2ale5Female Wards
(aa) W') $ ne per =; )eds & part t'ereo%
())) Bat' $ ne per =9 )eds & part t'ereo%
(cc) WC (3ater closet) $ ne per C male )ed and one per A %emale )eds and part t'ereo%
(dd) Urinal $ ne per =9 )eds & part t'ereo% (male only)
Note G =< All 3c< s'all )e Indian5 rrisa type e4cept one in eac' lavatory )loc& 3'ic' s'all )e .uropean type<
9< All 3c< o% o%%icers5o%%icer"s %amily 3ill )e o% .uropean type<
@< For Geriatric5disa)led patient"s special toilets 3ill )e provided on 3ard53in#5%loor )asis<
=<@<= General Floor area re7uired %or 3ard ancillaries is #iven in /a)le $ I<
/A6*+ % I
WA0$ AN)I**A0I+(
(8No -acilitie? 8%"5 9ed?
-8A8 in (@8A
"6%23 9ed?
-8A8 in (@8A
24%32 9ed?
-8A8 in (@8A
)on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
(=) (9) (@) (:) (>) (A)
A< -or individ'al Ward 5nit
=< (a) Sister"s duty room =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin# & 9 )uilt in cup )oards
()) Attac'ed toilet @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c, 3')
(c) Nurse"s duty station $ Is to )e provided out o% t'e availa)le 'oriEontal
circulation space< It s'ould )e centrally located 3it'
clear vie3 o% t'e 3ard<
Computer terminals, 3'), telep'one soc&et
9< /reatment and clean utility
=;<>; =:<;; =:<;; (i) !re%erred to 'ave direct communication 3it'
sister"s duty room<
(ii) Sin& & Drainin# Board
@< Ward Store =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
:< (inen Store B<;; =;<>; =;<>; $ do $
>< Ward !antry =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Sin& and drainin# )oard
A< Ward Dinin# (i% re7uired
speci%ication in a 3ard unit
(*e%er D)
=;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
(up to 9C )eds)
(up to @9 )eds)

B< Dirty Utility *oom & Sluice
B<;; B<;; =;<>; Bedpan sin&, sla)5sin& %or cleanin# mac&intos' & sin&<
C< Soiled linen store B<;; B<;; B<;; /o )e clu))ed into room at sl< B<
?< Hanitor"s Closet @<>; @<>; @<>;
/otal except iteA 6 848## !"8## ""585#
6< ,nly for officer?3 officer7? faAilie? or &),? Bard<
Same as KA" a)ove e4cept item A in lieu o% 3'ic' provide
=< Sittin# and dinin# 9=<;; s7<m< %or a stren#t' up to 9 )eds 3it' an increase o% 3')<
@<>; s7<m< %or every 9 additional )eds or part t'ereo%<
9< Clot'in# Store B<;; B<;; B<;; Built in s'elves<
)< In addition to a9ove ancillarie? eacC Bard 'nit i? al?o a'tCori?ed tCe folloBin; D%
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; L
9< Clinical test room B<;; L
@< /rolley Bay B<;; L 3') %or eac' 3ard
:< Nursin# Asst B<;; L
>< Sta%% 5 -isitors" /oilet @<>; L
$< $inin; facilitie?
=< .4cept 3'ere a dinin# room is speci%ically aut'orised %or an individual 3ard unit 3it'in t'e 3ard unit itsel%, dinin# rooms %or A;F o% t'e residual
)ed stren#t' o% t'e 'ospital 3ill )e provided eit'er 5 com)ination G$
(a) at a central place close to t'e 'ospital &itc'en
()) on %loor )asis %or a set o% 3ard units on a %loor 5
(c) common %or 3ard units o% particular discipline<
9< For dinin# room in individual 3ard t'e %loor area in no case 3ill )e less t'an =;<>; s7<m<
@< .ac' dinin# room to 'ave servery and 3as' up room<
:< Floor space
(a) Dinin# room$;@<>; s7<m< per : dinin# patients A;F o% stren#t' a%ter deductin# stren#t' %or 3'ic' dinin# rooms in individual 3ard unit is
catered %or<
()) Servery$=;<> s7<m< up to dinin# room o% =;; dinin# patients 3it' addition o% @<>; s7<m<, %or every addition o% A; dinin# patients or part
t'ereo%< Sin& and drainin# )oard<
(c) Was' up$=;<>; s7<m< up to dinin# room o% =;; dinin# patients 3it' addition o% @<>; s7<m< For every addition o% A; dinin# patients or part
t'ereo%< Sin& & drainin# )oard (D<B<) %or every @; dinin# patients or part t'ereo%<
(d) /oilet$@<>; s7<m< 3c<J urinal & 3') (only %or central dinin#)<
=< Dado to a 'ei#'t o% =m is to )e provided in
(a) All rooms under item KA" e4cept at ser =(a), @ & :
()) All rooms under item KC" e4cept at ser =, @ & :
(c) All rooms under item KD"
9< Ward pantry, dinin# servery & 3as' up rooms 3ill 'ave %ly proo%in# %or doors & 3indo3s<
@< Nurse Duty Station
(a) S'ould )e centrally located in t'e 3ard<
()) S'ould 'ave clear vie3 o% t'e entire 3ard<
(c) +ei#'t o% t'e counter s'ould )e =m<
(d) Counter top s'ould )e %lat 3it' suita)le 7uality sur%ace material< It 3ill 'ave s'elves underneat' %or monitors, computers, !C
consoles, Nurses call system, secretarial 3or&<
(e) /'ere s'ould )e space %or cras' cart<
(%) It s'ould 'ave a 3')5sin& 3it' el)o3 controlled s3an nec& 3ater %aucet<
(+)/I,N % 2
(P+)IA* WA0$ 5NI/( AN$ AN)I**A0I+(
9<; General Besides #eneral medical, sur#ical, o%%icers, HC"s & o%%icer"s %amilies 3ard units, special 3ards and ancillaries %or
certain specialties and su)$specialties are re7uired to )e provided in 'ospitals 3'ere t'ey are speci%ically aut'orised or
Ward unit and ancillaries %or suc' 3ards 3ill )e as per scales in Section = 3it' deletion, addition o% 3ard ancillaries as
#iven %or eac' o% t'ese specialties in /a)le 9A to 9G<
Groupin# Special 3ards %or %ollo3in# specialties are to )e provided<
=< 2edical & Sur#ical Wards %or acute medical, acute sur#ical, .N/ and .ye
9< In%ectious diseases
@< Female Wards %or paediatric, medical, sur#ical, #ynaecolo#ical
and )stetrics 3it' delivery suite %acilities<
:< Su)$specialties Wards %or s&in, psyc'iatry, rt'opaedic, Arti%icial (im),
*e$constructive Sur#ery, )urns, Nep'ro$urolo#y centers etc
>< Intensive Care Unit
A< Centres Identical and interdependent su)$specialties li&e Neurolo#y
and Neuro$sur#ery, Urolo#y and Nep'rolo#y, Cardiolo#y
and Cardio$t'oracic sur#ery )e #rouped as centres<

9<= 2edical and
9<=<= Acute 2edical
Acute Sur#ical
Ward Unit
Separate 3ard units %or Acute 2edical and Acute Sur#ical are to )e provided =;F o% )eds in respective discipline< In
smaller 'ospitals 3'ere num)er o% )eds in eac' o% t'e discipline is less to constitute a separate 3ard unit o% =A )eds and
a)ove, com)ination o% )ot' t'e acute )eds into a common 3ard unit 3it' onset o% ancillaries )e resorted to< Ward is to
)e located close to Intensive Care Unit< Ward is to )e o% normal scales as per Sec 1 = 3it' addl 3ard ancillaries as #iven
in /a)le 1 9A< Space %or )ed in acute sur#ical and medical unit 3ill )e =;<>; S72<
9<=<9 .ye and .ar,
Separate 3ard units %or .N/ and .ye Specialties are to )e provided in 'ospitals 3'ere t'e )eds are speci%ically
aut'orised< In cases 3'ere t'e num)er o% )ed in eac' o% t'e specialties is less to constitute separate 3ard unit o% A )eds
and a)ove, com)ination o% )ot' specialties in to a common 3ard unit 3it' =set o% ancillaries )e resorted to< Ward unit
may )e located on t'e same %loor on 3'ic' respective !D consultin# suite is sited to ena)le patients to ma&e use o%
treatment %acilities o% t'e consultin# suite< Ward unit is to )e o% normal scales as per Section 1 =, )ut 3indo3 #lass panes
to )e o% special 7uality suc' as tinted etc, to avoid #lare in t'e 3ard unit< /'ese 3ard units s'ould )e capa)le o% )ein#
dar&ened 3it' -enetian )linds< In eye 3ards no steps 3ill )e provided includin# in sanitary )loc&< Guide railin#s may
)e provided<
9<9; In%ectious
Separate 3ard units %or 2ale & Female are to )e provided %or :F & AF o% male & %emale patients respectively in a
'ospital< In smaller 'ospitals 3'ere num)er )eds o% t'e se4 are less to constitute a separate 3ard unit o% C )eds and
a)ove, isolation )eds )e located adDacent to #eneral medical 3ard unit<
Ward unit 3ill comprise o% sin#le and dou)le$)edded rooms in e7ual proportion< .ac' 3ard room to 'ave a separate
attac'ed toilet o% B<;; S7m comprisin# o% Wc, 3') & a )at'< Ward ancillaries are to )e o% normal scales as per ta)le 1 =
3it' additional 3ard ancillaries as #iven in /a)le 1 9A<
Isolation )eds located adDacent to #eneral medical 3ard unit are to 'ave only additional 3ard ancillaries as per ta)le 1 9
A and Nurse"s station<
Separate dinin# room %acilities %or t'e patients )e provided< Stren#t' o% patients o% t'is 3ard unit is also not to )e
counted to3ards provision o% dinin# on %loor )asis or central location< Ward unit includin# veranda' is to )e %ly proo%ed<
9<@<; MFamily Ward
Separate )eds are aut'orised %or o%%icers" %amilies and HC"s5* %amilies< /'ese are to )e in t'e %ollo3in# percenta#es
%or various disciplines o% medicine as a #uideline a%ter allo3in# deduction o% AF o% )eds %or in%ectious disease cases<
=< !aediatric 9>F
9< 2edical 9>F
@< Sur#ical
:< Gynaecolo#ical =;F
>< )stetric (2aternity) :;F
Clu))in# o% )eds in respect o% all t'e a)ove disciplines into a common 3ard unit s'ould only )e resorted to in a 'ospital
3it' )ed stren#t' o% 9: and )elo3< /'e 3ard unit is to 'ave special 3ard ancillaries in addition to normal scales
mentioned in Section 1 =< For t'e special 3ard ancillaries re%er /a)le 1 9 B<
Delivery suite is also to )e provided in t'e %amily 3ard comple4, )ut close to o)stetric 3ard unit<
9<@<= !aediatric Ward
(a) Separate 3ard unit is to )e provided 3'en t'e stren#t' o% paediatric )eds are C or over< Beds less t'an C s'all )e
#rouped 3it' ot'er disciplines o% %amily 3ard viE5medical5sur#ical and #ynaecolo#ical<
()) In modi%ication to plannin# o% 3ard unit mentioned in Section 1 = t'e 3ard unit is to 'ave %ollo3in#G$
(i) Isolation cu)icles$9>F o% paediatric )eds in sin#le5dou)le )edded rooms in e7ual proportion< /'ese
rooms are to )e separated )y #laEed partition %or )etter supervision< .ac' pair o% rooms )e provided a common
toilet o% ><9> S7m 'avin# 3c, )at' and 3')<
(ii) 9>F o% !aediatric )eds in t'e %orm o% cu)icles o% : )eds to provide e4tra space to accommodate
mot'er"s )ed alon# 3it' paediatric cot< Floor space per )ed 3ill )e =;<>; S7m<
(iii) *emainin# >; F o% !aediatric )eds in #eneral 3ard as per normal scales 3it' =;<>; S7m per )ed to
accommodate mot'er and c'ild cot<
S'ould t'e adoption o% t'e norms re%erred to a)ove result in an odd num)er o% )eds %or (ii) & (iii) necessary
adDustment in num)er o% isolation cu)icles (i) )e made to ma&e t'e num)er o% )eds multiple o% : in (ii) & (iii)<
(c) Ward unit is to 'ave special 3ard ancillaries in addition to normal scales mentioned in Section 1 =< For t'e special
3ard ancillaries re%er /a)le 1 9B<
(d) Separate dinin# room 3it'in t'e 3ard unit is to )e provided<
(e) In lavatory and toilets >; F 3c to )e c'ildren"s 3c and one )at' cu)icle to 'ave small raised 3as' tu)<
2edical cases
Sur#ical cases
al cases
I% separate 3ard unit is not possi)le o% t'e siEe i<e =A )eds and a)ove, com)ined 3ard units %or all t'ese t'ree disciplines
)e provided as per normal scale mentioned Section 1 = 3it' modi%ication to provided a sin#le )edded room %or eac' o%
t'e discipline i<e t'ree sin#le )edded rooms as a#ainst t3o<
9<@<> )stetric
(a) Separate 3ard unit is to )e provided 3'en t'e stren#t' o% %amily )eds is over 9:<
()) In modi%ication to plannin# o% 3ard unit mentioned in Section 1 =, t'e 3ard unit is to 'ave %ollo3in#G$
(i) Antenatal )eds 1 =; F o% o)stetric )eds in sin#le5dou)le )edded rooms<
(ii) Septic )eds 1 >F o% o)stetric )eds in sin#le5dou)le )edded rooms<
(iii) .clampsia )ed 1 A sin#le )edded room close to sister"s duty room< .ac' pair o% rooms (i) to (iii) )e
provided a common toilet o% B s7 m (%or mot'er"s )ed and in%ant"s cot)<
(iv) General 2aternity )eds 1 In #eneral 3ard 3'ere t'e )a)ies are accommodated 3it' mot'ers, %loor
space per patient 3ill )e C<B> s7 m (%or mot'er"s )ed and in%ant"s cot)
(c) Ward units up to 9: o)stetric (2aternity) )eds are to 'ave Neonatal Care unit as special 3ard ancillaries in
addition to normal scales mentioned in Section 1 =< For sc'edule o% accommodation re%er /a)le 1 9B<
(d) +ospital 3it' o)stetric (2aternity) )eds over 9: is to 'ave separate neonatal care unit< /'e unit is to )e sited
close to delivery suite and o)stetric 3ard units< For sc'edule o% accommodation re%er /a)le 1 9B< In addition a neonatal
intensive care unit 3ill )e provided< For sc'edule o% accommodation re%er /a)le 1 9C<
9<@<A Delivery Suite Delivery suite is to )e sited close to o)stetric (2aternity) 3ard unit )ut in no case maternity )eds )e mi4ed up 3it'
accommodation re7uired %or delivery suite< Sterility o% t'is unit s'all )e maintained li&e operation t'eatre dept< W'ere
separate operatin# delivery rooms are not aut'orised, it s'ould pre%era)ly )e connected to / comple4< !ro4imity to
NICU is essential< For sc'edule o% accommodation re%er /a)le 1 9D<
9<:<; Su) specialities
Wards %or t'e %ollo3in# su) specialities are to )e provided 3'erever t'ey are speci%ically aut'orised<
/'ese su) specialities are to )e in t'e %orm o% center 3'ere in 3ard %or inpatients and clinic %or out patients are to )e
located close to eac' ot'er< Accommodation re7uired %or t'e respective su) specialities clinic is descri)ed in Section 1 @<
9<:<= Department o%
/'e department may consist o% one or more o% t'e %ollo3in# centerG $
=< Dermatolo#y Centre
9< S</<D (Se4ually transmitted disease) Centre
@< (eprosy Centre
(a) Separate 3ard unit %or eac' o% t'e a)ove disciplines is to )e provided unless com)ined stren#t'
o% %irst t3o discipline is under @; )eds in 3'ic' case a com)ined 3ard unit is to )e provided<
()) In modi%ication to plannin# o% 3ard unit mentioned in Section 1 =, t'e 3ard units are to 'ave
(i) A)out 9>F o% )eds in t3o and %our )edded rooms in e7ual proportion< In doin# so
necessary adDustment in num)er o% sin#le, dou)le and %our )edded rooms )e made so as to ma&e
t'e even num)er o% )eds in #eneral 3ard plannin# comprisin# o% cu)icles o% : or A<
(ii) /oilet %or sin#le )edded rooms o% dermatolo#y 3ard is to 'ave lon# )at' arran#ement
in 3'ic' case its %loor space is to )e ><9> s7 m
(iii) ne )at'room in t'e lavatory )loc& o% dermatolo#y 3ard is to 'ave lon# )at'
(c) Separate dinin# room 3it'in t'e 3ard unit is to )e provided %or all t'e t'ree disciplines<
(d) Ward unit is to 'ave 3ard ancillaries as per normal scales #iven in /a)le 1 = )ut in case o% S/D
3ard, t'e ancillary i<e 3ard clean utility and treatment is to )e omitted<
(e) +I-5AIDS CentreG +I-5AIDS centers 3ill 'ave t'e %ollo3in#G
(i) =A )edded nursin# unit o% *i#s pattern 3it' : )eds in eac' cu)icle< /3o )edded rooms 3it'
AC %acilities %or t'e terminally ill patients 3it' attac'ed sanitary %acilities< Ward ancillaries to )e
as per /a)le 1 =<
9<:<9 !syc'iatric
!syc'otic 3ard
In 'ospital 3'ere psyc'iatric center o% more t'an @; )eds is aut'orised separate 3ard unit %or psyc'oneurotic and
psyc'otic patients are to )e provided< !syc'otic 3ard unit is to 'eave 9> F o% psyc'iatric )eds< !syc'iatric 3ard s'ould
)e on t'e #round %loor 3it'in 3ard comple4 or conti#uous to !D<
As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 =, )ut a dinin# room 3it'in t'e 3ard unit is to )e provided<
As per normal scales mentioned Section 1 =, 3it' %ollo3in# modi%icationG$
(a) !atients are to )e in sin#le, dou)le and %our )edded room %or se#re#ation o% o%%icers, HCs and *< .ac'
room to 'ave an attac'ed toilet o% ><9> S7m comprisin# o% 3c<, )at' and 3') areas o% toilet %or %our )edded room
is to )e B<;; S7m %or separate )at' and 3c cu)icle<
()) All 3indo3 and veranda openin#s o% t'e 3ard unit are to )e protected 3it' steel %a)ric or concrete mes'
to prevent accidents<
()) All electrical %ittin#s and %i4tures are to )e protected< Controls o% t'is %acility s'ould )e
provided outside t'e
room or at t'e nursin# station and not 3it'in reac' o% t'e patients<
(d) /oilets eit'er not to 'ave any )olt %rom inside or provision o% openin# t'e door %rom outside to )e t'ere<
/oilet %ittin#s and plum)in# )e at lo3er level
(e) (i#'t 5 %an %ittin#s )e at 9<> 2 'ei#'t or at ceilin# 'ei#'t< All electrical connections to )e concealed and
out o% reac' o% patients, pre%era)ly at t'e nursin# station<
(%) All stores and cup)oards to 'ave a loc&in# %acility<
(#) An occupational t'erapy5 recreation room o% =: S7 m is to )e provided
9<:<@ Neurolo#y
In 'ospitals 3'ere Neurolo#y Centre o% more t'an @; )eds is aut'orised t3o 3ard units eac' comprisin# o% Neuro
medicine and Neuro Sur#ery patients are to )e provided< ne o% t'ese 3ard units is to )e termed as Acute Neurolo#y
3ard< Ward units are to )e as per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 =, 3it' additional 3ard ancillaries %or Acute
Neurolo#y 3ard only as #iven in /a)le 1 9.<
9<:<: (a)
Ward units %or t'e center are to )e as per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 = 3it' additional 3ard ancillaries as #iven
in /a)le 1 9. 3it' %ollo3in# modi%icationsG$
(i) All )at' and 3<c< cu)icles in lavatory )loc& are to )e provided 3it' non s&id %loorin# and #uide railin#
%or protection<
(ii) All doors o% lavatory )loc&, )at' and 3c< (cu)icles are to )e 3ider to permit easy movement o% 3'eel
()) Arti%icial
Beds aut'orised %or t'e su) center to )e accommodated 3it'in t'e ort'opaedic 3ard unit )ut %loor space per )ed in
#eneral 3ard %or lim) patients is to )e C<B> S7m<
9<:<> *'eumatolo#y
As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 = 3it' modi%ications as mentioned %or ort'opaedic 3ard ( *e%er 9<:<: a, i
& ii )
9<:<A Nep'ro 1
Urolo#y Ward
As per normal scales mentioned in Section $ =
As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1= 3it' modi%ication to provide a %our$)edded room and an attac'ed toilet
3it' )arrier nursin# %or &idney transplantation (post operative cases o% urolo#y)<
A com)ined 3ard unit %or Urolo#y and Nep'rolo#y may )e provided i% possi)le 3it'in t'e stipulated )ed stren#t' o%
3ard unit<
Ward Unit
9<:<B Gastroenterolo#y Dept
Comprisin# o%G $
(a) 2edical Ward Unit
()) Sur#ical Ward Unit
As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 =
A com)ined 3ard unit %or medical sur#ical patients o% t'e discipline may )e provided i% possi)le 3it'in t'e
stipulated )ed stren#t' o% 3ard unit<
9<:<C *espiratory Ward Unit As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 = 3it' modi%ication<
9<:<? +aematolo#y Ward Unit As per normal scales mentioned Section 1= 3it' modi%ication to provide t3o sin#le )edded rooms and a
common attac'ed toilet 3it' )arrier nursin# and pat'o#en %ree environment<
9<:<=; Immunolo#y Ward Unit As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 = 3it' modi%ication to provide t3o sin#le )edded rooms and a
common attac'ed toilet 3it' )arrier nursin# %or immuno depleted or in immuno suppressed state patients<
NoteG$ A com)ined 3ard unit %or +aematolo#y & Immunolo#y may )e provided i% possi)le 3it'in t'e
stipulated )ed stren#t' o% 3ard unit<
9<:<== .ndocrine and 2eta)olism
3ard unit
As per normal scales mentioned in Section$=
9<:<=9 2ali#nant diseases 3ard unit
As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 =
9<:<=@ Cardiolo#y 3ard unit As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 = 3it' modi%ication to provideG
(a) Four )eds coronary care unit (ICCU) 3it' )arrier nursin#< Beds in ICCU are to )e arran#ed
in #laEed cu)icles 3it' centrally located nursin# o)servation counter< Bed space per cu)icle is to )e
=: S7m< A toilet o% ><9> S7m comprisin# o% 3c )edpan sin& in separate cu)icles and a 3') is to )e
provided %or t'ese )eds< .ac' cu)icle is to 'ave over'ead curtain rails %or patients" privacy<
()) Additional 3ard ancillaries as #iven in /a)le 19F
9<:<=: Cardiac Sur#ery As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1= 3it' modi%ication as (a) o% 9<:<=@ a)ove and additional area %or dressin# room
(3ard ancillary item A 19 o% ta)le 1 =) *e%er /a)le 1 9F<
A com)ined 3ard %or cardiolo#y and cardiac sur#ery )eds may )e provided i% %easi)le 3it'in t'e stipulated stren#t' o% 3ard
9<:<=> *econstructive
3ard unit
As per normal scales mentioned in Section 1 = 3it' additional area %or dressin# room (3ard ancillary item A 1 9 o%
/a)le 1 =) *e%er /a)le 1 9F<
9<:<=A Burn Centre /'e Centre is not to 'ave a separate out door clinic< All %acilities are to )e #rouped into t'e 3ard unit< Beds aut'orised %or t'e
center are to )e su) divided into acute, su) acute cases in t'e ratio o% :GA< Accommodation re7uired %or t'e center is to )e
c'anneliEed into a clean Eone and sterile Eone 3it' an air loc& in di%%erent directions< Certain %acilities %or #eneral reception
and admission o% ne3 )urn patients are needed to )e sited in protective Eone )e%ore patients are se#re#ated into clean and
sterile Eone< Clean Eone 3ill comprise o% 3ard unit %or su) acute cases in dou)le )edded rooms 3it' toilet %acility as per
Section 1 =and certain set o% 3ard ancillaries< Sterile Eone 3ill comprise o% an operation t'eatre %acility and 3ard
accommodation %or acute cases in #laEed cu)icles 3it' centrally located nursin# o)servation counter< Bed space per cu)icle is
to )e =;<>; S7m< .ac' cu)icle is to 'ave over'ead curtain rails %or patients" privacy<
Accommodation re7uired in Eone o% varyin# de#ree o% cleanliness o% t'e centre is #iven in /a)le 19G<
9<><; Intensive Care
/'e unit is to )e provided only %or 'ospitals o% >; )eds and a)ove< Num)er o% )eds in t'is unit is not to )e less t'an %our and
not to e4ceed 9F o% aut'orised total )eds stren#t' o% 'ospital o% a)ove 9;; )eds<
/'e unit is to )e sited in close pro4imity o% operation t'eatre, acute medical and sur#ical 3ard units<
/'e unit is to )e provided 3it' proper )arrier nursin#<
/'e unit is to 'ave %ollo3in# provisionsG$
(a) All )eds in t'is unit are to )e arran#ed in #laEed cu)icles as #eneral 3ard 3it' a centrally located nurses
station< Bed space per cu)icle to )e =: S7m< .ac' cu)icle is to 'ave over'ead curtain rails %or patients" privacy<
()) /3o #eneral toilets o% ><9> S7m eac' comprisin# o% 3c, )at' in separate cu)icles and 3') %or male and %emale
(c) +eat stro&e room 3'ere aut'orised
(d) Set o% 3ard ancillaries as #iven in /a)le 19G %or ICUs 'avin# %our )eds or more
(e) All monitors to )e 3all mounted<
(%) .ac' )ed 3ill 'ave )ed 'ead unit<
9<A<; Spinal cord
Ward units %or t'e centre 3ill admit non$am)ulant or semi$am)ulant patients and 3ill )e air$conditioned< /'e non$
am)ulant disa)led patients 3ill )e 3'eel c'air )ound and capa)le o% movin# around t'e )uildin# eit'er independently or 3it'
an attendant< /'e semi$am)ulant patients 3ill )e movin# around 3it' t'e aid o% crutc'es, tripods or 3'eel %rames< Since t'e
sittin# 'ei#'t o% an adult male in a 3'eel c'air is appro4imately =<9> to =<@> m, all t'e %acilities in t'e 3ard unit 3ould re7uire
to )e adDusted accordin#ly< /'e modi%ications re7uired areG $
(a) Floor space per )ed in t'e 3ard to )e minimum =;<> s7 m<
()) All doors to )e slidin# type, =<9 m 3ide 3it' 'andles at ;<? m and &ic& plates, metallic protection at ;<@ m and
transoms in t'e door at =<9 m<
(c) /oilet siEe is to )e minimum ><9> s7 m 3it' dimensions o% 9<: 4 9<: m to #ive turnin# radius o% =<> m %or t'e
3'eel c'air< All doors to open out3ards into t'e corridors or provided as slidin# type< S3in# up dou)le armed rest on
)ot' t'e sides o% toilet seats at a 'ei#'t o% ;<B m to )e provided<
(d) 2irror in t'e toilet at 'ei#'t o% = m (lo3er ed#e) and tilted %or3ard< W'), to )e %i4ed to #ive a clear 'ei#'t o%
;<B m a)ove t'e %loor to its lo3er sur%ace< /'e tap in t'e 3') to )e at a 'ei#'t o% ;<C to ;<C> m< Faucet 5 3id#et are to
)e provided in t'e toilet seal<
(e) All 3or&in# 'ei#'t in t'e 3ard are to )e at ;<C m and electrical s3itc'es 5 control to )e provided at ;<? m<
(%) Corridor 3idt' 3ill )e 9<: m< *amp i% re7uired to )e =G9; #radient<

9<B<; Day care centre A unit o% =; )eds eac' in addition to t'e overall aut'orisation o% )eds (in t'e 'ospital), is to )e provided 3it' 3ard ancillary
accn %or 'ospitals o% =;;$ @?? )eds and t3o suc' units o% =; )eds eac' %or 'ospitals o% :;; )eds and a)ove< /'e unit 3ill )e
sited in close pro4imity to t'e operation t'eatre, casualty !D, *adiolo#y dept, la)oratory< /'e unit 3ill )e planned in
accordance 3it' t'e scales at Section I and /a)le =<

