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Qualifying Criteria for the 2015 ITU World Championships

The Event
1. The 2015 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final and World Championships ill ta!e pla"e
in Chi"ago from 15 to 20 #eptem$er 2015.
2. We "an send up to ten male and ten female triathletes in ea"h %ge Group for $oth the
#print and the &lympi" 'istan"e e(ents.
). The fastest *ualifier in ea"h "ategory+ defined $y age group+ se,+ and distan"e+ may
apply for Go(ernment funding as the Gi$raltar representati(e in a gi(en ra"e. This
might in"lude+ for e,ample+ the fastest female aged -0.-- "ompeting at &lympi"
distan"e. %nother female aged -0.-- may represent Gi$raltar o(er #print distan"e+
and in this "apa"ity might also apply for Go(ernment funding. The Gi$raltar
representati(e for a gi(en ra"e is free to "ompete in another ra"e at the same
Championships+ so the #print distan"e representati(e in female -0.-- may also
"ompete in &lympi" distan"e or %*uathlon ra"es+ though Go(ernment ill not fund
any representati(e for more than one ra"e.
-. /a"h triathlete may re"ei(e up to 500 of the estimated total "osts in ad(an"e from
Go(ernment. The final amount re*uired for ea"h person ill depend on the a"tual
"osts of transport and the standard of a""ommodation "hosen.
5. %ll triathletes ho represent Gi$raltar must meet the *ualifying and sele"tion
"onditions that are set out $elo.
Qualifying Conditions
1. %ll triathletes must meet nationality+ residen"e and other statutory re*uirements in
order to represent Gi$raltar in the 2015 ITU World Championships+ and must $e paid.
up mem$ers of the Gi$raltar Triathlon %sso"iation.
2. Competing triathletes must $eat the folloing Qualifying Times+ to $e a"hie(ed in
Time Trial on the 1G%#%23imena Course4+ des"ri$ed $elo. Qualifying Times are
detailed $y %ge Group+ and must $e o$tained $eteen 1
3anuary and )0
3une 2015+
$y triathletes ishing to *ualify for either distan"e5
%ge Group 6ale Female
17.18 2510500 25)2500
20.2- 2505500 2518500
25.28 2507500 2519500
)0.)- 250:500 2521500
)5.)8 2511500 252)500
-0.-- 2515500 252)500
-5.-8 2519500 25)2500
50.5- 2518500 25)5500
55.58 2525500 25)5500
70.7- 25)0500 2551500
75.78 25-0500 )508500
90.9- )502500 )521500
95.98 )5)5500 )550500
). %ge Group is defined $y the triathlete;s age on )1 'e"em$er 2015.
-. Competitors ill $e e,pe"ted to attend "ompetiti(e triathlons o(er the distan"e in
hi"h they ill "ompete+ in the si, months pre"eding the Championships.
Selection Conditions
Meeting the Qualifying Conditions does not mean automatic selection. Triathletes must
also satisfy the Triathlon Te"hni"al Committee ith e(iden"e of the folloing5
a high performan"e standard in "ompetiti(e triathlons<
a illingness to "ompete in related dis"iplines+ su"h as duathlon or running ra"es+ in
order to impro(e as a triathlete+ and not =ust to in pri>es<
a positi(e attitude to the sport of triathlon+ and to fair "ompetition< and
a dedi"ated training programme+ fo"ussed on pea!ing in the Triathlon "ompetition of
the 2015 ITU World Championships.
The Triathlon Te"hni"al Committee reser(es the right to "onsider other "ompetiti(e
performan"es in order to resol(e sele"tion issues.
The GASA/Los Angeles Course
This is the standard "ourse that has $een used to pro(ide a "ompara$le standard for lo"al
triathlon performan"es. It "onsists of the three parts5
1. % sea sim of standard distan"e+ appro,imately 1500 metres+ from the roing "lu$
pontoons+ to the G%#% floating =etty+ $efore finally e,iting the ater at the
6editerranean ?oing Clu$. Triathletes must remo(e etsuits $efore al!ing o(er
the finish line+ in order to simulate the 1Transition 14 of a triathlon. The "lo"! ill
re"ord the total of #im plus T1. This stage ill normally ta!e pla"e on a Friday.
2. % "y"le on a standard "ourse+ appro,imately -0 !m+ "onsisting of to lengths of a 20
!m stret"h of road $eteen @os %ngeles Anear 3imenaB and Castellar. This stage must
ta!e pla"e less than 60 hours after the swim+ typi"ally on the #unday morning
folloing the Friday. Drafting will not be permitted.
3. % run on a standard distan"e+ of appro,imately 10 !m+ immediately folloing the
"y"le+ as in a standard triathlon+ ithout stopping the "lo"!.
4. The "ourse time ill $e gi(en $y the offi"ial Time!eeper+ and ill "onsist of the total
time of the sim+ "y"le and run. This ill $e "ompared against the Qualifying Times
des"ri$ed a$o(e as the standard for *ualifi"ation.
5. Times aarded $y the offi"ial Time!eeper may only $e "orre"ted $y appeal to the
Triathlon Te"hni"al Committee.
6. The spe"ifi" "ourses used for sim+ "y"le and run may $e amended to alternati(es
hi"h+ in the opinion of the Triathlon Te"hni"al Committee+ pro(ide a "ompara$le
le(el of diffi"ulty to the "ourses des"ri$ed a$o(e.
7. The Triathlon Te"hni"al Committee ill ma!e e(ery effort to s"hedule trials so as to
a""ommodate the needs of indi(idual triathletes+ espe"ially those ho are $ased
outside Gi$raltar. %ll triathletes must $ear their on transportation "osts to and from
8. Indi(idual triathletes may attempt the "ourse any num$er of times in order to se"ure
*ualifi"ation+ though the Triathlon Te"hni"al Committee may "onsider all trials as
indi"ators of a triathlete;s state of fitness.

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