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Social psychology looks at a wide range of social topics, including group behavior,
social perception, leadership, nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression, and prejudice.
The branch of human psychology that deals with the behavior of groups and the
influence of social factors on the individual.
The branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their
origins and their effects on the individual.

Social problems often defined as a condition which many people consider
undesirable and wish to correct.
Any difficulty of misbehavior of a fairly large number of persons which we wish to
remove or correct.
A social problem is any unexpected behavior in a disapproved direction in such a degree
that it exceeds the tolerance limit of the community.

Pakistan is facing many kinds of social problems now a days biecause of which people are facing
many kinds of psychological disorder. Some of the major social problems in Pakistan are:
3. Energy Crisis
4. Corruption and Political Instability
5. Dowry
6. Terrorism
8. Overpopulation, Inflation, Unemployment
9. Economy Crisis
10. Health Issue


Many psychological disorders are formed because of the social problems which
people face in the society such as:
Social phobia is a highly prevalent yet often overlooked psychiatric disorder that
can cause severe depuration.
This is the most common disorder caused by one of the major social problem now
a days terrorism such as blast, target killing, snatching, robbery.
Children now a days are facing many kind of personality disorders due to the
atmosphere they are living in.
It is also one of the most common disorder caused by many kind of social problems.
Such as price raise, lake of nassiscities , poverty etc .
It is also a disorder which can caused by many kinds or social problems.
And many other disorders caused by bran injury, suicide attempts, disasters, touchier,
economic problems etc. Many psychological disorders are due to marital problems such as dowry,
divorce, emotional or physical abuse after marriage, childlessness etc
The Latin word doaeri is the root of dowry, and it means to portion out". An
amount of property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage. In some
cultures, the bride or her family pays a certain amount of money or property to the groom when a
couple is married. This payment is called a dowry.
Traditionally, a woman's family offered a dowry to potential husbands in order to
make the match more attractive to the man and his family. The word dowry can actually mean
"payment," but it can also refer to whatever property or savings a woman herself brings into a
The amount of dowry is regulated by factors like boy's service and salary, social and
economic status of the girl's father, the social prestige of the boy's family, educational qualifications
of the girl and the boy, girl's working and her salary, girl's and boy's beauty and features, and
factors like that. What is significant is that girl's parents give her money and gifts not only at the
time of her wedding but they continue to give gifts to her husband's family throughout the life.
giving dowry is a social custom and it is very difficult to change customs all of a sudden.


Dowry is the huge social problem suffered by many countries in the world.
Woman or many countries suffer by severe illness because of dowry they are physically abused
touchered, emotionally abused, and had severe injuries for this. One woman dies every hour due to
dowry-related problems on an average in India.
many countries has passed many laws on dowry but nun of them applied. The
women cant marry because they cant afford dowry. In many cases the groom become totally
dependent on their in-laws which shows great impact on the economic status of the country. Our
nabor hood country India has the largest dowry related cases in the world.

In our country, the institution of dowry has taken deep roots in the society
putting scores of poor and middle class families into trouble. Many people are unable to get their
daughters married in the face of the demands for dowry from the boys family.
The first reason behind the establishment of dowry as a permanent institution in our
country is that Muslims and Hindus stayed together in India for ages. The tradition and customs of
the Hindus influenced the life of the Muslims a great deal. Dowry was a deeply rooted Hindu
institution so much so that the families of girls and boys bargained before marriage as to how much
they would give and take. The Muslims, in many cases, started doing the same as the Hindus.
Secondly, With the passage of time, people become more and more materialistic. They
developed great attachment for wealth, property and worldly things. Moral and religious principles
came to be secondary in importance. As a result, a heavy dowry became a big recommendation for
the bride in the eyes of the bridegroom.
Thirdly, The worsening economic conditions and tremendous growth in population gave
rise to widespread unemployment. Marriage became a serious problem, as financially sound
husbands could not easily be found. So, marriage with a lot of dowry to the boy was found to be one
way of solving this problem.
Fourthly, Illiteracy is also a factor involved in this, because people dont have the
knowledge that what their religion explains about the dowry and marriage celebrations. People are
uneducated and they dont realize that by giving and taking dowry they are creating problems for
those who cannot afford this.

