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KatherineBradac, )
TracieGoodwin, )
CivilActionNo.: 3:13-cv-02351:;JP1t ct.JJA.,
Plaintiffs, ) _vlb,
Lt .O';.W
v. )
) ~
NimrataRandhawaHaley, inher )
J:- . CJ
officialcapacityas Governorof)
:z: <>
SouthCarolina, )
<: ""':;0
AlanM. Wilson, in hisofficial )
n ~
-0 ~ ~
:x C D
SouthCarolina, )
ChrisSevier, )

) OCTOBER23,2014 r"
Defendants. )
I,DONBOYD,AFFIRM,DEPOSEAND STATEthatthefollowing is baseduponmypersonal
knowledgeand istrueand correct:
1. IamaBelieverin theCreatorLORD described inthe Torah and
Genesis 1:1 (attachedExhibitAA)oftheHoly Bible.
2. MyvocationintheLORDis amusician/psalmist;
3. however,IamConstrainedby asenseofAnointing-Assignmentto that
peopleerrantly identifyingandcallingthemselves lesbianandgay
4. and, oflate,secularlywrestingsame-sexmarriageas arightconferred
by Constitution oftheUnitedStates-knowingfull well suchcouplings
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are contraryto theHolyScripturesandthusunavailablefronlthe
5. (andalsoknowingfull well Constitutionneitherconferssuchright)
6. -amanipulationandcause atwhicheverstrongerdailyIsenseThe
(prophet's)PushorThe(prophetic)Drawingtothis matter,
7. if perchancetoNIPIT in theCourt, as sothisCourt"shalln1ake no
law...prohibitingthefree exercise"ofmyreligion
8. (nottomentionavertacrISIS offire'andbrimstonepropOliion.)
lO. AsIbelieve,as statestheHolyBible,
"22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is
IFrommypersonal experienceofmeetingmanyidentifyingwithoras lesbianor
gay,I havemetonlyoneortwowhodidnotcomefrom a church-goingbackground
(includingJews [andMuslims,forthatmatter], if"temple"[and"mosque"]maybe
calleda typeofchurch)orotherexposureto whatthe Scripturesstateinthematter:
AndI meanfl:om "intense"denominations-Holiness,Pentecostal,Baptist,etc.
whereScripturesaredrilled: So,I amspeal<ingof thosewithscripturalknowledge,
notignorance. FromthesameexperiencesI alsoknowthose identifyingwithoras
lesbianorgayarethemosttalented, intellectuallybrilliant,articulatepersons
around-whichis howI also knowthismaniageblitzoflateis ofa masterminded
plotandcoalition-nothappenstance-forattemptingtocircumventthe Scriptures.
And,I admit,I hatetofind themusingtacticsusedagainstthem,to findthem
oppressor. Worstofall,I hatetheyhaveconuptedthemselvesand arebeyond
seeingthemselves attheplaceof "anymeans"forwhatthey thinktheywant: THAT
CI A#: 3:J3-cv-023S\-JFA
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abomination... 24Defile not ye yourselves in ANY of these
things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out
before you: 25And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the
iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her
inhabitants."-Leviticus 18:22,24,25 (attached Exhibit BB),
11. I also believe in Logic, the science of sound reasoning and sound
reasoning principles such as Inferential and Deductive Reasoning,
12. such that, relevant to here, IT FOLLOWS CONCLUSIVELY,
If a singlewoman is said to have a singlewoman girl-
friend, or if a singleman is said to have a singleman
there simply is NO implication of sexual activity
("fornication")-or activity of any other kind, either-
in such couplings, as with all opposite-sex couples:
THUS, any accusation of sexual wrongdoing therein is
speculative and anybody's rumour.
