FI 3300 Final Exam Fall 03

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TEST NUMBER: ____________


NAME ____________________________________________________________
CANDIDATE NUMBER ____________________________________________
1. Fill in your name and candidate numer on t!e An"#er $!eet a" #ell a" on t!e line" ao%e.
2. In th !"# "n th An$%& Sht t't() *TEST NUMBER* &+"&) th n,-!& th.t
.//.&$ 'n th ,//& &'0ht h.n) +"&n& "1 th'$ $ht "n th ('n *TEST NUMBER*
2 $'n+ th& .& -,(t'/( 3&$'"n$ "1 th t$t, 1.'(,& t" )" $" -.4 &$,(t 'n 4",& t$t
!'n0 0&.)) %'th th %&"n0 .n$%& 54666
&. Read eac! 'ue"tion %ery care(ully. Con"ider all o( t!e an"#er item" and t!en "elect t!e
e"t correct an"#er ) t!ere i" only one e"t an"#er *er 'ue"tion. Circle t!e letter an"#er
on t!e te"t and record your an"#er" on t!e An"#er $!eet.
+. ,ou may u"e a (inancial calculator. No note"- (ormula "!eet"- "cratc! *a*er .u"e ac/
*a0e" o( te"t i( nece""ary1- or "tored (ormulae allo#ed.
T!e te"t con"i"t" o( 22 'ue"tion" eac! #ort! +.0 *oint". C!oo"e t!e BEST ANSWER (or eac!
'ue"tion. ,our "core #ill e com*uted a"3
4100 ) .Numer mi""ed 5 +.016.
,ou #ill !a%e 120 minute" to com*lete t!e te"t. D" n"t (.3 .n4 .n$%&$ !(.n5 - .n
,n.n$%&) 7,$t'"n %'(( ! 0&.)) .$ . %&"n0 .n$%&. 7ood 8uc/9
DIRECTIONS3 Circle t!e letter corre"*ondin0 to t!e !$t .n$%& (or eac! multi*le c!oice 'ue"tion and
t!en tran"(er t!at letter an"#er to t!e attac!ed ANSWER SHEET. Be "ure to care(ully record
your an"#er" to t!e ANSWER SHEET. :nly t!e ANSWER SHEET #ill e 0raded.
F'n.n+'.( An.(4$'$ 8,$t'"n$
1. T!e 0oal o( a (inancial mana0er o( a *ulicly traded cor*oration "!ould e to3
a. Ma5imi;e <ro(it".
. Ma5imi;e Ca"! Flo# (rom :*eratin0 Acti%itie".
c. Ma5imi;e t!e #ealt! o( t!e "!are!older".
d. Minimi;e t!e ri"/ o( in%e"tin0 in t!e (irm.
e. Ma5imi;e t!e "alary o( t!e (irm=" mana0er".
B.(.n+ Sht
C"(,-!'. In),$t&'$ In+.
Y.&$ n)'n0 D+-!& :; <'n -'(('"n$=
A$$t$ 9>>; 9>>9
Ca"! > 2+-000 > +0-000
Account" recei%ale &0-000 ?-000
In%entory @2-000 A&-000
T"t.( C,&&nt A$$t$ >11@-000 >122-000
Net *lant and e'ui*ment >2B2-000 >2?2-000
Total a""et" ?@>;,>>> ?@;A,>>>
L'.!'('t'$ .n) $t"+5h"()&$B 7,'t4
Note" *ayale @-000 21-000
Account" *ayale to "u**lier" +?-000 &A-000
Accrual" 1@-000 2-000
T"t.( +,&&nt ('.!'('t'$ > A1-000 > @0-000
8on0)term det 120-000 12@-000
Common "toc/ .>2.00 *ar %alue1 22-000 &0-000
Ca*ital "ur*lu" ?0-000 ?1-000
Retained earnin0" @2-000 B0-000
T"t.( L'.!'('t'$ .n) E7,'t4 ?@>;,>>> ?@;A,>>>
In+"- St.t-nt
C"(,-!'. In),$t&'$ In+.
