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31st October/ 1st/ 2nd November 2014

Bahrain releases
prominent activist
Rajab, next hearing
January 20
A Bahrain court released
the founder of the Bahrain
Center for Human Rights,
Nabeel Rajab, on Sunday
and adjourned his trial over
remarks critical of the state
until Jan. 20, according to
Rajab's Twitter account.
One of the most high-prole
democracy campaigners in
the Arab world, Rajab took
a leading role in Shi'ite-led
mass demonstrations in
Bahrain in 2011 which
asked for reforms in the
Sunni-ruled Gulf Arab
kingdom, inspired by other
pro-democracy uprisings in
the Arab world.
He was jailed in May 2012
on charges of organizing
and participating in illegal
protests and released two
years later.
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Bahrain Activist
Rajab Released
Pending Verdict
A Bahraini defense lawyer
says prominent human
rights advocate Nabeel
Rajab has been released
from jail pending a court
verdict against him over
charges his Twitter
messages insulted
government institutions.
Lawyer Jalila al-Sayed told
The Associated Press on
Sunday that Rajab was
released on bail and said a
verdict will be issued on
Jan. 20.
She says Rajab was
charged with insulting the
army and Ministry of
Interior. He was detained
last month after posting
tweets accusing Bahrain's
security institutions of being
incubators for extremist
Rajab insists he was
practicing his right to free
speech. He previously
served nearly two years in
prison for his role in leading
protests dominated by the
country's Shiite majority
against the Sunni monarchy
that erupted in 2011.
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activist Nabeel Rajab
freed as trial
A Bahrain court on Sunday
freed prominent Shiite
activist Nabeel Rajab and
adjourned to next year his
trial over remarks posted on
Twitter deemed insulting to
public institutions, a judicial
source said.
The criminal court in
Manama ordered Rajab's
release from custody but
barred him from leaving the
country, setting the next
hearing in his trial to
January 20, the source told
AFP, requesting anonymity.
Rajab, a member of
Bahrain's Shiite majority,
which has been protesting
against the Gulf kingdom's
Sunni rulers since 2011,
was arrested on October 1
after posting comments on
Twitter about the interior
and defence ministries.
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Released activist
Nabeel Rajab vows to
continue fight for
human rights
In his rst interview since
being released from prison,
Bahraini human rights
activist Nabeel Rajab told
RT that he will continue his
ght for democracy. He was
locked up for tweeting
remarks that were deemed
to be insulting to Bahraini
A court in Manama ordered
Rajabs release but barred
him from leaving the
country. His next hearing
will be on January 20.
Rajab is the director of the
Bahrain Center for Human
Rights, and was freed in
May after serving two years
for taking part in
unauthorized protests.
Rajab is a member of
Bahrains Shia majority,
which has been protesting
against the country's Sunni
ruling monarchy since
February 2011.
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Bahraini Human
Rights Activist
Temporary Released
The prominent Bahraini
Shiite activist Nabeel Rajab
has been temporary
released on parole on
Sunday as his court trial
was postponed, AFP
reported Sunday.
Rajab was arrested on
October 1, after he posted
compromising remarks
about Bahraini ofcials,
saying that a majority of the
Bahraini citizens who have
joined radical Islamist
groups abroad and are
waging jihad, were former
security service employees
who were inspired by the
radical ideology while in
Rajabs arrest raised
criticism among human
rights organizations, calling
on Bahraini authorities for
his release.
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Bahrain on alert over
jihadi threat to school
A security alert has been
issued by the US Navy
warning of jihadi calls to
attack Western school
teachers in Bahrain.
Drawing attention to the
danger, the Naval Support
Activity Bahrain in an Anti-
Terrorism Force Protection
advisory notice has
highlighted an "anonymous
posting on a jihadist
website encouraging
attacks against American
and Western teachers at
international schools in the
Middle East, to include
Bahrain", Gulf Daily News
reported Friday.
"Extremist groups and
individuals continue to
circulate information
through social media and
other messaging avenues
to elicit attacks against
those targets they deem to
be anti-Islam and/or
Muslim," it said.
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