/A6*+ < 2A
(P+)IA* WA0$ AN)I**A0I+(
S<No Facilities Belo3
C )eds
F<A< in
F<A< in
F<A< in
Constructional *e7uirement
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
*e%er 9<=<= Acute 2edical Ward (intermediary
Acute Sur#ical Ward (intermediary
=< 2"s duty room $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (i) W')
(ii) Dado = m 'i#'
9< Nursin# Asst room $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;;
@< C/*5!re op$preparation $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&5sin&, dado = m 'i#'<
:< +eat Stro&e room (3'ere aut'orised) $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (i) W')
(ii) As %or sin#le )edded room
(iii) nly %or Acute medical 3ard in 'ospitals
3'ic' are not aut'orised< Intensive Care Unit
*e%er 9<>)
(iv) AC
C</<* %or acute medical 3ard and pre
op$preparation %or acute sur#ical
3ard< Bot' t'e %acilities are to )e
provided i% t'ere is a common 3ard
%or acute medical & sur#ical cases<
/otal Ac'te .ed %%% 428## 428## 428##
/otal Ac'te ('r; %%% 2"8## 288## 288##
*e%er 9<9<; In%ectious Disease Ward
=< Sin& *oom B<;; =;<>; =;<>; (ar#e sin& %or soa&in# in%ected linen
9< Disc'ar#e *oom B<;; =;<>; =;<>; A )at' & a c'an#in# cu)icle (9<: eac') 3'ere
patients 3ill put on t'eir o3n steriliEed
@< Sta%% c'an#in# *oom =;<>;N 94=;<>; 94=;<>; 94=;<>; 3c< a )at' and c'an#in# cu)icle, 3')<
loc&ers< For c'an#in# and puttin# on special
clot'es )e%ore enterin# 3ard< Was'in# and
c'an#in# )ac& t'e personal clot'es on
leavin# t'e 3ard<
NCommon %or o%%icers & sta%%<
/otal "#85# 358## 428## 428##
Note G$ Dado =m 'i#' is to )e provided in rooms at Ser = to @< For )ot' cu)icle in Ser @, it is to )e 9m 'i#'<
/A6*+ % 26
(P+)IA* WA0$ AN)I**A0I+( (-A.I*2 WA0$(
(l8No -acilitie? -or Bard 'nit )oAAon )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
-8A8 in
-8A8 in
25 E a9ove
-8A8 in
for tBo or
Aore Bard
'nit? -8A8
in (@8A
Com)ined Family Ward
=< Nursery NB<;; N=;<>; $$$ $$$ N/o communicate 3it' sister"s duty room< Deep
sin& 3it' el)o3$operated tap<
A Paediatric Ward
=< !lay cum educational room =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Walls & ceilin#s )e taste%ully painted and 'ave
9< Formula *oom (For preparation
o% in%ant"s %ood)
B<;; B<;; =;<>; $$$ Sin& and drainin# )oard<
@< !rocedure *oom B<;; B<;; =;<>; (a) /o )e com)ined 3it' !aediatric Intensive
care Unit ) (!ICU)
()) Automatic door closure
(c) Built in small cup)oard
(d) Deep sin& 3it' el)o3 operated taps
:< Ima#in# *oom $$$ $$$ =;<>; $$$ (a) /o )e com)ined 3it' !ICU
()) Walls to 'ave radiation protection e7uivalent
to 9mm o% lead<
>< *esident"s *oom
3it' /oilet
$$$ Built in cup)oard
W'), 3c
A< !ICU =;<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; $$$ (a) /o )e located near nursin# station
()) Windo3s$ dou)le #lass<
(c) Automatic door closure<
(d) Wall o% !ICU common 3it' paediatric 3ard
to 'ave 'al% #lass partition<
B< C'an#e & Scru) *oom B<;; B<;; B<;; $$$ (a) Deep sin& 3it' el)o35%oot operated taps<
()) /o )e situated ne4t to t'e procedure room<
/otal 4!8## 6685# !485# %%%
6 ,9?tetric (.aternity Ward
Neonatal 5nit
=< Nursery (For sic& & 'i#' ris&
(a) S'oe c'an#e area
()) C'an#e room
(i) 2ale
(ii) Female
(c) Scru) room
(d) Ima#in# room
(i) Fi4ed vie3 3indo3s to3ards corridor
(ii) Deep sin& 3it' el)o3 operated tap ( typeG
additional sla) o% C maternal )eds (i) & (ii) as
%or sl< =<
(iii) Central suction, o4y#en point
Add @<>;s7m per additional sla) o% C5=A
maternity )eds<
9< !remature nursery $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>;
@< Septic nursery $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;;
(i) & (ii) o% sl< = O per additional sla) o% =A
maternity )eds
:< (a) Nurse"s *oom =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; /o communicate 3it' sl< =, 9 &
()) /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c<, 3')< & slop sin&<
(c) Nurse"s duty station out o% 'oriEontal circulation W'), computer terminal, telep'one soc&et<
>< Formula *oom (For preparation
o% in%ant"s %ood)
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; /o communicate 3it' sl< :< Sin& and drainin#
A< !rocedure *oom $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Deep sin& 3it' el)o3 operated
B< !aediatrician"s room =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 3')<
C< (a) .7uipment clean up and
utility room
$$$ $$$ $$$ B<;;
()) Soiled 'oldin# $$$ $$$ =;<>; ><9>
(c) Fumi#ation c'am)er $$$ $$$ $$$ ><9>
?< Demonstration cum p'oto
t'erapy room
$$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;;
=;< Store room B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; <
==< Hanitors closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>;
/otal !2825 "2#8=5 "628=5 "=68=5
Note G$
=< All rooms and toilet e4cept store room (sl< =, :, >, A o% !aediatric 3ard and Ser No =; o% )stetric (2aternity) 3ard, Neonatal unit
are to 'ave dado =m 'i#'< In nurseries (sl< = to @) o% o)stetric (2aternity) 3ard Neonatal unit t'e 'ei#'t o% dado is to )e raised =<9 m 'i#'<
9< Air conditionin# to )e provided in rooms o% Ser No @,: and B o% !aediatric 3ard and in rooms o% Ser No =, 9, @, :(a), (c), A, B o% o)stetric
(2aternity) 3ard and Neonatal unit<
@< All t'e t'ree nurseries to 'ave door 3it' lar#e #lass panel %or easy o)servation<
:< Bassinets (in%ant cot) in nursery rooms are to )e spaced =<9 m apart & separated )y lo3 parapets< Nursery rooms are )ased
on @<> s7<m per )assinet<
/A6*+ < 2) N+,NA/A* IN/+N(I4+ )A0+ 5NI/ (NI)5
(l8No -acilitie? -or Ward 5nit )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
Fonal 1o?pital
4## 9ed? E
8## 9ed? E a9ove
1o?pital (0E0
" 2 3 4 5
0efer to 28385(d
=< *eception B<;; B<;; Computer terminal, ample s'elvin# counter<
9< Waitin# area =;<>; =;<>; Glass partition overloo&in# patient care area<
@< S'oe c'an#in# area B<;; B<;; Built in s'oe rac&s
:< C'an#e room
(a) 2ale =;<>; =;<>;P Built$in cup)oards 3it' loc&ers %or 'an#in# uni%orms<
()) Female =;<>; =;<>;P
)*+AN F,N+
>< Doctors *oom =;<>; =;<>; 3'), el)o3 controlled s3an nec& taps, 'and driers (electrical)
A< Nurses *oom =;<>; =;<>; W'), el)o3 controlled s3an nec& taps, 'and driers
B< (inen Store B<;; B<;; Built$in s'elves on t3o sides (t'ree tiers)
C< Store *oom =;<>; =;<>; Built in s'elves (t'ree tiers)
?< 0$*ay *oom @<>; @<>;
=;< Clean Utility *oom B<;; B<;;
(/+0I*+ F,N+
==< Scru) up *oom ><9> ><9> W'), el)o3 controlled s3an nec& tap, electric 'and driers<
=9< Intensive Care Area 9C<;;
(: )eds)
(A )eds)
Central suction, o4y#en and compressed air on eac' )ed<
2ultiplu# > and => amp plu# soc&ets %or every )ed<
=@< Intermediate Care Area =:<;;
(9 )eds)
@ )eds)
$ do $
=:< Septic Care Area =:<;;
(9 )eds)
(9 )eds)
$ do $
=>< Nursin# Station ut o% circulation area Counter and computer terminal<
$I0/2 F,N+
=A< Dirty Utility *oom & Service *oom B<;; B<;; Sin& 3it' DB
=B< Hanitor"s Closet @<>; @<>;
=C< /oilets 94@<>; 94@<>; 3'), 3c
/otal "=3825 "!4825
Note? G
=< NICU to )e aut'orised to 'ospital 'avin# more t'an 9: o)stetric (maternity) )eds<
9< NICU to )e sited near to Delivery Suites and !aediatric 3ard<
@< Clear vision )et3een all patient care areas and Nursin# duty station to )e ensured 3it' #lass partitions<
@< Intensity o% illumination s'ould )e 'i#'<
:< Dado o% =<9m 'i#' o% ceramic tiles to )e provided in sl< no ==, =9, =@, =:, =>, =A, =B & =C<
>< Nursin# station s'ould )e centrally located 'avin# clear vision o% all patient care areas< /o 'ave counter o% =<9 m 'ei#'t 3it' ample
s'elvin# and space %or computers central monitor<
A< Air s'o3er to )e provided at t'e entry o% clean and sterile Eone<
B< /'e unit s'ould )e air$conditioned<
/A6*+ < 2$
$+*I4+02 (5I/+
-loor Area in (@ A (-or 1o?pital? BitC total faAily 9ed ?tren;tC of
(8No -acilitie? 5pto 24 25%4! 5#%!! "## E A9ove )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
=< *eception cum 3aitin# area =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;;
(a) /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c<, 3')<, urinal
9< Admission5.4amination
/ria#e *oom
=;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; (i) Sin& 3it' el)o3 operated tap 3it' slop
(ii) In )uilt loc&ers<
(iii) ver'ead curtain rails<
(a) N/oilet @<>; @<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 3c<, s'o3er
@< First sta#e la)our cu)icles =;<>; =;<>; 94=;<>; @4=;<>; (i) !rovision %or curtain rails<
(ii) Central medical #as supply<
N/oilet %acility to )e s'ared )et3een
/ria#e room and First sta#e (a)our
:< Nurses loc&er5c'an#e5rest area B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; !rovision %or )uilt in loc&er, restin#
(a) /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c<5 3')<
>< Doctors" loc&er5c'an#e5rest
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; !rovision %or loc&er, restin# couc'<
(a) /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3')<, 3c<, call system<
A< Delivery *oom @=<>; @=<>; 94@=<>; 94@=<>;
(a) In%ant *esuscitation *oom $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; S'elves %or consoles
B< *ecovery room =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; !rovision %or curtain rails<
C< Instrument steriliEin# room B<;; B<;; B<o; 94B<;; (i) /o communicate 3it' operatin#
delivery room<
(ii) Sin&5drainin# )oard<
?< Sluice *oom B<;; B<;; =;<>; 94=;<>; Bed pan sin&, sin& and drainin# )oard,
Common %or t3o delivery rooms<
=;< Stora#e =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin#, )uilt in cup)oards<
==< /rolley Bay B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; /o )e situated near t'e reception<
=9< peratin# Delivery *oom $$$ $$$ $$$ @=<>; /o communicate 3it' scru) up &
instrument steriliEation room< *est o% t'e
details as per /< (/a)le >, Ser No 9>,
=@< *ecovery *oom $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>;
=:< (a)our *oom %or Septic Cases $$$ =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; (i) Separate entrance<
(ii) Deep sin& 3it' el)o3 operated taps<
/otal "338## "6485# 2248## 3#"8##
=< Ser No 9(a), :(a), >(a), C, ?, =; & =: to 'ave dado =m 'i#' and Ser No A, =@ & => to ceilin# 'ei#'t<
9< *oom at Ser No @, A, C, =@, =:, & => to 'ave 3ider doors (=<9 m clear 3idt')<
/A6*+ < 2+
A$$I/I,NA* WA0$ AN)I**A0I+(
(8No -acilitie? -loor area in Aeter for
Bard 'nit of
)on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
Ne'rolo;y Bard (Ac'te
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W'), s3an nec& el)o3 controlled
9< .7uipment *oom =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Built in s'elves
@< /rolley Bay B<;; B<;; B<;;
9<:<@()) Neuro Sur#ery
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W'), s3an nec& el)o3 controlled
9< .7uipment *oom =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Built in s'elves
@< /rolley Bay B<;; B<;; B<;;
9<:<: rt'opaedic Ward
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W')
9< .7uipment *oom (For Bal&an )eams, Fracture )oards,
3ood )loc&s, splint, 3ei#'ts, pulleys & %racture cords etc)
=;<>; =;<>; =:<;; Built in s'elves
@< /rolley Bay B<;; B<;; B<;;
:< Nursin# Asst *oom 3it' occupational t'erapy store B<;; =;<>; =;<>;
9<:<> Cardiolo#y Ward Unit
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W')
9< .CG *oom =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
@< .7uipment *oom B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Built in cup)oard
9<:<A Cardiac Sur#ery
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W')
9< .7uipment *oom B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Built in s'elves
9<:<B *econstructive Sur#ery
=< 2"s Duty *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W')
9< .7uipment *oom B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Built in s'elves
@< Dressin# *oom B<;; B<;; B<;;
/otal "828## 2#38## 2#685#
A6*+ %2-
650N )+N/0+ (WA0$ AN)I**A0I+( E )*INI)
( No -acilitie? -loor Area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4
(0efer 2848"6 (ection%2
Protective Fone
=< *eception & 3aitin# 9=<;; Counter 3it' computer terminal
9< /oilet @<>; 3c , 3')
@< %%ice & record =;<>; Computer terminal
:< Specialist"s consultin# and e4amination 3it' attac'ed toilet =:<;;
Wit' computer terminal<
>< /rolley )ay B<;;
Clean Ione
A< Sister"s duty room
3it' attac'ed toilet
Ample s'elvin# & )uilt in cup)oard, computer
3c< & 3')<
B< Dressin# room =:<;; Sin& & drainin# )oard, 3')<, )uilt in cup )oard
inter communication to Ser no >< Wider door
C< Ward store, e7uipment and ca#es room =:<;; Ample s'elvin#<
?< Ward pantry B<;; Sin& & drainin# )oard<
=;< Nursin# Asst *oom B<;;
==< Soiled linen room B<;;
(terile Gone (Acce?? tCro';C air locH
=9< C'an#in# *ooms (For sur#eon, sister & *As) 3it' s'oe
c'an#e common<
Built in loc&ers & pe#s<
=@< *esuscitation room =:<;; 3')< )uilt in cup )oard< Wider door =<>m
=:< Dressin# room =:<;; Sin& & drainin# )oard, sur#eon"s sin& 3it'
el)o3 5 &nee operated taps, )uilt in cup)oard,
inter communication to Ser no =>< Wider door
=>< Saline )at' 9C<;; (on# )at', sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35&nee
operated taps, a lar#e sin& %or c'ildren"s
treatment, 3ider door =<>m
=A< Sur#eon"s5Anaest'etist"s room =:<;; 3')<
=B< Sta%% toilet (%or Doctors & Nurses) 94@<>; 3c< & 3')<
=C< /issue deep %reeEe =;<>; Wor& )enc'<
=?< (inen & 2edical Store (clean utility room) =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
9;< (a) peration t'eatre 9C<;; Q
()) Instrument steriliEation B<;; Q *e%er Ser no 9B to 9? o% /a)le$>
(c) Scru) up B<;; Q
$irty Fone
9;< Dirty utility & 3as' up room =;<>; Bed pan sin&, sla)5sin& %or cleanin#
mac&intos', s'elves, e4ternal e4it %or
conveyance o% t'eatre re%use<
9=< -isitor"s room =:<;; (i) Communicatin# 'atc' to Ser no =?())<
(ii) /'e entire centre 3ill )e centrally AC 3it'
laminar air%lo3 9> to @; air c'an#es %res' air<
/emp 99 to 9: de#ree Celsius 'umidity :;F$
>;F< Air curtains at t'e entrance o% t'e centre &
/otal 3""85#
Note G $
=< All rooms e4cept ser No 9, B, =; are to provided dado = m 'i#' unless ot'er3ise speci%ied<
9< Sterile Eone =, 9, @, :, ?, ==, =@, 9; )e centrally air conditioned 3it' laminar air %lo3 (=9 to =: %res' air c'an#es)< /emperature 9A
C 1 @;
and 'umidity A; F to B; F<
@< Air curtain to )e provided at t'e entrance o% sterile Eone<
:< Separate tan&s %or ade7uate 3ater stora#e< (: /an&s o% 9;;;( Capacity)
>< Ade7uate 3ater draina#e<
A< Central supply o% vacuum, 4y#en, Compressed air and Nitrous o4ide<
B< /rolley 3ei#'in# )ay to )e provided in t'e reception area<
/A6*+ < 2G
IN/+N(I4+ )A0+ 5NI/ (WA0$ AN)I**A0I+(
(8No -acilitie? -loor area in (@8A )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent
" 2 3 4
(0ef 2858# ?ec
=< Waitin# room 5*elatives rest room 3it'
attac'ed toilet
><9> Wc, 3') and s'o3er (dado o% 9m 'ei#'t)
9< /rolley )ay B<;;
@< S'oe c'an#e room B<;; Built in s'oe rac&s
:< 2"s duty room =:<;; S'ould )e conti#uous to patient care areas
>< Sister"s duty room =:<;; Ample s'elvin# & )uilt in cup)oard
A< Clean utility 5/reatment dressin# =:<;; Sin& & drain )oard, 3ide door (=<9m 3ide to communicate 3it' serial
no< B)
B< Ward store =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
C< .7uipment *oom =;<>; Ample s'elvin#<
?< +eat stro&e room (i% aut'orised) =:<;; 3')< vie3 3indo3
=;< !antry =;<>; Wor& /op Sin& 3it' draina#e )oard<
==< Clinical test room< B<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
=9< Dirty utility & soiled linen =;<>; Bed pan sin&, sla)5sin& %or cleanin# mac'ine<
=@< Nursin# Station ut o% circulation area Centrally located counter 3it' s'elvin# computer terminal and space
%or central monitor space< Built$in 0$ray vie3in# )o4<
=:< /oilets 94@<>; For Ser no< =, : and >
=>< Hanitors closet @<>;
/otal "558=5
Note G$
=< Dado o% = meter 'ei#'t in sl< No 9, A, B, C & =@ unless ot'er3ise speci%ied<
9< .ntire ICU comple4 to )e air$conditioned Air Curtain to )e provided at t'e entrance o% patient care area
@< All ICU )eds and +eat Stro&e *oom to )e provided 3it' )ed 'ead unit pendants<
:< Central suction, o4y#en supply, compressed air point %or eac' )ed, 'eat stro&e room & treatment room<
>< ne 3<'<)< per 9 )eds<
A< Ceilin# mounted I5- %luid trac&
B< Indirect li#'t 3it' dimmers %or eac' )ed
C< Five multi$soc&ets 3it' > ampere and => ampere soc&ets %or eac' )ed
?< Nurse call system %or eac' )ed
(+)/I,N % 3
,5/ PA/I+N/(7 $+PA0/.+N/
@< General ut !atients" department provides dia#nostic, curative, preventive and re'a)ilitative services on an am)ulatory
)asis durin# 3or&in# 'ours 3'ere as t'e Accident and .mer#ency Services %unctions round t'e cloc& to provide medical
care to all needy patients reportin# to 'ospital< Bot' t'ese departments s'ould )e co$located in a separate 3in# 3it'
independent approac' roads< /'e department is to )e so located t'at t'e dia#nostic and treatment %acilities suc' as
*adiolo#y, !at'olo#y, !'ysiot'erapy and Blood Ban& are conveniently s'ared 3it'in patient 3ards< /'e patient s'all not
'ave to pass t'rou#' t'e 3ard units<
/'e department is %unctionally classi%ied into %ive sections as underG $
=< Accident and emer#ency Services 1 +ospitals 3it' @;; and more )eds to 'ave it as separate entity< In ot'er
'ospital Gen !D to provide t'ese services also<
9< General ut patient"s clinic /o )e #rouped to#et'er as polyclinic in all 'ospitals< In
@< Consultin# suites post #raduate teac'in# 'ospitals )ot' polyclinics and
:< Family out patients" clinics speciality departments to )e constructed )y includin#
>< Su) specialities out patients clinics appropriate num)er consultin# suites 3it' t'em<
@<= General out patient"s
/'e clinic provides (a) General medical c'ec& up, dia#nosis and treatment o% all patients reportin# t'e
'ospital re#ardless o% t'eir ailment< It also acts as %ilter clinic<
()) First aid treatment o% emer#ent and accident cases<
(c) Dispensary and clinical %acilities<
@<9 Consultin# suites
Gynae & S&in
Separate consultin# suites %or medical, sur#ical specialties and !aediatric, .N/, .ye su) specialties are provided %or all
detailed investi#ations and e4amination o% patients re%erred %rom General ut !atients" clinic & ot'er 2I *ooms etc
@<@ Family ut !atients"
/o provide educative, preventive, dia#nostic and curative %acilities to %amilies< Clinics providin# t'ese %acilities are
#rouped as underG $
=< )stetric & Gynaecolo#ical clinic<
9< Family !lannin# Unit<
@< !aediatric clinic<
@<@<= )stetric &
/'e clinic is re7uired to )e planned close to inpatients" 3ard units to ena)le t'em to ma&e use o% t'e clinic at time %or ante
and post$clinic natal care< /'e clinic s'ould also )e at a convenient distance %rom #eneral out patients" clinic<
@<@<9 Family plannin#
/'e clinic is to provide proper maternity, c'ild 'ealt' and education %acilities< It may )e located close to o)stetric &
Gynaecolo#ical clinic<
@<@<@ !aediatric clinic /'e clinic is to provide medical care %or in%ants (ne3 )orn )a)ies) and c'ildren up to t'e a#e o% =9 years< 3in# to ris& o%
in%ection it is essential to isolate t'e clinic %rom ot'er clinic"s cro3d<
@<: Su) specialities out
Separate clinics %or t'e under mentioned su) specialities are re7uired to )e provided in 'ospitals 3'ere t'ey are
speci%ically clinics aut'orised< /'ese su) specialities are to )e provided in t'e %orm o% Centres5Su) centres 3'erein indoor
and outdoor %acilities are to #rouped close to eac' ot'er to t'e e4tent possi)le (*e%er clause 9<: o% Section$9)< Speci%ic
re7uirement o% eac' o% t'e su) specialities is e4plained in t'eir respective ta)le listin# t'e %acilities re7uiredG$
=< Department o% S&in
9< !syc'iatric Centre
@< Neurolo#y Centre, Neuro Sur#ery5Su) Centre
:< (a) rt'opaedic Centre
()) Arti%icial (im) Centre
>< *'eumatolo#y Centre
A< (a) Urolo#y Centre
()) Nep'rolo#y Centre
B< Gastroenterolo#y
(a) 2edical Centre
()) Sur#ical Centre
C< *espiratory Centre

?< +aematolo#y Centre
=;< Immunolo#y Centre
==< .ndocrine & 2eta)olism Centre 1 nly %or Command +ospitals and A+(* & *)

