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For other uses of Munich or Mnchen, see Munich

Munich (/mjunk/; German: Mnchen, pronounced
[mnn] ( ),
Bavarian: Minga) the capital and
largest city of the German state of Bavaria, on the River
Isar north of the Bavarian Alps. Munich is the third
largest city in Germany, after Berlin and Hamburg, with
a population of around 1.47 million.
The name of the city is derived from the Old High Ger-
man term Munichen, meaning by the monks. It de-
rives from the monks of the Benedictine order who ran
a monastery at the place that was later to become the Old
Town of Munich; hence the monk depicted on the citys
coat of arms. Munich was rst mentioned in 1158. From
1255 the city was seat of the Bavarian Dukes. Black and
gold the colours of the Holy Roman Empire have
been the citys ocial colours since the time of Ludwig
the Bavarian, when it was an imperial residence. Fol-
lowing a nal reunication of the Wittelsbachian Duchy
of Bavaria, previously divided and sub-divided for more
than 200 years, the town became the countrys sole capi-
tal in 1506. Catholic Munich was one cultural stronghold
of the Counter-Reformation and a political point of di-
vergence during the resulting Thirty Years War, but re-
mained physically untouched despite an occupation by
the Protestant Swedes; the townsfolk would rather open
the gates of their beautiful town than risk siege and al-
most inevitable destruction. Like wide parts of the Holy
Roman Empire, the area recovered slowly economically.
Having evolved froma duchys capital into that of an elec-
torate (1623), and later a sovereign kingdom(1806), Mu-
nich has been a centre of arts, culture and science since
the early 19th century. The city became the Nazi move-
ments infamous Hauptstadt der Bewegung (lit.: Capital
of the movement), and after post-war reconstruction was
the host city of the 1972 Summer Olympics.
Munich is home to many national and international au-
thorities, major universities, major museums and the-
aters. Its numerous architectural attractions, international
sports events, exhibitions, conferences and Oktoberfest
attract considerable tourism.
Since 2006, the citys
motto has been "Mnchen mag dich" (Munich loves
Munich is a trac hub with excellent interna-
tional, national and local connections, running a fast and
reliable public transport system. It is a centre of nance,
publishing and advanced technologies. Munich is one of
the most prosperous and fastest growing cities in Ger-
many, and the seat of numerous corporations and insur-
ance companies. It is a top-ranked destination for migra-
tion and expatriate location, despite being the municipal-
ity with the highest density of population (4.500 inh. per
km) in Germany. Munich achieved fourth place in the
frequently quoted Mercer livability rankings in 2011
and 2012.
For economic and social innovation, the city
was ranked 15th globally out of 289 cities in 2010, and
5th in Germany by the 2thinknowInnovation Cities Index
based on analysis of 162 indicators.
In 2013, Monocle
ranked Munich as the worlds most livable city with the
highest quality of life.
1 History
Main articles: History of Munich and Timeline of Mu-
Munich city coat of arms
1.1 Origin as medieval town
The year 1158 is assumed to be the foundation date,
which is the earliest date the city is mentioned in a docu-
ment. The document was signed in Augsburg.
By that
time the Guelph Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony and
Bavaria, had built a bridge over the river Isar next to a
settlement of Benedictine monksthis was on the Old
Salt Route and a toll bridge.
In 1175, Munich was ocially granted city status and
received fortication. In 1180, with the trial of Henry
the Lion, Otto I Wittelsbach became Duke of Bavaria
and Munich was handed over to the Bishop of Freising.
(Wittelsbachs heirs, the Wittelsbach dynasty, would rule
Bavaria until 1918.) In 1240, Munich was transferred
to Otto II Wittelsbach and in 1255, when the Duchy of
Bavaria was split in two, Munich became the ducal resi-
dence of Upper Bavaria.
Duke Louis IV was elected German king in 1314 and
crowned as Holy Roman Emperor in 1328. He strength-
ened the citys position by granting it the salt monopoly,
thus assuring it of additional income. In the late 15th
century Munich underwent a revival of gothic arts
the Old Town Hall was enlarged, and Munichs largest
gothic church, now a cathedralthe Frauenkirche
constructed in only twenty years, starting in 1468.
1.2 Capital of reunited Bavaria
Marienplatz, Munich about 1650
When Bavaria was reunited in 1506, Munich became its
capital. The arts and politics became increasingly in-
uenced by the court (see Orlando di Lasso, Heinrich
Schuetz and later Mozart and Richard Wagner). Dur-
ing the 16th century Munich was a centre of the German
counter reformation, and also of renaissance arts. Duke
Wilhelm V commissioned the Jesuit Michaelskirche,
which became a centre for the counter-reformation, and
also built the Hofbruhaus for brewing brown beer in
1589. The Catholic League was founded in Munich in
1609. In 1623 during the Thirty Years War Munich be-
came electoral residence when Maximilian I, Duke of
Bavaria was invested with the electoral dignity but in
1632 the city was occupied by Gustav II Adolph of Swe-
den. When the bubonic plague broke out in 1634 and
1635 about one third of the population died. Under the
regency of the Bavarian electors Munich was an impor-
tant centre of baroque life but also had to suer under
Habsburg occupations in 1704 and 1742.
In 1806, the city became the capital of the new Kingdom
of Bavaria, with the states parliament (the Landtag) and
the new archdiocese of Munich and Freising being lo-
cated in the city. Twenty years later Landshut University
was moved to Munich. Many of the citys nest buildings
Banners with the colours of Munich (left) and Bavaria (right)
with the Frauenkirche in the background
belong to this period and were built under the rst three
Bavarian kings. Later Prince Regent Luitpolds years as
regent were marked by tremendous artistic and cultural
activity in Munich (see Franz von Stuck and Der Blaue
1.3 World War I to World War II
Following the outbreak of World War I in 1914, life in
Munich became very dicult, as the Allied blockade of
Germany led to food and fuel shortages. During French
air raids in 1916, three bombs fell on Munich. After
World War I, the city was at the centre of much politi-
cal unrest. In November 1918 on the eve of revolution,
Ludwig III and his family ed the city. After the murder
of the rst republican premier of Bavaria Kurt Eisner in
February 1919 by Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley, the
Bavarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed. When Com-
munists had taken power, Lenin, who had lived in Munich
some years before, sent a congratulatory telegram, but
the Soviet Republic was put down on 3 May 1919 by the
Freikorps. While the republican government had been re-
stored, Munich subsequently became a hotbed of extrem-
ist politics, among which Adolf Hitler and the National
Socialism rose to prominence.
In 1923 Hitler and his supporters, who were then concen-
1.4 Postwar 3
Bombing damage to the Altstadt. Note the rooess and pock-
marked Altes Rathaus looking up the Tal. The rooess Heilig-
Geist-Kirche is on the right of the photo. Its spire, without the
copper top, is behind the church. The Talbruck gate tower is
missing completely.
trated in Munich, staged the Beer Hall Putsch, an attempt
to overthrow the Weimar Republic and seize power. The
revolt failed, resulting in Hitlers arrest and the temporary
crippling of the Nazi Party, which was virtually unknown
outside Munich.
The city once again became a Nazi stronghold when
the National Socialists took power in Germany in 1933.
The National Socialist Workers Party created their rst
concentration camp at Dachau, 10 miles (16 kilometres)
north-west of the city. Because of its importance to the
rise of National Socialism, Munich was referred to as the
Hauptstadt der Bewegung (Capital of the Movement).
The NSDAP headquarters was in Munich and many
Fhrerbauten ("Fhrer-buildings) were built around the
Knigsplatz, some of which have survived to this day.
The city is known as the site of the culmination of the
policy of appeasement employed by Britain and France
leading up to World War II. It was in Munich that British
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain assented to the an-
nexation of Czechoslovakias Sudetenland region into
Greater Germany in the hopes of sating the desires of
Hitlers Third Reich.
Munich was the base of the White Rose, a student
resistance movement from June 1942 to February 1943.
The core members were arrested and executed following
a distribution of leaets in Munich University by Hans
and Sophie Scholl.
The city was heavily damaged by allied bombing during
World War II the city was hit by 71 air raids over a
period of ve years.
1.4 Postwar
After US occupation in 1945, Munich was completely
rebuilt following a meticulous and by comparison to
BMW Welt
The inner city (2013).
other war-ravaged West German cities rather conser-
vative plan which preserved its pre-war street grid. In
1957 Munichs population passed the 1 million mark.
Munich was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics, dur-
ing which Israeli athletes were assassinated by Palestinian
fedayeen in the Munich massacre, when gunmen fromthe
Palestinian "Black September" group took hostage mem-
bers of the Israeli Olympic team.
Most Munich residents enjoy a high quality of life. Mer-
cer HR Consulting consistently rates the city among the
top 10 cities with the highest quality of life worldwide
a 2011 survey ranked Munich as 4th.
The same com-
pany also ranks Munich as the worlds 39th most expen-
sive city to live in and the most expensive major city in
Munich enjoys a thriving economy, driven
by the information technology, biotechnology, and pub-
lishing sectors. Environmental pollution is low, although
as of 2006 the city council is concerned about levels of
particulate matter (PM), especially along the citys ma-
jor thoroughfares. Since the enactment of EU legislation
concerning the concentration of particulate in the air, en-
vironmental groups such as Greenpeace have staged large
protest rallies to urge the city council and the State gov-
ernment to take a harder stance on pollution.
Today, the crime rate is low compared with other large
German cities, such as Hamburg or Berlin. For its high
quality of life and safety the city has been nicknamed
"Toytown" among the English-speaking residents. Ger-
man inhabitants call it Millionendorf, an expression
which means village of a million people.
2 Geography
Munich: View from the Englischer Garten
Munich lies on the elevated plains of Upper Bavaria,
about 50 km (31.07 mi) north of the northern edge of the
Alps, at an altitude of about 520 m (1,706.04 ft) ASL.
