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Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba

SBA Happenings
SBA Committee
of the Month: Social

Budget Information
Alumni Spotlight
Howard Kahalas

Contact List & Preamble

Welcome to this weeks edition of SBA News!

This week we have an Alumni Spotlight with
prominent alumnus Howard Kahalas. Kahalas
graduated from Suffolk Law in 1972 and
established his law firm, the Law Offices of
Howard M. Kahalas, in 1981. His interview can
be found on page 6.

Additionally, after putting on a successful Fall
Ball, the SBA Social Committee was chosen as
Octobers Committee of the month. Their
interview can be found on
pages 4 and 5.

Thanks for reading and have a
great week!

Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba

! Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Election Day in Massachusetts. Hopefully everyone will
be able to take time out of your busy schedules to vote! Visit the Secretary of the
Commonwealth website at for voting information.
! Class registration takes place this week and next week. Read your emails from
Dean Cove and visit Campus Cruiser for
more information.
! On Wednesday from 1:30-3:00pm in the
Faculty Dining Room, the Human Rights
Law Society is hosting guest speaker Izidor
Ruckel as part of the Both Ends Burning
Campus Tour. A former Romanian orphan
himself, Ruckel seeks to bring awareness
and assistance to orphans worldwide.
! OFFICE HOURS with Tom: Tuesday @
12:30 - 1:30pm & Thursday @ 6:00 7:00pm
! Check out the SBA website (which you are
on) for lots of information regarding the
SBA. Here you will find all the emails of
SBA committee members, club presidents,
and section representatives, a calendar of
events, information about the
Appropriations Committee, and more.
Newly launched is a message board for
Suffolk Law students. Click on the forum
link on the top of the page to be brought

! The SBA Social Committee was chosen as Octobers Committee of the Month!
Keep on reading below for an interview with co-directors Daniel De La Torre and
Lindy Nash.

SBA Executive Announcements & Happenings

Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba
Tip of the week
Stay Organized
A few weeks ago the tip
of the week was to get
organized, and now is
the time of the semester
to stay organized! As
finals approach, try to
find some time to update
your calendar with
important upcoming
dates and events. Also
find some time to
organize your papers,
notes, handouts,
outlines, and
supplements from
throughout the semester.
SBA Executive Budget

1A $500.00
1B $500.00
1C $500.00
4A $500.00
1L Cup $2,500.00
2L (at large) $2,500.00
3L (at large) $3,000.00
4L/7L (at large) $1000.00
Section Total: $11,000
Reserves $10,000.00
Operations $8,000.00
Orientation $2,000.00
General Total: $20,000
Academic Affairs $4,500.00
Alumni Affairs $4,500.00
Appropriations $200.00
Diversity and Inclusion $3,500.00
External Affairs $3,300.00
Graduation $4,000.00
Marketing and Advertising $1,000.00
Student Affairs - Concerns $1,000.00
Student Affairs Social $32,500.00
Sustainability $1,000.00
Committee Total: $55,500.00
Bar Association Liaisons (ABA,
Liaison Total: $1,500.00

Total Executive Budget:
We are very pleased with the outcome of how SBA Executive
Committee funding is being invested this year. Thanks to a
massive team effort of all SBA members, we were able to invest
500% more to Student Concerns, 225% more to Academic
Affairs, 200% more to Sustainability, and 175% more to

Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba
The SBA Social Committee is Octobers SBA Committee of the month. The Social
Committee worked hard over the summer and first half of the fall semester planning
the Fall Ball, which was held at the W Boston. Co-directors Daniel De La Torre and
Lindy Nash shared some information with us below

Daniel De La Torre: 3L day student

Where did you attend undergrad?
University of Southern California.

Do you currently have an internship or job?
I do research for a tax firm based in California.

Are you currently focusing on an area of law or do you have
plans to do so?
I am really interested in tax law and I'm hoping to get more
involved after graduation.