=9< ncolo#y Centre (2ali#nant diseases) 1 nly %or Command +ospitals and A+(* & *)
=@< Cardiolo#y, Cardio$t'oracic and -ascular Sur#ery Centre
=:< *econstructive Sur#ery Centre
=>< Anaest'etic !D and !ain Clinic
*e7uirement %or various %acilities re7uired %or eac' o% t'e a)ove clinics vide clause @<= to @<: are #iven in /a)le$@A to @6<
@<> Atrium !D to )e provided 3it' an atrium o% appropriate siEe in t'e entrance o% !le4i#las5transparent materials 3it' pleasant
aest'etic colour %iltration< or any ot'er suita)le material in vo#ue %or natural li#'tin# o% t'e 'all<
@<A (o))y5*eception area +ospitals o% :;; )eds and a)ove 3ill )e provided 3it' lo))y5reception area< It s'ould )e ade7uate and to 'ave t'e %ollo3in#
and so located t'at )ot' !D and Accident and .mer#ency patients can avail t'ese %acilitiesG $
=< Central reception & re#istration
9< Con%ectionary5 %ruit S'op
@< In%ormation Centre
:< S/D5ISD5!C )oot'
>< Display )oard
A< !* C'am)er
B< Security Control *oom
C< Accommodation %or medico social 3or&er
?< Accommodation %or 'ealt' education<
Note G (avatory %acilities may )e provided in common to )e s'ared )y set o% clinics 3'ic' are located close to eac' ot'er<
,5/ PA/I+N/(7 $+PA0/.+N/
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? "5%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6## % =!! 8## 9ed?
E a9ove
and )13
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
*e%er @<=
A .ain clinic
=< .n7uiry & *eception B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<> =:<;; =:<;;R 9=<;; Computer terminalR 9= s72
in !G /eac'in# +ospital
9< Atrium :?<;; >A<;; A@<;; B;<;; =;><;; =;><;; ==9<;; Dome s'aped 3it' !le4i#las
transparent material top$
pleasant colour %iltration or
any ot'er material %or natural
@< /rolley & 3'eel
c'air and pram )ay
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
:< Ward 2aster"s room =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; S'elvin#
>< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers &
()) HCs5*
(c) HCs5*"s
A< 2"s .4amination
=:<;;N =:<;;N =:<;;N =:<;;N =:<;;N =:<;;N =:<;;N 3')< NAdd = room o% same
area %or eac' addl 2<
B< /reatment room =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; (i) Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard,
3')< s'elvin#<
(ii) Wider door o% not less
t'an =<9m<
(iii) /o communicate 3it' Ser
no A<
C< InDection room B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 3')< /o communicate 3it'
Ser >< /o 'ave an independent
access as 3ell<
B +Aer;ency 5nit
?< (a) 2inor Sur#ery
9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; (i) Sin& 3it' el)o35&nee
operated tap<
(ii) Wider door =<>;m clear
(iii) S'ado3 less lamp<
()) Instrument
/rolley layin# room
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
(c) Instrument
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Sin& & Drain Board<
(d) Was' up & sluice B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Slop sin&, sin& & Drain
=;< Fracture treatment
3it' plaster
preparation room
$$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (i) 3')<
(ii) sin& & plaster trap
(iii) Wider door not less t'an
==< *ecovery *oom =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; (i) 3')<
(ii) Wider door not less t'an
=9< (a) Duty 2edical
%%icer"s *oom
=:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; Computer terminal<
()) Attac'ed toilet ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9>49 ><9>49 (i) S'o3er, 3c< & 3')<
(ii) Dado 9m 'i#'<
=@< *etirin# room %or
Am) driver5Nursin#
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
)< Ancillary /o serve consultin# suites as
=:< Dispensary (a) to (c) to
(a) %%ice B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal<
()) Dru#s Store =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; Built in s'elves<
(c) !reparation
in# & dispensin#
=;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; (i) (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
(ii) Sin& & DB<
=>< Clinical side room <
(a) Specimen
collection &
B<;; B<;; =;<> =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; @ 4 =:<;; (a) & ()) to intercommunicate
()) Wor& *oom =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
(c) /oilet (Separately
%or male & %emale)
94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 3c< & 3')<
=A< Waitin# =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; Common %or dispensary &
=B< Nursin# o%%icer"s
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
=C< Store B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; S'elvin#
=?< !antry B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Wor& top 3it' sin& 3it' DB<
$< (anitary
9;< (av %or sta%% &
(a) %%icers
@<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c< urinal, 3')< (@<>;)
()) HCs5* ><9> ><9> ><9> B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; 3c< 9 urinal, 3')< (><9>)<
93c, 9 urinals, 93<'<)< (B<;;)<
(c) (adies @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c, 3')< (@<>;)
(d) Hanitor closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 93c, 3')< (><9>)
/otal 33!85# 35=8## 4#285# 44!8=5 565825 6#585#I 6=28## I63385# (@. In ca?e of PG
/eacCin; Co?pital?
Note G
=< Dado to a 'ei#'t o% =m is to )e provided in all rooms e4cept at Ser no = to :, =9(a), =@, =:(a), =:()) =A =B & =C<
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, ption may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no > )y providin# =<9m 'i#' %le4i)le
partition 3alls<
@< For 'ospitals 3it' @;; and more )eds additional 7uantity one eac' o% Srl No = (B<;; S7m), @, > ( :9<;; S7m), A ,B ( 9C<;; S7m to 'ouse t3o
resuscitation stations), =9 ( only in case o% !G /eac'in# 'ospitals), 9; (d) and room %or mortal remains (=;<> S7m) 3ill )e constructed %or Accident
and .mer#ency services<
),N(5*/ING (5I/+(
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? 25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6## % =!! 8## 9ed?
E a9ove
and )13
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
3828" .edical )on?'ltin; ('ite
=< (a) C
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 3')<
()) Attac'ed toilet $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; (i) 3c< & 3')<
(ii) Dado =m 'i#'
(c) Steno#rap'er"s
*oom &
su) 3aitin#
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;;
9< (a) Specialist
Consultin# &
.4amination *oom
=:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (i) 3')<
(ii) Dado =m 'i#'
(iii) Add =: S7m %or addl
()) Su) 3aitin# B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Common %or 9 e4am room
@< *eception cum o%%ice
%or cler&s & record
$$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal, )uilt$in
:< .<C<G< *oom B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; (i) 3')<
(ii) Dado =m 'i#'
/otal 288## 428## 428## 428## ==8## 8#85# 8#85#
382828 ('r;ical )on?'ltin; ('ite
= to
Same as %or 2edical
9=<;; @=<>; @=<>; @=<>; AA<>; B;<;; B;<;; As %or 2edical Suite< Add =:
S7m per addl specialist
:< Dressin# room $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; (i) 3')<
(ii) Dado =m 'i#'
/otal 2"8## 428## 428## 428## ==8## 8#85# 8#85#
38283 .ar, Nose, /'roat$
Consultin# Suite
(3'ere aut'orised)
$$$ $$$ I% aut' I% aut' I% aut' I% aut' I% aut'
=< (a) Specialist
consultin# &
.4amination room
$$$ $$$ 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; (i) Addl =: s7 m
room %or addl
(ii) 3')<
(iii) Capa)le o%
dar&enin# )y
-enetian )linds
9C<;; 9C<;;
(i) to (iii) as a)ove
)ut 93<'<)<
(iv) Wit' a s'ort
partition to ena)le
specialists to 3or&<
()) Attac'ed toilet $$$ $$$ N@<>; N@<>; N@<>; @<>; @<>; 3c< & 3')<
NCommon %or .N/ &
.ye specialists
consultin# and e4am
(c) Su) 3aitin# $$$ $$$ NB<;; NB<;; NB<;; B<;; B<;; NCommon %or .N/ &
.ye specialists
consultin# and e4am
9< /reatment *oom $$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (i) /o communicate
3it' Ser =<
(ii) Sin&
@< Audiometry *oom $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Sound proo%in# to
ac'ieve sound level
o% @> dB & AC
:< !ractice peratin#
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; 3')<
>< .lectro
$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =B<>;
A< Impedence
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; 3')<
B< 2inor Sur#ery *oom $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =B<>; (i) Sin& 3it'
el)o35&nee operated
(ii) Capa)le o%
dar&enin# )y
-enetian )linds<
(iii) GlaEed )uilt in
CB 3it' #lass
C< *eception cum o%%ice
%or *A"s & record
$$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
?< Store room $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
/otal %%% %%% 8#85# 8#85# 8#85# ""585# "=58##
J288## -or ArAy 1o?pital
38284 (peecC /Cerapy
)entre? BCere
$ $ $ $ $ $ I% aut' /o )e located at a
7uite corner
pre%era)ly near to
p'ysiot'erapy centre<
I% need not )e close to
.N/ consultin# suite<
=< Group Speec' /'erapy
$ $ $ $ $ $ 9=<;;
9< Individual t'erapy
$ $ $ $ $ $ =B<>; /o 'ave @ cu)icles
3it'in t'is room<
@< (a) Waitin# room $ $ $ $ $ $ =;<>;
()) Attac'ed toilet $ $ $ $ $ $ @<>;
:< %%ice & record $ $ $ $ $ $ =;<>;
/otal % % % % % % 638##
38285 +ye con?'ltin; ?'ite $$$ I% aut' I% aut' I% aut' I% aut' I% aut'
(BCere a'tCori?ed
=< (a) Specialist
Consultin# &
.4amination room
$$$ 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; (i) Same as %or .N/
consultin# &
e4amination room<
9C<;; 9C<;;
N O9C<;;
(ii) In addition, addl
room o% =: s7 m %or
addl specialist
N For A+ (*&*)
()) Attac'ed toilet N@<> N@<> N@<> N@<>; N@<>;
3c< & 3')<
NCommon %or .N/ &
.ye specialists
consultin# & e4am
(c) Su) 3aitin# B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
/otal 358## 358## 358## 358## 6685# !88##
9< Dar& *oom $$$
$$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; /o communicate 3it'
= to > < AC
@< rt'optic cum
tono#rap'y room
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;;
:< 2inor sur#ery &
treatment room
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =B<>; As per item B o%
@<9<@< AC
>< *eception cum o%%ice
%or *As & record
$$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
A< Store room $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
/otal %%% 358## 638## 638## 638## !88## "688##
!rovide one add consultin# room %or Army +ospital only<
38286< Waitin# areas common %or t3o clinics<
(a) 2edical & Sur#ical (one set)<
()) .N/ & .S. (one set)<
=< %%icers & %amilies $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
9< HCs5* $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9C<;;
@< HCs5*s %amilies $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
:< Sanitary (av %or
(a) %%icers @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c, 3')< (@<>;) 3c,
urinal, 3')< (><9>)
()) t'ers (common
%or sta%% & patients)
><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> B<;; B<;; B<;;
3c, 9 urinals, 3')<
(c) Families @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c, 3')< (@<>;) 9 3c,
3')< (><9>)
/otal "2825 438=5 438=5 438=5 568## 638## 6685#
Note G =< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided in all toilets, consultin# suites, treatment rooms
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, ption may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no =,9 & @ )y providin# =<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition
@< Addl items aut' %or polyclinics in !G teac'in# 'ospitalsG $
(a) Addl 7uantity 9 o% ser No 9, 7uantity =T o% ser No : o% para @<9<= and @> s7 m space %or su) 3aitin# %or medical !D<
()) 6uantity 9 o% ser No 9, 7uantity = o% ser No : o% para @<9<9 and @> s7 m space %or su) 3aitin# %or Sur# !D<
(c) 6uantity = eac' o% ser No = and 9 o% para @<9<@ and 9C s7 m space %or su) 3aitin# %or .N/ !D<
(d) 6uantity 9 o% ser No = and = o% ser No : o% para @<9<> and @> s7 m space %or su) 3aitin# %or .ye !D<
,5/ PA/I+N/(7 )*INI) (-A.I*2
( No -acilitie? -or Co?pital? BitC faAily 9ed? (tren;tC )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent
5p to 4!
9ed? Ain 8
5#% !!
faAily 9ed?
2## E a9ove
faAily 9ed?
8## 9ed ?la9 E
a9ove3 ArAy E
)oAd 1o?p
-A in ?@ A -A in ?@
-A in ?@ A -A in ?@ A -A in ?@ A
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8
3838" ,9?tetric E Gynaecolo;y )linic
=< 0eception E re;i?tration B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Counter 3it' computer terminal
9< /rolley )ay B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
@< Waitin# *ooms
(a) %%icers" %amilies L =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
()) HC"s5* %amilies L =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; @><;; @><;;
:< (a) Consultin# &
()) Ultrasound *oom
>< %%ice, records computer =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin#
A< Dressin# & treatment
$ $ =:<;; =4=:<;; =4=:<;; /o serve t'e consultin# rooms<
=;<>; =;<>; $ =4=:<;; =4=;<>; /o )e adDoinin#5)et3een
consultin# room<
(i) Sin& & drainin# )oard<
(ii) Dress cu)icle )e %ormed )y
cover 'ead curtain rails<
B< Nurse"s room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; W ' )
C< Counsellin# room $ $ =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
?< Dispensary $ $ $ B<;; B<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&< Dado =m
=;< (a) Clinical side room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; $ do $
()) /oilet (attac'ed) @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c< & 3')< Dado =m 'i#'
(c) Su) 3aitin# room $ B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>;
==< Seminar room $ $ =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; Seminar room to )e clu))ed
)et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5
centres5depts 3it' a minimum o%
one at eac' %loor<
=9< !antry $ $ B<;; B<;; B<;; Wor& top sin& 3it' drain )oard
=@< Sanitary
(a) 2ale 9 sets (one %or
o%%icers & ot'er %or
94@<>; 94@<>; 94><9> 94><9> 94><9> 3c<, urinal & 3')< (@<>;) 3c<
9 urinals & 3')< (><9>)
()) Female 9 sets (one %or
o%%icer"s %amilies and ot'ers
%or HC5*"s %amilies)
94@<>; 94@<>; 94><9> 94><9> 94><9> 3c< & 3')< (@<>;)
93<c< & 3')< (><9>)
Dado =m 'i#'
/otal "#885# ""585# "="85# 2458## 25!8##
Note?D =< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @ (a) & ()) )y
providin# =<9 m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
38382 Paediatric )linic
=< *eception and *e#istration B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Counter 3it' computer terminals<
9< /rolley )ay B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
@< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers" %amily L B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (I) Walls and ceilin# s'ould )e
taste%ully painted<
()) HCs5* %amily L B<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; (ii) 3')
:< Consultation &
=:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;49 =:<;;4@ W')
>< %%ice and record and
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; Computer terminals<
A< !lay room $ =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Walls and ceilin# s'ould 'ave
colour%ul murals<
/oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 9 4 @<>; /o )e s'ared )et3een 9 rooms
3'), urinal<
B< Store room B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; Ample s'elvin#
C< Seminar room $ $ $ =;<>; =:<;; Seminar room to )e clu))ed
)et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5
centres5depts 3it' a minimum
o% one at eac' %loor<
?< !antry $ $ $ B<;; B<;; Wor& top sin& and drainin# )oard
=; /reatment room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard and
==< Acute Care *oom $ $ =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 3'), sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
=9< (a) Well Ba)y Clinic
=;<>; =;<>; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 3'), sin& 3it' drainin# )oard and
3or& )enc'
()) ImmuniEation *oom
=@< Counsellin#5ccupational
t'erapy room
$ $ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
=:< Nurse"s room $ $ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; W')
=>< Sanitary
(a) %%icers & %amilies
(Doctors & patients)
9 4 @<>; 9 4 @<>; 9 4 @<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 3c, 3'), urinal
()) 2ale (patients & sta%%) ><9> ><9> ><9> 94><9> 94><9> 3c, 3'), urinal
(c) Female (patients &
><9> ><9> ><9> 94><9> 94><9> 93c, 3')
/otal !88## ""!8## "=58## 2248## 25!8##
Note? G$ =< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at Ser no ?, =;, ==, =9 and =><
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @ (a) & ()) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
@< Addl aut' %or polyclinics o% !G teac'in# 'ospitalsG $
(a) Addl 7uantity = eac' o% ser No =, @, A, C and =@ and 7uantity 9 o% ser No : o% para @<@<= %or o)st and Gynae Clinic<
()) Addl 7uantity = eac' o% ser No =, @, A, =; & == and 7uantity 9 o% ser No : o% para @<@<@ %or !aediatric clinic<
38383 -aAily Plannin; )linic
=< 2ultipurpose room (%or
3aitin#, demonstration,
lecture and museum)
=;<>; =;<>; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;;
9< Consultin# & .4amination =:<; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 3')<, Dado =m 'i#'
@< peratin# room (%or IUCD
insertion & investi#ation)
=;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Sin& & D<B Dado =m 'i#'<
:< %%ice %or lady 'ealt'
visitor5e4tension 'ealt'
=;<>; =;<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>;
/otal 4585# 4585# 6685# 6685# 6685#
/A6*+ 3$ %,5/ PA/I+N/(7 )*INI)% $+PA0/.+N/ ,- (>IN
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(er No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? )oA9ined clinic
$erAatolo;y E (/$
5p to 4! 9ed?
(/$ )linic *epro?y
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8
0efer 3848"
Department o% S&in
comprisin# any or all<
=< Dermatolo#y
9< S</<D
@< (eprosy
=< *eception & *e#istrar B<;; B<;; $$$ B<;; Counter & computer
9< Waitin# *ooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies
=;<>; =:<;; /o )e
s'ared in
3it' der$
B<;;N NI% separate specialist
is aut'orised
()) HCs and * L =;<>; =:<;; B<;;
(c) HC"s5* %amilies L =;<>; =:<;; B<;;
A com)ined clinic
%or Dermatolo#y &
S</<D< is to )e
provided in 'ospitals
3'ic' 'ave an
aut'orised stren#t' o%
)eds upto :? ()ot'
to#et'er)< t'er3ise
separate clinics %or all
t'e disciplines are to
)e provided<
@< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;N 3')< Add =:<;; S7m
%or eac' addl
:< %%ice cum record &
9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; $$$ Computer terminal,
)uilt$in cup$)oard
>< /reatment rooms
(a) For male =:<;; =B<>; $$$ $$$ 3')
()) For %emale =:<;; =B<>; $$$ $$$ 3')<
A< C'an#in# & )at'in#
(a) For male =;<>; =;<>; $$$ $$$
/o communicate 3it'
respective treatment
room (Ser no >)<
()) For %emale =;<>; =;<>; $$$ $$$ .ac' to 'ave
(i) C'an#in# cu)icle
(ii) (on# )at'
(iii) S'o3er )at'
(iv) +air 3as'in#
cu)icle 3it' lar#e
B< Bar)er"s room =;<>; =;<>; $$$ $$$ 3')<
C< (a)oratory 3it' dar&
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; $$$ (a) )enc' 3it' la)
$$$ $$$ @<>; $$$
?< 2inor sur#ery =;<>; =:<;; =;<>; $$$ 3')<
=;< !soralin ultraviolet cum
(aser t'erapy includin#
dressin# cu)icle<
ver'ead rails 3it'
provision %or curtain
==< Dispensary B<;; B<;; $$$ $$$ Wor& )enc' sin& &
drainin# )oard< Built
in cup)oard issue
=9< Biopsy room $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; 3')<
=@< Dressin# room $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; 3')<
=:< InDection room $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; 3')<
=>< Seminar room $$$ $$$ 9C<;; $$$ Com)ined %or all t'e
t'ree clinics<
=A< Counsellin# room =;<>; =;<>; $$$ =;<>;
=B< (anitary
(a) %%icers & %amilies
(Doctors & patient)
()) 2ale (!atient & Sta%%)
(c) Female (!atient &
9 4 @<9>
9 4 @<9>
/o )e
/o )e
/otal "8!8## 22=85# "#"85# ==8##
Note? D =< Dado o% = metre 't to )e provided at Ser no >(a), >()), B, C, ?,==, =9< =@ & =A and 9 m at A(a) & A())
9< Additional 7uantity$= eac' o% Srl No 9, @, ? & == to )e constructed %or !olyclinic in !G teac'in# 'ospitals<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9 )y providin# =<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< Seminar room at ser => to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ %3+
,5/ PA/I+N/ )*INI)%P(2)1IA/0I) )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(er No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for
'p to 4! 9ed? K 5# 9ed? E
K a9ove
)on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
0efer cla'?e 38483
=< *eception5*e#istration B<;; B<;; Counter 3it' computer terminal
!syc'iatric clinic is to )e
provided dependin# upon
t'e )ed stren#t' o% t'e
9< Waitin# room
(a) %%icers & %amilies P B<;; =:<;;
()) HCs & * P =;<>; =:<;;
(c) HCs & * %amilies P =;<>; =:<;;
/'is is pre%era)ly to )e
planned on #round %loor
to reduce t'e ris& o%
suicide & accidents<
Ward comple4 to )e
conti#uous to psyc'iatric
!D or in close vicinity
to it<
@< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; =:<;; 3') Add =: S7m per additional
:< %%ice, records and computer =:<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal, )uilt$in cup)oard
>< .<.<G room =:<;; =:<;;
A< /reatment rooms
(a) .<C</< *oom =:<;; =:<;;
()) Be'aviour t'erapy room =;<>; =;<>; 3')
(c) Bio$%eed)ac& room =;<>; =;<>; Sound proo%, one 3ay minor
=<9m 4 =m
B< *ecovery room 9=<;; 9C<;;
C< 2edical !syc'olo#ist =:<;; 3')
?< !syc'olo#y (a)oratory =:<;; /o communicate 3it' Ser No C
=;< Social 3or&er =;<>;
==< .scort room 9=<;; 9C<;; (i) )at' room $ 94><9> s7m
(ii) 3c< $ Q 94@<> s7,
(iii) 3') $Q
=9< *ecreational t'erapy room 9=<;; 9C<;;
=@< ccupational t'erapy room 9=<;; 9C<;;
=:< C'ild Guidance clinic =:<;; =:<;;
=>< !ac& store B<;; =;<>;
=A< Sanitary
(a) %%icers (Sta%%) @<>; @<>; 3c<& 3')
()) 2ale (all ran&s) ><9> ><9> 3c< urinal & 3')
(c) Female (all ran&s) ><9> ><9> 9 3c< & 3')
/otal 23"8## 3228##
Note?G =< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at Ser No @, A(a), ==(Sanitary) and =A<
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
@< All electrical points are to )e %itted a)ove 9<> meters pre%era)ly and s3itc'es to )e %i4ed out side t'e patient care area pre%era)ly at
nursin# station<
:< Air conditionin# to )e provided at sl< No > to B<
>< Ser no > s'ould 'ave electroma#netic %ield s'ieldin#, sound proo%in# (sound level not more t'an => dB), central eart'in# and
no %luorescent tu)e li#'ts<
A< All electrical connections to )e concealed<
B< Bolts o% t'e doors o% toilets to 'ave provision to open %rom out side also<
/A6*+ < 3-
,5/ PA/I+N/ )*INI) < N+50,*,G2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre?
Ne'rolo;y )entre
)on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
.edicine ('r;ery
" 2 3 4 5 6
*e%er @<:<@
Neurolo#y centre 3ill
cover medical and
sur#ical aspects o%
Neurolo#y< /'e clinics
to 'ave Neuro$
medicine and Neuro$
/'e clinic 'as a
%unctional correlation
3it' ot'er clinics li&e
!syc'iatry, .S., .N/,
!'ysiot'erapy and
= *eception5*e#istration B<;; /o )e s'ared in common 3it'
Computer terminal
9 /rolley )ay B<;;
@< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & Families
()) HC"s5*
(c) HC"s5* %amilies
/o )e s'ared in common 3it'
:< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; =:<;; (i) W')
(ii) Capa)le o% dar&enin# )y
-enetian )linds
(iii) Add =: S7m per additional
>< %%ice, *ecords and
Computer *oom
9=<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal, )uilt$in
A< !rocedure *oom =:<;; /o )e s'ared in common 3it'
(i) Sin& 3it' %oot5el)o3 operated
(ii) Wor& )enc'
B< ..G *oom =:<;; $do$
C< .2G =:<;; $do$
?< /rans Cranial Doppler
$ =:<;;
=;< Sleep (a) (Bio$%eed)ac&
9=<; /o )e s'ared in common 3it'
==< !antry B<;; $do$ (i) Wor& /op
(ii) Sin& & drainin# )oard
=9< Store *oom =;<>; =;<>; Built$in s'elves
=@< Seminar *oom 9C<;; /o )e s'ared in common 3it'
=:< Sanitary$common %or )ot'
t'e departments<
(a) %%icers & Families
(Doctors & !atients)
()) HC"s5* %amilies
(c) HC"s5*
Wc & 3')
9 3c & 3')
=3c, = urinal & = 3')
/otal 2"=8## 6685#
=< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @(a) to @(c) )y providin# =<9m 'i#'
%le4i)le partition 3alls<
9< Ser No :, A ,== & =: s'ould 'ave dado =m 'i#'<
@< Ser No B, C, ?, =; s'ould 'ave electroma#netic %ield s'ieldin#, sound proo%in# (sound level not more t'an => d)), central eart'in#, and no
%luorescent tu)e li#'ts
:< Dou)le s'utter doors o% 3idt' =<@>m clear to )e provided in rooms at Sl< No @, : & A to =; %or easy accessi)ility o% patients on 3'eel
c'air5 trolley<
>< Ser No A to =; s'ould 'ave controlled environment )y air$conditionin#<
A< Seminar room at ser =@, to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ % 3G
,5/ PA/I+N/( )*INI) % ,0/1,PA+$I) )+N/0+ AN$
A0/I-I)IA* *I.6 (56 )+N/0+ (W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(8No -acilitie? -loor are in (@8A )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
4! 9ed?
5# 9ed?
E A9ove
Artificial *iA9
('9 )entre
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
*e%er @<:<: /'e
centre s'ould )e
in close
pro4imity to
!re%era)ly in
#round %loors
near t'e casualty
!D< A(C su)
center s'ould )e
#rouped 3it'
rt'o clinic
=< *eception B<;; B<;; B<;; Counter terminal
9< /rolley )ay53'eel c'air B<;; B<;; B<;;
@< Waitin# room
%%icer"s & %amilies =;<>; =:<;; $$$ Wider door o% =<> m, addl 3aitin#
room same siEe %or polyclinic in !G
teac'in# 'ospital<
HC"s & %amilies =;<>; =:<;;
:< Consultation c'am)ers =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W') 3it' to3el railin#, =:<;; s7 m
per addl ort'opaedic sur#eon (also one
addl %or polyclinic in !G teac'in#
'ospital), 9= s7 m addl %or Senior
Advisor (i% aut'orised) 3it' attac'ed
>< !laster *oom =:<;; 9=<;; $$$ 9 sin&s 3it' plaster trap 3'), 3ider
door =<>m
A< Store *oom =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin#
B< %%ice & *ecord =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Built$in cup)oard computer terminal<
/o )e placed centrally to 3or& s'op at
sl< C (a) & ())
C< Wor& S'op
(a) (eat'er $$$ $$$ 9=<;; Wider door =<>m
()) 2etal & !lastic $$$ $$$ 9=<;; $ do $
(c) Finis'in# and paintin# $$$ $$$ 9=<;; $ do $
(d) Fittin#s & trial cum 3aitin#
$$$ $$$ 9=<;; $ do $
(e) Wor&man"s c'an#e & rest
$$$ $$$ =:<;; Built in cup)oards
?< Sanitary
(a) Sta%% @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c, 3')
()) !atients
2ale B<;; B<;; B<;; 3c, 3'), urinal door =<9m 3ide 'and
Female ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c, 3'), =<9m 3ide door 'and railin#
/otal !!8=5 ""=825 "66825
Note? G$
=< Non$s&id %loorin#
9< Dado $ = m 'i#' to )e provided in rooms o% Ser No :, > and ?<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @ )y providin#
=<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< *amp at entrance =G9; non$s&id %or 3'eel c'air & trolleys<
/A6*+ % 31
,5/ PA/I+N/( )*INI)% )*INI)A* I..5N,*,G2 AN$ 01+5.A/,*,G2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$ )
(l8 No -acilitie? -loor Area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent
" 2 3 4 5 6
*e%er @<:<> &
=< (a) *eception and
B<;; B<;; Counter and computer terminal
pre%era)ly 3ill
)e #rouped
%easi)le< Since
'as %unctional
relations'ip 3it'
dept, t'is centre
s'ould )e
located close to
()) /rolley )ay B<;; /o )e s'ared 3it'
Clinical Immunolo#y
9< Waitin# *ooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies =:<;; /o )e s'ared 3it' $$$
()) HCs5* =:<;; Clinical Immunolo#y
(c) HCs5* %amilies =:<;;
@< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; =:<;; 3'), Doors o% =<@> mtrs clear 3idt' to )e
provided add =:<;; S7m per additional
:< %%ice, records & computer =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal
>< Stores =;<>; =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
A< (a) 2inor / /o )e s'ared 3it'
9=<;; (i) Door o% =<>m clear 3idt'
3it' sel% closin# device<
()) Scru) *oom $ do $ B<;; (ii) Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' %oot5
el)o3 operated tap<
(iii) /o communicate 3it'
sl<no A(a) t'rou#' a sin#le
door 3it' sel% closin# device<
(c) C'an#e *oom $ do $ B<;; Built in loc&ers
B< (a)oratory
(a) %%ice =:<;; $$$ 3')
()) Cell )iolo#y, immuno$
c'emistry and tissue typin#
9C<;; $$$ (i) (a) )enc'es 3it' la) sin&
(ii) Built$in cup)oards 3it' mar)le %inis' on
t'ree sides o% room<
(c) *adio (a)ellin# =;<>; $$$ (i) Fume cup)oard outlet
(ii) .4'aust %an
(d) Dar& room %or immuno
%luorescent microscopy
B<;; L
/o )e s'ared 3it'
Clinical Immunolo#y
Wor& )enc'
(e) Deep %reeEe and
cytoc'rome room
B<;; $$$
(%) Flo3 Cytometre,
.(ISA,Immuno plottin# and
Synovial %luid analysis room<
=B<>; $$$ (a) )enc', la) sin& & 3or& )enc'<
C< Dirty utility room =:<;; /o )e s'ared 3it' Sin& and drainin# )oard
Clinical Immunolo#y
?< Seminar *oom 9C<;; $ do $ Common %or t3o specialties 3it' a minimum o%
one on a %loor
=;< !antry B<;; $ do $ Wor& top 3it' sin& and drainin# )oard<
==< Sanitary (Common %or )ot'
(a) %%icers & %amilies
(Doctors & patients)
@<>; 3c & 3')
()) HCs5* ><9> 3c, urinal & 3')
(c) HCs5* %amilies ><9> 93c and 3')
/otal 23485# 8#85#

Note? G $
=< Dado up to ceilin# 'ei#'t in sl<no A (a) and up to =<9 metre 'ei#'t in sl<no B ()) to B (e) and up to = metre in sl<no =; and ==(a) to ==(c)<
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
@< Air$conditionin# to )e provided at sl<no A (a), B ()) to B(%)<
:< Seminar room at ser ? to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ %3&
,5/PA/I+N/ )*INI) %50,*,G2 E N+P10,*,G2
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$)
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
5rolo;y NepCrolo;y
" 2 3 4 5 6
0efer 38486
(a) Urolo#y
()) Nep'rolo#y
Bot' t'e clinics are
to )e planned close
to eac' ot'er as
t'ey deal 3it'
diseases arisin#
out o% t'e urinary
system)< /'ey are
re7uired to )e in
close pro4imity to
operation t'eatre,
I<C<U< & respective
3ard units
=< 0eception and 0e;i?tration B<;; B<;; Counter 3it' computer terminal<
9< Waitin# *ooms
(a) %%icers & Families
()) HC"s5*
(c) HC"s5* Families
/o )e s'ared in
common 3it'
Consultin# & .4amination
%%ice, record and Computer
=:<;; 3')
Computer terminal
>< .ndoscopy /'eatre ?=<;;
(As S<No C o%
G. centre)
Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35&nee
operated taps<
A< 8idney )iopsy room $ $$ =;<>; Sin&
B< Ima#e intensi%ier, USG,
0$*ay & developin# *oom
9=<;; $$$ Capa)le o% dar&enin# 3it' -enetian
)linds< *e%er Sl<No : o% /a)le$B<
C< USG *oom $$$ =:<;; C'an#e room o% @<> S7m to )e provided
)y over'ead rails and curtains<
?< Urodynamic *oom =:<;; $$$ $
=;< Sanitary @<>; $$ $ /o )e attac'ed to Ser No ?< 3c & 3')
==< Store $$$ =;<>; /o )e attac'ed to Ser No ? 3c & 3')
=9 (it'otripsy
(a) !reparation *oom B<;;
()) (it'otripsy *oom :9<;;
(c) *ecovery *oom =;<>;
(d) Store =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
=@< !antry B<;; P /o )e s'ared
3it' Urolo#y
Wor& top & sin& and drainin# )oards<
=:< Seminar *oom 9C<;; P
=>< Sanitary (common %or )ot' departments)
(a) %%icers (Doctors & !atients) @<> 3c & 3')
()) HCs5*s ><9> 3c , 9 urinals & 3')
(c) HCs5*s Families ><9> 9 3cs & 3')
=A< Dialysis Unit (separate)
(a) /rolley )ay $$$ B<;;
()) Su) 3aitin# $$$ =;<>;
(c) !re$assessment *oom $$$ =:<;;
(d) C'an#e *oom $$$ B<;; Built in loc&ers
(e) !reparation & C'emical *oom $$$ 9=<;; !lant %or so%t 3ater supply
(%) General Store $$$ =;<>; Built$in s'elves<
(#) Clean Utility *oom
(i) +)s A# positive A8 *oom
$$$ ><9> Sin& 3it' el)o35%oot operated tap & D)<
(ii) A8 *oom $$$ ><9> $ do $
(') C/* $$$ B<;; (a) )enc' & sin&
(D) Dialysis )ed $$$ =;<>; (i) Water point %or eac' )ed<
(ii) Water drain alon# t'e 3ell<
(iii) !rovision o% over'ead rails %or
(&) +)s A# positive dialysis room $$$ =:<;; (iv) ne 3') to )e provided %or 9 )eds
or part t'ereo%<
(l) Nursin# station $$$ B<;; 3')
(m) Sta%% rest loun#e $$$ =;<>;
(n) Sanitary $$$ @<>; /o )e attac'ed to ser no (m), 3c & 3')
(o) *ecords5%%ice $$$ =;<>; Computer terminals<
/otal 33285# "!!85#
Note? G
=< Dado o% =m 'ei#'t to )e provided at Ser no >, A, =;, =9 (a) to (c), =@, => & =A (e), (#) (i) &(ii), ('), (D), (&) & (n) <
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
@< Space #iven at Ser no =A (#) and ( D) is %or eac' dialysis ('aemo or peritoneal) )ed<
:< Generator & U!S to )e provided at Ser no B, C & =9<
>< Seminar room at ser =: to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ %3>
,5/ PA/I+N/ )*INI)%GA(/0,%+N/+0,*,G2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor Area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent
G+ (.edical G+ (('r;ical
" 2 3 4 5 6
*e%er @<:<B =< *eception &
B<;; B<;; Computer terminal
(a) Gastro$enterolo#y
()) Gastro$enterolo#y
Bot' t'e clinics are
associated )ein#
dealin# 3it' disorders
o% #astro$intestinal
system and as suc'
are to )e planned
close to eac' ot'er<
/'ey are re7uired to
)e in close pro4imity
to *adio$ dia#nosis
and !at'olo#y
departments and
respective 3ard units<
9< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies
()) HCs5*
(c) HCs5* %amilies
/o )e s'ared in common
3it' medical discipline
ption rests 3it' user %or %le4i)ility o% use
see Note 9
@< Consultin# &
=:<;; =:<;; W'), Add =:<;; S7m per additional
:< %%ice, records &
=:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal, )uilt in cup)oard<
>< /reatment5!'le)otomy
=;<>; $$$ Sin& & drainin# )oard
A< Dietician *oom (i%
=;<>; $$$ 3')
B< 2otility Study =;<>; $$$
C< .ndoscopy t'eatre P
(a) Su) 3aitin# $$$ P ut o% circulation space
()) /rolley )ay $$$ P $ do$
(c) C'an#e room @<>; P
(d) .ndoscopy room 9=<;; P
(i) Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35 (Common)
%oot operated tap<
P (ii) Built$in cup)oard
P /o )e s'ared 3it'
P G. (2edical)
( 9<:m 4 B ;<Am 4 + 9<:m 3it' endoscope
'an#ers (No s'elves to )e provided)
P (iii) Sin& 3it' DB (Stainless steel)
P (iv) *ail on ceilin# %or CC/-
(v) Wor& )enc' on @ sides
3idt' to )e ;<Am, 'ei#'t ;<?m
(e) *ecovery room :9<;; P
/o communicate )y a door 3it' sl<No C (d)
(%) USG *oom =:<;; P $$$
(#) SteriliEation room B<;; P
P /o )e s'ared 3it'
P G. (2edical
Sin&< /o communicate 3it' Ser no C(d)
t'rou#' a 3indo3<
(') Sanitary @<>; P 3c & 3')
common %or sl<no C (e) & ?
?< Si#moidoscopy =:<;; /o )e s'ared 3it'
G. (2edical)
Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35
%oot operated tap<
=;< Dissectin# 2icroscope
& +9 )reat' test
=;<>; 9 4 3or& )enc'
==< 2inor / &
(aprascopy room
=:<;; 3') 3it' %oot5el)o3 operated 3ater tap<
=9< C'an#e scru) up$
9 4 @<>; Dado to %ull 'ei#'t<
=@< Duodenal intu)ation
room5(iver Biopsy
=:<;; 3')<
=:< Stores =:<;; $ do $ Built$in s'elves
=>< Seminar room 9C<;; $ do $ Common %or t3o specialties on t'e same %loor
3it' a minimum o% one on a %loor
=A< !antry B<;; $ do $ Wor& top 3it' sin& & DB
=B< Sanitary
(a) %%icers & %amilies
(Doctors and patients)
@<>; P
P $do$
3c & 3')
()) 2ale (!atients &
><9> P 3c, urinal & 3')
(c) Female (!atients &
><9> P 93c & 3')
/otal 3228## 358##