Once a woman is said to be married to another woman
or a man is said to be married to another man,
it is IMPLIED-and must be INFERRED-they exercise
every marital privilege including sexual coitus
wherein they "lie" together (It makes no sense, any
premise that persons marry in order to abstain from
sex: No, quite the opposite, couples marry so they
may legitimately engage in "married-people things"):
THUS, it is a presumed and logical fact that EVERY
same-sex "married" couple commits abomination,
YEA, is an abomination, AND,
THEREFORE, any and EVERY same-sex marriage can
ONLY be, and shall ALWAYS be, an abomination
and NEVER legitimate and AL WAYS defiled, in
truth, and as a matter of presumptive fact,
AND THUS under COMPULSORY condemnation by
all Christians and Jews-
dbAffl 0.23 .14
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-but most certainly by a prophet of THE LORD, as I,
13. whereofIamChargedto warnthoseI amAssigned:
80n of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of
Israel: therefore hear the word at My mouth, and give them
warning from Me. 18When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt
surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to
warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same
wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at
thine hand. 19Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from
his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his
iniquity; but thou has delivered thy soul. 2Again, When a
righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit
iniquity, and Ilay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die:
because thou has not given him warning, he shall die in his sin,
and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be
remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
21Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the
righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live,
he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. 22And
the hand of the Lord was there upon me; and He said unto me,
Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will there talk with thee ... 27But
when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt
say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; He that heareth, let
him hear; and he that forbeareih, let him forbear: for they are a
rebellious house."-Ezekie13:17-22, 27 (attached Exhibit CC)
14. Again, whereasIam underabovesaidAssignment-Anointingpredating
instantsame-sexmarriagecontroversy oflateand Gay Agenda
15. andwhereasIamChargedunderpartaker'spenaltyto warnthoseIam
4-9 .
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16. andwhereasDivineInstructionandOpeningofnly mouthis to cry
"22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is
abomination... 24Defile not ye yourselves in ANY of these
things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out
before you: 25And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the
iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her
inhabitants."-Leviticus 18:22,24,25, (attached Exhibit BB)
ateverygay"wedding"byreasonofwhatgay "marriage"conclusively
implies l l ~ n 1, 12),
17. then, any rulingratifyinggay"marriage"wouldcompelme to leaveoff
worshippingTHE LORDwithmusicandpsalmsC1l2)-free exerciseof
my religion-toassumealife ofaprotesterandweddingcrasher,
18. etc.,
19. thatIhaveneverhadto do to date for beingableto "rest"thatthelaw,
abiding Scriptureto date, hasneverandwouldneverlicenseor
20. Alsoundersuchratification(consideringCharge, Assignment,Divine
SeventhDayrest, theSabbath-Fridayeveningto Saturdayevening-in
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orderto crashandwarniprotestatgayweddings , thenatureofwhich
is oppositeto"rest,"prohibitingfree exerciseofreligionwhereinIam
commandedto "Ren1embertheSabbathDayto keep it holy,"
" 2And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had
made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which
He had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified
it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God
created and made."-Genesis 2:2, 3 (attached Exhibit DD)
" 8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days shalt thou
labour, and do all thy work: 1But the seventh day is the sabbath
of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor
thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six
days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in
them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed
the sabbath day, and hallowed it."-Exodus 20:8-11 (attached
Exhibit EE
, EE
21. ThatortheCourtshallhavecreatedalawprohibitingmy ability to
practicedto date-andnotwarnanddecrytheabomination.
22. ToREPEAT: AnyCou11/State ratificationofgay"marriages"createsa
catch-22by whichin oneway oranotherIam forced to disobey
2May the Court take judicial notice it is com.mon knowledge that most wedding ce-
remonies are held on the Sabbath-Friday sundown through Saturday sundown-for
convenience of guests/attendees, for the most part: Skimming the wedding
announcements in The State newspaper (such as at attachedExhibitFF1a-FFIf,
Sunday, September 3,2006)would confirm this readily verifiable fact.
