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Language Teaching Methodology (LTM)

Lectured by Drs. Priyanto, M.Pd.
Gladian Listy Raharjo 28 002 106
ar!ah Martada "adi #idodo 28 002 11$
%u&riyanti 28 002 121
%endari %iti #ijayanti 28 002 12'
#ida (ur %e&tia 11 202 106
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1. "o5 to de6elo& the 7i6e senses 7or children to stimulate learning8 )9&lain
your reason:
Teaching the five senses for children is very important. Through the five
senses we can understand explore about every little thing in this world and
what is going on around us. The five senses are sight, smell, sound, touch and
taste. And the next uestion is how to develop the five senses for children!
The answer is first thing first we have to introduce them about the five sense
is. Then ta"e the children to wal" around outside or inside and have them
examine everything use their senses. As" them what they see, describe what
they hear, what "inds of smells are in the air, let them feel the grass, sands or
anything else that they meet in outside, and find something or bring
something for them to taste to eat in the wal", eat fruit for example. This will
help them to remember their senses and they will be used to use their sense to
stimulate learning. Moreover, one of the characteristics children is their
understanding comes not #ust from explanation, but also from what they see
and hear. Therefore, the best way to teach them is through their senses. $t
could be more fun and easier for them.
2. %tory telling ena<les children to enlarge 6oca<ulary= )9&lain a<out it:
There are many ways to enlarge vocabulary, we can listen to the song, watch
movie or read a story. %ocusing on teaching young learners or children, the
teachers of young learners have to be creative in attracting children&s
attention. 'tory is one of the attractive things for children. They li"e to hear
their mother tell a story for them before sleep. They will hear the story and
after they "now about that story usually children will tell that story to their
friends. $t means that children will catch every word from the story and
remember the words in the story easily if the story is interesting. $n other
words, storytelling enable children to enlarge their vocabulary since the story
ta"e their attention and they love to hear story.
3. /ainting is the <eginning &rocess o7 learning 5riting 7or a child= )9&lain
a<out it and gi6e some e9am&les:
(efore children learn to write in school, actually they have learnt a how to
write by themselves but they do not reali)e that they have started writing. %or
example, in "indergarten, teacher will as" them to paint anything they want.
The purpose of this activity is introducing or engaging the children with
something that has relation with writing. Painting is fun activity for the
children to do* it will ma"e children more creative, since they will use their
five senses when they do this activity. Moreover, Painting will encourage
children to learn how to write. $n this activity, they will explore their ideas
what should they write without any forced by other people.
4. #hat is inno6ati6e learning8 #hat method is suita<le to a&&ly the
inno6ati6e learning8
$nnovative learning is learning that is giving priority to the outcome and
process, and teacher not created teaching. Teacher teaches use euipment or
media of interest, li"e songs, movies, and pictures. 'o that students are not
bored to learn.
5. #rite t5o characters o7 inno6ati6e learning: )9&lain <y e9am&les:
The characters of innovative learning are+
1. $nnovative learning can improve student&s creativities to find problem
solving and conducting independent research.
2. $nnovative learning can improve teacher&s creativities to ma"e variation of
the lesson in teaching.
6. #hat is main o<jecti6e inno6ati6e learning8 )9&lain <y e9am&les:
The main ob#ective innovative learning is to improve potential of students to
grow up their imagination, creation, innovation, reasonable, and their
experiment to find possibilities.
,xample+ teacher gives the students a problem in material, and then the
students try to find what the problem solving in the material.
7. #rite to e77orts to a&&ly inno6ati6e learning: )9&lain:
1. ,valuate traditional methods of teaching as well as multimedia teaching
2. Teaching must include two ma#or components sending and receiving
3. Any communication methods that serve this purpose without destroying
the ob#ective could be considered as innovative methods of teaching.
4. (enefits of innovative methods $mprove Learning process and 'trengthen
,xample+ -ith multimedia teaching method, students use video, music to
improve their "nowledge.
8. #hat are inducti6e and deducti6e methods8 )9&lain <y e9am&les:
a. -riting a letter to his father describing a particular event of his life, is an
example of inductive method because, the event and the language .use of
words/ differs from student to student .general/ while the format of the
letter is always specific as it always starts with 01espected %ather0, then is
the body of the letter and finally the closure is done by 0your .loving/
son2daughter0 followed by name.
b. -riting an essay on 0the boo" $ li"e most0, is an example of inductive
method because while the format of essay i.e., introduction followed by
body and finally, the conclusion, always remains the same .specific/ but the
boo" and the reasons for li"ing it and the words used differ from individual
to individual .general/.
c. -riting a summary of a passage "nown as pr3cis writing is an example of
deductive method because for the given passage .general/ we always have
certain "ey points which are included in the summary .specific/.
d. ,xplaining a poem in prose with reference to context is an example of
deductive method because the poem being given .general/, we always try
to pen the specific idea or thought of the poet in prose. 4ence it is an
example of deductive method.
9. )9&lain the &rocess o7 an ideal teaching and learning:
The ideal process isn5t exist $ thought. ,very method has advantages and
disadvantages, so the ideal method may be the collaborated of the old and new
method .modern/. 'uch as a plant, if there is a rambutan and ace. (oth of
them have advantages and disadvantages, so if we intercross them it may
produce the good plantation. 'omething li"es that
10. )9&lain ho5 to de6elo& a method <ased on the &rinci&les to im&ro6e a
sense o7 curiosity and 5onder:
a. 6reate a classroom climate and support the implementation of all learning
b. ,mphasi)es the uniuely personal and sub#ective nature of learning.
c. $n which evaluation is cooperative process with emphasis on self7
d. 8iving complete attention
e. The learner must clearly perceive the goal. ,ffective instruction occurs
when maximum communicating exists between teacher and learner
regarding the goals and ob#ectiveness.
f. The learner must be motivated to learn. That learner must be motivated to
learn is a basic principle in the teaching7learning process.
g. The process of problem solving and learning is highly uniue and specific.
individual has his own uniue style of learning and solving problems.
h. The learner must put together the parts of a tas" and perceive it as a
meaningful whole. This is an extension of the principle formulated be the
gestalt school psychology.
