7" Liner - Cementing Preparation and Procedure Checklist

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7 Liner - Cementing Preparation and Procedure Checklist

(1 vote, average 4.00 out of 5)
This article is an example of a checklist for cementing a ! liner.
"ol# pre$%o& planning meeting. 'll e(uipment to &e checke# an# personnel familiar )ith the plan.
The final cement programme to &e issue# to the rig an# approve# &* the +rilling ,uperinten#ent.
-nsure that ./ nee#s to &lo) out )ater from the lines after performing pressure test to avoi# fro0en the lines if %o& is carrie#
out in col# )eather.
.efore cement %o& &egins, ensure that the cement is fluffe# an# transferre# from one tank to another tank to make sure it
)oul# transfer in the col# )eather.
1rior to start cementing, ensure to perform the follo)ing2
o Total re(uire# volume of technical )ater to &e store# on the rig site some #a*s in a#vance of the %o&.
o 1re$%o& anal*sis of technical )ater, slurr* an# spacers. 1erfrom tests for possi&le flui# contamination an# inclu#e in
the program.
o .e sure the slurr* formules is fit to avoi# flash setting #ue to possi&le slurr* #eh*#ration )hile passing through T34.
1repare cement mix )ater in the &atch mixers an# store in the 513 tanks, prepare spacers in the &atch mixer an# store in
6onfirm that the Technical )ater is &eing supplie# #irectl* from the 471. +o not use )ater from an* other source.
6ementing supervisor to check the )ater.
'voi# using 8a64 .rine to perfrom ./ lines test until a contamination test has &een performe#.
-nsure correct tanks an# #rill )ater are #elivere# at least 24 hours in a#vance of the cementing %o&.
6heck that cement chemicals have &een a##e# to the mix )ater in the correct or#er.
Thoroughl* mix each chemical after a##ing them to the mix )ater. Take samples of final mix flui#s, la&el an# retain for la&
verification tests.
-nsure all ./ )asher an# spacers shoul# &e prepare# in the &atch mixer an# pumpe# &* the 6ementing unit. 9or improve# %o&
control avoi# preparing )asher an# spacer in rig pits an# avoi# using rig pumps.
Take 5 gallons #r* cement sample in a#vance of the cement %o& so that pilot testing at cementing la& using rig samples can &e
carrie# out.
Take 1 gallon mix )ater sample #uring the cement %o&.
6heck that the follo)ing e(uipment is availa&le at the rig site2 :eatherfor# circulating tool; 4ong elevator &ails (,upplie# &*
+rilling 6ontractor<).
7u# 4ogger to ensure stroke counters set to 0ero &efore pumping spacer an# #isplacement.
:hile preparing the slurr*, continue to circulate an# check the follo)ing2
o 6ement hea# &earing is secure# to the #errick prior to rotating the liner
o The tugger must &e manne# at all times #uring rotation.
o There is a minimum of 20 5l&s (10 tonne) of #rillpipe )eight onto the liner prior to rotation an# re$engage tor(ue
fingers of =">+? tool in =">+? profile of =@A1? packer to allo) rotation of liner.
o -sta&lish circulation an# rotation (generall* ensure continue# circulation #uring all rotation) prior to cement %o& an#
monitor rates an# pressures.
o 8ote tor(ue rea#ings at 20 an# 30 >17 )ith a minimum )eight of 20 5l&s (10 Tonne) of #rill pipe )eight on liner.
o 6heck that the top #rive is set properl* in or#er not to limit the tor(ue &elo) programme# for rotating the liner #uring
the cementing %o&.
o 7ake sure there is goo# communication possi&le &et)een the rig$floor an# the cement unit. "ave spare cement unit
on location.
-nsure that T+, B.31 is close# &efore hooking up the cement lines. 3pen the lo) tor(ue valve.
Bf losses encountere# #uring #rilling C DE hole section, attempt to cure losses &efore mixing an# pumping cement slurr*.
Bf possi&le use the caliper log to calculate the slurr* volume re(uire#.
o The 4iner shoul# &e set 100m insi#e the F GC! casing. >e#uce the slurr* top to 50 $ 100m a&ove T34. "ole volume H
excess an# T36 shoul# &e agree# I communicate# to the team once the logs are run.
o .efore the %o& check I cali&rate all saipar an# :9+$+atalog sensors an# stroke counters.
1ump the re(uire# amount of cement as per cementing programme, allo)ing for volume of approximatel* 100m a&ove the
4iner Top ()ith the +1 connecte# to the hanger). 3&serve an# note the tor(ue re(uire# to rotate the 4iner.
,top rotation to allo) safe release of the +rill 1ipe 1ump +o)n 1lug as follo)s (it is not allo)e# to have man in ri#ing &elt
)hilst rotating).
:hen cementing the JJ liner after &umping the plug to pressure up to 1000psi over final #isplacement pressure an# hol# for 5
Responsibilities during cementing
(4 votes, average 4.50 out of 5)
1lanning an# supervision is crucial in cementing operations. This article #escri&es the ke* responsi&ilities for the +rilling ,upervisor,
6ementing -ngineer, 7u# -ngineer an# +rilling 6ontractor.
Operations Engineer
ensure cement, mix)ater an# a##itive samples are sent in time to the service compan* for testing
check that the cementation proposal meets the o&%ectives of planne# cementing operation
ensure cement, a##itive an# mix)ater samples are #espatche# correctl* marke# an# package#
check log #o)nhole temperature an# compare )ith slurr* #esign temperature.
)itness an# check (ualit* control of calliper logs
check cementation proposal an# reports
