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Some General Awareness Questions of SBI Clerk, RBI (Assistant), RRBs & IBPS PO - !

1. Bank cense gven to whch NBFCs ? - Bandhan and
2. Whch one of the foowng s not reguator(Optons -
3. Rohan Bopanna reated to whch sport ? - Tenns
4. Whch ne dvdes Amerca and Canada- ? 49th
5. What s the nck name of Korea ? - Land of mornng
6. 2014 s recognsed as competon of 100 years of
whch war ? - Word War - I
7. Angea Merke s reated to whch country ? -
8. Who s the charman of commttee reated to Gas
prcng ? -V|ay Kekar
9. What s the expanded form of PLO - Paestne
beraton organzaton
10. Afrcan unon s ghtng wth whch terrorst
organsaton ?- Boko haram
11. Donna Trott has authored the book tted as ? - The
12. What s the range of Bramhos msse ? - 290Km
13. Currency of Bhutan? - Ngutrum
14. New Governor of Haryana ? - Kaptan Sngh Soank
15. |arawa trbe beongs to ? - Andaman and Ncobar
16. Who s the Mnster of state for IT & Broadcastng? -
Prakash |avdekar
17. What s the Lteracy rate of Bhar accordng to 2011
census? - 63.82%
18. Mary kom move produced by San|ay Leea Bhansa
s wrtten by : Sawyn Ouadras
19. Currency of Sr anka ? - Sr Lanka Rupee
20. Capta of Kuwat ?- Kuwat cty
21. Power, Coa and renewabe energes mnster n the
current government ? - Pyush Goya
22. Currency of Vatcan Cty ? - Euro
23. Gagan Narang won meda n Commonweath n
whch shootng event? - 50 m ar re event
24. What are the number of Natonazed Banks n Inda
after natonazaton of BMB? - 21
25. Davs Cup reated to whch sport ?- Lawn Tenns
26. Whch country topped CWG 2014 Meda tay ? -
27. New Deputy Governer of RBI S S Mundra repaced
whom ? - K C Chakraborty
28. Whch among the foowng s a bankng term ? -
29. Whch of the foowng s an Indrect Tax ? - Servce
30. Controer of Mutua Fund ? - SEBI
31. Fu form of CFL? - Compact uorescent amp
32. Cerebra hemorrhage caused by decency of whch
vtamn? - Vtamn K
33. Capta of Serra Leon? - Freetown
34. Mnster of Parament Ahars: Venkaah Nadu
35. Hepatts day: 28 |uy
36. 17th NAM Summt w be hed n: Venezuea
37. In Common weath Games 2014 Abhnav Bndra won
god for: 10m re shootng
38. Capta of Iraq: Baghdad
39. Capta of Bhutan: Thmpu
40. Currency of Vatcan Cty: Euro
41. A book on V|ay Maaya s authored by: K.
42. RBI governor repaced whom: D Subba Rao
43. Khushwant Sngh s: a novest, |ournast
44. Whch scheme s for sum peope: Indra Awas Yo|na
45. Mnster of Informaton & Broadcastng,
envronment, forest: Prakash |avadekar
46. Bankng s dened under whch act: Bankng
Reguaton Act, 1949
47. ICC trophy s reated to? Crcket
48. Capta of Zmbabwe? Harare
49. Currency of Myanmar? - Kyat
50. Author of the book tted 'What young Inda wants'? -
Chetan Bhagat
51. Word envronment day? - 5th |une
52. Sk deveopment mnster? - Sarbananda Sonowa
53. Mnmum Maturty perod for commerca paper? - 7
54. Governor of West Benga? - Keshar NathTrpath
55. Who was the defence mnster n the prevous
counc of mnsters - A K Antony
56. Lteracy rate of keraa? - 93.91 %
57. ADB w hep n road constructon n whch Indan
state? - Manpur
58. Author of the book 'My Years wth Ra|eev and
Sona'? - R D Pradhan
59. Guru Te| Bahadur trophy s reated to whch sport? -
60. Venue of next FIFA 2018 Word cup? - Russa
61. 3 countres who are a partcpatng n Maabar