The local rivers are the Isar and the Wrm. Munich is
situated in the Northern Alpine Foreland. The northern
part of this sandy plateau includes a highly fertile int
area which is no longer aected by the folding processes
found in the Alps, while the southern part is covered with
morainic hills. Between these are elds of uvio-glacial
out-wash, such as around Munich. Wherever these de-
posits get thinner, the ground water can permeate the
gravel surface and ood the area, leading to marshes as
in the north of Munich.
2.1 Climate
Munichs climate is classied in the Kppen classication
as Cfb (Oceanic).
The warmest month of the year, on average, is July. The
coolest month of the year, on average, is January.
Showers and thunderstorms bring the highest average
monthly precipitation totals in late spring and throughout
the summer. June, on average, records the most precip-
itation of any month. The winter months tend to bring
lower precipitation, on average, and February averages
the least amount of monthly precipitation for the year.
The higher elevation of Munich and the proximity of the
Alps play a signicant role on the climate, causing the
city to have more rain and snow than many other parts of
Germany. The Alps aect the citys climate in other ways
too: the warm downhill wind from the Alps (fhn wind),
which can raise temperatures sharply within a few hours
even in the winter is but one example.
Being at the center of Europe, Munich is subject to many
climatic inuences, so that weather conditions there are
more variable than in other European towns, especially
those further west and south of the Alps
At Munichs ocial weather station, the highest and low-
est temperatures ever measured are 37.1 C, on 13 August
2003, and 30.5 C, on 21 January 1942.
3 Demographics
Main article: Population Growth of Munich
In July 2007, Munich had 1.34 million inhabitants;
300,129 of those did not hold German citizenship.
The city has strong Turkish and Balkan communi-
ties. The largest groups of foreign nationals were
Turks (43,309), Albanians (30,385), Croats (24,866),
Serbs (24,439), Greeks (22,486), Austrians (21,411), and
Italians (20,847). 37% of foreign nationals come from
the European Union.
From only 24,000 inhabitants in 1700, the population
doubled about every 30 years. For example, it had
100,000 people in 1852 and then 250,000 people in 1883;
by 1901, the gure had doubled again to 500,000. Since
then, Munich has become Germanys third largest city.
In 1933, 840,901 inhabitants were counted and in 1957,
Munichs population passed the 1 million mark.
Munich: St. Lukas and River Isar
49.3% of Munichs residents are not aliated with any
religious group, and this ratio represents the fastest grow-
ing segment of the population. As in the rest of Germany,
the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches have expe-
rienced a continuous, slow decline in their memberships.
As of 31 December 2010, 36.8% of the citys inhabi-
tants were Roman Catholic, 13.6% Protestant, and 0.3%
There is also a small Old Catholic parish and
an English-speaking parish of the Episcopal Church in the
There are also a signicant number of Muslims
living in Munich.
4 Politics
Munichs current mayor is Dieter Reiter of the Social
Democratic Party of Germany. Munich has been gov-
erned by the SPD for all but six years since 1948. This
is remarkable because Bavariaand particularly south-
ern Bavariahas long been a conservative stronghold,
with the Christian Social Union winning absolute majori-
ties among the Bavarian electorate in many elections at
the communal, state, and federal levels, and leading the
Bavarian state government for all but three years since
1946. Bavarias second most populous city, Nuremberg,
is also one of the very few Bavarian cities governed by a
SPD-led coalition.
As the capital of the Free State of Bavaria, Munich is
an important political centre in Germany and the seat of
the Bavarian State Parliament, the Staatskanzlei (the State
Chancellery) and of all state departments.
Several national and international authorities are located
in Munich, including the Federal Finance Court of Ger-
many and the European Patent Oce.
5 Subdivisions
Main article: Boroughs of Munich
Since the administrative reform in 1992, Munich is di-
Munichs Boroughs
vided into 25 boroughs or Stadtbezirke.
Allach-Untermenzing (23), Altstadt-Lehel (1),
Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied (22), Au-Haidhausen
(5), Berg am Laim (14), Bogenhausen (13),
Feldmoching-Hasenbergl (24), Hadern (20), Laim
(25), Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt (2), Maxvorstadt
(3), Milbertshofen-Am Hart (11), Moosach (10),
Neuhausen-Nymphenburg (9), Obergiesing (17),
Pasing-Obermenzing (21), Ramersdorf-Perlach (16),
Schwabing-Freimann (12), Schwabing-West (4),
Schwanthalerhhe (8), Sendling (6), Sendling-Westpark
(7), Thalkirchen-Obersendling-Forstenried-Frstenried-
Solln (19), Trudering-Riem (15) and Untergiesing-
Harlaching (18).
6 Architecture
Main article: Architecture of Munich
The city is a mix of historic buildings and modern archi-
The New Town Hall and Marienplatz
tecture, Munich having reconstructed the ruins of their
historic buildings while creating new landmarks of ar-
chitecture. A survey, conducted by the Societys Center
for Sustainable Destinations for the National Geographic
Traveler, chose over 100 historic places around the world
and ranked Munich as the 30th best destination.
Viktualienmarkt with the Alten Rathaus
6.1 Inner city
At the centre of the city is the Marienplatza large open
square named after the Mariensule, a Marian column
in its centrewith the Old and the New Town Hall. Its
tower contains the Rathaus-Glockenspiel. Three gates of
the demolished medieval fortication have survived to
this daythe Isartor in the east, the Sendlinger Tor in the
south and the Karlstor in the west of the inner city. The
Karlstor leads up to the Stachus, a grand square domi-
nated by the Justizpalast (Palace of Justice) and a foun-
Bavarian National Museum
The Peterskirche close to Marienplatz is the oldest church
of the inner city. It was rst built during the Romanesque
period, and was the focus of the early monastic set-
tlement in Munich before the citys ocial foundation
in 1158. Nearby St. Peter the Gothic hall-church
Heiliggeistkirche (The Church of the Holy Spirit) was con-
verted to baroque style from 1724 onwards and looks
down upon the Viktualienmarkt, the most popular market
of Munich.
The Frauenkirche is the most famous building in the city
centre and serves as the cathedral for the Archdiocese
of Munich and Freising. The nearby Michaelskirche
is the largest renaissance church north of the Alps,
while the Theatinerkirche is a basilica in Italianate high
baroque which had a major inuence on Southern Ger-
man baroque architecture. Its dome dominates the
Odeonsplatz. Other baroque churches in the inner city
which are worth a detour are the Brgersaalkirche, the
Dreifaltigkeitskirche, the St. Anna Damenstiftskirche and
St. Anna im Lehel, the rst rococo church in Bavaria.
The Asamkirche was endowed and built by the Brothers
Asam, pioneering artists of the rococo period.
The large Residenz palace complex (begun in 1385) on
the edge of Munichs Old Town ranks among Europes
most signicant museums of interior decoration. Having
undergone several extensions, it contains also the treasury
and the splendid rococo Cuvillis Theatre. Next door to
the Residenz the neo-classical opera, the National Theatre
was erected. Among the baroque and neoclassical man-
sions which still exist in Munich are the Palais Porcia, the
Palais Preysing, the Palais Holnstein and the Prinz-Carl-
Palais. All mansions are situated close to the Residenz,
same as the Alte Hof, a medieval castle and rst residence
of the Wittelsbach dukes in Munich.
The inner city has been recreated
in the virtual world
of Second Life and can be visited for a virtual sight seeing
6.2 Royal avenues and squares
Ludwigstrasse from above, Highlight Towers in the background
Four grand royal avenues of the 19th century with mag-
6.3 Other boroughs 7
nicent ocial buildings connect Munichs inner city
with the suburbs:
The neoclassical Briennerstrasse, starting at Odeonsplatz
on the northern fringe of the Old Town close to the Res-
idenz, runs from east to west and opens into the impres-
sive Knigsplatz, designed with the "Doric" Propylen,
the "Ionic" Glyptothek and the "Corinthian" State Museum
of Classical Art, on its back side St. Bonifaces Abbey
was erected. The area around Knigsplatz is home to the
Kunstareal, Munichs gallery and museum quarter (as de-
scribed below).
Ludwigstrasse also begins at Odeonsplatz and runs
from south to north, skirting the Ludwig-Maximilians-
Universitt, the St. Louis church, the Bavarian State Li-
brary and numerous state ministries and palaces. The
southern part of the avenue was constructed in Italian re-
naissance style while the north is strongly inuenced by
Italian Romanesque architecture.
The neo-Gothic Maximilianstrae starts at Max-Joseph-
Platz, where the Residenz and the National Theatre are
situated, and runs from west to east. The avenue is
framed by neo-Gothic buildings which house, among oth-
ers, the Schauspielhaus and the Building of the district
government of Upper Bavaria and the Museum of Eth-
nology. After crossing the river Isar, the avenue cir-
cles the Maximilianeum, home of the state parliament.
The western portion of Maximilianstrae is known for
its designer shops, luxury boutiques, jewellery stores, and
one of Munichs foremost ve-star hotels, the Hotel Vier
Prinzregentenstrasse runs parallel to Maximilianstrae
and begins at Prinz-Carl-Palais. Many museums can be
found along the avenue, such as the Haus der Kunst, the
Bavarian National Museum and the Schackgalerie. The
avenue crosses the Isar and circles the Friedensengel mon-
ument passing the Villa Stuck and Hitlers old apartment.
The Prinzregententheater is at Prinzregentenplatz further
to the east.
Nymphenburg Palace
6.3 Other boroughs
Two large baroque palaces in Nymphenburg and Ober-
schleissheim are reminders of Bavarias royal past.
