Calculation of Yield

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Whereas the amount actually produced of a product is the actual yield.

The ratio of actual yield to theoretical yield expressed in percentage is called the percentage
Actual yield
Percent yield = ----------------- x 100
Theoretical yield
Percent yield is used to calculate the success in actually producing a product, compared with
the maximum amount you can possibly produce. The process is evaluated to save resources
and produce more output with the same input.

The equation that represents the yield is:
Fractional yield = [(actual yield)/(theoretical yield)] When you get this answer, you need to
multiply by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
Irrespective of the product, % yield for bottled foods, drinks, beverages and other related
foods should range between 98-100%. Anything below this is not okay. In some
cases(beverages) you can have yield above 100% depending on the efficiency of the
equipment and operation process.

Your yield % is calculated from the following formula:
Yield% = (Actual quantity of goods produced/Theoretical quantity of goods expected)%.
All components and products should reconcile 100%, however, allowances are made
(tolerance limit) to allow for counting error and/or minor inconsistencies.

Any unusual situation and out-of-tolerance tally must be investigated immediately on
checking the reconcillation.In the case of the out of the range result a recount must be done
and the entries corrected. If the % yield is still outside the allowable limits a through
investigation must take place to ensure the cause of such a deviation to establish that no mix
up has occurred.

Percent yield is a calculation of your success of producing a product compared to the total
amount if product that can be produced. For the common formulations such critical stages are
(A) Tablets : Granulation.
: Compression.
: Coating.
: Packing.
(B) Capsules : Mixing.
: Filling.
: Packing.
(C) Liquid oral : Bulk preparation and filtration.
: Filling.
: Packing.
(D) Ampoules : Bulk preparation and filtration.
: Washing of ampoule.
: Filling and sealing of ampoules.
: Sterilization of filled ampoules.
: Visual inspection.
: Packing etc.

The actual yield and percentage of theoretical yield shall be determined at the conclusion of
each appropriate phase of manufacturing, processing, packaging, or holding of the drug
product. Such calculations shall be performed by one person and independently verified by a
second person.
To meet these requirements each critical stage of the manufacturing process should be
identified and theoretical yield at the end of that stage should be established. The actual yield
at the end of these stage should be calculated, recorded in B.P.C.R. and compared. Any
abnormal deviation should be recorded and investigated to find out reasons. Steps should be
taken to avoid them in future. General steps towards yield improvement can be as follows:

Collect data at every critical step of production cycle.
Compare data with ideal data or expected values.
Analyze the findings and pin point the possible causes of failures.
Identify the most effective solution.
Apply the solution to a controlled material.
Collect the data and verify the results.
Roll out the solution to production.

Use of data analysis tools is very helpful in these situations. Choosing the right tool is very
important. To capture all the aspects of manufacturing, integration of the tool is critical. How
do I improve Yield ?
This is a very important task yet very difficult to accomplish. Actions contribute in keeping
up good yield are,
Defining critical areas.
Keeping and updating the ideal or golden data.
Reporting collected data in a right form.
Analyzing periodic reports

It is always beneficial to find the problem sooner. The manufacturing cost increases towards
the final steps of production. The most basic definition of yield in a manufacturing plant is
the ratio of the amount of primary product output to the amount of raw material input,
expressed as a percentage. What is Yield ?
Yield is a number which generally quantifies the success. Example : If I put 10 hours of work
and got a work done which is worth 8 hours. Then my work yield is 8/10 that is 80%. Or if I
am a manufacture of pens. I started making 1000 pens. 50 broke while adding ink refills in
them, 50 broke while moving the box of ready pens to quality check and finally, quality
department threw 100 pens as they were not writing. At the end, I could sell only 800 pens.
My production yield is 800/1000 that is 80%.
At the end of each specific packing of a batch or part-batch, the printed components
and product will be tailed by the machine operator, e.g: label, cartons, leaflets, tablets, etc.
These components will be reconciled as a % yield, comparing the number at the start with the
number at end of the process including all waste that occurred during the process.

% yield =

No. of goods produced at the end of process +Rejects + sample + Returned
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x 100
No. of goods received at the start of process
Reactants not completely used up are called excess reagent, and the reactant completely
reacts is called limiting reagent. This concept has been illustrated for the reaction:

2 Na + Cl2 = 2 NaCl

An amounts of products calculated from the complete reaction of the limiting reagent is
called theoretical yields.

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