Exercse? - Inda, USA, |apan
62. Fu form of EVM - Eectronc Votng Machne
63. FIFA goden ba award ? - Lone Mess
64. Reance produced ess amount of gas resutng n
government oss n whch bock ? KG-D6
65. Frst BRICS New deveopment bank ? - Shangha
66. Unon mnster of Mne & stee, abour &
empoyment - Narendra Sngh Tomar
67. Recent book on Dp Kumar - Substance and
Shadow by Uday Tara
68. Sr Lankan crcketer, who announced hs retrement?
- Mahea |ayawardhane
69. Currency of Saud Araba - Saud Rya
70. Name of Maharashtra new tger reserve - Bor
Sancutary reserve
71. Fees needed to submt for odgng compan to
Bankng ombudsman - No fees
72. Insurance reguator - IRDA
73. Chand prasad bhat won Gandh peace prze for hs
contrbuton n whch area? - Chpko Movement
74. Whch country manufactured VELOX-1 ? - Sngapore
75. Capta of Cyprus ? - Ncosa
76. Commttee on nanca ncuson: Nachket Mor
77. 150 km msse aunched by DRDO recenty: Prthv
78. Mnster of Soca |ustce and empowerment: Thawar
Chand Gehot
79. Bhartya Maha Bank Charman: Usha
80. Banks Natonazaton: 1969
81. Capta of Argentna: Buenos Ares
82. Omca Currency of Indonesa: Indonesan Rupah
83. V|ay Sheshadr won Putzer prze for: "3 Sectons"
84. Whch state dont shares the border wth Teangana:
85. Consttuency of Ntn Gadkar: Nagpur
86. Recenty PM naugurated a hydro power pant at
whch pace: Ur (| & K)
87. Press freedom day: 3 May
88. RBI estabshed n: 1935
89. Who s the current Food & Consumer Ahars
mnster: Ram Vas Paswan
90. Word Toursm Day s ceebrated on: 27 September
91. Gette cup s assocated wth whch sports: Crcket
92. Kaver rver water dspute between whch states:
Karnataka & Tam Nadu
93. Capta of Canada? Ottawa
94. Headquarter of CRISIL? - Mumba
95. Whch devce s used to measure bood pressure ?
96. State wth hghest per capta mk avaabty-
97. 24th ASEAN summt venue- Nay Py Taw
98. SMSME cabnet mnster- Kara| Mshra
99. Bhartya Maha bank naugurated by-Manmohan
100. Study of kdney dsease comes under branch?
101.Country havng three top most companes? USA
102.CSO fu form- Centra Statstca Organsaton
103.CBS fu form- Core Bankng Souton
104.Whch organzaton coect and pubsh nanca
data? Natona Sampe Survey Organsaton
105.Ashes trophy payed between countres- Austraa
and Engand
106.Lok Sabha Consttuency of Sushma Swara| - Vdsha
107.Who s Heath Mnster: Dr. Harsh Vardhan
108.Who provdes assstance to sma ndustres: SIDBI
109.RBI Ad|ust Lqudty by whch too: LAF (Lqudty
Ad|ustment Facty)
110.Functons of RBI - Bankers Bank
111.Came s the omca anma of whch state:
112.Capta of Sweden: Stockhom
113.Wnner of Austraan Grand Prx: Nco Rosberg
114.Ngrs s ocated n whch state: Tam Nadu
115.Hghest Urban Popuaton of whch state:
116. Internatona Day for Od Person: 1 October
117. Sgn on 1 Rupee currency note: Fnance Secretary
118.Capro Group has won the Internatona Busness
Year of the award s owned by: Lord Swara| Pau
119.2015 Commonweath Heads of Government
Meetng w be hed n: Mata
120.Commttee on Cauvery water dspute: B.S Chauhan
121.Whch country started rst pastc notes: Austraa
122.DRDO deveoped whch ndgenous pane: Te|as
123. |apan has sea-conct wth whch country: Chna
124.A.R Rahman street name n whch country: Canada
125.Whch of the foowng s not true about Teangna?
s dved on the ngustc bass.
