Mary Has Three

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Mary has three-fourths of a pound

of gumdrops and five-eighths of a
pound of chocolates. How many
pounds of candy does she have?
2. Jose has
/2 kilogram of beets
/8 kilogram of tomatoes. How
many more kilograms of beets than
tomatoes does he have?

1. John has
/9 yard of black trim
/4 yard of violet trim. If he has a
total of 1
/9 yards of trim, how many
yards of trim are neither black nor
2. Paul has
/4 yard of purple beads
/3 yard of violet beads. If he has a
total of 2
/3yards of beads, how many
yards of beads are neither purple nor


1. Mr. Hawkins had received two
hundred fifty acres as his headright
when he came to the Plymouth
Colony. He gave one-eighth of his
land to his brother. How many acres
did he have left?

2. Savannah and her father went to
Paulo's Pizzeria for pizza with
everything except anchovies. The
pizza was divided into eight slices.
Savannah's father ate half of the
pizza. Savannah ate the rest. How
many slices of pizza did Savannah

3. Zachary made a list of five different
kinds of brownies: chocolate chip
brownies, Rocky Road brownies,
brownies with walnuts, peanut butter
swirl brownies, and butterscotch
brownies. He asked seventy-eight
students to choose their favorite
brownie from the last. Two-
thirteenths of the students liked
peanut butter swirl brownies the
best. Three-thirteenths of the students
preferred Rocky Road brownies.
Chocolate chip brownies were the
favorite of 7/39 of the
students. 8/39 of the students just
loved brownies with walnuts and the
rest of the students liked butterscotch
brownies best. How many students
preferred butterscotch brownies?

5. Sydney likes to ice skate better than
roller skating. She said she could go
faster on ice skates. If it takes her
ninety-six seconds to skate around an
ice rink that is one-fourth of a mile
around, how long would it take her to
skate four miles? Round your answer
to the nearest minute.

6. Eric made a chart to show the cost of
a typical lunch at his school.
According to the chart each meal
costs the school $2.83 to make. The
price charged for the meal is $2.98.
There are 231 students in the
school. One-seventh of the students
receive free lunches and the rest of
the students pay full price. What is
the difference between the cost of one
hundred thirteen lunches and the
amount of money paid for the

1. Anna's recipe for apple fritters makes
eighteen fritters and uses two-
thirds of a cup of milk. Anna wants to
make six fritters. How much milk will
she need?

2. Natalie is making chocolate
milkshakes for Nicole's birthday
party. There will be fourteen people
at the party. It takes a third of a cup
of milk to make one chocolate
milkshake. How many cups of milk
will it take to make fourteen

3. A recent forest fire near Littleville
destroyed four-fifths of the trees in
Bigtree National Forest. The forest
covers 4920 km
. There is now
about 30 tons of salvageable wood
per km
in the burned area. The part
of the forest that was not destroyed
by fire will not be open to the
salvagers. Assuming the trees are
evenly distributed throughout the
park, about how long will it take to
remove all the salvageable wood at a
rate of 53 1/2 tons per day? Round
your answer to the nearest whole

4. One-third of the class grew peas, one-
third grew carrots, and one-third
grew beans. The class consisted
of 63 students of which five-
sevenths were girls. The teacher chose
the three groups to be as equal in
their boy-girl composition as possible.
How many boys and girls were
assigned to each team?

5. In a creek bed, 1/6 of the gravel is
less than 5 mm in diameter
and 2/3 of it is between 5 and 10 mm
in diameter. What fraction of the
gravel is greater than one centimeter
in diameter?

6. Feldspar is a common mineral on
earth. By some estimates, feldspar
makes up three-fifths of the mineral
mass in the crust. Convert this
fraction to a percent.

7. A bus is making a trip from Bigtown
to Megacity. The average round trip
speed is always 54 MPH on this
journey. The round trip distance
is 120 miles. At Megacity the bus
waits exactly 29 minutes and then
returns to Bigtown. If the bus has
completed 5/6 of this entire journey,
how long has it been since it left
Bigtown on the way to Megacity?
Round your answer to the nearest

8. Two objects (very tiny space ships
actually) hit a wall. Object one
applied a force of 7/13 of a Newton
to the wall and object two applied a
force of 3/7 of a Newton. Prove
which one applied the larger force.
(force = mass x acceleration)

9. Six moles of silver nitrate followed by
three moles of silver chloride are
added to a vat containing 60 L of
water. Of the silver that was added,
what fraction came from the silver

10. If a solution of MgCl is 1/2 M, what
will its concentration be if it is
diluted by 29%? Express your
answer as a fraction.

11. Twelve people have signed up for
the bowling tournament at Snookie's
Bowling Alley and Arcade. This is
about 9/16 of the maximum number
of people allowed in the
tournament. How many more can
still sign up?

12. The Floop family went to a hockey
game last weekend. They
spent $12 on food, $41 on souvenirs,
and$9 on drinks. What fraction of
their expenditures was spent on

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