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Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation

Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program


Author : Ajit Kesari IAS
CMD,Central Discom, Bhopal
Co-Authors: Er. K.C. Jain and Er. Rinku Das

(National Seminar on Best Practices in Electricity Distribution 18 - 20 Jan.’06, Mumbai)


In power system, Distribution plays a very important part as the consumers are directly
affected by its efficiency. For meeting different future needs of the distribution system,
up gradation of the existing system, to increase the efficiency and to reduce the
technical losses, proper planning is very essential. The problem associated with
planning of up gradation of transmission and distribution system in big cities as well as
rural areas, is very complex. The unprecedented rate of growth in big cities on account
of rapid growth of population, industrialization, urbanization of high load density pockets
with multi storied complexes and in rural areas increase of deep tube wells manifold on
account of low underground water level huge number of electric pumps are connected to
system during agricultural season, has compelled the utility to plan much ahead to meet
the present demand as well as future demand keeping in view the quality of supply.

It is well known fact that Distribution System was totally neglected in all the utilities and
practically nominal funds were provided for up gradation of sub transmission and
Distribution system, resulting in huge technical losses in the Distribution System. The
study shows that 1% reduction of losses in India is equivalent in addition of 1200 MW
generation capacity. This is equivalent to saving in investment of Rs. 5000 crores. This
shows that a high percentage of distribution losses in our country are a matter of
national concern. Minimization of transmission and distribution losses will certainly
result in an increase in the efficiency of the transmission and distribution system, which
is only possible by proper planning of the system. The planning of distribution system
needs a lot of variable to be taken care of.

The Planning requires factors like rapid load growth, funds, ecological consideration,
availability of land etc.

The Planning Process.

1. General :

Distribution planning studies can be carried out in different manner, each with
different objectives and requirements. The Planning can be done, medium/long
term planning and short term planning.

Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

2. Medium/long tern planning

Medium/long term planning is normally carried out as a part of a master plan for
whole distribution company. It normally considers a 5 to 15 years time frame and
is based on the state/national as well as local load forecasts, industrialization plan
and agricultural load forecasts. The main purpose of this type of plan is:

• To verify the present capacity of lines and sub station.

• To verify additional capacity and investments required to meet the load
growth for putting new 33/11KV sub station, new 33 KV lines, 11KV
• Tie up for additional power-power purchase agreement.
• Up gradation of existing transmission capacity.
• Up gradation of existing network to develop strategies for reduction of
technical losses.
• Estimation of funds required.
• Tie up with the financial agencies for funds.

3. Short term planning:

Before planning the distribution system, the first and foremost work is study the
existing system, present loss level and immediate action to be taken to meet the
requirement of consumers, to provide interrupted and quality supply to the
consumers. In present scenario, it has been noted that 11 KV and 33 KV feeders
are loaded 100% more than their rated current carrying capacity resulting into
very high technical losses.

The purpose of short term planning is:

• To develop specific case studies and projects in a systematic manner.

• To adjust capacity of 33 KV,11 KV feeders, power transformer, distribution
transformers and LT Lines.
• Immediate action to bifurcate heavy loaded 33 KV, 11 KV feeders.
• Augment conductor with the proper size of conductors.
• Reduce length of LT lines maximum 0.5 km per transformer.
• Implement projects for proper maintenance.
• To calculate required investments.
• Tie up the funds with the financial institutions.

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Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

4. Study of existing system:

Before making any distribution planning the most important part is study of the
existing system. In the electrical distribution system three type of network are
normally available.
• Radial.
• Loop
• Network (cross loop)

In radial network, as the feeder is radial, load transfer in case of break down is
not possible, as such feeder can be loaded to its maximum capacity and in case
of break down unless and until fault is detected and repaired quite a good area
remains in dark.

In loop arrangement two feeders are connected to each other so that in case of
breakdown, in one portion the faulty section can be isolated and rest of the
portion can be switched on. In this type of system normally feeder is loaded to
70% of its capacity so that during the break down, feeder can share the load of
other feeder also.

In cross Loop Network, flexibility further increases as it provides multiple path

and in case of break down in any line, supply can be resumed very quickly
isolating the faulty system. In this type of net work normally, feeders should be
loaded to 70% of their current carrying capacity. This system is highly reliable, but
very costly.