Schloss Nymphenburg (Nymphenburg Palace), some 6 km
(4 mi) north west of the city centre, is surrounded by an
impressive park and is considered to be one of Europes
most beautiful royal residences. 2 km(1 mi) north west of
Nymphenburg Palace is Schloss Blutenburg (Blutenburg
Castle), an old ducal country seat with a late-Gothic
palace church. Schloss Frstenried (Frstenried Palace),
a baroque palace of similar structure to Nymphenburg
but of much smaller size, was erected around the same
time in the south west of Munich. The second large
baroque residence is Schloss Schleissheim (Schleissheim
Palace), located in the suburb of Oberschleissheim, a
palace complex encompassing three separate residences:
Altes Schloss Schleissheim (the old palace), Neues Schloss
Schleissheim (the new palace) and Schloss Lustheim (Lus-
theim Palace). Most parts of the palace complex serve
as museums and art galleries. Deutsches Museum's
Flugwerft Schleissheim ight exhibition centre is located
nearby, on the Schleissheim Special Landing Field. The
Bavaria statue before the neo-classical Ruhmeshalle is
a monumental, bronze sand-cast 19th-century statue at
Theresienwiese. The Grnwald castle is the only me-
dieval castle in the Munich area which still exisists.
St Michael in Berg am Laim might be the most remark-
able church out of the inner city. Most of the boroughs
have parish churches which originate from the Middle
Ages like the most famous church of pilgrimage in Mu-
nich St Mary in Ramersdorf. The oldest church within
the city borders is Heilig Kreuz in Frttmaning next to the
Allianz-Arena, known for its Romanesque fresco. Espe-
cially in its suburbs, Munich features a wide and diverse
array of modern architecture, although strict culturally
sensitive height limitations for buildings have limited the
construction of skyscrapers to avoid a loss of views to
the distant Bavarian Alps. Most high-rise buildings are
clustered at the northern edge of Munich in the skyline,
like the Hypo-Haus, the Arabella High-Rise Building, the
Highlight Towers, Uptown Munich, Mnchner Tor and the
BMW Headquarters next to the Olympic Park. Several
other high-rise buildings are located near the city centre
and on the Siemens campus in southern Munich. A land-
mark of modern Munich is also the architecture of the
sport stadiums (as described below).
BMW Headquarters
In Fasangarten is the former McGraw Kaserne, a former
U.S. army base, near Stadelheim Prison.
6.4 Parks
Hofgarten with the dome of the state chancellery near the
Munich is a green city with numerous parks. The
Englischer Garten, close to the city centre and covering
an area of 3.7 km
(1.4 sq mi) (larger than Central Park
in New York), is one of the worlds largest urban pub-
lic parks, and contains a nudist area, jogging tracks and
bridle-paths. It was designed and laid out by Benjamin
Thompson, Count of Rumford, for both pleasure and as
a work area for the citys vagrants and homeless. Nowa-
days it is entirely a park with multiple Biergartens, the
most well known at the Chinese Pagoda.
Other large green spaces are the modern Olympiapark,
Westpark, and the parks of Nymphenburg Palace (with
the Botanischer Garten Mnchen-Nymphenburg to the
north), and Schleissheim Palace. The citys oldest park
is the Hofgarten, near the Residenz, and dating back to
the 16th century. Best known for the largest beergarden
in the town is the former royal Hirschgarten, founded in
1780 for deer which still live there.
The citys zoo is the Tierpark Hellabrunn near the
Flaucher Island in the Isar in the south of the city.
Another notable park is Ostpark, located in Perlach-
Ramersdorf area which houses the swimming area,
Michaelibad, one of the largest in Munich.
7 Sports
Main article: Sports in Munich
Allianz Arena, the home stadium of Bayern Munich and 1860
7.1 Football
Main article: Football in Munich
Munich is home to several professional football teams in-
cluding Bayern Munich, Germanys most successful club
and a multiple UEFA Champions League winner. The
Munich area currently has three clubs: Bayern Munich,
1860 Munich and SpVgg Unterhaching in the Bundesliga,
2. Bundesliga, and 3. Liga respectively, which are the top
three leagues in the German football league system.
8.2 Museums 9
7.2 Basketball
FC Bayern Munich Basketball currently playing in Beko
Basket Bundesliga.
7.3 Hockey
The citys ice hockey club is EHC Munich.
7.4 Olympics
Olympiasee in Olympiapark, Munich
Munich has also hosted the 1972 Summer Olympics and
was one of the host cities for the 2006 Football World
Cup which was not held in Munichs Olympic Stadium
but in a new football specic stadium, the Allianz Arena.
Munich bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games but
lost to Pyeongchang.
In September 2011 the DOSB
President Thomas Bach conrmed that Munich would bid
again for the Winter Olympics in the future.
8 Culture
8.1 Language
Main article: Austro-Bavarian language
The Austro-Bavarian language is also spoken in and
around Munich, with its variety Upper Bavarian (Ober-
bayrisch). Austro-Bavarian has no ocial status by the
Bavarian authorities or local government yet is recognised
by the SIL and has its own ISO-639 code.
8.2 Museums
The Deutsches Museum or German Museum, located on
an island in the River Isar, is the largest and one of the old-
est science museums in the world. Three redundant exhi-
bition buildings which are under a protection order were
converted to house the Verkehrsmuseum, which houses
the land transport collections of the Deutsches Museum.
Deutsches Museums Flugwerft Schleissheim ight ex-
hibition centre is located nearby, on the Schleissheim
Special Landing Field. Several non-centralised muse-
ums (many of those are public collections at Ludwig-
Maximilians-Universitt) showthe expanded state collec-
tions of palaeontology, geology, mineralogy,
botany and anthropology.
The Glyptothek
The city has several important art galleries, most of
which can be found in the Kunstareal, including the
Alte Pinakothek, the Neue Pinakothek, the Pinakothek der
Moderne and the Museum Brandhorst. Alte Pinakotheks
monolithic structure contains a treasure trove of the
works of European masters between the 14th and 18th
centuries. The collection reects the eclectic tastes of
the Wittelsbachs over four centuries, and is sorted by
schools over two sprawling oors. Major displays in-
clude Albrecht Drer's Christ-like Self-Portrait, his Four
Apostles, Raphaels paintings The Canigiani Holy Family
and Madonna Tempi as well as Peter Paul Rubens two-
storey-high Judgment Day. The gallery houses one of the
worlds most comprehensive Rubens collections. Before
World War I, the Blaue Reiter group of artists worked
in Munich. Many of their works can now be seen at
the Lenbachhaus. An important collection of Greek and
Roman art is held in the Glyptothek and the Staatliche
Antikensammlung (State Antiquities Collection). King
Ludwig I managed to acquire such famous pieces as the
Medusa Rondanini, the Barberini Faun and gures from
the Temple of Aphaea on Aegina for the Glyptothek. An-
other important museumin the Kunstareal is the Egyptian
The famous gothic Morris dancers of Erasmus Grasser
are exhibited in the Munich City Museumin the old gothic
arsenal building in the inner city.
Another area for the arts next to the Kunstareal is the
Lehel quarter between the old town and the river Isar:
The Museum Five Continents in Maximilianstrae is the
second largest collection in Germany of artifacts and ob-
jects from outside Europe, while the Bavarian National
Museum and the adjoining Bavarian State Archaeological
Collection in Prinzregentenstrasse rank among Europes
major art and cultural history museums. The nearby
Schackgalerie is an important gallery of German 19th-
century paintings.
The former Dachau concentration camp is 16 km (10 mi)
outside the city.
8.3 Arts and literature
Munich is a major European cultural centre and has
played host to many prominent composers including
Orlando di Lasso, W.A. Mozart, Carl Maria von Weber,
Richard Wagner, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Max
Reger and Carl Or. With the Munich Biennale founded
by Hans Werner Henze, and the A*DEvantgarde festival,
the city still contributes to modern music theatre.
National Theatre
The Nationaltheater where several of Richard Wagners
operas had their premieres under the patronage of Ludwig
II of Bavaria is the home of the Bavarian State Opera
and the Bavarian State Orchestra. Next door the mod-
ern Residenz Theatre was erected in the building that
had housed the Cuvillis Theatre before World War II.
Many operas were staged there, including the premiere of
Mozarts Idomeneo in 1781. The Grtnerplatz Theatre
is a ballet and musical state theatre while another opera
house the Prinzregententheater has become the home of
the Bavarian Theatre Academy. The modern Gasteig cen-
ter houses the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra. The third
orchestra in Munich with international importance is the
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Its primary con-
cert venue is the Herkulesaal in the former city royal res-
idence, the Residenz. A stage for shows, big events and
musicals is the Deutsche Theater. It is Germanys largest
theatre for guest performances.
The Golden Friedensengel
Next to the Bavarian Staatsschauspiel in the Residenz
Theatre (Residenztheater), the Munich Kammerspiele in
the Schauspielhaus is one of the most important German
language theatres in the world. Since Gotthold Ephraim
Lessing's premieres in 1775 many important writers have
staged their plays in Munich such as Christian Friedrich
Hebbel, Henrik Ibsen and Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
The city is known as the second largest publishing center
in the world (around 250 publishing houses have oces
in the city), and many national and international publica-
tions are published in Munich, such as Arts in Munich,
LAXMag and Prinz.
Prominent literary gures worked in Munich especially
during the nal centuries of the Kingdom of Bavaria such
as Paul Heyse, Max Halbe, Rainer Maria Rilke and Frank
Wedekind. The period immediately before World War I
saw economic and cultural prominence for the city. Mu-
nich, and especially its suburb of Schwabing, became the
domicile of many artists and writers. Thomas Mann, who
also lived there, wrote ironically in his novella Gladius Dei
about this period, Munich shone. It remained a centre
of cultural life during the Weimar period with gures such
as Lion Feuchtwanger, Bertolt Brecht and Oskar Maria
Graf. In 1919 the Bavaria Film Studios were founded.
From the Gothic to the Baroque era, the ne arts were
represented in Munich by artists like Erasmus Grasser,
Jan Polack, Johann Baptist Straub, Ignaz Gnther, Hans
Krumpper, Ludwig von Schwanthaler, Cosmas Damian
Asam, Egid Quirin Asam, Johann Baptist Zimmer-
mann, Johann Michael Fischer and Franois de Cuvil-
lis. Munich had already become an important place for
painters like Carl Rottmann, Lovis Corinth, Wilhelm von
Kaulbach, Carl Spitzweg, Franz von Lenbach, Franz von
Stuck and Wilhelm Leibl when Der Blaue Reiter (The
Blue Rider), a group of expressionist artists, was estab-
8.5 Culinary specialities 11
lished in Munich in 1911. The city was home to the Blue
Riders painters Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Alexej
von Jawlensky, Gabriele Mnter, Franz Marc, August
Macke and Alfred Kubin.