Note? G
=< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at sl<no >, C(d), C(#), ?, =9 & =@(a) to (c)<
9< Air$conditionin# to )e provided at sl<no B, C(d) to (%) and srl<no ?<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin#
=<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< =<@> m 3ide doors to )e provided in sl<no C(d), C(%) and sl<no ?<
>< Seminar room at ser => to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ % 3*
,5/ PA/I+N/( )*INI) % 0+(PI0A/,02
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are
)on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
0efer 38488
*espiratoy clinic
is to )e located
near Cardiolo#y
Department< /'is
is to )e on t'e
same %loor as t'at
o% 3ard unit<
=< *eception and *e#istration B<;; Counter, computer terminal<
9< /rolley )ay B<;;
@< Waitin# room
(a) %%icers & Families =:<;;
()) HCs, *s & Families =:<;;
:< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; 3')
>< %%ice, records & computer =:<;; Computer terminal<
A< Store =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
B< Seminar room 9C<;;
C< !antry B<;; 3or& top, sin& 3it' drainin# )oard<
?< /reatment cum investi#ation =:<;; Sin&, drainin# )oard and 3or& )enc'
=;< *espiratory Aller#y *oom =:<;;
==< !ulmonary %unction la)oratory 9 4 =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' sin&, Built$in cup)oard<
=9< Bronc'o scopy t'eatre
(a) Su) 3aitin# $$$ ut o% circulation space
()) /rolley )ay $$$ $ do $
(c) C'an#e room @<>;
(d) !re Bronc'oscopy room =:<;;
(e) Bronc'oscopy room 9=<;; (i) Sur#eons sin& 3it' el)o35%oot
operated tap<
(ii) Built $ in cup)oard len#t' 9<:m 4
)readt' ;<Am 4 'ei#'t 9<:m 3it'
Bronc'oscope 'an#ers (No s'elves to )e
(iii) Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard<
(iv) *ail on ceilin# %or CC/-<
(v) Wor& )enc' on t'ree sides 3idt'
(%) *ecovery *oom =:<;; /o communicate )y a door 3it' sl< no =9 (e)<
=@< Sanitary
(a) %%icers and %amilies @<>; 3'), 3c
(Doctors and patients)
()) 2ale (!atient & Sta%%) ><9> 3'), 3c and urinal
(c) Female (!atient & Sta%%) ><9> 9 3c, 3')
/otal 2388##
=< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at sl< no :, C, ?, =;, ==, =9 (e) and =@ (a) to =@ (c)<
9< Air conditionin# is to )e provided at sl<no =;, ==, =9 (a) to =9 (%)<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @(a) to @()) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< Seminar room at ser B to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ % 3.
,5/ PA/I+N/ )*INI) % )*INI)A* 1A+.A/,*,G2
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(8No -acilitie? -loor area
in (@8A
)on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4 5
0efer 3848!
Clinical +aematolo#y
=< *eception B<;; Computer terminal
9< Waitin# *oom
(a) %%icers & %amilies =:<;;
()) HC5*s & %amilies =:<;;
@< Consultin# & .4amination *oom =:<;; W'), Add =:<;; S7m per additional
:< %%ice, *ecord & computer =:<;; Built in cup)oard, computer terminal
>< +aematolo#y (a)oratories (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&
(a) Clinical +aematolo#y (a) =B<>; Balance )enc'
()) Immuno +aematolo#y (a) =:<;; $ do $
(c) Co$a#ulation disorder (a) =:<;; $ do $
A< Store =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
B< Sanitary %acilities
(a) /oilet sta%% @<>; 3'), 3c
()) /oilet patient
2ale @<>; 3'), urinal, 3c
Female @<>; 3'), 3c
/otal "2!85#
Note? G$
=< Dado =<9 m 'ei#'t %or sl<no< > and = m 'ei#'t %or sl<no< B<
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9()) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
/A6*+ 3 N
,5/PA/I+N/ )*INI) % ,N),*,G2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(er No -acilitie?
-loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
.edical ('r;ical
" 2 4 5 6
0efer 3848"2
ncolo#y Centre =< *eception & *e#istration B<;; B<;; Computer terminal
9< Waitin# *ooms
(a) %%icers"5 Families =:<;; $$$ Com)ined %or medical & sur#ical
()) HC, *5 Families =:<;;
@< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; =:<;; 3')< Add =:<;; S7m per additional
:< Senior Adviser 9=<;; 9=<;;
(a) Steno B<;; B<;; Computer terminal
>< %%ice & *ecords =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal, )uilt$in cup)oard
A< /reatment5 procedure room 9=<;; 9=<;; 3') 3it' s3an nec& el)o3 controlled
taps, 3or& )enc', sin& 3it' drain
)oard, central suction, o4y#en &
compressed #as
B< Slide room B<;; Q /o )e s'ared )y
Q )ot'
C< Counsellin# room =;<>; Q
?< Nurses" room =;<>; =;<>; Built$in s'elves, computer terminal
=;< Store room =;<>; =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
==< Seminar room 9=<;; Q
Q /o )e s'ared
=9< !antry B<;; Q )y )ot' Sin& 3it' drain )oard, 3or& )enc'
=@< Day care centre :9<;; Com)ined %or )ot'
(For A )eds)
Central suction, o4y#en, compressed
air terminal %or eac' )ed< 3')
=:< Hanitor"s closet @<>; com)ined %or )ot'
=>< /rolley )ay B<;; /o )e s'ared
=A< Sanitary Facilities
(a) Sta%% /oilet
(i) 2ale @<>; 3c, 3')
(ii) Female @<>; 3c, 3')
()) !atient
(i) 2ale B<;; 3c, 3')
(ii) Female B<;; 3c, 3')
/otal 24885# "2285#
=< Dado upto =m Ser No A,
=<>m Ser No =9
=<9m Ser No =A
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
@< Seminar room at ser == to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+% 3P
,5/ PA/I+N/ )*INI)% )A0$I,*,G23 )A0$I,%/1,0A)I) (50G+02 E 4A()5*A0 (50G+02 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
4a?c'lar ('r;ery
" 2 3 4 5
0efer 3848"3
Sur#ery -ascular
=< *eception & *e#istration B<;; B<;; P /o )e s'ared 3it'
Counter, computer terminal
9< /rolley )ay B<;; B<;; P
@< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies
()) HC"s5*
(c) HC"s5* %amilies
/o )e s'ared in
common 3it'
/o )e s'ared in
common 3it'
:< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W')< Add =:<;; S7m %or
additional specialist
>< %%ice, records & Computer
9=<;; 9=<;; =;<>; Computer terminal
A .CG *oom includin# C'an#e =:<;; /o )e s'ared in
common 3it'
/o )e s'ared in
common 3it'
(i) 3')
(ii) .art'in#
(iii) ver'ead railin# to
provide partitionin# )y curtains
%or c'an#e room o% @<> S7m<
B< Stress la)oratory includin#
c'an#e room
9=<;; $ $ C'an#e room as Ser No A (iii)
/'e clinics are
d as t'ey
deal 3it'
lun#s and
and as
s'ould )e
close to
/'ey are
to )e in
# suites<
C< .c'o$cardio#rap'y room
(a) .c'o$cardio#rap'y room
()) !atient c'an#e room
(c) *evie3, reportin#
&records5 Sta%% *oom
$ $
C'an#e room as Ser No A (iii)
?< Non$Invaslve -asular testin# room
(a) Doppler .4amination *oom
()) !let'ysmo#rap'y *oom
(c) *evie3, reportin# & records
(d) !atient c'an#e room
=;< Seminar room 9C<;; to )e s'ared to )e s'ared Common %or t3o specialties on
t'e same %loor 3it' a minimum
o% one on a %loor
==< !antry B<;; $ do $ $ do $ 3'), sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
=9< Sanitary (/o )e s'ared in
common )y a)ove departments)
(a) %%icers
(!atients & Sta%%)
()) HC"s & *"a
(!atients & Sta%%)
(c) HC"s & *"s Families
9 4 @<>
3c & 3')
3c, 9 urinals & 3')
9 3c & 3')
/otal 22#85# 4!8## ==8##
=< *ooms at Ser No : & =9 dado =m 'i#'<
9< *ooms at Ser No A, B, C (a) to (c) & ? (a) to (d) to )e air$conditioned<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @(a) to @(c) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< Seminar room at ser =; to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ %3Q
,5/ PA/I+N/( )*INI)%0+),N(/05)/I4+ (50G+02
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$)
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4 5
0ef 3848"4
*econstructive sur#ery
Besides nearness to its 3ard
unit, t'e clinic is to )e located
close to rt'opaedic and )urn
=< 0eception/0e;i?tration B<;; Counter 3it' computer terminal<
9< Waitin#
(a) %%icers and %amilies =:<;;
()) HCs5* & %amilies =:<;;
@< Consultin# & .4amination =:<;; W'), Add =:<;; S7m per additional
:< %%ice, record & computer 9=<;; Computer terminal, )uilt$in cup)oard<
>< Dressin# room
(a) Dirty =:<;; Sin& & drain )oard
()) Clean =:<;; Sin& & drain )oard
A< Splint %a)rication room =:<;;
B< !'oto#rap'y and illustration 3it' dar&
=:<;; Dar& room only to )e s'ared 3it'
Command !at' (a)
C< /rolley )ay B<;;
?< Store =;<>; Built in s'elves
=;< !antry B<;; Wor& top 3it' sin& and drain )oard
==< Seminar room 9C<;; Common %or t3o specialties on t'e same
%loor 3it' a minimum o% one on a %loor
=9< Sanitary
(a) %%icers (Doctors & patients) 9 4 @<>; 3c< & 3')
/otal "8585#
Note? G$
=< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at sl<no @, >(a) & ()), A, =; and =9<
9< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at sl no 9(a) to 9()) )y providin# =<9m 'i#'
%le4i)le partition 3alls<
@< Seminar room at ser == to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
/A6*+ %30
ANA+(/1+(IA ,P$ AN$ PAIN )*INI)
-or 1o?pital? of 6ed (tren;tC
-acilitie? 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3ArAy E
)oAd 1o?pital
)on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
0efer 3848"5
It s'ould )e located
outside )ut adDacent
to / dept<
=< *eception & *e#istration B<;; B<;; B<;; Counter 3it' computer
9< Waitin#
(a) %%icers & %amilies =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
()) HCs, *s & %amilies =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
@< (a) Senior Adviser room (3'ere
9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 3')
()) /oilet (attac'ed) @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c, 3')
(c) Steno"s room and su)$3aitin# B<;; B<;; B<;;
:< %%ice, records & computer =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal, )uilt$in
>< Consultin# & .4amination (pre$anaest'etic
c'ec& up)
=:<;; =:<;; 94=:<;; 3')
A< Doctor"s room =:<;; 94=:<;; 3')
B< (a) !ain clinic =:<;; =:<;; W'), )uilt$in cup)oard<
()) Store room B<;; B<;; Ample s'elves
C< Sanitary
(a) %%icers (doctor"s & patient"s) @<>; @<>; @<>; 3'), 3c
()) HCs & *s ><9> ><9> ><9> 3'), urinal, 3c
(c) HCs & *s %amilies @<>; @<>; @<>; 93c, 3')
/otal !!8=5 "4"8=5 "=68=5
=< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9()) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
9< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at sl<no @()), >, and C<
/A6*+ %3(
+N$,)0IN,*,G2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4 5
0efer to3848""
+ndocrine )entre =< *eception and *e#istration =:<;; Computer terminal<
9< /rolley )ay B<;;
@< Waitin# room
(a) %%icers and %amilies =;<>;
()) HCs, *s & %amilies =:<;;
:< Consultation & .4amination =:<;; 3')
>< %%ice 5 *ecord & computer room =;<>; Computer terminal<
A< Nutritionist"s room =;<>; Wor& )enc' & sin&
B< Dia#nostic (a)oratories
(a) Bioc'emical la)oratories
(i) Cold centri%u#e 9=<;; (a) )enc' 3it' sin&
(ii) !reparation room 9=<;; (a) )enc' 3it' sin&
()) *adio$immuno assay (a)oratory
(i) !rocedure room 9C<;; Wor& )enc' 3it' sin&
(ii) Countin# (*adioactivity *oom) 9C<;; Wor& )enc' 3it' sin&
C< Annual .4perimental *oom =;<>; Wor& )enc' 3it' sin&
?< Seminar room =:<;;
=;< !antry B<;; W'), sin& 3it' drainin# )oard<
==< Sanitary
(a) %%icers (!atients & Doctors) @<>; 3c, and 3or& la) )enc'
()) 2ale (!atients & sta%%) ><9> 3c, urinal & 3or& la) )enc'
(c) Female ><9> 9 4 3c, 3or& la) )enc'
/otal 2238!#
=< Dado =m 'i#' to )e provided at Ser No =,A,=; & ==
9< Dado 9m 'i#' to )e provided in Ser No B & C<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @(a) to @()) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< *oom at Ser No :, A &B to )e air$conditioned
>< Seminar room at ser ? to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
(+)/I,N < 4
/A6*+ < 4
$+N/A* )+N/0+ (W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
Dental centre 3ill )e located in t'e !D comple4 o% t'e 'ospital pre%era)ly near #eneral !D 3in#<
/'e scales are also applica)le %or dental centre re7uired to )e provided at locations outside 'ospitals<
-loor area in ?@'are Aetre?
-acilitie? )oAAand $ental
3 cCair? $) E
)orp? $5
2 cCair? $) " cCair $) )on?tr'ctional
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
=< (a) Commandin#
%%icer"s *oom
=B<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; /o communicate 3it'
one o% t'e sur#eries
()) Steno#rap'er"s$cum$
su) 3aitin# room
B<;; $$$ $$$ $$$
(c) Attac'ed toilet @<>; $$$ $$$ $$$ 3c & 3')
9< *eception & *e#istration B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Counter
@< %%ice, *ecord & Computer
=B<>; =:<;; =;<>; =;<>;
:< Dental Sur#ery :4=B<>; @4=B<>; 94=B<>; =4=B<>; (i) 3')
(ii) Inlet & outlet pipes
%or spitoon
(iii) Glare %ree natural
>< Dental %%icers" *oom @4=;<>; 94=;<>; =;<>; $$$ 3')
A< Dental +y#iene 9 4 =B<>; 9=<;; =B<>; =;<>; Is to )e sited )et3een
t3o Dental Sur#eries<
Ser No : (i), (ii), (v) &
B< *ecovery *oom =:<;; =:<;; =;<>; =;<>; 3')
C< Store *ooms
(a) 2edical & *ed Cross =:<;; =:<;; =;<>; =;<>; P Ample s'elvin#
()) rdnance & Station =;<>; =;<>; B<;; P
?< !rocessin# room %or 0$*ay
(nly 3'ere dental 0$*ay
e7uipment is aut'orised)
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Sin& and drainin# )oard<
=;< !laster *oom5mould room =:<;; =;<>; B<;; B<;; Sin& 3it' plaster trap
==< Dental 2ec'anical (a) 9=<;; =:<;; B<;; B<;; (i) Wor& )enc'es 3it'
loc&er & s'elves
(ii) Sin& 3it' drainin#
(iii) Cup)oard %or )races
=9< Castin# & !rocessin# =;<>; B<;; $$$ $$$ $ do $
=@< !ac& & issue room =;<>; B<;; $$$ $$$ Ample s'elvin#
=:< Autoclave room =;<>; B<;; B<;; B<;;
=>< Compressed air e7uipment
B<;; $$$ $$$ $$$
=A< C'an#e room %or para$dental
=;<>; B<;; B<;; B<;; Built in loc&ers
=B< Generator set room @<>; @<>; $$$ $$$
=C< Seminar room =:<;; =:<;; $$$ $$$
=?< !antry B<;; B<;; $$$ $$$ Wor& top 3it' sin&
9;< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies =:<;; =;<>; B<;; B<;;
()) HCs & *s =:<;; =:<;; =;<>; B<;; N N com)ined %or ser ())
(c) HCs & *s %amilies =:<;; =:<;; =;<>; and (c)
9=< Sanitary
(a) %%icers & %amilies ><9> ><9> @<>; @<>; 3c & 3') (@<>;)
(Sta%% & patients) 3c, urinal & 3') (><9>)
()) Gents B<;; B<;; ><9> ><9> 3c, 9 urinals & 3')
3c, @ urinals & 3')
(c) (adies ><9> ><9> @<>; @<>; 3c & 3') (@<>;)
9 3c, 3') (><9>)
/otal 4#285# 3#88## "!=8=5 "4"8=5
Note D%
=< Dado o% =m 'ei#'ts to )e provided at Ser no :, A, =;, ==, =9, =:, =? and 9=<
9< Air conditionin# to )e provided in Ser no :<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9;(a) to 9;(c) )y providin#
=<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< *amp to )e provided to %acilitate elderly patient entry in dept5centre<
>< Seminar room at ser =C to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
(+)/I,N 5
,P+0A/I,N /1+A/0+ $+PA0/.+N/
><; General /'e department provides t'e most important sur#ical %acilities in 'ospital< Due considerations are to )e #iven to ac'ieve
'i#'est de#ree o% asepsis to provide appropriate environment %or sta%% and patients< ne operation t'eatre to )e provided %or
every >; )eds dependin# upon t'e type o% 'ospital and Dusti%ication su)mitted )y t'e user )ased on t'e 3or& load< ne
minor / to )e provided %or all 'ospitals upto >; )eds<
><= (ocation (ocation o% t'e department needs certain %actors Oto )e )orne in mind 3'ic' areG $
(a) 6uiet environmentJ
()) Freedom %rom noise and ot'er distur)anceJ
(c) Freedom %rom contamination and possi)le cross in%ectionJ
(d) 2a4imum protection %rom solar radiation andJ
(e) Convenient relations'ip 3it' acute sur#ical 3ard, intensive care unit, radio ima#in#, la)oratory and
)lood )an&<
><9 Ionin# /'e department is to 'ave a succession o% Eones o% varyin# de#ree o% cleanliness as underG $
(a) Protective Fone $ Containin# mostly 3aitin# rooms, c'an#in# rooms, !re$Anaest'etic e4amination
room, t'eatre store, t'eatre 3or& & preparation room, Gas Store room and Autoclave room<
()) )lean Fone $ Containin# pre$ and postoperative room, Nursin# Station, *A"s duty room, costly &
sop'isticated e7pt, stora#e rooms and investi#atin# rooms<
(c) (terile Fone $ Containin# operation t'eatre, Scru) up, Anaest'esia induction room, /rolley layin# and
/ 2atron"s room<
(d) $i?po?al Fone $ Containin# rooms %or receivin# used instruments, soiled linen, s3a)s and dressin#<
It is to )e ensured t'at %lo3 o% tra%%ic %rom one Eone to anot'er is arran#ed )y proper )arrier nursin#<
All soiled stu%%, )ot' disposa)le and non disposa)le, s'ould move 3it'out crossin# t'e sterile and clean Eone<
/'e disposa)le stu%% s'ould #o %or t'e incineration directly and non$disposa)le stu%% (instruments etc<) s'ould )e
cleaned in dirty 3as' up rooms and )e returned %or steriliEation< All communication %rom operation t'eatre to
dirty 3as' up to instrument steriliEation room is to )e carried out t'rou#' properly desi#ned 'atc'es only<
><@ Accommodation Accommodations re7uired %or various %acilities5Eone are #iven in /a)le 1 ><
/A6*+ <5
,P+0A/I,N /1+A/0+ $+PA0/.+N/
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6## % =!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy
E )oAd
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 !
A8 P0,/+)/I4+ F,N+
=< *eception B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Counter 3it' computer
9< Waitin#
(a) %%icers & %amilies P =;<>;N B<;; B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;; NCom)ined %or ser (a)
and ()) ()) HCs5* & %amilies P B<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
(c)/oilet %or (a) & ()) ><9> ><9> ><9> 9 4 @<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 3c<< 3'), = urinal
3c<< 3') (@<>)
@< Anaest'etic e4amination room =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;; W')
:< Doctors" c'an#e room =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 =:<;;
= 4 =:<;;
Built$in loc&ers, s'oe
rac&s 3'erever
trainees are aut'orised<
>< Nurses" c'an#e room B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Built$in loc&ers, s'oe
A< *As" and trainees" c'an#e
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Built$in loc&ers, s'oe
B< Sanitary
(a) Doctors @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; P 3c<, 3')
()) Nurses @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; P S'ould not )e at one
(c) *As" @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; P
C< /'eatre stores
(a) (inen =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin#
()) Appliances & 2ed stores =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; Built$in cup)oard
(c) Instruments & disposa)le
B<;; NN=;<>; NN=:<;; NN=:<;; NN=:<;; NN=:<<;; NNInstruments and
disposa)le store one
per /<
?< /rolley )ay B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;;
=;< Autoclave room B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
==< Gas store (stand )y) B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
=9< /'eatre 3or& and preparation B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 3'), 3or& )enc',
ample s'elvin#, )uilt$in
68 )*+AN F,N+
=@< (a) !re$operative room
(%or eac' pre$operative )ed)
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; over 'ead railin# %or
()) *ecovery room
(%or eac' post$operative )ed)
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; $ do $
(c) /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c, 3')
@<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; Bed pan sin& 3it'
Hanitor"s alcove<
=:< Nursin# station $ $ $ $ $ $ /o )e provided out o%
circulation space<
S'ould 'ave counter<
=>< (a) *A"s duty room $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
()) /oilet $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c, 3')
=A< !ump stora#e room (only %or
'ospitals aut'orised cardio
t'oracic sur#ery)
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$ =;<>;
=B< Store
( For costly and sop'isticated
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>;
=C< Blood stora#e and %roEen
$$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&
=?< 0$*ay unit 3it' dar& room $$$ $$$ $$$ =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; Deep sin&
9;< Seminar room (For Doctors &
$$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;;
9=< /oilet
N (/o )e attac'ed to seminar
@<> @<>; @<>; N9 4 @<>; N9 4 @<>; N9 4 @<>; 3c, 3')
99< !antry B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; 3or& top 3it' sin& and
drainin# )oard<
9@< / matron"s room =: =: =: =: =:<;; =:<;; /o )e provided 3it'
computer terminal
)8 (/+0I*+ F,N+
9:< Anaest'esia induction =: N=: N=: N=: N=:<;; N=:<;; Nne %or every t3o /
& part t'ereo%
9>< Clean utility store B<;; NNB<;; NNB<;; NN=;<>; NN=:<;; NN=:<;; NNBuilt$in cup)oard
<Ample s'elvin# (one
%or every t3o / and
part t'ereo%)
9A< peration t'eatre
(a) 2aDor / $$$ @><;; @><;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;; (i) All corners covered
3it' no proDection<
>A<;; >A<;; Super speciality /
()) 2inor / 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; (ii) Door 3idt' =<>m
clear 3it' sel% closin#
(iii) Sun& in 0$*ay
vie3in# )o4es<
(iv) Glare %ree natural
(v) .lectro conductive
(vi) Dado to %ull
(vii) ver 'ead rails on
ceilin# %or CC/- (only
%or teac'in# 'ospitals)<
(viii) ver'ead rails on
ceilin# %or pendants<
9B< Scru) up ( one %or t3o /s &
to )e located )et3een t'eatres)
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; (i) .ac' to 'ave t3o
sur#eon"s sin& 3it'
el)o35%oot operated
9C< /rolley layin# ( ne %or 9 /s
& to )e located )et3een
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; (i) /o communicate
3it' / t'rou#' a
sin#le lea% door 3it'
sel%$closin# device<
(ii) Instrument
cup)oard #laEed 3it'
slidin# #lass s'utter
usa)le %rom / as 3ell<
$8 $I(P,(A* F,N+
9?< Dirty 3as'$up room
(Common %or 9 /s)
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Access to room at Ser
No 9> t'rou#' 'atc'<
(Dirty corridor 3idt' not to e4ceed =<;;m & to )e ta&en out o% circulation space)<
@;< Hanitor closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>;
/otal 22!825 32#825 355825 42=8## 46!8## 5328##
N>=C<;; includin# cardiac sur#ery
NN>B:<;; includin# cardiac and *enal
/ransplant sur#ery<
N>CC<;; Includin# cardiac sur#ery<
NNA::<;; includin# cardiac and *enal
/ransplant sur#ery<
=< Dado up to =m 'ei#'t in sl<no 9(c), @, B(a) to B(c), =;, =9, =@(c), =>()), =C, 9=, 99, 9@, 9A, 9? and @;<
9< Doors o% pre$operative and recovery room are to )e =<>m clear 3idt's 3it' sel%$closin# device<
@< S'ape o% all /s s'ould pre%era)ly )e s7uare or rectan#ular
:< /s s'ould not )e more t'an Cm in any dimensions to avoid electrical 'aEards li&e #round lea&s in po3er ca)les<
>< Direct audio communication 3it' t'e )lood )an&, la)oratory includin# Cardiac Cat' (a), *adio$Ima#in# department and ICUs<
A< Air Conditionin# to )e provided in all areas e4cept at Ser No = to =9, =@ (c), =>()), =A, =B, 9=, 99, 9: and @;<
B For ultra$sterile Ione o% Super speciality /s ( Cardiac, rt'opaedics ,Neurosur#ery, *enal /ransplant etc,<) provision can )e made up to =;; F %res' air , air
c'an#es %rom => to @; per 'our ( e4act No to )e decided )y )oard) 3it' vertical laminar %lo3 over operatin# ta)le< For sterie Eone o% ot'er /s %res' air allo3ance to )e
up to > to =; per 'our < /otal air c'an#es up to 9> per 'our s'ould )e provided in /s conductin# #eneral sur#ery< Areas ot'er t'an sterile 5 ultra sterile Eone to 'ave total air
c'an#es up to => per 'our and %res' air allo3ance o% > c'an#es per 'our may )e #iven< Air %iltration in t'ese areas to )e t'rou#' +D!. 3as'a)le %ilters 3it' %iltration level
up to > microns< Al 5 anodised or any ot'er superior 7uality air duct introduced to )e provided<
C< / temperature s'ould )e 99 to 9> de#ree Celsius e4cept in Cardiac / 3'ere it s'ould )e => to 9> de#ree Celsius, to )e speci%ied at t'e time o%
)oard proceedin#<
?< +umidity in t'e /s s'ould )e :;$A; percent< /'e e4act 'umidity %or specialist / is to )e determined at t'e time o% )oard proceedin#s
=;< /s s'ould 'ave positive pressure o% #radient (9> !a)<
==< Uni$directional air disc'ar#e %rom ultra clean air systems in specialist /s on Dusti%ication<
=9< Sterile Iones o% all /s to 'ave air %iltration t'rou#' 'ave +.!A %ilter 3it' %iltration level up to ;<@ micron and ??<?B F e%%iciency, air penetrance s'ould not )e
#reater t'an > percent, as terminal %ilters<
=@< For electric 'aEard control eart'in# terminal s'ould )e provided, t'e resistance o% eac' eart' pat' on t'e apparatus s'ould not e4ceed ;<= 'm< /'e
electrical resistance o% %loor s'ould not e4ceed 9 2e#a 'ms, )et3een t3o separate electrodes spaced A;;mm apart<
=:< !iped o4y#en, Nitrous 4ide, suction and compressed air supply s'ould )e provided in all /s and Anaest'esia induction room<
=>< !iped o4y#en and suction to )e provided in pre & postoperative rooms and compressed air, in addition, to post operative room<
=A< U!S to )e provided in all t'e /s<
=B< Space #iven at Ser No =@(a) & ()) is %or one )ed< Num)er o% )eds to )e provided in t'ese %acilities s'ould )e 3or&ed out )y t'e user )ased on t'e
predicted 3or&load<
=C< Space #iven at sl<no 9>(a) & ()) is %or eac' /< Num)er o% /s to )e provided s'ould )e 3or&ed out )y t'e user )ased on t'e predicted 3or&load<
=?< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9()) )y providin# =<9m 'i#' %le4i)le
partition 3alls<
9;< ne 2aDor / per >; Beds to )e provided dependin# on t'e 3or&load 5 operative load<
9=< Seminar room at ser 9; to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
(+)/I,N < 6
/A6*+ < 6
)+N/0A* (/+0I*+ (+04I)+ $+PA0/.+N/ ()(($
/'e C<S<S<D< provides centralised sterilisation o% t'e e7uipment and instruments suc' as trays, suture sets, syrin#es, scissors, needles, #loves etc 3'ic'
are used in almost all departments o% t'e 'ospital< 2aDor consumers o% t'is %acility are operation t'eatres, delivery suites and 3ard units, ICU, CCU,
NICU, Dialysis Centre, Burn Units etc<
/'e C<S<S<D< is pre%era)ly to )e located at a central position )ut at an easy access to operation t'eatre unit< /'ere s'ould not )e any mi4in# o% sterile and
contaminated #oods in t'e department<
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for 9ed ?tren;tC )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? 25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6## %=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 )oAd E
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< *eception =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Counter 3it' s'elvin# 3it'
computer terminal
9< C'ec&in#5sortin#
& #radin#
=;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; S'elvin# & )uilt in
@< Cleanin# =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9 to @ stainless steel sin& &
DB 3it' s3an nec& %ittin# &
:< Auto
=;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; @><;; 3')$=$9
>< !reparation5pac&i
B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; Wor& )enc', s'elvin#<
A< Stora#e B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; Ample s'elvin#<
B< Sterile stora#e B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; Ample s'elvin#<
C< Issue counter B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Counter, s'elvin# 3it'
computer terminal<
?< %%ice & records B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Wit' computer terminal<
=;< Sta%% c'an#e room B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; S'elvin#, )uilt in loc&ers
==< /rolley )ay B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
=9< /rolley5'and 3as' $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;;
=@< Hanitors closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>;
=:< Sanitary @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> 3') 3c<
/otal !88## ""28## "2!85# "45825 "838=5 2#8825 236825
=< Dado to )e provided in all rooms =<> metres 'i#'<
9< /oilets to 'ave dado =m 'i#'
(+)/I,N <=
0A$I,%$IAGN,(I( $+PA0/.+N/
B<; General /'e main role o% *adio$dia#nosis department is to deal 3it' *adio#rap'y, Fluoroscopy, Ultra$sono#rap'y (USG),
Computerised /omo#rap'y (C/) & 2a#netic *esonance Ima#in# (2*I)<
B<= (ocation /'e department is to )e located at a place, 3'ic' may )e easily accessi)le to )ot' indoor and out door patients as 3ell as
operatin# department< As t'e department deals 3it' 'i#' volta#es, presence o% seepa#e in 3alls, %loor and ceilin# s'ould )e
avoided< All t'e e7uipment o% t'e department s'ould )e e%%ectively eart'ed<
B<9 Facilities
B<9<= Dia#nostic
*e7uirement %or various %acilities re7uired %or *adio#rap'y, Fluoroscopy and USG o% t'is unit are #iven in ta)le$BA<
*adio#rap'y rooms %or num)er and type o% mac'ines indicated in t'e ta)les are on t'e )asis o% aut'orisation< For any
su)se7uent variations in t'e aut'orisation %or a particular 'ospital, suita)le adDustment in area re7uirement s'all )e made
3'ile computin# t'e space re7uirement %or t'e unit< /'e details re#ardin# C/ and 2*I are #iven in /a)le BB & BC
/A6*+ =%A
0A$I,%$IAGN,(I( $+PA0/.+N/ (L%0A2 $+PA0/.+N/
( No Facilities -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? BitC 9ed ?tren;tC of )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6## %=!! 8## E
)oAd E
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
0efer? to =828"
=< *eception &
B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal<
9< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers &
=;<>;N B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; ption rests 3it' user %or %le4i)ility o%
use see Note @
()) HCs5 *s B<;;R =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;;
(c) HCs & *s
=;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; N com)ined %or ser (a) ,()) and (c)
R com)ined %or ser ()) and (c)
@< *adiolo#y &
*ooms %or
(a) B;; mA
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B;<;;N B;<;;NL
Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35&nee operated
N I% aut'orised
()) >;; mA
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ >A<;;N >A<;; L
(c) 9;; mA
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ :9<;; :9<;; :9<;; L
(d) 9;; mA
$$$ 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; L
3it' one ta)le5=;;
O9C<;; O%or Army +osp only<
2ac'ine (3it'
suspension & spot
%ilm device)
(e) =;;5>;5@;5=>
=B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; All *adio#rap'y rooms s'ould )e
capa)le o% doin# %luoroscopy )y use o%
-enetian )linds< All *adio#rap'y rooms to
'ave a )eam %i4ed in t'e 3alls to support 0$
*ay e7uipment column< /'e e4act 'ei#'t
%rom t'e ceilin# to )e decided as per t'e
re7uirement o% e7uipment manu%acturer<
mac'ine (!orta)le)
(%) Attac'ed
(i) Dressin#
@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>;
NFor eac' >;; mA or a)ove mac'ine aut'<
O For Army +osp (*&*)<
(ii) /oilet @<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>;
3c, 3')
NFor eac' >;; mA or a)ove mac'ine aut'<
O For Army +osp (*&*)<
(iii) 2ain
trans%ormer &
c'an#er (per
static mac'ine)
$$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; B<;; =4B<;;
Facility (%) (i) & (ii) %or rooms a to d all
NFor eac' >;; mA or a)ove mac'ine aut'<
O For Army +osp (*&*)<
:< Film developin# &
room (/o serve
upto 9 radio#rap'y
& Fluroscopy
rooms vide Ser @
(a) to (d)
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =4=;<>;
(i) (i#'t loc&
NFor eac' >;; mA or a)ove mac'ine aut'<
2ay )e clu))ed %or 9
(ii) (oadin# )enc' (Acid & Al&ali proo%
(iii) Cassette pass )o4 %itted one %or eac'
static mac'ine and mo)ile set (up to @??
(iv) !rocessin# tan& (re%er note >)
(v) Was'in# tan& (re%er note A)
(vi) Sin&
(vii) Acid 5al&ali proo% %loor & dado o%
=<>m 'ei#'t o% any colour, non #laEed
ceramic tiles<
(viii) Carousel door may )e provided<
>< Film dryin# room< $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; AdDacent to sl< no :
A< %%ice, *ecord &
$$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal<
B< *adio#rap'ic 3or&
room and o%%ice
$$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
O %or senior HC radio#rap'er< Wor& top
3it' sin& (nly %or *adio#rap'ic 3or&
C< Stores
(a) Film stores @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> B<;; B<;;
()) C'emical
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ><9> B<;; B<;;
(c) Store %or
$$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
(d) Stores %or
appliances and
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; Built in s'elves
?< *adiolo#ist $$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
(i) 3')
(ii) 3or& )enc' & vie3 )ar
(iii) F addl per radiolo#ist
=;< /rainees *oom $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;; Wor& )enc' 3it' sin&
For 'ospitals C;; )eds & a)ove, A+
(*&*), Comd +ospitals, IN+S AS-INI &
C+ (AF)
==< A</<.<"s room $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; 3or& )enc'
=9< /rolley )ay $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
=@< InDection & Barium
meal preparation
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ =;<>; =;<>; Sin& and drainin# )oard
=:< !re5post operative
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; 3')
=>< SteriliEation room $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
=A< *oom %or stretc'er
cases (close to
3aitin# rooms)
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>;
=B< USG room
(a) Su) 3aitin# $$$ B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Addl USG room %or eac' addl
radiolo#ist, dependin# upon 3or&load<
()) USG room $$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Includin# c'an#e room o% @<> s7m to )e
provided )y %le4i)le partition<
(c) /oilet $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; Attac'ed 3it' Ser no =B ()) 3c, 3')
=C< 2ammo#rap'y
room includin#
c'an#e room
$$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; ver'ead rails %or partitionin# 3it'
curtains %or c'an#e room<
=?< Seminar room $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9C<;;
9;< 0$*ay %ilm li)rary $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; Built in s'elves and cup)oard<
9=< !antry $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; Wor& top 3it' sin&
99< Sanitary
(a) %%icers &
$$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c & 3') (@<>)
(Doctors and
()) HCs5*s $$$ ><9> ><9> ><9> B<;; B<;; B<;; 3c<, urinal, 3') (><9>) 3c<, 9 urinal 3')
(c) HCs & *s
$$$ ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> 9 3c & 3')
/otal 568## "4385# "!!85# 22=85# 32585# 38"85#
5468## 6!38##
Note?G $
=< 0$*ay dept %or 9>$:? )eds 'ospitals to )e located in !D<
9< *ooms at sl< no @ % (ii), :, >, =>, =B (c), 9=, 99 to 'ave dado =m 'ei#'t<
@< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin#
=<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
:< *ooms at Ser no @ (a) to (d) to 'ave doors 3it' =<>m clear 3idt' and 9<=m 'ei#'t 3it' sel% closin# 'ydraulic device<
> !rocessin# tan& 'avin# inner dimensions o% ?; cm len#t' 4 >> cm 3idt' 4 A; cm dept' 3it' 3ater outlet at )ottom o% tan& and ot'er
outlet at a 'ei#'t o% >= cm %rom )ottom %or solution<
A< Was'in# tan& =>; cm len#t' 4 >> cm 3idt' 4 A; cm dept' 3it' t3o 3ater outlets %or solution tan& and %itted 3it' t3o 'al% dia rods=>> cm
lon# %itted at a distance o% @B<> cms %rom eac' ot'er in t'e 3as'in# tan& at a 'ei#'t o% >; cm %rom )ottom o% t'e tan&<
B< AC to )e provided in sl< no @ (a) to @ (d), :, C (a) & ()) and =B ())
C< Seminar room at ser =? to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5 depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
Seminar room (9C <;; s7 <m) to )e also provided in 'ospitals conductin# class I 0$*ay Asst trainin#<
?< Ser No =B ()) to 'ave U!S<
=;< *ooms at Ser No @(a) to (e) and =C to )e )uilt as per speci%ications o% BA*C and manu%acturers o% e7uipment<
==< Addl 7uantity$= eac' o% ser No =, 9 (@><;; s7 m), @()), @(%) (i) & (ii), :, B, C(a) & =B ()) to )e constructed 3it' !olyclinic in !G teac'in# 'ospitals<
/A6*+ %=6
)/ )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(er -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent
" 2 3 4
=< *eception5*e#istration53aitin# =:<;; Counter 3it' computer terminal
9< /rolley )ay B<;;
@< !atient c'an#e cu)icle @<>;
:< /reatment *oom =;<>;
>< *adiolo#ist *oom =:<;; 3it' direct vie3 to console room
A< /ec'nician *oom B<;;
B< Gantry *oom =:<;; or as per speci%ications o% particular e7uipment<
C< Console & so%t3are )ac&up room =:<;;
?< *ecovery room =;<>;
=;< Attac'ed sanitary @<>; 3c, 3')
==< Dar& *oom B<;;
=9< *ecord *oom5 Computer room5
*eportin# room
=;<>; Computer terminal
=@< Store room =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
=:< !antry B<;; Wor& top, sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
=>< Sanitary
(a) 2ale5 (Doctors5 !atients) @<>; 3c, 3')
()) Female5( Doctors5 !atients) @<>; 3c, 3')
/otal "4#8##
Note? G
=< AC to )e provided in t'e 3'ole comple4 e4cept sl<No=;, =@, =: & =>
9< U!S to )e provided in sl<No A, B, C, & =9
@< A)ove %acility to )e constructed as per #uidelines o% BA*C and t'e manu%acturer on turn&ey )asis<
/A6*+ %=)
.AGN+/I) 0+(,NAN)+ I.AGING
(er No -acility -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4
"8 *eception & su) re#istration B<;; Computer terminal
9< Su)$3aitin# =;<>;
@< C'an#in# cu)icles @<>; !artitioned cu)icle,
Arran#ement %or personal clot'in# 'an#er
:< Control console =;<>; Computer terminal
>< *adiolo#ist *oom =:<;; 3'), computer terminal, addl room o% same
siEe %or 'ousin# 2*I computer, reportin#
and record room i% 2*I & C/ centres are
A< 2*I C'am)er >A<;;
B< U!S =;<>;
C< Coolin# C'am)er =:<;;
?< Store =:<;; S'elvin# in one 3all
=;< Hanitor"s closet @<>;
==< /oilet @<>; 3'), 3c
/otal "4=8##
=< Installation o% 2*I system s'ould )e on turn&ey )asis<
9< Construction o% t'e 2*I %acility s'ould )e as per approved dra3in# )y BA*C and manu%acturer"s speci%ication %or t'e particular 2*I system<
@< /'e entire area to )e centrally AC e4cept para B, ?, =;, ==<
:< Dado upto =m 'ei#'t at Ser No ==<
>< !rovision o% unloadin# t'e 'eavy e7uipment to )e made<
(+)/I,N % 8
0+1A6I*I/A/I,N )+N/0+ E P12(I,/1+0AP2 $+PA0/.+N/
C<; General /'e centre5department provides treatment %acilities to patients su%%erin# %rom cripplin# diseases and disa)ilities< /reatment
%acilities are classi%ied as underG$
=< !'ysiot'erapy cu)icles area<
9< Under 3ater e4ercise area (+ydrot'erapy)
@< .4ercise area (Gymnasium)
:< ccupational t'erapy area<
C<= (ocation /'e department is to )e located at a place 3'ic' may )e at a convenient access to )ot' in$door (rt'opaedic5sur#ical) and out$
door patients< Availa)ility o% day li#'t, %res' air and ade7uate ventilation are o% e4treme importance %or t'e department<
C<9 Facilities
C<9<= *e'a)ilitation Centre A)ove treatment %acilities are to )e provided in %ull or part in 'ospitals dependin# on t'e %actors, namely )ed stren#t' and
aut'orised centres< *e7uirements %or various suc' %acilities are #iven in /a)le C A<
C<9<9 !'ysiot'erapy Dept /'e 'ospitals 3'ic' are not aut'orised eit'er o% t'e re'a)ilitation centres 3ill )e provided 3it' p'ysiot'erapy deptts,
comprisin# o% %acilities as #iven in /a)le CB
C<@<= !'ysiot'erapy cu)icles
Separate cu)icles are re7uired %or various treatment t'erapies suc' as diat'ermy, Ultra -iolet, In%ra *ed, *adiant +eat and
massa#e, selective5com)ined treatment %or Galvanic, sinusoidal, Faradic and 'i#' %re7uency ultrasound t'erapy vi)rators
(AS.* t'erapy etc< .ac' cu)icle e4cept ultra violet is to )e provided 3it' curtains on over'ead rails %or easy movement o%
3'eel c'airs and stretc'ers< Cu)icle space is to )e arran#ed to permit t'erapist to 3or& on eit'er side o% ta)le 3it'out 'avin# to
move e7uipment5apparatus< Insulated type o% %loorin# is to )e provided %or t'e cu)icles<
C<@<9 Under Water .4ercise *e7uires space %or treatment ta)le, a tan&, s'o3er )at' and dressin# cu)icles< Non s&id type o% %loorin# is to )e provided %or t'e
area (+ydrot'erapy) area<
C<@<@ .4ercise area
/'e treatment re7uirin# diverse individual or #roup e4ercise activities are planned in a #ymnasium< It is used e4tensively )y
people in 3'eel c'airs or crutc'es or 3al&in# stic&s or 3it' ot'er disa)ilities, 3'ic' limit motion and a#ility< At least one 3all
needs to )e solid %or mountin# clim)in# )ars and ot'er similar e7uipments<
C<@<: ccupational t'erapy
-arious sections in t'e %ield o% occupational t'erapies suc' as television repair, computer operation, tailorin#, carpentry, canin#,
'osiery, 3atc'5radio repairin# and )oot ma&in# are to )e arran#ed in a )i# 'all or in separate cu)icles<
/A6*+ %8A
0+1A6I*I/A/I,N )+N/0+ (W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? WitC Ainor reCa9ilitation centre WitC Aa:or reCa9ilitation cetre
25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy
E )oAd
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< *eception cum
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Counter 3it' computer
9< Waitin# rooms
%or G$
(a) %%icers &
$$$ /o )e
s'ared in
/a)le $ B
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
()) HCs5* $$$ $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
(c) HCs5*"s
$$$ $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
@< !'ysiot'erapist
$$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; W')<
:< !'ysiot'erapy
cu)icles area
(a) Diat'ermy B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; *e% note =<
()) Ultra -oilet
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; 94B<;; 94B<;; @4B<;; Capa)le o% dar&enin#<
(c) In%ra *ed
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; 94B<;; 94B<;; 94B<;;
(d) *adiant cu)icle B<;; B<;; 94B<;; 94B<;; 94B<;; :4B<;; :4B<;;

