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"The Sublett fSoblen) Family of Manakintown. Virginia
by Cameron Allen
Assembled by Donald Subletts
Published by The Detroit Society for Genealogical
Research 1982 Sixth Printing 1991
The Register of the Church of La Patente de Soho, 1689-1782^
London, has made possible the location of the first item oi
information on the European origin of the Soblet family.
The Church of La Patente de Soho was one of several churches
established in London to minister to the spiritual needs of
the swarm of Huguenot refugees who fled France in terror for
their lives and souls following the Revocation of the Edict
of Toleration (Nantes) in 1685.
ABRAHAM SOBLET, was born on 4 Dec 1648 in Sedan, France. His
parents were JEAN SOBLET, born in Beaumont, France, and
Mar 1674 in the Reformed Church of Sedan, France. Her
BRIANT was born on 23 Jan 1660 in Sedan, France.
France. They fled France by' 1681 for Mannheim, Germany.
By 1693, they were residing at Wesel and migrated to i.ondon.
England, and from there, to Virginia in 1700.
ABRAHAM went on ahead of his wife to
oldest sons, embarking 19 .April l;00,^on
ABRAHAM "was joined in the fall of 1700
and three infants.
Virginia, wi
the Mary and
bv his wife.
h their
The Huguenot refugees settled at Manakintown, King -yilliam
Parish, Virginia. ABRAHAM SOBLET assumed a fairly prominent
position among the Manakintown settlers. He was a member ci
the Vestry of the Church and by 20 Dec 1707, he became the
Church Warden of King William Parish.
PIERRE-LOUIS SOBLET, was born about 1686. The anglicized
form of his name was "Peter Louis". Louis seemed to be his
preferred nairve. On 26 Dec. 1718, Louis was elected to the
Vestry of the Church. He served until 1722.
PIERRE-LOUIS was most probably married twice; marrying Marte
"Martha" Marian in 1722.
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The (SOBLET) SUBLETT Family of Manakintown, King William Parish, VA.
It has been almost 20 years since CAMERON ALLEN prepared the author
itative Sublett Genealogy and Family History; the first article of
a series of 12 appearing in the Magazine of the Detroit Society for
Genealogical Research in 1963, Volume 27 No. 1. Dr Allen had worked
for some ten years on the Soblet-Sublett study as a ^.-parallel to that
of his own., family- the Aliens, one of the Allen's having intermarried
with a Sublett.
Before we proceed further, it should be noted that all the Subletts
in the U.S. and Canada are probably descended from Abraham Soblet
and Susanne Brian, the original French Huguenot immigrants. The orig^^
inal spelling clearly shown in the records of the French Reformed
Church is Soblet. A possible variant may be Soublet but Sobler and
Sobley are transcription errors. In Virginia by 1750, the Anglicizetion
Sublett had been generally adopted. Other variants foimd in the records
are: Suble,Soublet, 'Soublett, Subblet. The spelling- Sublette was
probably first used by the St. Louis Wm. Lewis Sublettd and his brothers.
This latter spelling has been widely adopted but is no Indication of
descent or relationship.
It was hoped at the time of the original publication of Allen's Sublett
articles, by the many Sublett descendants who had cooperated with Dr.
Allen-in collecting the genealogical and other data, that the publication
of this series of articles would lead to the publication in book form
a still more comprehesive genealogy of the Sublett Family. To date
this hope is still far from realization.
"The late Nancy Louise Sublette did publish a book in 1974-'Generations
Remembered-Sublette Family/ 1700-1850,* But, this is largely a re-hash
of the Allen articles. The late Hester Geraldine Lester Searl in her
"Hester Genealogy* 1972 also "lifted" without credit to Dr. Allen- her
data on the Subletts.
One extension of the Allen work and inspired by it was the publication
in 1981 of "James Sublett & Sally Ford-Genealogy and Family History".
Indebtedness to Cameron Allen is fully acknowledged. In addition to
amplifying and correcting the data on James and his siblings and
bringing down to 1981 the enumeration and data on James* descendants;
the early history of the Soblets in France and England with the original
research by the author in these countries and their records .is extended.
A series of articles by Dr. Doyce B. Nunis Jr.,a History Professocrr at
the University of Southern California and one time Professor at the
University of California at Los Angeles, concerned the exploits of
William Lewis Sublette "Mountain Man" and his brothers. Dr. John E.
Sunder, professor at the University of Texas has written the defin
itive biography of Wm. E. Sublette -1959. In their historical aspects
both Nunis and Sunder provide sbme interesting incidents-but their
genealogy ^s far from being either adequate or accurate.
The demand for the original Cameron Allen articles has continued to
Intr 1
"the present time. The appropriate issues of the DSGR Mag"asine aire
no longer available and the Nancy Louise Sublette book is "out of
print". The officers of the Detroit Society for Genealogical Re
search have from tine to tine attenpted to supply urgent requests
for the Allen articles by personally photocopying the appropriate
sections from file copies of the Magazine. This has been e^ensive
and a far from satisfactory procedure to meet the demands.
This "reprint" or "publication" is an attempt to supply a few copies
at a reasonable price to sincere students of. Sublett Genealogy.
The articles are being "mass produced" by photocopying in their
original form with the original paginationwithout changes, addi
tions or corrections. However, to increase the usefulness of the
original articles, there is being added - this explanatory intro
duction, a table of contents listing with page number the princi
pal descendants - families and sub-families, an every name (almost)
index mostly extracted by the cut-and-paste method from the pub
lished general index to volumes 2d30 of the DSGR Magazine. (The
Subletts are to be found only in volumes 27, 28 and 29.) J'or com
pleteness, there are also being added - three other DSGR articles
on the Soblet-Subletts, by Mrs. Searl and Sublette. This is strictly
a "limited edition" and is being prepared mostly for the convenience
of family genealogists.
As to Dr. Allen and his background, the following is copied verbatim
from the program of the Genealogical Conference sponsored jointly
by the National Genealogical Society and the Indiana Historical
Society held in Indianapolis in May 1982.
CAMERON ALLEN. Fellow, American Society of Genealogists.
Born, Springfield, Clark County, OH; resident,Newark, KJ.
B.A., Otter"bein College, Westerville, OH; M.A., U of Wis- :
consin, Madison; M.S.L.S., U of Illinois, Champaign; J.D.,
Duke U, Durham, NC. Professor of Law and Law Library,
Rutgers D, School of Law, Newark, NJ-, since 1965. Corps
of Engineers, U. S, Army. Secretary, American Association
of Law Libraries, 1977-1980; member. Huguenot Society of
London. Interested in Virginia, North Carolina; overseas
origins of British, Dutch and French/Huguenot families.
This introduction would be more meaningful if there had been secured
a statement as to Dr. Allen's qualifications, the events leading to
his genealogical work on the Subletts and his procedures and e:q>er-
iences in assembling data and writing articles. Volume 2 (1971) of
"Genealogical Research" contains-the following very brief statement:
"Cameron Allen, B.A., M.A., J.D., F.A.S.G. 351 Broad St. Newark,
N.J. 07104. Law Librarian Rutgers University, Contributing Editor-
TAG." The American Society of Genealogists is the publisher of
"Genealogical Research"; FASG means - a Fellow of that Society and
is a recognition of professional competence as a Genealogist. TAG
presumably stands for "The American Genealogist" a genealogical
Intr 2
Dr. Allen is in demand as a lecturer at Genealogical Conferences,
uarticularly on Huguenot Genealogy. Dr. Allen also was the author
of a series of three articles on "The Chastain Families of Manakin-
town, Virginia and their Origin Abroad". These articles were pu^
lished in the American Genealogist in 1963-4- Ann Soblet Chastain
is an important part of early American Chastain genealogy and
unquestionably should be included with the male Soblets in a com-
ulete "Sublett Genealogy and Family History." Unlike Allen's arti
cles on the male Subletts and their descendants, the Chastain
Genealog}' has been updated (1980) in "Chastain Kith &Kin, 1700 -
1980" by Marv Avilla Abel Hall Farnsworth-Milligan. The Chastain
descendants have formed a permanent and well financed association -
Pigrre Chastain Famxly Association and publish a Quarterly
devoted to printing research results and "updating.
It is honed that this reproduction of the Cameron Allen articles
will prove useful to'those interested in Soblet-Sublett genealogy.
Donald J. Sublette November 1982
Some extracts from a note to Cameron Allen, date 1 Feb.
1984, written in Columbus OH. (As regards the reprint of the D.S.G.R,
articles by Dr. Allen on the Soblet.-Sublett Family);
"...It is indeed good to have it in this format, especially
your two articles on the SedanJametzSt. Menges origins
included. As you know from seeing reference in Genealogical
Research - v. 2, I had secured further information on the
origins, but never could find time to write this \^...I have
often wondered whether Jean Soblet, father of Abraham, was a
brother to Philibert Soblet. Their families were born over a
similar period of time. Philibert-was the known son of Eli &
Susanne Renaudin. If Philibert & Jean were brothers, this
would make Eli the grandfather to Abraham.. .Like yourself, I
hope that further work by interested descendants will result
in a full history of the Sublett Family. The Chastains (Anne
Soblet) seem headed in this direction..."
Note to Second Printing:
The last uage of this introduction has been slightly modified.
In this reprint a few corrections have been made, and a'slight
amount of additional data added, particularly where it will
clarify the original data, or lack thereof.
Donald J. Sublette, July 1985
Intr 3
/ '
Sublett(e) & Allied
Allen, Cameron JD - "The Sublett Family of Manakintown, VA" -
Volumes 27-29 (1963-66) Magazine of the Detroit Society for
Genealogical Research.
Allen, Cameron JD - "The Chastain Families*of Manakintown" - pub
lished serially in The American Genealogist - 1963-4-
Clark, Edith Maxey - "The Maxeys of Virginia" - Baltimore MD 1980.
Farnswortb-Milligan, Mary A.A.H. - "Chastain Kith & Kin" - Newton
KS 1980.
Oates, Chas. E. MD - "Oates-Sublett Family" - N, Little Rock, AR
Searl, Hester G. L. - "Genealogy of John Hester" - Patterson CA 1972.
Sublette, Donald J. - "Sublett & Ford" - Birmingham MI 1981
Sublette, Nancy Louise - ."Generations Remembered" - 1974-.
Sublett, Sam*l. S. - "History Huguenot Soblets" - Richmond VA 1896.
fates & Trabue - "Trabue Family in America" - Baltimore 1983.
Note: Titles of the above are abbreviAted.
Intr 4
J.D., F.A.S.G.
Page Numbers of Articles
in Volumes
Issue No.
Vol. 27
Vol. 28 Vol. 29
3-10 3-^ 8 ^
49-54 49-57 62-70
. 97-103
141-148 151-159
Note: Page numbers follov the original serialized Cameron Alien articles.
Names, as listed, represent the principal divisions of the given install,
ments and mostly Include children and In-some Instances- grand children.
The numbers {#) associated with the name are Allen's genealogical code
numbers based on the modified New England Systenie
Voltjme XXVII
Part 1 (no. 1) pp. 3-10
a. Background of the SOBLET-BRUN family- in France, in England and in
America, beginning in 1700.
b. Abraham & Susanne
c. Pierre Louis Soblet (Peter Lewis Subletf) #1 (s/o Abraham)
d. Jacques Soblet (James Sublett) #2 (s/o Abraham)
Part 2i(no.2) pp.49-54
a. Anne Soblet Chastain #3 (dau/o Abraham Soblet) .
b. Abraham Soblet (Jr.) #4 no children (s/o Abraham Soblet,Sr.)
c. Peter Sublett #6 (s/o Pierre Louis': Soblet #1)
d. William Sublett # 7 (s/o Pierre Louis #1)
e. Abraham ("D Sublett #8 (s/o PU*te Louis #1)
f. Louis (Lewis) Sublett #9 (s/o Pierre Louis dl)
cont 1
Part 3 (no3) pp. 97-103
a. Benjamin Sublett ffll (s/o Pierre Louis Soblet tfl)
b. James Sublett #14 (s/o Jacques Soblet #2)
c. Peter Sublett #15 (s/o Peter Sublett #6)
d. William Sublett #16 (s/o Peter Sublett #6)
e. Benjamin Sublett #18 (s/o Peter Sublett #6)
Part 4 (no.4) pp.141-148
a. Martha Sublett Weatherford #20 (dau/o William Sublett #7)
b. Valentine Sublett #21 (s/o Wm. Sublett #7) -
c. Mary Hunt Sublett Dudgeon #22 (dau/o Wm #7)
d. Drsula Sublett Day #23 (dau/o Wm. #7)
e. George Allen Sublett #25 (s/o Wm. #7)
Part 5 (no.l) pp. 3-6
a. William Allen Sublett #26 (s/o William Sublett #7)
b. Susjanna.. Sublett Lowe #27 (dau/o Wm.Sublett #7)
c. Nancy Sublett Greenwood #28 (dau/o Wm. # 7)
d. Abraham Sublett #29 (s/o Wo. #7)
Part 6 (no.2) pp.49-57
a. Phillip Allen Sublett #30 (s/o Wm. Sublett #7)
Father of Wm. Lewis Sublette-*'Mountain Man" #206
b. Field Sublett #31 (s/o Wo #7)
c. William Sublett #35 (s/o Abraham Sublett #8)
d. Abraham Sublett #36 (s/o Abraham #8) ^
e. Elizabeth Sublett Daniel #38 (dau/o Abraham #8)
f. Jane Sublett Eanes #39 (dau/o Abr.#8)
g. Nancy Sublett Wood #40 (dau/o Abr. #8)
Part 7 (no. 3) pp.103-110
a. Littlebury Sublett #41 (s/o Lewis Sublett #9)
b. Lewis Sublett #42 (s/o Lewis #9)
c. James Sublett #43 (s/o Lewis #9) No children.
d. Abraham Sublett #44 (s/o Lewis #9)
e.Arthur Sublett #45 (s/o Lewis #9)
f. William Sublett #46 (s/o Lewis #9)
g. Frances Sublett Magrudcr.#47 (dau/o Lewis #9)
h. Charles Jordan Sublett #49 (s/o -Benjaratn Sublett #11)
i. Ursula Sublett Porter #50 (dau/o Benj. #11)
cent 2
' i
Part 8 (-noi^) pp.151-159
ia. Benjamin Branch Sublett #52 (s/o Benjamin Sublett #11)
b. Samuel Sublett #53 (s/o Benj. #11)
c. Matthew Sublett #54 (s/o Benj. #11)
d. William Sublett #61 (s/o James Sublett #14)
e. Peter Dutoy Sublett #80 (s/o John Sublett #17,8Iso see
V. 27 PP* 102-3 for John s/o Peter #6)
f. Branch Sublett #118 (s/o Valentine Sublett #21)
g. Field Sublett #119 (s/o Valentine # 21)
h. Mary Dudgeon Hall #126 (dau/o Mary Hunt Sublett Dudgeon #22)
i. Valentine Day #133 (s/o Ursula Sublett Day #23)
VOLUME XXIX 1965-1966
Part 9 (no.l) ppl4-22
a. William Day #136 (s/o Ursula Sublett Day #23)
b. Benjamin Sublett Day #137 (s/o.Ursula #23)
c. Rebecca Day Hemdon #144 (dau/o Ursula #23)
d. William C. Sublett #148 (s/o Geo. Allen Sublett #25)
e. George Allen Sublett #161 (s/o William Allen Sublett # 26)
f. William Sublett #164 (^s/o Wm. Allen #26)
g. George Allen Lowe #171 (s/o Susan Sublett Lowe #27)
h. John Jefferson Lowe #180 (s/o Susan #27)
i. Celia Williams Lowe Dement #181 (dau/o Susan #27)
j. William Mc. Greenwood #185 (s/o Hancy Sublett Greenwood #28)
k. Susannah-A. Greenwood Flint Co^ #186 (dau/o Nancy #28)
Part 10 (no.2) pp 62-70
a. Mary Sublett Smith #197 (dau/o Abraham Sublett #29)
b. Philip Allen Sublett #198 (s/o Abraham #29)
c. Sophronia Fuller Sublette Cook #208 (dau/o Philip Allen Sublett #35
d. William Sublett #229 (s/o Wm. Sublett #35)
*e. William Sublett #235 (s/o Abraham Sublett #36)
f. Abraham Sublett #237 (s/o Abraham #36)
g. John S. Sublett #238 (s/o Abr. #36)
h. Valentine Sublett #239 (s/o Abr. #36)
i. Hill Sublett #276 (s/o Littlcbury Sublett #41)
j. Samuel Sublett #277 (s/o Littlebury #41)
cont 3
Part 11 (no,3) ppl05-llA '
a. Littlebury Sublett #278 (s/o Littlebury Sublett #41) ^
b. Joseph burton Sublett #279 (s/o Littlebury #41)
c. Lineus Bowlin Sublett #280 (s/o Littlebury #41)
d. James Sublett #285 (s/o Lewis Sublett #42)
* e. Thomas S. Sublett #289 (s/o Lewis #42)
( Polly Malinda Sublett Sims #302 (dau/o William Sublett #46)
g. Elfzabeth Sublett Kuykendall #345 (dau/o Chas. Jordan Sublett #49)
h, William Sublett #380 (s/p Benj. Branch Sublett #52)
i. James Jefferson Sublett #385 (s/o B'enj, Branch #52)
j. Joseph Jordan Sublett #386 (s/o Benj. B. #52)
k. Sophronia Elizabeth Sublett Moon #3^0*(dau/o Benj. B. #52)
1. Thomas Sublett #415 (s/o Matthew Sublett #54)
m. Benjamin Branch Sublett #416 (s/o Matthew #54)
n. Samuel D. Sublett #424 (s/o Matthew #54)
Part 12 (no.4) pp 151-161
a. James Sublett #502 (s/o William Sublett #61)
-b. William Sublett #505 (s/o William #61)
c. Daniel Sublett #506 (s/o Wm. #61)
d. Peter Sublett #510 (s/o Wm. #61)
e. David Sublett #511 (s/o Wm. #61)
f. Caldwell Sublett #885 (s/o Field Sublett #119)
g. Franceway Day #1041 (s/o William Day #136)
h. Philip S. Day #1046 (s/o William #136)
1. Joseph Peyton Day #1047 (s/o Wm. #136)
j. Dorothy Day Taylor #1050 (dau/o Wm. #136)
k. Edward 0. Day #1053 (a/o Benj. Sublett Day #137)
1. Mary Wilkerson Lowe Walton Strange #1301 (dau/o Geo. Allen Lowe #171)
m. Martha Lowe White #1307 (dau/o Geo. A. Lowe #171)
n. G. Bartlee Greenwood #1443 (s/o Wm. Mc. Greenwood #185)
o. Julyann Smith Bell #1544 (dau/o Mary Sublett Smith #197)
p. Martha Jane Sublett Willburn Logan #1805 (dau/o Wm. Sublett #235)
The INDEX for Volumes 27,28 e 29 only. There are listed all surnames
with 5 o4 more references, altho there are entries for as few as one
surname. The supplemental articles listed below are not indexed.
cont 4
Supplemental articles from the DSGR Magazine, as noted.
1. Vol. 37^..No. 2 pp. 55-57 by Mrs. Gamer Roy Searl
Pleasant Sublett CA#513, Valentine Day CA.#133 &Llnville.
2. Vol. 38 No.l pp.1 & 2 by Donald J. Sublette
French origins of the Soblet (Sublett) family.
3. Vol. 41 No.l pp. 1-3 by Donald J. Sublette
French origins o,f the Soblet &Brian Family; corrections
and additions to addenda 2, above.
Names in the above articles are not included in the alphabetical
index; pages I-l to 1-17 vhich follow the last Cameron Allen
article and immediately precede the three additional articles.
In addition to the supplementary articles listed above- pre
ceding the first page of the table of contents (Cont-l) is a
list of all the'hnown (to the compiler) published genealogies
which have important information on the Subletts. This page is
marked "Intr 4".
The following four pages marked Cont 6 to Cont 9 list three
generations of the descendants of Pierre Louis Soblet with
all known descendants listed by sub-families, that is, under
each son of Pierre is listed that son's children and under
each grand child (of Pierre) is listed, where known, that
child's children (Pierre's great grand children). This Quasi-
Index is designed to facilitate locating the interested
person's ancestors.
cont 5
Three Generations - the Quasi-Index
No generation - i.e. individual listed who does not have listed
descendants. This Quasi-Index is restricted to the descendants of
Pierre Louis, and does not cover his brother Jacques or sister Ann
CA-6 v27,p50-l - Peter Sublett, ca 1712-1783 mEliz.
CA-15 v27,pl01 - Peter Sublett, 1747-1812 in Martha Smith
children CA-70-76 no listed.
CA-16 v27,pl02 - William Sublett, ca l'J50-cal796 mBetsy Hughes
children CA-77-9 no 78 & 79.
