Grey's Listening Exercises 1x01 - 1x09

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Greys Anatomy.

A Hard Day's Night

Meredith Grey woke up next to a guy named Derek. And she promptly said good-bye to him, as
she went off for her first day of work as a surgical intern at Seattle Grace ospital. Meredith, with
the interns !ristina "ang, #$$ie Ste%ens and George &'Malley, all get assigned to surgical resident Dr.
Miranda (ailey.
Meredith's first patient, a teenager beauty pageant contestant, recently began suffering from sei$ures
so se%ere they threatened her life. As a neurological disorder that might need surgery, a neurosurgeon
new to Seattle Grace gets put on the case to work with Meredith. )hat neurosurgeon is none other
than Dr. Derek Shepherd. Derek wants to talk to Meredith about the pre%ious night, but Meredith
wants none of that. e's an attending, she's an intern, that's what their relationship should be.
Answer the questions.
*.- +hat is the nickname that the interns use to call Dr. Miranda (ailey,
-.- +ho does Derek choose to assist the brain surgery to,
..- Does !ristina agree with his decision, +hy,
/.- +hy does 0reston (urke choose George &1Malley,
2.- +hat is wrong between Meredith and the new intern, Alex,
3.- +ho is the surgery chief,
4.- +hy does e%erybody know Meredith1s mum,
5.- +here is she, +hy,
Greys Anatomy. "The First Cut is the Deepest"
Meredith doesn't want a relationship with Derek, but in a moment of weakness - when it's 6ust
the two of them alone in an ele%ator - she kisses him. Alex gets switched to (ailey's team of interns,
forcing him to work closely with those who hate him most. e and !ristina get assigned the
seemingly simple chore of deli%ering good lab results to patients and their families, but they 7uickly
find themsel%es bombarded with hugs and tears of 6oy - two things they simply can't handle. #$$ie
gets to practice 8actual medicine8 sewing up minor cuts and in6uries. &ne patient, who doesn't speak
any 9nglish, becomes troubling to #$$ie, as the patient desperately tries to tell her something and 6ust
won't lea%e. (ailey assigns George to run the code team, responsible for shocking patients on the
brink of death back to life when their %ital signs crash.
Answer the questions.
*.- +hy is (urke angry with :ichard +ebber,
-.- +hat is wrong with the baby,
..- +hat has happened to the young woman,
/.- +hat does the non-9nglish speaker want,
2.- +hy do not they go into the hospital,
3.- +here does Derek come from,
4.- +hich is the city where this takes place,
Greys anatomy. "Winning a att!e" #osing the War"
#t's Dead (aby (ike day in Seattle - the day of an annual bike race with no rules ;sponsored by
the Dead (aby (ar<. )his throws off the hospital's entire surgical schedule, filling up the surgical
floor with free-spirited - albeit in6ured - bike messengers, including one named =iper with spokes
sticking out of his abdomen. Meredith and Alex both want him, but =iper immediately takes to
Alex's handling of the situation - Alex 6ust yanks out the spokes and lets him get back to the race,
lea%ing Meredith to suture and do the paperwork. Meredith reluctantly discharges the charismatic
=iper, but not before he kisses her - in front of a 6ealous Derek who claims not to be 6ealous.
)he race isn't all 6ust cuts and bruises. )here is a casualty. #$$ie and !ristina are put in charge of an
unidentified %isitor to Seattle ;has no wallet, 6ust a hotel key card<, who was hit by a car when
6umped out of the way of the racers. )he patient is put on the clock - if there's no sign of brain
acti%ity in 3 hours, he's to be declared brain dead. )his is a %ery troubling prospect for #$$ie.
George gets a special assignment from :ichard, attend to a close, personal friend who's been
admitted with li%er failure. +hen the male patient makes a pass at George, George becomes
paranoid that others in the hospital - namely his crush Meredith - might think he's gay.
Should !ristina and #$$ie's patient be declared brain dead, #$$ie wants to make the guy's death
meaningful by getting his organs donated. (ut that's nearly impossible when the person is a >ohn
Doe. !ristina wants his organs donated, too, but really 6ust because she wants to be in a har%est.
+hile the man's family is tracked down, though, the patient crashes, needing a blood transfusion as
well as surgery to keep his body %iable as a donor. #$$ie and Meredith do the transfusion, but (urke
has to do the surgery, and he doesn't belie%e in operating on patients that are already dead ;the six
hours are almost up<. So he declines. And without (urke's surgery, it won't be much longer before
the heart fails again.