#iscuss )ith cementing contractor a&out ne) e(uipmentGchemicals
Drilling Supervisor
overall responsi&ilit* for the con#uct of the cementation
compare %o& calculations )ith those of the 6ementer
supervise the 6ementers an# +rilling 6ontractor in the performance of their #uties
inform the 7u# 4oggers, 7u# -ngineer an# +riller2
1. of the volume of each t*pe of mix)ater to &e use# for &oth lea# an# tail cement %o&s
2. from )hich mu# pit each t*pe of mix)ater )ill &e #ra)n
3. of the expecte# gain, per &arrel of mix)ater &len#e# )ith cement, for &oth lea# an# tail slurries
4. of the expecte# total volume of returns #uring the cement %o& an# the expecte# overall increase in pit volume
co$or#inate the execution of the cement %o&
ensure that all relevant personnel are issue# )ith a #etaile# programme of the cement %o&, highlighting in#ivi#ual
responsi&ilities (the #etaile# programme must inclu#e volumes, pressures an# pump rates for the cementing an# #isplacing
ensure that all relevant personnel are issue# )ith contingenc* plans (flo)charts) to assist in rapi# #ecision making shoul#
something go )rong
1. no changes are ma#e to the agree# programme )ithout the prior approval of the +rilling 7anager
2. the lan#ing an# hanging off of the casing, inclu#ing the pressure testing of hanger seals if applica&le
3. pressure testing of the surface lines &efore the %o&
4. the circulation test
5. the placing of the cement plugs in the cementing hea#
K. the preparation of the cement slurr* an# spacers (no #eviation from the recipe shall &e permitte#)
. the pumping of spacers an# cement slurr*
count the num&er of tanks an# fractions of tanks for the calculation of the volume of slurr* pumpe#
use chart recor#ers #uring cementation to recor# as man* relevant parameters as possi&le, such as2
1. pumping pressures
2. times of the various actions
3. cement slurr* gra#ients
4. losses
ensure e(uipment is in a state of rea#iness
collect samples of mix)ater, cement an# a##itives #uring the cement %o&
confirm stock levels of cement an# a##itives
supervise preparation of spacers, mix)ater cement slurries an# a##itives.
ensure #r* cement is fluffe# as per 6ontractor recommen#e# proce#ure
prepare all cementation reports.
complete checklists prior to commencement of cement %o&
arrange loa#ing an# &ackloa#ing e(uipment
confirm receipt of the cement test report recipe for the cement an# spacer from the 3perations -ngineer.
ensure that all checks are performe#.
T)o #a*s &efore the cementation is starte#, he )ill collect the checklists an# a##ress an* pro&lems. 3ther personnel liste#
shall carr* out the checks, sign off the checklists an# return them. ' cop* of the checklists shall &e faxe# to the office.
Drilling Contractor
operate an# maintain the &ulk air suppl* an# mixing s*stems
provi#e personnel for loa#ing an# &ackloa#ing of supplies an# e(uipment
assist )ith sampling prior to, an# #uring, the cement %o&
assist )ith measuring the gra#ient of the slurries pumpe#
complete the minimum checks an# proce#ures #etaile# in the checklists an# pass complete# checklist to the +rilling
,upervisor prior to commencement of the cement %o&
provi#e lines for cement an# )ater from suppl* &oat
hook up cementG)ater lines as nee#e#
maintain an# operate the cement unit an# all associate# e(uipment on the rig to the highest stan#ar#s of relia&ilit*
ensure that the unit is functioning efficientl* an# has vali# certification
recor# an# maintain (ualit* control of stock levels of cementGa##itives an# ph*sicall* check all stocks on a )eekl* &asis an#
prior to an* cementing operation
ensure that2
1. li(ui# a##itives are checke# &* use of a h*#rometer
2. a#e(uate spare parts an# consuma&les to support the operation are maintaine#
3. all materials use# an# #elivere# are recor#e# in a log &ook
carr* out in#ivi#ual cement calculations an# compare these )ith the calculations of the +rilling ,upervisor
perform the cement %o& as per the programme specifie# &* the compan*, inclu#ing the use of #ata recor#ing #evices
complete the minimum checks an# proce#ures #etaile# in the checklists an# pass complete# checklist to the +rilling
,upervisor prior to commencement of the cement %o&
a#vise #rilling supervisor of an* changes in cementing program
sen# the test results to the 3perations -ngineer an# the +rilling ,upervisor for verification at least three #a*s &efore the %o& is
confirm the la&orator* &ench tests at the )ell site.
#istri&ute the checklists, )hich clearl* #efine the responsi&ilities of personnel involve# in the execution of the cementation.
Mud Engineer
check the mix)ater for contamination an# measure salinit*
ensure mu# is in goo# con#ition (no foam)
ensure the mu# has &een pre$treate# to minimise cement contamination pro&lems
ensure that there is sufficient volume of mu# availa&le on surface prior to commencement of the cementation
ensure sufficient space is availa&le for spacer or a##itives to &e store#
monitor pit volumes throughout the cementation
measure cement gra#ient as re(uire#
check flui# returns for presence of cement, spacer or #rilling flui#.
Mud Loggers
monitor pit volumes throughout the cementation, in#epen#entl* of the 7u# -ngineer
report to +rilling ,upervisor imme#iatel* in case of #iscrepancies #uring #isplacement.
