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Connecting memory Chips To A Computer
Memory Chip Organization
Figure 1 show the simplified pinout of RAM chip.
Pin for address lines 0 to m-1
CS Chip select pin
WR Write pin
Pin for datalines D
to D
The chip is selected when CS=0
For write operation, WR=0
When reading data from the chip, after the time period tAA(the
time delay from when the address lines are made valid to the
time the data is available at the output), the w-bit data word
appears on the data lines D
When writing data to a chip, the data lines must also be held
valid for a time period tAA
Notice that the data lines are bidirectional.
The address lines A
in the RAM chip contains an
address, which decoded from m-bit address into one of 2
location within the chip, each of which has a w-bit word
associated with it.
The chip thus contains 2
x w bits.
Creating 4 Bit word RAM
A RAM can be thought of as a collection of registers.
Figure 2 show a design for the memory that is known as a
two-dimensional (2D) organization, with words in one
dimension and bits in another dimension.
Two address lines A0 and A1 select a word for reading and
writing via the 2-to-4 decoder.
The CS line in decoder is not necessary, but will be used later
in constructing larger RAMs.
Figure 3 show a simplified drawing of the four bit RAM.
Figure 2 Figure 3
4 bit 4 word
8-word 3-bit RAM chip circuit.
How to build a 8-word 3-bit RAM chip circuit?
A larger RAM
In smallest RAM chips it is practical to use a single decoder to
select one out of 2
words, each of which is w bit wide.
However , this organization is not economical.
Figure 4 show the 2-1/ 2D organization. A 2
word x 1-bit RAM,
the six address lines are evenly split between a row decoder and a
column decoder ( MUX/ DEMUX combination).
During read operation, an entire row is selected and fed into the
column MUX, which select single bit for output.
During write operations, the single bit to be written is distributed
by the DEMUX to the target column, while the row decoder
selects the proper row to be written.
Figure 4
Even with this 2-1/ 2D organization and splitting the address
into row and column components, there is still a great fan-
in/ fan-out demand on the decoder logic gates, and the (still)
large number of address pins forces memory chips into large
footprints on PCB.
In order to reduce a fan-in/ fan-out constraints, tree decoders
may be used.
ROM (Read-Only Memory)
ROM is a simple device.All that is needed is a decoder, some
output lines and a few logic gates.
Figure show the four-word ROM that store 4 four-bit words
(0101, 1011,1110 and 0000). Each address input
(00,01,10,11) correspond to a different stored word.

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