ABA Quarterly Report - Fall 2014

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Jesus said, Go and MAKE DISCIPLES ... baptizing them and teaching them .... The Great Commission is to
be carried out through active evangelism and teaching. That is exactly what we are trying to accomplish at the
Asuncion Bible Academy. We are training faithful brethren to be well grounded disciples who are capable of
serving in evangelism, benevolence, leadership, and edification (2 Timothy 2:2). From what we have observed
from among the current students of ABA, we are reaching that objective! To God be the glory!

We are so thankful for the blessing God has provided
through the Academy. He blessed us in developing the idea,
organizing the school, and now having completed more than
a year and half into the project! At the time of this writing, we
are closing in on the end of the seventh quarter. Only one
quarter remains until our first class of students graduate! We
have also begun scheduling, making plans, and organizing for
the next class, the 2015-2017 Beta Class. Some changes
are in order and some challenges have been presented, yet,
having come this far, we have even more confidence in our
God who always provides!

We have been pleasantly surprised to learn that there is a considerable amount of interest among the brethren
in attending the Bible Academy for the next session. In order to consolidate the answers to everyones questions
and inquiries, we decided to host an Open House where we would explain and present everything all at once.
On August 30, we had a great turnout with 17 people attending the event while Troy Spradlin and Perry Hardin
lead the forum. The prospective students were given an entrance application and a copy of the student manual.
The class schedule system was explained, what courses were offered, and we basically outlined what a student
could expect from the Academy, as well as, what the Academy expects of its students. We also asked the
current students to describe what life was like attending the Academy and then fielded additional questions from
the prospects. It turned out to be a wonderful event which served its purpose well.

The Asuncion Bible Academy received a very generous
donation in the form of a Video Conference System. This system
will allow us to connect with instructors in the USA (and other
countries) for live, interactive classes. NYTec of Paraguay was
contracted as the local Polycom representative to install the
system. All of the equipment had to be imported from the USA
which required a considerable amount of time. On Thursday, Oct
23, we initialized the system with a video conference call to a
classroom at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. We were
able to see, hear, and converse with the instructor in the USA,
while at the same time, he projected a Powerpoint presentation
through the system. What a marvelous blessing!
Supported through the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver Extension School Program
Alfredo Villamar, of NYTec of Paraguay, initalizing
our new Polycom Video Conference System which will
be used for live, interactve classroom instructon.
Fifeen potental students for the Beta Class
of 2015-2017 atended an Open House forum.

This past quarter we had several visiting instructors who gave various short courses. The students completed
courses in the Major Prophets, Pauls Prison Epistles, Peters Epistles, Greek, and a special study on Baptism. We
also made more improvements to the classroom and the dormitories. ABA is striving for continual improvement!

David Avila is a close friend and colleague of Eliezer Perez from their time
studying in the Institute of Theology of Latin America, in Guatemala. David
came to Paraguay to visit for a month, so we gave him the opportunity to
teach in the Academy. He taught Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and Song of
Solomon. The students responded very well to him and he enjoyed his time
teaching. It was a real joy to have David with us and we are hoping he will
return to Paraguay real soon and work with us again.

Luis Camacho is our Stateside Coordinator for ABA and also serves as one
of the adjunct instructors in ABA from the Bear Valley Bible Institute in
Denver. He returned to Paraguay on Oct 26 to Nov 3 to teach a class on
Denominational Doctrines. We all have grown close to brother Luis and
always enjoy his visits. He should be returning next year to teach, as well
as, instructing classes from Texas via the new video conference system.

Eliezer Perez has recently committed to more time serving as a missionary
to Paraguay. With this commitment, he was asked if he would like to teach
more classes in the Academy. He accepted and it was decided that he will
begin teaching two classes per quarter. We are excited to announce that
Eliezer Prez is now part of our full time staff at ABA!

Upcoming Courses and Investigation and Graduation!
The upcoming, final quarter will have the students studying Revelation, the Minor Prophets,
Pauls Letters to Timothy and the Thessalonians, Catholicism, and Public Speaking. The
quarter will finish up with a research week on February 6th. Graduation exercises and
celebration will be held on Saturday, February 7th.

Campus Improvements
When we first began classes at ABA, we were using some large, plastic, folding tables as
student desks. They were cumbersome and took up a lot of room. This past quarter we
purchased some new, smaller desks for the students and now we are not so cramped within
our space. In addition, we have made some more improvements to our dormitories. The students (and several
prospective students) came to the building one Saturday for a special work day and they repainted, cleaned, and
repaired the dormitories. We are hoping to install air conditioning within the next month. The students also have a
weekly service day where they do projects around the building, which include maintaining the grounds, making
small repairs where needed, and general maintenance of the building.
David Avila teaching at ABA
Improvements and Upgrades (L to R) We purchased some new student desks for the classroom; some of the current students and
some prospective students helping with painting and cleaning the dormitories,
Eliezer Prez
Luis Camacho with the students of ABA
William Arzamendia is a member from the emby congregation. His current GPA is: 85.6 He writes:

First of all, my dear brethren, I am deeply grateful to you for giving us the opportunity
to study in the Bible Academy. You are very kind to work with us so that we can move
forward, your support is a motivation for us to finish the academy.
We know that God is to be first before all things, but we must also give honor to
those who deserve it. You deserve honor because you could have invested your
offerings in other things but decided to help us so that we could study on a full time
basis - that is worthy of many thanks.
I do not know any of you who are giving, I just know that we are brethren in Christ,
but if I do ever get to meet you I want to invite you to a Paraguayan asado! (bbq)
I have learned so many things while I am also realizing I have more responsibility.
I am getting a lot of tools that will help me to help others come to know or to build their
faith in the truth so that we can both grow for the glory of God.
In Paraguay there is a lot of work, but thanks to the academy, the church is
growing in very large steps. Today there are more hearts willing to learn more about God and that also motivates us
to continue studying! We were only three of the five that started, but we are rapidly nearing completion, and it's all
thanks to God and to you, .. a thousand thanks . seriously.
I send a big hug to all you from here, and hope to see you someday soon, God willing. - William
Ramon Paredes is a member of the Avenida Sacramento congregation and his
current GPA is: 80.4.