126. Currency of Afghanstan - Afghan Afghan
127.Commerca Paper s ssued for how many days - a
mnmum of 7 days and a maxmum of up to 1s year
128.Maaysa currency: Rnggt
129.Who score rst hattrck goa n foot ba word cup:
Thomas Muer (Germany)
130.Mynamar capta: Naypydaw
131. In LoK Sabha eectons f any canddate wn two
seats (ke our pm) so n what duraton of tme he has to
eave one seat -
14 days
132. FIFA 2014 Mascot Name: Fueco
133. Indan Overseas mnster: Sushma Swara|
134. IBSA fu form - Inda, Braz, South & Afrca
135.Word Autsm day: 2 Apr
136.Word ads day ceebrated on : 1 December
137.Chemca and fertzer cabnet mnster: Ananth
138.Be| o renary ocated n: Iraq
139.PC stands for: Persona Computer
140.Fpkart acqure whch onne shop:
141.Currency of Itay: Euro
142.Head of SIT Commttee: MB Shah
143.Capta of Braz -Brasa
144.Casua vacancy wrtten by: | K Rowng
145. Iraq currency: Dnar
146.Who reguate Monetary pocy: RBI
147. Budget n whch artce: Artce:112
148.How many anguages n Indan currency - 17
149.Fu form of ASCII - Amercan Standard Code for
Informaton Interchange
150.Kanyakumar formery known as - Cape Comorn
151.York Unversty, Canada gave award to - Ratan Tata
152.Neva rst pant n Inda - Sanand, Gu|arat
153.Who wn 3 medas n ISSF word cup n Munch - |tu
154.Who s Rchest Payer n FIFA: Crstano Ronado
155.OPEC has how much % of tota o - 81%
156.Country havng east goba peace ndex - Syra
157.Tata group |oned whch arnes: Ar Asa
158.Commerca papers ssued n what mutpes: Rs.5
159.Recenty Navaratna status gven to: Natona
Budng Constructon Corporaton & Engneers Inda Ltd
160.Azan Shah who ded recenty s a: Hockey Payer
161. Indan currency notes bear a sgnature of: RBI
162.Word economc forum hed n: Abu|a (Ngera)
163.Headquarter of Infosys: Bangaore
164.Best ranked IIT among BRICS top unverstes 2014:
165. Saar|ung museum ocated n whch state:
Hyderabad, Teangana
166.RIL & Network 18 Dea(n crores)- 4000 Crores
167. Sahara the untod story Wrtten by?-Tama
168.Amu set up Dary worth 200 cr at whch cty?-
169.Chnese Currency? - YUAN
170. Sachn Tendukar cons were sponsored by whch
company? EAST INDIA
171.Human rghts day s observed on whch day-DEC 10
172.Who s the current road, transport, hghways and
shppng? NITIN
174.WIMBLEDON champonshp s reated to whch
175.Who s the current SBI charman? ARUNDATI
176.Reguatory authortes of Cooperatve banks &
177.A Scheme named Ra|v Gandh Scheme for
Empowerment of Adoescent Grs aso known as ?-
178.Recpent of 49th |ananpeeth Award - Kedar Nath
179.Amu reated to what ? - whte revouton
180.FIBA s reated wth Whch sport ?- Basketba
181.Recenty n whch state Soar therma power pant
nstaed - Ra|asthan
182.Whch card s ssued by NPCI?-RuPay Card
183.Whch south east organsaton has 10 members?-
184.ARMY FLAG DAY- 7 December
185. In shop transacton s done by whch machne: POS
186.Water resource mnster - Uma Bhart
187.Dadasaheb Phake Academy Award for Best Snger
(Femae): Sundh Chauhan
188.Whch award s gven to Leander Paes, Ruskn bond-
Padma Bhushan award
189.V|ay hazare trophy s reated to whch sport?