=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; 94=;<>; 94=;<>; 94=;<>;
(%) Wa4 )at'
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
(#) Ultra Sonic
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; Addl room %or addl
(') /raction (3'ere
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; In case o% mounta)le
type 3all is to )e
suita)le desi#ned< Addl
room %or addl mac'ine<
(D) (AS.* t'erapy =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Addl room %or addl
>< Under 3ater
(a) +ydrot'erapy
prisin# o% a tan&
$$$ $$$ =:<;;
(i) +al% sun& & 'al%
a)ove %loor<
(ii) Deep and =<9;
s'allo3 end ;<>;m
(iii) !ipe rail a)ove
3ater level on lon#
sides o% tan&<
(iv) Steps 'and rail<
()) S'o3er )at' $$$ $$$ ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> S'o3er, urinal & 3c<
(c) Dressin#
$$$ $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; 94@<>; 94@<>;
A< .4ercise area
(a) Gymnasium 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; >A<;; B;<;; ?=<;; ?=<;;
()) C'an#in#
@<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 94@<>; @4@<>; @4@<>;
B< ccupational
$$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;;
C< Sta%% & trainees
cloc& room<
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Built in loc&ers &
?< Class room %or
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9=<;; Blac& )oard<
=;< General store =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9=<;;
==< %%ice $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal<
=9< Hanitor closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>;
=@< /rolley53'eel c'air B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
=:< Sanitary (common
%or sta%% &
(a) %%icers &
@<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c< & 3')<
()) t'er$ 2ale
3c<, urinal & 3')<
9 3c< & 3')<
/otal ""28## "268## 22!825 2=48=5 36!825 4568=5 46=825
Note? G
=< Additional cu)icles are to )e provided i% any additional apparatus5e7uipments are aut'orised to a speci%ic 'ospital<
9< Ser no == to 'ave dado =m 'i#' and Ser no >(a) & ()) to 'ave dado 9m 'i#'<
@< *ooms at Ser A & B are to 'ave 3ider door o% =<@>m clear 3idt'<
:< /rolley )ay area o% rou#' sur%ace<
>< !artitionin# )et3een cu)icles s'ould )e provided 3it' particle )oard, aluminium %rame, #laEed #lass,3it' ade7uate ventilation and aest'etically
A< *amp o% = in 9; #radient 3it' side railin#s to )e provided at t'e entrance o% t'e department i% located on t'e #round %loor<
B< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin# =<9m 'i#'
%le4i)le partition 3alls<
/A6*+ < 86
P12(I,/1+0AP2 $+PA0/.+N/
(-or Co?pital?3 BCicC are not a'tCori?ed reCa9ilitation centre
No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? BitC 9ed ?tren;tC of )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? 25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!!
" 2 3 4 5 6
=< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies
()) HCs5*
(c) HCs5* %amilies
9< *eception, o%%ice & record B<;; B<;; B<;; Computer terminal
@< .lectro t'erapy cu)icles *e%er Note =<
(a) In%ra red cu)icle B<;; B<;; B<;;
()) Ultra -iolet room B<;; B<;; B<;;
(c) Com)ined treatment =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Capa)le o% dar&enin#<
:< (a) Gymnasium 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;;
()) C'an#in# cu)icle @<>; @<>; @<>;
>< Store B<;; B<;; =;<>; Ample s'elvin#
A< Sanitary
(a) %%icers & %amilies @<>; @<>; @<>;
()) HCs5*"s & %amilies @<>49 @<>49 @<>49
/otal !"8## "#"85# ""28##
=< Additional cu)icles are to )e provided i% any additional apparatus5e7uipments are aut'orised to a speci%ic 'ospital<
9< Ser no A to 'ave dado =m 'i#'<
@< *ooms at Ser no : are to 'ave 3ider door o% =<@>m clear 3idt'<
:< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no =(a) to =(c) )y providin#
=<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls
PA/1,*,G2 *A6,0A/,0I+(
?<; General !at'olo#y la)oratories are mainly dia#nostic in %unction and are classi%ied as Command !at'olo#y
(a)oratories and +ospital !at'olo#y (a)oratories dependin# on t'e siEe o% t'e 'ospital as on aut'orised
)asis< /'e pat'olo#y la)oratories may comprise o% some or all t'e %ollo3in# activitiesG $
(a) 2or)id Anatomy, +istolo#y & Cytolo#y
()) 2icro)iolo#y
(c) Immunolo#y
(d) +aematolo#y
(e) -irolo#y
(%) C'emical pat'olo#y includin# .ndocrinolo#y
t'er activities connected 3it' t'e department areG $
(a) (a)oratories %or special investi#ations re7uired %or su) specialties mentioned in Section$@<
()) !at'olo#y and illustration, !at'olo#y 2useum and trainin# o% (a)oratory /ec'nicians
(c) 2ortuary & Autopsy
(d) Animal 'ouse and e4perimental sur#ery<
?<= (ocation /'e pat'olo#y la)oratories are to )e located at a place 3'ic' may )e easily accessi)le to )ot' indoor and out
door patients< t'er activities o% t'e department particularly t'e mortuary and autopsy, animal 'ouse and
e4perimental sur#ery are to )e sited so as to )e a3ay %rom patient"s vie3 )ut 3it'in t'e control o% pat'olo#ist in
c'ar#e o% t'e department<
?<9 !at'olo#y la)oratories Command !at'olo#y (a)oratories are to provide pat'olo#y cover to Command +ospitals and ot'er 'ospitals
3it'in t'e Command, 3'ereas +ospital (a)oratories provide covera#e to a particular 'ospital< /'ese 'ospital
pat'olo#y la)oratories are o% t3o types viEG$
(ar#e %or 'ospital o% :;; )eds and a)ove
Small %or 'ospitals up to @?? )eds, provided speci%ically aut'orised<
Army +ospital is to )e provided la)oratories o% t'e siEe similar to Command !at'olo#y la)oratories<
*e7uirement %or various %acilities re7uired %or t'e pat'olo#y la)oratories are #iven in /a)le$?A<
?<@ t'er Activities
?<@<= (a)oratories %or special
investi#ation re7uired
%or su) specialties
*e7uirement %or various %acilities re7uired %or t'e la)oratories are #iven in t'e respective clinics as on re7uired
)asis in /a)le$@ /'ese may eit'er )e sited in main pat' la) or in t'e respective clinics<
?<@<9 !at'olo#y and
illustration !at'olo#y
2useum and trainin# o%
(a)oratory /ec'nicians
/'ese %acilities are re7uired to )e provided in Command !at'olo#y (a)oratory, 'ospital la)oratory (lar#e) and
Army +ospital pat'olo#y la)oratories< /'e re7uirements %or suc' %acilities are also #iven in /a)le $?A<
?<@<@ 2ortuary & Autopsy /'ese %acilities are re7uired to )e provided in all 'ospitals< /'e re7uirements %or various rooms %or t'e purpose are
#iven /a)le $?B<
?<@<: Animal 'ouse and
e4perimental sur#ery
/'ese %acilities are re7uired to )e provided in maDor 'ospitals (speci%ically aut'orised %or doin# serolo#ical tests),
Command !at' la)s, pat'olo#y la)< -arious re7uirements %or t'e %acilities are also #iven in /a)le $?C<
/A6*+ % !A
PA/1,*,G2 *A6,0A/,02
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
1o?pital PatC la9?
(Aall (if a'tCori?ed *ar;e 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 )oAd
patC E ArAy
1o?p *a9
5pto "!!
4## E
a9ove 9ed?
" 2 3 4 5 6 =
A8 General
=< *eception & *e#istration B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; Counter 3it' computer terminal
9< (a) Specimen collection and distri)ution
=:<;; =B<> 9=<;; 9C<;; 3<'<)
()) .4amination cum sample collection
room L
@< Waitin# *ooms ption rests 3it' user %or %le4i)ility o%
use )y usin# partitions (a) %%icers & %amilies B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;;
()) HCs5*"s %amilies B<;; B<;; =:<;; =:<;;
:< /oilet (close to sl<no =) %or male and
94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 3c<& 3')
=4@<>; =4@<>; For o%%icers & %amilies only<
>< %%icer Commandin#5%%icer i5c =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;N 9=<;;N (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&
(a)oratory 3it' attac'ed toilet @<>; 3c & 3')
A< %%ice, record & computer room =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal
B< Stores
(a) C'emical L =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; Ample s'elvin#
()) rdnance L B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>;
(c) !( L B<;;N Nnly %or Comd !at' (a)<
(d) !ac&in# material B<;;
(e) Acid @<>; @<>; @<>;
C< Stores$in$c'ar#e =;<>; =:<;;
?< (a) Sta%% c'an#in# B<;; B<;; =;<>; Built$in loc&ers
()) Sta%% toilets
(i) For o%%icers @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> 3c, urinal & 3') (><9>)
(ii) For ot'ers @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> 3c & 3') (@<>;)
=;< (!G Ban& B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; essary ventilation precautions and
security as per IC stipulations<
68 $eptt of .or9id AnatoAy3 1i?tolo;y E
==< +istopat'olo#ist$in$c'ar#e 3it' la)oratory =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& and 3')
=9< +istolo#y (a)oratory
(a) Grossin# and processin#
=;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; L (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&
()) Section cuttin# and stainin#
9=<;; 9C<;; L
=@< Specimen store (%or stora#e o% specimen,
)loc&s & slides)
B<;; B<;; =;<>; 94=B<>; Built$in cup)oard ample s'elves
=:< 2icrop'oto#rap'y room =;<>; =;<>; Capa)le o% dar&enin# 3it' -enetian
=>< FNAC room =:<;; =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
) $ept8 of .icro9iolo;y (6acteriolo;y E
=A< Bacteriolo#ist 3it' la)oratory =:<;; =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& & 3')
=B< Bacteriolo#y la)oratory L =:<;; 9C<;; (on t3o 3alls %ull len#t')
=C< 2ycolo#y la) L =:<;; =:<;; =;<>; =:<;; $ do $
=?< /u)erculosis la) NAlso %or 2+(C/C) !une, 2+
Nam&um & 2+ De'radun and any
ot'er /B Centre<
(a) Specimen collection room 3it'
B<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
()) Specimen processin# room 3it' space
%or )iosa%ety ca)inet<
(c) ABS/ room 3it' space %or )iosa%ety
(d) Incu)ator room B<;;
(e) Was' room & sterilisation o% in%ected
9;< 2edia *ooms
(a) 2edia 8itc'en
=;<>; =:<;; Wor& )enc', )uilt$in cup)oard
()) 2edia stora#e and plate pourin#
=;<>; =:<;; =;<>; =;<>; Wor& )enc'< Ample s'elvin# plat%orm
@;cm 'i#', :>cm 3ide alon# one
(c) SteriliEin# room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; For &eepin# 8oc'"s steam steriliEer,
inspissator, 'ot air oven & distillation
9=< Incu)ator room @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> (o3 ceilin# (9<=m level)
99< Cold stora#e @<>; ><9>
$ $epartAent of IAA'nolo;y
9@< S</<S la)oratory =:<;; =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
9:< (a)oratory %or ot'er serolo#ical 3or& =;<>; =;<>; =B<>; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& capa)le o%
dar&enin# 3it' -enetian )linds<
.< Department o% +aematolo#y
9>< (a) +aematolo#ist 3it' la)oratory =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& and 3')
()) +aematolo#y la)oratory B<;; =;<>; =B<>; 9C<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&<
9A< Stool, Urine e4amination 3it' B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; $ do $
(a) Specimen cu)icle B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; Fly proo%in#, )ed pan sin&, sin& 3it'
3or& )enc'<
-< $epartAent of 4irolo;y
9B< -irolo#ist 3it' la)oratory =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& and 3')
9C< -irus serolo#y la)oratory 3it' =;<>; 3or& )enc'
(a) .## inoculation cu)icle B<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&
()) Animal inoculation cu)icle B<;; $ do $
9?< /issue culture room =;<>; (a) )enc' 3it' sin&, %iltered air, ultra$
violet steriliEin#, slidin# door<
@;< Animal *oom =;<>; S'elvin#
G8 $epartAent of )CeAical PatColo;y
@=< !at'olo#ist$in$c'ar#e 3it' la)oratory =:<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& 3')
@9< C'emical la)oratory No< = =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& to )e centrally
placed< Fume cup)oard< Sl< No @= & @9
to communicate
@@< C'emical la)oratory No< 9 9=<;; (a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& to )e placed
@:< !'otometry, C'romato#rap'y &
.lectrop'oresis and ot'er electronic
e7uipment room<
=:<;; 9=<;; Capa)le o% dar&enin# 3it' -enetian
)lind< Built$in concrete s'el% ;<A;m
3ide alon# t3o$3all len#t' %or &eepin#
electronic #ad#ets<
1< +@'ipAent )leanin; (ection8
@>< Was' up and preparation room =;<>; =;<>; =B<>; =B<>; Wor& )enc', sin& & drainin# )oard<
@A< +! steriliEer room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; /o communicate 3it' sl< @: & @>
@B< Sterile stora#e B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Ample s'elvin#
@C< Hanitor"s closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>;
&8 PCoto;rapCy E Ill'?tration3 PatColo;y
.'?e'A E /rainin; of *a9oratory
/ecCnician (ection8
@?< (a) !'oto#rap'y & illustration 9=<;;
()) Dar& room B<;; Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard<
:;< (a) !at'olo#y 2useum =;<>; 9C<;;
()) !reparation room B<;;
:=< (i)rary & common room 9=<;; 9C<;; Built$in cup)oard
:9< Classroom %or trainees 9=<;; :9<;; Wall )lac& )oard
/otal 2248## 26!85# 5""8## !3485#
=#8##M Nnly %or 2+(C/C) !une, 2+
Nam&um52+ De'radun and ot'er /B
=< All rooms e4cept at sl<no @,A,B,C,=;,@? to :9 are to )e provided dado =m 'i#'< In all la)oratories it is to )e =<9;m 'i#' #laEed (ceramic tiles) and in t'e areas 3it'
3or& )enc'es it s'ould )e ;<> meter a)ove 3or& )enc'<
9< (a) (a)oratory )enc'es 3'ere speci%ied are to )e ;<A;m 3ide, ;<C;m 'i#' and len#t' not e4ceedin# 9<;;m per tec'nician< !at'olo#ist or
inc'ar#e dept"s room is to )e provided 3it' la) )enc' to a %ull len#t' o% 3all ()readt' o% room)<
()) .ac' la) )enc' o% len#t' per tec'nician, pat'olo#ist5inc'ar#e dept"s room is to 'ave G

(i) A la) sin& 3it' s3an nec& %ittin#s (cold & 'ot 3ater supply)<

(ii) *ea#ent s'elvin#,, dou)le tiered s'elvin#<

(iii) Gas point and po3er point on as re7uired )asis<

(iv) Under counter ca)inet ;<>;m 3ide 3it' a dra3er (t3o ca)inets %or pat'olo#ist5inc'ar#e dept)
@< .ac' la)oratory room is to )e provided 3it' t3o #laEed )uilt$in cup)oard i% t'e room siEe is =:<;; s7<m and only one )uilt$in cup)oard
i% t'e room siEe is upto =;<>; s7<m<
:< (a) Wor& )enc' 3'ere speci%ied are to )e ;<A;m 3ide, ;<C;m 'i#' and len#t' not e4ceedin# 9<;;m per tec'nician<

()) .ac' 3or& )enc' is to 'ave

(i) Gas point & po3er point on as re7uired )asis<

(ii) Under counter ca)inet ;<>;m 3ide 3it' a dra3er<

>< /op o% la) )enc' and 3or&)enc' is to )e o% Acid & Al&ali proo% material pre%era)ly o% plastic laminated s'eet<
A< Air conditionin# to )e provided in Ser No >, ==, =9, =:, =>, =A, =B, =C, =?, 9@, 9:, 9>()), 9B, 9C, 9?, @;, @9, @@ & @:<
B< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @(a) to @()) )y providin# =<9m 'i#'
%le4i)le partition 3alls<
/A6*+ %! 6
.,0/5A02 AN$ A5/,P(2
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital BitC 9ed? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent
5p to "!! 2##%3!! 4## E
8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 )oAd
E ArAy
(0efer !8383 2ortuary & autopsy
=< Body store B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; (i) Wider door (=<>m 3ide)<
(ii) Dado 9m 'i#'<
(iii) *e%ri#erated 5 air$conditioned suited %or
storin# )odies
9< Autopsy room 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; (i) Stainless steel adDusta)le autopsy ta)le 3it'
'ose & rose %ittin# %oot operated, stainless steel
sin& & drainin# )oard to3ards %oot end <
(ii) Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard & s3an nec&
(iii) Built in cup)oard<
(iv) Wall )lac& )oard
(v) Dado 9m 'i#'
(vi) Air$conditioned
(vii) Addl area o% same siEe to )e provided %or
'ospitals carryin# out em)almin#
@< 2edical %%icer"s c'an#in#
room 3it'
B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Built in loc&ers<
Attac'ed toilet ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c, s'o3er & 3'), dado 9m 'i#'<
:< -ie3in# room =;<>; =:<;; Space necessary %or turnin# trolley & co%%in<
>< *elative"s 3aitin# room 3it'
=:<;; =:<;; =;<>; =:<;; (i) Wider door =<>m
(ii) Body 3as'in#5)at'in# space<
(iii) Space %or arran#in# %uneral )ier<
(iv) Dado =m 'i#'
@<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c & 3')
A< Hanitor"s closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; Dado =m 'i#'
/otal 6"825 6"825 68825 858=5
ANI.A* 1,5(+ AN$ +LP+0I.+N/A* (50G+02 (W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
-or Co?pital la9oratorie?
a'tCori?ed for
(erolo;ical te?t?
1o?p la9 )oAd
ArAy 1o?pital
" 2 3 4 5
(0efer to !8384 AniAal Co'?e and experiAental ?'r;ery
=< AniAal Co'?e
Guinea pi#s
(a) Breedin#
C<B> C<B> /o )e divided into : pans )y 3ire nettin#
()) Nursery C<B> C<B> *ooms (a) & ()) to )e separated )y 3ire nettin#< An e7ual amount
o% space surrounded )y 3ire nettin# %or open run is to )e provided<
Summer coolin# and 3inter 'eatin# arran#ements<
(c) Stoc&
*oom 4 9
C<B> C<B>
9< (a) *a))its
ca#e room
=;<>; =;<>; As a)ove )ut room to )e divided into 9 pans<
()) Stoc&
rooms 4 9
=;<>; =;<>; Separate stoc& rooms %or male and %emale ra))its<
/o 'ave t3o rac&s suspended %rom ceilin#<
@< (a) Breedin#
$ B<;; Wit' ;<:> m clearance %rom %loor %or mice
()) *ates
$ B<;; Summer coolin# & 3inter 'eatin# arran#ements %or rooms (a) & ())
(Ceep =;<>; =;<>; Four times t'e space in an open enclosure %or open run is to )e
:< -oBl?
>< (a) Breedin#
$ =;<>; /o )e divided into 9 pans )y 3ire nettin#<
()) C'ic&s
$ @<>; .ac' pan to 'ave lo3 e## layin# s'el%
A< (a) Grain
B<;; =;<>; Ample s'elvin#, masonary )in, rat proo%in#<
()) Cleanin#
room (%or
# o% %ood
& ca#es)
B<;; =;<>; Sin& & drainin# )oard, 3ater tap and #round sin&<
(c) Animal
tal room
B<;; =;<>; Sin& & drainin# )oard, 3or& )enc'
(d) Animal
3ard (!ost
$ =;<>;
(e) Animal
room (!re
$ =;<>;
(%) Ca#e store B<;; B<;;
(#) Fodder,
'ay & sa3
dust store
B<;; =;<>;
(') Hanitor"s
@<>; @<>;
.4perimental Sur#ery
B !reparation room $ =;<>; Sin&
B< Animal peration
$ =:<;; Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35&nee operated taps<
C< (a)
n room
$ B<;; Sin& & drainin# )oard
()) Dirty 3as'
up &
$ B<;; Slop sin&, sin& & drainin# )oard, 3or& )enc' & specimen cup)oard
Store room $ B<;
?< /otal !6825 2#48=5
/otal !6825 2#48=5
=< All animal 'ouserooms includin# ancillaries ()) to (e) and all rooms o% e4perimental sur#ery are to 'ave dado =<9 m 'i#'< For operation t'eatre
t'e dado 'ei#'t is to )e increased to 9m<
9< Arran#ement %or 9: 'ours 3ater supply is to )e ensured<
@< All rooms includin# passa#es to 'ave %loor$3as'in# arran#ement<
:< Air conditionin# to )e provided at Ser No =, 9 & @<
(+)/I,N < "#
6*,,$ 6AN> AN$ 6*,,$ ),.P,N+N/ *A6 (W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
=;<; General /'e department is %or %unctionin# as Blood Ban& and Blood Component (a)oratory, as per speci%ications #iven )y Dru#s and
Cosmetic Act and *ules =?:; as amended, re7uired %or licensin# under t'e said Act< /'e %unction involves reception,
re#istration, med e4am5screenin#, rest and re%res'ment o% )lood donors, collection and stora#e o% )lood, )lood screenin#
la)oratory, )lood #roupin# and cross matc'in# la)oratory, )lood component preparation & stora#e la)oratory cleanin# and
=;<= (ocation /'is department s'ould )e located close to !D )loc&, !at'olo#y (a) and at an accessi)le distance to peration /'eatre,
ICU and Acute Wards (2edical5Sur#ical)< Blood component la)oratory area s'ould )e separate )ut adDacent to t'e Blood

