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Our Ref: Date: -



Passport No:____________ DOJ:-________________
Issue Date: _____________ Expiry Date:______________


We offer you employment for a period of 2 (Two) year, commencing on
_________________________in accordance with the terms and conditions of this
employment Contract as per the provisions of the Employment Act 1995 as amended.
The Contract shall be renewed for further requested year subject to approval of GOP by
Ministry of Labour and Human Resources Development.

(1) Employment Details:

(a) You agree to perform your duties diligently and faithfully as
__________________ for the term of agreement and will act in all respects
according to the instructions or directions given to you by the employer. You will
be paid basic fixed salary of Seychelles Rupees (SR) ________/- per month
exclusive of grossing up for Professional Income Tax purpose. Your salary is
subject to PIT @ 15% (or at prevailing tax rate). Your salary above is exclusive of
all current and future taxes imposed by the Government of Seychelles, its agencies
and departments from time to time.
(b) Your weekly working hours should consist of 60 hours per week including half an
hour. If you are required to work longer than your normal working hours, you will
be entitled for overtime at the rate 1.5 times of agreed rate per hour during MON-
SAT and at rate of 2 times of agreed rate per hour for Sunday and Public holidays.
This is only applicable for the Hourly rate salary.
(c) You will be provided with a reasonable accommodation in companies
residential premises or temporary residence by the company with basic
furniture and cooking facility. During your employment, the company will
bear the reasonable cost of utilities like water/electricity/cooking gas.

(d) You will be expected to train Seychellois workers who will be contracted as an
apprentice or trainee by this company.
(e) If required transport facility will be provided to you by this company from
residence to site and for return to residential campus.
(f) If you are issued in writing with three or more warnings for a disciplinary
offence you have committed, the companys disciplinary committee shall
conduct an investigation of your actions and,, based on their findings, your
services may be terminated with immediate effect without notice. Within the
company, the decision of the disciplinary committee to terminate you shall be
(g) A designated person within company shall be authorized to conduct a
reasonable search your person and possessions at any time upon your
entering or leaving the company premises. You agree that you will submit
yourself and consent to such searches. The management reserves the right to
instruct security personnel to take reasonable action as may be deemed
necessary to ensure the safety, peace, wellbeing and protection of personnel.

(2) Air Fares

a) One way air ticket in economy class will be provided to you from your country
of origin to Seychelles on your taking up employment. The cost of Air fare will
be born by you initially and upon your assumption of duty the appropriate
credit would be given by the company to your deposit account with the
equivalent Seychelles rupees.

b) On successful conclusion of your contract or in case of termination, by the
Company or revocation or non-renewal of the gainful occupation permit one
way air ticket of direct flight cheaper air fare in economy class to your country
of origin will be granted to you.

c) Subject to the approval/acceptance of the management In the event of early
termination of the contract or in case of your resignation due to whatever
reason, , you shall bear the cost of your full airfare by way of upfront payment
or deduction from your salary.
d) Upon your arrival, you should submit your passport to the company for
safekeeping which will remain in our custody for the term of agreement

(3) Gainful Occupation Permit fee:

The company will be liable to pay your Gainful Occupation Permit fee yearly SR.
8,400/- Including renewal fee of SR1000/ (One Thousand) throughout the period of
your employment for Contract. In the event that your Gainful Occupation Permit is not
granted by the immigration division or is granted for such shorter period of time as the
immigration division directs, your employment will be required by law to end and the
company will not be liable to compensate you for any lost benefits or income arising
out of your inability to work in Seychelles.
a) The Gainful Occupation Permit will be issued by the immigration division upon
your successful completion of medical test comprises following-
You shall submit your medical report covering all above test at your cost to our
local representative in Seychelles in addition to in your country of origin. If
you fail any of the above required medical tests in Seychelles you shall be sent
back to your country of origin at your own cost.
b) In the event of early termination of your contract or in case of your resignation
due to whatever reason, subject to the approval/acceptance of the
management, the Gainful Occupation Permit fee which has been prepaid and
not worked for will be reimbursed by you or can be deducted from your salary.
The company will provide security bond of SR. 6,000/ per annum to the
immigration division on your behalf as to your future conduct in this country
for the term of employment. During the term of this agreement, if you are
found by the company to be misbehaving or badly conducting yourself or
acting in any other manner of whatever nature, which, in the opinion of the
company, jeopardizes your immigration status in Seychelles, the said sum
should be deducted by the company from your salary and be refunded to you
on successful conclusion of contract.

(4) Deductions
a) In case of early termination of your contract which is fully or partly
attributable to you,

b) you permit the company to deduct the following expenses from your salary
and in the case that the salary is insufficient, you agree that you will be liable to
repay the balance:

a. G.O.P. Processing cost SCR 1,000/
b. Contract attestation cost SCR 750/
c. Medical examination fee SCR 350/
d. Administrative cost SCR 2,500/
e. Including security TOTAL SCR 4,600/
f. Bond charges and insurance cost
c) If there is any breach or disciplinary offence, the cost of any damage to
company assets, losses or loss of business, whether direct or indirect, of the
company as a result of your action. These in addition to any other lawful
deductions the company is entitled to deduct from your salary under the
Employment Act 1995. Please note that the Sum of opportunity loss will decide
at the time of final settlement depending upon the nature of breach of contract.

(8) Your consent to the company deducting from your salary up to Seychelles
rupees five thousand which the company will hold as security for payment that
you may have become liable to pay to the company. At the end of your
employment the balance of this sum, if any, or the full amount, if no sum is due,
will be refunded to you on your departure.