Derek lets Meredith in on a little secret? 8"ou want (urke to do the surgery, get :ichard on board
first.8 And they do, by going to George and getting him to tell :ichard that they may ha%e a li%er for
his friend. #t works, but not without raising (urke's ire. )he surgery is done, the family is tracked
down, and now all they need to do is get the patient's wife to agree to organ donation. #t's a 6ob that
!ristina can't really handle, as obser%ed by (ailey ;who shows she can be as thoughtful to patients
and family as she can be tough on her interns<.
=iper returns, but not for another kiss with Meredith. e's sustained a life-threatening in6ury and
(ailey and Meredith ha%e to sa%e him. )he prospect of the har%est, though able to gi%e the man's
death more meaning, still isn't satisfying to #$$ie. She really wanted the patient to wake up, to li%e.
And (urke understands where she's coming from. )he bittersweet har%est is done, gi%ing :ichard's
friend a new li%er, and when #$$ie comes in to sew up the brain dead guy ;who's now 6ust dead guy<
so he can be presentable to his family, !ristina sticks around to help, seeing the patient as a human
Greys anatomy. "No $an's #and"
#t dawns on George that #$$ie and Meredith treat him more like a sister than, well, a man, and
that's troubling for him. (ut e%en more troubling for George? that Alex has picked up on George's
8sister role8 and won't let George forget it. !ristina's aggressi%e pre-pre-rounding ;arri%ing to the
hospital at least a half an hour before the other interns< gets her on a patient with pancreatic cancer
;and its corresponding 8whipple8 surgery<. )hat patient is @i$ Aallon, a scrub nurse of -B years for
Dr. 9llis Grey. Despite working with Meredith's mom for that length of time, though, she's ne%er met
Meredith. George isn't the only one annoyed by Alex. #$$ie feels the brunt of his machismo
whene%er he calls her 8Dr. Model8 because of how she earned her way through college and med
school, a past that directly conflicts with her present when she gets assigned to a patient ;with
prostate cancer< who's familiar with her work ;in a (ethany +hisper lingerie ad<. )he prostate
patient doesn't want her working on him. And Meredith works with Derek ;with a little help from
Alex and George< on the case of a construction worker with 3 nails embedded in his head.
Answer the questions.
*.- +hy does !ristina arri%e so early to the hospital,
-.-+ho does Meredith tell her mum1s problem to, +hy,
..- +hat does Alex do,
/.- +hat is #$$ie1s reaction,
2.- +hat has happened to the builder,
3.- Does Meredith1s mum remember anyone, +ho is the first person she remembers,
Greys anatomy. "%ha&e 'our Groo(e Thing"
Meredith falls asleep in the shower and she has troubles keeping her eyes open at work. )he fact that the
nursing home demands her immediate attention to take care of some paperwork for her mom doesn't help
either. During open heart surgery with (urke, Meredith has the simple task of actually holding the heart. After
the surgery, though, she notices that a fingernail was protruding from a glo%e and worries that she may ha%e
punctured the heart. George points out that there had been a problem, they would'%e known during the
surgery, but there wasn't a problem, the heart is working fine, so telling (urke only risks getting in trouble for
something you didn't really do. She opts not to tell (urke, but the issue is still a pressing one for her. George
meanwhile has a case of doctor error of his own to deal with - fortunately not his error, though. e assists
(ailey and :ichard on a case where a towel is found inside a woman - a towel left in her from a pre%ious
surgery fi%e years ago. (ailey orders !ristina to look into the patient's history, to see if she can find out who's
responsible. #$$ie's boyfriend ank is %isiting Seattle 6ust for the night, so #$$ie is planning a really special
night - 6ust her and ank and e%eryone else in the entire hospital. She plans a party at Meredith's that 6ust
keeps getting bigger and bigger. >ust about e%eryone gets in%ited, except, of course, for Alex. )o !ristina this
is telling - #$$ie doesn't want to be alone with ank. (ut #$$ie is in denial, insisting the relationship is still
7uite strong. Derek orders Alex to install a central line to a patient with chronic pain problems. Alex ignores
those orders when he determines the patient is 6ust a 6unkie looking for a fix, which doesn't make Derek happy
because the first rule in pain management is always to err on the side of caution. e might %ery well be a
6unkie, but his pain is %ery much real to him. (urke's heart patient, the one that Meredith held the heart for,
crashes bedside. )hey are able to re%i%e and stabili$e her, but in a panic Meredith asks if this could ha%e
anything to do with her possibly puncturing the heart with a fingernail. )hough (urke doesn't think so, her