CA-77 v27,pl02 - Sam'l Sublett, ca 1789-1856
m (1)> Harriet Duval (2) Antoinette C. Carlton
CA-17 v27,pl02-3 - John Sublett, ca 1755-1815 mPhoebe Porter
CA-80 v28,pl56 - Peter Buboy Sublett, ca 1781? -
mNancy Wingo; ch 6l3-l6 No j?^*s
CA-18 v27,pl03 - Benjamin Sublett, ca 1759-1825 n Betty Ann Streel
ch - CA-81-90 No
CA-7 v27,p51-2 - William Sublett, ca 1723-1780 mSusanna Allen
CA-20 v27,pl41-2 - Martha (Patsy) Sublett, ca 1752-ca 1841
ch CA-101-108 Only 102 lists
CA-102 - Chas. A. WEATHERFORD ch not numbered
CA-21 v28,pl42-3 - Valentine Sublett, ca 1754-1808 m Margaret
Caldvell Brent
ch CA-117-21
CA-118 v28,pl56-7 - Branch Sublett, ca 1787-1814 m Polly
Bratton, ch 881-3
CA-119 v28,pl57 - Field Sublett, ca 1787-18 mEleanor
Brattjen, ch CA-885-892, 40014006
CA-22 v28,1)143-4 - Mary Hunt Sublett, ca 1756-1810 mJohn DUDGEON
ch CA-122-129 no ch shown exc CA-126
CA-126 v28,pl57-8 - Mary Dudgeon m Andrew HALL
CA-23 v27,-0144-6 - Ursula Sublett, ca 1758-ca 1827 m Edward DAY
ch Ca1i33-146, no, 134-5, 138-43, 145
CA-133 Valentine Day, ca 1780- m Eliz. Adams
ch CA-1011-12, no listed
CA-136 William Day, 1789-1875 m Dorothy Embree
ch 1040-50, 1041-46-47-50, CA4151-4245
CA-137 p 29-15 Benjamin Day, 1792-1845 mCatherine Onstott
ch 1051-58, (1053) 4271-82, unnumbered - 1058
CA-144 p 29, 15-16 Rebecca Day, 1790-1875 m (1) Jas.
JOHNSON (2) Archer G. HEPJIDON ch 1121-24, no
CA-25 .v27,pl47 - Geo. Allen Sublett, ca 1762-1830 m Isabella Akin
Cotit 6
ch - CA 148-52. -no g,ch* listed 149-52. Ho #s 150-51.
' CA-148 >29,16-17 Wm. C. Sublett, 1792-1852 mEliz.
- ' Barnett ch-ll6l-9. *Ho listed g^.ch*
CA-26 v28-3,4 - William Allen Sublett, ca 1764,rl839 n (l) Sarah
Akin (2) Rebecca Puclcett aM/or. J^yn'
"ch 161-169 No listed ^
- CA-I6I,' 29-17 Geo.''Allen:SubietV,'v'ca,179<^" m-Eliz.- M.
Ledbetter cb7l241-9f iiste^'^i^ifch. 1246 &"8#
CA-164; 29-18.;;&''liirt^_V not numbered - 1271
CA-27 v28,4-6 - Susanna Sublett." ca'i766-^'' mJesse IX)WE
ch I7I-I82. Ho listed 176-7. No numbered
" ' except 171-18^181 \
- CA-17i" 1^19 - George All^. Lpwe,' 1782-1835 m (l)
Martha Wilkerson'(2) Tabitha^Owen, ch 1301-9
No listed exc. 1301 & 1307, CA-5801-53.
CA-180 V 29-19 - John Jefferson Lowe, 1801 - m.
Eliz."' Jordan Sublett (CA-1802) Ch 13918, no
CA-iai V 29, 19-20 - Celia Williams Lowe, 1802-1852, m
ch 1401-1411 listed, not numbered 1405 & 1408
CA-28 V 28 p 26-7 - Nancy Sublett, 1768-18 m Bartlee GREENWOOD
ch 183-192 No listed exc. 185 & 186
CA-185 V 29 p. 20-1 William Mc'. Greenwood, 1791-1873
'^-*- "7 ch 1441-49 listed, no> number^ - 1442-8-9,numbered 1443
CA-186'v 29 p 22 - Susanna AV Greenwood,. 1793-1886 m (l)
.7 Richard FLIHT. <2): Johri^OX, .;,^.;,
77. oh 34^51-59 listed,: not hixm^^ - 1451 &1455
CA-29 y 28*p 7-8" Abrahkm Sublett," b csl 1770 m Polly Smith
' ch 193-200 Listed, hot numbered - 194
. CA-il97 V 29 p 62-3 Mary Sublett. m Robert
-" SMITH ch" 1540-8 listed'not numbered 1545-8
"' Numbered 1544 J3311-19
CA-I98 V 29 p 63-4 - PhillipTAllen Sublett, 1802-1850 m
Esther J. Roberts ch 1550-2
CA-30 V 28 p 63-4 - Phillip Allen Sublett, ca 1774-1820
m Isabella Whit ley Ch 206-13. including the Wm. Lewis
Sublette^ - No reached maturity.
CA-8 V 27 p 53 - Abraham Sublett, ca 1726-1782, mEliz.
CA-35 V 28 p 52-3 - William Sublett, ca 1754-ca 1811
m Susannah Ch 228-30
CA-229 V 29 p 64-5 - William Sublett ca 1779-ca 1857
m Eliz, Redden Ch. 1751-4, all with listed
unnumbered ch.
CA-36 V 28 p 53-4 - Abraham Sublett, ca 1756-1844 mCelia
Sublett - CA-Zi; Ch 234-40.
CA-235 V 29 p 65-6 - William Sublett, ca 1785-1832
m Mary Scott Sublett, CA56 Ch 180108, Listed
& numbered 1802-5, listed - no numbers - 1804-07
CA-237 V 29 p 66-7 Abraham Sublett, ca 1789 - ca 1839
m Temperance Vaughan Ch 1814-20, No listed
Gout 7
CA-238 V 29 p 67-8 John S. Sublett, ca 1792-18^4 ni
Nancy Hubbard Walkar Ch 184-16, No g^*ch Hs'tsd
CA-239 V 29 p 68-9 Valentine Sublett, ca 1794--ca 1874
m Maria O'Baiinon, 1 s (1869) & H gch listed
CA-38 V28 p 54-5 - Elizabeth Sublett, b ca 1760 - 1841
m Campbell DANIEL - Ch 245-9, No listed
CA-39 V28* p 55 - Jane Sublett, b ca 1764 - mEdward
' EANES Ch 252-9 listed, ^ # - 255 & 259
CA-40 V 28 p 56-7 - Nancy Sublett, b ca 1770 - cal750
m Caldwell WOOD(s) Ch - 263-70, Listed ^ # 264,269,270
CA-9 V27 p 54 - Lewis Sublett, b 1728-1802 mFrances Hill ch 41-47
CA-41 V 28 p 103-4 - Littlebury Sublett b ca 1757 - ca 1799
D Sarah Burton - ch 275-80^ 2303-2352
CA-276 V 29 p 69-70 - Hill Sublett, 1786 - 1846 m
Delohine Ginnett ch 2303-12, listed no #
CA-277 V 29 p 70 - Samuel Sublett, ca 1788 - 1865
m Polly Trabue Ch 2316-22, No listed
CA-278 V 29 p 105 Littlebviry Sublett, 1790 - 1863
mMary Crouch Ch 232634, No listed
CA-279 V 29 p 105-6 - Joseph Burton Sublett, ca 1792 -
1865 m Edith Radford Ch 2338-44, listed, ^
# 2338-40
CA-280 V 29 p 106 Lineus Bowlin Sublett, ca 1797 - 1849
m Harriet Abernethie Ch 2348-52, No listed*
CA-42 V28 p 104-6 Lewis Sublett, ca 1759 - ca 1830 m(1)
Mary Trabue (2) Sarah Samuel Ch 28494 G*ch* listed
& numbered 2381 - 2418, listed no fr 291-2-3
CA-285 V 29 p 106-7 James Sublett, 1785 - I860 m Susan
Edzard Ch 2381-90, listed no # 2384
CA-289 V 29 p 107 - Thos. S. Sublett, 1795 - m Mary
(Moorehead or Neil?) Ch 241118,* listed no ^
CA-45 V 28 p 107 Arthur Sublett, 6a 1766 - 1834 mBetsy
Sublett nee ? Ch 297-8 listed no # 297 & 8
CA-46 V28 p 107-8 William Sublett, ca 1768 - m(l)
Mary Sublett nee Forsee (2) Nancy Cheatham nee Schackelford
Ch 301-3, 1302, 2511-12
CA-302 V 29 p 107-8 - Polly Malinda., Sublett, - ca
1834 mAlexander SIMS Ch 2511-12, listed ^ #
CA-47 V 28 p 108-9 - Frances Sublett, ca 1771 - ca 1842
m Zephaniah MAGRUDER Ch 30712, No listed
CA-11 V 27 p 97-100 - Benjamin Sublett, 1733 - ca 1815 mEliz.
Jordan Ch 48-56 '
CA-49 V28 p 109-110 - Charles Jordan Sublett, 1766 - 1845
mPolly Davis Ch 341-50, 3^1345, 2821-7, No # 344-346.
CA-345 - Elizabeth Sublett, 1800 - mMark KUYKENDALL
Ch 2821-9, No listed
CA-50 V 28 p 110 - Ursula Sublett, 1769 - ca 1827 m (1) Joel
Ferguson (2) Samuel PORTER Ch 354-61
Cont 8
CA-52 V28 p 151-2 - Benjamin Branch Sublett, lllL - 1B4.2
mMary Akin Ch 380-91, 3181 - 3274 Also Mo #s
CA-380 V 29 p 109 - Wm. B. Sublett, 1800 - 1862 mMary
Tyler Ch 3181 - 90 Listed No # 3181-2
CA-385 V 29 p 109-110 - James Jefferson Sublett, ca 1811 -
ca 1865 m Tabitha Wilborn Ch 3231-3242 Mo listed
CA-386 V 29 p 110-11 - Joseph Jord^ Sublett, ca 1812 -
1867 m CD liucinda Sublett (I8l6) (2) Mary Sarah Wood
(3) Eliza Hancock Woodall nee ? Ch 3245-9,
listed 3246
CA-390 V 29 p 111 - Sophroiiia Elizabeth Sublett, 1819 -
1846 ffl Wn. Washington MOON Ch 3271-4, listed
no #
CA-.53 V28 p 152-3 - Samuel Sublett, 1^6 - 1866 m(1) Fanny
Taylor (2) Mary Sumpter Ch 394-405 No listed
CA-54 V28 p 153-4 - Matthew Sublett, ca 1781 - ca 1863 m
Frances Key Ch 415-26 3381-3449 Also listed no #
CA-415 V 29 p 111-12 Thomas Sublett, ca 1804 - m
Elizabeth Jordan Ch 3381-5 listed no # 3384-5
CA-416 V 29 p 112-4 Benjamin Branch Sublett, 1805 - 1897
m (1) Nancy Johnston Cunningham (2) Martha Witt Reams
Ch 329I-99 listed no # 3393,4,5,7,8
CA-424 V 29 p 114 - Samuel B. Sublett, ca 1822 -
m Petro? Ch 3441-49 No listed
Cont 9
C'/tnrr^'Ur^ V-'"'
3 Powhatan Co., Ta., Public' Service Clai^: Certificates, Ta. St. Lib. ^
h Powhatan Co., 7a., Public" Sei^ce Claias: Court Booklet, p.' 6, Va. St. Lib.
5 Powhatan Co., Va., Deed Bk. 1, p. J . !
6 Sublett, APartial History ..., p. 17. 10 Chesterfield Co., 7a., Kar. Reg., p.-^93.c.v
7 Ibid., p. 17. Knorr, op. eit. Powhatan Co., Va. p. 2U.
8 Knorr^ WaT-riaees ... Powhatan Co.. 7a.. p. liO. 12 Knorr, od. eit. Powhatan Co.,.7a> p. ^2,.^;;
16. Villiam Sublett, bora say 1750, was married 2U April itSS.jfdate of,bondAmelia Co.,
Virginia, to Betsy Hughes, John Hughes being named on' the bond.' - Wp. mrv bp emt-p' +wa+-
^ . . _ . ?7 >6 surej that the William
trtio married in Amelia County was the son of Peter (#6), because Peter by his-will left his so_q
William negroes named Isaac, Cesar, Rachel and Sawney.2 By.his will"dated".28'Aprtl 179ir7pi^i'""
bated 17 Sept. l800, William Sublett left to his wife Betsey "the use o.f thejfollo^ng slaves,
vir., Isaac, Cesar, Sawney and Rachel."3 Despite the fact that his will was not probated until
17 Sept. 1800, it seems quite likely that William died several years in" Bdvance"'of this, much
nearer to the making of the will than to its probate, as the "Betsey Sublett" who married (date
of bond) 17 May 1797 his first cousin Arthur Sublett (#li5) is'"believed with some reason to have
been his widow, Betsy (Hughes). (See #15 for discussion.) ?
Issue of William and Betsy (Hughes) Sublett:
78 li
79 iii
Samuel Sublett, b. c. 1769, m. (1st) $ Aug. I8l7 (date of bond) Harriet Duval,
daughter of Benjamin Duval, in the city of Richmond.^ She was buried 2 June 1827,
aged 27, in Shockoe Hill Cenetery, Richmond, 7a.^ Samuel m. (2nd) 1632 at
Lynchburg, Va., to Antoinette C. Carlton.-" She died 8 March 1852, age 13, and
is buried in Shockoe. He died 29 April 1856, aged 67; buried at Shockoe. Samuel
Sublett served as a vestryman at historic St. John's Episcopal Church, Richmond,
from 1829 to IBI3. A child of his was buried there in the churcl^ard in I8II.
Among his issue:
1. Virginia Sublett.
2. Charles Morton Sublett, b. 22 Oct. I83I, bp. at St. John's Church
26 Jan. 1838.
Nan^ Sublett, b. say 1791; m. (date of "bond) 20 June. I8IO in Powhatan Co.,
Virginia,- to Francis Branch.'
John Sublett, r-. *".0. -.tC'John Hughes Sublett) b. ll May
1793, d. 30 March 1862, "sdio was married in Ken^cky in I818 to Frances A. M. L.
Towles, b. 16 Aug. I8OO, d. 17 Feb. I86I, daughter of Col. Thomas and Mary (Smith)
1 Amelia Co., Va., Karriage Bonds, abstracted in William and Mary College Quarterly, 1:17:37.
2 Will of Peter Sublett, made July 1783, Po^diatan Co.^ Va., Deed Bk. 1,., pp. 237-38.
3 Will of "William Sublett, Powhatan Co., Va., Deed Bk. 2;-p. 668.
li Anne Waller Reddy and Andrew L. Rife, Virginia Marriage Bonds: Richmond City, p. 2h.
5 A. Bohraer Rudd, Register of Interments, Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Va., 1822-1650, p.
^ Dy^-hburg Marriage Register, 1, p. 27. 7 Knprr, Marriages Powhatan Co.. Va.,p. 10
"The Towles Family", Virginia Magazine, 8:li28, as to marriage and her parentage; vital
_____ dates are from their tombstones, Henderson (Ky.) City Cemetery.
17. John Sublett. bom say 1755, "''as married to t.-."Phoebe Porter, the daughter of John and
the granddaughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Dutoit) Porter, and great-
Sarah (Watkins) Porter," _
gra^dMght^ of-Pierre Dutoit, the Huguenot immigrant.^ Presumably she was dead before
178ii when John Porter made his will, not mentioning her, but naming "ay grandson Peter
""horn he gave "a negroe girl Jane, and In case of his decease without lawful issue
+ V equally among all ly children."3 "John Sublit" is named on a subscription list
en a Powhatan County for the purpose of "paying bounties to recruits and preventing
a drau^t of the militia "li i- b y b
;brother-"iD-iX"a3^JaTnej; J
-in -Hamilton Coun^^ <.Xei^i4oay-Jiortlwest Ohio
> on 5 Nov._ 1799,. James-Smith-
Virginia and accom-
WarrfiD Govi
1-theyCjQnifllia_r_eX^ s"
ii^simablY' in Vai^'gn
re^iiabityy lay)
-s i^nes Snith.
^hat time
!?'1-deT0T'd''5r" references
oRri., Sublett
5ie3 in I6l5 in _Ohio
Issue of John and ; (Porter) Sublett:
* 80 i Peter Dutoy Sublett, b. prior to July 1763 vhen. his paternal grandfather, Peter
Sublett, made his will giving grandson Peter Ihitoy Sublett one Boy named
Bob.He married Nancy Vingo, daughter of John, June l805, Amelia Co., Va.9
1 Sublezx, A Partial Histor,^ p. 29.
2 See vill of Peter Butoit, dated 3 Kap 1726, prob. 3 Oct. 1726j Henrico Co., Ya., Miscel
laneous County Records [Deeds, Wills, etc.] (l650-lB07), vol. 2 (1718-1736), p. 659.
"Will of Isaac'Dutoy, dated 9 Dec. 1750, prob. Mar. 1752, Cumberland Co., Va., abstracted
in Yirginia Magazine of History and Biography, 32:395-
3 Povhatan'^Co.Va,, Will Bk. 1, p. 90. ' ^
ii Virginia Magazine of History and Biograohv, 2l::329. (Hereafter cited as VMHB).
6 Povhatan Co., Va., Deed Bk. 3, p- 6O8.
7 Sublett, A Partial History p. 29. 6 Povhatan Co., Va., Deed Bk. 1, pp. 237-36.
9 "Amelia Co., Va., Marriage Bonds", abstracted in William and Mary College Quarterly, 1:17:38.
16. Benjamin Sublett, born say 1759; m. (date of bond) 20 Jan. 1765 Betty Ann Street.^ His
vill, dated ii March 1821, probated 21 Apr. 1825, names the folIovLng childr9n;2
Issue of Benjamin and Betty Ann (Street) Sublett:
Villiair. Sublett. Samuel S. Sublett's A Partial History ..., correctly lists three
sons for Benjamin: William, John and Joseph. Of these, he says: 'T^illiam went
west and became an inhabitant with the Indians and was very prominent."3 It
seems quite likely that he.was really thinking of William L. Sublette (#206) son
of Philip Allen Sublette. (#30)
John Sublett.
Joseph Sublett, b. c. 1793, from the fact that on 27 March 1871, aged 78, he ap
plied for a pension based on his service in the War of l8l2 as a private in the
militia company of Capt. Samuel Marshall from h Mar. l8l3 to lli Aug. I8l3-
Joseph Sublett was described on his enlistmen'^ papers as 5'10" in height, dark
skin, grey eyes and black hair. He died in Powhatan County 2 Jan, 1873- He
married on 6 Feb. I8h0 Mrs. Ann M. ("Nancy") (Wlnfree) Morrisett. She was born
c. 1805, the daughter of John Winfree, and married (1st) 12 Nov. 1825 in Powhatan
County, John F. Morrisett. Morrisett died 12 Oct. 1835, leaving one son,
Beverley F. Morrisett. Joseph and Ann (Winfree) Sublett also had one son,
Benjamin T. Sublett, of Danville, Va.^
Judith Sublett, m. 11 Dec. lBl7 in Powhatan County to Littleberry Boatwright.6
Mary (Polly) Sublett, m. 19 Feb. I8I8 to William Owen."
Elizabeth (Betsy) Sublett, m. (date of bond) 21 June iSlil Elder John Wooldridge.
Nancy Sublett.
Phebe Sublett.
Eliza Sublett, m. (date of bond) l5 Dec. I630 to Bennett Maxey."
Mariah Sublett.
1 Knorr, Marriages ... Powhacan Co.. Va., p. >3-
2 Powhatan Co., Va., Will 3k. 7, p. 162. 3 Sublett, A Partial History -> P- 9.
3 Joseph Sublett, War of l8l2'Pension File, S'.O. hlhl, S.C. 2987, W.O. 30077, W.C. 23553
National Archives, Washington, B.C.
5 Knorr, op. cit., Powhatan Co., Vs., p. 8. 6 Ibid., p. h9.
7 Powhatan Co., Va., Marr.'Reg., 1777-1653, p- 136. 6 Ibid., p. 110.
[To be continued]
Complied by Cameron Allen of East Orange, NewJersey
Part lU, Continued from Winter 1963, p. .
U Benjajoin Sublett vas born 23 April 1733 aod vis as .:
ioHfathe-s beins "Cedeon Ohanbon and Wollter Stot" and godmother being, Anne Davld.l _To his .-:
srrnei lonis-^oblet I7 his vill dated 5Hor. 1751., I^toted 27_Jan. 1755. gare
"nrr horse bridel and saddell and all varing cloaths, and more-1 doe appoint and. order^irtT
^cutors'to pay all the debts that sy son Benjamin owes at this d^, ^ paid (sxc) out^of ay
novebel estate."2 .^"'7 ' .
Benlamin Sublet vas marriSd to Elizabeth Jordan 21. June 1762 tr Farson Dougias.3 mabeth
vas dairiitir or Charles and Hellenah (-) Jordan. He stayed on for some years in oW King
William Parish vfaire most of his children vere bom. The.last fami^ baptism recorded there
s ^ SSel vho vas baptized 31 Mar. OT."- Some time t&reafter^and before another
child could be baotized apparently (unless the prevailing Virginia dis^fection wi^ the
Anglican Church was already materializing in this portion of the Sublett family), he had moved
to ioin his brothers William and Abraham in Charlotte County, Va., where on 1 March 1780 his
brother-in-law Charles Jordan sold him 150 acres on the Middle Fork of Cub Ci^ek; teth ag
described as "of Charlotte County".5 This same tract he sold on 13 March lB06 to Joto Bibb,
preoaratory to his migration with his family to Kentucky. .If this is the Benjamin^of
Revolutionary service, it would seem that his Revolutionary service was performed from^^s old
home in King William Parish, and after discharge from the Continental Amy on o Dec. }''9, he
followed the typical veteran's pattern of moving on shortly to greener pastures; it will be
noted that his first purchase recorded in Charlotte was made on 1 March 1780.