In big cities the concept of 33 KV ring main is very popular and two ring main are
laid one outer and one inner. The outer ring main is laid using panther conductor
and inner ring main is laid by using dog conductor. By using these two types of
ring mains flexibility of the system is excellent and at the time of breakdown
supply can be immediately switched on from other 132 KV sub station.

While making any Distribution planning for metros the aspect of outer and inner
33 KV ring main is extremely essential and should be included for providing
uninterrupted supply.

Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

Alternative layouts for Primary and Secondary Network, 33 and 11 kV

Radial Distribution Loop Distribution Network

System. Distribution
Double path to each
Single path to each group of customers Multiple paths to
group of customers each group of
Medium cost system customers
Lowest construction
cost system Moderately simple to High cost system
plan, design and
Simple to plan, design operate Complex to plan,
and operate design and
Most widely used operate
Most widely type of system in Europe
system used ( 98% in Only used in large

5. The overall planning data requirement

The process include activities such as updating all distribution system statistics,
evaluating changes in technical and economical planning criteria as well as
evaluating and updating load forecasts, voltage and consumer category – a
forecast which will have a horizon of 10 to 15 years.

Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

6. Principle Areas Of Activity

The principal areas of activities associated with a distribution planning are mainly:
(i) Study of Existing Load Data.
(ii) Future load growth study.
(iii) Power factor /reactive load study.
(iv) Study of thermal capability of conductors - capacity of feeders/circuits.
(v) Economic Impacts.

(i) Existing Load Data study: In Central Discom, there are 347 Nos. of 33
KV feeders out of which 65 Nos. are urban feeders and balance 282 Nos.
are rural feeders. In urban areas, after study of all the parameters of
existing feeders through “CYMDIST” software, various steps were taken
like augmentation of existing Racoon conductor by Dog conductor,
bifurcation of feeder and installation of Capacitor Bank in 33/11 KV sub
station. The voltage regulations after execution of above works are within
permissible limit. Loading of 282 No. 33 KV rural feeder is as below :

• 33 KV feeders having load more than 300 Amp. 31 Nos.

• 33 KV feeders having load between 250-300 Amp. 25 Nos.
• 33 KV feeders having load between 200-250 Amp. 56 Nos.
• 33 KV feeders having load between 150-200 Amp. 28 Nos.
• Less than 150 Amp. 142 Nos.

Similarly, in Central Discom there are 1749 Nos. 11 KV feeders out of

which 358 Nos. are urban feeders and 1391 Nos. are rural feeders. In first
phase, study of all the 11 KV urban feeders was conducted through
“CYMDIST” software and according to the datas of the study action was
taken for bifurcation of feeders, augmentation of conductor capacity and
putting new 33/11 KV sub station. All the 11 KV feeders of urban areas are
having Racoon conductor and load of the feeder is within 100 Amp. only.
The voltage regulation are within permissible limit.

In second phase, study of 11 KV rural feeders is being done. The existing

all the feeders are laid on ACSR weasel conductor. Length of feeders is
from 4 Kms - 100 Kms and voltage regulation is varying from 3% to 24%.
The breakup of the feeders on the basis of load is as follows:

• No. of feeders having load more than 200 Amps. 180 Nos.
• No. of feeders having load between 150-200 Amps. 170 Nos.
• No. of feeders having load between 100-150 Amps. 790 Nos.
• No. of feeders having load between 75-100 Amps. 172 Nos.
• Less than 75 Amps. 79 Nos.

Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

The study of 180 Nos. 11 KV feeders, having load more than 200 Amp. is
being conducted in first phase through CYMDIST software and as per the
results, action proposed is being taken shortly.

(ii) Future Load growth study : The use of load forecasts are extremely
important in Planning the Distribution System. These forecasts are mainly
used for :
• Power Purchases
• Reinforcement of Distribution System Expansion Planning.
• Demand Side Management.
• Tariff Application.
• Monitoring of loss reduction programme.

The forecasts may be done, short term, medium term or long term.

Accuracy expected: The worldwide study has indicated that three out of
the four forecasts made, are over estimated. Thus, planning becomes
irrelevant. Therefore, we have taken care in forecasting the load growth.
Historical load growth data was the major basis in anticipating the future
load growth.

Steps Involved :

• Data Collection.
• Data validation.
• Selection of methodologies.
• Development of assumptions.
• Development of energy and demand forecasts.
• Comparison with the historical load growth data.