admonition couldn't ha%e come at a worse time - the patient's husband is standing right there. e hears
Meredith and decides to take legal action. Meredith and (urke must meet with :ichard and the hospital
counsel the %ery next morning - a meeting that will essentially decide Meredith's fate as a doctor. .Meredith's
problems pile up when she finally has to find time to go to the nursing home to officially get power of
attorney o%er her mom's estate. Cnfortunately, when she arri%es, her mother is not lucid enough to sign
anything in front of Meredith ;as needed to be<. !ristina finds a file on the surgery where the towel got left
behind, and she sees a familiar name on the roster of doctors? Dr. 0reston (urke. She gi%es the file to (ailey,
who gi%es it to (urke himself. +hen !ristina asks (ailey what will happen, she's told simply not to worry
about it anymore. #$$ie has but one more task to do before she can head home to attend her own party and be
with her boyfriend - discharge Alex's pain patient. (ut the pain patient doesn't want to go. e gets in a tussle
with the orderlies, bangs his head on some medical e7uipment, and does se%ere damage re7uiring immediate
surgery. Derek asks her and Alex to scrub in, to which #$$ie can't decline. She winds up missing her own
party, ha%ing to meet her boyfriend in the hospital parking, where they find they don't exactly see eye-to-eye
on their relationship. e wants things the way they'%e always been, but to #$$ie, since she's a doctor now, the
top priority has to be the hospital and her patients, and things 6ust ha%e to be different. Meredith doesn't miss
the party. She arri%es to find her house o%errun with strangers. #nitially %ery upset, she has no choice but to
gi%e in. And that's when Derek shows up. Aeeling like she has nothing to lose, Meredith gi%es in to temptation
and she and Derek wind up in his car together. Cnfortunately for the both of them, Derek's car is blocking in
(ailey's, and she sees e%erything. )he next morning, Meredith attends her meeting, and it does not begin well.
9%en though it's agreed that the patient's heart was weak because of excessi%e weight loss - and not a puncture
from a nail - the fact that Meredith said something in front of the patient's husband is considered inexcusable
to the hospital lawyers. (ut it's (urke who stands up for her, using his own mistake fi%e years earlier - lea%ing
the towel behind - as an example of how a surgeon shouldn't act. )o him, she didn't make a mistake being
honest about the glo%e. #f only he had been as honest about his suspicions that maybe he didn't check
e%erything properly fi%e years earlier, a woman would not ha%e been found with a towel in her today.
Meredith did the right thing that he couldn't do fi%e years earlier. She is put on a short probation.
Greys Anatomy. ")* Tomorrow Ne(er Comes"
Meredith assists Derek on a patient with 0arkinson's. )heir working relationship is now strained, though -
not by their redisco%ered passion, but by (ailey's knowledge of it. (ailey doesn't want Derek gi%ing Meredith
any special treatment, and despite the fact that Derek is technically (ailey's boss, (ailey's threat to keep
Meredith out of surgery is enough to get Derek change his attitude around Meredith in public - and not for the
better. e's now intentional harsh on her. &ther than !ristina and (ailey, no one else knows about Meredith
and Derek - particularly George, who's crush for Meredith still rages on.
Answer the questions+
*.- +hat does Alex say about his patient when e thinks She is not listening,
-.- +hat happens with Alex1s pager,
..- +hat does #$$ie ha%e to do herself,
/.- +hy is Meredith upset,
2.- +hy does Meredith1s patient change his mind about the brain surgery,
3.- +hat happens with Alex1s patient in the end,
4.- +hat does Alex do,
5.- +hat do you think #t is happening between !ristina and (urke,
Greys Anatomy. "The %e!*,Destru-t utton"
George and #$$ie catch Derek sneaking out of the house, finally figuring out that he's the mysterious
stranger who's been sleeping with Meredith. George immediately becomes 6ealous, but #$$ie is bothered for
completely different reasons - no wonder Meredith is getting in all the good surgeries lately.
A flu is going around the hospital, and !ristina feels sick to her stomach. She blames Dr. (urke. A gunshot
wound %ictim gets Alex's attention as he awaits attention in the lobby. Alex wants to know why he isn't in the
emergency room. Answer? (ecause he has an appointment. #t was a schedule gunshot wound. is friend shot
him with permission. )he scars, apparently, make a great addition to his tattoos. Meredith assists (ailey on a
case where a normal si$ed teenager ;who is not now, nor e%er was, obese< went to Mexico to get a gastric
bypass operation - a bad one -- without her parent's permission. Dow they ha%e to undo the damage that's been
done. #$$ie has to help a man who swallowed his girlfriend's keys 6ust as she was dumping him.