He and his sons Benjamin Branch and Samnel are all last listed for taxes, in Charlotte-
County, Va., in 18o6;7 by 1807 they had left Virginia. Benjamin's: eldest son Charles Jordan-
Sublett had preceded them; he is last listed for taxes in Charlotte County in-1803i' As-e^ly
as 15 July 1799 Charles J. Sublett had received a land grant of. 200. acres on the Barren, River
in Warren Co., Ky.^ but seems to have delved his removal, thencei- The only, son of Benjamin
who failed to join in this migration was his youngest, Matthew, relatively a newly-wed at this
time. On 30 M^ l8lU Benjamin Sublett, Sr., of Warren Co., Ky;, deeded to his son
Sublet of Charlotte Co., Va., a negro "now at John Fares of Canpbell County, Va." Charles J.
Sublet served as a witness. On 19M^ lBl5 Benjamin Sublett, Sr.,: of Warren- conveyed to his
son Benjamin B. Sublett "for nat\u:al love l83 acres ... where I now live, pay "^e'
balance due Michael Finley on the land."^^ William . Sublett.witnessed the deed. Bt will
dated 19 Sept. l809, probated Feb. I8l6, Benjamin Sublett gave one negro .each to his chil^en,
Charlye J., Benjamin, Samuel, Usley Porter, Marthew, Meirtha Ghrland, Mary Sublett, and Elizabeth
(no last name given for the last), "lly dau^ter Sally Fore" was given "one dollar and no more .
Executors named were sons Charlye J., Benjamin and Samuel. Witnesses were Peter !I^lor, John
Hines and Ezra Bostick.
ABenjamin Sublett (Sublit) served as a Coiroral in the 5th, 11th and l5th Virginia Regi
ments, Continental line, during the Revolution.Benjamin Sublett received Continental Line
Warrant No. 899, Military District of Ohio, for three years' service durtng the Revolution as
a Sergeant.^5 The DJl.R. has accepted (jfll) Benjamin as the Benjamin with this Revolutionary
service, and has caused his grave in Warren Co., Ky., to be marked with a government stone^ ^
proclaiming that fact, though it is clear that there was a second Benjamin Sublett in Virginia
of an age well suited to military service in that conflict (#l8). On the basis of the extant
public docianents alone, the contributor cannot see any particularly good reason for selecting
one Benjamin over the other to identify with the Revolutionary soldier. Both ar^ known to have
bad early realty interests in Kentucky. On 20 June 1782 Benjamin Sublett entered 1.178 and
2/3rds acres on "Stinking Creek", then in Lincoln County, Kentucky.^ The same day, 20 June
1782, Benjamin Sublett ent^ed 2,000 acres on*Skaggs Creek in Lincoln County.^' This entry was
amended on 26 March 1785-^ On 20 June 1763 Benjamin Sublett received Military Warrant No. 899
for 200 acres, for "3 years as a S'-^t. in tKe Virginia line."^^ On 6 Nov. 1797 Benjamin Sublett
was granted 1,178 acres in Lincoln County on the Cumberland River.On 18 March l800 Benjamin
n nf Powhatan County, Ta.. deeded avay 1,126 and 2/3rds acres on the Cumber-
?p^ri n^ier IV This last re^rd definitely refers to Benjamin's ini) nephew Benjamrn (#18) of
Poltn^i^r^nd^ght conceivably tty the scales in favor of Benjamin (#lB) as being the
Revolutionary corporal and sergeant.
ABtii^ of a couple of the men vho served in -the same conpany as Benjamin is inconclusive,
as there is no correlation between their geography and either of the two Benj^ns. Capt. James
G^av the compariv commander, on $ July 1777 was noted as "on furlough to South^ton County" of
Aich he vas^Sefore inferentially aresiiient.20 The Eerolatloaair Person A^licrtion of
Shlett's conrade John BaAer sIots that he enlisted from Sussex Cohtrtyi Ta.", althou^ he vas
asarxied in Pnnce George County* . .
However in spite of the inconclusiveness of the public records, there is every indica^on
from sources'of family tradition that the Revolutionary soldier was Beniamin {#11). Acounty
hS?o^TL-ks of tils Benjamin that he "nas aRevolntionaiy soldier".52 Several of the
branotes handed it down t(r fd of month that Benjamin s^ed in the BCTolntion and one tditwn
was specific enoug^i- concerning Benjamin (#11) to say that he had served at VaUey Forge.23
Besides tradition the greater age and maturity of Benjamin (#11) tould in this era perhaps have
hL a likelier man^ serve as a non-commissioned officer than tiie considerably younger
nephew of the same name. Further, as we have noted, there is a quite interesting co^elation
between the date of the discharge of the soldier, and Benjamin's (#11) removal from King William
Parish to Charlotte Coun'ty.
Accepting, therefore, Benjamin (#11) as the man with the R^olutiona^ ' Benjamin
Sublett (Sublet, Sublit, Sublitt) is first listed as a private in June 1777 in ^pt. James
Gray's Co., l^th Va. Regiment of Foot commanded by Lt. Col. James Innes, altteu^ 2!.
muste- rolls show that he had enlisted for a terra of three years on 6 Dec. 1776. ty July 1777
he was a corporal. In Sept. 1777 he was noted "sick in hospital"; in October, as absent ; in
November and December as "sick - absent". The monthly Muster Rolls of March, April, M^ and
June 1778 are dated at Valley Forge, the coapapy then being commanded by Maj. GustaTO B. "^llace.
The May 1778 Muster shows that he was sick again, though present at Valley Forge, ty June 1770
the conroany had returned to the command of Capt. James Gray. Gray's coapapy in a .
subsequently commanded variously by Daniel Morgan and^Cpl. Abraham, Bufqrd, w'as at White ^ains
in August 1778, at Newark in Sept. 1778, at Poupton in October and November 1778, at Middlebrook
from December 1778 through April 1779. In May 1779 he was transferred to Major Stephe^on s
Company of the 5th and 11th Virginia Regiment of Foot commanded by Col. William Russell. The
company was at Smith's Clove in May-June 1779, at Ramapough in July, at Smith's Clove in August,
at Ramapough in Septaaber, at Haverstraw in October, and at Caro Morristown in NoverabOT, with
the notation on 9 Dec. 1779 that "Sublit" had been "dischg'd".2u The full muster roll of the
company on 30 Nov. 1778 shows that James Gray was Captain, Samuel Jones Lt., and Tho^s Davis,
Ensign. His discharge papers show that "Benjamin Sublett a soldier in the eleventh V^ginia
Ridgment has faithfully served the time for which he Enlisted, and is hereby Discharged from any
' further Duty in the said Ridgment given under ny hand this eigjhth Day of peceraher [1779J J
Wood Col. Comdr. 1 Virga. Brigade." Attached thereto is a certificate that "Benja^n Sublett
Inlisted with me as Sargent in the Continental Amy the sixth Day of December [1776] James
Harris Cap. June lU, 1783."2 On that day lit June 1783 a certificate was issued at the auditors
office of Virginia to "Benjecnin Sublett Sergt. Inf." for the sum of L received by
himself .27
His comrade Barker's pension application pens a clearer picture of the geography of his
Revolutionary service. Barker declared that "he enlisted in 1776 or 1777 for three years in
Capt. James Gray's Company in Sussex County, Va., ... They marched to Williamsburg where t ey
rendezvoused and were stationed a short time and then to Dumfries where th^ were innoculate
for the small pox, and remained about a month. They then marched to Baltimore and ^
sailed to Philadelphia. He immediately inarched to New Jersey and joined the amy of Gen.
Washington at Middlebrook. The regiment was attached to the brigade of Gen. Worfdford. He ws
at the erecting of the fort or garrison on North River above New Tork. He marched for Sou
Carolina through Philadelphia (where he remained a short time and, the winter being col ,
some clothing) and Petersburg, where his teim of enlistment expired and he was discharge *
was at the storming and taking of Story Point." Presumably Sublett was this ac Ty>
except the march to South Carolina, his term having e:q>ired prior to this.
Iss^e or Benjaain and Elizabeth (Jordan) Sublett:
li5 i Sarah Sublett, b. 26 Dec. 1763; bp. 22 Jan. 176Uj^^ m. 27 Harch 1782 John Fore.30
Jli9 ii Charles Jordan Sublett, named for his maternal grandfather; sometimes called
Jordan and sometimes known as Charles; b. 31 July 1766: hp. 3 Sept. 1766;3
m. 1 Jan. 1789 Polly Davis, daughter of Tenole Davis;^'^ resided in Butler Co.
arid Warren Co., Ky.; d. Warren Co. x
D-sula (Ursley, Dsley) Sublett: b. 2U Mar. 1769; bp. 21 May 1769;-'"' m. (1st)
7 April 1788 Joel Ferguson;m. (2d) 19 Aug. 1790 Samuel Porter; settled, in
Wythe Countv, Va.
Elizabeth Sublett, b. lb Oct. 1771; bp 21 Dec. 1771;-'> and apparently again
28 May 1775;^^ m. 22 Dec. 1790 Warner Hewitt.3^ , vR , .x
52 V Beniamin Branch Sublett, b. 29.Mar. 177b; bp. 1 June 177U;^ m. (date of bond)
8 Nov. 1797 Mary Akin, daughter of Joseph Akin;-'' migrated via Warren Co., Ky.,
to Jackson Co., Alabama. -in , x , _
53 Ti Samuel Sublett, b. 29 Aug. 1776; bp. 31 Mar. 1777;bO m. (1st) " "S^el Subl^
(date of bond) 22 Aug. 1799 Faniiy Taylor, daughter of Charles Taylor;^i m. (2d)
8 Nov. 1810 Mary SuB5>ter. Resided in Warren Co". Ky^ j
5b vii Matthew Sublett, b. c. 1781, m. (date of bond) 18 Feb." 1803 Frances Key;^^ moved
to Giles Co., Va. . , b3 x -j
^5 vi- Martha Sublett, b. say 178b, m. 5Oct. l8o5 David Garland."^ This couple are said
to have moved to Luneriburg Co., Va., where he served as sheriff.
56 ix Mary Scott Sublett, b. 12 Feb. 1788; d. S^April 1862 Jackson Co., Alabama.
her cousin William Sublett (j?235 Q*^)
1 Brock. 00. eit., p. 55T
2 Cumberland Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, p. 86.
3 W. Mac Jones, oo. cit., p. Ii5'
b Ibid., p. 300.
5 Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bk. h, p. 211.
6 Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bk. 11, p. l8.
7 Charlotte Co., Va., Personal Property Tax Books, 1782-1815. _
8 Willard P.. Jillson, The Kentucky Land Grants [Filson Club Pub. No. 33J Louisville, lyZ:>,
p. Iil8.
9 Warren Co.-, Ky., Deed Bk. F6, p. 29b (as abstracted in Ky. Hist. Soc.), .
10 Warren Co., Ky., Deed Bk. G7, p. b2 (as abstracted in typescript in the Kentucky Historical
Society, Franlcfort).
11 Warren Co., Ky., Will Bk. B, p. 92.
12 John H. Gwathmey, Historical Regrister of Virginians in the Revolution.
Richmond, Dietz, 1938.
13 Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh, Revolutionary War Records, vol. 1; Virginia. ... v * w
lb Lincoln County Entries, Bk. 1, p. 276, abstracted in Wil^rd Rouse Jillson, Old Kentuci^
Entries and Deeds [Filson Club Publication No. 3b3 Louisville, 1926, p. 65
15 Ibid., absxracted in Ibid., p. 65.
16 Lincoln County Entries, Bk. 2, p. 200, abstracted in Ibid., p. 65.
17 [Kentucky] Military Warrants, abstracted in Ibid., p. 363*
18 Old Kentucky Grants, Bk. 10, p. 128, abstracted in Jillson, The Kentucky Land Grants, p. 2bl.
19 Kentucky Court of Appeals Deeds, Bk. E, p. 62, abstracted in Jillson, Old Kentucky
Entries and Deeds, p. 532.
20 Revolutionary War Military Service File: James Gray, Capt. 5 3^8 11 Va. Regt.,
National Archives, Washington, D.C.
21 John Barker, Revolutionary Pension Application W83bO, National Archives, abstracted in
John Frederick Dorman,- conp., Virginia Revolutionary Pension Applications, v. b,
Washington, D.C., I960.
22 James Battle et. al.. History of Kentucky, 1885, p. l60.
23 Richard A. Sublett (# 32b7) so infonaedW. W. Moon, husband of Sophronia (Sublett)
Moon (# 389).
2b Revolutionary War Military Service File: Benjamin Sublett, 5 end 11 Virginia Regt.,
Pvt. and Cpl., National Archives.
25 W.T.R. Saffell, Records of the Revolutionary War, New Tork, Pudney and Russell,
1 58, p. 266.
26 Revolutionary War Bounty Warrant File, Virginia State Library: "Sublett, Benjamin (Sgt.)".
50 iii
51 iv
O %
100 - . .. - : ^^- .-
27 Volume ^ar h", p. 3li2, Virginia State-Libraiy,. Richmond.
25 John Barker, R.P-i. W83liO, National Arrives, abstracted in Dorraan, op. cit.. v. h,
pp. 70-71. ..
29 Jones, op. cit., p. 300, checked in the Douglas Register, photostats of the original in
the Virginia State Library, p." 66.
30 Catherine L. Knorr, Marriages ... of Charlotte Co.. Va.. p. 28. :
31 Jones, OP. 'cit., p. 300j checked in Douglas Reg.. orig., p. 75- . ^ : "
32 Knorr. op. cit., Charlotte Co., Va., p. BO. ..
33 Jones, op. cit., p. 3OO5 checked in Douglas Reg., orig., p. 5U. .
3li Knorr. op. cit., Charlotte Co.," Va., p. 27. -"t
35 Jones, op. cit., p. 300; checked in Douglas Reg., orig., p.'91. * . ! ' "
36 Ibid., p. 300, checked in Ibid., p. 98. . . .-
37 Krwrr. op. cit., Charlotte Co., Va., p. Ul.
38 Jones, OP. cit., p. 300; checked in Douglas Reg., orig., p. 69.
39 William Wade Hinshaw, ed.. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, . 6: Virginia,
p. 857 (Campbell Co., Va., Marriage Bonds), Ann Arbor," 1950.
LO Jones, op. cit., p. 300; checked in Douglas Reg., orig., p. 101.
Ul Hinshaw, op. cit., p. 857. *
h2 Ibid., p. b57.
Knorr, op. ext., Charlotte Co., Va., p. 31-
Hi. James Sublett, b. between 1729 and 1736, "was referred to as a child to be educated in his
father's will of 17lil/2. "Renne Chasteen Guardian of James Soblet" on 13 Feb. 1750 filed his
guardian's account in the court of Albemarle Co., Va., as'followst
April the 2^ day 17li8 My account against James Soblet to the Doctors
charge for the cure of his negip and for the child's maintenance
1750 - for the child's maintenance ... for three years schooling.^
Absent any further guardian's accounts, James, Jr., presumably achieved his .majority shortly
after this. He certainly had become an adult by 23 May 1757 when as "James Sublett of Albemarle
County" he sold to Stephen Pankey of Chesterfield County the 200 acres his father had bought
from Benjamin Harris in 1738 ("being part of a tract granted by patent unto Benjamin Harris").
On 10 May 1759 William Salle Ju^. of Albemarle County sold 300 acres on Joshuas Creek to James
Sublet of the same county.This" James Sublet is certainly the James Sublet vho appears as
a ta3:payer in old Albemarle's southern half, Buckingham County, in 1782, with two polls and no
slave. The William Sublet who appears with him" in Buckingham in 1782 is presumably a son.
The second poll listed under James' name is in all probability his son James, Jr. By 1783 the
three had disappeared from the tax rolls of Buckingham. They moved to Henry County, into that
portion which in 1791 became Patrick County. There on 23 August 1793 "Arch. Hughes of the
County of Patrick sold to James and William Sublet of the County aforesaid" a 30U acre tract
lying on Green Creek.^ '
Issue of James Sublett, name of "wife unknown:
* 61 i William Sublett, b. say 1760 in Albemarle Co., Va.; served in the Virginia militia
in 1781i or before; m. (isrt) c. 1783 probably in Buckingham Co., Va., to Ruth
Ford; settled in Henry, later Patrick Co., Va.; migrated from there to Madison Co.
and Garrard Co., Ky., where he m. (2d) I806 Mrs. Nancy Harris.
62 ii James Sublett, Jr. (possibly), b. say 1763 in Buckingham Co., Va.; settled in Henry,
later Patrick Co., Va. On 13 May 1781i a warrant for I 6.5U was Issued "to James
Sublett for seivice in the militia.6 This entry could refer either to this James
or to his father. It cannot refer to James Sublett (j5^1i3) for he had died in
1781, and there is no notation of payment to an heir. A descendant of Daniel
Sublett believed Daniel (#506) "to be the son of "James Sublett by his "wife
Elizabeth Ford, from Heniy Co., Va." but other sources indicate that Daniel was
the son of William (#61) ^ his "wife Ruth Ford, so that this appears to be a
case of jumbled memories.' Nothing further is known of this James, if indeed
in fact he existed.
63 iii Frances (Frankey) Sublett, m. I6 March 1792 in Patrick Co., Va., to John Ward.
Their marriage bond states "that she was the daughter of James Sublett; William
Sublett "was security.
(?S" or Patsj) Sublett, nsned for her pate-nal grancrvothsr; it. 15 April
p-l^-y Co., Va.. tc James Innis (' The cotsle apparently
-'c-aoec'tr Ker.tuoVr.'. for or. 1 June 1812 "Janes Innis of the State of Kentuol^"
twc tracts containing 50 acres each to Thomas Dix of the Count- of Ken:^.-
and James Calquhoun of the Countr of Pittsylvania.^
^ ;'oer.ari wO-, Va., Wills anc yeecs, Tci. 1, p. iO-
: C'koerlanc Co.,Ja., Deed 3i:. 2,
f =i Kaugle, Virginia Taxpayers. 1782-1767, Other Than
""hose -p-/ tne D.S. Census Bureau. 191:0
- - _I _ rt Dssc 5k. 1. P- 13>i
' s'^State Librar-*, Auditor's Account Bi:., 1783-81, t. AViii p. 653- _ ^
- In'oians Mounds Chapter"D.AEj., Vills^and Bible Records. 19aS, p. 5, typescrip. aw. one
?atMck^c.^*Va'!'j Marriage Register, 1791-1853, p. 3, acoiapilation from the county
=ictf!^u"l6!''" Oo., Va., Deed Bk. 3, P- 571.
.r -o-o- Su-ett born in the year 171:, vas married (date of bond) on 27 Not. 1JT7 in Pov-
Va tc'Ma-tha Smith, his surety being his brother Villiar.. - Ma.-na, the daug.tter
c''-h=ri'ani Magdalsr. (T.-ab-js) Snitb, vas 'Dcrr. 10 Sept. 1759 and died in Januap- 1635.^
-sl.-t vac this "Peter Sublit", rather than his father, who furntsned tne nevolUoiona..,
/^"bu. of wheat" on 16 Feb. 1781:-^ and "1 bu. corn, 1:0 bu. fodder" on 7 Sept- i78i;
"c'^^'lb. grass beef" on Ic Oct. 1781, and "100 bu. wheat" on 21 Dec. 1761." On 13 Dec. 17Sc,
T>I-o-~"'s30-9r.t'T thorouEhlT imbued with Jeffersonian principles and motirated douctless by
as veil.'reccrdec an interesting deed, stating that "I belieTe That al. men
are""!-"- natur^ ecually free'and independent and therefore from a clear conrlction of inyus-
tice^and criminality'of depriving ny Fellow Creatures of their natural and dearest Right, dc
jjo-.o*-r emancioats or set free the following Men, Women and Children." Six slaves were given
thVIr freedom'that very Christmas, and the nine remaining slaves were emancipated on a staggereo
li- -o the vear 1802, Christmas Day in each case being the day selected for this
nbo'Ies^ of 'all human gifts.^ Peter, it seems, while a Jeffersonian, vas an early-day gradualist.
Re died 17 Sept. 1812 in Povhatan.^
Issue cf Peter and Martha (Smith) Sublett, all bom in Powhstan County; -
dates of births and deaths from the family Bible:
7C i Elisabeth S. (Betsy) Sublett, b. 6 Sept. 1778, d. 17 Sept. 1B13; m. (date of^bond)
25 Oct. 1799 Robert Wrsn. Five children are listed in Sublett's A Partial
History. ^
"71 ii Mary .Magdalen Sublett, b. 5 Oct. 1780, c. 1: Oct. 'I8l2; m. (date of bond) 22 rec.
l802 Jcsiah Ellet;^ six children.
72 iii Peter Sublett, b. 16 May 1781; d. 18 Oct. l85l; m. (date of bond) 12 Oct. lB05,
Acne P. Baker, dau. of Thos.i^ Eleven children.
73 It raomas Smith Sublett, b. 5 May 1785; d. i; Oct. iSUU; m. Sarah Lackland, dau. of
Zadoc Lackland; 5 children.
71 T William Sublett, b. 2 Mar. 1790; d. 10 Aug. 1872; m. Ma-* Lackland; 1 children.
75 vi Martha Sublett, b. 5 May 1792; c. in l85C in Texas; m. 13 ?eb. 1612 James Foresee,
descendant of the Huguenot Farci family.
76 vii Judith G. Sublett, b. 2n May 1795; <3* 8 April 1833; m. 6 Jan. 1820 Thomas
iMerriaan;^^ two children
. Cit.nertne 1. Knorr, Marriage Bonds a.nd .Ministers' Returns of Povhatan Co., va.. 1:7---C3---
Pine Bluff, Ar>:., 1957, p. c3. " ^
: Fa.mily Bible cf Peter Sublett, as published in Samuel . Sublett, A Partial Htstory c-
French Huruenots br Ka,me Soblets" ... P.ichmond, 1896, pp. 17, 29. Sublett calls Thomas
5mtt.n's vtde Margaret \Irabue;. ^The will of Tnomas Smith, dated Iii June 1786,
?rob. Id Nov. 17on, calls his wife Magdalen and names daughter Martha Sublett. (Povnatar.