190.Nght bndness s due to decency of whch
dsease- Vtamn A
191.Fu form of NVRAM- Non Voate Random Acess
192.Whch of the foowng actvtes s not done by
RBI?- tradng n commodtes
193.Currency of Kuwat-Kuwat Dnar
194.Capta of Bhutan-Thmphu
195.Recenty Hndustan Motor car pant shut down:
Uttarpara pant n West Benga
196.Book my |ourney transformng nto dreams: Former
Presdent AP| Abdu Kaam
197.Hghest rura popuaton state as per Census 2011 -
Uttar Pradesh
198.Reance company ady head name- Neeta Amban
199.Fu form CAG-Comptroer and Audtor Genera
200.Whch of the foowng s not an ndrect tax- 10%
surcharge on ncome
201.Who drected the sent m ra|a Harsh Chandra:
Dadasaheb Phake
202.Accordng to Census 2011 hghest sex rato for
whch state: Keraa
203.Repo rate: 8%
204.CRR - 4%
205.Number of drectors n RBI - 4 deputy drectors
206. Satsh Shvngam reaeted to whch: Weghtftng
207.Who s Nrpendra Mshra: Prncpa Sec. to PM
208.Defence mnster: Arun |atey
209.Home mnster: Ra|nath Sngh
210.PMGSY Estabshed by-2002
211. IAY--Aocate nanca assstance
212.Budget Aocate for Pradhan Mantr Krsh Schayn
Yo|ana - Rs. 1000 cr
213.Young Inda book author...MK GANDHI
214.MGNERGA Act aunched n: 2005
215.Natona Penson System (NPS) aunched n - 2004
216.Capta of ITALY- Rome
217.Rashtrya Swasthya Bma Yo|ana (RSBY) aunched
by : Mnstry of Labour and Empoyment
218.Commonweath tota meda of Inda --- 64
219.WTO member -160
220.Omca drector of RBI - Raghuram Ra|an
221.Van Bandhu Kayan Yo|ana has aocated Rs.100
222.Monetary pocy pubshed and controed by - RBI
223.On Advances takng as oan ---pre- shpment oan
224.Tbor fu form - Tokyo Interbank Ohered Rate
225.How much nterest pad by RBI on depost of CRR?
226.RBI proposed for 5th deputy governor by post -
Chef Operatng Omcer
227. Shadow bankng commttee headed by - T. V|ay
228.Who s ady eecton commsson omcer? V.S.
229. Summer 2016 games hed n? Ro De |anero
230.Pound sterng s the currency of whch country -
Unted Kngdom
231.Whch Lok Sabha eecton was hed recenty hed -
232.GDP for 2014-15 by IMF? - 5.4%
233. Inda's rst moton pcture? - Ra|a Harshchandra
234. Inda's rst newspaper? - Benga Gazette
235.Press counc of Inda formed n whch year? - 1978
236. Indra Awas Yo|na whch year formed? - 1996
237.Whch of foowng country s not a mae domnated
country? - USA
238.Currency of UK ? - Pound Sterng
239.Mnster of Raways ? - Sadananda Gowda
240.Word Heart day? - 29 September
241.WTO head quarter? - Geneva
242.When dd Inda become member of WTO? - 1995
243.RBI formed n whch Year? - 1935
244. Inda's rst Posta Savngs Omce ATM ocated n
whch cty? - Chenna
245.Frst newspaper of Inda- Benga gazette
246. Indra sagar dam ocated n whch state - Madhya
247.Adds Ababa capta of - Ethopa
248.Bangadesh currency - Taka
249.Externa ahars mnster - Sushma Swara|
250. |apan Prme Mnster- Shnzo Abe
251.Author of nhertance of oss - Kran Desa
252.Bharatanatyam dance of whch state - Tam Nadu
253.Ta| Maha n whch state - Uttar Pradesh
254.What s the proe of Maneka Gandh - Women and
chd deveopment
255.FFCB fu form - Foregn currency convertbe bonds
256.Number of goas n FIFA Word Cup - 171
257.Louvre museum n - Pars