Y.& n)'n0 D+-!& :;, 9>>9
$ale" >@00-000
Co"t o( 0ood" "old &?0-000
7ro"" <ro(it >210-000
7eneral and admini"trati%e B0-000
De*reciation 20-000
:*eratin0 income 110-000
Intere"t e5*en"e &B-000
Earnin0" e(ore ta5e" A2-000
Ta5e" 2+-000
Nt 'n+"- ? @C,>>>
NOTE: You must use the financial statements on the prior page to answers questions 2 and 3 below
2. Net Ca"! Flo#" (rom O/&.t'n0 Acti%itie" (or Columia Indu"trie" Inc. i"3
a. >&2-000
. >22-000
c. >@A-000
d. >B+-000
e. None o( t!e ao%e i" #it!in >1-000 o( t!e correct an"#er.
&. Columia Indu"trie" Inc. e5*ect" "ale" to 0ro# y +0C in 200&. T!e com*any *lan" to *ay out
>11-000 in di%idend" in 2002- and e5*ect" t!at t!e Net <ro(it Mar0in in 200& #ill e @C. Com*ute t!e
:ut"ide Fund" Needed in 200& to "u**ort t!i" *roDected 0ro#t! in "ale".
a. >111-B00
. >1@A-1@0
c. >10A-A@0
d. >AB-&00
e. None o( t!e ao%e i" #it! >1-000 o( t!e correct an"#er.
+. A""ume you are 0i%en t!e (ollo#in0 (or $tac/eler0 indu"trie"3
Return on A""et" .R:A1 E BC
Det Ratio E @0C
T!e Return on E'uity .R:E1 (or $tac/eler0 indu"trie" i"3
a. 20C
. 22C
c. B0C
d. 100C
e. In"u((icient in(ormation
2. I( ca"! decrea"e" y >1-000 durin0 t!e year- total liailitie" decrea"e y >2-000- and "!are!older"=
e'uity increa"e" y >2-000- #!at i" t!e c!an0e in non)ca"! a""et" (or t!e yearF
a. A decrea"e o( >2-000
. An increa"e o( >1-000
c. A decrea"e o( >1-000
d. An increa"e o( >2-000
e. T!e correct an"#er cannot e determined (rom t!e in(ormation 0i%en.
T'- V.(, "1 M"n4 8,$t'"n$:
@. A""ume t!at all ot!er (actor" are !eld con"tant and t!at t!e intere"t rate i" 0reater t!an ;ero. Increa"in0
t!e numer o( *eriod" .i.e.- n1 #ill cau"e t!e *re"ent %alue o( a lum* "um to e recei%ed in t!e (uture to
_________ and t!e *re"ent %alue o( an annuity to _______.
a. Increa"eG Increa"e
. Increa"eG Decrea"e
c. Decrea"eG Decrea"e
d. Decrea"eG Increa"e
e. It de*end" on #!et!er t!e annuity i" an annuity due or an ordinary annuity
A. Con0ratulation"9 ,ou !a%e Du"t #on a "mall lottery. It #ill *ay you eit!er 2 annual *ayment" o(
>12-000 eac! .#it! t!e (ir"t *ayment to e recei%ed t#o year" (rom today1- or a "in0le lum* "um to e
recei%ed today. I( you can in%e"t at a @C annual rate o( intere"t- #!at i" t!e least you "!ould acce*t a"
t!e lum* "um *ayout amountF
a. >A2-000.00
. >@@-?A@.2B
c. >@&-1B2.+@
d. >2?-@0B.?2
e. >B?-@2?.AB
B. H!ic! o( t!e (ollo#in0 account" #ould *ay you t!e !i0!e"t e((ecti%e annual rateF
a. $tated annual rate o( @.02C- com*ounded annually