8.4 Hofbruhaus and Oktoberfest
Main article: Oktoberfest
The Hofbruhaus am Platzl, arguably the most famous
Oktoberfest (2003)
beer hall worldwide, is located in the city centre. It also
operates the second largest tent at the Oktoberfest, one
of Munichs most famous attractions. For two weeks, the
Oktoberfest attracts millions of people visiting its beer
tents (Bierzelte) and fairground attractions. The Okto-
berfest was rst held on 12 October 1810 in honour of the
marriage of crown prince Ludwig to Princess Therese of
Saxe-Hildburghausen. The festivities were closed with a
horse race and in the following years the horse races were
continued and later developed into what is now known
as the Oktoberfest. Despite its name, most of Oktober-
fest occurs in September. It always nishes on the rst
Sunday in October unless the German national holiday
on 3 October (Tag der deutschen Einheit"-Day of Ger-
man Unity) is a Monday or Tuesday-then the Oktoberfest
remains open for these days.
8.5 Culinary specialities
Weisswrste with ser Senf (sweet mustard) and a Brezel (Pret-
The Weiwurst ('white sausage') is a Munich special-
ity. Traditionally eaten only before 12:00 noona tradi-
tion dating to a time before refrigeratorsthese morsels
are often served with sweet mustard and freshly baked
pretzels. Leberks, Bavarian baked sausage loaf, often
served with potato salad, is another delicacy of the re-
The most famous soup might be the Leberkndel Soup.
Leberkndel is a bread dumpling seasoned with liver and
Schweinsbraten (pot roasted pork) with Kndel
(dumplings made from potatoes or white bread)
and Kraut (cabbage) or a Schweinshaxe (pork knuckle)
are served as lunch or dinner. Beuscherl, a plate of lung,
heart and spleen is also served with dumplings.
Popular desserts include Apfelstrudel (apple strudel) with
vanilla sauce, Millirahmstrudel (a cream cheese strudel),
Dampfnudeln (yeast dumplings served with custard) and
Auszogene, a fried pastry shaped like a large doughnut
without a hole. One of the most famous specialties is the
Prinzregententorte created in honour of the 19th-century
prince regent Luitpold.
Some specialities are typical cold dishes served in
beergardens: Obatzda is a Bavarian cheese delicacy, a
savoury blend of smashed mellow camembert prepared
with cream cheese, cut onions and spicy paprika (and
sometimes some butter). Its often served in the beer
gardens along with Radi, white radish cut in thin slices
and salted, and Mnchner Wurstsalat, Munichs famous
sausage salad with thinly sliced Knackwurst marinated in
vinegar and oil with onions on a bed of lettuce. Pop-
ular grilled meals include Steckerlsch which is usually
Mackerel, but may also be a local sh, such as trout or
whitesh, speared on a wooden stick, grilled and smoked
on charcoalthe typical feature is the crispy skin. An-
other classic is A hoibs Hendl (half a grilled chicken). A
Mass (die Ma) is a litre of beer, a Radler consists of half
beer and half lemonade.
8.6 Beers and breweries
Munich is famous for its breweries and the Weissbier
(or Weizenbier, wheat beer) is a speciality from Bavaria.
Helles with its translucent gold colour is the most popu-
lar Munich beer today, although its not old (only intro-
duced in 1895). Helles and Pils have almost ousted the
Munich Dark Beer (Dunkles), which gets its dark colour
from burnt malt, the most popular beer in Munich within
the 19th century. Starkbier is the strongest Munich beer,
containing 69 percent alcohol. It is dark amber and has
a heavy malty taste. It is available and popular during
the Lenten Starkbierzeit (strong beer season), which be-
gins on or before St. Josephs Day (19 March). There are
around 20 major beer gardens, with four of the most fa-
mous and popular being located in the Englischer Garten
and the largest one in the Hirschgarten.
Augustiner Bru
8.7 Markets
The Viktualienmarkt is Munichs most popular market for
fresh food and delicatessen. A very old feature of Mu-
nichs Fasching (carnival) is the dance of the Marktfrauen
(market women) of the Viktualienmarkt in comical cos-
The Auer Dult is held three times a year on the square
around Mariahilf church and is one of Munichs oldest
markets, well known for its hardware, trinkets and an-
Three weeks before Christmas the Christkindlmarkt
opens at Marienplatz and other squares in the city, selling
Christmas goods.
8.8 Nightlife
Nightlife in Munich is located mostly in the city centre,
with the exception of two clubs. Some notable establish-
ments are:
Pubs are located all over the city, but with higher
concentration in the Schwabing area.
Munichs gay quarter is located in the borough Isar-
vorstadt, surrounding the Staatstheater am Grtner-
platz, and is also known as the Glockenbachviertel
Kultfabrik (formerly known as Kunstpark Ost) and
Optimolwerke, former industrial compounds con-
verted to host many dierent clubs
Backstage, catering to more alternative and rock
However, despite the above, Munich does not boast a high
number of clubs.
8.9 Circus
The Circus Krone is based in Munich and one of the
largest circus in Europe.
It was the rst and still is one
of only a fewin Western Europe to also occupy a building
of its own.
9 Colleges and universities
Munich is a leading location for science and research with
a long list of Nobel Prize laureates from Wilhelm Conrad
Rntgen in 1901 to Theodor Hnsch in 2005. Munich
has become a spiritual centre already since the times of
Emperor Louis IVwhen philosophers like Michael of Ce-
sena, Marsilius of Padua and William of Ockham were
protected at the emperors court. The Ludwig Maxim-
ilian University (LMU) and the Technische Universitt
Mnchen (TU or TUM), were two of the rst three Ger-
man universities to be awarded the title elite university by
a selection committee composed of academics and mem-
bers of the Ministries of Education and Research of the
Federation and the German states (Lnder). Only the two
Munich universities and the Technical University of Karl-
sruhe (now part of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
have held this honour, and the implied greater chances of
attracting research funds, since the rst evaluation round
in 2006.
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU),
founded in 1472 in Ingolstadt, moved to Munich in
Main building of the Ludwig Maximilians University
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Technical University of Munich (TUM), founded in
Akademie der Bildenden Knste Mnchen, founded
in 1808
Bundeswehr University Munich, founded in 1973
(located in Neubiberg)
Deutsche Journalistenschule, founded in 1959
Hochschule fr Musik und Theater Mnchen,
founded in 1830
International Max Planck Research School for
Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences
International School of Management
Katholische Stiftungsfachhochschule Mnchen,
founded in 1971
Munich Business School (MBS), founded in 1991
Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC)
Munich School of Philosophy, founded in 1925 in
Pullach, moved to Munich in 1971
Munich School of Political Science
Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM),
founded in 1971
Pionierschule und Fachschule des Heeres fr
Ukrainian Free University, founded in 1921 (from
1945 in Munich)
University of Television and Film Munich
(Hochschule fr Fernsehen und Film), founded
in 1966
10 Scientic research institutions
10.1 Max Planck Society
The Max Planck Society, an independent German non-
prot research organization, has its administrative head-
quarters in Munich. The following institutes are located
in the Munich area:
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics,
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International
Social Law, Mnchen
Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property,
Competition and Tax Law, Mnchen
Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Andechs-
Erling (Biological Rhythms and Behaviour),
Radolfzell, Seewiesen (Reproductive Biology and
Max Planck Institute for Physics (Werner Heisen-
berg Institute), Mnchen
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching
(also in Greifswald)
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Mnchen
Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research,
Mnchen (closed)
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching
10.2 Other research institutes
Botanische Staatssammlung Mnchen, a notable
CESifo, theoretical and applied research in eco-
nomics and nance
Doerner Institute
European Southern Observatory
Fraunhofer Institute
Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen
11 Economy
BMW Headquarters building (one of the few buildings that have
been built from the top to the bottom) and the bowl shaped BMW
Munich has the strongest economy of any German city
and the lowest unemployment rate (3.0%in June 2014) of
any German city with more than a million people (the oth-
ers being Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne).
The city
is also the economic centre of southern Germany. The
initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft (INSM) (New
Social Market Economy) and the WirtschaftsWoche
(Business Weekly) magazine awarded Munich the top
score in their comparative survey for the third time in
June 2006. Munich topped the ranking of the magazine
Capital in February 2005 for the economic prospects
between 2002 and 2011 in sixty German cities. Mu-
nich is a Financial centre and a Global city and holds the
headquarters of Siemens AG (electronics), BMW (car),
MAN AG (truck manufacturer, engineering), Linde
(gases), Allianz (insurance), Munich Re (re-insurance),
and Rohde & Schwarz (electronics). Among German
cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants purchasing
power is highest in Munich (26,648 euro per inhabitant)
as of 2007.
In 2006, Munich blue-collar workers en-
joyed an average hourly wage of 18.62 euro (ca. $23).
The breakdown by cities proper (not metropolitan ar-
eas) of Global 500 cities listed Munich in 8th position
in 2009.
Munich is also a centre for biotechnology,
software and other service industries. Munich is also
the home of the headquarters of many other large com-
panies such as the aircraft engine manufacturer MTU
Aero Engines, the injection molding machine manufac-
turer Krauss-Maei, the camera and lighting manufac-
turer Arri, the semiconductor rm Inneon Technolo-
gies (headquartered in the suburban town of Neubiberg),
lighting giant Osram, as well as the German or Euro-
pean headquarters of many foreign companies such as
McDonalds and Microsoft.
Munich has signicance as a nancial centre (second only
to Frankfurt), being home of HypoVereinsbank and the
Bayerische Landesbank. It outranks Frankfurt though as
home of insurance companies such as Allianz and Munich
Re .
