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Table of Contents

Personality Type
Big 5 Overview
How to read your report
Your report describes the strength of your feelings,
thoughts and behaviors relative to other people of a
similar age, gender and country. Two people may be
classied as extraverts, but one will still be more
extraverted than the other.
Scores are reported and graphed as percentile estimates,
so a score of 65 means that you are estimated to be
higher than 65% of people.
Your Personality Type is The Motivator (RECGS)
Motivators are emotionally reactive, which means that they experience their emotions strongly and can be
very passionate., however also have a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and
depression. With a good sense of social awareness, they tend to be outgoing and enthusiastic, with a
tendency in groups to talk and assert themselves. The Motivator generally prefers fact over ction and
security and stability over ambiguity and disorder. Sticking with convention and familiar routines is generally
best. With a healthy skepticism of the motives of others, and a belief in justice and being self made,
sometimes the Motivator can come across as guarded or intimidating. However the Motivator has a
refreshing impulsiveness about them, they tend to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual
and whimsical.
5.96% of people are Motivators
abdi's Personality Report
Personality Type
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9-13:
Emotionally [B]alanced Emotionally [R]eactive 50% 50%
[I]ntraverted [E]xtraverted 50% 50%
[C]onventional [O]pen 71% 29%
[G]uarded [A]greeable 76% 24%
[S]pontaneous [D]isciplined 68% 32%
abdi's Personality Report
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You are generally calm, although some situations can make you feel anxious or tense, however you tend to
lack energy and have di!cult initiating activities. You enjoy some excitment and risk taking in your life. You
tend not to express your emotions openly and are sometimes not even aware of your own feelings. You do
not like to claim that you are better than other people, and generally shy from talking yourself up, however
you believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new
relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself.
You are a reasonably organized person and like to have a certain amount of routine in your life.
You are generally calm, although some situations
can make you feel anxious or tense. You do not
usually get angry too easily but some things can
annoy you. You tend to lack energy and have
di!cult initiating activities. You are not generally
self conscious about yourself. You often resist any
cravings or urges that you have, but sometimes
you give in. High levels of stress can lead to you
feeling panic or confusion, but usually you cope
with day to day pressures.
Big Five Overview
Neuroticism 50
Extraversion 50
Openness to Experience 29
Agreeableness 24
Conscientiousness 32
Overall Score 50
Anxiety 37
Anger 44
Depression 72
Self-Consciousness 40
Immoderation 48
Vulnerability 59
abdi's Personality Report
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You generally make friends easily enough although
you mostly don't go out of your way to
demonstrate positive feelings toward others. You
like crowds but sometimes feel overwhelmed by
them. Sometimes you feel like you need some
privacy and time for yourself. You are an active
group participant but usually prefer to let someone
else be the group leader. You lead a moderately
paced life. You like some energetic activities, but
also like to relax and take it easy. You enjoy some
excitment and risk taking in your life. You have a
generally cheerful disposition.
You are a moderately imaginative person who
enjoys a good balance between the real world and
fantasy. You are not interested in the arts and do
not display aesthetic sensitivity. You tend not to
express your emotions openly and are sometimes
not even aware of your own feelings. Familiar
routines are good, but sometimes you like to spice
up your life with a bit of adventure or activity. You
enjoy a certain amount of debate or intellectual
thought, but sometimes get bored with too much.
You like the security of tradition, but sometimes
have a desire to bend the rules and challenge
conventional thinking.
Openness to Experience
Overall Score 50
Friendliness 47
Gregariousness 56
Assertiveness 54
Activity Level 49
Excitement-Seeking 46
Cheerfulness 47
Overall Score 29
Imagination 40
Artistic Interests 31
Emotionality 22
Adventurousness 38
Intellect 49
Progressivism 44
abdi's Personality Report
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You generally see others as selsh, devious, and
sometimes potentially dangerous. You believe that
a certain amount of deception in social
relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new
relationships and less willing to openly reveal the
whole truth about yourself. You do not particularly
like helping other people. Requests for help feel
like an imposition on your time. You do not enjoy
confrontation, but you will stand up for yourself or
push your point if you feel it is important. You do
not like to claim that you are better than other
people, and generally shy from talking yourself up.
You are mostly a compassionate person, however
you prefer to make objective judgements when
You are moderately condent that you can achieve
the goals you set yourself. You are a reasonably
organized person and like to have a certain
amount of routine in your life. You nd contracts,
rules, and regulations overly conning and are
sometimes seen as unreliable or even irresponsible
by others. Mostly you work towards achieving your
best, although in some areas you are content just
to get the job done. You have a reasonable amount
of will-power and are able to follow through on
tasks that you feel you need to complete. You can
be distracted however and have been known to
procrastinate. You often say or do the rst thing
that comes to mind without deliberating
alternatives and the probable consequences of
those alternatives.
Overall Score 24
Trust 24
Morality 0
Altruism 23
Cooperation 35
Modesty 83
Sympathy 52
Overall Score 32
Self-Efficacy 38
Orderliness 50
Dutifulness 29
Achievement-Striving 36
Self-Discipline 36
Cautiousness 30
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abdi's Personality Report
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