. $tated annual rate o( @.01C- com*ounded "emi)annually
c. $tated annual rate o( 2.?2C- com*ounded 'uarterly
d. $tated annual rate o( 2.?0C- com*ounded mont!ly
e. $tated annual rate o( 2.B2C- com*ounded daily .a""umin0 &@2 day" a year1
?. ,ou !a%e (inanced t!e *urc!a"e o( a u"ed Mercede" #it! a >&1-200 loan #it! a 2)year term- mont!ly
*ayment"- and an BC "tated annual rate. H!at i" t!e amount o( your mont!ly loan *aymentF
a. >@2A.+2
. >2B&.&&
c. >+AA.?2
d. >@&B.A1
e. >&20.00
10. ,ou !a%e Du"t in%e"ted >&-000 into an account t!at #ill earn a ?C annual intere"t rate. ,ou #ant to
!a%e exactly >B-000 in t!e account at t!e end o( 2 year". T!e account allo#" you to ma/e one de*o"it
at t!e end o( t!e &
year. In order to !a%e e5actly >B-000 at t!e end o( year 2- !o# muc! mu"t you
de*o"it at t!e end o( t!e &
a. >2-B+B.&2
. >2-@1&.1A
c. >2-&?A.+0
d. >&-&B+.1&
e. None o( t!e ao%e an"#er" i" #it!in >20 o( t!e correct amount
11. Terry Du"t celerated !er 20
irt!day and "!e !a" decided to 'uit drin/in0 Diet Co/e. Terry currently
drin/" 2 can" o( Diet Co/e *er day at an a%era0e co"t o( >0.A2 *er can. To re#ard !er"el( (or 'uittin0-
Terry *lan" to in%e"t all t!at "!e #ill "a%e eac! day .i.e.- >1.201 into a "a%in0" account t!at currently
*ay" @C *.a. A""umin0 !er (ir"t de*o"it into t!e account i" made tomorro#- and a""umin0 t!at t!ere
are &@2 day" *er year- !o# muc! money #ill e in Terry=" "a%in0" account on !er @2
irt!day .i.e.- +2
year" or 1@-+22 day" (rom today1F
a. >2A-@2?.1&
. >&A-@2?.+B
c. >+?-?0@.A@
d. >20-BB2.B&
e. None o( t!e ao%e i" #it!in >1-000 o( t!e correct an"#er.
St"+5 .n) B"n) V.(,.t'"n 8,$t'"n$
12. A "ecurity t!at *ay" a con"tant di%idend e%ery year (ore%er i" /no#n a"3
a. A ;ero)cou*on ond
. <re(erred "toc/
c. Cla"" A Common "toc/
d. A Re%er"e <er*etual Mort0a0e oli0ation "ecurity
e. A callale ond
1&. A 10)year annual cou*on ond #a" i""ued (our year" a0o at *ar. $ince t!en t!e ond=" yield to maturity
.,TM1 !a" decrea"ed (rom ?C to AC. H!ic! o( t!e (ollo#in0 "tatement" i" true aout t!e current
mar/et *rice o( t!e ondF
a. T!e ond i" "ellin0 at a di"count
. T!e ond i" "ellin0 at *ar
c. T!e ond i" "ellin0 at a *remium
d. T!e ond i" "ellin0 at oo/ %alue
e. In"u((icient in(ormation
1+. H!at "!ould e t!e *rice o( a >1-000 *ar %alue- 10C annual cou*on rate .cou*on intere"t *aid "emi)
annually1 ond #it! &0 year" remainin0 to maturity- a""umin0 a di"count rate o( ?CF
a. >1-101.BB
. >1-102.++
c. >1-10&.1?