11. )9&lain the di77erences <et5een con6entional learning and inno6ati6e
a. 6onventional learning is learning that is giving priority to the outcome
rather than process, and teacher7centered teaching. Teacher usually teaches
only the use of textboo"s or wor"sheets, with emphasis on the lecture
method and sometimes uestioning. Test or summative evaluations in
order to determine the development is rarely done. 'tudents must follow
the way of learning chosen by the teacher, dutifully studying the seuence
set of teachers, and less about the opportunity to express opinions.
b. $nnovative learning is learning that is giving priority to the outcome and
process, and teacher not created teaching. Teacher teaches use euipment
or media of interest, li"e songs, movies, and pictures. 'o that students are
not bored to learn.
12. )9&lain 5hat is meant <y; learners 5ill learn success7ully 5hen they are
ready: Gi6e some e9am&les:
Learners will learn successfully when they are ready. 1eady the meaning of
ready on this sentence is all of things that support the learner in the process
learn fulfilled.
a. Learner easily receives a lesson in uiet and friendly atmosphere. There is
no Pressure from any party.
b. 8ood body condition can ma"e a good mood in the process of student
learning in the classroom.
c. 9ot late, and pray before learning ta"es place.
13. )9&lain 5hat is meant <y; learners 5ill learn success7ully 5hen they
o7ten &ractice: Gi6e some e9am&les:
The meaning of learners will learn successfully when they often practice is all
of the material that has been given in the learning process be recorded in the
brain when the material is repeated, because the brain will record something
that is done continue, much less material to be memori)ed in large uantities,
it cannot be the instant the record straight once memori)ed.
,xample+ Learner can spea" ,nglish very well, often when he spea" ,nglish
14. )9&lain 5hat is meant <y; Learners 5ill learn success7ully 5hen the
situation and condition are 7un: Gi6e some e9am&les:
Learners will learn successfully when the situation and condition are fun
means in fun situation and fun condition refer to the place is comfortable for
learning, psychological condition give the learners free from psychological
pressure so that they would be en#oy to follow the teaching and learning
process, hopefully it will bring good outcome from the teaching7learning
process. Material is interactive so that learners can connect their previous
"nowledge with the "nowledge they will get.
,xample+ $n teaching and learning process, class is conditioned in good
arrangement for sitting, the posters and media are available to support
learning. Teacher also has a role as to facilitate, guide, and motivate in
teaching7learning process.
15. )9&lain a<out learning <y doing: Gi6e e9am&les:
Learning by doing means learners get "nowledge by getting the experience
from the "nowledge they learn. The material should be real not abstract.
,xample+ -hen learners learn about present tense, the material should be the
things from their daily lives and experiences.
16. )9&lain a<out im&ro6ing learning <y &ro<lem sol6ing: Gi6e e9am&les=
$mproving learning by problem solving means learners should ma"e
discussions about the problem and try to find the solution from the problem
discussed. The teacher guides the discussion to trigger them to find solutions.
,xample+ -hen discuss about the pro and contra of national final exam, the
teacher divide students into groups. The students then try to find the pro and
contra, ma"e conclusions, and then present their wor" in front of the class.
17. #hat is meant <y teaching8 )9&lain and gi6e some e9am&les:
Teaching means an academic process by which students are motivated to learn
in ways that ma"e a sustained, substantial, and positive influence on how they
thin", act, and feel.
,xamples+ teaching is long7term process* the teacher should give good
material and the activity should motivate the students in their later learning.
Teacher also as a model how to learn effectively.
18. #hat is meant <y learning8 )9&lain and gi6e some e9am&les:
Learning means Measurable and relatively permanent change in behavior
through experience, instruction, or study. -hereas individual learning is
selective, group learning is essentially political its outcomes depend largely
on power playing in the group. Learning itself cannot be measured, but
its results can be.
,xamples+ After students learning about the "nowledge, their s"ills or
"nowledge would improve. $t is also improved the way their thin", the way
they wor", both as an individual or as groups.
19. #hat is meant <y; A teacher is not teaching 5hen the students are not
learning8 )9&lain and gi6e some e9am&les:
A teacher is not teaching when the students is not learning means in teaching
learning process there should positive change in s"ills, behavior, and attitude
as the result of teaching. $t also means in teaching, the learners should interact
with material, with the teacher and to each other, in uestioning, finding,
collaboration, concluding as the part of their learning.
20. #hat is meant <y conte9tual language teaching8 )9&lain and gi6e some
6ontextual teaching and learning means rooted in a constructivist approach to
teaching and learning. According to constructivist learning theory, individuals
learn by constructing meaning through interacting with and interpreting their
environments. The meaning of what individuals learn is coupled with their life
experiences and contexts* it is constructed by the learners, not by the teachers*
and learning is anchored in the context of real7life situations and problems.
6onstructivism challenges the technical7rational approach to education by
redefining the relationship between the "nower and what is "nown, including
what is most worth "nowing and who decides
,xamples+ $n teaching the teacher should do li"e this+
:. The material should connect the prior "nowledge with the things they are
going to study.
;. $n learning there should be a process of finding, uestioning, collaborative,
and concluding.
<. The teacher should ma"e authentic assessment.

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