/A6*+ <"#
6*,,$ 6AN> AN$ 6*,,$ ),.P,N+N/ *A6 (W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
5pto 3!! 9ed? 4## 9ed? E a9ove
=< *eception, re#istration cum 3aitin# room =:<;; =:<;;
9< Blood donation room =B<>; 9=<;;
@< Donor recovery5rest & re%res'ment room =;<>; =;<>;
:< 2ed e4am or counsellin# room =;<>; =;<>;
>< Blood Ban& (a)oratory & Blood Stora#e
=B<>; =B<>; *e%er notes
A< Blood Screenin# (a)oratory =;<>; =;<>;
B< Was'in#5cleanin#5autoclavin# room ;B<;; ;B<;;
C< 2"s room =;<>; =;<>;
?< *ecords and Stores ;B<;; ;B<;;
=;< Centri%u#ation, t'a3in# and Blood
Component Stora#e room
$$$ 9:<>;
==< !lasma5components separation room $$$ =:<;;
=9< %%ice cum documentation cum c'an#e
over room
$$$ =;<>;
=@< /oilet (Common %or Ser No 9, @, : & C) 9 4 ;@<>; 9 4 ;@<>;
/otal ""=8=5 "6485#
=< Ser No< 9, :, >, A, B, =;,== & =@ s'ould 'ave dado =m 'i#' and in areas 'avin# 3or& )enc'es , t'e dado to )e ;<> meter 'i#' t'an 3or& )enc'<
9< Ser No 9, @, :, >, A, =; and == s'ould )e Air Conditioned to maintain temp 9;
C to 9>
@< Guidelines %rom Dru# and Cosmetic Act to )e %ollo3ed<
(+)/I,N % ""
N5)*+A0 .+$I)IN+ )+N/0+
0adiation .edicine/ 0adio%i?otope )entre (WCere a'tCori?ed
==<; General Speciality in Nuclear medicine deals 3it' t'e use o% radioisotopes in dia#nosis, t'erapy and
researc'< *adioisotopes are )ein# used 3it' increasin# %re7uency in Armed Forces 'ospital<
Isotopes used in dia#nosis as traces are o% reduced radiation< /'ose used in t'erapy are o% 'i#'
radiation and are su)divided into Ulo3 dose t'erapyV and U'i#' dose t'erapyV< /'e centre is to )e
a sel% contained comple4 to provide indoor and outdoor patients areas< (o3 and 'i#' dose patients
are to )e se#re#ated in to separate 3ard unit<
==<= (ocation It s'ould )e located in a separate )uildin# or 3in# o% a )uildin# to avoid unnecessary e4posure to
personnel not concerned 3it' t'e centre<
==<9 Facilities
==<9<= utpatient clinic -arious %acilities re7uired to )e provided are #iven in /a)le ==< /'e clinic is to comprise o% t3o
Eones viE clean and radioactive<
==<9<9 Inpatient 3ard unit (o3 dose and 'i#' dose patients are to )e accommodated in separate 3ard unit 3it' special
radiation sa%ety %or U'i#' dose 3ardV< .ac' o% t'e 3ard unit is to 'ave 3ard ancillaries<
(a) (o3 dose *adio isotope 3ard unit Normal 3ard unit 3it' ancillaries as per section $= & /a)le $ = item A is to )e provided<
Additional %acilities are to )e provided 3it' t'e 3ard unit as #iven in /a)le ==<
()) +i#' dose *adio isotope 3ard unit Ward unit is to )e o% sin#le )edded rooms as t'e patients 3'o 'ave )een #iven stron# dose can )e
inDurious to eac' ot'er t'rou#' prolon#ed e4posure i% accommodated to#et'er< Ward ancillary
re7uired %or t'e 3ard unit is #iven in /a)le ==<
==<@ Se3era#e /'e collection o% all e%%luent o% t'e centre is to )e done in a 'eld up tan& o% :;;; litres capacity
3it' inlet and outlet %acilities to disc'ar#e it into main se3er< /'e internal %inis'in# o% t'e tan& is
to )e o% non$a)sor)ent and no corrosive material< It s'ould )e )uilt under#round 3it' =m o% eart'
cover on top<
/A6*+ < ""
N5)*+A0 .+$I)IN+ )+N/0+
0adiation .edicine/ 0adio%i?otope )entre (WCere a'tCori?ed
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@ A
-or 1o?pital? a'tCori?ed
)on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
0adio I?otope )entre
0adiation .edicine )entre
" 2 3 4 5
0efer? ""828" (,'t Patient )linic
A Clean Ione
=< *eception B<;; B<;; Computer terminal
9 %%ice & record =;<>; =;<>; Built$in terminal< Computer terminal
@< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & %amilies
()) HCs5* & %amilies
:< Consultin# & .4amination room =:<;; =:<;; 3'), add =:<;; s7m per additional
>< +ealt' !'ysicist"s room =;<>; =;<>; 3')
A< *adio !'armacist room =;<>; =;<>; 3')
B< (a) Seminar *oom
()) !antry
/o )e s'ared 3it' *adiation 2edicine
C< Sanitary
(a) %%icers (Doctors )
()) 2ale (!atients)
(c) 2ale (Sta%%)
(d) Female (!atients)
(e) Female (Sta%%)
3c<& 3')
3c< urinal & 3')
3c<& 3')
3c< & 3')
6 Active Fone
?< +ealt' p'ysicist"s Section
(a) !ersonnel monitorin# room
()) Was'in# & decontamination room
Wor& )enc'
S'o3er, Sur#eonKs sin& 3it' el)o3
operated tap
=;< Dia#nostic Section
(a) Scannin# rooms
()) In$-itro countin# room
(c) In$-ivo countin# room
(a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& & drain
(%or t'yroid upta&e etc)
(d) Gamma Camera Scannin# room 3it'
#lass enclosure %or computer
(e) Dar& room
(%) Instrument 2aintenance room
(#) *adio$immuno assay room
(a) )enc' 3it' la) sin& & drain
Wor& )enc', 3'), loc&ers
Built in loc&ers
==< *adiop'armacy Section
(a) Sta%% c'an#in# room
()) *adio Isotope stora#e
(c) *adio Isotope dispensary
(d) *adio p'aramaceutical la)oratory
(e) Decontamination room
Built in loc&ers
3'), Fume 'ood
3'), s'o3er, !-C )at' tu)
0efer ""8282 (Inpatient Ward 5nit
=9 (o3 Dose *adio$isotope Ward Unit (C;F
Ward unit ancillaries includin# dinin# 3it'
additional ancillaries
(a) Clinical test room
()) 2"s duty room
Normal scales
*e%er section= & /a)le$= item
(a) )enc' 3it' la) sin&
=@< +i#' Dose *adioisotope 3ard( 9;F )eds)
Sin#le )edded rooms (all )eds) 3it'
attac'ed toilet 3ard ancillaries
*e%er section$= /o )e
s'ared in common 3it'
lo3 does *adio Isotope
$ Walls to )e o% @; cm )ric& t'ic& to
avoid cross radiationJ radiation plan
on approval 3it' DA.5BA*C
=:< Dirty utility & sluice room (For storin# &
disposal o% radio active urine & e4creta)
B<;; Sin& & drainin# )oard Bed pan sin&
/otal 2!48## 33285#
= Floorin# o% t'e centre is to )e o% non$ a)sor)ent material (!-C %loorin#)
9< Dado o% =<9m 'ei#'ts, o% non$a)sor)ent material in Ser No< A,B,C,?,=;,==,=9, and 9 m 'ei#'t in all toilets<
@< Steel5Aluminium Doinery is to )e provided %or t'e centre to avoid a)sorption o% radioactivity<
:< /'e line dra3in#s and centre speci%ication are to )e prepared as per t'e recommendations and approval o% Department o% Atomic .ner#y
5BA*C in t'e plannin# sta#e itsel%<
>< AC to )e provided in Ser No< No >,A,?(a),=;, == (d), =9 & =@<
A< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no @(a) to @()) )y providin# =<9m 'i#'
%le4i)le partition 3alls<
B< Seminar room at ser B to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5 depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
(+)/I,N < "2
0A$I,/1+0AP2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
=9<= General *adiot'erapy Centre s'ould )e attac'ed to a lar#e 'ospital 'avin# an oncolo#y centre,
pre%era)ly a teac'in# 'ospital, as treatment o% cancer entails team3or& o% 'i#' cali)re<
=9<9 (ocation /'e centre s'ould )e located close to related %acilities, li&e radio$dia#nosis, oncolo#y
la)oratory, t'e operatin# department and t'e nursin# units< It s'ould )e located on t'e #round
%loor or in t'e )asement<
=9<@ Access Access to t'e main entry to t'e department s'ould )e suc' t'at lar#e lorries and o%% loadin#
cranes are a)le to approac' t'e centre< Wit'in t'e department a =>; cm< /'ic& *CC ra%t s'ould
)e made %or mac'ine movement< /'e corridors s'ould )e @m 'i#' and =<C; m 3ide<
=9<: (a) (tat'tory a'tCority< (ine dra3in#53or&in# dra3in#J plan to )e as per BA*C
#uidelines and to )e approved )y BA*C<
()) .an'fact'rer7? ?pecification< Speci%ication )y t'e manu%acturer %or t'e
particular e7uipment and model to )e %ollo3ed alon# 3it' BA*C approval<
(c) /'rnHey pro:ect< As t'e radiot'erapy e7uipments are 'i#'ly sop'isticated and
re7uire 'i#' de#ree o% co'esive system inte#ration, t'e e7uipment to )e installed
on turn&ey proDect )asis<
=9<> Facilities *adiot'erapy %acilities to include t'e %ollo3in# as aut'orised<
=9<><= /elet'erapy Unit G (a) Gamma ray t'erapy
(i) A teleco)alt mac'ine or
(ii) *adio a)lation 3it' a Gamma &ni%e
(iii) 0$ray t'erapy
(iv) A linear accelerator
(v) Stereo tactic radio sur#ery 3it' an 0$8ni%e
=9<><9 Brac'yt'erapy Unit (a) Intracavitary radiot'erapy 3it' lo35medium or 'i#' dose rate remote a%ter
loadin# applicators<
()) Interstitial )rac'yt'erapy 3it' lo35medium or 'i#' dose rate remote a%ter
loadin# applicators<
=9<A Air conditionin# All areas o% t'e centre s'ould )e centrally air conditioned e4cept t'e sanitary accommodation,
stores, toilets, and pantry, clean and dirty utility rooms<
=9<B !o3er supply /'ree #rid 'i#' volta#e po3er supply and uninterrupted po3er supply system %or e7uipment as
=9<C -oids !rovision o% suita)le vertical and 'oriEontal voids %or ventilation ducts,
.lectrical supply and cold 3ater pipeline<
=9<? Future e4pansion In vie3 o% rapid tec'nolo#ical advancement, t'e necessity o% system up #radation allo3ance %or
%uture e4pansion s'ould )e catered %or at initial plannin# sta#e
=9<=; Wards In special 3ard unit 3it' separate sections %or males, %emales and paediatric cases< (Special
Wards & ancillaries)
/A6*+ "2
0A$I,/1+0AP2 )+N/0+
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
-acilitie? -loor area in
?@'are Aetre?
)on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
" 2 3 4
=< *eception & *e#istration B<;; Computer terminal
9< Waitin# area
(a) %%icers & %amilies
()) HC & * %amilies
@< %%ice, *ecords & computer 9=<;; Computer terminal
:< /rolley )ay B<;;
>< Hanitor"s closet @<>;
A< Stores B<;; Built in s'elves
B< !antry B<;; Wor& top, sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
C< Senior Advisor"s room 3it' attac'ed toilet 9=<;;
3'), Computer terminal
?< Consultin# and e4amination *oom =:<;; 3'), Computer terminal< Add =:<;;s7m per additional specialist<
=; Clean utility room =;<>; Sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
==< Dirty utility room B<;; Slop sin& 3it' drainin# )oard
=9< Nurses" room =;<>; 3'), Computer terminal
=@< /elet'erapy Unit
=@<= Su)$3aitin# area =;<>; = per 'i#' ener#y mac'ine
=@<9 /reatment !lannin# room 3it' c'an#e 9:<>; ver'ead rails %or providin# curtains as partitions %or c'an#e
=@<@ Simulator room 3it' c'an#e @=<>; ver'ead rails %or providin# curtains as partitions %or c'an#e
=@<: Dar& room B<;; 3'), li#'t, loc&, Cassette pass )o4, adDacent to Ser No =:<@<
=@<> 2ould room includin# plaster )ay and store 9C<;; 9 4 3') W'ite ceramic tiles and %loor draina#e< Dado 9 m
'i#'<Wor& )enc'
=@<A (a) Co)alt t'erapy room >A<;; (a) Couc' pit 9m deep 9<: m 3ide proDectin# :<9 m
%rom t'e )ac& 3all<
()) (a)yrint' =<C m 3ide, @m 'i#'<
(c) +ei#'t o% treatment room @ metres
(d) *oo% protectionG *oo% rein%orcin# )y =@; cm
(e) !erimeter 3all t'ic&ness A; cm concrete o%
density 9<@> #5cu cm<
(%) Beam stopper =@;cm concrete
(#) -ie3in# 3indo3 : cm lead e7uivalence 3it' : cm
lead e7uivalence )urn out collar installed in an
openin#=9; 4 =9; cm< =@> cm 'i#' %rom %inis'ed %loor
level, =;; cm %rom central line o% t'e co)alt unit<
(') CC/-
(D) Speci%ications at t'e time o% e4ecution 3ill )e as
per BA*C speci%ications and t'e manu%acturer"s
speci%ications as approved )y BA*C< /'e e4ecution 3ill
)e on turn&ey )asis<
()) Control *oom =;<>
(c) Dressin# cu)ile @<>
=@<B (inear accelerator treatment room >A<;; (a) Couc' pit 9m deep< 9<: m 3ide proDectin# :<9 m %rom
t'e )ac& 3all<
()) (a)yrint' =<C m 3ide, @m 'i#'<
(c) +ei#'t o% treatment room :<B meters<
(d) *oo% protectionG *oo% rein%orcin# )y =>> cm concrete
in treatment room and B; cm concrete at %ar end o% t'e
(e) Beam 3idt'G =A; cm on eit'er side o% isocentre
line at %ar end, and =9> cm on eit'er side o% isocentre line
at t'e control room end, 3it' =;;cm on eit'er side over t'e
(%) Beam 'ei#'tG 9:9 cm<
(#) !erimeter 3all t'ic&ness =B> cm concrete o%
density 9<@> #5 cu cm<
(') Beam stopper 99> cm< Concrete at #antry end<
(D) CC/-
(&) Speci%ications at t'e time o% e4ecution 3ill )e as
per BA*C speci%ications and t'e manu%acturer"s e4ecution
3ill )e on turn&ey )asis<
=@<C Gamma 8ni%e >A<;; Speci%ications at t'e time o% e4ecution 3ill )e as per BA*C
speci%ications and t'e manu%acturer"s speci%ications as approved
)y BA*C< /'e e4ecution 3ill )e on turn&ey )asis<
=@<? 0$8ni%e >A<;; Speci%ications at t'e time o% e4ecution 3ill )e as per BA*C
speci%ications and t'e manu%acturer"s speci%ications as approved
)y BA*C< /'e e4ecution 3ill )e on turn&ey )asis<
=@<=; Air 'andlin# room 9C<;; = per 'i#' ener#y mac'ine
=@<== Control room %or Ser No =@<@ =;<>; 3')
=@<=9 Control room %or Ser No =@<B
@ 4 =;<>;
=@<=@ */ tec'nician"s room =:<;; 3')
=@<=: Superintendent */ tec'nician"s room B<;; 3')
=@<=> !atients"rest room
3it' attac'ed toilet
@<>; 3'),3c
=@<=A Clean utility room =;<>;
=@<=B /rolley 3aitin# B<;;
=: Brac'yt'erapy Unit
=:<= Su) 3aitin# =;<>;
=:<9 Source preparation room =:<;; Built in concrete )enc'< Interconnected to Ser No =:<?<and Ser
No =><9
=:<@ Application t'eatre =:<;; Ade7uate s'ieldin# and interconnected to Ser No =:<:
=:<: Scru) up room B<;; 9 0 s3an nec& el)o3 5 %oot operated mi4er 3ater %aucet on a lar#e
sin#le len#t' SS sin&, interconnected to Ser No =:<><
=:<> Instrument room5/SSU =:<;; .4'aust
=:<A *emote a%terloadin# t'eatre =:<;; S'ielded, interconnected to Ser No =:<><
=:<B Brac'yt'erapy 3ard 3it' 9 )eds per 3ard 3it'
toilet attac'ed to eac' 3ard
9 4 9=<;;
9 4 @<>;
CC/- surveillance
S'ielded 3ard and toilets<
W'), 3c s'ould 'ave dou)le$U traps<
=:<C Store B<;;
=:<? *adioisotope 3aste store B<;; S'ielded
=> !'ysics (a)oratory
=><= Su) 3aitin# area =;<>;
=><9 !'ysicists o%%ice =:<;; 3') 3it' s3an nec& el)o35%oot operated mi4er 3ater %aucet<
=><@ (a)oratory =:<;;
=><: Wor&s'op =:<;; Built in *CC s'elves
=><> Stores =;<>;
=><A Hanitor"s closet @<>;
=A Seminar room 9C<;;
=B Central U!S Control5S3itc' #ear panel room =:<;;
=C<= /oilet sta%% $ %%icers
Female Sta%%

3c 3')
3c 3')
3c 3')
=C<9 /oilet 2ale ><9> 3c, urinal, 3')
=C<@ /oilet Females ><9> 943c, 3')
/otal 8=485#
=< /'e construction o% t'e radiot'erapy department or centre s'ould )e as per t'e speci%ications o% BA*C, 2um)ai< Guidelines to )e
o)tained %rom *!SD, BA*C 2um)ai<
9< Seminar room 3ill )e used %orG $
(a) Group counsellin# o% t'e patients & relatives )yG $
Clinical psyc'olo#ist
*eli#ious teac'er<
()) /eac'in# activities includin# C2.
@< Dado 3ill )e provided = m 'i#' in all t'e toilets<
:< !aper to3el dispensers or no touc' 'ot air 'and driers to )e installed adDacent to t'e 3')<
>< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9()) )y providin#
=<9m 'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
(+)/I,N < "3
/A6*+ < "3
)A0$IA) )A/1+/+0I(A/I,N *A6,0A/,02
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$ )
(er No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional
=< *eception and 3aitin# =:<;; Counter 3it' computer
9< (a) !re$procedure5*ecovery *oom
()) Sanitary
/o )e attac'ed to Ser No
9(a)< 3c & 3')
/o )e located in
close pro4imity
to Cardiac /
and Cardiac ICU<
@< /rolley )ay B<;;
:< C'an#e
(a) Doctor"s C'an#e B<;;
()) Nurse"s C'an#e B<;; Built in loc&ers
(c) *A"s C'an#e B<;;
>< Scru) %acility B<;; /3o sur#eons" sin&s 3it'
el)o35%oot operated taps
A< !rocedure *oom :?<;;
B< Console room =;<>; Glass 3indo3 to
communicate visually
3it' procedure room
C< Dar& room and Film processin# B<;;
?< Cardiolo#ist"s room =:<;; W') N
=;< Seminar room =:<;;
==< Sta%% room =:<;;
=9< Store room %or cat'eters B<;; Built in cup)oard 3it'
%acilities to 'an# cat'eter<
=@< Film record and stora#e room B<;; /o )e protected %rom
=:< .7uipment stora#e room =:<;; Built in cup)oard
=>< Clean utility B<;; (i) Wor& )enc'
(ii) Sin& 3it' drain )oard
=A< Dirty utility B<;; (i) Sin&
(ii) Wor& )enc'
=B< Sanitary 9 4 @<>; 3c & 3')
/otal 2388##
=< /'e a)ove %acility to )e %ully air$conditioned 3it' air loc& and air curtain at entrances<
9< Ser no A to 'ave %ull 'ei#'t dadoin#
@< *ooms at sl< No 9(a), >, =>, =A and =B to 'ave dado =m 'i#'<
:< Seminar room at ser =; to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5 depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
>< An addl room o% =: S7m 3ill )e provided %or eac' additional cardiolo#ist aut'orised<
(+)/I,N < "4
/A6*+ < "4
6,N+ .A00,W /0AN(P*AN/A/I,N 5NI/
(W1+0+ A5/1,0I(+$
(8No -acilitie? -loor area in (@8A )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent
" 2 3 4
P0,/+)/I4+ F,N+
=< *eception B<;; Counter terminal
9< S'oe c'an#e
Built in s'oe rac&
@< C'an#e room
2ale B<;; Built in cup)oard
Female B<;; Built in cup)oard
)*+AN F,N+
:< Doctor"s room B<;;
>< Nurse room B<;; s'elvin#
A< /oilet @<>; 3c, 3')
(/+0I*+ F,N+
B< Scru) up @<>; S3an nec&, el)o3 controlled taps
C< /ransplantation c'am)er 9C<;; Fi4ed pendants, central suction, o4y#en compressed air
%acility > multipin (> & =>)Amp plu# soc&et metal clad<
?< !atient detention 3it' attac'ed toilet =:<;; Central suction, o4y#en compressed air terminal<
=;< !antry @<>; Sin& 3it' drain )oard, 3or&in# plat%orm, connections
'atc' )et3een sterile & clean Eone
==< Sterile store B<;; Ample s'elvin#
$I0/2 F,N+
=9< Dirty utility B<;; Sin& 3it' drain )oard
/otal "#58##
Note? G$
=< /'e entire unit 3ill )e centrally air$conditioned as per standards %or / e4cept sl<no< =, 9, @, & =9<
9< Floorin# o% transplant suite 3ill )e electro conductive<
@< Dado
(a) /ransplantation area upto ceilin# 'ei#'t level 'ard mar)le sla)s
()) 9 metres 'ei#'t in scru) up, toilets5ceramic tiles
(c) =<> mtr 'ei#'t in pantry5ceramic tiles
:< S'ado3 less %i4ed / li#'t in transplantation room<
>< All 3ater supply to pass t'rou#' 3ater puri%ier<
A< /o )e located in conDunction 3it' +aematolo#y centre<
(+)/I,N < "5
/A6*+ < "5
/+)1NI)A* /0AINING $+PA0/.+N/
(8No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent?
-or Co?pital of 9ed ?tren;tC
if a'tC
4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
ArAy E
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8
/'is department
provides tec'nical
trainin# %acilities %or
t'e nursin# sta%% and
trainees< /'is does
not include t'e
re7uirement %or unit
education and %or
sc'ool o% Nursin#
%or pro)ationer
=< Instructor"s room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
9< Sister tutor"s room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
@< Class room 9=<;; 9C<;; 949C<;; 949C<;; Wall dou)le )lac& )oard
:< /rainin# e7uipment room =:<;; =:<;; =B<>; =B<>;
>< !rivate study room =:<;; =:<;; =B<>; =B<>;
A< Sanitary
(a) 2ale @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> 3<c< & 3<'<)< (@<>)
()) Female @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3<c< urine & 3<'<)< (><9>)
/otal ==8## 848## "2#8=5 "2#8=5
Dado = m 'i#' to )e provided in toilets<
(+)/I,N < "6
1,(PI/A* A$.INI(/0A/I4+ $+PA0/.+N/
=A<; General +ospital Administration is an essential department loo&in# a%ter an or#anised #roup o% people, patients and resources at its
disposal in an e%%icient manner to accomplis' t'e tas& o% providin# )etter patient care< It 'as #ot t3o aspects namely #eneral
and medical< General aspects deal 3it' matters concernin# overall up&eep o% t'e 'ospital and 3el%are o% sta%% as 3ell as
patients< 2edical aspect deals 3it' concernin# pro%essional 3or& in dia#nosis, treatment and patients care in t'e nursin# units<
=A<= (ocation +ospital administrative department is pre%era)ly to )e located close to t'e main entrance o% t'e 'ospital<
=A<9 Facilities -arious %acilities re7uired %or t'e department are #iven in /a)le =@<
/A6*+ < "6
1,(PI/A* A$.INI(/0A/I4+ $+PA0/.+N/
(8No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre
-or Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC
25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< Commandin# %%icer"s
=:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; @><;; Computer terminal
3it' attac'ed
(a) /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3<c< & 3<'<)<
()) Steno cum 3aitin# $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal
9< Deputy Commandant $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;; Computer terminal
(a) /oilet $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ @<>;
()) Steno $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; Computer terminal
@< Adm %%icer $$$ =;<>; =:<;; $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
:< (a) *e#istrar"s room $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal
()) Steno $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;;
>< Asst *e#istrar"s room $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal
A< Waitin# room $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; /o )e close to
*e#istrar5Admin o%%icer"s
B< Nursin# Services
(a) !rincipal
$$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal
()) Deputy !rincipal
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal
(c) 2atron5Senior Sister =;<>; =;<> =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
(d) Ward 2aster $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
(e) /oilet (%or su) sl< A
& ))
@<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c & 3')
C< 2 (+S) $$$ $$$ =;<> =;<> =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal
/oilet %acility to )e provided
?< Diary, despatc' & mails $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin# )uilt in
=;< Statistics cler&s &
=:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9=<;; 94 =:<;; 94 =:<;; 9 4=:<;; Computer terminal
==< Accountant, accounts
cler& & record
$$$ $$$ $$$ =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; Computer terminal
=9< Stationery and %orms B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Ample s'elvin#
=@< 2edical records B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; Ample s'elvin#
OB<;; Computer terminal
=:< 2edical Board section
(a) 2edical )oard room $$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
()) 2edical )oard o%%ice $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal
(c) Waitin# room $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
(d) 2ed .4am room $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Wit' 3')
=>< 2edical li)rary B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =B<>; 9=<;; :9<;; Computer terminal
=A< Con%erence cum
Seminar room
=:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; :9
O B %or A+
Blac& )oard
=B< Auditorium $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:;<;; 9=;<;; 9C;<;; /o include sta#e, proDection
room & toilet %acilities %or
male & %emale, Air$
=C< /elep'one e4c'an#e 5 B<;; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; @><;; :?<;; :?<;; Space to include control room
Communication Centre %or In%ormation tec'nolo#y
=?< Company o%%ice
(a) Company o%%icer $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal
()) Su)edar 2aDor5Coy
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal
(c) Coy cler&s & record =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; Ample s'elvin# )uilt in
(d) Waitin# room $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;;
(e) /oilet $$$ $$$ $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c & 3')
9;< Sanitary
(a) %%icers $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c & 3') (@) 3c urinal &
()) t'ers (male) @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> ><9> 3') (><9>)
(c) t'ers (%emale) $$$ $$$ $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c & 3') (@<>;)
/otal "#58## "5=85# 2528## 32585# 5888## =##8## 85=85# )oAd 1o?pital?
8=885# A+ (*&*)