Co., Va., Will 3k. 1,^, p. 116) Also, the will of Magdalen Smith, dated 15 May 1767, prob.
~ Aug. 1767, names dan. Martha Sublett. (Powhatan Co., Va., 'Will Bk. 1, p. ^32/
102 , . - .. .. r; -.:v ...^-.- " -. ...
3 Powhatan Co., 7a., Public Ser^ce Claims; Certificates, 7a. St. Lib. ^
Ix Povhatan Co., 7a.," Public" Sei^ce Claias; Court Booklet, p." 6, 7a. St.'Lib. .
5 Powhatan Co., 7a., Deed Bk. 1, p." 1x87.*';,' 9 1^., p. 1x9. . _
6 Sublett, APartial History ..., p. 17. ^ 10 Chesterfield Co., 7a., Mar. Reg., p,".qV.-.^
7 Ibid., p. 17. , Knorr, op. cit.' Powhatan Co., 7a. p."
8 Knorr, Marriages Powhatan Co.. 7a.. p. IxO. 12 Knorr, op. cit. Po^tan Co., 7a-. p. Ii2.. ^
16. William Sublett, born say 1750, vas married 2lx Apil 17B8/fdate of
7irEinia, to Bets7 Hughes, John Hughes being named on" the ^u^ :.~.;Wa m^ be m Wiliima
who married in Amelia County was the son of Peter (#6), beeauM P^er 'ty"hi gvnY left his son
William negroes named Isaac, Cesar, Rachel and Sawn^.2 By.his will-dated\28'Apial' I79li7"p3^"''
bated 17 Sept. I8OO, William Sublett left to his wife Betsey "the use 'pf the folio-wing slaves
vie., Isaac, Cesar, Sa-wney and Rachel,"3 Despite the fact that his will- -was not probated until
17 Sept. 1800, it seems quite likely -that William died several years in" advancVof -this, nnich
nearer to the making of the will than to its probate, ^as the "Betsey Sublett" who married (date
of bond) 17 May 1797 his first cousin Arthur Sublett (#1x5) is- believed -with some reason to have
been his -widow, Betsy (Hughes). (See #1x5 lor discussion.) ?
Issue of William and Betsy (Hu^es) Sublett:
77 i Samuel Sublett, b. c. 1789, m, (1st) 5 Aug. I8l7 (date of bond) Harriet Duval,
daughter of Benjamin Duval, in -fche city of Richmond." She was buried 2 June 1827,
aged 27, in Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, 7a.3 Samuel m. (2nd) 1832 at
Lynchburg, 7a., to Antoinette C. Carlton.- She died 8 March 1852, age 1x3, and
is buried in Stockoe. He died 29 April 1856, aged 67; buried at Shockoe. Samuel
Sublett served as a vestryman at historic St. John's Episcopal Church, Richmond,
from 1829 to 181x3* A child of his was buried -there in the churcl^ard in I8I1I.
Among his issue:
1. 7irginia Sublett. - :
2. Charles Morton Sublett, b. 22 Oct. l83lx, bp. at St. John's Church
26 Jan. I838.
Nancy Sublett, b.'say 1791; m. (date of bond) 20 June I8IO in Po-whatan Co.,
7irginia,-to Francis Branch.'
79 iii John Sublett; r-. :-.C. .!.(' John Humes'Sublett) b. llx May
1793, d. 30 March 1862, -who was married in Ken^dcy in I8I8 -bo Frances A. M. L.
Towles,gb. 16 Aug. I8OO, d. 17 Feb. I86I, daugh"^^ of Col. Thomas and Mary (Smith)
1 Amelia Coi, Va., Marriage Bonds, abstracted in William and Mary College Quarterly, 1:17:37.
2 Will of Peter Sublett, made July 1783, Poidiatan Co.; 7a., Deed Bk. 1,, pp. 237-38.
3 Will of William Svtolett, Powhatan Co., 7a., Deed Bk. 2;-p. 668. . " :
h Anne Waller Reddy and Andrew L. Rife, 7irginia Marriage Bonds: Richmond Ci-ty, p. 2lx.
5 A. Bohmer Rudd, Register of Interments, Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, 7a., 1822-1850, p. 5.
P^7^-hburg Marriage Register, 1, p. 27. 7Knorr, Marriages ... Powhatan Co., 7a.. p. IQ
"The Towles Family", 7irginia Magazine, 8:1x28, as to marriage and her parentage; vital
dates are from their tombstones, Henderson (Ky.) City Cemeteiy.
Q w 1755, was married -to cs .*^hoeVe Porter, the daughter of John and
u Porter, the granddaughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Dutoit) Porter, and great-
of Pierre Dutoit, the Huguenot immigrant.^ Presumably she was dead before
John Porter made his "will, not mentioning her, but naming "ay grandson Peter
Vif "Whom he gave "a negroe girl Jane, and in case of his decease -without la-wful issue
av < equally among all ay children."3 "John Sublit" is named on a subscription list
County for the purpose of "paying bounties -to recruits and preventing
a drau^t of the militia."U
an early grave, John Sublett left his only son brfiind in 7irglnia and accom-
^^o"^er-in-law. James Smith (1757-1800) who had married Elizabeth Porter, his
_. * iu 1798.5 There, in Hamilton County, Territory Northwest of the Ohio
, on 5 Nov. 1799 James Smith of Haiallton County engaged "to make good title to Peter
Compiledby Cameron AUen of East Orange, New Jersey
The conoaratiVely recen't publicat.ion of the Registsr oT the Church of La Patente de Soho-,
I6S9-I782, London, has made possible the location of the first item of infoiroation (other than
legendarv) on the Euronean origin of the Soblet family,.and has also made necessary the revision
0' the slight amount of published material -which has appeared on the family, so that the
follo-kng outline of the early generations of the family would appear to be timely. The Church
o' La Patente de S'oho was one of several churches established in London to minister to the
s^-'rivcaT needs of the swarm of Huguenot refugees who fled France in terror for their lives and
sou''s fo"n owing the Revocation of the Edict of Toleration (Nantes) in I685. Certain of the
Huguenot'churches in London conformed to the doctrine of the Church of England, but La Patente
de Soho was a nonconformist chapel, its name deriving from the fact that its foundation rested
upon Letters Patent issued by the Romanist king, James II, in 1688.-^ The single Soblet item
in the aforementioned register follows: ^
[entry #3 225. SOBIZT. 1698, 1 Mai. Robert, f. d'Abraham, de Sedan, en France,
et de Susanne Brian; bap. par Mr. Kalide, I'un des Pasts, de cette eg. ?. Rotteri.
de Caa. K. Dlle. Judith de Longne.' Tous dem. dans cette ville de Londres^ou
cet enfant est ne 20 Av. T^. Judith Delogne.
So for the first time it is known that Abraham Soblet came from Sedan; presumably his wife
Susan'>e (Brian) was a native of the same town, for it see-ms to have been customary in t.nis
^ lis* the place of nativity of each parent, if they came from different localities,
not without significance to note that the Soblets were not the.only Kanakintown settlers
" " come from Seaan: by his will Abraham Kichaux identifies himself as a native of the same
ce,^ and it is said that Bartholomew Dupuy's wife also came from Sedan.
This baptismal entry for the infant Robert Soblet also makes clear for the first time the
identity of Abraham's h.fe Susanne. She seems inescapably to have been a Brian, but she has
been identified heretofore (without benefit of any known primary source material) varyingly as
both a Dunuy and a Chastain.? The persons responsible for such misidentification seemed moved
by the desire to tie the Soblets in with other early Hanakin Town settlers; yet with her new
ider.titv as now revealed, this desire is apparently fulfilled, for there were early Huguenot
Brians at Manakin Town. Thomas" Brian is listed for the first time as a tithable in 1710,o and
Jaccues Brian in 172-.^ That a connection between these very Brians and the Soblets existed may
be inferred from repeated evidences of intimate friendship: for exangile, "Louy Soblet, Jr."
served as godfather to. Jaccues Brian's daughter Marie in 17li6. And quite conceivably the
cresence of the name Jaccues in both the Soblet and Brian f^ilies is mor than coincidence.
Presumably, then, these Brians of Manakin also came from Sedan. This belief is strengthened bj
the fact that there were Huguenot Brians from Seoan in London prior to the time that Abraham
Soblet resided there. On 27 August 1679 "Daniel Brian et sa fern.produced their tfecignage
(certificate of coicnunicant status) from the Huguenot Church of Sedan in the process of
affiliating with the Huguenot Threadneedle Street Church in London.
There was at least one other Soblet in London contemporary with Abraham. This was Pete^
Soblet who on 2lj Sept. 1690, being "of St Danes, Midd., Taylor, Bachr, abt applied
for a license to marry Charity Hunt, "of the same, Wid., ab'- 33," the event to occur at St.
Clements Danes.From the fact that Abraham named a son Pierre Louis, this Peter appears to
be a near relative, presumably a brother, to Abraham. Peter or another Soblet sired progeny^
who remained in England, for on 25 May 1766 Marie Anne Soblet became a memoer of the Huguenot
Threadneedle Street Church in London; 81^6 on 7 June Sara Soblet stood godmother to one
George Kartman at "La Chapelle Royale de Saint James."
The registers of the Huguenot Church of S^dan are still in existence, being in the custody'
of the Societe de I'Histoire du Fu"otestantisme Franpais, 51i, Rue des Saints-Peres, Pans.
K. Philippe de ?6lice of Ihe-Societ^ very kindly searched the registers of S/dan for the period
I65ii-l66; in which decade he considered roost likely the birth of Abraham to have occurred. His
search did not yield an entry for Abraham, but considering the fact that Peter of London was
- = V-
boi*n about I61i5i seems probable.- that Abraham also was bom earlier than 1651*.
did encounter two Soblet men procreating in tiie decade he searched:
Philbert* Soblet had by his wife Anne (Godin):
1. Jean Soblet b.
2. Jeanne Soblet b.
3. Jacques Soblet. b.
h. Elisabeth Soblet b.
5. Judith,Soblet b.
6. Rachel Soblet b.
7. Jean Soblet b.
8. Elisabeth Soblet b.
19 Oct. 165U, d. in childhood
17 Jan. 1656
h Mar. 1657
26 July 1658, d. in childhood
25 Aug. 1660
8 Jan. 1662
30 Aug. I66I1
10 Dec. 1665
K. de Felice
~ V '7 '
Jean Soblet had by his wife Judith (Lombart):. - - '
1.. Judith.Soblet-,^' , b. . ..7 May 1656 .. .
2. Marie; Sobiet'r . b. ~26"Oct. I663
M. de Felice could, not spare the time from his official duties to search further, and reported .
that he could recommend no one to continue the search through the registers of Sedan.
The fact that Philbert Soblet's wife Anne was born a Godin is of interest., because studies
of the Michaux family of Kanakintown show that the immigrant Abraham Michaux (1672-1717) was
descended from the Godin family of SdHan. His father Jacob Michaux was the son of Abraham- and
Marie (Godin) Michaux.^3 Thus, it would appear that Abraham Soblet and Abraham Michaux of
Manakin-town were, if not relatives, at least family connections of sorts. Doubtless, further
study of the Sedan registers will uncover some other interesting relationships among the
Manakintown settlers.
There is evidence that there were Soblets from Sedan-who became fugitives for conscience'
sake other t.Vian Abraham and..Peter: Among the men who served the French Refoiroed congregation at
Emmerich on the Rhine as combination school master and "lecteur-chantre" ("reader-chanter") in
the services were Jaccues Soblet (de Sedan) (died':1705)5 end Guillaume Soblet: (died 1752) -
"sans doute son-fils". ( I'Histoire du Protestant!sme Frangais- Bulletin. 32:38.)
It seems more.than.probable that Abraham Soblet initially "sought refuge, at" Emmerich himself with
his relative Jaccues. One of the ancient traditions of the Sublett family:was that he had come
to England via G^any and The Netherlands. If so, a study of the Church records of the :
Emmerich congregation (which-extend from 1690-1820) would probably disclose, the baptism of one
or more of his children in that locality,
Not long after the birth of his son Robert in London dn I698,. Abraham Soblet joined the
^oup of French refugees who determined to cast their fortunes in Virginia:,; Abraham,, the
husband and father, went on ahead of his wife to Virginia, with their oldest sons, embarking
19 April 1700 in the Mary and Ann. Governor Francis Nicholson on 12 August: 1700 wrote to..
England of the arrival of the first shipload of Manakin-bound Huguenots: "They were on board
the ship Mary and Ann, of London, George Haws, Commander, who had about thirteen weeks passage,
and the 23d of the last month [July] arrived at the mouth of this River" [the James], To his
letter Gov, Nicholson appended a "List of ye Refugees", among whom appear "Abraham Sablet et
des deux enfants,"^ Abraham was joined in Virginia in the fall of the year 1700 by "Susanne^
Soblet and 3 Enfans" according to the "List of All ye Passengers from London to James River, in
Virginia, Being ffrench Refugees Imbarqued in the Ship Te Peter and Anthony, of London,
Daniel Perreau, Commander, James Towne, in Virginia, ye 20th of Sept'r. 1700," In "Xbre '
"Susanne Soblet, et trois enfans" are likewise catalogued in the "Liste des personnes du second
convoy qui serent toute I'annee a Manicantown." Early "the next year "Soblet, his wife and
five children" appear in "A list of the refugees -sdio are to receive of ye miller^of Falling
Creek Mill one bushel a head of Indian meale monthly as settled at or about Ring*Williams Town
to begin in ffeb 1700 [1701],"^? By 10 Nov. 1701 an infant mortality had occurred in the family,
for William ^rd' s "List of ye French Refugees That are Settled Att ye Mannachin Town" of that
date accounts for "Sublet, his wife and four children,"I8
Abraham Soblet early assumed a fairly prominent position among the Manakintown settlers.
When the colony's beloved elder pastor, M. Benjamin Dejoux, died early in the history of the
settlement, Abraham Soblet joined the other pastor, M. Claude Philippe de Richebourg, in
appraising his estate. Soblet's own signature may be found signed to the original "Inventaire
des effets mounez dans la aaison de Residence ou Mr Dejoux est nort le mercredi 3- aart a deux
heurs du matin," -idiich was recorded 1 August 1703>^ Abraham Soblet also witnessed on 1 Nov.
1709 a deed for a "tract in the Monocantown" from "Anthony Promiseall and Mary his wife widow
Ic Relict of Abraham Hinet deceased to John Jones" (i.e., Jean Jouany).
According to the deposition of Abraham Salle on 2 Sept. 1707 "Not long after the erecting
of Monocantown into a Parish, the Parishioners were assembled to elect a Vestry, and the
Plurality of voices fell upon the following persons ... Abra. Soblet. In such a position of
responsibility it was inevitable that he would become embroiled in the controversy which shook
Manakintown. asinder and sent many of the settlers, led by M. Philippe de Richebourg, on their
iourney to the Carolinas. It was an early case in this country of vestry versus rector. On
27-March 1707 the vestry assembled at Manakintown, "Abra. Sobler" being one of those present.
"It was decreed that in view of the indirect methods and the unusual and irregular conduct
displayed at the session by Mr. Philipe, the minister, that ^nnet, vestryman, sign^y
and protest in the presence of the congregation to the said S . Philipe that the am^ement
and agreement which he has made with several parishioners is entirely disapproved ^ the vestry,
being contrary to the laws and customs established in Virginia and without ^e p^ticipation
of the vestry, that, therefore the vestiy will make no order nor lay no tax for its pj^ment.
Vhen on Sunday, 30 March, "after the divine service", Jacob Amonnet attempted ^ read the
vestry's declaration protesting the conduct of Mr. Philipe, "he was internjpted by toe said
Sr Philipe, who addressed himself to Sr Reynaud, clerk of the churto and of the s^d yestry,
warning him with much heafthat if he would not give over to him the ^ot of^ctoisteninp he
would exclude him from the comnninion, as well as all of those generally who did not go to him
to get their tickets or order-number. He declared publicly that he did not recognize any vestry
and that th'e people ought not to recognize it.^3 Thereupon there were heated^changes between
supporters of either faction in this very un-Anglican congregational, meeting after Moroing
PrVver, Abraham Salle alone, seeming to remember that this was "neither toe place nor toe
occasion", for such conduct. Suffice it to say that when M. Philippe and his dis^ntled company
departed for toe Carolinas. several years later, Soblet stayed on in King William Parish.
Shortly after this gallic outburst of publifc emotion, Soblet ^ -^707 had moved on
UP the ladder, from merely one of the vestiy to Church Warden of King William Parish, along
with Louis Dutartre.^ On 2$ May 1708 "The Srs. Abraham Soblet and Louis Dutartre, chinch
wardens, having tendered their resignations to the vestry, their year h^ng ^ire^ it was
enacted that the said resignations be accepted."25 They were replaced Antooine Trabue and
Gideon Chambon. Soblet dropped from the vestiy, and when on 3 October he
again for a position on the vestiy, he declined, "Abraham Soblet having declared^t he did not
wish to take the said oath [of qualification], not having the intention of himself
for the said office."26 Presumably from this wording, Soblet^d no scruples as "to
ticular oath required, but simply a disinclination to resume toe responsibilities of
and their presently attendant unpleasantness, what with M. Philippe still in the -neighborhood.
Whether being at outs with M. Philippe had anything to do with it, Abraham Soviet P^
his levy for 1709.27 On 30 June 1711 he was listed as a tithable to pay for the services
far that year of M. Philippe.26
Abraham Soblet, called either "pere" or "I'ainI" to distinguish him from f ^
same name on the verge of manhood (called "fils" or "le jeune"), appears as a tittaWe in King
William Parish in each year down at least through 17l5 On 30 Dec. 1715 a "Lis. o
for the^P^esent Tear 1715" includes both "Abra. Soblet, Vaine and
Bv JuIt 1717 one of toe Abraham Soblets had apparently died, for in the ..Dist of Tit^bles
^tijild S jSy 1717" only one Abra. Soblet appears.^O Which one of Abra^
the survivor, it seems ii.?>ossible to say. The survivor ap^ars for toe
Tithables of King William Parish for the present ^ar, 1719, L { b^tt-wSld
By the time toe list of tithables for 1720 was taken, he too had gone to a better vorio.
In attempting to establish toe outline of his family, oAe of the TOst
an undated one, but one toich has been estimated to date from about i711i. This Liste G
de Tous les Francois Protes'tants Refugies, Establys Dans la Paroisse du Roy Guilla^e, Comte
d'Henrico en Virginia, y Compris les Femmes, Enfans, Veuses, et Orphelins." gives the ^
Nons des Hoinmes-
Feanmes Garsons Filles
1 1 ""X
1 1 -
Jacques Sobler - " I
Louis Sobler- 1
Abra. -Sobler, lesne" [i.e., I'aine]
Abra. Sobler, le jeune 1
Fron this it be seen that Susanrie (Brian) Soblet had died before the jear ITlU or thereabouts.
- . * /. ' .V'. . ...' C- .1 v'*" g ' *-
Issue of Abraham Soblet, pere, and Susanne (Brian): " ^ v
K- 1 i Pierre-Louis Soblet, b. saj 1686, d. 175U/$, Cumberland Co.,'Tal; m. -(2nd)l'M^the
Martain (Martin). y.lU;?V'
2 ii Jacques Soblet, b. say 1689, d. 17lil/2, Goochland Co., Va.; m. Marthe ......
* 3 iii Anne Soblet, b, say 1681:j m. Pierre Chastain. This identity is subject to a bit of
debate. : The; sole;reference to her is: "3 April,-1723, died Anne Soblet, the
sieur^ Werre'Chastain, aged about years; vas buried the fourth of the
month. "^3. To achieve the identity suggested above, it is nece'ssaiy to supply in
the blanks "the vife of". Unaided by other refermces, it vould be just as possi
ble to supply alternatively "the daughter of" and thus make her wife of one of the
young Soblets. However, the death register also gives this reference: "The 12th
of January, 1722 [1723), died Janne Chastain, daughter of ieur Chastain and of
Anne Chastain, her father and mother, aged about 6 years; was buried the 13th of
the month, on Sunday, at three o'clock in the afternoon."3li This presumably re
fers to the same Anne and makes her wife to Pierre Chastain, hence, bom a Soblet.
* I: iv Abraham Soblet, fils, b. say l69lt; d. by 1720.
* 5 V Robert Soblet, b. 20 April 1698, London; bp. 1 May 1698 at -the Church of La Patente
de Soho. Died in childhood. He may have been one of the five children of Abraham
listed at Manakintown in Feb. 1701, deceased by 10-Nov. 1701. If so, then Abraham
had no other children who survived, because the c. 1711: "Liste Genlrale" shows no
children li"wing-wito Abraham pere; the 1701 "Census" shows him with five children
[ demons-trably (1) HLerre-Louis, (2) Jacques, (3) Abraham fils, since th^ are not
listed separately as heads of family there, plus probably (li) Anne, unless she was
already married by 1701, which i6 quite unlikely; plus, perhaps, (5) Robert or
another. If another,, it Tras__likely a seconddaughter older thah.Robert.] Abraham
pWe in all probabilily had no children ix)m subsequent to 1701 idio survived, for
none= are listed with him in 1711:, (assuming, of coarse, that none are'counted as
"Enfans" residing with either elder brother,.:Pierre-Louis or Jacques.') '
1 Huguenot Society of London. Publications, v. itS, p. xiii. London, 1956. (Registers
of the Churches of La Patente de Soho, Vheeler Street, Swansfields and Hoxton;
also, the Repertoire Gen6*al; ed. by Susan Minet.) i
2 Ibid.. V. kS, p. 19 " "
3 Henrico Co., Va., Miscellaneous Court Records [Deeds, Wills, Etc.], 1650-1807,
vol. 1 [1650-1717], p. 3$li.
