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VOTE for: Marc Boyer

for Vancouver City Council under the Marijuana Party

- We guarantee to legalize our BC cannabis
. industry thru an Elections Act tax loophole
Under this tax loophole, the Marijuana Party can oer the City our !"# P$%
AND uncivil City Officials simply refuse to take millions of dollars of legal taes
So we're making a political issue about this: !rankly even those "ho
oppose canna#is "ill like the revenue$ and #y remitting this P%& ta$ means none of
our Private Co-op Clu#s can #e shut do"n #y Death Canada or those ne" NA!&A
' !(D()A* CO+)& rules and regulations that "ill #e duly enforced this "inter'spring
!rankly$ "e don,t kno" "hether the elected Officials approve of the decisions that the City
la"yers are implementing$ #ecause -at face value. they appear to #e kept out of the loop
AND$ this attitude of #eing the City,s policy makers is a really #ig pro#lem for City voters/
&ran'ly, it appears to all co(e do)n to (oney* the City la"yers$ and cops
think they can get more money and make more jo#s from the !eds to #ust us$
than from collecting our taes/ 0e can,t compete "ith the !eds a#ility to dump
money onto ethically #ankrupt uncivil servants$ "ho ram do"n their agenda
Elect Marc Boyer, and )e guarantee to (a'e this City+s unci,il ser,ants accountable
&he 12 reason to elect Marc 3oyer is #ecause -due to a personal lia#ility created in 4556
#y the Camp#ells. "e can actually press criminal charges on lots of senior uncivil servants
- $-.CE /""0, %1-$ C-%2 -$ 3PE4A%-.5 A C4-M-.A6 4AC7E%
)ead this 4-page article7 &his corruption in high places must stop
- """/scri#d/com'doc'46289:;6:'On-Charges-of-<igh-&reason
%he only la)ul solution is appoint trustees to be ci,il ad(inistrators,
and ha,e the ne)8duly elected 3icials s)ear an oath to the $ceptre
&hey ignore the fact that Mayor *arry Camp#ell$ Premier =ord Camp#ell$ > 0ally Oppal
-A= of 3C. committed common la" treason #y perverting our 2;;9 Charter$ #y destroying
the po"er of the %ceptre AND #ecause of this -since then. all Pu#lic Officials are trapped
in a criminal racket$ AND can #e fired$ if they don,t protect this unconstitutional fraud/
What?? &rustees are used in #ankruptcies$ That's right: they're bankrupt of ethics for
being the enforcers that order us around like they now own the right to be uncivil servants
Let's face it! &rustees are actually accounta#le for money collected$
and are instrumental on making sure that these resources are "ell spent/
They don't need any training on how to delegate authority, and they
inherently know how to settle /fix conflicts that arise in the day to day
administration as resolvers, in order to fix disputes with voters quickly
1. Under S-17 of the 1998 Police Act: Failure of a municipality to police [itself] and under
S-17(1) the City itself is guilty of what's called: Failure of entities to comply [with the law]
2. Our solution to this mess is not reinventing the wheel it's what's 'prescribed by law'
as how to fix the mess, when this racket backfires - In law, in order to undertake PART-9
of the 1998 Police Act, meant they had to build-into the Act, the rules to duly get out of it.
3. On Oct 17
2014 an SCC tribunal denied Marc Boyer the right to take our files /charges
to the SCC this winter.
ON THIS: It's not as if we're not trying to do something about systemic corruption
Marc Boyer is so far left that he's right
0e can,t eplain our platform in one pamphlet? 3+& get informed #y going to
"""/scri#d/com for articles [and/or] Facebook @ Marc Boyer Vancouver.
If we want a real chance to fix corruption then vote; we can't do it without you.
VOTE for: Marc Boyer
for Vancouver City Council under the Marijuana Party
Marc Boyer is the only candidate on the ballot, who
who actually operates a Vancouver cannabis business
therefore we really have a vested interest in making sure we're protected.
The only way to totally legalize cannabis is by remitting a sales tax on it
The #1 question asked on this is: Will it raise the price of our medicine?
And the answer is 'NO' - Colorado & Washington have 35-to-40% taxes
added and the price of an oz. is about $500. and California has a 10% tax
& their average price is about $200. /oz [with the same 10% tax as here]
WARNING: The new CDSA regulation on dispensaries /growers requiring
them /you to start paying retail Federal sales tax [GST] is a trap, because
as soon as you start paying this sales tax means you now fall under their
rules and regulations of a retail business. AND IT's A TRAP BECAUSE:
the recent Felger SCC ruling says no one in a 'retail premise' can exercise
an implied fiduciary license to protect marijuana rights, when doing so in a retail business.

When you pay taxes to this FEDERAL COURT you must obey all
their new regulation changes from then on. What they don't want
you to know will destroy our cannabis industry as we know it.
Any politician who says they can protect our clubs is BULLSHIT
BECAUSE Income tax violations are enforced by Sheriffs;
This means no City Police or Mayor have any authority to stop them
But the Sheriffs Act directly prohibits them from trespassing on our Sec 8 Territorial rights.
Frankly, We've been warning the local clubs since s-55 of the CDSA
was tabled last year & all we got was; we want nothing to change
if you don't believe us now, then take your chances at still doing nothing.
We actually cannot help anyone who refuses to see the obvious, or
do anything until they see the sheriffs bust them [deserves just that]
Changing over to our defence simply cannot work after you're busted
This leaflet simply cannot express our totally legitimate ways
and means to protect you and the Clubs. If dispensaries and
growers continue to do nothing to protect themselves from
Harper's Holocaust on your cannabis industry, then we pity you,
because we can't help you after the fact. You're being set-up for a
trap, where if you don't pay their GST you're going to jail, and if you do pay it, you're still
screwed, because a year later there's still no provisions to supply or sell from a dispensary
-[so says the s-55 of the CDSA and if you believe they'll reverse that; then you're an idiot]-
Frankly, our only way to guarantee a way to get this Marijuana Party Tax
loophole is to vote for Marc Boyer, otherwise it might be rejected by the City.
FACT: Voter turn-out is dismal at any City election, and to get 30,000 club
members to just VOTE guarantees to get Marc Boyer into this City's Council
VOTE: Earl Sunshine for Parks Board. He's promoting a POT FOR THE POOR
program to subsidize the growing of medicine in City greenhouses for people on welfare
FOR MORE INFO: There's 100s of pages of detailed articles on this @ """/scri#d/com
AND there's lots of videos on YouTube on this very subject [or] just call 778-707-7461

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