(5) Standard Productivity:

You are required to diligently hold your post and achieve normal output as defined
or prescribed by the company and verbally explained over to you. If you willfully or
repeatedly, with or without justification, fail to achieve a normal output as fixed in
accordance with standard applicable to your work, the company reserves its right
to take disciplinary measures against you for non-compliance.

In case you fail to achieve standard productivity in normal circumstances without
proper justification you will be held solely responsible for the same and
management reserves their right to take necessary disciplinary action against you. If
after three reminders verbal/written you fail to achieve normal output then your
services will be terminated with immediate effect and you will be liable to
reimburse the entire cost to the company that has been incurred prior to your
acceptance of your employment.

The safety and disciplinary code of the employer applies to you and you should
make sure the codes are understood. Failing to follow the safety rules could cause
termination of contract.

(6) Termination

In accordance with provisions of the Employment Act 1995, your Employment may
be terminated by either the company or yourself by giving 2 months notice in
writing; such notice may be given at any time and need not coincide with a calendar
month. PROVIDED ALWAYS that the company reserves its rights to terminate you
without notice if you commit a serious disciplinary offence as defined in the
Employment Act 1995.

(7) Annual Leave

You will be entitled to annual leave comprises of 21 days excluding Saturdays and
Sunday in accordance with the employment legislation in force in Seychelles.

(8) Absenteeism

1. In the event of you being absent from your duties owing to sickness, notification
in writing must be sent to your departmental head. If such absence is likely to

2. two days a medical report must be submitted. Failure to provide a medical
report shall authorize the company to deduct wages from your salary equivalent
to your days absent.

3. Should you be absent from duty without leave or be suspended from duty under
the provisions of this agreement you will not be entitled to any salary for such
period of absence. You will be entitled to salary when absent from duty when on
your annual leave or due to ill health, certified by a qualified medical practitioner
approved by the company. The period of paid sick leave will be in accordance
with the laws of Seychelles [b] Besides above, if you remain absent from the duty
without managements prior consent it will be considered as a unauthorized
absence and if its exceed more than 3 times in 12 month for each such absent 3
working days salary will be deducted.

(9) Disciplinary actions
In the event of your: -
(a) Neglecting the company's interest;

(b) Drinking spirituous or intoxicating liquors or taking drugs to such an extent
as the Company may deem excessive although not necessarily incapacitating
you from properly performing your duties;

(c) Being guilty of disobedience or other misconducts whether on duty or off
duty which is or might be prejudicial the interest of the Company;

(d) Becoming, throughout your own fault (which shall include refusal or failure
to undergo inoculation, vaccination or other preventative treatment advised
by a medical practitioner, sick or disabled to extent of being unable properly
to perform your duties or to do so without being a nuisance or menace to
your fellows or employee and a medical certificate from qualified medical
practitioner approved by the company shall be sufficient evidence.)

Then in any of these cases the company shall be entitled to suspend you from duty
without pay for such period or periods as the company may think fit (but not more
than a month), pending investigation of the incident in accordance with law or to
terminate your employment forthwith at any time upon giving your written

You shall not in any circumstances or at any time during or after the termination of
your engagement impart any information regarding the matters aforesaid or the
position, progress of prospects of the undertaking, business or affairs of the company
to any persons, firm or company, except to the company or the directors of the
company or to their officials, attorneys agents or representatives thereof authorized
in writing to receive information in regard to these matters.

Other Employment
While serving the company under the terms expressed in this letter you shall not
enter any other employment whatsoever without the permission of the company in

If you found guilty as to the above in this case the company shall be entitled to
suspend you from duty without pay for such period or periods as the company may
think fit (but not more than a month), pending investigation of the incident in
accordance with law or upon completion of its investigation, to terminate your
employment forthwith at any time without any notice.

(10) Insurance cover
During the period of your employment with the company, you will be covered
by an insurance policy in respect of risks of injury at work.

Apart from above you will be solely responsible for your personal medical expenses
during the term of employment.

(11) Restricted Food and Drinks on Company Premises

Your shall not be authorized to enter at any time of the companys premises
[including the temple at Providence yard] with any alcoholic drink, meat and fish of
any kind [cooked or otherwise] any foodstuff containing meat or fish, flesh be it for
your consumption or otherwise.

(12) Governing law
Other terms and condition of the employment will remain same as per the
prevailing labor laws of Seychelles.

(13) Opening Account
The company will provide you with all necessary assistance in opening of your bank
account with various banks of Seychelles; also assist you with subsequent
withdrawal and deposit of the sum to and from your account so as to minimize the

Non-productive hours on the site.
The company will provide you with all necessary assistance in submission of
your draft application of foreign exchange request but its approval will be at

sole discretion of respective commercial bank.
This is not by any means companys obligation to provide you with foreign exchange
in terms of salary remittance. This agreement is in Seychelles Rupees therefore the
companys liability is to guarantee that your monthly salary should be duly
deposited in your account.

(14) Renewal
The renewal of contract will be at companys own discretion and the company
reserves its right to renew or terminate the contract upon expiry. Nothing in this
contract shall have an effect on the companys right to renew or not to renew this
(15) Miscellaneous
Letter of acceptance signed and delivered by the employee is forming the part of this
agreement that is attached herewith
The headings in this agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used for
construing meaning.
You are requested to signify your agreement to these terms of services with the
Company by signing in two originals in the appropriate place at the end of this
letter, and obtain a witness for your Signature returning one copy to this office as
soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,
Allied Builders (Seychelles) Limited,

Mr. Rakesh Rai
Group Financial Controller

I have fully understood the contents and implications thereof and that I have affirmed my
signature on my own will.


( _____________________________________________ ) Place: - Mahe - Seychelles

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