4ast Lp#ate# on 9ri#a*, 10 /une 2011 20210
Copyright 2011 wipertrip.com. All Rights Reserved.
Cement Programme Preparation
(4 votes, average 4.25 out of 5)
The 6ement 1rogramme gives a &rief explanation as to the o&%ectives in setting casing, i.e.2
isolate h*#rocar&ons
isolate #ifferent pressure regimes
provi#e a pressure con#uit of full integrit* for #rilling an# completion
allo) installation of .31, completion etc.
General Preparation Guidelines
The follo)ing gui#elines shoul# &e applie# to the preparation of the 6ement 1rogramme2
The +rilling ,upervisor shall prepare a call out fax seven #a*s &efore the %o&.
The 6ement 1rogramme shall &e sent to the +rilling ,uperinten#ent an# 3perations -ngineer for verification.
The final version of the 6ement 1rogramme, inclu#ing the final #etails, shall &e sent to the +rilling ,uperinten#ent an# the
3perations -ngineer.
8o last minute changes to the 1rogramme shall &e ma#e )ithout the prior approval of the +rilling 7anager.
' cop* of the 1rogramme shall &e #istri&ute# to all rig personnel involve# in the operation.
General responsibilities (execution and QA/QC) for cementing
Activity Execution Quality Control
1repare the #etaile#
6ement 1rogramme
6ementing 6ontractor 3perations -ngineer
+ispatch samples to
6ementing 6ontractor 4ogistics G 7aterials
Test samples an# prepare
6ementing 6ontractor 3perations -ngineer
Merif* 6ement
1rogramme complies
3perations -ngineer +rilling ,uperinten#ent
)ith planne# cement
1repare )ell for
+rilling 6ontractor +rilling ,upervisor
7ix, pump an# #isplace
6ementing 6ontractor +rilling ,upervisor
3perations -ngineer
6on#uct rig floor
+rilling 6ontractor +rilling ,upervisor Tool
1repare /o& >eport 6ement 6ontractor
+rilling ,upervisor
+rilling ,upervisor
3perations -ngineer
Programme Design Consideration
The #esign consi#erations given in the follo)ing ta&le shoul# &e taken into account )hen preparing the 6ement 1rogramme2
Activity Design Consideration
6heck shoe track an#
accessor* configuration.
>un an# lan# casing as
per programme# casing
1ropose# circulation test rates )ith correspon#ing
annular velocities (assuming gauge hole).
1ressure test surface
7u# -ngineer checks
all tank levels.
:hen possi&le, mu# returns shall &e #iverte# to a
#ifferent pit to that use# for suction #uring
7u# 4ogger To a#%ust chart to monitor volume pumpe# an#
volume returne#.
.atch mix cement Bf feasi&le
1ump spacers ahea#. 6alculate volume, flui# t*pe, gra#ient, flui# loss
+rop first plug ahea# of
1ump scavenger slurr*. 6alculate volume, gra#ient, cement sx., mix)ater
+rop &ottom plug. $
1ump lea# slurr*. 6alculate volume, gra#ient, flui# loss, cement t*pe,
cement sx., mix)ater volume, recipe, excess
(referre# to &asis of calculation).
1ump tail slurr*. 6alculate volume gra#ient, cement t*pe, cement
sx., mix)ater volume, recipe, excess (referre# to
&asis of calculation).
+rop top plug. $
1ump spacer &ehin# 6alculate volume, flui# t*pe, gra#ient, overGun#er
7u# engineer checks all
tank levels.
+isplace cement. 6alculate volume, flui# t*pe, gra#ient, rate
&efore an# after catch up.
6alculate volume of mu# pumpe# )hen
cement starts to flo) into annulus (pressure
Total volume pumpe# )hen rate must &e
re#uce# for &ump.
Total volume pumpe# at &ump.
.ump pressure (casing pressure test) an#
1ump efficienc*.
7aximum permissi&le Nover #isplacementE
past theoretical value to avoi# ph*sical over
#isplacement of the slurr*.
'nnular velocit*.
9lo) regime of spacers an# slurr*.
6ontact time for an* critical point in the
)ell&ore $ eg., across a particular gas san#.
7u# -ngineer checks
all tank levels.
.lee# off, check
1ropose# course of action if &ackflo) is o&serve#.
6ut G .ack out lan#ing
Cement Testing - QA/QC
(4 votes, average 4.25 out of 5)
'll slurr* an# spacers are #esigne# an# teste# at the 6ementing 6ontractors 4a&orator*. ,amples of cement (10kg), a##itives an#
mix)ater must &e sent from the )ell site to the la&orator* for this purpose. Testing is carrie# out accor#ing to
General Guidelines
.ulk cement shall &e sample# for testing purposes.
'fter retaining a portion for &ench testing, the remain#er shall &e #espatche# to the 6ontractor, 7u# an# 6ement 4a&orator*.
The 4a&orator* test results shall &e reporte# to the 3perations -ngineerG+rilling ,uperinten#ent in the form of a 4a& Test
,amples of all pro#ucts use# #uring the cementing operation shall &e retaine# in case further testing &* the 7u# an# 6ement
4a&orator* is re(uire#.
Note2 Bf necessar*, the ke* cement properties ma* &e reporte# &* telephone or fax.
Despatch of Cement, Additives and Water Samples
Sampling Guidelines
1roper sampling of cement, a##itives an# mix)ater is essential to o&tain accurate an# representative test results. 'll sampling shall &e
carrie# out &* the +rilling ,upervisor.
The follo)ing gui#elines shoul# &e applie#2
+uring unloa#ing, the +rilling ,upervisor shall take a sample #irectl* from the suppl* line at a point half )a* along its length,
or from the silos. Bt is essential that the cement sample# is representative of the cement to &e use# in the forthcoming
cementing operation.
:hen po)#ere# a##itives samples are re(ueste# &* the la&orator*, the* must &e taken from a sack of the same &atch num&er