It Charles W. Beard, History of the Huguenot Emigration to America, New Tork,
Dodd, Mead, 1885, v. 2, pp. 109-111. .
. H. Dupuy, The Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and His Descendants, Louisville, Courier-
Journal, 1908, p. 263, identifies her as a Dupuy. So also does Mrs. H. D. Pittman,
Americans of Gentle Birth, St. Louis, 1903, v. 1, p. 181. Both these accounts were
based on the Sublett MS. of Dr. John Sublett Logan, a copy of which is to be found at
the Kentucty Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky. James Garvin Chastain, A Brief
History of the'Huguenots and Three Family Trees: Chastain-Lochridge-Stockton,- 1933,
pp. 263-26ii, Identifies her as a Chastain. This same Chastain identification is given
also in the Huguenot Sociely: Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia, Yearbook,
No. 1, 1921:, p. 11; and in The Huguenot Society: Founders of Manakin inthe Colony of
Virginia, Publication No. 7, 1933-35, pp- 278-281. These last two cited works also set
forth a description of a Sublett arms, ignoring the fact that the Soblet arms were
granted to a Soblet in another part of France at just about the time that Abraham and
his family were being harried out of the country. The Dupuy history gives a background
sketch on the family, unhappily incorrect in virtually every detail ^drich can be
chedced against primary sources. For exaoqple, it credits the first Abraham with a son
Littlebeny, "bom at Littleberiy, England". Actually the first Littlebuiy to whom
5 B.
extant soisrces refer is a Sublett of two generations later iihX) and his name was
family name which, "idiile originating as a given name in Virginia with the Eppes family,
had spread in popularity far beyond the demonstrable blood lines of that family, and was
in widespread use in that later generation in Virginia. This same account is contained
in Pittman, op. cit., and, again, both it and the Dupuy history's reference to the
Sublett background originate in the Sublett MS. of Dr. John Sublett Logan. This highly
fanciful account has again quite recently found its way into print in Doyce B. Nunis,
Jr., "The Sublettes: AStudy of a Refugee Family in the Ei^teenth Century," Virginia
Kagasine, 69:U2-66 (1961). Incidentally, this Hunis account straddles tte ipue as to
whether Susanne was a Dupuy or a Chastain; and finally does not say whether Susanhe was
a Dupuy, but atten^jty-to demonstrate that Susanne could not have been a Ctestain,
although the method used results in iriiat is genealogically an absolute noh seouitur.
6 Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 11:302 (King William Vestry Book transcription)
7 Ibid., 12:2^6. . ^
8 R. A. Brock, "Documents, Chiefly Unpublished, Relating to the Huguenot Emigration to
Virginia and to the Settlement at Manakin-Town," Virginia Historical Collections,
new series, v. 5, p. 107, Richmond, Virginia Historical Society, 1006.
9 Huguenot Society of London. Publications. Vol. 21, "Tesmoignages de I'Eglise de
Threadneedle Street, l669-17ti9." London, 1909. > ^ ^
10 Harleian Society Publications, v. 31* P* 155 "Allegations for. Marriage Licenses
Issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, July 1687 to June
I69li," ed. by George J. Ar^ytage.^ London, 1890. ... % ^
11 Huguenot Society of London. Publications, v, 21, p. 2l;7. (cited above); v.^ 28, p. o.
12 SMan, Reformed Church, Les Registres des Bapteme, as abstracted in letter of 2u May
i960 from M. Philippe de F61ice to the contributor.
13 Joseph D. Eggleston,* "Kichaux Family", Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, v. hli,
pp'- 36$-37ij (1936); also in Archibald Bennett, Advanced Genealogical Research,
Salt Lake City, Bookcraft, 19$9, pp. 87-91.
lii Virginia Historical Society, Collections, n.s., v-6, pp. 61-66.
1$ Brock, op. cit., p. ll. 17 P- 27.
16 Ibid., p. 21i. 1 Ibid., p.' 16.
19 Henrico Co., Va., Miscellaneous Court Records [Deeds, Wills, Etc.] l6^0-lB07, vol. 1,
[1650-1717], p. 117.
20 Henrico Co., Va., Records [Deeds and Wills],'1706-1709, p. 189. " _
21 Brock. OP. cit., p. 70; Calendar of Virginia State Papers, vol. 1, pp. 111-11?.
This must have occurred about Dec. 1700 when Manakin was set a separate
parish. See James L. Bugg, Jr., "The French Huguenot Frontier Settlanent of
Manakin Town," Virginia Magazine, 61:382 (1953) 00 -m-.j -10 00
- .irginia Magazine. 11:127. . - to'oa
23 fb^d 11:128. ' 25 Ibid., 11:297 27 Ibid., 11:301 30 Ibid., 12:26
2I4 Ibfd.' 11:296. 26 Ibid., 11:299 28 I^., 11:30U 31 Ibid., 12:2ll
32 Brock, op. cit.,. p. 7U, reprinted from William Stevens'Perry,
Parsers Relating to the Church in Virginia, pp. 193-195.*
-33 Brock. 00. cit., p. 110 3U I^., p. HO.
1 Pie-^re-Louis Soblet, b. say I686, is referred to in the records of his parish and coim^
vL-yingly as "Pierre Louis", "Louis Pierre", in the anglicized form "Peter Lewis"; "touis ,
and alternately simply either as Louis or Pierre. Louis seems to have been his preferred name.
He is listed as a tithable as Louis Soblet in the year 1710, and in the list of paris
expenses for the year 1710 he was allowed 6 shillings 7 pence "for three days wrk of himself
and one day of his horse".2 He appears as Louis in 1711, 1712, 1713, 17lii, and ip5, but in
1717 as Peter.3 On 26 Dec. 1718 Louis Soblet was elected to the vestry along with his brother
Jacques^ and on 26 March 1719 "The S^s Jacques Soblet and Louis Soblet, heretofore named
as vestrymen, took to-day the oaths of the vestry and signed the test.":? The 1719 List of
Tithables calls him P^ Louis Soblet.6 On 20 April 1720, "The S^ Estienne Chastaine and ^uis
Soblet were elected by the vestry present as church wardens of the said parish, and the o^ths
were taken. "7 On the very same day, the parish being without a full-time resident clergyman,
"It was decreed that the Sr. Louis Soblet have the use of the glebe for the term of two years,
commencing Christmas of the year 1721, in consideration of which the said Louis Soblet binds
himself to mr-ke repairs to the house which is built on the glebe; viz., he binds himself
roof the house, to fit on the two chimneys and in case there are any holes about the house, he
6 .. % , r
Is to close them vith clap-boards, all at his ovn cost and e^qsense. In addition he binds
himself to make a thousand rails for the corn-field of the said glebe." He signed this
agreement vith the parish vestry as Pierre Louis.Soblet, Apparently, however, this arrange
ment proved unsatisfactory, for on 29 July 1721, before the lease was to take effect, it was
agreed by the vestry that "Daniel Guerrant the elder [is] to have the use of the glebe for one
year, commencing the first of the year 1722 in case it havens that we have a ministier, ...
he s^U vacate*the house in order to provide him a lodging
On 28 March 1722 "Thj Sieur Etiene Chastain and louy Soblet, churchw^dens, off^ed their "
resignations, and the vestry assembled granted their discharge,"10 They were .replaced by "the
Sieur An'thoine Rapine and the Sieur Abraham Sallee". Louis continued howe'ver -to serve on the
vestry through the period 1722-1726; by 23 July 1726 "Mr. Pierre Louys Soblet" was again serv
ing as church warden along vith "Mr. Pierre Chastain."H On 2. September 1727 the latter two
churchwardens were succeeded by "the Sieur Daniel Guerent and the Sieur Jean' du Pree".^
Again Soblet continued on.the vestry, from 1727 until 18"August i733 when "Pierre Louis Soblet
tendered his resignation" from the ves'try, uhich was acc^ted.l3 During this term on "the
vestry he took an active part on the building committee for the njw parish church, for on
19 S^t. 1730 the vestry appointed "the Srs. Anthoine Rapine, Louis Soblet, Isac Salle to make
a contract for a church."!" On 2h Oct. 1730 "It "was agreed with Francoi Jams that he build
a church for the sum of twenty-one thousand six hundred pounds of tobacco, to be paid in three
years, he to furni^ the hogshead and i'the press, the same here at Manakintown. The Church-
vardens and Loi^ Soblet and Estienne Chastain were appointed to make a contract "with the
carpenter next Sa-turday."!5 On 29 March 1735 the parish once again confronted "the problem
of a clergyless glebe, and it was "rented by the church wardens, David Lesueur and- Pierre
Guerant. Louys Soblet rented it until next Christmas for "three bushels of "wieat,-payable
"to the church "wardens."^ The final appearance of Soblet in the parish vestrybook occurs on
20 Aug. 1739 vhen "The vestry appointed ... Pr. Louys Soblet and Thomas Porter [to procession
the land] from the creek below to the creek above, the old line of the ten thousand acres"
[which had been patented to the refugees].
On 20 July 1738 there was patented to "Peter Lewis Soblet ... 133 acres in the County of
Goochland on the south side of James River beginning at a small corner locust parting Matthew
Gage [i.e., Agee] and the said Soblet ... "the same being part of, the last five "thousand acres
of land surveyed for the french Refugees."! On 5 June 17li6 Peter Louis Soblet patented
a 385 acre tract in the county of Henrico beginning at a white oak in Michea-ax line."!9 ..
The will of Peter Lewis Soblet "of C"umberland County and King William Parish", made $ Nov.
175U, "was probated 27 January 1755. By it he left "to "ny son William Soblett one certain tract
or parcel of Land "thereon I now dwell [i.e., "the 133 acre tract patented in 1738] ...; "to ay
son Abraham Soblett, ny negro man Prymus ...5 to ay son Lewis Soblett, a negro woaian Candis and
one certain tract or parcel of Land containing 385 acres lying in Chesterfield County on the
".branches of the Lower Manakin Creek; to ay .son Benjamin ay horse, bridel and saddell and all
ay "waring cloa-ths, and more I doe appoint and order ay executors to pay all the debts that ay
son Benjamin owes at "this day, to paid out of ay aiovebel estat; to ay son Lewis Soblett one
negro gall named Juday Provisor he pay William Soblett and Abraham Soblett five pounds. All
movebel of aiine ^ equally divided between ay four sons, William, Abraham, Lewis and Benjamin."
Executors named were the two sons William and Lewis. The "will was "witnessed by Jos. Singly,
Ginkins (x) Selfe, and Abram (x) Selfe.20
It seems to this observer quite probable "tiiat Pierre Louis Soblet was atarried twice. His
son Peter seems to ha"7e been substantially older than his five other sons, for as "will be
shown, Peter, Jr., had patented land in 17l5> was listed as a tithable from 1729 on, and under
"the terms of Pierre Louis' "will received considerably less than the younger sons, presumably
because he had received his fair share much earlier. (Conceivably the patent of 1715 represents
such a share.) And it "will be noted that >hen Pierre Louis came to di'vide the residue of his
estate, "the moveables, he pro"vided for "their division among "ny four sons", Peter being con-
^icuous by his absence. The identity of such posited first wife is unknown; it "was presumably
she "Who "was listed as his wife on the "Liste G^lrale" of c. 17llt, along "with one son (Peter, Jr.).
This first wife probably died soon after 17lU, and he married (2d) about 1722 Marte [Martha]
. Ho extant documents conclusively es'tablisfa her maiden name, but all writers agree "that
she "was Marthe (Martin). Such identity seems quite reasonable, especially considering how the
Martains recurringly s"tood at the font as godparents for her children. Marte is known to have
... ' S-. .... -.V ....... ..._ .
mothered the youngest three children, ar.c is helieved to have been the mother of William and:-- .
Abraham also. (Abraham named his eldest daughter Martha; William, did l^ewise.) But if Marte\ >
vas a Martin and a Huguenot, she must"'have been: a daughter of Jean Martin, the xmmigrant, who
does not name her in his will. He names wiTe Margaret, sons James, John and Peter, and da^hters
Judith Chateen (i.e:, Chastain) and Jane Martin, as well as some grandchildren. One. of. the .
witnesses to his will was James Soblet. v-(Goochland Co., Va., Deeds, &c., Bk. 3> p*. 210; ^11^.,. . .
dated 12 March 1736; probated 15 May. 1739.) James, John and Jane M^in semd as goj^^^ts .
to Marbe's childr^.- f
Issue of Pierre Louis Soblet, the youngest five presumably by a second w^e, M^e
* 6 ' i Peter'Sublett, Jr.; b. say 1712; d. 1783 Po^diatan Co.,tVa.; m.. Elizabeto:^^^
* 7 ii WilliamSublett, b. say.1723; d, 1780, Charlotte Co., Va-; :
m. by 1751 Susanna (Allen). * : ^'
* 8 iii Abraham Sublett, b. s^ 1726; d. 1782, Charlotte Co., Va.; . . ....
m. by 1751."Elizabeth.
* 9 iv Iouls.:(L^i.s):Sublett,:.b.V^ 1802, Chesterfield Co., Va.;. a...Jrances Hill. . .
"The 9th April 1728 was bom Louis Soblet, son of Pierre Louis Soblet and of
Marte^t his iafe, "-sras baptised bytir, Na[irn?3 ministfa- of Varaine [Varina?]. He
had for godfather Jean Martain and Jacob Trabue; for godmother, Mairie Martain.
The father has declared that the child was born the day and year above.
10 V Jacques Soblet, b. 1730/1; d. in childhood. "The Ihth March IpO [1731J, Jaque
Soblet, son of Pierre Louis Soblet and of Marie [i.e., MarteJ, h^s wife, was
baptized by Mr. Maiye; he had for godfather Jaque Soblet and Jaque Martain; for
godmother, Janne Martain. The parties have declared that he was bom the 3d of
the month of January, 1730 [1731]".^^ ^ ,
* 11 vi Benjamin Soblet, b. 1733; d. I8l6, Warren Co., Kentucky; m. "1762 Elizabeth Jordon.
"The 23d April, 1733, vas born Bainjamain Soblet, son of Pierre Lours and of
Marte, his wife; had for godfather, Gedeon Chanbon, and Wollter Stot; for
godmother, Anne David. The parties have declared that he was born the d^ and
year above named."^3
1Virginia Magazine, 11;302. , ^ | vl*
(King "William Vestry Book) >' . 12 Ibid., 12:373- , 19 Va. .-Patent.,Bk- 25> P- 76.
2 Ibid., 11:300. 7 Itid.; 12:2U3. 13 Ibid., 13:.73. = 20 Cumbei'land.Co., Va.^.^ ^
3TbId./12:26. 8lbid.,-12:2U3-U. Ui 12:3B0. ' . Will Bk.-l, p.,.88. >
h Ibid. 12:31. 9 Ibid., 12:2U8. l5 Ib^-, 12:380. 21 Brock, op. cit., p. BO.
5 IHd., 12:31. 10 Ibid., 12:2U8.. 16 Ibid., 13:79. . . 22 pid., p. Bh-5. -
6Ibid., 12:2Jil. 11 Ibid., 12:370. 17 Ibid., 13:182. - 23 Ibid., p..88., .
2 Jacques Soblet, b. say 1689, is mentioned as a tithable. under his own name for the. 1710,\
and again for the year 1711.2 In 1712 he is conjoined with his father and brother Abraham, as
if resident in one household:3 Ab- Soblet, pere )
Jacque Soblet, fils ) 3 Itithablesj.
Ab, Soblet, fils ) L'
Thereafter, he annually goes his separate way, as if in his own s^arate househo"ld. In the
c. 17li4 "Liste Gdh6-ale" he appears as "Jacques Sobler" with a wife, one son and one daughter.^
With this size family, he must have been married about 1711, despite his appearance in the same
household with his father in 1712. It is important to note here that his son in the "Lxste
G^n^ale" cannot have been the James Soblet [Jr.], sole heir to James at his death xn 171:1,
for James, Jr., was a minor as late as 1750.
On 21 Nov. 1711 the vestry of King William Parish allowed Jacques Soblet 5 shillings 9 pence
for two days' labor of himself and of his horse for the parish.b By 26 Dec. 1718 Jacques was
sufficiently advanced In years to command enough respect that he was selected for the ves ry
with his brother Louis and Jean Calvet.? On 26 March 1719 "The S Jacques
Soblet, heretofore named as vestrymen, took to-day the oaths of vestry and signed the test. on
29 July 1721 "It was decreed "by the vestry present that Jaques Soblet be p-anted the sum of fxve
pounds per year, commencing July 29th of the current year, 1721, for filling the office o
or secretary of this vestry'and for reading the word of God in the Church of the parxsh of Kxng
William, the said five pounds to be paid him according as the harvests shall fall; viz., xn
wheat at three shillings per bushel, or maize at eighteen pence per bushel or tobacco as shall
be agreed on for the. levies which..the vestiy^shall judge proper to make."9 It has been said of
his vestry clerkship: "Jacques Sbblet's cle^ship lasted, until 1726, the last entry in his hand
being on July 21 of that year. In the matter'.of clerkly neatness he is not to be coitpared with
Reynaud nor Justice Salle, and the character of his French shows many marks" of degeneration; as
regards the spelling of proper names,- particularly of English names, he out-trunps all the other
clerks in irregularity and carelessnessOn 30 Sept. 1723 "Jaque Soblet having tendered his
resignation as vestryman, it was accepted by the vestry assembled.On 23 Sept. 1727,
Chastain was elected clerk of this church in the place of Mr. Jaques SoblejU^fS jacqu^^
appears virtually annually as a tithable in King William Parish through the y6^.^1738^^,.} v.-.;
On 1 Nov. 1737 "James Soblet of Goochland County, Planter" sold to" Benjamin'Ha;!^^^ . .
same county, carpenter, an 88 acre tract "lying in Manacan Town", which .toact was ly.^^Pateht:
bearing date" 23 March 1715.^^ The description in the 1737 deed is precisely the same as that
of the 88 acres "in Henrico County on the south side of James River" patented 23 March 1715 to
Abraham Soblet jun^.H; Though the 1737 deed does not state how this tract passed from Abraham
Soblet junr. to James and there are no' extant records of a will or an estate for Abraham; presraia-
bly James inherited it from his apparently childless brother Abraham. But note: Without a will
made by Abraham, this tract, the only property known to have beei owned by Abraham, should have
been inherited jointly by his two brothers, Jacques and Pierre Louis. This puzzling fact raises
the possibility that the grantor James of 1737 was a son to Abraham, Jr., and not a brother.
Abraham, Jr. is shown ty the "Liste G^b6-ale" of c. I7IU to have had a wife and though he did
not long survive, it lies within the range of possibility that he pro^eated a single son.
However, the tithe lists of King William Parish show a single James without a significant break
and absolutely no indication of the contenporaneous existence of two JOTeses- For tms reason,
it is assumed that the grantor James of 1737, the testator James of nUl/2, Jacques the clerk of
the vestry, and Jacques the son of Abraham Sr. and brother of Abraham Jr. are one and the same.
Jacoues Soblet last appears as a tithable in King William Parish in 1738. On 15
"Benjamin Harris of the Parish of Saint James'es and County of Gooc^and" sold to "James Subletu
late of the Parish of King William and County aforesaid" 200 acres in St. J^es Pg^sh on
Dithsays Branch, witnesses being John Dupty, Joseph Scott and Jean Pierre^Bilbau..
The will of James Soblet of the County of.Goochland and Pari^ of King Willie dated 18 May
17lil, probated l6 March 17ljl [i.e., 17lilA2], vas witnessed by Jolin Gordon,...James.(x) Martin,
and Jean (x) Martin. He devised'"to my dear and loving Son, James" Soblet, Plantation, Land
and Negro, when he comes to age, only ny dear and. loving wife.Martha Soblet,\ to have^her upon
the aforesaid Plantation and Land (sic), and if ry child, James Soblet, should depart this life
before he comes of age, ly will is that my dear and loving wife should fully, cle^ly, and
absolutely posses negro, land and all my whole and sole estate. My will is ^ child have
learning, and thit when he is fit that he be bound to a trade. Myjail is also,
sha^l chuse his trade." The wife Martha was named executrix.To The Inventorie of the Es
of James Soblet Deceased", appraised 13 July 17li2, included.a "parcel of ffrench tooks ^aT^ed
.at 20 shillings and "one wigg".T7
Issue of Jacques Soblet (the third at least probably by wife Martha
lli iii James"Sublett, b. 1729 or later, but before lT3b. /o
Referred to as a child to be educated in his father s will of 17hl/2.
1 Vireinia Magaiine, U.-.J02. 5 Brook, oEi_cit., .!
2Ibil, ll:30ll" ^Tirglaia Kagazine, lUUSO. 10 ^-2U7.
3IbidT, 11:1i35. ^ 12=31- ^ il-37li'
li Ibid., Il:li39s 12:19. 23, 26. BIbid., 12:31- 12 I^., 12-371:-
13 Goochland Co., Va., Deeds, Wills, Inventories, v. 3, p. 99.
Ih Virginia Patent Bk. 10, p. 267. *
15 Goochland Co., Va., Deeds, Wills, Inventories, v. 3, p. 206.
16 Goochland Co., Va., Deeds, Wills, Inventories, v. 3, PP. 533-53h.
17 Ibid., V. It, p. 107^= , .
18 The Huguenot #29 p137
Compiled by Cameron AUen'crf East Orange, New Jersey
Part H, Continued, froffl Fall 1963, p. 10 ,
3. Anne Soblet, b. say I68I1, married perhaps as early as 1701 to toe vidower Pieixe'Chasta^
Pierre "sa ranme et cinq enJTants" were fellow passengers with Abraham.Sobletronr^toe.MaryTand,.^.- .