Munich is the largest publishing city in Europe
home to Sddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germanys largest
daily newspapers. The city is also the location of the
programming headquarters of Germanys largest public
broadcasting network, ARD, while the largest commer-
cial network, Pro7-Sat1 Media AG, is headquartered in
the suburb of Unterfhring. The headquarters of the Ger-
man branch of Random House, the worlds largest pub-
lishing house, and of Burda publishing group are also in
The Bavaria Film Studios are located in the suburb of
Grnwald. They are one of Europes biggest and most
famous lm production studios.
11.1 Top 10 Largest Companies in Munich
Allianz SE
Mnchener Rckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
Siemens AG
Linde AG
LfA Frderbank Bayern
Bayern-Versicherung Lebensversicherung AG
Oberbank AG, Niederlassung Deutschland
Stadtsparkasse Mnchen
Swiss Life AG, Niederlassung fr Deutschland
12.3 Public transportation 15
Public transport network
12 Transportation
12.1 Munich International Airport
Franz Josef Strauss International Airport (IATA: MUC,
ICAO: EDDM) is the second-largest airport in Germany
and seventh-largest in Europe after London Heathrow,
Paris Charle de Gaulle, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Madrid
and Istanbul Atatrk. It is used by about 34 million pas-
sengers a year, and lies some 30 km (19 mi) north east
of the city centre. It replaced the smaller Munich-Riem
airport in 1992. The airport can be reached by subur-
ban train lines S8 from the east and S1 from the west of
the city. From the main railway station the journey takes
4045 minutes. An express train will be added that will
cut down travel time to 2025 minutes with limited stops
on dedicated tracks. A magnetic levitation train (called
Transrapid), which was to have run at speeds of up to 400
km/h (249 mph) from the central station to the airport in
a travel time of 10 minutes, had been approved,
was cancelled in March 2008 because of cost escalation
and after heavy protests.
Lufthansa opened its second
hub at the airport when Terminal 2 was opened in 2003.
12.2 Other airports
In 2008, the Bavarian state government granted a license
to expand Oberpfaenhofen Air Station located west of
Munich, for commercial use. These plans were opposed
by many residents in the Oberpfaenhofen area as well
as other branches of local Government, including the city
of Munich, which took the case to court.
However, in
October 2009, the permit allowing up to 9725 business
ights per year to depart fromor land at Oberpfaenhofen
was conrmed by a regional judge.
Despite being 110 km (68 mi) from Munich,
Memmingen Airport has been advertised as Airport
Munich West. After 2005, passenger trac of nearby
Augsburg Airport was relocated to Munich Airport,
leaving the Augsburg region of Bavaria without an air
passenger airport within close reach.
12.3 Public transportation
For its urban population of 2.6 million people, Munich
and its closest suburbs have one of the most comprehen-
sive and punctual systems in the world, incorporating the
Munich U-Bahn (underground railway), the Munich S-
Bahn (suburban trains), trams and buses. The system is
supervised by the Munich Transport and Tari Associa-
tion (Mnchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH). The
Munich tramway is the oldest existing public transporta-
tion system in the city, which has been in operation since
1876. Munich also has an extensive network of bus lines.
The extensive network of subway and tram lines assist
and complement pedestrian movement in the city cen-
tre. The 700m-long Kaunger Strasse, which starts near
the Main train station, forms a pedestrian east-west spine
that traverses almost the entire centre. Similarly, We-
instrasse leads o northwards to the Hofgarten. These
major spines and many smaller streets cover an exten-
sive area of the centre that can be enjoyed on foot and
bike. The transformation of the historic area into a pedes-
trian priority zone enables and invites walking and biking
by making these active modes of transport comfortable,
safe and enjoyable. These attributes result from applying
the principle of ltered permability which selectively
restricts the number of roads that run through the cen-
tre. While certain streets are discontinuous for cars, they
connect to a network of pedestrian and bike paths which
permeate the entire centre. In addition, these paths go
through public squares and open spaces increasing the en-
joyment of the trip(see image). The logic of ltering a
mode of transport is fully expressed in a comprehensive
model for laying out neighbourhoods and districtsthe
Fused Grid.
The main railway station is Munich Hauptbahnhof, in the
city centre, and there are two smaller main line stations at
Pasing, in the west of the city, and Munich Ostbahnhof in
the east. All three are connected to the public transport
system and serve as transportation hubs.
ICE highspeed trains stop at Munich-Pasing and Munich-
Hauptbahnhof only. InterCity and EuroCity trains to des-
tinations east of Munich also stop at Munich East. Since
28 May 2006 Munich has been connected to Nuremberg
via Ingolstadt by the 300 km/h (186 mph) Nuremberg
Munich high-speed railway line.
The trade fair transport logistic is held every two years at
the Neue Messe Mnchen (Messe Mnchen International).
12.4 Individual transportation
Munich is an integral part of the motorway network
of southern Germany. Motorways from Stuttgart (W),
Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Berlin (N), Deggendorf and
Munich motorway network
The Mariensule (Marys column)
Passau (E), Salzburg and Innsbruck (SE), Garmisch
Partenkirchen (S) and Lindau (SW) terminate at Munich,
allowing direct access to the dierent parts of Germany,
Austria and Italy.
Trac is however, often very heavy in and around Mu-
nich. Trac jams are commonplace during rush hour and
at the beginning and end of major holidays in Germany,
in no small part due to poor trac light changing pat-
terns and synchronisation. There are few green waves
or roundabouts. Another contributing factor is the lack
of a proper ring road. This mittlere Ring is a ring road
in name only and is a loosely connected system of roads
with many trac light controlled junctions.
12.5 Cycling
Main article: Cycling in Munich
Cycling is recognised as a good alternative to motorised
transport and the growing number of bicycle lanes are
widely used throughout the year. They are mostly not
segregated from foot paths, making them dangerous to
both parties. Many of the cycle path surfaces are of poor
quality often due to the roots of roadside trees breaking
through the tarmac, fortunately the roads themselves are
seldom aected by these tree roots. The cycle paths usu-
ally involve a longer route than by the road as they are
diverted around objects and the presence of pedestrians
tends to make them quite slow.
A modern bike hire system is available within the area
bounded by the Mittlerer Ring.
13 Around Munich
The Munich agglomeration sprawls across the plain of
the Alpine foothills comprising about 2.6 million inhab-
itants. Several smaller traditional Bavarian towns and
cities like Dachau, Freising, Erding, Starnberg, Landshut
and Moosburg are today part of the Greater Munich Re-
gion, formed by Munich and the surrounding districts,
making up the Munich Metropolitan Region, which has
a population of about 4.5 million people.
14 International relations
See also: List of twin towns and sister cities in Germany
Munich is twinned with the following cities (date of
agreement shown in parentheses).
Edinburgh, Scotland, United King-
Verona, Italy (1960)
Bordeaux, France (1964)
Sapporo, Japan (1972)
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States (1989)
Kiev, Ukraine (1989)
Cherkessk, Russia
Harare, Zimbabwe (1996)
Plaque in the Neues Rathaus (New City Hall) showing Munichs
twin towns and sister cities
15 Famous people
See also: List of honorary citizens of Munich
15.1 Born in Munich
15.2 Famous residents
16 References
[1] Fortschreibung des Bevlkerungsstandes. Bayerisches
Landesamt fr Statistik und Datenverarbeitung (in Ger-
man). 31 December 2013.
[2] Names of European cities in dierent languages: MP#M
[4] Ocial Munich Tourism Site
[5] Landeshauptstadt Mnchen - Mnchen Mag Dich
[6] Best cities in the world (Mercer)". City Mayors. Re-
trieved 7 April 2011.
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trieved 25 May 2013.
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Innovation Cities Top 100 Index | 2010 | Innova-
tion Cities Program Analyst Reports, Index Rankings,
Benchmarking Data, Workshops.
Retrieved 7 April 2011.
[9] Quality of Life Survey 2013. Monocle. Retrieved 1
March 2014.
[10] Ausstellung im Foyer. Retrieved 25
July 2012.
[11] Mercer Human Resource Consulting
[12] 2007 Cost of Living Report Munich Mercer Human Re-
source Consulting
[13] Gesunde Luft fr Gesunde Brger - Stoppt Dieselru! -
Greenpeace misst Feinstaub und Dieselru in Mnchen.
Greenpeace-Munich branch. 28 June 2005. Retrieved 25
July 2012.
[14] World Weather Information Service Munich. June
[15] Temperatur: langjhrige Mittelwerte 1981 - 2010.
11.06.2013. Check date values in: |date= (help)
[16] Die Bevlkerung in den Stadtbezirken nach ausgewhlten
Konfessionen am31.12.2009. Retrieved 1 January 2009.
[17] Die Bevlkerung in den Stadtbezirken nach ausgewhlten
Konfessionen am 31.12.2008 (in German). Statistisches
Amt Mnchen. Retrieved 22 January 2010.
[18] Best 110 historic places worldwide. Trav- Retrieved 14 April
[19] Munich in SL
[20] Olympia 2018 in Sdkorea, Mnchen chancenlos. Die
Welt (in German). 6 July 2011. Retrieved 6 July 2011.
[22] Museum Reich der Kristalle Mnchen. Lrz- Retrieved 5 May 2009.
[23] Circus Krone: Europes largest traditional circus. Mu- December 2005. Retrieved 1 May 2013.
[24] Study conducted by INSM (New Social Market Econ-
omy Initiative) and WirtschaftsWoche magazine. Icm- Retrieved 25 July 2012.
[25] Statistik der BA. Retrieved
16 July 2014.
[26] Artikel empfehlen: (27 September 2010). Endlich
amtlich: Kln ist Millionenstadt. Retrieved
15 September 2011.
[27] In Hesse the purchasing power is highest in Germany
CyberPress. Retrieved 25 July 2012.
[28] Landeshauptstadt Mnchen, Direktorium, Statistisches
Amt: Statistisches Jahrbuch 2007, page 206 (Statistical
Yearbook of the City of Munich 2007)
[29] Global 500 2008: Cities. 21 July
2008. Retrieved 25 July 2012.
[30] Munich Literature House: About Us. Retrieved 17
February 2008.