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God'sChargeto warn, orinsowarningdisobeyGod'scommandment
to rest-PROHIBITING thefree exerciseofmy establishedreligion
antedatingall ideasof"gaymarriage"andwell-knownbeforehandto
all adultserrantly identifyingandcallingthemselves lesbianandgay
23. INFACT, on aSabbath,Ihaveattended,andmighthavebeensaidto be
amusicianat, a"commitmentceremony"(ofthoseerrantlyidentify-
ingand callingthemselvesgay)thatmadeno designofbeinga
marriageandthus in noway from it coulditbeinferredany sexual
24. Commensurately,Iwas notrequiredto"speaknow"butwasPermitted
25. All around,then,Iwas abletokeepthe Sabbath"rest,"evenabidingin
my vocation in theLORD ~ 2 ) .
26. Furthermore, byreasonof"defaultconsent"estoppingall failingto
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"speaknoworforeverholdhispeac:e" ateveryweddingregardless
of personalattendance,Iam arealparty in interest.
27. Iam onepersonwhocanbe in onlyoneplaceat atime:
Byany Courtdecisioneffectively ratifyinggay"marriage,"this Court
shallhavehadahandin multiplyingthenumberofgay weddings and
transgressors ofScripturalproscriptionandthus, foreseeably, tohave
prohibitedand interferedmy Amendment One free exerciseof
religiousobedienceandabilityto keepreligious Chargeofwarning
everytransgressorI'mAssigned ~ 1 3 ) , sinceIcanbeat onlyonewed-
dingat atimeandnuptialsonlyprovidethatanyone"here"knowingof
28. Sincethecivil model andprincipleofall nuptialsrequire(1)presence
ofwitnesses and (2) publicconsent, Courtdecisioneffectively
ratifyinggay"marriage"foreseeablywouldhavepartin multiplying
thenumberofgayweddingsI, ODe person,foreseeably couldnot
attendandprotest, and, therebythis Courtwouldbesaidto have
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knowinglyprohibitedand interfereqmyAmendment Fourteen equal
opportunityrightto attendandpubliclyobjectto the marriageofevery
same-sexcouplefor whomI"knowareasontheseshouldnotbe
joinedin marriage"-which is everysame-sex
29. Foreseeably, beingconstrainedto continuallyprotestgay weddings
foreseeably multipliedby Courtdecisioneffectivelyratifyinggay
"marriage"would deprivemeoflibertyofhavingapersonallife and
equalprotectionsaffordedbyAmendmentFourteento everyother
citizenoftheUnitedStatesnotDonBoydandnot devoutlyconcerned.
In theinterestofJustice,Sincerely,
345 CharwoodDrive
Columbia,SC 29223
I declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signedthis__?_l_?_t __dayof

l -i
C/A#: 3:13-cv-023 S1-JFA
9-9 . dbAffIO.23 . 14
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Moral Laws 165 Leviticus'19:6
thou shalt not approach to his wife:
she is thine aunt.
15 Thou shalt not uncover the
nakedness of thy daughter in law: she
is thy SOh'S wife; thou shalt not un-
cover her nakedness.
16 ~ h o u shalt not uncover the
nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is
thy brother's nakedness. Man. 14:4
17 }{Thou shalt not uncover the
nakedness of a woman and her
daughter, neither shalt thou take her
son's daughter, or her daughter's
daughter, to uncover her nakedness;
for they are her near kinswomen: it
is Twickedness.
18 Neither shalt thou take a wife
to her sister. to Tvex her, to uncover
her nakedness, beside the other in her
life time. irritat e
19 Also thou shalt not approach
unto a woman to uncover her naked-
ness, as long as she is put apart for
her uncleanness.
20 RMoreover thou shalt not lie
carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to
defile thyself with her. {Prov.6:25-33J
21 And thou shalt not let any of
thy seed pass through the fire to Mo'-
lech, neither shalt thou profane the
name of thy God: I am the LORD.