258.Laughter day - 1st Sunday of may
259.Oscar best move - 12 years a save
260.Natona award for best Hnd m - |oy LLb
261. Inhertance of oss - Kran desa
262.Kaga nucear power pant - Karnataka
263. |an Dhan Yo|ana - Lfe Insurance - 30,000
264.Word Bank head - |m Yong Km
265. ILO headquarters - Geneva
266.Deputy speaker of Loka sabha - Thamb dura
267.Purpose of Commerca Paper - to meet short-term
debt obgaton
268.RBI proposed sma and ___ banks - Payment
269. Income exempted from tax (beow 60) - 2.5 akhs
270.Metro ra pro|ect n Ahmadabad and - Luckhnow
271.GAAR = Genera Ant Avodance Rues
272.1st presdency of new BRICS bank - Inda
273.Zamba capta - Lusaka
274.Port Lous s capta of - Maurtus
275.Russa currency - Russan Rube
276.Home Ahars Mnster - Shr Ra|nath Sngh
277.Rura Deveopment Mnster - Ntn Gadhkar
278.Coorg H staton s where? - Karnataka
279.Kathak dance - UP
280.Keraa new Governor - P Sathasvam
281. REIT abbrevaton - Rea Estate Investment Trust
282.Whch nsurance company extended |an Dhan
nsurance cover to 1 akh? - HDFC Ergo
283.BKS Iyengar s reated to whch ed? Yoga
284.Best actor n natona m awards ? - Sura|
Ven|aramoodu(Maayaam), Ra| Kumar Rao(Hnd)
285.Best actress n Oscar? Cate Banchett
286.Ra|v Khe Ratna award 2014? - None
287.US reeased postage stamp on who actor ? -
Akknen Nageswara Rao
288. "The sutabe boy" wrtten by? - Vkram Seth
289.By whose goa Germany wn the na wth 1-0 n
Braz ? - Maro Goetze
290.Word Computer Lteracy Day? - 2nd December
291.Cheruthon dam n whch state? - Keraa
292. |apan w gve tota money for nfra pro|ect? - $ 33
293.How much amount aocated for prce stabsaton
fund- 500 cr
294.Maaysa Currency - Rnggt
295.Word Envronment Day - 5 |une
296.New IIMs to be opened n whch dstrct - Hmacha
Pradesh, Pun|ab, Bhar, Orssa and Ra|asthan.
297.Who s |ohn Carrey? - Actor
298.Tntu Lukka from whch game - Athetcs
299. Santaton Program n Budget t - 2019
300.Oscar wnner n eadng roe actor - Matthew
301.Who s the USA Secretary of State - |ohn Kerry
302.Whch country capta s Port Vctora? - Seychees
303. "Cry The Peacock" author? - Anta Desa
304.Atomc Energy mnster of Inda - Narendra Mod
305.French Open wnner - Rafae Nada
306.Narora Power Pant stuated n? U.P
307.Best Drector Natona Awards? Hansa Mehta
308.U.K. Prme Mnster? Davd Cameroon
309.Fu Form Of UNCTAD - Unted Natons Conference
on Trade and Deveopment
310. Sattrya s the dance form of whch state? - Assam
311.Leander Paes reated to whch game? - Tenns
312.Rhand Dam n whch state? - Uttar Pradesh
313.Mogadshu s the capta of whch country: Somaa
314. e-vsa n how many ctes to promote toursm: 9
315.FIDE word (rapd chess champonshp) won by
whch payer: Magnus Carsen
316.Vce Presdent of USA: |oe Bden
317.Whch m got Best Fm Award at Fm Fare Awards:
Bhaag Mkha Bhaag
318.Governor of Maharashtra: C Vdyasagar Rao
319.L-tatna (tomator tyoha) festva of whch country:
320.H staton 'ARAKU' n whch state: Andhra Pradesh
321.Oscar 2014 Best supportng actress - Lupta
322.Best actress n m fare awards 2014 - Deepka
323.Fsca dect accordng to unon budget - 4.1%
324.Accordng to Budget 2014, how many new Govt.