[31] Bavaria Film GmbH: Company Start.
Retrieved 25 July 2012.
[32] Top 10 Largest Companies in Munich. Re-
trieved 24 February 2014.
[33] Germany to build maglev railway. BBC News (BBC). 25
September 2007. Retrieved 7 April 2008.
[34] Germany Scraps Transrapid Rail Plans. Deutsche
Welle. 27 March 2008. Retrieved 27 March 2008.
[35] Flughafen Oberpfaenhofen: Rolle rckwrts - Bay-
ern - Aktuelles - merkur-online (in German). Merkur- Retrieved 25 July 2012.
[36] GmbH, Munich, Germany. Flughafen
Oberpfaenhofen - Business-Jets willkommen -
Mnchen. Retrieved 25 July 2012.
[37] Region Munich. Retrieved 14
April 2010.
[38] Partnerstdte. (in German). Retrieved 3
April 2013.
[39] "Edinburgh Twin and Partner Cities". 2008 The City
of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, High Street, Ed-
inburgh, EH1 1YJ Scotland. Archived from the original
on 28 March 2008. Retrieved 21 December 2008.
[40] Twin and Partner Cities. City of Edinburgh Council.
Retrieved 16 January 2009.
[41] "Verona Gemellaggi" (in Italian). Council of Verona,
Italy. Retrieved 3 April 2013.
[42] Bordeaux - Rayonnement europen et mondial. Mairie
de Bordeaux (in French). Archived from the original on 7
February 2013. Retrieved 29 July 2013.
[43] Bordeaux-Atlas franais de la coopration dcentralise
et des autres actions extrieures. Dlgation pour lAction
Extrieure des Collectivits Territoriales (Ministre des Af-
faires trangres) (in French). Archived from the original
on 7 February 2013. Retrieved 29 July 2013.
[44] DSDS 2012: Kandidat Joey Heindle (in German).
RTL. Retrieved 18 April 2012.
17 External links
Munich Tourist Oce up-to-date information for
Mnchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund public
transport network
On the brink: Munich 19181919
Munichfound magazine for English speaking
Destination Munich An online guide
Munich Airport Ocial Website Franz Josef
Strauss Airport - local TV station
Europe Pictures Munich
Geocoded Pictures of Munich
Munich City Panoramas Panoramic Views and
virtual Tours
Globosapiens Travel Community Travel Tips
Tales from Toytown Photos of Munich
Munich photo gallery
18 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses
18.1 Text
Munich Source: Contributors: Magnus Manske, Paul Drye, Kpjas, The Cuncta-
tor, Mav, Uriyan, Jeronimo, Mark, Larry Sanger, Andre Engels, Eclecticology, Danny, XJaM, BadDoggie, Maury Markowitz, Mintguy,
Sfdan, Michel.SLM, Hephaestos, Olivier, Lir, Patrick, Infrogmation, Michael Hardy, Paul Barlow, Liftarn, Gabbe, Delirium, Michael-
Janich, Ellywa, Fantasy, Docu, CatherineMunro, Darkwind, Djmutex, Kricke, Kimiko, Nikai, Ruhrjung, Rob Hooft, Mxn, Pjbeef, Elvis,
Karl Schalike, Adam Bishop, JonMoore, Stone, Lfh, N-true, WhisperToMe, Wik, Timc, Tpbradbury, Furrykef, K1Bond007, LMB, Sam-
sara, Morn, Nickshanks, Mackensen, Wetman, Qertis, Eugene van der Pijll, Branddobbe, AlexPlank, Robbot, Dale Arnett, Caroig, Chris
73, RedWolf, Cfaerber, Baldhur, Altenmann, Stephan Schulz, Modulatum, Hella, Nach0king, Ktotam, Diderot, Halibutt, Delpino, Wik-
ibot, Wereon, Lupo, SpellBott, Gdansk, Roeschter, Ferkelparade, HangingCurve, Michael.chlistalla, Hokanomono, David Johnson, Cy-
borgTosser, Cantus, Patrick.sauter, Highlander, Jce, Steggall, Avala, Jackol, Tagishsimon, Edcolins, Defence, Woggly, Utcursch, SoWhy,
Andycjp, Geni, Formeruser-81, Akkolon, Snappler, Antandrus, Bgbot, Nzpcmad, Girolamo Savonarola, Jesster79, Lesouris, Necrothesp,
Eranb, Neutrality, Urhixidur, TJSwoboda, Picapica, Grm wnr, Demiurge, Surngslovak, Deleteme42, Qui1che, Grstain, Kmccoy, D6,
Reinthal, DanielCD, Jiy, Rdb, Bornintheguz, Chris j wood, Brianhe, ElTyrant, Rich Farmbrough, Guanabot, Florian Blaschke, HeikoEv-
ermann, Wefa, Prijks, David Schaich, Mani1, Paul August, Edgarde, Bender235, S.K., Doron, IsarSteve, Stombs, Kwamikagami, Shanes,
Femto, Markussep, CeeGee, Bobo192, Directorstratton, Sicherlich, Cmdrjameson, Cohesion, ArkansasTraveler, DaveGorman, Juzeris,
Jcr2, Slambo, Polylerus, Krellis, Vanished user azby388723i8jfjh32, Bjornkri, A2Kar, Danski14, Alansohn, Shadikka, Hektor, Snow-
Fire, SlaveToTheWage, Ncik, Lectonar, Kotasik, Denniss, Tancred, Snowolf, Yossiea, SidP, VivaEmilyDavies, Omphaloscope, Kusma,
Axeman89, Markaci, Mag2k, TShilo12, Zntrip, Pcpcpc, Stemonitis, Angr, Rorschach, Mel Etitis, Kurmis, TarmoK, Scriberius, Lapunkd,
JeremyA, Kristaga, Je3000, Acerperi, Kelisi, Pdn, Bernburgerin, Doco, Furukama, Palica, LimoWreck, Rnt20, Graham87, Brazzy,
Descendall, BD2412, Kbdank71, JIP, Grammarbot, Sjakkalle, Rjwilmsi, Eoghanacht, Tim!, Chipuni, Jivecat, Astronaut, Travel2dance,
MZMcBride, Maybe, XLerate, Oxydo, Ligulem, Brighterorange, Olessi, MarnetteD, Ravidreams, Moomint, FlaBot, Daderot, Jhaase,
SiGarb, Koroner, Crazycomputers, Sean WI, Legalides, RexNL, Gurch, Romankawe, Str1977, TeaDrinker, D.brodale, Alphachimp,
Ahunt, Chobot, Kresspahl, Baptistej, DTOx, 334a, Krawunsel, JPD, YurikBot, Wavelength, NuMessiah, RobotE, Ilia, RussBot, Fabar-
tus, Dili, Lofty, Splash, Markus Schmaus, Gaius Cornelius, Philopedia, Dysmorodrepanis, Aeusoes1, Kingje, Jamesg, Dureo, Bmdavll,
THB, Kanaye, Wangi, BassPlyr23, Cccc3333, User27091, Wknight94, Phgao, Lt-wiki-bot, Icedwater, Bayerischermann, Closedmouth,
Josh3580, Hayden120, Mais oui!, Spliy, Curpsbot-unicodify, Whouk, Katieh5584, GrinBot, KornX, DocendoDiscimus, Wai Hong, At-
tilios, Amalthea, SmackBot, YellowMonkey, Aim Here, KnowledgeOfSelf, McGeddon, CTC, Lagalag, Franchecomt, Dani skr, Uny-
oyega, Well, girl, look at you!, Bomac, AndreasJS, Adammathias, Jab843, Veesicle, Primaryspace, Peter Isotalo, WolframSiever, Gilliam,
Donama, Ohnoitsjamie, Averette, AstroZombieDC, Izehar, Chris the speller, Kurykh, Geneb1955, Rjd83, PrimeHunter, MalafayaBot,
SchftyThree, Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg, Heikoh, Breadandcheese, DHN-bot, Colonies Chris, Para, Einemnet, Can't sleep,
clown will eat me, Shalom Yechiel, Ajdz, OrphanBot, Jennica, EOZyo, Nikostar, Greenshed, Kcordina, Edivorce, SundarBot, Rareli-
bra, Reiver, Gogafax, Khoikhoi, Marcushan, Regnator, ArtVandelay13, BadgerBadger, Nakon, MichaelBillington, Dreadstar, Lord Eru,
Jan.Kamenicek, Jaellee, Seewolf, O RLY?, Jna runn, NicDE, Ohconfucius, Aviper2k7, SashatoBot, Krashlandon, Eric82oslo, Sev-
enTen, John, Marco polo, NewTestLeper79, Lancslad, Ocatecir, HADRIANVS, 16@r, Agathoclea, Willy turner, SirFozzie, Mets501,
TastyPoutine, Marcipangris, MTSbot, Jose77, Xionbox, Hetar, Iridescent, Dockingman, Kaarel, Joseph Solis in Australia, Freber1977,
Antiedman, Fgrammen, GDallimore, Nfutvol, MGlosenger, CapitalR, LadyofShalott, Adambiswanger1, Courcelles, Something Wicked,
Tawkerbot2, Axt, CmdrObot, IP129.55.27.4, GeraldH, Page Up, Nczempin, R9tgokunks, Green caterpillar, Y2k156, DanielRigal, Pe-
ruukki, FlyingToaster, Lentower, Lazulilasher, Neelix, C5mjohn, Glenn4pr, Pertti, HH58, Lear 21, Cydebot, Honk squeak, Poeticbent,