Answer the questions.
*.- #s George happy of being included in the toddler1s operation,
-.- +hy Did e not attend at it in the end,
..- +hat happened during the operation,
/.- +hat do Alex and his tattoo patient ha%e in common,
2.- +hy does Meredith1s patient want to be so skinny,
3.- +hat is wrong with this girl in the end,
4.- +hy does Alex1s patient die,
5.- #f #$$ie was angry with Meredith because of her relationship with Derek, +hy did She finally feel
sorry for Meredith,
E.- #s !ristina actually ill,
Greys Anatomy. "%a(e $e"
+ith Meredith and Derek's relationship a known commodity among the interns ;not to mention
(ailey<, Derek has been spending almost e%ery night at Meredith's, and e%eryone seems pretty
comfortable with that - except for Meredith. She reali$es she knows precious little about Derek. (ut
Derek isn't in a %ery telling mood. #$$ie makes some brownies, but despite George's adoration, they
6ust don't taste right to her. (ut she refuses to call the person who ga%e her the recipe to find out
what's missing, because that person is her mom.
Answer the questions.
*.- +hat is !ristina going to tell (urke She is pregnant,
-.- +hy, +hat is She going to do with the baby,
..- +hy does the teenager not want a porcine %al%e, +hat do they do to sa%e the case,
/.- +hy does !ristina not want to work with the patient with psychic %isions,
2.- #f he needs the surgery to be ali%e, +hy does he not want to be operated,
3.- #s !ristina1s new case better than the pre%ious one, +hy,
4.- +hy can1t George do an intubation, #s he able to do it at the end,
5.- as the %isionary patient lost his FpowerG after the surgery, ow do you know that,
"Who's .oomin' Who/"
George is in the bathroom, examining himself while looking at a book called
8:ashes, i%es, and Skin 9ruptions.8 )he nursing home keeps calling Meredith,
wondering why she doesn't come to their family dinners. Derek is getting calls of his
own that he doesn't want to talk about.
At the hospital, (ailey lets !ristina and #$$ie perform a procedure to remo%e
excessi%e fluid from a man's abdomen all by themsel%es. George and Alex work with
(urke on one of (urke's old college buddies. (urke's male friend has an o%ary.
Derek finds a tumour near :ichard's optic ner%e and wants to operate immediately.
:ichard agrees, but wants it to be kept a secret. (ailey and Meredith will assist as part
of the secret team.
!ristina and #$$ie's simple procedure hits a giant complication - the patient dies.
(ailey tells them they did e%erything by the book, the death was most likely the result
of the man's poor physical health ;big drinker<. (ut !ristina and #$$ie aren't satisfied
with that. )hey want an autopsy. (ut the man's family - namely his daughter o%er his
mother's ob6ections - doesn't want one. )he daughter would rather let things rest and
mo%e on, and she con%inces the mother not to consent to an autopsy.
Derek, (ailey and Meredith close off an &: to do :ichard's operation co%ertly.
#$$ie and !ristina take it upon themsel%es to their own secret procedure - an autopsy
against the family's wishes. )hey need to know what really went wrong.
After :ichard's operation if o%er though, first thing (ailey does is look for #$$ie
and !ristina. And she catches them literally red-handed, the body wide open on the
table. (ailey is fuming. )his autopsy is illegal and can get them all fired if not put in
6ail. (ut #$$ie picks up the man's heart. 8#t's huge8 (ailey notes. And there's something
really wrong with it - sedimentary material has built up in it, making the heart 7uite
:ichard's operation to remo%e the tumor was a success, but they won't know the
extent to which his %ision will reco%er until he wakes up. Meredith finally tells Derek
her secret - about her Mother. Derek wants to be there for her. e embraces her
warmly and kisses her. And :ichard opens his eyes and sees e%erything. And he
doesn't appro%e.
(ailey, #$$ie, and !ristina tell the family of the autopsy patient what they found -
that the man has a genetic condition that could affect the daughter too. )hat's why he
died, and that's why she should get tested for it. #$$ie and !ristina get what they want,
and so does (ailey - she gets them to finally sign the consent form ;making the
surgery retroacti%ely 7uite legal<.
Meredith agrees to a steak dinner with Derek. Derek has something he wants to tell
her. )hey meet in the lobby, all ready to go out on their first official date. And then a
woman arri%es, the mere sight of her causing Derek to say to Meredith 8#'m so sorry.8
And then the woman says to Meredith? 8"ou must be the woman screwing my

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