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Revolt of 1857

The First War of Independence resulted in significant changes in the policies of the
British government of India. The Revolt of 1857 had far - reaching political militar!
social and economic results.
Political: The administration of India no" passed from the #nglish #ast India
$ompan! to the British cro"n %! the &overnment of India 'ct 1858. ' (ecretar! of
(tate of India "as appointed in #ngland. )e "as to %e assisted %! a 15 - mem%er
advisor! council. The *ueen+s ,roclamation also promised to discontinue the practice
of anne-ation and recognise adoption. Religious freedom "as also assured. The
proclamation also assured political reforms "hich "ere fulfilled to some e-tent %! the
18.1 $ouncils 'ct.
Military: The militar! administration "as strengthened. The num%er of #uropean
troops "as increased and all artiller! units "ere placed in #uropean hands. The
different classes of sepo!s "ere mi-ed. 'll important posts in the arm! "ere reserved
for the #nglish.
Social: The #nglish felt that their social reforms "ere a cause for the Revolt. (o the!
%egan to tread cautiousl! in this regard. The! also started encouraging such social
conservatives against nationalists during the freedom movement. It also increased
racial %itterness %et"een the #nglish and Indians.
Economic: The Revolt also %rought massive economic destruction. /elhi 0uc1no"
2anpur "ere completel! destro!ed. The pu%lic de%t of the countr! rose %! a%out 38
million sterling.
Other impact: ' positive aspect of the Revolt "as that it laid the foundation for the
later nationalist movement. The Revolt "as a %eacon for the later nationalist leaders.
The e-ploits of the Revolt leaders inspired them to ta1e on the might! British #mpire.

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