22 Thou shalt not lie with man-
kind, as .with womankind: it is
Tabomination. sin
23 RNeither shalt thou lie with any
beast to defile thyself therewith: nei-
ther shall any woman stand before a
beast to lie down thereto: it is Tconfu-
sion. Ex . 22:19 Sin
24 Defile not ye yourselves in any
of these things: for in all these the na-
tions are defiled which I cast out be-
fore you:
25 And the land is defiled: there-
fore Ido visit the iniquity thereof upon
leviticus 18:22
it, and the land itself vomiteth out her
26 RYe shall therefore Tkeep my
statutes and my judgments, and shall
not commit any of these Tabomina-
tions; neither any of your own nation,
nor any stranger that sojourneth
among you: vv. 5, 30 obey, sins
27 (For all these abominations
have the men of the land done, which
were before you, and the land is de-
28 That the land spue not you out
also, when ye defile it, as it spued out
the nations that were before you.
29 For whosoever shall commit
any of these abominations, even the
souls that commit them shall be cut
off from among their people.
. 30 Therefore shall ye keep mine
ordinance,that ye commit not anyone
of these abominable customs, which
were committed before you, and that
ye defile not yourselves therein: I am
the LORD your God.
AND t h ~ LORD spake unto Moses,
.r-\. saymg, . . .
2 Speak unto all the congregation
of the children of Israel, and say unto
them, RYe shall be holy: for Ithe LORD
your God am holy. 11 :44
3 Ye shall fear every man his
mother, and his father, and keep my
sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.
4 RTurn ye not unto idols, nor
make to yourselves molten gods: I am
the LORD your God. Ps. 96:5
5 And Rif ye offer a sacrifice of
peace offerings unto the LORD, ye
shall offer it at your own will. 7: 16
6 It shall be eaten the same day
ye offer it, and on the morrow: and if
24 25 (1-1)
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Ezekie13: 17 1038 The Siege oj Jerusalem
of seven days, that the 'word of the
LORD came unto me, saying, Jer. 42:7
r 17 Son have made thee
a watchman the house of-Israel:
therefore hear:the word at my mouth,
and give them warning from:me.
18 When I say unto the .wicked,
Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest
him. not warning, nor speakest to
warn the wicked from his wicked
way. to save his life: the same wicked
man shall die in his iniquity; but his
blood will I require at thine hand.
19 RYet if thou warn the wicked,
and he tum not from his wickedness,
nor from his wicked way, he shall die
in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered
thy soul. :n:R. 9
20 ., Again, When a righteous man
doth turn from his righteousness, and
commit iniquity, and I lay a stum-
blingblock before him, he shall die:
because thou hast not given him
warning, he shall die in his sin, and
his righteousness which he hath done
shall not be remembered; but his
blood will I require at thine hand.
21 Nevertheless if thou warn the
righteous man, that the righteous sin
not, and he doth not sin, he shall
surely live, because he is warned; also
thou hast delivered thy soul.
22 And the hand of the LORD was
there upon me; and he said unto me,
Arise, go forth into the plain, and I
will there Rtalk with thee. Acts 9:6
23 Then I arose, and went forth
into the plain: and, behold, the glory
of the LORD stood there, as the glory
which I saw by the river of Che/-bar:
and I fell'on my face.
24 Then Rthe spirit entered into
me, and set me lipon my feet, and
spake with me, and said unto me, Go.
shut thyself within thine house. 2:2
25 But thou, 0 son of man, behold,
Rthey shall put bands upon thee, and
shall bind thee ,with them. and thou
shalt not go out among them: 4:8
. 26 And I will make thy tongue .
cleave to the roof of thy mouth, that
thou shalt be dumb, and shalt .not be
to them a reprover: for they are a re-
bellious house.
27 But when I speak with thee, I
will open thy mouth. and thou shalt
say unto them, Thus saith the Lord
GOD; He that heareth, let him hear;
and he that forbeareth, let him for-
bear: for they are a rebellious house.
HOU also, son of man. take thee
a Ttile, and lay it before thee, and
pourtray uponrit the City, even Jerusa-
lem: brick
2 And Hl ay siege against it, and
build a fort against it. and cast a
mount against it; set the camp also
against it, and set battering rams
against it round about. 2 Kin. 25: 1
3 Moreover take thou unto thee
Tan iron pan, and set it tor a wall of
iron between thee and the city: and
set thy face against it. and it shall be
besieged, and thou shalt lay siege
against it. RThis shall be a sign to the
house of Israel. . (/ flat plate 12:6. 11
4 Lie thou also upon thy left side,
'and lay the iniquity of the house of
Israel upon it: according to the num-
ber of the days that thou shalt lie
upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.