to &e use# in the forthcoming cementing operation.
:hen li(ui# a##itives samples are re(ueste# &* the la&orator*, the* must &e taken from the &atch to &e use# in the
forthcoming cementing operation. The li(ui# a##itive must &e )ell agitate# &efore sampling.
6ement, a##itives an# )ater must &e sample# properl* an# store#G#espatche# in the appropriate containers. 6ontainers must
&e clean.
-xcess air must &e remove# from the containers since exposure to humi# air ma* affect the results of the test, making the
exercise useless, potentiall* lea#ing to pro&lems #uring cementation.
,amples of all pro#ucts, inclu#ing a 1 gal sample of the actual mix)ater, must also &e taken #uring the course of the
cementing operations an# kept on the rig until a fe) #a*s after the cement %o& in case the la&orator* re(uire# them for post
mortem anal*sis of the cementation.
Samples Quantities
The sample (uantities re(uire# are liste# in the follo)ing ta&le2
Material Quantity
6ement 10 kg
7ix)ater 1 gal (2 sample &ottles)
1o)#ere# a##itives one full plastic &ag (to &e kept in la&orator*)
4i(ui# a##itives 500 ml (to &e kept in la&orator*)
.entonite 10 kg (to &e kept in la&orator*)
Sample Labelling
Cement Samples
'll cement samples shoul# &e la&elle# )ith2
rig name
silo num&er
)ell num&er
the t*pe of cementation forthcoming
#ate receive#
#ate #espatche# &* flight
expecte# #ate of first cementation.
Additive and Mixwater Samples
'll a##itive an# mix)ater samples shoul# &e la&elle# )ith2
rig name
)ell num&er
#ate #espatche# (to )hom)
expecte# #ate of first cementation
Cement Testing
Consistometer Test Conditions
The 1an 'm(erican) 6onsistometer test is use#. Bt is performe# un#er #*namic con#itions )ith the cement &eing sheare#
Spacers or cementing
(13 votes, average 4.31 out of 5)
,pacers are an* flui#s other than cement slurr* or mu#, pumpe# ahea# (preflush) or &ehin# (postflush) the cement slurr*.
1reflushes are use# to2
prevent contamination of cement slurr* )ith mu#
improve mu# #isplacement an# mu# cake removal.
1ostflushes are use# to prevent2
the plug from spinning )hen it )ill &e #rille# out (cement on top)
contamination )ith the flui# use# for #isplacement.
General Guidelines
The follo)ing gui#elines shall &e a#here# to #uring the use of spacers2
,cavenger slurries shall not &e use# if the top of cement (T36) is critical eg., to allo) for a possi&le si#e$track.
>e#uction in h*#rostatic hea# #ue to spacers pumpe# must &e carefull* calculate#. Bf the over&alance is calculate# to &e less
than the minimum re(uire# over&alance, at an* stage of the cementation, a )eighte# preflush shall &e use# instea# of the
)ater spacer.
:hen )ater is use# as a spacer over pro#uctive intervals, it shall &e treate# )ith 2 H 56l )G) for formation inhi&ition.
4ines shall &e flushe# thoroughl* to ensure the contamination of mu#, spacers an# cement slurr* is minimise#.
7u#s re(uiring extra long spacers or spacers of a special composition )ill &e a#vise# &* the 7u# an# 6ement 6ontractor.
Bf oil has &een a##e# to a )ater &ase mu# for an* reason, then OG$ 2 H vGv surfactant shoul# &e inclu#e# in the )ater spacer.
Bn general, plug flo) an# plug flo) spacers are onl* use# for stinger cementations )here tur&ulent or laminar flo) regimes
cannot &e achieve#.
Bt is prefera&le to pump spacers &et)een cementing plugs.
Preflush Formulations
6ement scavenger slurries are #ilute mixes of cement an# )ater, pumpe# ahea# of the cement slurr* in tur&ulent flo) con#itions to
remove gelle# mu# an# filter cakes. The follo)ing gui#elines shall &e use# )hen pumping scavenger slurries2
The gra#ient shoul# &e &et)een mu# gra#ient an# the main cement slurr* gra#ient )ith a maximum of 14 ppg. The 7u# an#
6ement 6ontractor shoul# &e consulte# for the optimum gra#ient.
To prevent fast setting of the scavenger slurr*, a cement retar#er shall &e a##e# to the mix)ater #epen#ing on la& test an#
mixing logistics.
Recommended Preflushes for Water Based Muds
High Annular Velocity Displacements
The recommen#e# preflushes for )ater &ase# mu#s for high annular velocit* #isplacements are given in the follo)ing ta&le2
Application Pumping
Spacer Size
Spacer "ype
20in casing $ $ $
Bnterme#iate casing
13.3GCin G F.5GCin
1 500 ft ,ea )ater G Bn#ustrial )ater
2 500 ft ,ea :ater or spacer G
scavenger slurr* (10 ppg)
1ro#uction casing
Gliner 4.1G2in G in
1 500 ft ,pacer
2 500 ft ,cavenger slurr* (10 ppg) G
+ual spacer
Cement Plugs and Squeees
The recommen#e# preflushes for fresh )ater mu#s )hen setting cement plugs an# s(uee0es are given in the follo)ing ta&le2
Mud "ype Pumping Order Spacer #engt
(annular lengt!
Spacer "ype
:ater &ase# mu# 1 300 ft P 10&&ls 9resh )ater
Standard Cementations
Bn stan#ar# cementations, after the top plug has &een #roppe# cement slurr* shoul# &e pumpe# &ehin# to prevent the plug from
spinning )hen it is &eing #rille# out.
The postflushes liste# in the ta&le &elo) shoul# &e use# in all cementations inclu#ing plugs an# s(uee0es.
Num$er %&M O&M Size ('t!
1 6ement 6ement 35
2 9resh )ater .ase 3il 500 or 10 &&ls
Cementations !sing Stinger
The postflushes liste# in the ta&le &elo) shoul# &e use# in all cementations in inclu#ing plugs an# s(uee0es.
Num$er %&M Size ('t!
1 9resh )ater 's re(uire# to &alance
cement plug
menting !ob - Preparation "uidelines

