Fictional Adaption Script Draft 1

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Fictional Adaptation Script: 1st Draft

Visual/Shot Type Sound Time

Int. MS (establishing) TRACK shot of young
man looking through box and pulling out a
00:00 - 00:12
C/U of young man opening book and seeing a
poem scribbled down. He starts to read but
rubs his eyes as the camera fades
What passing-bells for these who die as

SOUND: During this we start to hear the
ambient sounds of a choir fade in

00:13 - 00:18
Ext. This then fades into a tracking L/S unto
the sight of a grassy eld.
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.

SOUND: This leads to the sound of guns
ring rapidly.
00:19 - 00:22
We have a E/LS of the church fade into. Only the stuttering ries' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.

00:23 - 00:31
Sam McKeown
A tracking L/S of the graves of those who
have long since passed on.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor
00:32 00:36
Archive footage of WWII is shown on top of
a tracking E/L/S of the grandson walking
through the church-yard
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs

SOUND: The choir gets louder for a brief
00:37 00:41
LS/M/S of the young man walking to and
stopping at an unmarked grave.
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing

And bugles calling for them from sad

SOUND: The sound of a bugle quiet echoes
00:41 00:49
We see a brief shot of a candle faded into a M/
S shot of him looking down on the grave.
What candles may be held to speed them
00:50 00:54
He solemnly looks up from the grave and
notices a shadow in the distance. (C/U/L/S)
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes 00:55 00:59
L/S looks ahead and he sees his grandfather,
who we see from the back wearing a dark suit,
a long black coat and military headgear. He is
blurry. (*an indication he is not really there*)

Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. 01:06 01:12
L/S The camera fades into a sepia tone of the
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall 01:13 01:18
M/S L/S There is a tracking shot of the
unmarked graves, fading into
Their owers the tenderness of patient
01:19 01:24
A C/U L/S of the church tower, this is
looped as the camera slowly zooms in.
and each slow dusk a drawing-down of

SOUND: Church bells echo through
LOUDLY before stopping suddenly.
01:25 01:30
It cuts to a C/U of the young man reading the
last line of the book. Leading to him looking
SOUND: The choir fades out into 01:31 01:38
Archive footage is imposed over footage of a
poppy rosethis is followed by the sights of
SOUND: An eery piano note subtly
increasing in volume
01:39 01:48
Cont. of tracking shot of graves and
monuments whilst the vintage footage. Jump
cuts to
SOUND: Gun shots being fired. 01:49 01:56
M/CU of the young man closing the book
shut tight. He then places it back in box and
walks to the door.
01:57 02:06
M/S of young man stopping for a second, he
then switches the light off.
SOUND: Light switch being turned off. 02:07 02:13
Fade into a M/SL/S of the young man
placing a poppy and flowers next to the
unmarked grave as seen previously.
02:14 02:20
Cut to Black. Credits. Music: Duke Ellington - Solitude 02:21 02:30

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