5 For I have laid upon thee the
years of their iniquity, according to
the number of the days, three hundred
and ninety days: so shalt thou bear
the iniqUity of the house of Israel.
6 And when thou hast accom-
plished them, lie again on thy right
Ezekiel 3:}7-ZZ, Z7 (1-1)
3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-1 Page 11 of 19
Genesis 1:22 2 The History of Creation
22 And God blessed them, s ~ y i n g given every green herb for meat: and
Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the it was so. Job 38:41 . breath
waters in the seas, and let fowl multi- 31 And RGod saw every thing that
ply in the earth. I he had made, and, behold. it was very
23 And the evening and the mom-
ing were the fifth day.
.-24 And God said, Let the earth
bring forth the living creature after his
kind, cattle, and Rcreeping thing, and
beast of the earth after his kind: and
it was so. Rom. 1:23
25 , And God made the beast of the
earth after his kind, and cattle after
their kind, and every thing that creep-
eth upon'the earth after his kind: and
God saw that it was gOOd.
26 And God said, Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of
good. And the evening and the morn-
ing were the sixth day. 1 Tim. 4:4
THUS the heavens and the earth
were finished, and all the host of
2 And on the seventh day God
ended his work which he had made;
and he rested on the seventh day from
all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh
day, and sanctified it: because that in
it he had rested from all his work
which God created and made.
the air, and over the cattle, and over; 4 RThese are the generations of
all the earth, and over every creep- the heavens and of the earth when
ing thing that creepeth upon the they were created, in the day that the
eanh. LORD God made the earth and the
27 So God created man in his own heavens: 1: 1: Ps. liD; I. 2
image, in the image of God created 5 And every Rplant of the field be-
he him; Rmal e and female created he fore it was in the earth, and every herb
them. 5:2; Matt. 19:4 of the field before it grew: for the
28 And God 'blessed them, and LORD God had not caused it to rain
God said unto them, Be fruitful, and upon the earth, and there was not- a
multiply, and replenish the earth, and man to till the ground. 1: 12
subdue it: and have dominion over the 6 But there went up a mist from
fish of the sea,and over the fowl of the earth, and watered the whole face
the air, and over every living thing of the ground.
that moveth upon the earth. 7 And trye LORD God formed man
. 29 And God said, Behold, I have of the dust of the ground, and
IDven you every herb bearing seed, breathed into his nostrils the breath
which is upon the face of all the earth, of life; and man became a living soul.
and every tree, in the which is the fruit 8 And the LORD G.od planted a
of atree yielding seed; to you it shall garden eastward in Eden; and there I
be for Tmeat. food he put the man whom he had formed.
30 And to every beast of the earth, 9 And out of the ground made the
and to every Rfowl of the air, and to LORD God to grow every tree that is
\ Exhibit
every thing that creepeth upon the pleasant to the sight, and good. for
earth. wherein there is Tlife, I have . food; the tree of life also in the mIdst
Genesis 2:2, 3 (1-1)
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The LORD nMount inai
odus 19:14
trumpet sounde b long hall
come up to Lhe moun. He ,12:20
14 And Mose ~ n t do from
themountuntothepeople andsancti-
ned hepeople' dtheywashed heir
15 An he ai un0thepeople,Be
readyag instthethir day: comenot
Tat your wives. 1Cor 7;51'near to
16 dit etopasson hethird
day in the morning that there were
thunde and llghtning )and athick
cloud upon the mount and he voice
al the eople that was in thecamp
Rtr mbled. Heb. 12;21'w refe.arful
17 dMose brought forth the
people tof the camp 0 meet with
God; an the stood at he Tnether
part0 th mount. foot
18 And moun i 'nai as al-
togethe on'a moke ec use the
LORD descended upon it in e:and
the smke here ce ed as the
smoke 0 a urn e nd t e hole
mountquaked rea ly. (Heb.12:26)
1 And when the voi e of the
trumpet ounded long and waxed
louder and louder 0 es pake, and
God answered hjmby a oice.