d. >1-10+.+B
e. >1-102.A2

12. ,ou !a%e Du"t di"co%ered a >1-000 *ar %alue cor*orate ond #it! a maturity o( 10 year". T!e ond="
yield to maturity i" ?C and t!e ond i" currently "ellin0 (or >A+&.2?. H!at i" t!e ond=" annual cou*on
rate .t!e ond *ay" cou*on *ayment" annually1F
a. 2C
. @C
c. AC
d. BC
e. ?C
1@. H!at i" t!e yield to maturity o( a >1-000 *ar %alue ond #it! a cou*on rate o( 10C ."emi)annual
cou*on *ayment"1 t!at mature" in &0 year" a""umin0 t!e ond i" currently "ellin0 (or >B&B.1&F
a. @.0C
. @.2C
c. 10.0C
d. 12.0C
e. 12.+C
1A. I,J- Inc. Du"t *aid a di%idend o( >& *er "!are. T!e indu"try analy"t" *redict t!at I,J=" di%idend" #ill
0ro# at a con"tant rate o( +C (ore%er. I( t!e "toc/ i" currently tradin0 at >22 *er "!are- #!at i" t!e
re'uired rate o( return on t!i" "toc/F
a. B.+BC
. 12.00C
c. 12.+BC
d. 1@.00C
e. 1@.+BC
1B. Uniton0ue Tal/- Inc. Du"t *aid a >2.00 annual di%idend. In%e"tor" elie%e t!at t!e di%idend" #ill 0ro#
at a rate o( 20C *er year (or eac! o( t!e ne5t t#o year" and 2C *er year t!erea(ter. A""umin0 a
di"count rate o( 10C- #!at "!ould t!e current *rice o( t!e "toc/ eF
a. >@0.20
. >2A.@0
c. >2+.22
d. >+?.BA
e. >+&.2@
C./'t.( B,)0t'n0 8,$t'"n$
1?. Con"ider t!e (ollo#in0 -,t,.((4 #+(,$'3 *roDect" #it! e'ual li%e"3
P&"D+t P.4!.+5 P&'") IRR PI NPV
A &.2 year" 1BC 1.20 > 10-000
B 2.A year" 22C 1.A2 > &A-000
C +.1 year" 2&C 1.?0 > A0-000
D 2.@ year" 1@C 1.&2 >120-000
A""umin0 t!at t!e a**ro*riate di"count rate i" 12C- #!ic! *roDect."1 #ould you c!oo"eF
a. <roDect A
. <roDect B
c. <roDect C
d. <roDect D
e. All o( t!e"e *roDect" "!ould e acce*ted.
20. Con"ider a *roDect #it! an initial out(lo# at time 0 and *o"iti%e ca"! (lo#" in all "u"e'uent year". A"
t!e di"count rate i" increa"ed t!e _____________.
a. IRR remain" con"tant #!ile t!e N<K increa"e".
. IRR decrea"e" #!ile t!e N<K remain" con"tant.
c. IRR increa"e" #!ile t!e N<K remain" con"tant.
d. IRR remain" con"tant #!ile t!e N<K decrea"e".
e. IRR decrea"e" #!ile t!e N<K decrea"e".
21. H!ic! o( t!e (ollo#in0 "tatement" i" mo"t correctF
a. $ince de*reciation i" not a ca"! e5*en"e- it doe" not a((ect o*eratin0 ca"! (lo#"
. Cor*oration" "!ould include "un/ co"t" #!en ma/in0 in%e"tment deci"ion".
c. Cor*oration" "!ould include o**ortunity co"t" #!en ma/in0 in%e"tment deci"ion".
d. All o( t!e an"#er" ao%e are correct.
e. An"#er" .a1 and .c1 are correct.
22. Mil"on Com*any i" con"iderin0 t!e *urc!a"e o( MiLe Com*any at a *rice o( >1?0-000. I( Mil"on
ma/e" t!e ac'ui"ition- it" a(ter)ta5 net ca"! (lo#" #ill increa"e y >&0-000 *er year and remain at t!i"
ne# le%el (ore%er. I( t!e a**ro*riate co"t o( ca*ital i" 12 *ercent- "!ould Mil"on uy MiLeF
a. ,e"- ecau"e t!e N<K E >&0-000
. ,e"- ecau"e t!e N<K E >200-000
c. ,e"- ecau"e t!e N<K E >10-000
d. No- ecau"e N<K M 0.
e. T!ere i" not enou0! in(ormation 0i%en to an"#er t!i" 'ue"tion.
<!ilurn File" manu(acture" a %ariety o( "a#" and tool" (or t!e commercial uildin0 indu"try. T!e com*any
i" con"iderin0 t!e con"truction o( a ne# (acility to u*date it" manu(acturin0 *roce"". T!e com*anyN" CF:
!a" collected t!e (ollo#in0 in(ormation aout t!e *ro*o"ed ne# (acility *roDect. .Note3 ,ou may or may not
need to u"e all o( t!i" in(ormation- u"e only t!e in(ormation t!at i" rele%ant.1
T!e *roDect !a" an antici*ated economic li(e o( 10 year".
T!e ne# (acility #ill e con"tructed on a *iece o( land t!at <!ilurn currently o#n". T!e land !a" a
current mar/et %alue o( >2 million. I( <!ilurn doe" not u"e t!e land (or t!i" *roDect- t!e land #ill
in"tead e "old.