What was it like planning Fall Ball and having it be a fun and
successful event?
Planning Fall Ball was a lot of work and the Social Team did a wonderful job. After
seeing that it had been a success I was extremely proud and excited.

Do you have any other events in the works for the fall semester?
We may actually have an event with the Suffolk Graduate School this month... stay

What do you enjoy doing outside of law school?
I love playing Rugby here in Boston and I'm obsessed with sports.

Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you to all the students who come to our events and make this job a blast!
SBA Committee of the Month: Social Committee
Co-Director: Daniel De La Torre
Co-Director: Lindy Nash
Associate Director: Cynthia Cano
Associate Director: Lara Lackstein

Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba
SBA Committee of the Month: Social Committee
Lindy Nash, 3L day student

Where did you attend undergrad?
I went to Connecticut College.

Do you currently have an internship or job?
I'm the Chief Competition Director for the Moot Court Honor
Board here at Suffolk.

Are you currently focusing on an area of law or do you have plans to do
I am interested in both family and business law.

What was it like planning Fall Ball and having it be a fun and
successful event?
I'm so thrilled to hear that Suffolk students had a good time at Fall
Ball and that it was considered a success. It is always fun planning
these bigger social events, but it can be stressful because you never
know if everyone will enjoy themselves. What a relief!

Do you have any other events in the works for the fall semester?
We just had our annual Halloween Monster Mash this past Thursday. We are also
hoping to plan a mixer with the Suffolk Graduate School before the semester is over.
Stay tuned!

What do you enjoy doing outside of law school?
Outside of law school I like to listen to Beyonce and relax with my friends.

Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba
Alumni Spotlight
Howard Kahalas --- Class of 1972
Howard Kahalas is a personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of
Howard M. Kahalas in Boston, which he established in 1981. Last
year Howard and his wife Judith started The Howard and Judith
Kahalas Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarship funds and
mentorship to two Suffolk Law students each year. Interview by
Eunice Aikins-Afful, co-director of the SBA Alumni Affairs Committee.

Where did you attend undergraduate?
I attended the Boston University College of Liberal Arts.

What journals/activities/concentrations did you participate in at
Suffolk Law?
I did not accept my invitation to Law Review because I was

What do you consider the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is negotiations. I love negotiations because I think Im very persuasive. I
can take a good position on the issues and my law school background helps. When Im able to
convince people of my point of view, it helps the clients

What type of attorney did you want to be upon entering Suffolk Law?
I always wanted to be a criminal and personal injury attorney thats what I am.

What was your favorite class while at Suffolk?

Who was your favorite professor?
There were many but Dean Sargent and Professor Pizzano.

What is your greatest professional achievement?
I have to say that being successful enough to be able to give back and create a scholarship at Suffolk
University Law School.

Any interview tips?
Make eye contact. Let the person interview you do most of the talking. Dont try to show up the
person thats interviewing you. Be respectful. When the opportunity comes during the interview
to show your skills, remember that brevity is important.

Advice to students?
Work hard. Return phone calls whether its the janitor or the judge. Be nice to everybody. When
you arent nice to people it will come back to haunt you. People like people who remember where
they came from.

Suffolk University Law School SBA Executive Newsletter Issue 9: November 3, 2014 Facebook: Suffolk Law SBA Twitter: @SULS_sba

Contact Information
Name Position Email
Tom davis President
Monica Bellevue Vice President
Neil Lindquist Chief of Staff
Callie grossman Chief of Operations
Kelley Sweetser Treasurer

We the Students of Suffolk University Law School, in order to support and
encourage academic excellence and professional development; to preserve the
right of students to acquire a quality legal education in a just and reasonable
environment; to provide a means of communication between students and the
Law School; and to maintain a connection with alumni, do herby establish this
Constitution for the Student Bar Association of Suffolk University Law School.
SBA Constitution Preamble
For a full contact list of all SBA Directors please visit our website at
Vice President Monica Bellevue and
President Tom Davis

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