2 And heLRD camedownupon
mount i'-nai, on the top of the
mount:and he ORD called oses up
to the top 0 the mount;and Mo es
went up.
1 An heLORD saiduntoMoses,
Go down chargethepeople, lestthey
breakthr ugh untotheLORD Rtogaze,
and man ofthemperi h. 1 am. 6:19
22 dlet the priests at 0 W .ch
come near to the LORD Rsanctify
them elve ,le ttheLORD break orth
upon them. ev. ]0:3
23 AndMosessaiduntoh ORD,
Thepeople cannotcomeupt mount
i ' n ': forthoucharged tus sa ing
et bo Id a au the mount and
an tifyit. .12
24 nd the LORD said unto hjm,
Avay get th edov and thou halt
come up hou, and aron with thee:
but let not the pri sts andthe pe pie
break hrough tocome up unto the
LORD, les he brea forth uponthem.
25 So ose wen down unto the
people,andspakeunto them.
ND God spake all these words,
m eLORD hy God whicb
have brought thee out of he land of
Egyp out of he ouse of bond ge.
3 Thou halt aeno 0 her god
4 Thou haJt n tmake unto bee
a Y' gravenimage, or anyIkene of
an thing that is in heaven abo e, or
that is in be earth beneath orthat I
inthewat rudertheearth:
5 Thoushaltn tbowdownth elf Exhibit
tothem, nor serve them: for I the
LORD thyGod am ajealousGod)vi it-
in theiniquityofthefa her upon he
c ildrnuntotl thirdandfourthgen-
eration 0 hem at haem;
6 Andshe ing mercy unto hou-
sand ofthem thatlove me and keep
my commandments.
7 Thou h t ot take the name
of tileLORD thy od in vain' r he
LORD will not ho dhim guiltle sthat
takethhisname invain. I a.5: .J
8 Rmember he abbath day to
e it hoI .
9 ixday shaltthou1bour, and
do 11 thy ark: ozek. 2 :12: Luke U:1
10 But theseventh day is thesab-
bath of the LORD thyGod: in it thou
Exodus ZO:811 (1Z)
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The Ten Commandments 103 Exodus 2\.S
shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy , of Israel, Ye have seen that I have
son, nor thy daughter, thy talked with you from heaven.
servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy 23 Ye shall not make Rwith me
cattle, Rnor thy stranger that is within gods of silver, neither shall ye make
thy gates: Gen. 2:2. 3 unto you gods of gold. 32: 1. 2. 4
11 For in six days the LORD made 24 An altar of earth thou shalt
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that make unto me, and shalt sacrifice
in them is, and rested the seventh day: thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy
wherefore the LORD blessed the sab- peace offerings, Rthy sheep, and thine
bath day, and hallowed it. oxen: in all places where I T r.ecord my
12 HHonour thy father and thy name I will come unto thee, and Iwill
mother: that thy days may be long Rbless thee. . . Lev. 1:2 put Gen. 12:2
upon the land which the LORD thy 25 And if thou wilt make me an
God giveth thee. Eph. 6:2 altar of stone, thou shalt not build it
13 RThou shalt not kill. Rom. 13:9 of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy
14 Thou shalt . not commit adul- tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.
tery. . 26 Neither shalt thou go up by
15 Thou shalt not steal. steps unto mine altar, that thy naked-
16 RThou shalt not bear false wit- ness be not discovered thereon.
ness against thy neighbour. Z;{: I
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neigh-
bour's house, thou shalt not covet thy N0W these are the l Judgments
neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, . which thou shalt set before
nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor I them. rulings
his ass, nor any thing that is thy 2 Rlf thou buy an Hebrew servant,
treighbour's. six years he shall serve: and in the
18 And RaIl the people saw the seventh he shall go out free for noth-
thunderings, and the lightnings, and ing. Jer. 34:14
the noise of the trumpet, and the 3 If he came in by himself, he shall
mou"ntain smoking: and when the peo- go out by himself: if he were married,
pIe saw it, they T removed. and stood then his wife shall go out with him.
afar off. Heb. 12:18 moved away 4 If his master have given him a
19 And they said unto Moses, wife, and she have born him sons or
Speak thou with us, and we will hear: daughters; the wife and her children
but let not God speak with us, llest shall be her master's, and he shall go
we die. for fear out by himself.