8a"t year <!ilurn "*end >200-000 to 0rade t!e land and to *ut in "e#er and #ater line". T!e
com*any !a" ca*itali;ed t!e"e co"t" and i" recordin0 t!em on t!eir income "tatement at >100-000
*er year o%er t!e ne5t 2 year".
Con"truction o( t!e ne# *roduction (acility #ill re'uire an immediate outlay .at tE01 o( >12
T!e *roduction (acility #ill e de*reciated on a "trai0!t)line a"i" o%er 10 year" to a >2 million
"al%a0e %alue. <!ilurn *lan" to "ell t!e *roduction (acility to a com*etitor at t!e end o( t!e 10)
year *eriod (or >2 million.
I( t!e com*any acce*t" t!e *roDect- t!e land #ill e "old #it! t!e *roduction (acility in 10 year" (or
it" current oo/ %alue- #!ic! i" >2 million.
I( t!e com*any 0oe" a!ead #it! t!e *ro*o"ed *roDect- it #ill re'uire an immediate increa"e in
in%entory o( >1-B00-000- ut #ill al"o re"ult in an immediate increa"e o( >B00-000 in account"
*ayale. Eac! o( t!e"e *o"ition" #ill e re%er"ed at t!e com*letion o( t!e *roDect .t!at i"- any
c!an0e in net #or/in0 ca*ital t!at occur" at t!e e0innin0 o( t!e *roDect #ill e reco%ered at t!e
end o( t!e *roDect1.
T!e ne# (acility i" e5*ected to reduce annual o*eratin0 e5*en"e"- e5cludin0 mana0ement "alarie"-
y >B million *er year (or eac! o( t!e ne5t 10 year". No c!an0e in annual re%enue i" e5*ected.
T!e accountin0 de*artment *lan" to allocate t!e annual "alarie" o( 2 mana0er" to t!i" ne# (acility-
!o#e%er- only 2 ne# mana0er" #ill actually e !ired y t!e com*any. Eac! o( t!e"e mana0er" #ill
earn >200-000 *er year (or t!e ne5t 10 year".
T!e com*anyN" intere"t e5*en"e eac! year #ill e >&00-000.
T!e com*anyN" co"t o( ca*ital .i.e.- t!e re'uired rate o( return on t!i" *roDect1 i" 12 *ercent.
T!e com*anyN" ta5 rate i" +0 *ercent.
Record your final numerical answer to each of the following questions on the answer sheet. Show your
work on the back of the answer sheet for possible partial credit.
2&. H!at i" t!e 'n't'.( 'n3$t-nt (or t!e *roDectF
2+. H!at i" t!e (ourt! year e5*ected incremental "/&.t'n0 ca"! (lo#F
22. H!at i" t!e 10t! year incremental n"n-"/&.t'n0 ca"! (lo#F
C"&/"&.t'"n F'n.n+
An$%& K4 t" 9>;> T$t
1. C
2. B
&. A
+. A
2. B
@. D
A. D
B. B
?. D
10. A
11. E
12. B
1&. C
1+. C
12. A
1@. D
1A. E
1B. C
1?. D
20. D
21. C
22. C
2&. >21m
2+. >+.?@M
22. >BM
Detail" o( "olution (or O2&3
Con"truction o( ne# (acility .>12M1
8and :**ortunity co"t .> 2M1
C!an0e in net #or/in0 ca*ital .> 1M1
Initial In%e"tment .>21M1
Detail" o( "olution (or O2+3
NCF E .Incremental re%enue P Incremental Co"t P Incremental De*reciation1.1)T1 Q Incremental
NCF E .0 ) )BM ) .+M P 1M1..@1 Q 1M
E +.?@M
De*reciation E .12M P 2M1R10 E 1M
T!e incremental *art o( mana0ement "alarie" E .+M .2 mana0er" at 200-000Ryr1
Detail" o( "olution (or O223
$ell ne# (acility >2M
$ell 8and >2M
Reco%er net #or/in0 ca*ital >1M
,ear non)o*eratin0 ca"! (lo# >BM

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