(9 votes, average 3.78 out of 5)
This article presents gui#elines for2 1. Treatment of 7u# 1rior to 6ementing, 2. "ole Molumes an# ,lurr* Molume 6alculations, 3. 6irculation Test &efore the %o&.
Treatment of Mud Prior to Cementing
.efore pulling out of hole to run casing, the hole shall &e circulate# clean (150 H of casing contents) until there are no further cuttings returns at the shakers. This shall &e )itnesse# &* the 7u# -ngineer an# 7u# 4ogger.
To improve #isplacement efficienc*, the mu# shall &e con#itione# to re#uce the rheolog* #uring circulation, if nee#e#.
,oli#s control e(uipment shall &e run to remove #rill soli#s from the mu# thus re#ucing 1M to the lo)est practical level.
+ispersants G thinners shall &e a##e# to re#uce the Q1 an# 10 minute gel strength. (Q1 not re#uce# in high angle )ells)
The mu# must &e completel* free of gas after circulating. 6irculation must &e continue# until a full annular volume has &een pumpe# )ith no in#ication of gas.
Hole Volumes and Slurry Volume Calculations
6ementations shall &e &ase# on volumes calculate# from a calliper log (plus 10H excess) if availa&le. This is particularl* important for cementations across h*#rocar&on 0ones
Bf off$scale )ashouts occur, make a &est guess of hole volumes. 7ost calliper logs )ill give an integrate# hole volume an# an integrate# cement volume. The amount of excess to &e a##e# has to &e consi#ere# for each in#ivi#ual case. 9our arm calliper tools are preferre# as the* are more accurate. The calliper shoul# &e run
insi#e the previous casing shoe as a check. Bn the case )here an integrate# hole volume is given, the tool shoul# &e run for at least 100 ft insi#e casing.
Circulation Test
1rior to a plug t*pe cementation, at least 150 H of the casing content must &e circulate#. +uring this circulation the circulating pressures at #ifferent pumping rates for each pump shall &e recor#e#.
6ommence circulation at a ver* lo) rate.
Bncrease flo) rate in increments of 2 &&lsGmin or to limitation #ue to -61?s.
'fter each increase, )ait at least five minutes to o&serve for losses an# to allo) pressures to sta&ilise. -nsure the tank level in#icators are properl* )orking an# ph*sicall* check the level in the active tank.
>e#uce the pump rate as soon as losses are o&serve# or as soon as the maximum e(uivalent circulating #ensit* (-6+) is reache#.
Bn a##ition, a check shall &e ma#e on the circulation pressure at the rate that )ill &e use# to &ump the plug, in or#er to o&serve the pressure #ifferential an# thus estimate the top of cement (T36).
The surface pressure losses through the )ellhea# an# return surface lines must &e inclu#e#. 8o general rules can &e given for these pressure losses &ut their value shoul# &e expecte# to &e in the range of 100 psi at high circulation rates.
Bf losses are o&serve# at a rate su&stantiall* &elo) the maximum rate as pre#icte# )ith regar# to -6+ consi#erations, an# the correspon#ing annular velocit* is not high enough to meet the #isplacement re(uirements, consi#eration shoul# &e given to circulating aroun# a lost circulation material (467) pill. This shoul# &e
carrie# out at a rate )here slight losses are in#uce#. 3nce the losses have stoppe#, the rate can &e carefull* increase# in the increments outline# in the gui#elines a&ove. The cement shoul# then &e #isplace# later at F5 H of the maximum rate achieve# )ithout incurring losses.
:hen running E h*#raulic hanger an# -61 circulation rate an# pressure #epen#s on rating of shear pins
6oarse 467 is not to &e use# &efore cementing #ue to risk of plugging the float e(uipment
Cementing Checklists
(K votes, average 4.1 out of 5)
6ementing 6hecklists for planning, #uring an# after cementing %o&s2
PRE-JOB Checklist
:ater sample sent to to)n for anal*sis
1re$%o& safet* &rief hel# )ith all parties
.ottom hole temperature from logs consistent )ith norm an# rela*e# to cementing 6ompan*
6aliper run. Bs hole un#erGinGovergauge
6asing #rifte#, threa#s clean, consuma&les in place as per program
,trokes to &ump
1lan to monitor returnsG losses
6ontingenc* for losses $ minimum tur&ulent flo), maximum laminar flo)
3pen$hole excess volume #etermine#
6ement an# a##itive stocks sufficient
6hemical inventor* &efore slurr* an# spacer preparation.
"as the 6ementer &een tol# ho) much excess mixflui# shoul# &e availa&le<
6ement truck checke# out an# run recentl*
6ement calculations #one &* at least 2 people an# cross checke#
,pare chicksans availa&le on floor or cat)alk
1lug #ropping hea# an# plugs inspecte#. 3peration of tattle$tail last time, service#, )orking
4oa#ing of 1+" )itnesse# &* +rilling ,upervisor. Malves secure#
,trokes to &ump plug an# strokes to fill pipe calculate#
:hat is the plan for han#ling flui#s at surface. 6an pits &e isolate# R suction I return.
clearl* &riefe#
>a#ios checke#
,troke counter functioning 35
Bf #isplacing )ith rig pump, use one pump onl*.
+ou&le the chemical re(uirements calculate# availa&le.
6heck )ater to &e use# (salt content is too highG 7g level to avoi# Jflash settingJ).
,et the oven to the test temp. &efore the %o& starts.
+iscuss the complete %o& )hen contractor arrives on site.
.e present )hen the cement chemicals are &eing a##e# to the )ater. Take t)o samples of the mix)ater (usefull if a pro&lem
o 1. the volume an# strokes to cement e(ualise# an# &ump.
o 2. the expecte# #ifferential pressure at &ump.
o 3. &ase# on the planne# height of cement in the annulus estimate the pressure %ust &efore &ump.
4itecrete2 re$&len# an# test the #r* &len# cement at the rig.
4itecrete2 NmoreE mix )ater must &e prepare#.
1reprare several copies of the cement program 7ake a list of people )ho shoul# have one.
6ement samples sent to to)n
"ave cementers check stock for next casing %o&
.",T an# ."6T consistent )ith recipe
,pacer?s compati&ilit* &een checke#
Bs flui# loss a##itive re(uire#< Bt is cheaper to use stan#ar# 467 in the spacers rather than in the slurr*.
Bf a ne) s*stem is intro#uce#, has a sensitivit* test &een #one<
're the spacers recommen#e# cost effective
Bs free )ater accepta&le (high angle cementation onl*)
DURING JOB Checklist
8ote times of arrival of contractor an# other significant times #uring the %o& (floor han#e# over to contractors, pressure testing
of lines, plug #roppe#, &umpe# etc.).
"ave )ith *ou the program an# the pre$calculation, a calculator is also a#vise#.
,et up non$oral metho# of to a#vise cementer of slurr* #ensities )hilst mixing
Lse rig personnel to assist )ith monitoring %o&
,ampling2 $ take t)o samples of final slurr*, one to &e place# in the oven an# one outsi#e. 9or Jon the fl*J take four samples,
t)o in an# t)o out of the oven.
Bf a tail slurr* is planne# take 2 samples also.
AFTER JOB Checklist
1repare a cement %o& report an# sen# to +rilling ,uperinten#ent
"ave cementers rig #o)n e(uipment as soon as possi&le
Bnsure that personnel #o not remain on the )ellsite if not re(uire#.
6onfirm chemicals use# an# returne#.
Cement Additi#es $unction and deinition%
(5 votes, average 4.K0 out of 5)