Note? G$
=< Area o% = cler& & record room is on t'e )asis o% @<>; s7<m per cler& and additional area o% @<>; s7<m %or record in a room< Necessary
adDustment in space is to )e made in case o% any variation in num)er o% cler&s aut'orised to a speci%ic 'ospital<
9< All toilets are to )e provided dado =m 'i#'<
@ Seminar room at ser =A to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5 depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
:< Accn %or duty o%%r, duty cl&, ministerial sta%%, duplicatin# room, pantry5 &itc'en net to )e ta&en %rom SA %or De% Services 1=?C@<
> Addl space o% 9= S7m to )e provided 3it' serial No =C 3'ere ever telemedicine %acilities are availa)le 5 aut'orised< /'is %acility to )e pre%era)ly #rouped
to#et'er 3it' ser =>,=A and =C <
(+)/I,N < "=
1,(PI/A* A$.INI(/0A/I4+ (+04I)+(
=B<; General +ospital Administrative Services are most essential components o% 'ospital and comprise o% %ollo3in# sectionsG
=< General stores services (62 stores)
9< 2edical stores services
@< +ospital e7uipment maintenance services (/radesmen)
:< Dietary services
>< (aundry services
A< +ospital #ara#e
B< Wel%are and amenity
C< Security services
=B<= /'e services mentioned a)ove are pre%era)ly )e #rouped into a comple4 and )e suita)ly sited< Wel%are amenity is to )e
sited at central location to )ot' indoor and outdoor patients< /'e stores 3ill )e rat proo%ed<
=B<9 Facilities A speci%ic re7uirement o% eac' o% t'e section is descri)ed )elo3<
=B<9<= General5stores
Stora#e re7uirements %or various types o% stores needed %or t'e 'ospital and unit #rouped into t'is section and #iven in
ta)le 1 =BA< Ade7uate ventilation and security arran#ements are re7uired to )e provided space %or mo) stores to )e
ta&en %rom SA %or De%ence Services 1 =?C@< In addition, = S7m per crisis )ed to )e provided %or ord stores o% crisis
=B<9<9 2edical Stores
Stora#e re7uirement %or various medical stores is #iven in /a)le 1 =BB< Stora#e space provided is to 'old B mont'sJ
stoc& at any point o% time< In addition, = S7m per crisis )ed to )e provided %or med stores o% crisis )eds<
Ade7uate ventilation and security arran#ements are re7uired to )e provided<
=B<9<@ +ospital .7uipment S'ops and 3or&s'op %or various trades ot'er t'an )ar)er, maintenance services & 3as'er man are #iven in /a)le 1
=B<9<: Dietary Services Dietary service o% a 'ospital is an important t'erapeutic to ideal 'y#ienic conditions are re7uired to )e maintained<
Good natural li#'t and ventilation is desira)le< Detailed re7uirement %or t'e dietary services are #iven in /a)le 1 =BD<
=B<9<> (aundry service (aundry service 'as t3o main %unctions to per%orm namely cleanin# and disin%ections< All 'ospitals 3ould )e
provided 3it' mec'anical laundry< /'e e7uipment and space 3ould depend upon t'e siEe o% t'e 'ospital<
=B<9<A +ospital Gara#e Covered par&in# %or ve'icles 3ill )e provided as /a)le 1 =BF<
=B<9<B Wel%are & Amenity /'e section provides recreational and re%res'ment %acilities to t'e sta%% and patients< In maDor 'ospitals o% )ed stren#t'
o% :;; & a)ove, accommodation %or (a) crWc'e %or %emale sta%%"s in%ants, ()) Guest suites %or relatives o% seriously and
dan#erously ill patients are also to )e provided< -arious %acilities re7uired %or t'e section is #iven in /a)le 1 =BG<
=B<9<C Security Services Boundary 3all, )ar)ed 3ire %encin# as applica)le, sentry )oot' at eac' #ate
/A6*+ < "=A
G+N+0A* (/,0+( (+04I)+( (Q. (/,0+(
(8 No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre
-or Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC
25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed?
E a9ove3
ArAy E
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
0efer "=828"
6uarter 2aster %%ice
=< (a) 6uarter 2aster"s %%ice $$$ =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Computer
terminal< Addl
room %or Asst
62 i% aut' on
()) HC $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
(c) S8/5Ste3art562 cler&s &
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =B<>; 9=<;; @><;; @><;;
General Stores
9< +ospital clot'in# =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;;
OAddl< Area %or
'ospital C;; )eds
& a)ove & Army
@< (a) !ersonnel & !u)lic
()) .I Clot'in#
:< !atients retail ration $$$ =:<;; =B<>; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;; Ser : & > to inter
>< !ersonnel retail ration $$$ =:<;; =B<>; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;;
A< !atient pac& store =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;; Su%%icient stora#e
ca)inets to )e
B< !ersonnel !ac& store $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; $ do $
C< rdnance Stores =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 94=B<>; =49=<;;
/3o rooms to
?< A3aitin# condemnation &
disposal stores
B<;; 94B<;; 94=;<>; 94=:<;; 94=B<>; 949=<;; 949=<;; Dependin# upon
local re7uirement
addl space to )e
=;< *e#imental, amenity & local
purc'ase stores (unit e7uipment)
94=;<>; 94=:<;; 94=B<>; 949C<;; 94@><;; 94:9<;; 94:9<;; $ do$
==< (a) !aint & in%lamma)le items
()) ils, 'y#iene c'emical stores
=9 !( Stores =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 94=;<>; 94=:<;; 94=:<;;
=@< 2/ Spare parts $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
=:< (a) 2attress %illin# & coir =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
()) 2.S yard %urniture $$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
=>< *eceipt & despatc' =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
=A< .mpty pac&a#e stores $$$ $$$ =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;;
=B< (a) 62 cold stora#e plant room $$$ $$$ B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
()) Cool room $$$ $$$ =;<>; 94B<;; 94=;<>; 94=;<>; 94=;<>;
=C< Fres' ration issue stores =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;;
=?< Station store, c'ic&s, &'us&'us &
unit trainin# stores etc<
=;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;;
9;< (a) Fire3ood split stores =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Same space to )e
utilised %or
coo&in# #as also<
()) Steam coal, co&e so%t store $$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; @><;;
9=< Sanitary %acilities ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> ><9> 3c, 3')< Urinal
/otal "!#8=5 26#8=5 3868=5 5"6825 645825 =!6825 =!6825
JAddl area for
Co?pital 8##
9ed? E a9ove
and ArAy Co?p
/A6*+ < "=6
.+$I)A* (/,0+( (+04I)+
(er No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre?
-or Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC
)on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< 2edical Stores %%ice
(a) %%icer in c'ar#e"s
=:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Computer terminal
()) 2edical Stores HC $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal
(c) Cler&s & record B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =B<;; =B<;; Computer terminal
9< *eceipt & despatc' (Brea&
do3n room)
=;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Computer terminal
@< Non$.4p 2ed stores =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; >A<;; A@<;; Computer terminal
:< (a) .4p stores (dressin#s) =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; >A<;; A@<;; Computer terminal
()) .4p stores (dru#s) =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; >A<;; A@<;; Computer terminal
(c) Issue room $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Issue counter to communicate
3it' (a) & ()) computer terminal
(d) Controlled item store $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;;
(e) I- Fluids =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; @><;;
(%) DG(! & ot'er stores B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
>< *u))er #oods B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
A< (a) Cold stora#e plant room B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
()) Cool room =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
B< !ac&in# material stores =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; @><;;
C< In%lamma)le #oods store
(a) 2edicinal Gas store B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9=<;; +i#' 3all ventilator and metal
door 3it' #rill and ot'er ade7uate
protection a#ainst e4plosion
N 9=<;; S7m to )e added i%
mani%old room (re%er ta)le >) is to
)e provided<
()) Acid stores B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
?< A3aitin# condemnation &
disposal stores
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<>; 9=<>;
=; Sanitary %acility @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> 9 4@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>;
/otal "4=8## "!285# 243825 2!58=5 3858## 48685#
M 2"8##
M 2"8##
/A6*+ < "=)
1,(PI/A* +Q5IP.+N/( .AIN/+NAN)+ (+04I)+( (/0A$+(.+N
(8No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aeter?
-or Co?pital? BitC 9ed ?tren;tC of
25%4! 5#%!! "##%2!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy E
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
0efer "=8283
A8 /radesmen
=< /ailor"s s'op B<;; B<;; B<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
NAddl %or @
tradesman %or
A;; & a)ove )edded
9< Boot ma&er s'op =;<>;X B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; XCommon %or 9>$:? )ed
'ospital %or sl< 9, @ & :
@< !ainter"s s'op $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>;
:< Carpenter"s s'op $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>;
>< /insmit'"s s'op $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
A< *e%ri#erator mec'anic,
electrician & plum)er s'op
$$$ $$$ B<;; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
68 .edical +n;ineerin; WorH?Cop
B< S<S<A"s *oom $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>;
C< Wor&s'op $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ 9C<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
?< /oilet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3c & 3')
/otal 2"8## 3"85# 468## 5285# !88## "#885# "#885#
Area o% B<;;, =;<>; & =:<;; s7<m is %or one, t3o or t'ree tradesmen respectively< Necessary adDustment in areas )e made i% aut'orised stren#t'
o% tradesmen varies %or a speci%ic 'ospital<
/A6*+ < "=$
$I+/A02 (+04I)+ (1,(PI/A* >I/)1+N
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? BitC 9ed ?tren;tC of Constructional
re7uirements 25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E a9ove3
ArAy E )oAd
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< *eception and receipt
o% &itc'en stores
$ $ $ =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Counter 3it'
9< Dietician"s room B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; 3<'<)<
@< Caterin# o%%icer5HC =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
:< (a) Sta%% c'an#in#
$$$ B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; Built in loc&ers<
()) Sta%% rest room B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
(c) /oilet (o%%icers)
common %or Sl< = & 9
$$$ $$$ $$$ @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; 3<c< & 3<'<)<
(d) /oilet (sta%%) @<>; @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> B<;; B<;; 3<c<, 9 urinals
& 3<'<)< (><9>)
3<c<, @ urinals
& 9 3<'<)<
>< 8itc'en stores
(a) 2eat5%is' $$$ $$$ B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; S'elves<
()) -e#eta)les B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; S'elves<
(c) Day to day &
e7uipment store (For
stora#e o% #roceries
implements, mac'ine,
)o3ls etc)
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; S'elves<
(d) Fuel store
coal53ood or #as
@<>; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; .4'aust<
A< !reparation area B<;; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;; !reparation
3or& )enc'
3it' )uilt in
B< Coo&in# area =B<;; 9C<;; @><;; >A<;; B;<;; C:<;; C:<;; Sin& & DB<
C< /'erapeutic Diet
preparation & coo&in#
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; Sin& & DB,
?< %%icer"s diet
preparation & coo&in#
B<;; =;<>; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =B<>; =B<>; Sin& & DB<
=;< !an 3as' =;<>; =;<>;
==< Food trolley &
container 3as'
B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =;<>; =;<>;
=9< Food trolley )ay B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;;
=@< Servery B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;;
/otal !"8## ""!8## "4385# 2""8=5 2=48=5 3228## 32585#
Note G
=< For Army +ospital & 'ospitals o% C;; )eds & over t'e area is to )e increased to @A:<;; s7<m< Addl area is to )e distri)uted proportionally in
Ser no > to C<
9< Dado to )e provided at Ser no :(c & d), >(a & d), A to =@<
/A6*+ %"=+
*A5N$02 (+04I)+
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre?
-or Co?pital? BitC 9ed ?tren;tC of
25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy
E )oAd
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< *eception5collectio
n and sortin#
=:<;; =:<;; =:<;; 9=<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;; Counter53it'
computer terminal<
9< C'an#e room B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =:<;; Built in loc&ers<
@< Sluicin# and
$$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
:< 2endin# $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =:<;;
>< Was'in# mac'ine,
driers, 'ydro
calendarin# &
9=<;; @><;; :9<;; C:<;; ==9<;; =:;<;; =:;<;;
A< 2attress sterilisin# $$$ $$$ $$$ 9=<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
B< Clean linen stora#e
& issue
B<;; B<;; =;<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; @><;; :?<;; Ample s'elvin#<
C< %%ice B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9=<;; Computer terminal<
?< Boiler 'ouse
clot'es )oilin#
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;;
=;< Stores
(a) Fuel %or )oiler5
$$$ $$$ $$$ B<;; B<;; =;<>; =;<>;
()) Soap &
@<>; @<>; ><9> B<;; B<;; B<;; B<;;
==< Hanitor closet @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>; @<>;
=9< Sanitary @<>; @<>; @<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 94@<>; 3<c<, 3<'<)<
/otal =385# 8=85# "4"8=5 24"85# 3#"8## 3=88## 3!28##
/A6*+ <"=-
1,(PI/A* GA0AG+
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? BitC 9ed ?tren;tC of )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? 25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy E
=< Am)ulances 949=<;; @49=<;; :49=<;; >49=<;; A49=<;; B49=<;; B49=<;; (i) I% more
Am)ulance are
aut'orised, more
#ara#es to )e
(ii) ne
am)ulance #ara#e
is to )e sited close
to emer#ency
section o% #eneral
ut !atient clinic<
9< %%icers ve'icles 949=<;; 949=<;; :49=<;; A49=<;; C49=<;; =949=<;; =>49=<;;
@< 2otor cycle5scooter
=49=<;; =49=<;; 949=<;; 949=<;; @49=<;; :49=<;; :49=<;;
:< Cycle stand =49=<;; =49=<;; =49=<;; 949=<;; @49=<;; @49=<;; :49=<;;
>< t'er ve'icle aut' Space to )e provided in unit lines in accordance 3it' scales laid %or class KB" ve'icles< /'is 3ill not %orm part o%
'ospital accommodation<
/otal "268## "4=8## 23"8## 3"58## 42#8## 5468## 63#8##
Note? G
All t'e #ara#e )ase are to )e planned covered par&in# area 3it'out any s'utters<
/A6*+ <"=G
W+*-A0+ E A.+NI/I2
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? for Co?pital? of 9ed ?tren;tC )on?tr'ctional
re@'ireAent? 25%4! 5#%!! "##%"!! 2##%3!! 4##%5!! 6##%=!! 8## 9ed? E
a9ove3 ArAy E
" 2 3 4 5 6 = 8 ! "#
=< +ospital canteen
(a) Dry canteen =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; =B<>; @><;; :9<;; :9<;; S'elvin#<
()) Wet canteen =;<>; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; @><;; :9<;; :?<;; Wit' &itc'enet 3it'
t'e area< Sin& &
D<B< , 3or& ta)le<
9< Wel%are o%%icer $$$ $$$ =;<>; =;<>; =;<>; =B<>; =B<>; Computer terminal<
@< Divers ional
+andicra%t room
B<;; B<;; =B<>; 9=<;; @><;; :9<;; :9<;;
:< (i)rary and readin#
=;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Built in cup )oard
%or 3el%are store
>< Games room =;<>; =:<;; =:<;; =B<>; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Built in cup)oard
%or #ames stores<
A< Bar)er"s room B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Built in loc&er<
B< CrWc'e %or sta%%"s
B<;; B<;; =;<>; =:<;; 9=<;; 9C<;; 9C<;; Built in cup )oard
%or toys< Suita)le
murals on 3alls<
C< Guest suites (%or
stay o% relatives o%
SI(5DI( patients)
(a) Sin#le )edded
room 3it' attac'ed
C4@<>; 3c, 3'), s'o3er
()) /3o )edded
room 3it' attac'ed
$ =49=<;;
C4@<>; 3<c<, s'o3er &
?< Sanitary
(a) For male @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> B<;; =;<>; =;<>; 3<c< & 3<'<)< (@<>;)
3<c<, urinal &
3<'<)< (><9>)
()) For %emale @<>; @<>; ><9> ><9> B<;; B<;; B<;; 3<c<, urinal, s'o3er
& 3<'<)<(B<;;)
93<cs, urinal,
s'o3er & 3<'<)<
/otal 8=85# "3685# "!!85# 2!48## 3=485# 6#!8## 6"685#
Note? G$
Dado to )e provided at Ser no =()), A, C(a), C()) only toilets, and ?<
(+)/I,N %"8
1,(PI/A* +NGIN++0ING (+04I)+(
=C<; General +ospital .n#ineerin# Services mainly comprise o% electrical, mec'anical, transportation, communication, %ire
protection system and 3aste disposal system< Suita)le provisions %or %ire detection system as per %ire )y$la3s 3ill )e
made in 'ospitals in consultation 3it' Fire Advisor to 2D and .n#ineerin# Aut'orities< Services re7uired to )e
provided under t'ese systems are classi%ied as underG $
A8 +lectrical E .ecCanical ?y?teA8
=< .lectrical (a) (i#'tin# (#eneral & individual)
()) Ni#'t li#'tin#
(c) S'ado3less li#'t
(d) (i#'t & po3er soc&ets
(e) Call )ells
(%) .mer#ency li#'t
(#) -olta#e sta)iliEers
(') Stand )y #enerators
(D) (i#'tnin# protection
(&) *ed$#reen )ul) indicators
(l) U!S
(m) In%ormation /ec'nolo#y System
(n) Automatic +and dryers<
(o) Automatic soap dispenser<
(p) .lectronic call system in !D
(7) Si#n posts %or all 3ards 5 depts5 centres incl day and ni#'t si#ns and patient
Guidance system
9< -entilation (a) Ceilin# %ans
()) !edestal %ans
(c) .4'aust %ans
@< Water supply (a) Normal 3ater supply
()) +ot 3ater supply t'rou#' #eyser system
(c) Filtered 5 so%t 3ater supply
(d) !ota)le (ocalised 3ater puri%ication system
:< !lum)in# (a) Sanitary %i4tures
()) !lum)in# %ittin#s
(c) !lum)in# service pipin#
>< *e%ri#eration (a) *e%ri#erators
()) Deep %reeEers
(c) Wal& in coolers<
(d) Water coolers
A< Air conditionin#
(Air Coolin# & (a) Air coolin#
Air 'eatin#)
()) Air 'eatin#
B< Gas supply (a) 2edicinal #as ( 4y#en and Nitrous 4ide)
()) Coo&in# #as
(c) (a)oratory #as
(d) Central suction system
(e) Compressed air
(%) Central #as lines to all 3ards
68 /raction E coAA'nication ?y?teA8
=< *amp
9< (i%ts
@< /elep'one & intercom
:< Nurse5doctor call cum sound & video system
>< !u)lic address system
)8 -ire Protection (y?teA
=< Sa%ety a#ainst %ire
9< First aid %ire e7uipments
@< Fire alarm
:< Fire detector system
$8 Wa?te $i?po?al (y?teA 9y Incinerator
=C<= +lectrical E .ecCanical ?y?teA
=C<=<= .lectrical (a) General &
Individual (i#'tin#
(i#'tin# is to )e provided in accordance 3it' t'e recommendations contained in Indian Standard
Code o% practice %or 'ospital li#'tin# i<e< li#'tin# I<S< :@:B5AB,IS @A:A (!art =)G =??9 &
amendments t'ereo%, includin# amendments i% issued su)se7uently< (.4tract %rom :@:B5AB code
appended as Anne4ure I)< Wit' re%erence to /a)le$= o% t'e appended anne4ure illumination level
o% =;; lu4 is to )e provided in rooms5areas, 3'ic' cannot )e cate#oriEed in t'is ta)le< General
li#'tin# o% all 'osp areas e4cept ni#'t li#'tin# in speci%ied areas is to )e %luorescent< !roper
li#'tin# is conducive %or e%%icient 3or&in#< Fi4tures s'ould )e o% a type, or so located as to
avoid o)Dectiona)le #lare< /o encoura#e proper maintenance, %i4tures s'ould )e easy to clean<
()) Ni#'t
/'e ela)orate arran#ement recommended in t'e I<S< Code :@:B5AB & amendments t'ereo% is
essential< For ni#'t li#'tin# a satis%actory ni#'t li#'tin# system is to )e provided )y a num)er o%
small %ittin#s (pre%era)ly miniature %luorescent lamp : 3att or incandescent lamp o% lo3
(c) S'ado3
(ess (i#'t
(i) S'ado3 less %ittin#s (mounta)le type) 3it' emer#ency li#'tin# unit are to provided
in %ollo3in# locations<
Section$9 Female Ward Units
delivery suite
peratin# Delivery *e%er Ser =9 /a)le$9 (d)
Section$9 Burn Centre peration t'eatre *e%er Ser 9= (a) /a)le$
Section$> peration /'eatre
2aDor peration t'eatre *e%er Ser No 9> (a),
/a)le 1>
(ii) S'ado3less lamps (!orta)le type) upto :;,;;; lu4 are to )e provided in %ollo3in#
Section19 !aediatric Ward !ICU *e%er Ser no< AA
/a)le 19B
Section$ 9 )stetric (2aternity) Ward !rocedure room *e%er Ser no< BA,
/a)le 19B
Section$ 9 Female 3ard unit, Delivery
Delivery room *e%er Ser no< A,
Section 19 Burn Centre (Ward
Ancillaries & clinic
peration /'eatre *e%er Ser no< 9=(a),
Section$ @ General ut !atients Clinic .mer#ency sur#ery room *e%er Ser no< B?(a),
/a)le 1 @A
Section 1 @ ut patients clinic deptt o%
2inor sur#ery room &
Biopsy room
*e%r Ser no< ? & =9,
/a)le 1 @D
Section 1 @ ut !atients *'eumatolo#y 2inor / *e%er Ser no< A(a),
/a)le 1 @+
Section 1 @ Urolo#y out patient clinic .ndoscopy t'eatre *e%er Ser no< >, /a)le
1 @H
Section 1 @ *econstructive sur#ery out
patient clinic
Dressin# room (Clean) *e%er Ser no< >()),
/a)le @6
Section 1 ? !at'olo#y la)oratories dept
U2ortuary & AutopsyV<
Autopsy room *e%er Ser no< 9, /a)le
Section 1 ? Animal 'ouse &
.4perimental Sur#ery
Animal </ *e%er Ser no<9, /a)le
1 ?C
Section$=? ut patients dept o% Section
+ospital, Sic& )ays & SS6s
2inor Sur#ery room *e%er Ser no< A(a),
/a)le 1 =?
(iii) ne mo)ile s'ado3 less lamp
(porta)le type) up to :;,;;; lu4 %or
eac' o% t'e %ollo3in# in patient
department53ards is to )e providedG $
General 2edicine
General Sur#ery
)s & Gynae
Neuro Sur#ery
(d) (i#'t &
!o3er Soc&ets
> amp li#'t soc&et outlets, => amp soc&et outlets and metal clad plu# and soc&et 3it'
2CBs %or various electric #ad#ets and po3er consumin# apparatus are to )e provided as on
re7uired )asis< Users are to )e consulted %or t'e num)er and location o% t'ese soc&et outlets in
various rooms at t'e time o% Board !roceedin#s and detailed plannin# o% 'ospital proDects<
(e) Call )ells (i) Call )ell s3itc'es are to )e provided %or all )eds in all types o% 3ards 3it' )uEEer,
indication li#'t and location indicator situated in t'e sister"s duty room o% t'e 3ards< All !D
consultation rooms, 2I rooms, dispensary, !at'olo#y la), 0$ray & ot'er investi#atin# la)s to )e
provided 3it' patient call system<
(ii) Call )ells in consultin# and e4amination room o% out patients clinics, o%%icer in c'ar#e"s
o%%ice o% departments, 2"s room and administrative duties o%%icer"s room are re7uired to )e
provided at t'e rate o% one per o%%icer<
(%) .mer#ency
!orta)le li#'ts
.mer#ency li#'t units are to )e provided in t'e %ollo3in# locationsG $
Section$= Ward Units Q ne per 3ard unit o% )ed stren#t' upto =>
Section$9 Special 3ard Q /3o per 3ard unit o% )ed stren#t' o% =A
)eds and over<
Section$9 Neonatal care ne per unit
Section$9 Delivery suite ne per delivery room
Section$@ ut patients" department /3o in emer#ency section o% #eneral out$
patient"s clinic<
Section$> peration t'eatre department ne %or deptt< % 'ospital upto =?? )eds<
/3o %or deptt< % 'ospital o% 9;;$>?? )eds<
/'ree %or deptt< % 'ospital o% A;; )eds &
Section$? !at'olo#y la)oratories ne %or small 'ospital !at' la)< /3o %or
lar#e 'ospital !at' la)< /'ree %or Comd
!at' (a) & Army +ospital !at' (a)<
Section$=; Blood Ban& /3o %or 'ospital aut'orised )lood )an&<
Section$== Nuclear 2edicine Centre ne %or centre<
Section$=A Administrative department /'ree %or 'ospital o% :;; )eds and )elo3
%ive %or 'ospital o% a)ove :;; )eds<
(#) -olta#e
-olta#e sta)iliEers are to )e provided %or air conditioner units, re%ri#erators, 3ater
coolers and ot'er po3er consumin# apparatus provided )y t'e constructional a#ency< For
medical e7uipments and apparatus, volta#e sta)iliEers 3ill )e procured )y t'e medical
(') Stand)y
Stand)y #enerators are to )e provided to #enerate electric & po3er supply to t'e under
mentioned departments o% sections and installations in case o% po3er %ailure %rom normal source
o% supplyG $
(i) peration t'eatre department
(ii) Delivery suite & Neonatal care units
(iii) 2I *oom and casualty department
(iv) Dia#nostic section & *adiop'armacy section o% Nuclear 2edicine
(v) B>F o% 3ard units o% t'e 'ospital 3'ic' 3ill invaria)ly include
Intensive Care Unit, Acute 2edical and Sur#ical, Burn Centre
(vi) Blood Ban&
(vii) All cold stora#e plants o% pat'olo#y la)oratories, 62 stores and
2edical Stores<
(viii) Body store room o% 2ortuary
(i4) All automatic %ire points
(4) ne radio#rap'y room )elo3 :;; )eds & 9 radio#rap'y a)ove :;; )eds,
USG, %ilm & c'emical store & dar& room %or radio dia#nosis dept<
(4i) All li%ts in t'e 'ospital )uildin#<
(4ii) +ospital 3ater supply installation
(4iii) Security li#'ts %itted on 'ospital )uildin#<
(4iv) Central 2edical #as supply system
(4v) *oom 'ousin# deep %reeEers in t'e %ollo3in# areasG $
(aa) Immunolo#y la)
(a)) *'eumatolo#y la)
(ac) Bone marro3 transplant unit
(ad) .ndocrinolo#y la)
(ae) Arti%icial reproduction unit sperm stora#e
(a%) Any ot'er room provided 3it' deep %reeEer %or sensitive sera,
(4vi) .ye )an&
(4vii) Dar& room %or .ye !D
(4viii) A<C< plant includin# A+Us<
Num)er o% #eneratin# sets is to )e calculated on t'e total load re7uired %or a)ove location
(D) (i#'tnin#
(i#'tnin# protection in 'ospital multi$storeyed )uildin# is to )e provided in accordance
3it' I<S< Code %or protection o% structures a#ainst li#'tnin#<
(&) *ed$#reen Bul) (i) *ed$#reen )ul) indication system is to )e provided to rooms restrictin# entry o%
unaut'orised persons due to sur#ical operative procedure, #reater radiation o% deep
penetration and radio active processes< Suc' rooms are operation t'eatres,
radio#rap'y room, radio$t'erapy room, radio isotope active Eone etc<
(ii) C'am)ers o% C, *e#istrar, Consultants, Advisers, 2I *oom consultin#
c'am)er %or administrative, %unctional purposes<
(l) U!S U!S 3ill )e provided %or all li%e savin# monitorin#, resuscitative, investi#ative, t'erapeutic
e7uipments li&e monitors, cardiac monitor, respiratory, Boyle"s apparatus, coa#ulative autoanalysis,
USG, computerised systems<

/'e users 3ill spell out t'e re7uirement o% t'e system in t'e 3or& services )oard sta#e itsel%
3it' detailed description and speci%ications o% t'e e7pt< peration, maintenance, repair and servicin#
o% suc' e7uipment s'all )e t'e responsi)ility o% t'e user<
(m) In%ormation
/ec'nolo#y and
Conduits %or t'e computer and telep'ones ,ca)le /- , pu)lic address system etc,<local area
net3or&in# system is to )e provided as on re7uired )asis %or 3'ic' details is to )e provided )y t'e
users at t'e )oard sta#e<
(n) Automatic 'and
+and dryers are to )e provided on as re7uired )asis, details o% 3'ic' are to )e assessed )y t'e
users at t'e )oard sta#e<
(o) Automatic soap
Automatic soap dispensers are to )e provided as on re7uired )asis, details5speci%ication & location o%
3'ic' are to )e assessed and #iven )y t'e users at t'e )oard sta#e<
=C<=<9 -entilati
(a) Ceilin# Fans Ceilin# %ans are to )e provided in all rooms e4cept lavatories at t'e %ollo3in# scaleG $
All 3ard units (i) Sin#le )edded room ne =9;; mm dia< ceilin# %an
per room cu)icle<
(ii) Dou)le )edded room ne =:;; mm dia< ceilin# %an
per room cu)icle<
(iii) Four )edded room5cu)icle /3o =:;; mm dia< ceilin#
(iv) Si4 )edded room5cu)icle Four =9;; mm dia< ceilin#
(v) For ot'er 3ard space room5cu)icle not
covered a)ove
ne =:;; mm dia< placed
centrally in space )et3een
t3o )eds<
All departments *oom o% an area upto =: s7<m< ne =9;; mm dia< ceilin#
*oom o% an area o% a)ove =: s7<m upto 9=
ne (=:;; mm dia ceilin#
*oom o% an area a)ove 9= s7<m< ne =9;; mm dia< ceilin# %an
per =: s7<m< space & part
=:;; mm dia< ceilin# %an per
9= s7<m< space & part t'ereo%<
()) !edestal
AdDusta)le pedestal %ans 3it' casters are to )e provided in 3ords and departments at t'e %ollo3in# scaleG$
Ward units ne per 3ard unit o% )ed stren#t' up to => )eds<
ne additional per 3ard unit o% )ed stren#t' o% =A )eds & over<
ut patients department,
operation t'eatre
department & *adiolo#y
ne %or eac' o% t'e departments in 'ospitals upto =?? )eds
*e'a)ilitation Centre,
!at'olo#y (a)oratories &
Administrative departments
/3o %or eac' o% t'e departments in 'ospitals o% 9;; )eds & a)ove
(c) .4'aust
%ans 3it' louvers
.4'aust %ans are to )e provided in t'e %ollo3in# locations<
Section $ 9 Ward units (avatory )loc& dirty utility and
C air c'an#es per 'our<
Section $ 9 Delivery suite Delivery rooms For C air c'an#es supply per
Section $ 9 *econstructive
sur#ery 3ard unit
Dressin# room For C air c'an#es supply per
Section $ @ .ndocrine &
Animal e4perimental room $ do $
Section $ : Dental Centre Dental mec'anic la)oratory $ do $
Section $ > peration t'eatre +! steriliEin# room
(Autoclave room)
*e7uired desi#n 'eat remover o%
> de#ree Celsius a)ove
permissi)le am)ient temperature<

Section $ A C<S<S<D< Autoclave room C air c'an#es per 'our
Section $ ? !at'olo#y
Specimen store (*e%er Ser no=@
o% ta)le ?A)
For C air c'an#es supply per
2edia &itc'en (re%er Ser no
9;(a) o% ta)le ?A)
2edia stora#e & plate pourin#
(re%er Ser no 9;()) o% ta)le ?A)
$ do $
2edia SteriliEation room (re%er
Ser no9;(c) o% ta)le ?A)
Stool Urine .4am room (re%er
Ser no9A o% ta)le ?A)
$ do $
+! SteriliEer room (re%er Ser no
@A o% ta)le ?A)
2ortuary & autopsy Autopsy room (re%er Ser no 9
o% ta)le ?B)
C Air c'an#es per 'our<
Animal +ouse Animal e4perimental room
(re%er Ser no AA(c) o% ta)le ?C)
C Air c'an#es per 'our<
Animal operation t'eatre (re%er
Ser no BC o% ta)le ?C)
Section $ == Nuclear 2edicine
Centre *adio
Isotope Centre
*adio Isotope stora#e (re%er Ser
no ==()) o% ta)le $ ==)
*adio Isotope dispensary (re%er
Ser no==(c) o% ta)le ==)
Section $ =B +ospital 8itc'en !reparation and coo&in# area
(#eneral diet, t'erapeutic &
o%%icers diet)< (*e%er A$C ta)le
Section $ =B +ospital (aundry Sluicin#, autoclavin# & dryin#<
(re%er Ser no @ & > o% ta)le
Note G
=< Num)er and siEe o% e4'aust %ans are to )e calculated to provide %or stipulated air c'an#es
9< .4'aust %ans 3ill not )e provided %or t'ose rooms, 3'ic' are, aut'orised speci%ically air conditionin# as t'e e4'aust system in suc'
cases %orms part o% t'e air conditionin# system<
@< W'ere e4'aust %ans are re7uired %or removal o% 'eat5to4ic %umes, radioactive #ases, odour or any ot'er environmental pollutant
%rom a room t'is may )e properly desi#ned on t'e )asis o% en#ineerin# principles<
:< .4'aust %ans are to )e provided %or all lavatories 5 toilets<
=C<=<@ Water
(a) Normal 3ater supply Arran#ement is to )e made to supply %ollo3in# 7uantities o% 3ater per )ed per day in 'ospital
)uildin# apart %rom t'e re7uirement o% 3ater %or %ire %i#'tin# purpose & 'orticulture and
landscapin# 3'ic' s'all )e calculated separately in accordance 3it' prevailin# normsG $
+ospital o% )ed stren#t' up to =?? )ed @>; litres per )ed per day
+ospital o% )ed stren#t' o% 9;;$@?? )eds :;; litres per )ed per day
+ospital o% )ed stren#t' o% :;;$>?? )eds :>; litres per )ed per day
+ospital o% )ed stren#t' o% A;; )eds and over includin#
Command +ospitals and Army +ospital
>;; litres per )ed per day<
Stora#e capacity %or 9 days re7uirement is to )e provided on t'e )asis o% a)ove consumption
and ot'er t'an married accommodation o% 'ospital, i% planned 3it'in t'e comple4<
*ound t'e cloc& 3ater supply )e made availa)le to all 3ards & department o% t'e 'ospital< /o
t'is e%%ect, necessary 3ater stora#e over 'ead tan&s 3it' 3ater pumpin# arran#ement is to )e
()) +ot 3ater supply In addition to patient"s and sta%% )at'rooms, 'ot 3ater supply to 3ards and departments o%
'ospital is to )e provided )y means o% electric #eysers (9> lit capacity), 3'ic' are to )e
provided at t'e %ollo3in# scaleG $
Section $= Ward units ne 9> !er 3ard pantry all
Section $ 9 Special 3ard units ne 9> Ward )ed stren#t'
upto => )eds<
/3o 9> Ward unit )ed
stren#t' o% =A )eds &
%%icers & %%icers %amilies 3ard
ne 9> !er : )eds & part
S&in 3ard (Dermatolo#y) ne 9> (Addl<) in treatment
Deliver suite ne 9> For t3o delivery
delivery room & part
Neonatal care unit ne 9> !er o)stetric 3ard
Burn centre /3o 9> Centre
Section $ @ ut patients" department ne 9> +ospital upto =??
/3o 9> +ospital 9;;$@??
General out patient"s clinic ne 9> +ospital upto =??
/3o 9> +ospital 9;;$@??
/'ree 9> +ospital :;; & a)ove
Su) speciality clinic ne 9> !er su) speciality
clinic e4cept s&in &
psyc'iatry i%
provided 3it'
treatment room or
Anaest'esia dept and pain clinic ne 9> !er patient"s clinic
Family out patient"s clinic one 9> Family out patient"s
Consultin# suites & 2edical &
ne 9> Common %or )ot'
Consultin# suites .N/ & .ye ne 9> Common %or )ot'
Section $ : Dental care ne 9> !er dental sur#ery
Section $ > peration t'eatre ne 9> !er instrument steriliEin#
& trolley layin# servin#
t3o /s or part t'ereo%<
Section $ A C<S<S<D< ne 9> Cleanin# room
Section $ B *e'a)ilitation Centre /3o 9> +ydrot'erapy
Section $ ? !at'olo#y la)oratories
(i) +ospital small !at' la) /3o 9> All la)oratories<
(ii) +ospital lar#e !at' la) Four 9> $ do $
(iii) Comd !at' la) & Army
+ospital !at' la)
Si4 9> $ do $
Animal 'ouse ne 9> For all animal rooms
.4perimental sur#ery ne 9> For operation t'eatre
Section $ =; Blood Ban& ne 9>
Section $ == Nuclear 2edicine Centre /3o 9> ne eac' %or lo3 dose &
'i#' dose radio isotope
one 9> Was'in# o%
decontamination room o%
!D active Eone
Section $ =B +ospital &itc'en ne 9> +ospital up to =?? )eds
/3o 9> +ospital o% 9;;$@?? )eds
Four 9> +ospital o% :;; & a)ove
(c) Filtered5so%t 3ater
Filtered5so%t 3ater supply is re7uired in pat'olo#y la)oratories (all types) and dialysis centre< So%t
3ater supply to )e provided %or mec'anical laundry and autoclaves < !rovision %or t'e supply )e
made as on re7uired )asis in consultation 3it' users<
(d) Cold 3ater supply Cold 3ater at =C
C to 9;
C supply is re7uired to )e provided %or processin# tan& in %ilm
development room (item : o% ta)le1BA)<
=C<=<: !lum)in# (a) Sanitary %i4tures *e7uirement %or various types o% sanitary %i4tures li&e )ed pan sin&, 3c<, slop sin&, sin& drainin#
)oard, 3')< etc< are #iven a#ainst eac' room in convenience in %unctional utility o% space< All 3')
(3as' 'and )asin) and sur#eon"s sin& 3'erever speci%ied are to 'ave 3all mirror o% suita)le siEe
and dado to t'e 'ei#'t so t'at it e4tends ;<@ meter a)ove 3')<< A to3el rail o% suita)le len#t' is
also to )e provided %or eac' o% t'e %i4tures or set o% %i4tures i% located close to eac' ot'er<
()) !lum)in# %ittin#s All sanitary %i4tures are to )e provided 3it' plum)in# %ittin#s suc' as taps, s'o3er rose,
and el)o35&nee operated taps, s3an nec& %ittin#s etc< /'ese %ittin#s s'ould )e o% )rass c'romium
plated, ele#ant pattern<
(c) !lum)in# service
Service pipin# (sanitary draina#e) s'ould )e so planned as to permit %uture c'an#es 3it' a
minimum distur)ance< Cold & 'ot 3ater supply pipin# s'ould )e run in concealed %orm
em)edded into 3all 3it' %ull precautions to avoid any seepa#e
=C<=<> *e%ri#era
(a) *e%ri#erators *e%ri#erators are to )e provided in 3ards & departments o% a 'ospital at t'e %ollo3in# scaleG$
No8 )apacity
in litre?
Section 1 = Ward unit ne =A> Ward unit (in sister"s duty
Section 1 9 Special 3ard unit
(su) speciality"s &
ne =A> >; & a)ove %amily )ed
Neonatal care unit ne =A> N<C< Unit
Section 1 @ ut patient"s
department5 su)
speciality clinic
ne =A> General out patient"s clinic
o% 'ospital o% 9;; )eds &
a)ove (in treatment room)
ne =A> ut patient"s clinic
Gastroenterolo#y (2ed< &
Accident .mer#ency dept
ne =A> +aematolo#y
ne =A> Immunolo#y
ne =A> .ndocrine & 2eta)olism
ne =A> Cardiolo#y
Section 1 : Dental care ne =A> ne5t3o5t'ree c'air dental
/3o =A> Comd dental centre &
Army +ospital dental
Section $ > peration t'eatre ne =A> Blood stora#e & %roEen
section in 'ospital o% :;;
)eds & a)ove<
Section $ ? !at'olo#y
Si4 =A> +ospital pat' la) (small)
Nine =A> +ospital pat' la) (lar#e)
/3elve =A> Comd pat' la) & Army
+ospital pat' la)<, (a)s o%
'ospitals more t'an C;;
+isto !at'olo#y 2ycolo#y Bacteriolo#y 2edia
Serolo#y +aematolo#y -irolo#y C'emical !at'olo#y
Small 'ospital = = $ = = = $ =
(ar#e 'ospital = $ 9 = 9 = $ 9
Comd pat' la) 9 $ 9 = 9 = 9 9
Section 1 =; Blood Ban& /'ree =A> Blood )an&
Section 1 == Nuclear 2edicine
/3o =A> !er centre
Section 1 =: +ospital
ne =A> General stores (%res' ration
stores) in 'ospital o% =;$:?
/3o =A> General stores (%res' ration
stores) in 'ospital o% >;$??
ne =A> 2edical stores section
+ospital upto =?? )eds<
/3o =A> 2edical stores section
+ospital o% 9;;$@?? )eds<
/'ree =A> 2edical stores section
+ospital o% :;;$>?? )eds<
Four =A> 2edical stores section
+ospital o% A;;$B?? )eds<
Five =A> 2edical stores section
+ospital o% C;; )eds and
+ospital &itc'en ne =A> For 'ospital =;$:? )eds
ne =A> For 'ospital >;$?? )eds
ne 9CA +ospital =;;$=?? )eds
/3o 9CA +ospital 9;;$@?? )eds
()) Deep FreeEer Deep %reeEers are to )e provided in %ollo3in# locationsG $
No< Capacity
in litres
Section $ @ ut patient
ne @;; +aematolo#y out patients
ne @;; Immunolo#y out patients
Section $ ? !at'olo#y
ne @;; Deptt o% +aematolo#y
ne @;; Deptt< o% Immunolo#y
Section $=; Blood Ban& /3o @;; Blood Ban&
Section 1 =: Bone 2arro3
/ransplant Unit
ne @;; Bone 2arro3 /ransplant
Section 1 =B 8itc'en ne @;; For 'ospitals o% >;$=??
/3o @;; For 'ospitals o% 9;; )eds &
Note G *e%ri#erators 3ill not )e provided in lieu o% deep %reeEer< /3o deep %reeEers o% )lood )an& s'all )e desi#ned %or maintainin# temperature
o% minus @;
C and minus C;
(c) Wal&$in$cooler Wal&$in$coolers are to )e installed in t'e %ollo3in# locationG $
Capacity (ocation
Section $ ? !at'olo#y la)oratories ne ton 2edia room o% lar#e 'ospital pat' la),
Comd pat' la) & Army 'ospital la)<
2ortuary & autopsy
(Body stora#e
re%ri#erated ca)inet)
= Ca)inet For one )ody store in 'ospital %rom 9>
to ?? )eds<
= Ca)inet For t3o )ody store in 'ospital %rom =;;
)eds to =?? )eds<
9 Ca)inet For t3o )ody store in 'ospital %rom 9;;
)eds to :;; )eds, Comd +ospital &
Army +ospital<
Section $ =B +ospital Administrative
ne ton For medical stores section in 'ospital o%
>;$?? )eds<
ne ton
For #eneral stores section & medical
stores section in 'ospitals o% =;;$=??
/'ree ton
For #eneral stores section & medical
stores section in 'ospital o% 9;;$@??
Five ton
For #eneral stores section & medical
stores section in 'ospital o% :;; )eds &
over includin# Comd & Army
Five ton +ospital 8itc'en For stora#e
(d) Water
Coolers5Water !uri%ier

Water cooler %acility %itted 3it' 3ater puri%ier system is to )e provided in 'ospitals situated at an
altitude up to =>;;m a)ove sea level and 3ater puri%ier system only (Wit'out 3ater cooler) to )e
provided in 'ospitals situated at an altitude o% more t'an =>;;m, at t'e %ollo3in# scaleG $
No< Capacity per
Section 1
Section 1
Ward unit
Special 3ard unit
(Su) speciality &

ne :; litres per 'our coolin#
capacity, stora#e capacity
C; litres
Ward unit
Section 1
ut patients"
ne $ do $ +ospital up to ?? )eds
/3o $ do $ +ospital =;;$=?? )eds
/3o =C; litre stora#e capacity,
coolin# capacity =>; litre
per 'our
+ospital 9;;$@?? )eds
/'ree $ do $ +ospital :;;$>?? )eds
Four $ do $ +ospital A;;$B?? )eds
& Comd +ospital<
Five $do$ +osp C;; )ed &
Army +ospital
Section 1
Dental Centre ne :; litres coolin# capacity,
stora#e capacity C; litres
ne5t3o c'air dental
ne =C; litres stora#e
capacity, coolin# capacity
=>; litres5'our
/'ree c'air dental
centre, Comd< Dental
Centre & Army
+ospital Dental Centre<
Section 1
peration t'eatre ne :; litre coolin# capacity,
stora#e capacity C; litres
+ospital upto =?? )eds
/3o $ do $ +ospital o% 9;; )eds &
/'ree $do$ Comd & Army
Section 1
*adiolo#y deptt ne :; litre coolin# capacity,
stora#e capacity C; litre
+ospital upto =?? )eds
/3o $ do $ +ospitals o% )eds 9;;$
ne =C; litres stora#e
capacity, coolin# capacity
=>; litres5'our
+ospital o% :;; )eds &
Section 1
ne :; litres coolin# capacity,
stora#e capacity C; litre
+ospital aut'orised
small centre5
p'ysiot'erapy centre
Section 1
ne :; litre coolin# capacity,
stora#e capacity C; litre
+ospital up to @?? )eds
Section 1
ne $ do $ +ospital up to @?? )eds
/3o $ do $ +ospital o% :;; )eds &
Section 1
ne $ do $ +ospital up to ?? )eds
/3o $ do $ +ospital =;;$=?? )eds
/'ree $ do $ +ospital 9;;$@?? )eds
Four $ do $ +ospital :;; )eds
Five $ do $ Comd & Army
ne $ do $ I% central dinin#
%acilities are proposed
%or 'ospital close to
'ospital &itc'en<
=C<=<A Air
(a) Air coolin#
()) Air 'eatin#
Air conditionin# o% departments, /s and ot'er essential dia#nostic, t'erapeutic areas includin#
enclosed space 'ave )een speci%ied in t'eir respective areas5section5ta)le< Wards 3ill )e air$
conditioned as underG $
Upto ?? )eds :> F o% Ntec'nical area o% 'ospital
=;;$=?? )eds :B F o% tec'nical area o% 'ospital