Medca Coeges w be opened? - 12
325.Na|ma Heptua mnstry: Mnorty ahars
326.Loss ncurred for raway per passenger n pase -
327.Fu form of CST? - Centra Saes Tax
328.Fu form of NABARD? - Natona Bank for
Agrcuture & Rura Deveopemnt
329.Fu form of UGC? - Unversty Grants Commsson
330.Fu form of SLR? - Statutory Lqudty Rato
331.A|knkya Rahane s reated to whch game? - Crcket
332.What s purpose of |an Dhan Yo|na? - Mnmum one
account for every famy
333.Who ssues RuPay card? - NPCI
334.Who s Robn Wams? - Hoywood Actor
335.Who s P.| Kuren? - Deputy Charman of Ra|ya
336.What s the amount charged for ATM transactons
after 5 tmes? - Rs. 20
337.Fag Bearer for Inda n Commonweath Games
2014? - V|ay Kumar
338.How many Deputy Governors are there n RBI? - 4
339. Strke word s reated to whch game? - Baseba
340.Hardware park s proposed to whch state? - Andhra
341.What % of money s ncreased for ceanness n
budget? - 40%
342.Who s a tme hghest goa scorer of Germany? -
Mrosav Kose
343.Wfred Bony - Footba Strker from Ivory Coas
344. Sa| Thomas s reated to whch game? - Rowng
345.Bhamashah Yo|na n Ra|asthan s for what purpose?
- Women Empowerment
346.Bank Captazaton reated to -? - Base III Norms
347.Whch country s the top source of FDI? - Sngapore
348. Swaccha Bharat Abhyan s to be ended by- 2019
349.Amt kumar reated to whch game - Wrestng
350.Zero Ehect- Zero Defect sogan by - Narendra Mod
351.Who s Azm prem| - Founder of Wpro
352.Pror to whch year currency note shoud be
exchanged - 2005
353.PFO monthy penson mt - Rs. 1000 (Mnmum
mt) & Maxmum Lmt s Rs. 15000
354.Panka| Advan Sports name - Bards
355.Chanakya aso known as (hs aternate name) -
356.CDR fuform - Credt Defaut Swap
357. SEZ started by PM In whch state/cty -
358. Indra Awas Yo|na new name - Natona Gramn
Awaas Msson (proposed name, pease check once)