Reywas92, Rieman 82,, Mon4, Tawkerbot4, JoppaFlats, U47, After Midnight, Thrapper, Joowwww, Mathpianist93, Betacom-
mandBot, Thijs!bot, Tommy23, Martin Shipway, Laxplayer630, Fluxbot, Jacksav, WilliamH, Marek69, Dyslexik, Java13690, Merbabu,
Jankohrasko, Dfrg.msc, Q'Alex, CharlotteWebb, Lajsikonik, Sean William, Porqin, AntiVandalBot, Luna Santin, Munich Markets, Emer-
aldcityserendipity, Eirik Raude, Aufs klo, CZmarlin, Alextwa, Quintote, Lovibond, Euratlas, Smith2006, F McGady, Jj137, Zachwoo, Cin-
namon42, Tjmayerinsf, MalcolmSpudbury, Modernist, Malcolm, R.P.D., Osloboslo, Storkk, Feralcats, Myanw, Richiez, Res2216restar,
Sluzzelin, Ioeth, JAnDbot, Deective, MER-C, Epeeeche, Wwb, Matthew Fennell, Leolaursen, Basilicum, MIKElovesgermanchicks,
Rothorpe, Chumwa, SiobhanHansa, Pseudothyrum, McDange, Pedro, VoABot II, PPlus, MartinDK, Nickpheas, Alexander Domanda,
Manderiko, Aquinate, Janadore, Hypergeek14, Indon, Styrofoam1994, DerHexer, Esanchez7587, Cloudz679, Welshleprechaun, Cocy-
tus, S3000, EtienneDolet, Flowanda, MartinBot, 52 Pickup, Gasheadsteve, Dietzel65, MarkBA, APT, Jim.henderson, LugPaj, Keith D,
Fastman99, R'n'B, CommonsDelinker, Husken, AlexiusHoratius, Tikiwont, Ayecee, Monkeyzpop, Katalaveno, El4tselaer, Thewetdog-
project, Koloron, Kazu89, Plasticup, Lemsus, Kingofears, Warut, Richard D. LeCour, NewEnglandYankee, Rwessel, Ahuskay, 2812, In-
dymemerson1, Imtrogdor, Vanished user 39948282, Pastordavid, Baner17, Andy Marchbanks, Jerry106, Warrior1974, Idioma-bot, Lights,
VolkovBot, Tigerpranke, Vtguy4242, AlnoktaBOT, W. B. Wilson, Monkeyinaspasm, Funkysapien, Philip Trueman, TXiKiBoT, RRKenni-
son, RARCA, Captain Courageous, Davehood, Samira1, Qxz, Vanished user ikijeirw34iuaeolaseric, DFSwiki, Travellingbazaar, JhsBot,
Der Wolf im Wald, LeaveSleaves, ^demonBot2, Bentley4, Sorcha niri, Akerbeltz, Johan Bewegingsorganisatie, Henryodell, Peeperman,
Potato420, Enigmaman, SyphonicSniper, Altermike, Barbthedarb, Abs786, Enviroboy, Praxinquaye, Hughstew, Scheibenzahl, KFM, Eden
Tate, Le Fou, K10wnsta, AlleborgoBot, Logan, Deanfreeman, NHRHS2010, EmxBot, Ciara304, Icsunonove, Michellecrisp, EJF, Thucy-
dides of Thrace, SieBot, Hasanbay, Suklaa, PsY.cHo, WereSpielChequers, EwokiWiki, Eternal dragon, Cactus26, Caltas, Rangutan, Smsar-
mad, Testsieger73, Barliner, Keilana, Dwane E Anderson, OG Owain Glyndwr, JetLover, Steve9483, TheUserFormallyKnownAsEmkaer,
Oxymoron83, Pika ten10, Lightmouse, RSStockdale, Asker-Asker, Jaimiethedog, StaticGull, Cyfal, Cameron Laird, Mygerardromance,
Hamiltondaniel, Denisarona, Finneganw, Amazonien, ImageRemovalBot, Martarius, ClueBot, Shinji008, The Thing That Should Not Be,
Twhite 88, Buxbaum666, Liuzhou, Meekywiki, Franamax, Mutters mueller, Jackwestmore, Rudolph Buch, Imperium Europeum, Luke-
Hogg123, Sabri76, ChandlerMapBot, Masterpiece2000, DragonBot, Alasdair. burger, Alexbot, Samasamas, Syslord2k, MatttK, Sem-
preVolando, James.mccann1b, Eeekster, Rhododendrites, Bercant, MickMacNee, N p holmes, Puceron, BOTarate, Mattissa, DerBorg,
Romney yw, Clouha, Versus22, MelonBot, Berean Hunter, Julian1117, DumZiBoT, Oskar71, Marlii like hawaii, XLinkBot, Colors99,
Pichpich, BodhisattvaBot, Auslli, Avoided, TFOWR, Themoridian, SilvonenBot, Mifter, HerkusMonte, Badgernet, Abomasnow, Surtsicna,
Joeylova, Massimo Catarinella, Dneale52, Chevy1948, OCTopus-en, Arjuna92, Theomuc, Prattlement, Ingridmarina, Blethering Scot,
MartinezMD, Leszek Jaczuk, Gwynplain, Lampford, Cst17, Eutectic2011, LaaknorBot, Weaseal, Robert.carpenter, Favonian, SpBot,
Numbo3-bot, Tharnton345, YorkUCBoy, Jimmycrackcorn44, Lightbot, Zorrobot, Slgcat, Javakhk, Spiritualism, Unstudmaddu, SaintHam-
mett, John-vogel, Cote d'Azur, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Senator Palpatine, Fraggle81, House1630, Reenem, Hanielzimba, KamikazeBot, Swis-
terTwister, MacTire02, Szajci, AnomieBOT, Fredster118, YeshuaDavid, Rjanag, Galoubet, Bartleby08, Mahmudmasri, Materialscientist,
243MG, Bobbie501, Turco85, OllieFury, ArthurBot, Xqbot, TinucherianBot II, Jordiferrer, Ulf Heinsohn, DSisyphBot, NFD9001, Ste-
fan.weiss, Almabot, GrouchoBot, Omnipaedista, Oprahwinfrey24, Jsmithcloser, RibotBOT, MadGeographer, Hornymanatee, Vdjj1960,
Thehelpfulbot, Haldraper, Michielverbeek, GT5162, Wikationer, FrescoBot, Amrei-Marie, Aleksa Lukic, Sartoresartus, Emmadubik,
Volarei, M2545, Scarabocchio, Jonathandeamer, Nillurcheier, Mileyweather, Stu700, Meister Eiskalt, Mbs z, Rak-Tai, Reconsider the
static, Gerda Arendt, FoxBot, TheLewisRepublic, TobeBot, SchreyP, Juhko, Teddycom, Wikiwiserick, Crane4, 1020bravozulu, Bierstein,
Connelly90, GGT, Weedwhacker128, Ammodramus, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Stephreef, Nordbad, Ripchip Bot, Ajkajk2014, EmausBot,
Justuri, Sinazita, WikitanvirBot, Jjozoko, Trav5000, Dewritech, Chris How 1236, Conservator.1985, Yashpu, CharlesCasiraghi, Maturion,
K6ka, P. S. F. Freitas, Thecheesykid, Umumu, Tias1999, Dusselmann, Josve05a, Jojajuful, Davykamanzi, Subtropical-man, A930913,
H3llBot, IIIraute, Frochtrup, MisterGugaruz, Sroen, Pun, Globi2002, Ruskinmonkey, JKWELL, Kartasto, Haddockdonicely, Sven Man-
guard, MCEC, Rocketrod1960, Davidartois, Blackmane, ClueBot NG, Cwmhiraeth, Mansmokingacigar, Heysford, Pluppo, TomWatsonB,
Treplag, MusicGeek101, Pokemonblackds, Alphasinus, Masssly, Secret of success, Oddbodz, Helpful Pixie Bot, New10n, DBigXray,
BG19bot, Kuwaitsoccer, Rui Niemietz, AwamerT, Militaryartist, Wesley Mouse, Edk1991, Yevaveva, Sergio123456789, Daplehead,
Ctconnolly, Arturmuelleridiot67, Muenchnerkindl, Lommaren, BattyBot, Rahulrahul22, Anthrophilos, Mr.StateOfShock, Avda-berlin,
Mediran, PJ van Zaelen, Khazar2, JYBot, Helmy oved, Dexbot, Dissident93, Amelia Fitzpatrick, Vonoserbizky Spartacus, Lugia2453,
Delinbaqoqwiki, Freeman45Fighter, JustAMuggle, NomadFreelance, Iknowuremad, EzA+lSeb Nnakari, LateAtWiki, Eyesnore, Inglok,
Ibenjaming, B14709, Anna Karolina Heinrich, Marigold100, Cizlini, Johnmctrollston, Bobmctrollston, Werddemer, ProPublicoBono, Wil-
lowbean, 2eight, Meganesia, Chriv77, Meemo16, Monkbot, Anestis18, Chrissperl, Stribog1, Amiin10, Reliablesource420, Pikeas2395,
Gideonmiller, Blessedsisyphus, 09ac, Erinaedu, Grammar Grinder, Dashielltucker42, Guajara3718 and Anonymous: 1319
18.2 Images
File:Allianz_Arena_zu_verschiedenen_Zeiten.jpg Source:
verschiedenen_Zeiten.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-2.5 Contributors: [Image:Allianz arena daylight Richard Bartz.jpg], [Image:Allianz arena
golden hour Richard Bartz.jpg], [Image:Allianz arena at night Richard Bartz.jpg]. Original artist: Richard Bartz, Munich aka Makro
Freak <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='MFB.jpg' src='//
commons/1/1e/MFB.jpg' width='80' height='15' data-le-width='80' data-le-height='15' /></a>, Composition Niabot
File:BMW-HQ.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Transferred from en.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by Tanvir using CommonsHelper.
