06 - Overcoming Communication Barriers

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Overcoming Communication Barriers

Communication Skills

Prof. Ravindran

Session 6

It is practically difficult to achieve total
perfection in communication because human
weaknesses are involved at every stage in the
communication process.
Therefore, it should be the endeavours of
everyone to remove or minimize communication

Overcoming the Barriers
The Simple Rules
Defining the purpose
what are you trying to achieve? Put yourself in the recipient place. Also
cut out all material which is not central to your intentions.
Knowing when and how to communicate
the right person, right time, right situation.
Understanding the receiver
understand recipients vocabulary, background and attitudes - means a
mental picture . Also the status between the sender and receiver.
Personal communication skills
ability to write clear English, directly and without ambiguity in formal
and informal situations.

Overcoming the Barriers
In addition, the following will serve as useful guidelines to better
communication and also to overcome barriers:
1. Clarification of ideas before communicating
2. Creating a trustful atmosphere
3. Agreement between words and actions
4. Choice of correct channel of communication
5. Positive attitude
6. Careful usage of language
7. Competency in the use of communication technology
8. Principle of follow-up
9. Consideration of the circumstances of communication
10. Principle of understanding

Overcoming the Barriers
First analyse the idea or message as unclear ideas
result in confused understanding
Formulate the message properly and precisely
Utilize pauses for thinking what to speak next

Overcoming the Barriers
2. Creating a trustful atmosphere
Project a reliable, trustworthy and helpful image
Build up an hospitable/warm environment
Sender has to create as credible in the eyes of the
If the receiver is skeptical about the sender, it will take
time to open up and accept the ideas of the sender

Overcoming the Barriers
Make your actions go with your words, something
like a man of words
If it doesnt, the receiver would be in a fix of
what to believe, actions or words?

Overcoming the Barriers
How many channels are available
Examine the pros and cons
Select the one which best suites to the purpose
For example, whistle is the best media for the
traffic police to control vehicles movements

Overcoming the Barriers
5. Positive attitude
Positive attitude is an habit, not choice. As
communicator one must consciously develop the habit.
Keep an open mind to learn better methods
Train yourselves for better communication
Consider the view points of others.

Overcoming the Barriers
Must not use explosive or emotive words
Also should not use bombastic, difficult words
Avoid use of jargon
Usage of unambiguous and apt words will save
the speech

Overcoming the Barriers
7. Competency in the use of communication technology
Have fair knowledge of modern communication
For example, computer, fax machine, electronic mail etc.
A computer illiterate person may create barrier to
efficient communication.

Overcoming the Barriers
Check whether the receiver has understood the
message proper and fully
For example, in oral and in written

Overcoming the Barriers
9. Consideration of the circumstances of communication
It mean the place as well as the time of communication
For example, a confidential message, warning, persuasion,
expressing emotion like love will be more effective in
private places rather than public places.
Keep in mind the time of the day for getting the desired
Physical barriers like noise should be removed before
communicating an important message

Overcoming the Barriers
10. Principle of understanding
Always focus on the receiver and his needs
To understand others, develop listening skills
In written communication, give more stress on the
pronoun you rather than I
The use of polite words and expressions help to create

Barriers can be eliminated or at least
minimized if sufficient efforts are put
in the process of communication.
If desired well, the communication can
be efficient and effective.





Shyam was the chief accountant in a medium sized commercial firm. He was very
sincere and competent in his work. One day, he received a message from his relative
who had come to the city from his native place that his mother is ill. He was worried
and wanted to see his mother immediately. His native place was a typical village
without any modern means of communication. Before leaving he handed over all the
important documents and password of his computer written on a piece of paper to the
manager so that he can manage the situation in his absence. But the manager
misplaced the piece of paper of the password of Shyams computer which contained
all the statistical data of the accounts of the firm. The manager tried to contact
Shyam on his mobile phone but it was out of the coverage area. There was no other
means with which he could be immediately contacted. Shyam came back after five
days but meanwhile the firm had to face heavy losses due to the unavailability of the
essential statistical data.
1. Describe the kind of barrier to communication observed in this case study?
2. Was Shyam responsible for the losses?
3. What are your suggestions to avoid losses if such a situation arises in future
Read the case study and answer the questions
given below:

Next lecture:
Communicating in


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