359.FLIPKART s whch knd of company? - E-Commerce
360.200 cr aocated for stadum n whch state - |ammu
& Kashmr
361.Whch organzaton s worred for EBOLA - WHO
362.Largest bank - Industra & Commerca Bank of
363.Who s sumtra maha|an - Loksabha Speaker
364. San|ta Chanu wns god n: Weghtftng
365.Abhnav Bndra reated to: Shootng
366.Apurv Chandea reated to: Shootng
367.6th BRICS summt hed n: Fortaeza, Braz
368.Anrban Lahr beongs to whch sports: Gof
369.Rory Mcory beongs to whch sports: Gof
370.NHB fu form: Natona housng bank
371.KYC fu form: know your customer
372. Inda ceebrated t's ___ ndependence day on 15th
Aug, 2014: 68th
373.PPF nvestment Lmt: Rs 1.5akh
374.Yuk Bhambr reated to whch sport - Tenns
375.Lone Mess payer of whch country: Argentna
376. In budget tax free home oan mt: Rs. 2 akh.
377. Income tax mt other than senor ctzen: Rs. 2.5
378. Smart car aunched --- Tata Nano
379.Voey term from whch sport - Tenns
380.Karg war n whch year: |uy 1999
381. ISRO headquarter: Bangaore
382.Make n Inda terms aunched by - PM N. Mod
383.Art 370 s reated to whch state - |ammu & Kashmr
384. |an Dhan Yo|ana Benets - Overdraft Loan n Bank
385.Wrter of The Mother I Never Knew - Sudha Murthy
386.L stands n SLR- qudty
387.Money aunderng s done to- Avod tax
388.When dd Mangaayan reached Mars - 24
September 2014
389. In how days KYC custom dentty proof - 5
workng days
390.Whch Indan move seected for Oscar Award 2015
- Lar's Dce
391.NIM fu form- Net Interest Margn
392.MTSS- Money Transfer Servce Scheme
393.Ksan Vkas Patra was cosed by govt. earer why -
to avod Money aunderng actvtes
394. SBI fe nsurance partnered wth - BNP Parbas
395.Currency of Camboda - Re
396.What s A n ATM - Automated
397.Hard Choce author - Hary Cnton
398.Who nvented Dynamte - Afred Nobe
399.Capta of Argentna: Buenos Ares
400.Whch actor's father s a famous badmnton payer -
Deepka Padukone
401.Word C stand for what n CP- commerca paper
402.Bank used to what method to read code on cheque
403.Purpose of startng Mnor account for 10 years
chdren - Fnanca ncuson
404.Kundankuam nucear pant s a agreement
between Inda and __ - Russa
405.CVV fu form - Card Vercaton Vaue
406.Mnorty ahar mnster - Na|ma Heptua
407.Yogakshemam Vahamyaham s the sogan of - LIC
408.Bank of Internatona Settement headquarter -
409.HDFC Tagne - We understand your word
410. Smart star account opened by whch bank - ICICI
411. In Varstha penson Bma scheme w be
admnstrated by - LIC
412.Drector of Sngham Returns move - Roht Shetty
413.Taskant s the capta of - Uzbekstan
414. Sat pratha aboshed by whom - Ra|a Ram Mohan
415.Raway mnster: Sadanand Gowda
416.Fu form of PKI - Pubc Key Infrastructure
417. Iran presdent: Hassan Rouhan
418.Whch country s part of European Unon but do not
use euro currency - Denmark
419.CBS Fu form- Core Bankng Souton
420.Cyrus Mstry s the CEO of - TATA group
421.Kakrapar atomc power pant- Gu|arat
422.DNA fu form: Deoxyrbo Nucec acd
423.Home rue eague moment eader - Anne Besant/
Ba Ganga Dhar Tak
424.Commttee on Bankng Ombudsman - Suman
Verma Commttee
425.What "S" stands n CDSL - Securtes |Centra
depostory Securtes depostory Ltd.|
426. IFSC Code contan how many dgts- 11
aphanumerc code
427.EBW fu form - Export Bs Permtted to be Wrtten
428.Accordng to WHO, Hghest rate of Chd marrage -
Bangadesh (Inda raked 2nd)
429.Agara Trbe beongs to whch state - Madhya
430.Capta of Tanzana - Dodoma
431.DIGC nsurance cover s headed by - Centra Govt.
432.The nta mnmum pad-up capta for a prvate
bank sha be Rs.200 crore
433.MTSS used - persona remttance
434.Accordng to census 2011Lowest densty state -
Arunacha Pradesh
435.Whch country does not beong n European Unon
but use Euro as a currency - Vatcan cty
436.Max money that can remtted to Nepa from any of
the NEFT-enabed branches n Inda - Rs 50,000
437. In NSDL ,word "S" stands for - Natona Securtes
Depostory Lmted
438. SBI tag ne: Pure Bankng Nothng Ese
439. Sant Swaroop Bhatnagar award n mathematc: Dr.
Kausha Kumar Verma
440.Bank ceebrate 150 years wth Sr Lanka: SBI
441.Cheque amount wrtten s caed exchange of notes
done by customer
442.Overnght money needed by bank from RBI on
whch rate bases: MSF
443.Poverty eevaton mnster - Ramvas Paswan
444.CPI fu form: Consumer Prce Index
445.Urban dev and Parament mnster: Venkaah Nadu
446.Who won bronze meda n swmmng n 2014 Asan
Games: Sandeep Se|wa
447. |a hnd sogan gven by - Subhash Chandra Bose
448.Capta of Turkey: Ankara
449.BSE s gven trade facty - onne
450.Who gave the prncpe of ob|ects submerged
partay or fuy n water - Archmedes

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