Original artist: Cccc3333 (talk). Original uploader was Cccc3333 at en.wikipedia
File:BMW_Welt_Night.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-
SA-2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Richard Bartz
File:BMW_building_munich.jpg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Benutzer:Fantasy Original artist: Benutzer:Fantasy
File:Bayerisches_Nationalmuseum_-_Muenchen_-_2013.jpg Source:
Bayerisches_Nationalmuseum_-_Muenchen_-_2013.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Avda
File:BeergartenenMunich.jpg Source: License: ? Contributors:
Own work
Original artist:
Laxplayer630 (talk) (Uploads)
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Compass_rose_pale.svg Source: License: CC-BY-
SA-3.0 Contributors: svg version of Image:Compass-rose-pale.png, made to look similar to Image:Reinel compass rose.svg. Original artist:
File:East.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
DarkEvil. Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Englischer_Garten_from_Monopteros.JPG Source:
from_Monopteros.JPG License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Ludmia Pilecka
File:Flag_of_Australia.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Austria.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work, Original artist: User:SKopp
File:Flag_of_Bavaria_(lozengy).svg Source:
29.svg License: Public domain Contributors:
Bundeszentrale fr politische Bildung: Wappen und Flaggen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ihrer Lnder 3. Auage. Magdeburger
Druckerei GmbH, Bonn 1994, ISBN 3-89331-206-4. Original artist: diese Datei: Jwnabd
File:Flag_of_Belgium.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Van den Bussche, E., Chief of Protocol, Belgian Federal Department of the Interior (2008) Noble Belgique, Mre chrie -
LE PROTOCOLE EN BELGIQUE (PROTOCOL IN BELGIUM), Heule: Editions UGA ISBN: 9789067689359. Original artist: Dbenbenn and
File:Flag_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina.svg Source:
Herzegovina.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Kseferovic
File:Flag_of_Brazil.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Canada.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
18.2 Images 21
File:Flag_of_Croatia.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Nightstallion, Elephantus, Neoneo13, Denelson83, Rainman,
R-41, Minestrone, Lupo, Zscout370,
<a href='//' title='User:MaGa'>Ma</a><a href='//
File:Croatian_squares_Ljubicic.gif' class='image'><img alt='Croatian squares Ljubicic.gif' src='//
wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/Croatian_squares_Ljubicic.gif/15px-Croatian_squares_Ljubicic.gif' width='15' height='15'
1.5x, //
2x' data-le-width='202' data-le-height='202' /></a><a href='//' title='User
talk:MaGa'>Ga</a> (based on Decision of the Parliament)
File:Flag_of_Finland.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp
File:Flag_of_France.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_German_Reich_(19351945).svg Source:
Reich_%281935%E2%80%931945%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fornax
File:Flag_of_Germany.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Greece.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: own code Original artist: (of code) cs:User:-xfi- (talk)
File:Flag_of_Greece_(1822-1978).svg Source:
%281822-1978%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: own code Original artist: (of code) User:Makaristos
File:Flag_of_Italy.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Japan.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Mexico.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: This vector image was created with Inkscape. Original artist: Alex Covarrubias, 9 April 2006
File:Flag_of_Munich_(striped).svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Peeperman
File:Flag_of_Poland.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Russia.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Serbia.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: From Original artist:
File:Flag_of_South_Korea.svg Source: License: Pub-
lic domain Contributors: Ordinance Act of the Lawconcerning the National Flag of the Republic of Korea, Construction and color guidelines
(Russian/English) This site is not exist now.(2012.06.05) Original artist: Various
File:Flag_of_Spain.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Sweden.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Turkey.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Turkish Flag Law (Trk Bayra Kanunu), Law nr. 2893 of 22 September 1983. Text (in Turkish) at the website of the
Turkish Historical Society (Trk Tarih Kurumu) Original artist: David Benbennick (original author)
File:Flag_of_Ukraine.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: 4512:2006 - .
SVG: 2010
Original artist:
File:Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work after Original artist: User:Madden
File:Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Zscout370
File:Flag_of_the_People{}s_Republic_of_China.svg Source:
People%27s_Republic_of_China.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work,
design.html Original artist: Drawn by User:SKopp, redrawn by User:Denelson83 and User:Zscout370
File:Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union_(1955-1980).svg Source:
Union_%281955-1980%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: self-made from Image:Flag of the Soviet Union.svg using back-
ground color from Image:Flag of the Soviet Union 1923.svg Original artist: Cmapm
File:Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg Source: Li-
cense: ? Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_the_United_States.svg Source: License: ?
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Folder_Hexagonal_Icon.svg Source: License: ? Con-
tributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Frauenkirche_Munich_-_View_from_Peterskirche_Tower2.jpg Source:
da/Frauenkirche_Munich_-_View_from_Peterskirche_Tower2.jpg License: CC-BY-2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Dili
File:FriedensengelMunchen.JPG Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Original artist:
Cccc3333 (talk)
File:Germany_Mnchen_Monks.jpg Source:
Monks.jpg License: CC-BY-2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Rebecca Kennison
File:Germany_location_map.svg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work, using United States National Imagery and Mapping Agency data Original artist: NordNordWest
File:Glyptothek_in_Mnchen.jpg Source:
jpg License: CC-BY-2.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Oliver Kurmis
File:Hochschule_Muenchen_Ansicht_Lothstrasse.jpg Source:
Muenchen_Ansicht_Lothstrasse.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Johannes Vogel
File:Image-Schloss_Nymphenburg_Munich_CC_edit3.jpg Source:
Image-Schloss_Nymphenburg_Munich_CC_edit3.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Richard
Bartz, Munich aka Makro Freak <a href='//' class='image'><img alt='MFB.jpg'
src='//' width='80' height='15' data-le-width='80' data-le-height='15'
File:Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt_Mnchen.jpg Source:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit%C3%A4t_M%C3%BCnchen.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Originally from de.wikipedia;
description page is/was here. Original artist: Original uploader was Wzwz at de.wikipedia
File:LudwigstraeMUC.jpg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-2.0-de Contributors: Own work (Original text: David Kostner) Original artist: David Kostner
File:Marcktzumuenchen.png Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Topographia Germaniae, Ausgabe Topographia Bavariae, 1642 Original artist: Matthus Merian the Elder
File:Merchant_flag_of_Japan_(1870).svg Source:
%281870%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: kahusi - <a href='//' title='User
talk:Kahusi'>(Talk)</a>'s le Original artist: kahusi - <a href='//' title='User talk:
File:Muenchen_Kleines_Stadtwappen.svg Source:
Stadtwappen.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
File:Mun_flags_frauenkirche.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia Original artist: Original uploader was Rnt20 at en.wikipedia. Later version(s)
were uploaded by Ian Dunster at en.wikipedia.
File:Munchen_collage.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-
3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.
(Original text : Based on:
:File:Rathaus and Marienplatz from Peterskirche - August 2006.jpg by :commons:User:Diliff
:File:Frauenkirche Munich - View from Peterskirche Tower2.jpg by :commons:User:Diliff
:File:Image-Schloss Nymphenburg Munich CC edit3.jpg by :commons:User:Makro Freak
:File:BMW-HQ.jpg by User:Cccc3333
:File:Mnchen Hofgartentempel.jpg by :commons:User:Kurmis
Original artist: Alphasinus
File:Munich_-_Maria_column_05.jpg Source:
jpg License: CC-BY-SA-2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Nino Barbieri
File:Munich_Olympiapark.jpg Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 Contributors: Own work (own photo) Original artist: Luk Hron
File:Mnchen,_Viktualienmarkt_met_das_Alte_Rathaus_D-1-62-000-4289_positie2_2012-08-05_15.29.jpg Source:
D-1-62-000-4289_positie2_2012-08-05_15.29.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Michielverbeek
File:Mnchen_Hofgartentempel.jpg Source:
Hofgartentempel.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0-de Contributors:
Original artist: Oliver Kurmis
File:Mnchen_Nationaltheater_Interior.jpg Source:
Nationaltheater_Interior.jpg License: CC-BY-3.0 Contributors: Own work (own photograph) Original artist: Photo: Andreas Praefcke
18.3 Content license 23
File:Mnchens_Partnerstdte.jpg Source:
C3%A4dte.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Richard Huber
File:Mnchner_Mittlerer_Ring.png Source:
Ring.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work (Original text: selbst erstellt) Original artist: Dick Tracy at German Wikipedia
File:North.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.
Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Oktoberfest1.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Con-
tributors: Upload-History: de.wikipedia: 11:45, 21. Feb 2004 . . Michael.chlistalla Original artist: Michael.chlistalla
File:Olympiasee.jpg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Martin
Kostov Original artist: Martin Kostov
File:Portal-puzzle.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist:
File:Rathaus_and_Marienplatz_from_Peterskirche_-_August_2006.jpg Source:
7/73/Rathaus_and_Marienplatz_from_Peterskirche_-_August_2006.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
File:Red_pog.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:South.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.
Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Speaker_Icon.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:St._Lukas_Mariannenbruecke_Muenchen-1.jpg Source:
Mariannenbruecke_Muenchen-1.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Rufus46
File:Stadtbezirke_Lage_in_Mnchen.png Source:
C3%BCnchen.png License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: originally uploaded to de.wikipedia by author, self-made by author Original
artist: Tom Gensler
File:Stadtbild_Mnchen.jpg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0-de Contributors: Own work Original artist: Thomas Wolf,
File:Symbol_information_vote.svg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: handmade Original artist: Theoteryi
File:The_Maximilianeum_Building.jpg Source:
Building.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Michael J Fromholtz
File:US_flag_45_stars.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:US_flag_48_stars.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Verkehrsnetz_Mnchen.png Source:
License: CC-BY-SA-2.5 Contributors: Self made (logos used: DB, MVV, S-Bahn, U-Bahn, Tram, Bus, Taxi, Baustelle, Rollstuhl, P+R;
some are modied) Original artist: Maximilian Drrbecker (Chumwa)
File:Wardamage2.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contrib-
utors: Original uploaded on en.wikipedia Original artist: Original uploaded by F McGady (Transfered by XenonX3)
File:Weisswurst.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:
? Original artist: ?
File:West.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: DarkEvil.
Original artist: DarkEvil
File:Wiki_Eurovision_Heart_(Infobox).svg Source:
%28Infobox%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 Contributors: the English language Wikipedia (log) Original artist: AxG
File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Bastique, User:Ramac et al.
File:Wikiquote-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
File:Wikiversity-logo-Snorky.svg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Snorky
File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs), based
on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber
18.3 Content license
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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