Ann during its transatlantic voyage, April-July 1700.^ In the Falling Creek Miller's list of"
Pibruaxy 1700/01, only "Chaiaine &5 children" are listed.^ Inferentially,^toen^, his.first -^e
had succumbed during their first half year in Tirginiai But Byi^'s list of lO.Novl' ltoi'"-^ .
accounts for "Mr. Peter Chalin. his wife &3 chil'n."^ ^ these three lists are. accurate,rthen
Pierre had remarried by toe latter date. This would, incidentally,.account for the decline-in
the size of Abraham Soblet's family from $ children to four over toe same period of time, with
out sq)posing an infant mortali-ty's occurrence. Anne (Soblet) Chastain died 3 April 1723 in';"
King William Parito,, survived .^ Pieire, too married Mrs. Magdelaine (Floumpy). Trabue, daughter
of Jacob Fl'ourhoy and . widow of'Antoine Tfrabue, sometime betoeen 30 Jan. 1723A when Trabue was
buried" and 3 Oct. 1726 when Tiagdalene Chastain" returned inventory'of Trabue's estate. 5
Pierre Chastain died in the Parish of King William, by then in Goochland County, sometime
between 3 Oct. 1728 and 20 Nov. 1728, the dates of the making and probate of his will.6
Issue of Pierre Chastain, pere, and Anne (Soblet): (Jean the oldest son of Pierzte was by his
first wife; the eldest daughter Judith may have been the daughter of either the
first wife or of Anne.)
i Susanna Chastain, b. say 1705, named for her maternal grandmother; m. by 1730 to
James Robinson, too died in King William Parish sometime in 171:6/1x9.
Pierre Chastain, fils, b. c. 1707; settled in Buckingham Co., Va.
Mary Chastain, b. say. 1709, d* without issue between Nov. 1728 and June 1731-
Elizabeth Chastain, ,b. say 1711, probably m. c. 1732 to David LeSiieur of King
William Parish (l70lx/5-177l/2), son of David and Catherine (Fell) LeSueur of
London, England.
Rene' Chastain, b. C. .1713, d. 1786 Edgefield District, South Carolina; m.. c. 1732/3
Mrs. "Judith (Martin) Gevodan, ^daughter of Jean Martin and.widow of Thomas Geybdan.
Janne Chastain^ b. c. 1716, d. 12 January 1722/3. in King William Parish^
[Marie] Magdelaine Chastainj b. c. T720, m., c. 171x0 as his second wife Guillaume
Salle (c. 1705-c. 1789)', son of Abrah^'and Olive (Peirault) Salle;'settled in.
Buckingham Co., Yal .......
1 Virginia Historical Society. Collections, new series, v. 6,.pp. 65-67.
2 Ibid., n.s., v. 5i-P- 27. '
. 3 Ibid., n.s., v. 5, P- 1x5. *.
Ix Ibid., n.s., v. 5, p* 111.
5 Henrico Co., Va., Deeds and Wills, 1725-1737, p. 59.
6 Goochland Co., Va., Deeds, Wills, etc., Bk. 1, p. 1x3.
= h9
Ix. Abraham Soblet, fils, "le jeune", or "Jun^", bom say l69lx, does not appear with his
brotoers and father as a separately identified tithable in the list for 1710 for King William
P^ish, but is presumably accounted for with his father Abraham as one of the letter's two
tithables in that year.^ In the list of tithables for 1711, the two Abrahams are separately
listed,-but bracketed together with Jacques.^ The 1712 listing continues that same triple
bracketing: Ab. Soblet, pWe; Jacque Soblet, fils; Ab. Soblet, fils.^ Completely separate
listtog of the three occurs in the years succeeding; in 1711x and 1715, "Abra. Soblet, le jeune,"
is listed, as distinguished from "Abra. Soblet, l'aine",tt In the "List of Tithables Returned
^ only one Abra. Soblet is listed.5 Uncertainly exists as to whether the survivor
was "pere" or "fils", but as pointed out earlier, both were dead before the List for the year
1720 was conrosed." In the "Liste Generale" of c. 17lJx "Abra. Sobler, le ^eune" is credited
^th a wife.7 On 23 March 1715 [1715/16] Abraham Soblet Jun^* patented "88 acres lying and being
County on the south side of James River beginning at a stunp standing on the river
? Peter David and the said Soblet ... it being part of the first five thousand acres of
land surveyed for the french Refugees."8 This tract was conveyed on 1 Nov. 1737 by "James
<;nMet of Ooochland" to BenjamiQ Harris, the 171$ patent being r^erred to. . Vhile as pointed
,+ --pviouslT the outside, possibility exists that this James was a sole son of Abraham born
the c 'l7lli "Liste Generale": (no child "of Abraham le jeune is listed there) and the
d^se of Abraham fils (sometime between 1716 and 1720)(as a grantor in 1737, James would
have been bom in 1716 on earlier), it seems much more reasonable to suppose that
thr^antS James of 1737 was Jacques'thebrother of Abraham fils, and that Abraham" fils died
sine prole. * . . . ;
1 Virginia Magazine lli302.
2 Ibid., Il:h31'
3 Ibid., 11:U3$-
li Ibid., 12:19, 22.
5 Ibid.. 12:26.-
6 Ibid.. 12:2aij. ...
7 Brock, op. cit., p.'7lj.'
8 Virginia Patent Bk. 10, p.
A PPter Sublett bom say 1712, is listed as a son in the Liste Gen^ale" of c. 171h of King
willian Parish. On 23 March 1715 (1715/16) there vas patented to "Peter Soblet junr ... a tract
nine^ acres lying-and being on the sonth side of Janes River to the Oonnly of _
Henrico ... beginning at a comer hickory standing on river iS. It being part of^e first
fi^rSousand acres surv^ed for the french Refugees".^ It is believed that he was ^us
provided for by his father, his mother dying early, in advance of his father's second marriage.
He is not listed as a tithable until the year 1729, when his father Pierre Louis Soblet is
listed with two tithables, the second one not being named. In the List of Kthables of the
Parish of King William for the year 1730, he is bracketed with ^s father,^erre Soblet and
Pierre Soblet. s.3 A similar bracketing treatment is accorded to hiro in 1731, 1732, and 1733,
kerre Louy sSblet and Pierre Soblet.^* In 1735 the two first appear separately, as Louys Soblet
and Piter Soblet,b Th^ are similarly treated of in 1736, 1737 and 1738, as Pierre Louis Soblet
and Pierre Soblet,^
On 21 Feb. 17lili Peter Soblet Jun^ of the County of Goochland sold to Benjaimin Harris "one.. ,
certain tract containing ninety acres ... beginning adjacent "to the south side of James River
between the two Hanakan Creeks being granted to' the said Peter-Soblet juh . by patent bearing .
date [23 March 17153 i.'; On. 2li July 171x5 Benjamin Harris of the County of Goochland; sold to" _
Peter Soblet of-the saiae county 95" acares on the, south side of James River* adjacent "to "toe said
River Between, the-Lands of Peter Lewis Soblett and the Lands of Peter fforf." On 9 Dec. 171x0
Danl. Ford of the Parish: of King William and County"^bf Goochland 'sold to^Peter. Soblet,or the ,
same Parish and Coun"^ a plantation of 107 acres in the. Parish or King-William "lying l>etween
the lines of the'said Peter Soblet and the Lands of Danl. Perro, adjacent to James River.y
This seems to have ended the acreage acquisitions of Peter in this old Hanakin Town
what ultimately became Powhatan County. He was the only son of Pierre Louis to st^ in tl^s
old area. / - - v; .. z -" -. -
For a while he was. the owner of land-down in Charlotte-Co., Va., where three of his j^unger
brothers moved, al'though there is no particular reason to believe "that he ever resided there.
On 5 Nov. 1770 David George of Charlotte County sold lx50 acres on Louse Creek in Charlotte to .
Peter Sublett of Cumberland County, bounded by land of William Sublett. On 16 July 1781
"Peter Sublet Sen^ of Powhatan County" sold this tract "beginning on William Sublets comer
hickory" to Wilson Maddox.^^
In July 1783 Peter Sublett of Powhatan Co. attempted to make his last will. "Being Sick
and Weak, in his o"wn Dwelling House ..., he did request his friend Anthoiy Marti.n to wrtte his
the said Peter's Last Will ... with which ("the said paper hereto annexed being read -to him) he
the said Peter Sublett Dec^^ declared himself well satisfyed but departed this life without duly
Publishing the same."12 To carry out his testamentary intention and to "prevent Disputes" and
Controversies", his heirs on 1 Dec, 1783 entered into Articles of Agreement under which the
will was given legal effect, as if validly published, his theoretically abortive will he ^
gave "to ny beloved son Peter Sublett after the dea"th of Jiy wife the Land I live upon containing
by estimation 333" acres and three negroes..." Eighteen other negroes he apportioned rather
evenly among "ny beloved son(s] William Sublett ... John ... Benjamin ... and ny beloved
Daughter Mary Merraman." "Item, I give unto ny grandson Peter Dutcy Sublett one Boy Bob. My
will and desire is that ny. Beloved Wife Elizabeth Sublett should have during her life the use
of these negroes, Tom, Isham, Jude, Will and Biddy, and all toe land that I hold." Executors
were to be toe four sons, Peter, William, John and Benjamin. ^
: 27-50
Zsszs of Peter and Elizabeth () Sublett:
I5 i Peter Sublett, b. 17li7, d. 1812, Powhatan Co., Va.j n, Martha Sraith. *
15 ii William Sublett, b. say 1750, d. c. 179li-96, Powhatan Co., Va.s a. 1788 Betsy Huehes
17 iii John Sublett, b. say 1755, d. I8l5, Warren Co., Ohioj-j#. Phoeb'e "Pdr^oT
15 ir Benjamin Sublett, b. say 1759, d. 1825, Povhatan Co., Va.; a. 1765 Betty Ann Street *
1? V Maiy.Sublett, a. Francis Merriaan^ 17 June 1782 Powhatan Co. " "
. "r
1 tirginia Patent Bk. 10, p. 283. tt Gtoqchland Co,,..ya...Deed Bk..5.,o.-llB..^-
2 Tirginia Mapzine, 12:378. 9 3^id., Deed BWiv 5,fp.^,552'^i^;r^^
3 Ibio., 12:302' 10 Charlotte Co.;,-Va.;'Deed-
h raid., 13:67, 70, 75. 11 Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bic;-5, p;t62i' -
5 laic., 13:80. 12 Powhatan Co., Va., Deed'BkV-li p.236-7. ..
c Icid., 13:177, 179-80, l8l-2. 13 Powhatan Co., Va., Deed Bk. 1, p. 237-8.
TGoochland Co., Va., Deeds, Wills, Inventories, v. It, p. 537.
Wllliaa Suble-tt, l^rn-ssy 1723, first appeared in the public records when his father Peter
5Soblet on 5 Nov. 175U willed him "one certain tract or parcel?of Land whereon I now dwell",
JszE csxed him an executor of the will.l Shortly after the probate of the will on 27 Jan. 1755 '
"uliax Soblet of Albemarle County" on 22 September 1755 sold this 133 acres located in tie old
Pari^ of King William (at this date in the new county of Cumberland) to his brother Peter
=-irg that it was the tract "which was granted unto the said William Soblets father Peter
O ww w C UC.
Ifisis Soblet by a patent bearing date the 13th day of July 1738 and given to his said son
~f^22zzs. by his last will."2 William's young wife Susannah relinquished her right of dower.
probable that William had been for several years a resident of Albemarle County, presumably
portion which ultimately became Buckingham County, for he had married Susanna Allen of
ziiez county sometime prior to 7 Nov. 1751, when Susanna's father William Allen made his will
^.^oned his daughter "Susanna Soblet".3 William Sublett appears to have continued his
re^ace in Albemarle County into the period when this portion had become Buckingham County
d as a conseruence [thanks to -the destruction of the Buckingham records] there is no "
rec:^ of any land sale by him in the area.. On ] May. 1765 Mattox Mayes"of the" County of Halifax
Sqblett of the County of Charlotte" 220 acres on the' north side of "Tumim
..resc in the newly-formed County.of Charlotte.^ . But the'order'books of Charlotte show that '
prsTiously, on 1 April 1765," William Sublet, was appointed. Survtybr' of-the-Roads in his .
^t.i> He was. joined in Charlotte, in 176? by his^brother Abraham arid-by 178Q'by his brother
_om. In 1770 he sold his tract "on the north side of Stantoh River and on the east side of
Creek" to Joseph Puqua.. .v U:. z- 1.-: -^ ;
_. __Jllliam Subblett" made his will 13 March 1780 and was dead by 7 August 1780 when it was
to prolate in Charlotte County, His will is disappointingly brief: "I lend- and Beoueath
oloved Wife Susanner Subblett all the living that I now am possessed of during her Life
ner decease I order that Lands negroes with whatsoever mty Remain be immediately sold' and
urns money e^ally divided amogst the children." The "children", alas, were not named. . Executors
^^-25 Samuel White, and wife "Susanner". Witnesses were John Weatherford, John
Phillip Sowel. Samuel and John White renounced their executorships and Susanna"
tec the task alone, Charles McKenny and John Wheeler being her securities.' '
.12' n^e his children is less disastrous than it might have been, for both his
resided in Char^tte left wills apparently naming their issue exhaustively; the
^"iv, ^ some aid; and Susanna, bless her, almost con^jletely dominated the selec-
^ names of the children of the union, naming them for her parents, brothers and sisters.
3" excursus into her area of -the Allen family is not only in order, but
required to recoas"tnict her issue.
=zcc cf
?=r thi
Allen ws bom 8 February 1732 presumably in Goochland Co., Va., daughter of
y~ Parish, New Kent Co., Va., by his second wife, Mrs.
BK ^^?5-1763), daughter of William and Tabitha Hunt of Charles City Co., Va.,
Minge, son of Valentine Minge. (After William Allen's death in 1752, his
i narried, 3rd, the widower Field Jefferson (1702-1765), after drawing up a pre-
e-U..^ X753.9 Field Jefferson was the uncle of President Thomas Jefferson.)
iuti brothers and sisters were: Ann Allen (b. 1721); William Hunt Allen (b. 172li),

52 ~
John Hunt Allen (U26-1751i)^: Valentine AUen: (1730-1799)V George Hunt Allen (WU-WB);. Maiy
Allen (b. 1738), and Philip Allen (171*0-1763)V' (In addition, Susanna had brothers and sisters
of the half-blood on both, the Allen and HuntrWinge sides, though none on the Hunt-Jefferson side.)
Issue of VilliaiB and Susanna (Allen) Sublett: . ' ;
Martha Sublett, b. bst 1752, d. post Nov. 1829, Pittsylvania Co., Ta. j m. the- :
Rev. John Weatherford; named for her paternal grandmother.
Valentine Sublett, b. say 1751*, d. l8o8. Green Co., Ky.j m. 1782 Mrs. Margaret.
(CaldwellX. Brent; named for his uncle Valentine Allen." -
Mary Hunt Sublett, b. say 1756, d. post 1810; to Lihln Cbl," Iy.y ml^-1782-'Jrfm
Dudgeon; named for her maternal grandmother. \ a:
Ursula Sublett, b. s^ 1758, via Lincoln Co." and Green Co., Ky.', to'Illinoisj ;
m. 1778 Edward Day. ' ' '
Celia Sublett, b. c. 1760; m. 1782 her first cousin Abraham Sublett, Jr.* (#36; see -
hjm for issue); migrated to Lincoln Co., Ky.
George Allen.Sublett, b. say 1762; m. 1791 Isabella Akin; to Lincoln Co., Ky'.;
named for his uncle George Hunt Allen. >
Vllliam Allen Sublett, b. say 1761*; m. 1787 Sally Akin; d. 1839 Rutherford Co.,
Tenn.; named for his uncle William Hunt Allen; for his maternal grandfather
William Allen, and, of course, for his own father.
Susanna Sublett, b. say 1766; m. 1781 Jesse Lowe; to Lincoln Co., Ky.; named for
her mother, and her mother's aunt, Susanna (Allen) Burton.
Nancy Sublett, b. 1768; m. 1785 Bartlee Greenwood; to Lincoln Co., Ky.; named for
her aunt Ann (Allen) Spears.
Abraham Sublett, b. say 1770; m. 1790 Polly Smith; to Green Co., Ky.; named for
his uncle Abraham Sublett.
Philip Allen Sublett, b. say 1771*, d. 1820; via Lincoln Co. and Pulaski Co., Ky.,
to St. Charles Co., Missouri; m. 1797 Isabella Whitley; named for his uncle
Philip Allen. -
Field Sublett, b. say 1776; to Green Co., Ky.; named for his Grandmother Allen's
third husband. Field Jefferson.
Following William Sublett's death in 1780, his widow Susanna (Allen) miarried a widower,
Perrin Allday (Alday), presumably a descendant of the Perrins and Alldays of Henrico Co., Va.^
They were certain^ married by 6 Oct. 1781* when "Perrin Allday and Susanna his wife Executors
of William Sublet deed", brou^t a suit against George Pattillo for nonperformance of a contract
with "Plaintifs Testator".Chances are they were married somevdiat earlier, by 6 May 1782 when
Perrin Allday served as security for the executors of Abraham Sublet.^ ; Susanna (Allen) "
(Sublett) Allday died sometime between 17 Oct. 1803 (when "Perrin Alday and Susannah his wife"
conveyed 86 acres to John White)I3 and 2l* July 1805 "vAen P,errin Allday and Anne B. Tankersl^
(widow) were bonded to marry.^ Anne Johnston, widow, had previously married'John Tankersley
(date of bond) 7 July 1783,i5 perrin Allday's will, dated 10 Oct. I8l3, "was probated 6 Dec. 1813
in Charlotte CountyA6
1 Cumberland Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, p. bti.
2 Cumberland Co., Va., Deed Bk, 2, p. 21*5.
3 Albemarle Co., Va., Wills and Deeds No. 1, 171*8-1752, pp. 33-36.
1* Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bk. 1, p. 56. 6 Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bk. 2, p. 281*.
5 Charlotte Co., Va., Order Bk. 1, p. 8. 7 Charlotte Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, p. 22L.
8 Allen Family Bible, William and Mary College Quarterly, l:22:19i*-196 (19ll*). This Bible
was owned 'in 1911* by William Archer Chambers of Richjrond Va. Does aiyone know its
present whereabouts?
9 Tyler's Quarterly Magazine. 10:17lt-76; Tyler's, 7:119-121*; Tyler's. 2:113-111*-
10 The will of Anne Perrin, dated 6 Jan. 1711/12, probated 3 M^ch 1711/12, Henrico Co., Va.,
Miscellaneous Court Records [Deeds, Wills, Etc.], 1650-1807, vol. 1 [1650-1717, p. 205,
mentions daughter "ElesebethAllda^.
11 Charlotte Co., Va., Order Bk. 5, P- 221.
12 Charlotte Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, pp. 236-237.- 13 Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bk. 10, p. 57.
Hi Charlotte Co., Va., Manriage Bonds, 1765-1863 ("typescript).
Genealogical Society of Utah, 1937.
15 I^. 16 Charlotte Co., Va., Will Bk. 3, p. 21*3.
21 ii
* 22 iii


* 26 vii
* 28 ix
30 xi

. Abrahair. Sublett was bom say 1726.and is first wentioned in the will of his father, Peter
Lewis Soblet, dated 5 Nov. 175ii/ probated 27 Jan. 1755, by which he was given "a negro
Prysus".- Ke must have been married by about 1751 to Elizabeth , surname unknown. He
aopears to have followed the lead of his brother William into old Albemarle County (the portion
subseouently-Buckingham) and again to have followed William shortly after the latter relocated
in Charlotze Co., Va., for on 5 Jan. 1767 Robert Weakly of Halifax Co., Va., sold 190 acres on
Cubb Creek in Charlotte to Abraham Sublet of Buckingham County. 2 on 6 May 1776 Abraham Sublet
was appointed surveyor of the roads in his precinct.-'
"Abraham Sublet S^ of-the County of Charlotte and Parish of Cornwall" by his will dated
13 June 1781, probated 6 May 1782, left to his wife Elizabeth "during her Natural life the Land
whereon I now live, all isy slaves, stock of every kind, household furniture and plantation tools.
Izem - I desire that at the marriage of my children that uy wife may assist them in housekeeping
to such necessaries as she may think proper or can best spare ... Item. I desire at the death of
my above mentioned wife that all ny Estate personal and real with the lands whereon Edward
Ayres and William Sublet now live may be appraised and equally divided amongst uy children, to
wit, Martha, 'William, Abram, Sarah, Elizabeth, Jean and Nancy." Executors were to be his widow,
trusty friend Edward Ayres, William Soblet and Abram Soblet Jun^. Witnesses were Joseph Holt
and William Kersej'." The inventory of his estate made 2 Sept. 1782 included seven negroes.^
Abraham Sublet was last listed for taxes in Charlotte in 1782 as the owner of seven slaves,
four horses and eighteen cattle. The following year his widow Elizabeth Sublet is listed with
seven slaves (including Prianus, presumably the same slave Abraham had inherited from his father
Peter Lewis Soblet), two horses and fourteen cattle.7 On 2 April 1792 Elizabeth Sublett appeared
before the county court and successfully requested that her negroes Primus and Lycy be exempt
from payment of levies and taxes in future "for reasons appearing to the Court". (The con
nection of the negro slave Prymus with this family can be traced from his birth: "On the
15 Iber 1732 was born a black to Pierre Louis Soblet, his name is Prymus."9 He was willed by
P. L. Soblet to his son Abraham in 175ii/5; and by Abraham to his widow Elizabeth, in 1781-2.)
Elizabeth Sublet is listed for taxes in every year from 1783 through the year l8o5. Ker death
apparently occurred during the course of the year 1805, for on 7 Dec. l805 the heirs of Abraham
Sublett deed, disposed of his real estate in accordance with the terms of his will, which pro
vided same should be held intact until the death of his widow.