To the church in the United States of America.
Greetings! I would like to thank you for the help you give me and my classmates
through the support you provide, so that we can study the word God full time. We have
been studying from Genesis to Revelation, and only have four months remaining to
finish the 2-year period of study. We have learned a lot, and are putting it into practice
by sharing the Good News of Jesus with many already. I no longer feel unqualified
after I have studied a lot - and that is the will of God, that we are ready!
Grace to you my dear brothers in Christ, who have made it possible for us to be
prepared to work diligently in the kingdom of God.
In this way you and us, together, are complying with the mandate of our Lord Jesus
Christ, (Matt 28: 19-20). So, the good news is going to reach a lot of people and more
clearly, (because after learning, it is much easier to share the word of God with others),
for that, I am very grateful! We pray that many souls arrive at the foot of Christ. May the grace of our Father God
abound in your hearts! - Ramon
Karen Giminez is a member from the Centro congregation and her current GPA is: 89.6. She writes:

A cordial and warm hug to all my brothers and sisters, whom with such generosity
and kindness have made my study possible today in the Asuncion Bible Academy. I
feel fortunate and happy to be able to learn from God's word every day. This is a
unique experience that is only possible through your kind support. There are no
words to express how much gratitude I have for the spiritual training that we receive
every day through our instructors. Despite the long distance, I always have you in my
prayers, wishing you, my brothers, prosperity, both spiritually and materially.

It is essential that the church grows in Paraguay and that is why we are preparing to
offer our service to the church because it is necessary to bring more workers to the
feet of Jesus.

I send a big hug to everyone who has made it possible for us who are preparing to
graduate in a few months to be well instructed in the word of the Lord. I say goodbye to all of you, wanting to
encourage you, and pray that the Lord Jesus Christ grant you many blessings.Karen
(These have been translated from Spanish while also trying to maintain the form in which they were written by the student).

This section has been designated as a space to bring more information regarding the next, upcoming class, known
as the Beta Class. There are currently ten brethren who have manifested that they would like to attend the Bible
Academy for the next enrollment. Here is information regarding a few of the prospective students. Next quarter we
will feature some more of the others.

Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ (Stateside Administrator)
4067 Leo Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 561.848.1111

Carriage Oaks church of Christ (Bossier City, LA)
Central Avenue church of Christ (Valdosta, GA)
Jay church of Christ (FL)
Poolville church of Christ (TX)
West Dyersburg church of Christ (TN)
Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ (FL)
Anonymous Families / Individuals ( AZ, FL, TN, TX)
PARAGUAYMISSION.COM iglesiadecristo.com.py conocerlapalabra.com
Director (Administration) - Troy Spradlin
Asst Director (Academics) - Perry Hardin
Secretary - Mirta Vera

Committee Members
Luis Yegros, Ale Yegros, Pedro Vera,
Troy Spradlin, Perry Hardin, Ike Yegros
Perry Hardin Eliezer Perez
Pedro Vera Troy Spradlin
Jorge Vera Ike Yegros

Extension School Director - Bob Turner
Stateside Coordinator - Luis Camacho
Natty Osorio
Natty came to the church in
2012 through an invitation from
a friend. She was baptized
shortly thereafter. She is one of
the sweetest people you will
ever meet. She has a heart that
desires to serve the Lord and
she is concerned about lost
souls. She wants to know more
of the Bible and how to teach people about Jesus. We
cant think of any better reasons for wanting to attend the
Academy! Can you?
Fabio Ruiz
Fabio is a good friend of our sister
in Christ, Raquel Franco, who
invited him to church in 2012. After
a few Bible studies, he decided to
put on Christ in baptism. Since then,
he has had many struggles with his
family, who is very Catholic and are
not in agreement with his decision.
He desires to be a faithful disciple and hungers for more
Bible knowledge. This is why he wants to attend the
Academy so he can be better equipped to teach the pure
Gospel and to handle objections.
Several of the prospective students are beginning to turn in
their entrance applications. Student interviews with the
Academy Staff and Committee will be set up for November
and December. These interviews are to help determine the
motive of the prospective student for wanting to attend the
Academy and to assess the amount of scholarship necessary
for each student. There are some who are still trying to
decide whether to attend, or not. We ask that you pray for
those who are contemplating attending and for those who
have already committed. Thank you!

We are still in need of support for some of the students for
the upcoming Beta Class (2015-2017). If you are not
currently supporting the Asuncion Bible Academy, wont you
please consider this in your upcoming budget planning? We
would greatly appreciate it!

For more information, please visit our webpage at:
Or, you may contact Troy Spradlin directly at:
(595) 0981.630.886 (Paraguay cell phone), or at
troy.spradlin@yahoo.com, or through our brother
Luis Yegros at luisyegros@hotmail.com (he speaks English
and is the treasurer for the church ).
Please keep this opportunity in your prayers! Thank you!

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