(iii) Power factor and reactive loading study: A thorough study was made
on the existing power factor and existing load on the system and as per
the data obtained from CYMDIST software study, necessary compensation
was provided by installation of 11 KV capacitor bank on 33/11 KV sub
station. The result obtained by capacitor bank are placed at Annexure-I.

(iv) Thermal capability of conductor: The thermal capacity of line circuit is

dependent on the size of the conductor and type of environmental factors
i.e. ambient temperature, wind speed and solar radiation.

(v) Economic Impacts: On analysis of the data derived through CYMDIST

study, it is concluded that pay back period is hardly between 24 – 30

Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

months and the results obtained from CYMDIST software have been used
for preparing the loss reduction model of the company.


MP Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited, Bhopal is one of the leading utility
who has established Distribution System Planning Cell. Further, the National Tariff Policy
has become mandatory for power utilities to be adopted within one years to segregate
technical and commercial losses.

In first phase, we have taken up short term system planning and we have established
the equipment and network data base. From field, the data of all 33 KV and 11 KV
feeders like length of feeders, size of conductor, configuration of pole, present loading,
annual input and single line diagram were collected. Load forecasts were made for next
five years on the basis of the historical load growth data. We further collected
information like:

1) Details of existing capacitor installed at 33/11 KV sub station.

2) Details of existing 33/11 KV sub station with capacity of transformer, no. of
feeders, loading etc.

In Central Discom, there are 282 No. 33 KV rural feeders and have been strung with
Racoon conductor having current carrying capacity of 200 Amps. We selected all the 33
KV feeders having loading more than 150 Amps. for study and analysis.

The detailed study was conducted through CYMDIST software which is a proven tool for
finding technical losses at each voltage level of the distribution companies. This software
provides two types of studies.

a) Voltage drop analysis.

b) Short circuit analysis.

After study and getting the data different configuration were made like:

a) Capacitor placement.
b) Augmentation of the conductor of feeder.
c) Bifurcation of the feeder.

After putting this again, analysis was made and it was concluded that losses can be
reduced substantially by adopting all of the three or combination of two or only by
adopting any one method depending upon loading condition and voltage regulation.

Initially study was conducted on selected 20 feeders and afterwards study of heavily
loaded 224 rural feeders was done. It was observed that there are 49 feeders having
losses more than 10% and 52 feeders were identified having losses between 5 -10%.

Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Project Development, DPR Preparation, Appraisal and Schemes Implementation
Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Training Program

On analyzing the results, in few cases it was observed that even after placement of
Capacitor Bank proposing new 33 KV feeder and augmenting the conductor size, the
voltage regulation were not coming within permissible limits. Study was further made by
identifying locations for putting 132/33 KV sub stations. In short term studies, we have
identified 5 No. such locations.

Similarly, a study was conducted of 11 KV feeders and a conclusion was made

i) For putting Addl. Power Transformer in the existing sub station.

ii) Erection of new 33/11 KV sub station, thereby reducing length of 11 KV lines.
iii) Bifurcation of existing 11 KV feeders.
iv) Augmentation of conductor of existing feeders.

The details of the results derived through study are placed at Annexure.


In the context of chronic power shortage, shooting price of the fuel and need for
conservation of available fossil fuel resources, the urgency of elimination of high losses
in transmission and distribution system is well justified. High percentage of losses in our
country is a matter of national concern. The main cause of these high losses is laying of
unplanned distribution system in the country. Proper distribution system planning,
financial support and implementation of the planning will bring down the losses and
consumers will get uninterrupted quality supply.

The Rajadhyaksha Committee, constituted by Govt. of India, has also recommended

that distribution system planning is a backbone of power industry and if distribution
system would be neglected, entire power system will collapse. The Committee in its
recommendation given in para 4.111 has also mentioned that proper planning should be
done for reducing T&D losses. Further, the Power Economic Committee in 1971 has
also recommended that transmission and distribution system planning should be done
expeditiously and should be implemented. It is unfortunate that no attention was paid on
the recommendations of these Committees and no efforts were made and distribution
system was totally neglected. As such, it is extremely essential now to immediately do
the short term and long term distribution system planning; funds should be arranged and
should be implemented.


Space for
Institution Logo Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

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