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High-Level Data Link
H"#C St$t!on% $nd Con&'ur$t!on%
H"#C Con&'ur$t!on
H"#C O()r$t!on$* Mod)%
Introduction (HDLC)
H"#C !% $ +!t,or!)nt)d (rotoo*. It -$% d).)*o()d +/ t0)
Int)rn$t!on$* Or'$n!1$t!on 2or St$nd$rd!1$t!on (ISO). It %()!&)%
$ ($3!t!1$t!on %t$nd$rd 2or %)r!$* *!n3%. It 0$% +))n %o -!d)*/
!4(*)4)nt)d +)$u%) !t %u((ort% +ot0 0$*2,du(*)5 $nd 2u**,
du(*)5 o44un!$t!on *!n)%6 (o!nt,to,(o!nt (())r to ())r) $nd
4u*t!,(o!nt n)t-or3%6 $nd %-!t0)d or non,%-!t0)d 0$nn)*%.
H"#C %u((ort% %).)r$* 4od)% o2 o()r$t!on6 !n*ud!n' $ %!4(*)
%*!d!n',-!ndo- 4od) 2or r)*!$+*) d)*!.)r/. S!n) Int)rn)t
(ro.!d)% r)tr$n%4!%%!on $t 0!'0)r *).)*% (!.).6 TCP)6 4o%t
Int)rn)t $((*!$t!on% u%) H"#C7% unr)*!$+*) d)*!.)r/ 4od)6
Unnu4+)r)d In2or4$t!on.
Ot0)r +)n)&t% o2 H"#C $r) t0$t t0) ontro* !n2or4$t!on !%
$*-$/% !n t0) %$4) (o%!t!on6 $nd %()!& +!t ($tt)rn% u%)d 2or
ontro* d!8)r dr$4$t!$**/ 2ro4 t0o%) !n r)(r)%)nt!n' d$t$6
-0!0 r)du)% t0) 0$n) o2 )rror%.
HDLC Stations and
HDLC specifies the following three types of stations for data link control:
Primary Station : It is used as the controlling station on the link. It has
the responsibility of controlling all other stations on the link (usually
secondary stations). It is also responsible for the organization of data flow
on the link. It also takes care of error recoery at the data link leel.
Secondary Station : !he secondary station is under the control of the
pri"ary station. It has no ability# or direct responsibility for controlling
the link. It is only actiated when re$uested by the pri"ary station. It can
only send response fra"es when re$uested by the pri"ary station.
Combined Station : % co"bined station is a co"bination of a pri"ary
and secondary station. &n the link# all co"bined stations are able to send
and receie co""ands and responses without any per"ission fro" any
other stations on the link.
HDLC Confguration
!he three configurations defined by HDLC:
Unbalanced Configuration:!he unbalanced configuration in an HDLC
link consists of a pri"ary station and one or "ore secondary stations. !he
unbalanced occurs because one stations controls the other stations.
Balanced Configuration: !he balanced configuration in an HDLC link
consists of two or "ore co"bined stations. 'ach of the stations has e$ual
and co"pli"entary responsibility co"pared to each other.(
Symmetrical Configuration:It consists of two independent point to
point# unbalanced station configurations. In this configuration# each
station has a pri"ary and secondary status. 'ach station is logically
considered as two stations.
HDLC Oerational !odes
T0)%) t0r)) 4od)% o2 o()r$t!on% $r)9
Nor"al #esonse !ode (N#!)$T0) (r!4$r/ %t$t!on
!n!t!$t)% tr$n%2)r% to t0) %)ond$r/ %t$t!on. T0) %)ond$r/
%t$t!on $n on*/ tr$n%4!t $ r)%(on%) -0)n6 $nd on*/ -0)n6
!t !% !n%trut)d to do %o +/ t0) (r!4$r/ %t$t!on.
%s&nchronous #esonse !ode (%#!)$ T0) (r!4$r/
%t$t!on do)%n7t !n!t!$t) tr$n%2)r% to t0) %)ond$r/ %t$t!on.
In 2$t6 t0) %)ond$r/ %t$t!on do)% not 0$.) to -$!t to
r))!.) )5(*!!t ()r4!%%!on 2ro4 t0) (r!4$r/ %t$t!on to
tr$n%2)r $n/ 2r$4)%. T0) 2r$4)% 4$/ +) 4or) t0$n :u%t
$3no-*)d'4)nt 2r$4)%.
%s&nchronous 'alanced !ode (%'!)$T0!% 4od) u%)%
o4+!n)d %t$t!on%. T0)r) !% no n))d 2or ()r4!%%!on on t0)
($rt o2 $n/ %t$t!on !n t0!% 4od). T0!% !% +)$u%) o4+!n)d
%t$t!on% do not r);u!r) $n/ %ort o2 !n%trut!on% to ()r2or4
$n/ t$%3 on t0) *!n3.
H"#C $*%o d)&n)% t0r)) non,o()r$t!on$* 4od)%. T0)%) t0r))
non,o()r$t!on$* 4od)% $r)9
Nor"al Disconnected !ode (ND!)
%s&nchronous Disconnected !ode (%D!)
Initiali(ation !ode (I!)
T0) t-o d!%onn)t)d 4od)% (N"M $nd A"M) d!8)r 2ro4 t0)
o()r$t!on$* 4od)% !n t0$t t0) %)ond$r/ %t$t!on !% *o'!$**/
d!%onn)t)d 2ro4 t0) *!n3. T0) IM 4od) !% d!8)r)nt 2ro4 t0)
o()r$t!on% 4od)% !n t0$t t0) %)ond$r/ %t$t!on7% d$t$ *!n3
ontro* (ro'r$4 !% !n n))d o2 r)')n)r$t!on or !t !% !n n))d o2 $n
)50$n') o2 ($r$4)t)r% to +) u%)d !n $n o()r$t!on$* 4od).

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