This article #escri&es the function of the various classes of cement a##itives an# also to highlight )hich chemicals are use# for )hich
The a##itives to &e use# an# their concentration shall &e #eci#e# &* the 6ement 6ontractor, after testing the slurr* using
representative samples of cement, a##itives an# mix)ater #espatche# from the rig. This has to &e then approve# &* the 3perations
-ngineer an# ,uperinten#ent.
No deviationfrom the recipe, as #etermine# &* the 6ementing 6ontractor is permitte# unless specific )ritten or#ers have &een issue#
&* the ,uperitnten#ent.
8ote2 H .:36 it means Npercentage &* )eight of #r* cementE. 3ne sack of cement is F4l&s.
'ccelerators ma* &e a##e# to the mix)ater to re#uce the thickening an# setting times of the slurr*, )ith the purpose of avoi#ing
unnecessar* time spent )aiting on cement.
6alcium 6hlori#e is the most common t*pe of accelerator use#. 3ther, less fre(uentl* use# accelerators are ,o#ium 6hlori#e an#
1otassium 6hlori#e.
Additive (ormula Concentration Comments
6alcium 6hlori#e
1 $ 2 H .:36 "igh gels ma* form at higher
concentrations. 9lash setting ma*
occur a&ove 3 H.
,o#ium 6hlori#e
8a6l Lp to 20 l&sG&&l
of mix)ater
'cts as an accelerator an#
a#versel* affects other a##itives
at higher concentrations than 20
,ea :ater
Lse as mix)ater6ontains 8a6l in the correct
concentration range. 7ain
application is shallo) #epth
cementation offshore.
56l 's re(uire# -(uivalent to 8a6l an#
&ut more expensive.
1. Bn general accelerators increase the viscosit* of the cement slurr* an# #ecrease the effectiveness of most other a##itives
2. 6alcium 6hlori#e can cause skin &urns an# sever irritation to e*es, nose an# lungs. Sloves, goggles an# respirators shall &e
use# #uring mixing. 6alcium 6hlori#e is availa&le in 50l& sacks.
's the temperature increases, the chemical reaction &et)een cement an# )ater is accelerate# )hich, in turn, re#uces the pumpa&le
time. Bncrease# #epths an# formation temperatures ma* re(uire the use of retar#ers in or#er to exten# the pumpa&le time of the
Thixotropic slurries ma* re(uire retar#ers at shallo) #epths an# lo) temperatures.
Effects on Viscosity
7ost retar#ers affect the viscosit* of the cement as follo)s2
"ype o' )etarder E''ect on *iscosity
4ignin +erivatives ("> 5, "> K etc) >e#uce
3rganic 'ci#s >e#uce
6ellulose +erivatives (676) Bncrease
Note2 The com&ine# use of retar#ers an# accelerators in the same mix shoul# &e avoi#e#.
High Density Additives
There are t)o main metho#s of increasing the gra#ient of the cement slurr*2
re#ucing the )aterGcement ratio
a##ition of a )eighting material.
Reducing the Water/Cement Ratio
This is the preferre# metho# of increasing cement gra#ient, particularl* )hen cementing across gas 0ones. ' maximum gra#ient of
approximatel* 1.0 ppg can &e attaine# &* this metho#.
Addition of a Weighting Material
The preferre# material is hematite (iron oxi#e) &ut &arite ma* also &e use#. Bt is prefera&le to &atch mix the cement an# the )eighting
material rather than to use pre$&len#e# cement since )eighting materials a##itive in pre$&len#e# cement ma* settle out #uring
storage. 9urthermore, han#ling #ifferent &len#s of cement on one rig ma* result in operational mistakes.
Note2 :hen #rilling )ith a mu# gra#ient of 14.C ppg or more, a &atch mixing unit an# sufficient )eighting material must &e on site as
a contingenc*. Bf ver* large volumes nee# to &e mixe#, &atch mixing is not achieva&le
Low Density Additives (Extenders)
4o) gra#ient slurries are use# for cementing )eak formations or )hen there is a possi&ilit* that the casing coul# collapse or float if a
heavier slurr* )as use#.
' lo) gra#ient slurr* is prepare# &* a##ing extra mix)ater. .entonite is usuall* pre$mixe# at a concentration of D H .:36 in the
fresh)ater to re#uce free )ater separation of the resultant slurr*.
.entonite must &e full* h*#rate# &efore an* other a##itives are a##e# to the mix)ater. To achieve this, premix ma* &e cut &ack using
in#ustrial )ater or #r* &entonite ma* &e h*#rate# in in#ustrial )ater. Bn the latter case, the minimum h*#ration perio# is six hours, &ut
ma* &e longer, #epen#ing on the t*pe of &entonite use#. 6onsult the 6ementing 6ontractor for expert information. The recommen#e#
t*pe of &entonite for &est results is :*oming &entonite.
The &entonite content must &e checke# using the meth*lene &lue test (7.T).
Compressive Strength
's a result of the #ecrease# cement concentration of exten#e# slurries, the compressive strength of the har#ene# cement )ill &e lo)er
than that of neat slurries.
Friction Reducers (Dispersants or Thinners)
9riction re#ucers are #ispersing agents )hich can &e a##e# to the slurr* to re#uce its viscosit* an# thus the frictional pressure losses
in the s*stem )hile #isplacing (or s(uee0ing) the cement. 's a result, higher pumping rate are possi&le an# higher #isplacement
efficiencies ma* &e achieve#
Fluid Loss Control Additives
9lui# loss control a##itives are a##e# to cement slurries for the follo)ing reasons2
To re#uce the possi&ilit* of #eh*#ration opposite porous 0ones an# conse(uentl* flash setting of the cement.
4oss of flui# from the slurr* )ill result in increasing slurr* viscosit* an# gra#ient an# higher circulating pressures.
-xcessive flui# loss )ill re#uce slurr* volume an# give less cement fill.
:hen s(uee0e cementing it is #esire# to get an effective s(uee0e against the entire formation an# not %ust s(uee0e cement
filtrate into it.
7ost flui# loss a##itives ten# to viscosif* the slurr* an# conse(uentl*, #ispersants are often a##e# at the same time to control this
Additives for Thixotropic Slurries
The main application of thixotropic slurries is cementing in lost circulation environments.
+uring pumping the slurr* &ehaves as normal, ho)ever, a gel structure #evelops rapi#l* )hen static. ,uch slurries also fin#
application in cementing across gas 0ones.
The ma%or #isa#vantage of thixotropic slurries is their relativel* high viscosit* )hich ma* a#versel* affect #isplacement efficienc*
Defoamers and Antifoams
:hile mixing cement, an#Gor )hen preparing mix)ater, containing retar#ers, salts, flui# loss a##itives an#Gor &entonite, foaming is
often experience#. To control such pro&lems antifoams an# #efoamers are availa&le.
'ntifoams shoul# &e use# &efore a##ing an* other chemicals.
+efoamers remain effective )hen a##e# after foam$causing chemicals.
Bn practice, such #istinction ma* &e #ifficult to ensure an# therefore &oth antifoams as )ell as #efoamers shoul# &e a##e# in a#vance
in re$circulating cement mixer.
Gasblocking Additives
+uring the har#ening process, the cement slurr* passes through a semi$soli# phase in )hich the li(ui# has gelle# up. 's a result, the
over&ur#en pressure )ill &e lost thus permitting gas migration into, an# through, the cement matrix.
,urfactants a##e# to the slurr* )ill form a sta&le foam )ith the gas &u&&les preventing their transport through the cement slurr*.
'##itives ma* &e incorporate# into the slurr* )hich act to &lock the gelle# cement pore structure preventing gas migration.
Cementing !ob - Preparation Checklists