Issue of Abraham and Elizabeth ( ) Sublett:
3li i Martha Sublett, bom say 1752; d. without issue between 1781 and. 1805.
35 li William Sublett, born say 175it, Susannah ; died in l8ll or l8l2; remained
in Charlotte Co., Va.
36 iii Abraham Sublett, Jr., bom c. 1756; m. 1782 his first cousin Celia (Selah) Sublett
(#2ii); settled in Lincoln Co., Ky.; d. there in l8Mi.
37 iv Sarah Sublett, b. say 1758; Pugh; d.between 1781 and 1805 in Charlotte
Co., Va., leaving an only son:
1. Abraham S. Pugh, m. 21 Dec. 1803 in Charlotte Co., Va., to Anna Tottey, his
uncle Caldwell Wood being surety.
36 V Elizabeth Sublett, b. c. 1760, m. 1781 Caspbell Daniel; d. I8I1I, Nelson Co., Va.
39 vi Jane (Jean) Sublett, b. say 1761, m. 1782 Edward Eanes; settled in
Pittsylvania Co., Virginia.
liO vii Nancy Sublett, b. c. 1770, m. 1785, Caldwell Wood; settled in Lincoln Co., Kentucky.
1 Cumberland Co., Va., Will 3k. 1, p. tio.
2 Charlotte Co., Va., Deed Bk. 1, p. 230.
3 Charlotte Co., Va., Order Bk. 1, 0. 80.
1 Charlotte Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, po. 236-237.
5 Charlotte Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, pp. 301-306.
6 Charlotte Co., Personal Property Tax, 1782, p. 1.
7 I^., 1783, p. 1.
8 Charlozte Co., Va., Order Bk.
9 Brock, 00. eit'., 0. 88.
10 Charlotte Co., Va"., Deed Bk. 10, pp. 181-5.
11 Catherine L. Knorr, Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns of Charlotte Co., Va. (1951),
(typescript) p. 68.
. 27-53
9. Lewis Sublett, bom 9 April 1728, was baptized that date as "Louis Soblet", godparents
being Jean Martaic, Janob Trabue and Marie Kartain.^ He served himself as godfather (he is
denominated "Louy Soblet Jr.") to the infant Marie Brian, born 1$ May 171*6, daughter of Jacques
Brian.^ Lewis Sublett was willed 38$ acres on Lower Manakin Creek in Chesterfield by his father
Pierre Louis Soblet by his will of $ Nov. 17$ii, proved 27 Jan. 17$$.^ Part of this tract
(I2L'acres) he sold on 7 April 17$8 to his wife's relative Xdward Hill;^ 81* acres he sold the
same day to John Bransfordj5 and 103 acres the sane day to James Harris. All three deeds refer
to the pa^ent of $ June 17h6 to Peter Lewis Soblet. In the meantime, he had bought 200 acres
in the Parish of Dale and,. County of Chesterfield from Edward Hill, 1* March 1750.
"While most of the printed works have referred to Lewis Sublett's wife as Frances McGruder,
it is quite certain that she was Frances Hill. The error seems to have arisen from the fact
that Lewis Sublett, Jr., (# 1*2) named a daughter Frances McGruder, and someone, Juitipiag to con
clusions, assumed she was named for Lewis, Jr's mother. She was named rather for Lewis Jr's
sister Mrs. Frances (Sublett) McGruder (# 1*7). While the published version of The Douglas
Regist^ refers to Lewis Sublett's wife as Frances Hillason [the sole entry: Lewis Sublet
&Frances Hillason a son named Abraham bom 28 May 1763, bp. Jul:^, 1763]^ an examination
of the photostat of the original Douglas Register in the Virginia State Library shows that the
transcriber ran "a son" into her maiden name Hill as one word and then repeated the "a son" to
show relationship.^^ Frances (Hill) Sublett's son Littlebury Sublett named a son Hill Sublett,
which serves to confirm the maiden name identification of The Douglas Register.
Presumably it was the "grey" [horse] of this "Lewis Sublet" and not of his son Lewis which
was pressed into service by "Henry Morriss by order Genl..Huhlenberg" in April 1781, for which
he was allowed L 1*5.^^
Lewis Sublett lived out his life in Chesterfield Couni^, and made his will there 18 Jan.
1802. He was dead before 20 Dec, 18Q2 wien sales were made by the estate.^2 jj^s will refers
to his unnamed wife; "I confirm to the Heirs of my son Littleberry Sublett deceased a negroe
boy named Primus which he had in his possession in his lifetime; I give to my son Lewis Sublett
of the State of Kentucky and his Heirs all the Lands to which I am entitled in that state ..."
There were further bequests and devises "to my son Abraham Sublett; to my son Arthur Sublett;
to my dau^ter Frances McGruder; and to my son "William Sublett." Executors were to be his sons
Abram, Arthur and "William Sublett and Isaac Salle.^^
Issue of Lewis and Frances (Hill) Sublett:
* 1*1 i Littlebury Sublett, b. say 1757, d. I8OO, Green Co., Ky.; m. Sarah Burton.
* li2 ii Lewis Sublett, b. 1759, d. I830, Woodford Co., Ky.; m. (1st) 1779 Mary Tra"bue;
m. (2nd) c. 1791* Sarah Samuel
* 1*3 iii James Sublett, b. c. 1761, d. 1781 as a prisoner of the British in the Revolution.
* Ui iv Abraham Sublett, b. 1763, d. 1820 Chesterfield Co., Va.; m. Edith Burton.
* 1*5 V Arthur Sublett, b. say 1766, d. 1831* Poidiatan Co., Va.; m. 1797 Mrs. Betsy
(Hughes) Sublett.
* 1*6 vi William Sublett, b. say 1768, d. 1839, Chesterfield Co., Va.; m. I8OO Mrs. Mary
(Forsee) Sublett.
* 1:7 vii Frances Sublett, b. szy 1771, m- 1792 Zepheniah McGruder, Chesterfield Co., Va.
1 Brock, on. cit., p. dO. (Manakin Town Register). ~
2 Ibid., p. 107. 5 Ibid., p. 21*5.
3 Cum"Derland Co., Va., Will Bk. 1, p. 88. 6 IHd., p. 21*7.
1: Chesterfield Co., Va., Deed Bk. 3, p. 238. 7 Ibid., p. 2l*0.
8 For exaiple, the McGruder error appears in Dupuy, op. cit., p. 263j Railey, oo. cit., p. 1*5;
Hunis, OD. cit., 57*21; and Erma Jett Darnell, Forks of Elkhorn Church, Frankfort, Ky.,
^191:6, p.^ 209.
9 V. Mac Jones, The Douglas Register.
^0 The Douglas Register, p. 6$ Cphotostatic copy of the original, Virginia State Li'brary).
11 Chesterfield Co., Va., Public Service Claims: Court Booklet, p. Virginia State Library.
12 Chesterfield Co., Va.Will Bk. 6, pp. 250-252.
13 Ibid.. pp. 1-3.
[To be continued]
Compiled by Cameron Allen of East Orange, New Jersey
Part H, Continued from Fall 1963, p. 10
3, Anne Soblet, b. say I68I1, married perhaps as early as 1701 to the widower Pierre Chastain.
Pierre, "sa fomne et cinq enfants" were fellow passengers with Abraham Soblet on the Mary and
Ann during its transatlantic voyage, April-July 1700.1 In the Falling Greek Miller's list of
February 1700/01, only "Chalaine it $ children" are listed.^ Inferentially, then, his first wife
had succumbed during their first half year in Virginia. But Byrd's list of 10 Nov. 1701
accounts for "Mr. Peter Chalin. his wife &3 chil'n."3 If these three lists are accurate, then
Pierre had remarried by the latter date. This would, inHdentally, account for the decline in
the size of Abraham Soblet's family from 5 children to four over the same period of time, with
out supposing an infant mortality's occurrence. Anne (Soblet) Chastain died 3 April 1723 in
King William Parish, survived by Pierre, who married Mrs. Magdelaine (Floumoy) Trabue, daughter
of Jacob Floumoy and widow of Antoine Trabue, sometime between 30 Jan. 1723/U when Trabue was
buried" and 3 Oct. 1726 idieu "Magdalene Ohastain" returned inventory of Trabue's estate.5
Pierre Chastain died in the Parish of King William, by then in Goochland County, sometime
between 3 Oct. 1720 and 20 Nov. 1720, the dates of the making and probate of his will.6
Issue of Pierre Chastain, pWe, and Anne (Soblet): (Jean the oldest son of Pierre was by his
first wife; the eldest daughter Judith may have been the daughter of either the
first wife or of Anne.)
i Susanna Chastain, b.. say 1705, named for her maternal grandmother; m.. by 1730 to
James Robinson, who died in King William Parish sometime in 17li0/li9.
ii Pierre Chastain, fils, b. c. 1707; settled in Buckingham Co., Va.
iii Mary Chastain, b. say 1709, <3, without issue between Nov. 1720 and June 1731.
iv Elizabeth Chastain, b. say 1711, probably m. c. 1732 to David LeSueur of King
William Parish (l70V!>-1771/2), son of David and Catherine (Fell) LeSueur of
London, England.
V Rene'Chastain, b. c. 1713, d. 1706 Edgefield District, South Carolina; m. c. 1732/3
Mrs. Judith (Martin)' Gevodan, .daughter of Jean Martin and widow of Thomas Gevodan.
, vi Janne Chastain, b. c. 1716, d. 12 January 1722/3 in King William Parish.,
vii [Marie] Magdelaine Chastain, b. c. 1720, m. c. 17L0 as his second wife Guillaume
Salle (c. 1705-c. 1709), son of Abraham and Olive (Perrault) Salle; settled in
Buckingham Co., 7a.
1 Virginia Historical Society. Collections, new series, v. fc. -pp. 65-67.
2 Ibid., n.s., v. 5, p 27.
3 Ibid., n.s., v. 5,-p. hS
h Ibid., n.s., v. 5, p. 111.
5 Henrico Co., 7a., Deeds and Wills, 1725-1737, p. 59.
6 Goochland Co., 7a., Deeds, Wills, etc., Bk. 1, p. ii3.
li. Abraham Soblet, fils, "le jeune", or "Jun^", born say l69k, does not appear with his
brothers and father as a separately identified tithable in the list for 1710 for King William
Pp'ish, but is presumably accounted for with his father Abraham as one of the letter's two
txthables in that year.^ In the list of tithables for 1711, the two Abrahams are separately
listed, but bracketed-together with Jacques.2 The 1712 listing continues that same triple
bracketing: Ab. Soblet, pWe; Jacque Soblet, fils; Ab. Soblet, fils.-^ Completely separate
listing of the three occurs in the years succeeding; in 17m and 1715, "Abra. Soblet, le jeune,"
is listed, as distinguished from "Abra. Soblet, I'aine"." In the "List of Tithables Returned
in July 1717", only one Abra. Soblet is listed.> Uncertainty exists as to whether the survivor
vas "pfcre" or "fils", but as pointed^out earlier, both were dead before the List for the year
1720 was conrosed.o In the "Liste Generale" of c. 1711: "Abra. Sobler, le jeune" is credited
with a wife.' On 23 March 1715 [1715/16] Abraham Soblet jun^ patented "08 acres lying and being
In Henrico County on the south side of James River beginning at a stun^) standing on the river
parting Peter David and the said Soblet ... it being part of the first five thousand acres of
land surveyed for the french Refugees."8 This tract was conveyed on 1 Nov. 1737 by "James
i 27-49
settlaenent, Abraha Soblet joins-J the other pestor, M. Claude Philippe de Richebourg, in
appraiflng his estate* Soblet's ovn signature uy be found signed to the original "Inventaire
des effets aounes dans le aaison de Residence ou IP* Dejoux eat aort le aercredl 3- asrt a deux
heurs du xetin," ufaich vas recorded 1 August 1703*^' Abrahan Soblet also vitnessed on 1 Hot.
1709 a deed for a "tract in the Konocantovn" from "Anthony Proaiseall Md Kary his vlfe vidow
ARelict of Abrahn Minet deceased to John Jones" (i.e., Jean Jouany).^
According to the deposition of Abraham Salle on 2 Sept. 1707 "Hot long after the erecting
of Xonocantoim into a Parish, the Parishioners were assembled to elect a Testzy, and the
Plurali"^ of voices fell vpon the following persons ... Abra. Soblet."" In such a position of
responsibility, it was inevitable that he would become aabroiled in the controversy which shook
Manakintown- asunder and sent many of the settlers, led by M. Philippe de Riehebourg, on their
journey to the Carolinas* It was an early ease in this country of vestzy versus rector. On
27'March 1707 the vestry assembled at Manakintown, "Abra. Sobler" being one of those present.
"It was decreed that in view of the indirect methods and the unusual and irregular conduct
di^layed at the session by Mr. Philips, the minister, that Mr. Aznnnet, vestzyman, signify
and protest in the presence of the congregation to the said S^ Phillpe that the arrangement
and agremsent idiich he has made with several parishioners is entirely disapproved fay the vestry,
being contrary to the laws and customs established in Virginia and without the participation
of the vestzy, that therefore the vestry will make no order nor lay no tax for its payment
Vhen on Sunday, 30 March, "after the divine service", Jacob Amonnet atto^ted to read the
vestry's declaration protesting the conduct of Mr. Philips, "he was intemq)ted ly the said
Sr Philips, who addressed himself to Reynaud, clerk of the church and of the said vestzy,
warning him with much heat that if he would not give over to him the book of christenings he
would exclude him trca the comsnmion, as well as all of those generally who did not go to him
to get their tickets or order^number. He declared publicly that he did not recognize ary vestry
and that the people ought not to recognize it."^' Thereupon there were heated exchanges between
supporters of either faction in this very un-Anglican congregational meeting after Morning
Prayer, Abraham Salle alone seeming to rmaember that this was "neither the place nor the
occasion" for such conduct. Suffice it to say that when M. Philippe and his disgruntled company
departed for the Carolinas several years later, Soblet stayed on in King WilliamParish.
Shortly after this gallic outburst of public emotion, Soblet by 20 Dec. 1707 had moved on
the ladder, from merely" one of the vestry to Church Warden of King William Parish, along
with Louis Dutartre.^ On 25 May 1708 "The Srs. Abraham Soblet and Louis Dutartre, church
wardens, having tendered their resignations to the vestzy, their year having e^ired, it was
enacted that the said resignations be accepted."'? They were replaced ly Anthoine Trabue and
Gideon Chambon. Soblet dropped from the vestry, and irtien on 3 October 1710 he was selected
again for a position on the vestzy, he declined, "Abraham Soblet having declared that he did not
wish to take the said^ath [of qualification], not having the intention of qualil^ng himself
for the said office,"26 Presumably from this wording, Soblet had no scruples as to the par
ticular oath required, but siiiq>ly a disinclination to resume the responsibilities of the office
and their presently attendant unpleasantness, what with M. Philippe still in the neighborhood.
Whether being at outs with M. Philippe had anything to do with it, Abraham Soblet did not pay
his levy for 1709.27 on 30 June 1711 he was listed as a tithablc to pay for the services so
far that year of M Philippe.2"
Abraham Soblet, either "pere" or "I'ain^" to distinguish him f^cm his son of the
same name, on the verge of manhood (called "fils" or "le jeune"), appears as a tithable in Xing
William Pariah in each year down at least through 1715- On 30 Dec. 1715 a "List of Tithables
for the Present Tear 1715" includes both "Abra. Soblet, I'ain^" and "Abra. Soblet, jeune".
Ry July 171Toae of the Abraham Sobleta had apparently died, for in the "List of Tithables
Returned in July 1717" only one Abra. Soblet a^ears.30 Which one of the Abraham Soblets was
the BUTTIvor, it seems ii^ssible to say. The suz^vor appears for the last time on a
Tithablas of King WilliamPariah for the present year, 1719, taxed at 1 1/2 bu. of lAeat each.
5y the time the list of tithables for 172g was taken, he too had gone to a better world.
In attainting to establish the outline of his family, one of the most uaeful documents is
an undated one, faut one which has been estimated to date from about 17lU. This "Liste Gen&'ale
de Toua Its Pl*ancois Protestants Rel^igiea, Establys Dans la Paroisse du Roy Guillaume, Comte
d'Henrico en Virginia/y Coin*'^ Enfans, Veuses, et Orphelina." gives the
following: 32
27. 5
Noms des HoTTimes James uargons Miies To^ai
Jacques Sobler ^ ^ ^ ^
Louis Sobler , ^ ^ ^
Abra. Sobler, lesne [i.e., I'aineJ - ' ' ' Z
Abra. Sobler, le jeune ^ ~ * ^
From this it may be seen that Susanne (Brian) Soblet had died before the year 171ii or thereabouts.
^ ^ ^ /T. ^ cUi\^.re,iT
Issue of Abraham Soblet, pere, and Susanne (BnanJ: >^eco c-ct<^, K7r-ac
^ X i Pierre-Louis Soblet, b. say 1686, d. ll^h/S, Cumberland Co., Va.j m. (2nd)? Marthe
Martain (Martin).
* 2 ii Jacques Soblet, b. say 1669, d. 17lil/2, Goochland Co., Va.j m. Marthe .
* 3 iii Anne Soblet, b. say l681ij m. Pierre Chastain. This'identity is subject to a bat of
debate. The sole reference to her is: "3 April, 1723, died Anne Soblet, the
sieur Pierre Chastain, aged about yearsj was buried the fourth of the
month."33 To achieve the identity suggested above, it is necessary to supply in^
the blanks "the wife of". Unaided by other references, it would be just as possi
ble to supply alternatively "the daughter of" and thus make her wife of one of the
young Soblets. However, the death register also gives this reference: "The 12th
of January, 1722 [1723.], died Janne Chastain, daughter of ieur Chastain and of
Anne Chastain, her father and mother, aged about 6 yearsj was buried the 13th of
the month, on Sunday, at three o'clock in the afternoon."3ii This presumably re-^
fers to the same Anne and makes her wife to Pierre Chastain, hence, born a Soblet.
* li iv Abraham Soblet, fils, b. say I69lij d. by 1720.
* 5 V Robert Soblet, b. 20 April 1698, Londonj bp. 1 May 1698 at the Church of La Patente
de Soho. Died in childhood. He may have been one of the five children of Abraham
listed at Kanakintown in Feb. 1701, deceased by 10 Nov. 1701. If so, then Abraham
had no other children who survived, because the c. 1711i "Liste Generale" shows no
children living" with Abraham pWe; the 1701 "Census" shows him with five children
(d'emonstrably (l) Pierre-Louis, (2) Jacques, (3) Abraham fils, since they are not
listed separately as heads of family there, plus probably (U) Anne, unless s.he was
already married by 1701, which is, quite unlikely; plus, perhaps, (5) Robert or
; another. If another, it was like'ly a second daughter older than Robert.] Abraham
pire in all probability had no children born subsequent to 1701 who survived, for
none are listed with him in 1711i, (assuming, of course, that none are counted as
"Enfans" residing with either elder brother, Pierre-Louis or Jacques.)
1 HuFJienot Society of London. Fublications, v. ? xiii. London, 1956. (Registers
of the Churches of La Patente de Soho, Wheeler Street, Swansfields and Hoxton;
also, the Repertoire General; ed. bj Susan Hinet.)
3 Henrico Co.,'va., Miscellaneous Court Records [Deeds, Wills, Etc.], 1650-1807,
vol. 1 [1690-1717], p. 351i. . ,
h Charles W. Beard. History of the Huguenot Emigration to America, New Tork,
Dodd, Mead, 1885, v. 2*, pp. 109-111. ~
5 B. H. Dupuy, The Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and His Descendants, Louisville, Courier-
Journal, 1908, p. 263, identifies her as a Dupuy. So also does Mrs. H. D. Pittman,
Americans of Gentle Birth, St. Louis, 1903, v. 1, p. l8l. Both these accounts were
based on the Sublett MS. of Dr. John Sublett Logan, a copy of which is to be lound at
the Kentuc^^ Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky. James Garyin Chastain, ASrie.
Historv of the Huguenots and Three Family Trees: Chastain-Lochridge-Stockton, 1933,
pp. 263-26U, identifies her as a Chastain. This same Chastain identification is given
also in the Huguenot Society; Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia, Yearbook,
No. 1, 192ii, p. 11; and in The Huguenot Society: Founders of Manakin in the Colony of
Vixeinia. Publication No. 7, 1933-35, PP 278-281, These last two cited works also set
forth a description of a Sublett arms, ignoring the fact that the Soblet arms were
granted to a Soblet in another part of France at just about the time that Abraham and
his family were being harried out of the country. The Dupuy history gives a background
sketch on the family-, unhappily incorrect in virtually every detail ^ich can be
checked against primary sources. For example, it credits the first Abraham with a son
Littleberry, "born at Littleberry, England". Actually the first Littlebury to whom
Garpons Filles
1 1
extant sources refer is a S'.tlett of two generations later (#11) and his n^e was a
familT nane which, rtiile originating as a giren name in Virginia with the Eppes family,
had snread in nooularity far beyond the dfflnonstrable blood lines of that family, and was
5n wSe^read S^^tiit late/generation in Virginia. This same account is contained
in p-i-e-eSn nn eit and again, both it and the Dupiiy history's reference to the
sSbnt?baikp5^S3-ortginke in the Sublett MS. of Dr. John Sublett logn. This highly
fanciful account has again quite recently found its way into print in Doyce B. ^nis,
Jr "The Sublettes: AStudy of a Refugee Family in the Eighteenth Cent^, Virginia
MaiUinf 69 1961). Incidentally, this Nunis account straddles the issue as to
iflSrSusaine was aDupuy or aOhastain, and finally does f J^s^air"'
\Seh SeS'used rH^ufi^wift^s'en^irgJ^lJ^ an absolute non seouilur.