9;;$@?? )ed >= F o% tec'nical area o% 'ospital
:;; )eds a)ove, includin# A; F o% tec'nical area o% 'ospital
Command 'ospitals, Army 'ospital
N/ec'nical area means !D )loc& includin# accident emer#ency dept, 3ards, dia#nostic areas ,
critical areas, specialised centres or any ot'er area 3'ic' is related to patient care includin# 'ospital
administrative services< Areas re7uired to )e AC to )e decided )y Board o% o%%icers detailed )y t'e
user unit<
Inside desi#n conditions %or air coolin# and air 'andlin# s'all )e as underG $
(i) /emperature
/ department 9@$9> de#ree Celsius in Common /
=>$9; de#ree Celsius in Cardiac /
ICU5CCU5!ICU 9@$9> de#ree Celsius
NICU 9A$@; de#ree Celsius
Ward units 9@$9> de#ree Celsius
(ii) +umidity
/ departments :;$A;F
Ward units e4cept )urn centre5)urn 3ard :;$A; F
(iii) Air c'an#es peration t'eatre deptt
/ *oom conductin# specialised operation li&e cardiac$, Neuro$, and /ransplant sur#ery
9> Air c'an#es5'r
General / *oom
9; Air c'an#es5'r
t'er areas
=; Air c'an#es
=9 Air c'an#es5'r
(*ooms to )e A5C speci%ied in respective ta)les)
Ward units and deptts< not speci%ied
A Air c'an#es5'r
2iscellaneous Unidirectional air%lo3 3ill )e provided in super speciality / and #eneral / 3it' +.!A %ilter o% ;<>
micron siEe</ *oom to )e se#re#ated %rom ot'er rooms )y air curtains<
(c) Desert Cooler Desert cooler 3ill )e provided in t'e areas 3'ic' are not provided 3it' AC %acilities %or stations 3'ic'
are aut'orised desert coolers as per Scales o% Accommodation %or De%ence Services =?C@ as underG $
!D Consultin# & .4amination rooms ne eac'
!atient 3aitin# areas ne eac' area
Dispensary ne eac'
!laster room ne eac'
/reatment room ne eac'
Indoor Area General 3ard ne5General
Wrd o% A 1 C )eds
Sin#le5Dou)le5t'ree5%our Bedded rooms ne5room
For Doctors room ne
For Nursin# %%icer"s room ne
Administration For eac' o%%ice ne
=C<=<B Gas supply (a) 2edicinal #as 2edicinal #ases comprise o% o4y#en, nitrous$o4ide, suction and compressed air< Necessary pipe
line net3or& is to )e laid in departments and 3ard to connect t'em to t'e mani%old room
(3'ere #as cylinder o% )ul& supply 3ill )e mounted to 3all)< A compressor is also re7uired to )e
provided in t'e mani%old room to provide suction #as supply alon# 3it' medicinal #as supply pipe<
All t'ese %our pipes are to )e o% di%%erent colours con%ormin# to laid do3n standard mounted to
3all5ceilin# sur%ace< utlet 3all mounted %ittin# to )e provided at eac' outlet includin# adaptor,
%lo3 meter, antistatic tu)in# up to )ed< Compressed air, 4y#en, nitrous o4ide & suction t3o$3ay
outlets are to )e provided at t'e %ollo3in# location in 'ospital o% ?? )eds & over<
Section $ 9 Acute 2edical & Acute Sur#ical 3ard $ = per )ed
ICU5CCU5NICU5!ICU $ = per )ed
peratin# delivery room & recovery room o% delivery suite $ = per suite
Su) speciality 3ard e4cept ort'opaedic, r'eumatolo#y, $ = per
Y sin#le5dou)le
)edded room
Arti%icial (im) Su) Centre = per : )eds
+ead inDury, Neurolo#y, Neuro Sur#ery, Cardiolo#y, Cardio$ = per
t'oracic Sur#ery, /ransplant unit, Burn unit, +aemodialysis )ed
unit, *econstructive Sur#ery<
!rocedure room5/reatment room $ = per room
Section $ @ 2inor /5*ecovery room, !rocedure room5/reatment room$ = per room
o% !D & Casualty
Section $ > / 2aDor52inor, !re anaest'etic room, Induction room, $ =
*ecovery room per5room5)ed
N/. G$
(i) !ipe line %or compressed air o% medical #rade and suction to )e provided in /, ICU, CCU, NICU, !ICU and any ot'er area speci%ied durin#
t'e )oard proceedin#<
(ii) !ipe line %or Nitrous 4ide to )e provided in / and procedure room only<
(iii) Suction o% lo3 ne#ative pressure 3ill )e provided %or paediatric units as per current norms<
()) Coo&in# #as For )etter 'y#ienic conditions use o% coo&in# #as (<!<G< ((i7uid !etroleum Gas), 3'ic' comes in cylinders,
is to )e used in areas 3'ere it is easily availa)le< In suc' cases necessary pipeline 3it' #as outlets on as
re7uired )asis is to )e provided in 'ospital &itc'en as per laid do3n sa%ety re7uirements )y t'e IC<
(c) (a)oratory #as !ipeline net3or& is to )e laid in pat'olo#y la)oratories o% suc' speciality clinics 3'ere e4tensive la)oratory
)enc'es are provided< /'is net3or& is to )e connected to #as plant room or #as stora#e room 3'ere in eit'er
(<!<G< ((i7ue%ied !etroleum Gas) cylinders are stored or #as plant is installed to manu%acture oil #as %rom
&erosene oil medium< !rovisionin# o% cylinders o% plant 3ill )e as per e4istin# practice< Num)er o% outlets
%or eac' la)oratory )enc' is to )e decided as on re7uired )asis
=C<9 /raction & Communication System
=C<9<= *amp A ramp 3it' proper #radient & 3'eel c'air )ay leadin# to t'e top most %loor o% 'ospital o% t3o or more storeys
(up to %our storey"s) is to )e provided in addition to stairs needed at places<
=C<9<9 (i%t In addition to provision msde in National Buildin# Code %or %ire li%t and %ire sa%ety , electrically operated
automatic control li%ts o% speed ;<@Am and ;<B>mts per second %or 'ospitals o% t3o and more storeys are to )e
provided at t'e %ollo3in# scaleG $
Stretc'er cum passen#er li%t Service li%t
/3o storeyed )uildin#
Upto =?? )eds /3o ne
$ do $ 9;; to @?? )eds /'ree ne
$ do $ :;; )eds & over Four /3o
/'ree or more storeyed
'ospital )uildin#s
Upto =?? )eds /3o ne
$ do $ 9;;$@?? )eds /'ree ne
$ do $ :;;$:?? )eds Four /3o
$ do $ >;;$>?? )eds Five /3o
$ do $ A;;$A?? )eds Si4 /'ree
$ do $ B;; )eds & over .i#'t Four
=C<9<@ /elep'one Wirin# in conduits is to )e provided to #ive telep'one outlet points and intercoms outlet %or eac' sister"s duty
room o% 3ard unit, 2"s, D2"s, Consultin# and .4amination room o% out patient"s department and o%%icer in
c'ar#e o% eac' department o% t'e 'ospital and suc' ot'er locations desired )y Commandin# %%icer o% t'e
'ospital e<# sel% contained suites %or senior o%%icers5t'eir %amilies (re%er sec 1= ,=<=<=(a), etc<
/'e communication system is to )e suita)le desi#ned in multi$storeyed 'ospital )uildin#s %or alertin# all
persons c'ar#ed 3it' duties 3it' patient care and all employees o% t'e 'ospital 3'o are 3it'in t'e )uildin# in
t'e event o% emer#ency< /'e alertin# system s'all )e capa)le o% )ein# operated %rom t'e telep'one
s3itc')oards and t'e administrative o%%ice<
=C<9<: Nurses5Doctor call cum
sound & -ideo system<
(Broadcastin# system)
Wirin# in conduits is to )e provided in 'ospital o% ?? )eds and over to %acilitateG $
(a) Nurses5doctor call in emer#ency in all 3ards & departments<
()) /o play music in li#'t tune %or entertainment o% patients< /'is system is to 'ave control in
telep'one e4c'an#e room<
(c) /elevision5ca)le vie3in#<
=C<@ Fire protection system Fire protection system %or 'ospitals 3ill )e as approved )y %ire adviser, 2in< o% De%ence<
=C<@<= Sa%ety a#ainst %ire +ospital )uildin#s are to )e desi#ned %or sa%ety a#ainst %ire in con%ormity to Indian Standard Code I<S< 9:;A$
=?A@, I<S< @C:: G =?C? & amendments t'ereo% and part I- o% National Buildin# Code<
=C<@<9 First aid %ire %i#'tin#
Ade7uate %irst aid %ire %i#'tin# e7uipment is to )e provided at suita)le positions in accordance 3it' Indian
Standard Code I<S< 99=B$=?A@ & 9=?;$=?B= %or its selection, installation and maintenance< For details o% %ire
'ydrant re%erence may )e made to Bureau o% Indian Standard Code IS @C:: 1 =?C?
=C<@<@ Fire alarm Approved manually operated %ire alarm %acilities are to )e provided in 'ospital )uildin#s 3'ic' sound an
audi)le alarm in administrative department, en#ineerin# service o%%ice, %ire o%%icer"s o%%ice and suc' ot'er
central locations 3'ere #on#s, sirens, 3'istles o% )ells 3'ic' do not distur) t'e patients< Distinctive visual o%
audi)le alarm s'all )e installed at eac' sister"s duty room5nurses duty station and use %or %ire alarm purpose
=C<@<: Fire detection In 'ospital o% ?? )eds & over (multi$storeyed), and automatic %ire detection system is desired to )e provided<
=C<@<> Fire dampers All AC ducts s'all )e provided 3it' %ire dampers
=C<: Waste disposal system All 'ospitals are to )e provided 3it' oil %ired incinerators ( as decided )y t'e Board o% o%%icers detailed )y user
unit ) o% t'e type mentioned )elo3 dependin# upon t'e )ed stren#t' o% t'e 'ospitalG $
+ospital Bed Stren#t' /ype o% Incinerator
(a) Up to 9?? )eds and 9; 8#5'r
General +ospitals
()) @;; 1 >?? and @; 8#5'r
General +ospitals
(c) A;; and a)ove and :; 8#5'r
2+ C/C (!une),
Army +ospital (Del'i Cantt)
r any ot'er suita)le incinerator o% suita)le capacity as per local re7uirement 5 any ot'er tec'nolo#y
3'ic' meets t'e re7uirement o% t'at particular 'ospital, is eco$%riendly and is not 'avin# adverse impact on
'uman 'ealt', 3it'in t'e parameters o% Biomedical Waste (2ana#ement and 'andlin#) rules laid do3n )y t'e
Government %rom time to time or any ot'er tec'nolo#y 3'ic' replaces incinerators in %uture< Area
re7uirement %or (a), ()) & (c) 3ill )e =>;, 9;; & 99> S7m respectively< In addition provision o% space to )e
made %or installation o% +ydroclave (area re7uirement %or turn&ey 99> S7m), autoclave ( area re7uired %or
turn&ey proDect => meter 4 => meter and micro3ave ( area re7uired A meter ( 3idt') 4< A (+ei#'t) 4 >
meter(dept'), central 3aste collection area ( =;; S7m ) and trolley 3as'in# area < /'e %inal space re7uirement
3ill )e decided )y )oard o% o%%rs detailed )y user unit dependin# up on t'e type o% e7uipment to )e installed
and nature o% 3aste mana#ement %acility < !rovision s'ould also )e made %or disposal o% 'ospital se3a#e )y a
central collection 5treatment 5 disposal plant o% suita)le capacity dependin# up on )ed stren#t' o% t'e 'ospital
as decided )y )oard o% o%%icers<
=C<> Accommodation For provision o% a)ove mentioned 'ospital en#ineerin# services 5accommodation %or t'e %ollo3in# .52
installation is re7uire to )e provided as on re7uired )asis<
=< .lectrical su) station & o%%ice %or sta%% 'andlin# t'e service<
@< Stand)y #enerator room<
@< Air conditionin# plant room & A+U rooms<
:< !ump 'ouse<
>< .!AB05/elep'one .4c'an#e *oom<
A< U!S *oom<
B< 2ani%old room<
C< Any ot'er re7uirement o% en#ineers to run 'ospital en#ineerin# services<
?< Dedicated sta%% 7uarters %or &ey medical personnel as per policy laid do3n )y DGs2S Army
%or &ey personnel and 2.S &ey personnel responsi)le %or operation and maintenance o% 'ospital
=;< +ospital 3aste disposal department<
==< !ar&in# %or sta%% and patients
=C<A Security =< All 'ospitals s'all )e provided 3it' perimeter security 3all o% 'ei#'t 9<= m 3it' )ar)ed
3irin# o% 'ei#'t ;<B>meter<
9< All 'ospitals s'all )e provided 3it' Guard rest room<
@< All 'ospitals s'all )e provided 3it' sentry post near t'e entrance<
(+)/I,N < "!
(+)/I,N 1,(PI/A*% (I)> 6A2%(/A/I,N .+$I)A0+ )+N/0+( ,- (/0+NG/1 5P/, 24 6+$(
=?<; General +ospitals o% )ed stren#t' up to 9: )eds 3'ic' are named as section +ospital in Army, Sic& )ays in Navy and S 2
C in Air Force are re7uired to )e provided scales o% accommodation to cater %or indoor and outdoor patient
treatment %acilities, )roadly #rouped into t'ree units<
=< Ward unit and ancillaries<
9< ut patient department includin# dia#nostic and t'erapeutic %acilities<
@< Administration and services<
=?<= Ward unit and Ancillaries Separate 3ard units %or male and %emale patients 3it' common set o% 3ard ancillaries are to )e provided in
accordance 3it' t'e scales laid do3n in Section = & /a)le =< In modi%ication to scales %or provisionin# o% sin#le
)ed unit in a 3ard unit, an additional sin#le )edded room 3it' an attac'ed toilet )e provided %or o%%icers and
o%%icers" %amilies in male and %emale 3ard units respectively<
Delivery suite %acilities as #iven in /a)le =? are to )e provided<
=?<9 ut !atient"s Department ut patient department is to )e comprised o% out patient"s clinic includin# Dental Clinic 3'ere aut'orised,
!'armacy, Clinic /est %acility, Dia#nostic and /'erapeutic cover< *e7uirement %or various %acilities needed %or t'e
department are #iven in /a)le =?<
=?<@ Administration & Services General administration, stora#e %acilities (62 stores & medical stores) Dietary and (aundry Services are #rouped
into t'is unit< *e7uirement %or various %acilities needed %or t'e department are #iven in ta)le =?<
+ospital en#ineerin# services as laid do3n in section =C are to )e provided suita)ly %or t'is %acility<
/A6*+ % "!
(+)/I,N 1,(PI/A*%(I)> 6A2% (/A/I,N .+$I)A0+ )+N/0+(
( No -acilitie? -loor area in ?@'are Aetre? )on?tr'ctional re@'ireAent?
5pto "# 9ed? ""%24 9ed?
" 2 3 4 5
0efer delivery ?'ite
=< .4amination & peration room =:<;; =:<;; 3<'<)<
9< First sta#e la)our cu)icle =:<;; =:<;;
@< /oilet (common %or Ser no< = & 9) ><9> ><9> 3<c< & 3<'<)<
:< Delivery room 9C<;; 9C<;; 3<'<)<, lar#e sin& %or )a)ies )at', door
=<9; 3ide<
>< SteriliEation room B<;; B<;; Sin& & drainin# )oard<
A< Sluice room B<;; B<;; Bed pan sin&, sin& & drainin# )oard<
B< Nursin# o%%icers" room =;<>; =;<>;
C< Hanitor closet @<>; @<>;
/otal 8!825 8!825
=< Dado o% =m to )e provided at Ser no< @ and B and =<9m 'i#' at Ser no< =, 9 and 9m 'i#' at Ser no< :<
9< AC to )e provided at Ser no< 9 & :<
0efer ,'t Patient?7 departAent8
=< .n7uiry and *eception =;<>; =;<>; Counter, 3it' computer terminal<
9< Waitin# rooms
(a) %%icers & %%icers" %amilies =:<;; =:<;;
()) HCs5* 9=<;; 9C<;;
(c) HCs5* %amilies 9=<;; 9C<;;
@< 2"s .4amination room =:<;; =:<;; 3<'<)< NAdditional rooms o% same area
)e provided i% more 2"s are
:< /reatment room =:<;; =:<;; Sin& and drainin# )oard< Door =<9m
>< +eat Stro&e room (i% aut'orised) =:<;; =:<;; 3<'<)< Close to 3ard unit<
A< (a) 2inor Sur#ery room 9=<;; 9=<;; Sur#eon"s sin& 3it' el)o35&nee
operated tap< Door =<>m 3ide<
()) Instrument steriliEation =;<>; =:<;; Sin&, )uilt in #laEed instrument
cup)oard to serve )et3een (a) & ())<
(c) Was' up & sluice B<;; =;<>; Slop sin&, sin& & D<B<
B< Duty 2edical %%icer"s room 3it' attac'ed
Sleepin# %or D2 room
S'o3er, 3<c< & 3<'<)<
C< *etirin# room %or Am) driver5Nursin# Asst =;<>; =:<;;
?< Dispensary =:<;; =B<>; Built in s'elves, la) )enc' 3it' sin& &
=;< (a) Clinical test room B<;; =;<>; (a) )enc' 3it' sin&<
()) /oilet ><9> ><9> 3<c< & 3<'<)< urinal<
==< !'ysiot'erapy, In%ra *ed, SW Diat'ermy and
ot'er %acilities includin# o%%ice<
9C<;; :9<;; Capa)le o% dar&enin# and ma&in#
cu)icle 3it' mova)le partitions<
=9< *oom %or one Dental c'air =:<;; =:<;;
=@< (a) *adio#rap'y room =B<>; =B<>; Same as %or ta)le $ B
()) Film developin# & dar& room =;<>; =;<>; .4'aust %an
=:< Family plannin# unit (lady$'ealt' visitor i%
(a) Waitin# room =;<>; =;<>;
()) Consultin# room =:<;; =:<;; 3<'<)<
=>< Hanitors closet @<>; @<>;
=A< Nursin# o%%icers" room and
/o )e close to %emale 3ard unit <
3<'<)<, 3<c<
=B< Sanitary
(a) %%icers @<>; ><9> 3<c< & 3<'<)<, urinal
()) 2ale (sta%% & patients) ><9> ><9> 3<c< & 3<'<)<, urinal
(c) Female (sta%% & patients) ><9> ><9> 93<c< & 3<'<)<
/otal 32!8## 3=6825
Note D $
=< /o #ive in )uilt %le4i)ility, option may )e e4ercised )y t'e user %or com)inin# 3aitin# rooms at Ser no 9(a) to 9(c) )y providin# =<9m
'i#' %le4i)le partition 3alls<
()) Air conditionin# )e provided at Ser no< > & A<
*e%er Administrative Service
=< Commandin# o%%icer5Senior medical o%%icer
3it' 3aitin# area attac'ed and attac'ed toilet
(inclusive o% total 2s aut'orised)
9< HCs52W5CD i5c room =;<>; =;<>;
@< %%ice, record and computer room =:<;; 9=<;; Wit' computer terminal<
:< Stationery & %orms B<;; =;<>;
>< 2edical li)rary room
Seminar room
Built in cup )oard
A< !antry =;<>; =;<>;
B< 2edical )oard & .4amination room (only %or
=:<;; 9=<;; (en#t' o% room not to )e less t'an Am<
C< General stores (62) stores)
(a) S85Ste3ard5Cler&s & record B<;; =;<>;
()) Clot'in# stores =:<;; =B<>;
(c) *ation stores =:<;; =B<>;
(d) !ac& store B<;; =;<>;
(e) rdnance & station store =:<;; =B<>;
(%) !aints, in%lamma)le oil & 'y#iene c'emical
=;<>; =:<;;
?< 2edical stores
(a) Stores in c'ar#e o%%ice =;<>; =;<>; Computer terminal
(c) .4penda)le stores
(c) Non .4penda)le stores
L Ample s'elvin# to )e provided %or ?())
L ?(d)<
(d) In%lamma)le #oods B<;; B<;;
=;< Dietary Service (+ospital 8itc'en)
(I% 'ospitals are dieted)
(a) Dry ration store L B<;; B<;; QAmple s'elvin#<
Q ()) Fres' ration store L =;<>;
(c) !reparation and coo&in# area =:<;; =B<>; !reparation 3or& )enc'< Sin& and
drainin# )oard< Coo&in# plat%orm
(d) Fuel5(!G stora#e @<>; ><9> .4'aust %an
==< (aundry service
(a) Collection and sortin# B<;; B<;;
()) Dryin# s'ed =;<>; =;<>;
(c) !ressin# room (2anual) Q 9=<;; 9C<;;
(d) Was'in# mac'ines Q
(e) D'o)i #'at ne stoneN ne stoneN
Nne stone d'o)i #'at as stand)y due to interruption5%ailure o% mec'anical laundry<
=9< /radesman s'op B<;; B<;;
=@< Am)ulance #ara#e 9=<;; 9=<;;
=:< Autopsy room 9=<;; 9=<;; *e%er /a)le ?A<
=>< /oilets 94><9> 94><9> 3<c< & 3<'<)<, urinal
/otal 33285 4"48=5
=< Dado o% =m 'ei#'t to )e provided at Ser no = (toilet), C(%), ?, =;, ==(d) & =:<
9< Dado o% 9m 'ei#'t at Ser no =: (Autopsy room)<
@< Seminar room at ser > to )e clu))ed )et3een t3o adDacent !Ds5 centres5 depts 3it' a minimum o% one at eac' %loor<
(+)/I,N 2#
N6) $+),N/A.INA/I,N )+N/0+
(WCerever A'tCori?ed
9;<; General /'e main role o% t'e NBC decontamination centre 3ill )e to detect contamination, monitorin#, se#re#ation and to carry
out t'e decontamination o% Nuclear, Biolo#ical and C'emical a#ent, casualties usin# appropriate means< /'e decontamination
centre must %acilitate t'ese %unctions 3it'out cross %lo3 o% patient, sta%% and clean supplies and contaminated supplies
(clot'in#5e7uipment) tra%%ic< It must 'ave a separate area %or pat'olo#y e4amination and %or )ody stora#e<
9;<= (ocation /'e decontamination centre must )e so located t'at adverse 3ind and 3eat'er conditions do not contaminate t'e main
'ospital comple4 3it' t'e contaminants< Ideally it must )e at least >;$A; metres do3n3ind o% t'e main 'ospital comple4 and
residential area< /'e decontamination comple4 must )e so located t'at t'ere is no residential 5 industrial area >;$A; metres
do3n 3ind to it< /'e decontamination centre must 'ave separate entry and e4it %rom t'e main access road o% t'e 'ospital<
9;<9 Facilities /'e %acility 'as )een classi%ied into t'ree cate#ories (ar#e, 2edium and Small< /'ese are )ased on t'eir capa)ility %or
simultaneous decontamination o% casualties as underG $
(ar#e 9; casualties
2edium =; casualties
Small > casualties
/'e %acility 3ill )e desi#ned to 'ave a contaminated and clean area 3it' 'ermetic separation usin# airloc&s and ade7uate
corridor len#t's< Air conditionin# and -entilation re7uirements %or 'ospital main la)oratory must meet appropriate Bio sa%ety
level I- as per W+5CDC standards, 3'erever decontamination centres are aut'orised<
9;<@ -e'icle !ar& A separate ve'icle par& 3ill )e provided %or contaminated casualty )rin#in# ve'icles and %or clean ve'icles 3it' ade7uate
p'ysical separation and covered par&< /'e road and ve'icle par&in# area must 'ave a )oundary line mar&ed 3it' suita)le paint<
9;<: (a)oratory (a)oratory Bio$sa%ety level I- 3ill )e provided as per details #iven in /a)le 9; (B) 3'erever aut'orised )y DGs2S<
Bio$sa%ety It 3ill )e locate d 3it' main 'ospital la) or 3it' Decontamination centre dependin# upon siEe o% t'e 'ospital and availa)ility
(evel I- o% land and to )e decided at t'e time o% proDect development< Follo3in# desi#n %eatures 3ill )e ad'eredG $

(a) Controlled access t'rou#' air loc& and dou)le door<
()) Controlled air system )y air conditionin# and use o% +.!A %ilter
(c) !rovision %or decontamination o% e%%luents
(d) !rovision %or dou)le door pass t'rou#' autoclave
(e) Foot 5 el)o3 operated 3') near eac' door

N6) $+),N/A.INA/I,N )+N/0+
( No -acilitie? -loor area in (@ A )on?tr'ctional 0e@'ireAent
*ar;e .edi'A (aAll
)ontaAinated Area
=< C'an#e room %or Sta%%
(a) %%icers
()) HC"s5*
(c) Dirty utility sta%%
A separate entrance 3ill )e provided %or t'e
contaminated area<
C'an#e room to )e provided 3it' s'o3er
9< *eception and Waitin# @><;; 9=<;; =:<;; Wide door =<> m 3it' air curtain< Dado =<9 m non porous
@< /ria#e Area
(a) Isolation room
()) 2"s room 3it' attac'ed
(c) Sta%% room 3it' attac'ed
(d) Store
(a) 2ust )e separated %rom ser = )y an airloc&
()) Isolation room to 'ave central suction and o4y#en
(c) /'e isolation room s'ould 'ave 9> 8!a ne#ative
(d) Ample s'elvin# %or stora#e<
:< *esuscitation area and
/reatment room 9C<;; 9=<;; =:<;;
Wide door =<> m
Dado =<9 m non porous material
(a) *oom to 'ave :4 central suction and :4 o4y#en line
()) /o )e connected 3it' instrument steriliEation )y a
slidin# 3indo3<
>< Decontamination s'o3er cu)icles
(a) Water s'o3er
(i) /ype A ((yin# casualty)
(ii) /ype B (Am)ulatory casualty)
()) C'emical S'o3er
(i) /ype A ((yin# casualty)
(ii) /ype B (Am)ulatory casualty)
: 4 ><9>
: 4 ><9>
9 4 ><9>
9 4 ><9>
= 4 ><9>
= 4 ><9>
(a) Wit' multiple %i4ed s'o3ers and one 5 t3o 'and 'eld
()) /ype A cu)icles )e provided 3it' non$porous, #laEed
tu), =m 4 9<9m<
(c) Non$porous, non$s&id %loor
(d) A separate over'ead tan& %or storin# =;;;5>;;(
decontaminatin# solution 3it' common pipeline 3it' a
t3o 3ay tap<
(e) +ot 3ater s'ould )e provided in cu)icles<
A< Decontamination dryin# cu)icles = 4 ><9>
: 4 @<>;
= 4 ><9>
9 4 @<>;
= 4 ><9>
9 4 @<>;
B< (a) 2onitorin# area B<;; B<;; B<;; S'o3er cu)icles to )e accessi)le
()) Clot'in# issue area B<;; B<;; B<;;
C< Clean utility =;<>; B<;; B<;; Dado =<9 m Non porous material
?< Dirty Utility B<;; B<;; B<;; Not to 'ave any openin#
=;< Body store 9 4 =:<;; 9 4 B<;; 9 4 B<;; Wide door =<> m
==< Hanitors closet @<>; @<>; @<>;
=9< .7uipment cleanin# area
(a) !re treatment
()) 2ain treatment
(c) !ost treatment & monitorin#
Facility o% pump and 3ater Det o% suita)le delivery
Facility %or 'ot 3ater<
=@< -e'icle cleanin# area (%acility to )e on
'ard %loorin#, in open area 3it'
proper draina#e
For contaminated %luids)
(a) !re treatment
()) 2ain treatment
(c) !ost treatment
(d) Interior decontamination &
Facility o% pump and 3ater Det o% suita)le
delivery pressure
Facility %or 'ot 3ater<
)lean Area
=:< C'an#e room %or sta%%
(a) %%icers
()) HCs5*
(c) Dirty utility sta%%
A separate entrance 3ill )e provided %or t'e clean area<
C'an#e room to )e provided 3it' s'o3er<
=>< Dia#nostic 5 sample collection section
(a) Spectrop'otometry 5 +!(C
()) +ematolo#y and clinical pat'olo#y
(c) 2icro)iolo#y 5 -irolo#y
=A< A+U room B<;; B<;; B<;;
=B< Instrument steriliEation room B<;; B<;; $
=C< )servation Area 3it' Ns# station 9=<;; =:<;; =:<;;
=?< -e'icle par&in# area A 4 9=<;; : 4 9=<;; : 4 9=<;; -e'icle par&in# to )e accessi)le 5 related to ve'icle
cleanin# area<
/otal 6!"825 4638=5 4##8=5
NoteG $
=< Areas at Ser =, 9()), (c), (d), @, A and == 3ill )e air$conditionin# 3it' 'umidity control and separate %rom t'e 'ospital AC 'avin# positive
pressure up to 9>8pa<
9< .4'austs must meet .nvironmental .mission Norms
@< Airloc&s 3ill )e provided %or entry and e4it to rooms at ser No 9(a) to (d) and 3'erever access is provided )et3een clean and contaminated areas
:< /'ere must )e no doors and 3indo3s openin# to3ards t'e 'ospital side<
>< *oads leadin# to and e4it %rom t'e decontamination centres upto >; metres and par&in# area %or t'e contaminated ve'icles must )e o% cement and
A< Floorin# s'ould )e non porous, Impervious, scru))a)le, stron# acid and al&ali resistant, 'avin# a smoot', #laEed %inis'< Floor must )e sel%$covin#
to A inc'es<
B< Wall %inis' must )e 3as'a)le and scru))a)le, non a)sorptive and capa)le o% 3it'standin# stron# acid and al&ali<
C< A separate 3ater tan& 3it' a stora#e capacity o% =;;;; lit %or lar#e, >;;; lit %or 2edium and small decontamination centres 3ill )e provided<
?< A separate se3a#e and draina#e %or 3ater 3ill )e provided 3it' appropriate treatment )e%ore it Doins t'e main se3er lines<
=;< *ooms at ser No =, 9, @, C, ==, =: 3ill )e provided 3it' suita)le intercom %acilities<
==< ne #eyser per cu)icle at ser : 3ill )e provided<
=9< Separate draina#e system %or t'e %acility<
*A6,0A/,02 6I,%(A-+/2 *+4+*%I4
( No -acilitie? -loor area in (@ A
=< !at'olo#ist 3it' attac'ed toilet =:<;;
9< %%ice record and computer room =:<;;
@< Store =:<;;
:< C'an#e room 3it' s'o3er
>< Bacteriolo#y 3it' space %or )io sa%ety ca)inet Cl$III 9C<;;
A< Incu)ator room B<;;
B< 2edia room =:<;;
C< 2edia pourin# =:<;;
?< -irolo#y =:<;;
=;< Serolo#y =;<>
==< /issue culture room =;<>
=9< C'emical pat'olo#y 9=<;;
=@< Was' up and preparation room =;<>
=:< SteriliEer room =;<>
=>< Hanitor closet @<>;
/otal 2#38##
*i?t of aAendAent? / corre;end'A
$ate A'tCority $etail?

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