In Islam the marriage of Hazrat Fatima (RA) is a practical example for all the Muslims,
telling them the right way for marrying their daughters out it is lamentable that with the passage of
time people have changed their outlook and they have forgotten the right path selected for them by
Allah and His Holy prophet (PBUH).
A Muslim father does not have to bother for dowry, as there is nothing called
Dowry in Islam. On the contrary, Islam enjoins the groom to give a Bridal-Gift or Dower as a
token of love and assurance to his would be wife at the time of marriage. In fact without payment of
this sum, the marriage cannot get solemnized. The Holy Quran instructs the believers

"And give the women (whom you marry) their dower (obligatory bridal gift) happily" (4:4)

The practice of dowry among ignorant Muslims is a result of the influence of the evil
practices of the society they live in. Islam does not put any financial burden on the father of the girl.
A Muslim father is told to get her daughter married away in a most simple Nikah ceremony
solemnized by a Qazi (priest) in a mosque, witnessed by his close relatives and friends. He is not
even required to throw a luncheon to the handful of invitees assembled for this occasion. In fact it is
desirable on the part of the groom that he offers a reception (Waleema) to his near ones & dear
ones without forgetting the poor people of his society.

The example of such a simple marriage was set up by none other than the Prophet
(pbuh) himself. He got his daughters married in the simplest possible manner. There was nothing in
it whatsoever for the bridegroom that could be termed as dowry.


he mental disorders affecting women include the following:
Anxiety Disorders,
including OCD, panic, PTSD, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorders. Feelings of
fear, and uneasiness, Uncontrollable obsessive thoughts, Repeated thoughts or flashbacks of
traumatic experiences, Nightmares, Problems sleeping, Cold or sweaty hands and feet, Shortness of
breath, An inability to be still and calm
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that
causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day
tasks. Symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They are different from the normal ups and
downs that everyone goes through from time to time. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result
in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide.

Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that generates
significant instability of emotion, behavior, and relationships. Most people who have
borderline personality disorder suffer from:
Problems with regulating emotions and thoughts
Impulsive and reckless behavior
Unstable relationships with other people.
Is a medical illness that causes a constant feeling of sadness and lack of interest.
Depression affects how the person feels, behaves and thinks. Experts say depression is caused by a
combination of factors, such as the person's genes, their biochemical environment, personal
experience and psychological factors.

Postpartum depression
Postpartum depression is moderate to severe depression in a woman after she
has given birth. It may occur soon after delivery or up to a year later. is a serious mental health
problem characterized by a prolonged period of emotional disturbance, occurring at a time of major
life change and increased responsibilities in the care of a newborn infant. PPD can have significant
consequences for both the new mother and family.
Eating Disorders women started eating too much or live eatind at all. Eating disorders are
conditions defined by abnormal eating habits that may involve either not enough or too much food intake
to the damage of an individual's physical and mental health.
In many cases women tries to attempt suicide because of the depression and physical


1. MULTAN: Four sisters killed themselves after a row with their father who could not afford
dowries for them to get married, officials said on Friday.
The women threw themselves into a canal after arguing with their father in Mailsi,
town in the rural southern part of Punjab province.
2. A newly-married bridegroom, who had staged a dacoity-cum-murder drama to
mislead the police investigator safter killing his Hafiz-e-Quran bride over dowry dispute
in Muridkey police precincts on Sunday night.
3. A bride in lows barn her alive for the sake of dowry in Pishawar
4. In Tandu- adam a groom killed his wife for not bringing a motorbike in dowry wile
she was praying

At over 2000 dowry-related deaths per year, and annual rates exceeding 2.45 deaths per
100,000 women from dowry-related violence, Pakistan has the highest reported number of dowry
death rates per 100,000 women in the world. Dowry deaths are a widespread problem in Pakistan;
often referred to as "stove deaths" to blame the deaths on accidents, killing a bride by setting her on
fire is the preferred method. During 2004 to 2009, an estimated 3,379 dowry killings occurred, in
addition to some 8,041 women killed over other types of property disputes in Pakistan.

Social psychology
Social Problems
Social Problems Of Pakistan


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