6 11=302 (Xfng William Vastly Book transcription)
I i^'Srock "Documents, Chiefly Unpublished, Relating to the Huguenot Emigration to
-vt;g!Sfind ?lTl;ttient at^Hanakin-Town," Virginia Historical Collections,
new series v. 5, p. 107. Richmond, Virginia Historical Society, iooo. "
9Hu^enot Society of Lndon. ^blications. Vol. 21, "Tesmoignages de I'EgUse de
Threadn^edle Street, l669-17d9." i-ondon, 1909. . t-
iocietv Publications, v. 31, P- 155- "Allegations for Hpriage Licenses
Issued by the Vicar-Generai of the Archbishop of Canterbury, July 1687 to June
l69li," ed. by George J. Amytage. London, 1890. ^ \ or A
11 Huguenot Society of London. Publications, v. 21, p. 2l47. (cx e a * - ii *
12 Sed^n, Reformed Church, Les Registres des Bapteme, as aostracted in letter of 2h ay
I960 from K. Philipoe de F61ice to the contributor. n
13 Joseph D. Eggleston. Viichaux Family", Virginia Magazine of History
p^ 365-37L (19365 j also in Archibald Bennett, Advanced Geneaxogical Research,
Salt Lake City, Bookcraft, 1959, pp. 87-9li.
Ill Virginia Historical Society, Collections, n.s., v.6, pp. 6L-66.
19 He^ico^Co.,*Va., Miscellaneous Court Records [Deeds, Wills, Etc.] 1650-1807, vol. 1,
20 Henrico Co!^^^Va!*, Records [Deeds and Wills], 17.06-1709, p. 189.
21 Br-Ck oo cit., p. 70? Calendar of Virginia State Papers, vol. 1, pp. lU-115.
Th^c m"k have occui^ed about Dec. i/00 when hanaKin was set apai"^ " a separate
parish. See James L. Bugg, Jr., "The French Huguenot Frontier Settlement of
Kanakin Tov.t.," Virginia Magazine, 61:362 (1953).
22 Virginia Magazine, li:ii^7. 11.297 27 Ibid., 11:301
^pFlvSi 26 Tm.; 11:295 28 p^., 11:30U
fz S^k! ou. cit.,. p. 71:, reprinted from William Stevens Perry,
Pacers Relstine to the Church T-n Virsinio. pp. 193-195*
33 Brock, oo. cit., p. 110
29 Ibid., 12:22
30 Ibid., 12:26
31 Ibid., 12:2lil
3li Ibid., p. 110.
. o vT + vs eatr i6fl6 is refe"^red to in the records of his parish and county
1. Pierre-Louis Soblet b. ^ ^s refe.^red^to^^^^
varyingly as ' Pierre Lou.s, ^ * p? e Louis seems to have been his preferred name,
and alternately simply either as 1'^" or Pierre, ^uis s ^ of parish
He is listed as a tithabie as the yw 7 himself
expenses for the year 1710 he was allowed 6 shill_ S P ^ 1715, but in
and one day of his ho^se". ^^^Sobl^^i^s^elected to the vestry aling. with his brother
)mur/:r;n 2rKScrniri?h^S" J,ues Soblet and u'stTf^'
as vestiymen, took loj^ay the of the ^^^OTirnSr^The Estienne Chastaine and Louis
= = - -
DSGR Magazine Vol. 3a- #1 Fall 1974 pp.1 & 2
Transcribed by Donald J.Subktte ofDetroit. Michigan
^1 ilaefts of Huguenot Interest in England, Germany, the
in 1972. the .3 a.^anber of the "Atoiral Caspard de Collgny Meao-
Ketherlands, Svlttetland jld France pa.iaehleaa, France, where the VorW Hu^enot. .
^if,rLn'IiSS;ratirtre M:ti^lants of St. Barthol^eew'a Pay. 2A *u,at, 1572
Although time was limited. L^dM%^] and the
the Huguenot Society of london [67 '1 Paris [5* Rue des Saint-Peres. Paris 75]. and
de I'Histoire du '^"""%^^"Sf"aiaaloS called Cameron Allen of New Jersey,
found data to supplement the 6fi Sanakintown King William Parish. Virginia."
("The (Soblet-Subley)^Sublett Hid radlng Summer 1966. Vol. 29. p. 161;
r. Allen has shown t^t -
"Sedan. Ardennes, France, and that SobUt, Vol. 27. p. 3) In adda-
^yr'bfnSTrlSding Vt Se^; migrat^ thence to London; from there to Virginia.
1700." (Allen's account in Research, p. 259;
There are six volumes of ^"'l'?Hlst^e"d"S^stantiOTe Fran9aise.
tat'oLffo"'voW:! ~ve^ ^Teers 16A7 to 1684. were examined by the conrrihutor.
with the following new facts uncovered:
1 Children of Jean> Soblet and wife Judith ^hard (order of birth uncertain),
three previously reported by Cameron Allen.
i Elisabeth, h. 16 July 1647; godparents. Jeremie Brandone and wife
Elisabeth Jaraon. _ ^ December 1648, a son of Jean
^^Sob^t a^d JuSS Lonbardi godparents. Abra^ Duclous and wife
caS:^:ie!'rs-juirir5i;tedXn."jru^^^^^ -
Catherine Descamps.
iv Judith, b. 7 May 1656.
I: nb^^^K M"s;ptember 1677 ag^^. ^e r^ord
?a^irn t^^ihraSmnitul" ^wft^LrStihrs.Teirsoblet.
writer, and Abraham Soblet]
vii Jean. No birth record found, but named In above record.
(Additional data to follow)
reasonable to assume they may have been brothers].
1 Henry, h. 5March 1648; godparents. Henry Duchene mni wife ,
li AnS!'b^"l to^t"l6S0; godparents. Jac<piec CodJn and wife
111 1651; godfather.
children born to this family who was nmed ' ^
iv Marii. b. 16 November 1652; godperence. Peul Secreleire end wir
Marie ?Genoteau.
'> n 1 Sir^'k
,,5- . ^^ngVaiey.CASIS??-!^
Jean, b. 19 October 165A, died in childhood.
Jeanne, b. 17 January 1656.
Jacque, b. A March 1657.
Elisabeth, b. 28 July 1658, d. in childhood.
Judith, b. 25 August 1660.
Rachel, b. 8 January 1662.
Jean, b. 30 August 166A.
Elisabeth, b. 10 December 1665.
The only entry for Jacques Soblet, son of Philbert, is in the baptismal record of
Guillaume Soblet on 9 March 1681, son of Jacques Soblet and Marie Boulsnde.
Jacques' and Guillaunie could be the father and son vho were "lecteur-chantre"
("reader-chanter") in Emmerich, and who died, respectively, in 1705 and 1752.
(Allen's SdbZet, Vol. 27, p. 4)
An entry for Anne Soblet, either daughter of Jean^ or Philbert, appears as wife
of Jacob or Jacques de Villette. They are listed as godparents of Jacques
de Villette baptized, 16 August 1682. They had children:
i Marie, bap., 30 January 1670; godfather, Jacques Soblet. She d.
[buried], 20 December 71680 aged 10 years, [cf. Marie #lvl
ii Elisabeth, bap., 3 June 1676.
-t Daniel, bap., 2A "Septeaber 1679.
iv Marie, bap., 8 December 1680; godparents, Jacques Soblet and wife
Marie Boulande.
Three children were found for Jean^ Soblet and wife Marie:
i Jean, b. 6 September 1677.
ii Abraham, bap., 2A August 1679. . ^
iii Ann, bap., 20 August 1681, daughter Jean Soblet, "ecrivain a Sedan."
An entry for the birth of Susanne Brian, wife of Abraham Soblet, appears In the
Sedan Reformed Church records, 23 January 1660, baptized, 29 January 1660,
daughter of Daniel Brian, serrurier [locksmith] a Sedan and wife Rachel Beguin;
godparents, Daniel Cellia, potier [potter] a Sedan and wife Rachel Vulion.
In 1679, Daniel Brian and wife transferred their membership from Sedan to the
Threadneedle Huguenot Church in London.
The four children of Abraham and Susanne (Brian) Soblet, shown in the Sedan
i Anne, bap., Sedan, 27 October 1675, daughter of Abraham Soblet, ouvrier
[craftsman] en tobac and wife Susaxme Brian; godparents, Philbert
Soblet and wife Anne Godin. Susanne .(Brian) Soblet was age 15 years
when daughter Anne was baptized. There may have been a second or older
Susanne, although none was found In the records inspected. Ann Soblet,
b. ca 168A, d. in Virginia, 1723; m. ca 1701, as his second wife, Pierre
Chascain, b. 1660, d. 1723. (Allen's Soblet, Vol. 27, p. 6)
ii Jean, bap., 29 April 1677, d. 26 April 167'8.
iii Jacob, bap., lA September 1678; godparent, Jacob Lambert. This may be
the Jacques, estimated by Cameron Allen to have been bom ca 1689,
who accompanied his parents to Virginia,
iv Jean, b. 10 March 1680, son of Abraham Soblet of Saint-Mcnges and wife
Susanne Brian; godparents, Jean Soblet of Sedan and wife Marie Martinet.
Jean died, 17 October 1680 aged 8 months, "son of Abr. Soblet, bourgeois
de Saint-Menges ami Susanne Brian." Witness, Jean Soblet, "ecrivain
a Sedan, uncle and godfather of deceased."
Marte Martain, bap., Sedan, 21 January 1682, daughter of Jeremie Martain de Sedan
and wife Marie Archambeau. In Allen's Soblet, Vol. 27, p. 6, this is the name
given for perhaps the second wife of Pierre-Louis, b. ca 1686. son of Abraham
and Susanne (Brian) Soblet. It is from Pierre-Louis and Marte (Martain) Soblet
that over 90 percent of the American Subletts are descended.
r- " -' '~*D^'.'^2ine 5
... . .^y. , . .r^._
i.A>v- - : '- . 1 .-s
Trtnscribed by Donald J. Sublene of Detroit. Michigan
In April. 1976. Iton and Elizabeth Sublette made a return visit to the Soci^te de
I'His'toire du ProtestantisiDe Fran^aise in Paris (54 Rue des Saint-Pferes, Paris, 751
detenained. this Cine, to inspect all records available there of the Refon^d Oiurch. of
Sedan, the oldest known residence of his ancestor.^raham Soblet, yho'had' iiimilgrated to^
the Colony of Virgiflia in. 1700^. Limitation of-time in 1972" had-pfcverited Don from examin
ing all the Sedan registers which are transcriptions.-in French^ If is not known whether
these transcriptions were made directly from original records whichr so far as known, are
no longer in existence, or are copies of older copies. Further, there are gaps in the
cords which may leave the searcher without pertinent data. .An analysis of his findings and
correction of. earlier interpretations follows the presentation of the translated records.
After completing theif Paris research, the Sublettes toured Sedan and vicinity (now
the Department of Ardennes), an area where many major militrfty engagements have taken
place - the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, and two World Wars in the 1900s. Until the
1630s Sedan, known as the Geneva of the Horth, had been an independent principality and
an important center for the French Reformed Church (Huguenot). One of the four principal
Protestant L>niversicies was situated there, as well as a large church (St. Charles, burlt
1593 and used as such untU 1685). Sedan was also the scat for the manufacture of woolens,
arms, farming equipment, and a variety of steel and iron articles. Genealogical research
for the ancestry of adherents of Che Protestant cause is complicated because communicants
flocked to the flourishing centers of Sedan and La Rochelle not only from a vide area of
France, but also from other countries. Many changed Che spelling of their names to avoid
real or fancied persecution.
Due to changing political alignments. Sedan was ceded in 1642 to the French King,
Louis XIII. and the rights and privileges of the members of this religious group began to
diminish until, at the revocation of the Edict of Nances In 1685, many thousands went into
exile, mostlv Holland and England, to escape persecution and death. Because Sedan was
favorably- situated near mountains and the border of wbat ^is now Belgium and Luxembou^.
its population had easy access to escape routes. Today," the area is a modem industrial
complex so that efforts to locate graves, dwellings, of even the siaaller towns of Che
Jj6ch and 17ch centuries is an impossible task.
The compiler found seven volumes of baptismal transcriptions labelled: "Sedan.
Eglise Reforme, Registres de Baptismes".: Mas #6634. 1631-1638; '6635, 1630-1646; #6636.
1647-1665; #6637, 1656-1664; #6638. 1665-1672; #6639. 1673-1682; and #666, 1667-1683 and
1670-1784. One book of Marriages, Mss #6642, 1631-1682. There were some deaths incliided,
and the baptisms were not as duplicacive as indicated.
11 Aug 1601 PIERRE BRIAN, son of William Brian of Sedan and MARIE POU?ART. daughter of
Mathias Poupart from Brie.
6 Jul 1631 PIERRE SAUBLET, son of Jean Saublet of Jametz and Susanna Vallet and
MARIE LESPINE, daughter of Jean Lespine and Judith Briset of Jametz.
16 Jan(Aug?) PHILBERT SOUBLET, son of Elie Soublet, deceased, and Susanne RcnaudJ^,
1643. resident of Beaumont, and ANNE GODIN(l). daughter of Antoine GodinC?),
deceased, and Bastienne de l*Escot.
(Note the German language feminine ending in Renaud^l ,.r-riTTrc
11 Feb 1670 ANNE SOBLET, aged 20, daughter of Filbert Soblet and Anne Godtn and JACQUES
de VTLLETT. aged 24, son of Jacques de VlHett and Elizabeth Robinet-
31 Mar 1679 ABRAHAM SOBLET, son of Jean Soblet and Judith Lcmbart of Boscy(?), age ,
and SUSANNE BRIANT, aged 22, of Sedan, daughter of Jacques Briant of Sedan
and Susanne Gerard, deceased. Witnesses: Jean Soblet, school teacher.
Philbert Soblet; Jacques Briant; Daniel Briant. tobacco merchant.
[Could the date 1679 be an error in transcription? Abraham Soblet was bom
in 1648, so. If married at age the marriage date would be 1674. His
first child, Susanne (Anne), was baptised 27 October 16J751
11 Feb 1670
31 Mar 1679
- j P>,nhert Soblet. merchant of Sedan, and Anne
7*ug 1678 JA^^S aged 19, d.ughcar of Gaillao=a Eoulande. draper.
.. "~r-
Suzanne Colinf?). Witnesses: .Jacques Soblet, brother,, and^others.
Atic 1681 ELIsIbetH SOBLET, aged 25. daughter of Jean Soblet,:notary of Corscy(Corcy) 3Aug 35 [no pon acaca^.
Witnesses: Daniel Kenaud, uncle^ of:.St.- McDges;^.JeamScAlcC,^ acribe, .
brother and Dan'l Peron. friend.
[The last entry in this register was 22 Novenbcr: 1682]
31 Aug 1636 JEAN SOLLETCT), aged U, son of Jean Sollet(?> and Margaret Cossou(.).
[This may not be a Soblet entry] r 'a ^
15 Get 1651 JEAN SOBLET, son of' Philbert Soblet. [No age^givcn]
7 Feb 1653 SUSANNE SENAUDm. widow of Elic Soblet, _
17 Apr 1656 JEANNE SOBLET, aged 3 months, daughter of Phxlbert
10 Apr 1659 SUSANNE GERARD, aged 47. wife of J'^ques Saublet and
5 Hay 1659 ELISABETH S^LET, aged 9months, daughter of Philbe
1661 HE^'sMLh'. .gad 13, son of PhiUippsIsio] Soblet: and Anne Codin.
16 Spr 1666 ELISABETH SUBLET, aged 4months, daughter of Philbert Sau ct an
Marie {no sumane given].
UOct 1601 MARIE GAILLE. daughter of Jean Gallle, worbman of Sedan and Melotin Bell.
godparents, Pierre Brian and Marie Pcuporto^. La Riviere.
2Jun 1631 PaSl SAUBERT.. child of Robert Sanbert:. papemtaker.. and Hadelaine La Ra_^
9 Jan 1633 . ABRAHAM SAUBEKI. *' "
24 Jan 1635 JEANNE SAUBERT " ' . "
6 Till 1637 JEAN SAUBERT, . -,_ ?p^on>i3 'Pierra.
11, oct 1640- and Marie-l^spine)
11 Dec 1644 JEAR SOBLET. son of. Jesn Sviere; godparents,
30 bar 1643 of ScJcfi in
29 Aug 1645 HE!^rS0BLn,''s^^orkilberrSoblet and Anne (^din; godparents. Jean[
Soblet and his wife, Susanne Eenaud^.
establishes the fact that she was a child of Jacques Brlt
deceased. No baptismal record for this Susanne Briant was foun .
Beamaont. and Abrahaia's parenns uere Jean Soblet .d Judith Lombart
3. Pierte Saublet, -.tried 6Julp 1631, has irpO^'se'Is ^^rinitely
relationship to the Peter Soblet found "HI ll^tobe; 1"0. All other
the .see Pierre of Jataett. father of tL^er^eln or Philbert.
Soblet entries in the Sedan records can be ascribed to either Jean
4. Although ^ti:\he'b:Tre?It"LrirPo\obfsS-
trten-'peUersrie^ 'fse; brpfi'^ls of Scubert. hereinbefore)
:;?:r;'^ V': "tv^
In M2^zine Vol. 38 JHd.,fp'. 2, the costlier was unsure as to the correct
' parentage of Axme Soblet, vife of Jacques de Villette.' The urrlage record of
IT Februai:7 1670- proves .that Anne Soblet vho aarried Jacques de Vlllette'vas a
daughter of Soblet- and Anne Godin. Either the baptism of Marie, - 30 January
1670; "daughter of Jacques de Villette and Anne Soblet, their aarri^ge date, nay
be an error in transcription. : ^
6. Assuoing that-jthe Savibert entries, beginning- 163Tare actualTyfi^bZeta, this' would
be the earliest known record of any of that surhaneVvhile'^e Bnons are recorded
as early as 160T (see'baptisos, hereinbefore). =Sooe reasons'for this naae to appear
first in the year 1631 stay be: 1) The faaily were' converted to Protestantisa at
this date. 2) They nay have cone to the Sedan area froa **soae ^stance" about 1630.
3) Under Increasing disciplinary action froa French authorities, snalXer'Protestant
churches (Buguenot) were closed, leaving only the Sedan^urch available for the
registration of sacraaental records. '
7. It would appear that the Soblet faaily left the Sedan area between 1685 and 1698.
Pasteur Denis Vatinel, bibliothecaire [librarian] showed the conpiler two such
entries in the German Registers (Protestant):
31 Dec 1698 At Emmerich, Jacques Soldet de Sedan, lecteur et faseur de (^aze, sa fetsne
et .4 enfants. (Same entry in 1700)
1698 At Konigsburg (yesel), Jacque Briant, 8 persons, professor **en la langue
Franqaise.** -
At the library of the Huguenot Society of London [67 Victoria Road, Kensington,
London U 8], this additional record was found:
May 1698 Abraham Soblet, his wife and 6 children were on the Royal Bounty Rolls,
. receiving 1.15.0.:?%Some Soblets (Sobelet) continued in the London area-"at least
until the end of the 18th century. There is a record of a-Ja'cques 'Sobelet (also
known as James Soblet) vho was bom about 1709 in England and'-^ died-6'February 1753.
1. DSGRJiagazine has served as the major, If not sole vdticlef'for-'recbrding'data-on the
Soblet/Sitblett) family.which has been determined and/or verified by research as contrasted
with traditional, approaches. . The twelve^part history by Cameron Allen, F.A.S.C.,- is'the
'*Blble". of the Stiblette. genealo^ and his monumental work in'asse'sblihg and publishing
the American-data included the discovery of the.true last name"of Abraham Soblet*s wife
Suzanne, thus ending generations of speculation, as well as the French site of the 17th-
century home of this family. (Cameron Allen, **The. (Sobley-Subley)' Sublette' Family of
Manakintovn, King William Parish, Virginia," VSGR hkigazine, beginning Fall 1963, Vol.
p. 3, and ending Summer 1966, Vol. 29, p. 161) Additional pertinent Soblet data was
published by Mr. Allen is The Jhoerican Society of Genealogists, Gemalogvca\ Research,
1971, Vol. II, p. 259. Other published accounts in regard to this family are: Kahcy
Louise Sublette, Generations Remeitbered^ the Sitblette Family, 2700-28501 Donald J.
Sublette, **French Origins of the (Sobley-Subley) Sublett Faaily of Manakintown. King
William Parish. Virginia," DSGR Magazine, Fall 197A, Vol. 38, No. 1, p..l; Mrs. Gamer
Roy Searl, **Pleasant^ Sublett and Valentine Day^, Descendants of Abraham Soblet of
Manaklntown, King William Parish, Virginia," DSGR Magazine, Winter 1973, No. 2, p. 55.
..:p. -7.f. v-^.;
'.'C . .
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