(5 votes, average 4.20 out of 5)
This article presents 6ementing checklists for +rilling ,upervisor, 7u# -ngineer, +riling contractor an# 6ementer .
Cec+list 'or Drilling Supervisor
# Time Description Post-job remarks
1 5# 6ement proposal checke#Gaccepta&le.
2 3# 6ementer calle# out. 6ompetence verifie# through the
6ontractor .ase 7anager.

3 2# 1roposal approve# &* 3+-G1A.
4 Kh Tasks appointe#; ,cenario rea#*.
5 Kh +iagram of all lines G valves 35 an# checke#.
K Kh 'nnotate# execution flo) chart rea#*.
1h "ole 35. (6lean, losses cure#, over&alance 35).
C 1h 7u# 35 (>heolog* in spec., mu# mo&ilit* in annulus

F 1h 7ix)ater an# spacer checklist 35.
10 1h >ig -(t. 35. (6ompressor, Transfer$an# 7u# 1umps, ,iloJs)
11 1h 6ement -(t 35. (6mt Lnit, 6mt hea#, ,urfaceG 4ines)
12 1h 1lugs an# launcher 35 (plugs, 1 test, B#s of cocks, A3, +1, etc.
for liner).

13 1h ,afet* -(t 35. (+usk mask, Soggles, -arplugs, Sloves, -*e
:ash, 9ire 9ighting)

14 1h 'll involve# 1ersonnel &riefe#; J:hat ifJ #iscusse# )ith ke*

15 1h 6heck linesGvalves (tanks, cmt unit, surface (1 test), return)
1K 5# ,en# samples of )ater, cement an# a##itives to la& . 4a&el
an# telex.

1 5# ,en# cementation form to la&. 1reliminar* recipe receive#.
1C 2# >eceive# recipe for cement an# )eighte# spacer from la&.
1F 2# 1repare cementation programme.
20 1# Lp#ate cement programme )ith caliper an# temperature from
logs. The 4a& must &e informe# of an* variation from
estimate# temperature.

