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November 2014
A Time To Give Thanks
Psalm 67:3 ~ "Let all the people praise thee, O God; Let all the people
praise thee...then the land will yield it's harvest, and God, our God,
will bless us..."
First Thursday in November
Liberia Celebrates
Thanksgiving Day

History tells us that the nation of Liberia

was founded on Christian principles. Some
years after its founding, in1883, a Presidential proclamation was issued designating
the first Thursday in November as a "National Day of Thanksgiving". Every year since
then, the government, and people of Liberia have marked this day with special
services conducted for the purpose of worshipping and thanking God for His mercy
and faithfulness to us as a nation.
To this end, HFM invites all Liberians and friends of Liberia, to join us in giving
thanks to God for His protection given to millions of Liberians against the Ebola virus.
Our Thanksgiving Prayers will be lifted corporately and individually every day from
Thursday, November 6, 2014, through Sunday, November 30, 2014. We will follow the
example of King Jehoshaphat, recorded in 2 Chronicles 20, who turned to God when
faced with a crisis that threatened the very existence of his kingdom. After fasting and
praying, Jehoshaphat and his people marched out to face the enemy, praising God as
they went. "And when they began to sing and praise, The Lord set ambush nets
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November 2014
against the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir which were come against
Judah; and they were smitten," (2 Chronicles 20:22).
We serve a God who is no respecter of persons. Our sincere prayer is that as
we sing praises unto Him through the month of November, He will receive our praises
and grant to Liberia, a decisive victory over the Ebola virus.
Psalm 104:4 admonishes us to "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His
courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name."
Four years ago on Thanksgiving Day in 2010, HFM in conjunction with the local
organizations of my native land, Liberia, sponsored and participated in a Youth Praise
Parade. What a joyous time we had as we marched through the main streets of
Monrovia, Liberia's capitol city waving flags and banners, singing songs of praise and
thanks to God our Saviour. The routes were Johnson Street in the north, University of
Liberia/Capitol Building Junction in the east, Snapper Hill, Broad Street in the west,
Saint Teresa's Convent on Randall Street in the south. Hundreds of believers of all
ages marched, and we enthroned The Lord Jesus as Lord over Monrovia as we filled
the air waves with Christian songs of praise.
As the Youth Praise Parade proceeded through the streets, some members of
our team were stationed at two strategic sites in the city from which they read
selected passages from the Holy Bible. The first of these was on the steps of a
monument of Liberian's first president, President Joseph Jenkins Roberts, located
near the Ducor Intercontinental Hotel, one of the highest points of the city. The
second was at the overpass of the University of Liberia, one of the highest places of
academic learning in the country.
Simultaneous to the parade, and Bible reading, intercessory prayers were
being lifted up to our Father in heaven at the Sports Commission, a large basketball
court where matches regularly claim the attention of thousands of sport fans. We
praise God that on that day, God, and not sports, was glorified.
Having completed their respective assignments, all participants assembled at
the Sports Commission at the appointed time for our culminating activities. Those
gathered included leaders from various Christian denominations, para-church
organizations, students of all ages, along with the Minister of Youth and Sports, and
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members of the general public. Together we stood, and with joined hearts, hands
and voices, made declarations, decrees and fervent prayers to God for Liberia. On
that Thanksgiving Day, our scriptural focus was Psalm 67:3 ~ "Let all the people praise
thee, O God; Let all the people praise thee".
This year, as we press on to Thanksgiving Month of 2014, we will continue to
praise The Only True and living God who inhabits the praises of His people. Kindly
consider joining us in a prayer of giving thanks every day during November 2014 for
the protection He has granted millions of people in Liberia, in America and all over
the world from the Ebola virus. As we thank Him, He hears us and He will respond
appropriately. We are a blessed people and we have much for which we should give
praise to Jesus the Christ.
Despite the varying challenges posed in the year 2014, the biggest of which
has been the fear surrounding the epidemic of the virus named Ebola, HFM continues
to praise The Lord.
Ebola bears its name from the area near the river in Congo where it was first
identified in 1976. Three West African countries, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, (my
native land) have been plagued by this unnervingly dangerous virus. All drugs being
used to administer treatment are still in the experimental stage. It is to the glory of
God that many have survived. Sadly, however, numerous others have met untimely
deaths. In the midst of the battle for life, God daily demonstrates to HFM that He
hears and answers prayers. We praise God for protecting our staff, students and those
to whom we have ministered over the years.
Attempting to contain Ebola, the government of Liberia has issued prohibitions
against all public gatherings. Consequently, all schools are closed indefinitely. Our
eight Oasis (outreach) centers, the Heritage Early Learning Center (HELC) on Camp
Johnson Road (Central Monrovia) as well as The Heritage School in Salala District,
Bong County are creatively adjusting to ensure that children continue to learn.
Interested parents of 118 pupils come to our head office once a week to collect
homework assignments for their children, at no cost to them. With your assistance
Hinds Feet is able to offer this community service.
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The photo below shows a parent of two children who live in the neighborhood,
sanitizing his hands with chlorine before making contact with our staff. We also use
non-touch thermometers to detect any possible fever.
To enable us to continue providing the community with this practical
demonstration of God's love, HFM stands in need of more of the following sanitary
and educational items:
Precautionary items: gloves, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial
soap and wipes, non-touch thermometers, shoes for
children ages 3 - 12 years old.
Educational tools: 9 laptop computers, 3-ring binders,
markers, play dough, child safe paper scissors, pens,
pencils, coloring books, crayons.
Toys for Christmas gifts - 500 children ages 2 to 14 years.
Ship items to: Trypetus Padmore, Hinds Feet Ministries, c/o
A & H Trucking & Shipping, 2306 51st Place, Hyattsville, MD 20781-1322
Thank you so much for partnering with us during this extraordinarily
challenging period in history. May God cause you to reap a bountiful harvest, and
may He bless you with even more than money can buy. May you have a blessed
Thanksgiving season, and may you enjoy your family and friends more this year than
ever before. Regardless of Ebola, regardless of challenges, Jesus is Lord!

Trypetus E. Cooper Padmore, Founder and President, HFM

All financial donations and gifts-in-kind are tax-deductible. Mail donations to:
HFM, P.O. Box 9241, Reston, VA 20195 or give generously on-line
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