21 1# 6ompare %o& calculations )ith those of 6ementer.
22 2h 1erform circulation test. -sta&lish pressure at &ump rate.
23 1h +ust mask, gloves an# ear an# e*es protection, e*e )ash.
Cec+list 'or Mud Engineer
# Time Description Post-job remarks
1 1# 9ill mixing tank )ith )ater to re(uire# level an# check chlori#es
T400 ppm.

3 1# 6heck (uantit* of a##itives as the* are a##e# to tank. >ecor#
(uantit* an# se(uence.

4 1# >ecor# level of mix )ater tank after a##ing a##itives
5 1# 1erform &ench test )ith mix )ater )ith representative cement

K 2h 6heck that the mu# rheolog* is )ithin specifications of the :ell

2h 6ali&rate time gra#ient )ith pressurise# mu# &alance plus &ack$
up stan#ar# mu# &alance.

C 1h 6heck level of mix )ater tank prior to cementing for an*
evi#ence of contamination.

F 1h :ater &ath set at correct temperature.
Cec+list 'or )ig E,uipment $y Drilling Contractor
# Time Description Post-job remarks
Air Compressor
1. 1o)er en#.
2. 1ressure.
3. Molume.
4. !+r*ness!.
5. >elief valve.
K. 8o leaks in s*stem (last test #ateGpressure).
Transfer pump
1. Bmpeller check (#r* run).
2. 4eaking shaft seals (false air).
3. -lectrical s)itches.
4. 4ines flushe#.
Mud pumps
1. >elief valve (pressure test).
2. 6ontrol po)er suppl*, s)itches.
3. 1istons 35 (pre %o& cleane#).
4. 4iners 35 (pre %o& cleane#).
5. Malves 35 (pre %o& cleane#).
K. ,uction linesGstrainers (pre %o& cleane#).
1. 4ine up to cement unit 35.
2. 8o leaks on tank or valves.
3. 4evel in#icators 35.
Surface lines
1. 1ressure test .
2. ,i0e a#e(uate (avoi# &ottlenecks).
3. 6ement #ump line operational.
4. -nsure that valves in lines are in goo# con#ition.
1. "ook up as on #iagram.
2. Bntegrit* of the valves 35.
3. 6heck lines (flushe#Gclean).
4. 6ontingenc* lines clean an# rea#* for hook up.
Return line
1. 4ine# up as per #iagram.
2. 8o 4eakage?s into line from outsi#e
Cement silo's
1. 1re fluff an# circulate aroun#.
Surge tank
1. 7aintain pressure #ifferential.
Cec+list 'or te Cementer
# Time Description Post-job remarks
1. /o& calculations #one.
2. 6hemicals (ualit* an# (uantit* checke#.
3. +ust mask, gloves an# ear, e*es protection; fire extinguisher,
e*e )ash station.

1 6heck (uantit* G appearance of cement an# a##itives
2 9lush lines from mix tank to cement unit )ith )ater
Cementing unit
1. 'ir s*stem $ check air cleaner, lu&rication, tanks an# #rain

2. +iesel fuel $ check level, #rain )ater an# se#iment from

3. -ngine oil $ check level t)ice for consistenc*.
4. >a#iatorGheat exchanger $ )ater level.
5. 9ire hose for cooling engine stan#$&*.
K. 9an &elt $ tension, crack or #amage.
. Transmission oil $ check level.
C. 6hain case oil $ check level.
F. 1o)er en# oil $ check level.
10. "*#raulic oil $ check level.
11. 1lunger oile# $ check reservoir tank level an# alemite pump.
12. Sauges $ check for operation.
13. -mergenc* kill s*stem $ check operation.
14. 1neumatic operating &utterfl* valves $ check operation.
15. 6entrifugal pumps $ &earing oil level, packing seal, impeller
(#r* run),

1K. 3utput pressure an# rate.
1. 1ressure sensor #iaphragm $ pumpe# up an# leak$free.
1C. ,tart engine $ check starter.
1F. 6irculation $ check for strainer, suction an# #ischarge lines.
20. Malves con#ition.
21. 3ver pressure shut#o)n s*stem $ check operation &*

22. 1ressure test $ test unit to 1,000 psi. a&ove expecte# )orking

23. ,ensors $ pressure, gra#ient an# flo) rate, cali&rate if

Re-circulating mi"er
1. ,lurr* tu& $ strainer, clean an# cement$free.
2. 5nife gate (metering valve) $ check operation, grease.
3. 7ixing &o)l $ correct %ets si0e.
4. 6entrifugal pump $ check for output pressure an# rate, leaks
on seal, )ear in &earing

5. 6heck operation of cement, )ater (uick shut off valves I
recirculating valve.

#atc$ Mi"er
1. 6entrifugal pump $ check for output pressure an# rate, leak on
seal, )ear in &earing

2. 1a##le $ operational.
3. -lectric motor $ ca&les, s)itches, coil resistivit* test.
4. 6hemical hopper $ clean, %ets goo#, lines clear.
5. +r* cement inlet $ clean an# operational.
Surge Can
1. 6heck can clean an# empt*.
2. 1re fluff through air %ets an# &lo) clear through vent line.
3. 6heck all gauges, 0ero the gra#ient in#icator.
4. 4oa# cell $ pumpe# up, leak$free.
5. ,ight glasses $ clean an# not cracke#.
K. "atch cover $ hinges, &olts secure#, leak$free.
. >elief valve $ check last service# an# teste#.
C. 6heck all lines, %ets, hoses an# check valves.
Cementing $eads
1. 6orrect si0e $ pressure rating (stump test).
2. 7anifol# valves $ grease#, pressure teste#.
3. 1lug retainers $ grease#, operation.
4. 1lug release in#icator $ operation.
5. 6ross$over $ =o? rings, correct threa#.
K. 6irculating hea#s $ non )el#e#, pressure rating.
. 6heck (uantit*Gappearance of cement an# a##itives

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