20 And Moses said unto the pea- 5 And if the servant shall plainly
pIe, Fear not: for God is come to prove say, I love my master, my wife, and
you, and that his fear may be before my children; I will not go out free:
your faces, that ye sin not. 6 Then his master shall bring him
21 And the people stood afar off. unto the Rjudges: he shall also bring
and Moses drew near unto Rthe thick him to the door, or unto the door post;
darkness where God was. 19:16 and his master shall bore his ear
22 And the LORD said unto Moses. through with an aui; and he shall
Thus thou shalt say unto the children serve him for ever. 12: 12
Exodus 20:8-11 2-2
3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-1 Page 14 of 19
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3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-1 Page 16 of 19
Rev..I"IT), Temple perfolmed!Ill:
Page-Eckstrom Marchant-Murphy tlarmon-Miller
Gp.r 'lnny.A recept ion j,11
10\\ '- "'mill .11 I (,.Ii
Annie Virgini a and Ni col e Hel en Murphy :lnd
Joshl!..:.1 __

arm in '
lIlI':2 rill Cll lon. ' .\ 1'I:':('pl iull
'l'h,' hr idl' is th{' d :l llf{ li il'l' 0/
lVas hel d :\1 Jackson '-I,il i , First
Richard and Pnftl ri(llel' .
Asheville. AgraduateofAshev'
i\lexHllder' :an',pbell performed
l'resl)Yi crianChurch.
Il onu)1ll !H' T','hll i (' ;I(,1)HUlIl'
Tl1 fl" lit.; .li .l lbl [t. 1 ) 'Ji w'
she is employed at
Linda 'ekst rom of Cr"
man Heating; &: Ail. The gil
the grulHlduu,eb '
' hesonofJeffandSueHOI'
Eel, strom
. s''fJ '\'

,\",\ ,\ ,,(

\-)\ o',\\.\'?
\\'0' ,
. ,{I
a. "W'.
3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-1 Page 17 of 19
Mr ( nd Mrs. Willi m E,
Caughman lit of Columb'('I an-
nounce the engag ment of their
riaughte. laire Diane Caughman
.nel Horner Lamar Harper n' -
ot Columbi . 1 e j .----
and Mrs H Lnmru
The bide-elect i.
dau ht r of Mr. and
E. Caughman Jr. of Co
Mr. and Mr. . Jolm W.
Nonh AUgu laoShe is a
of the Southeastern Schoc
romu cui r and Mas: ge
and is a licen. eel m gf
work therapist
The bridegroom-elect I
grandson of the lilt Mr. and
Ii me L Harper Sr. nnd th
Me and M . . E.w. Long Sr.. ai
Hampton. He has rved J' ye-
as Ii member oftbe U.s. Navy R'
Ulsr1es '. Ru kef aonoun 'e til<'
ng'igement of rhelr daughter.
Britt, ny 1)anielle Rucker. to Bdltrl
C:moll I tamm. son of II and
Mr . David Hanml of Sanely Run.
The bIH.le-eleo. granddaughter
of \11' . Ji l d Mrs Jame LewlC
Rllcker ot Sandy Run. Mr. and
Lany BI ck of Lexingl0n. Mr
and Mr. . Jake Sox Jr uf
B ad and Mr. and M ). John
Kindrick of Kingsport. Tenn., i::. the
gr t-granddaughter of 11rs. Laur.'
Kindrick of Brownsburg lnd , and
th late Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sox of
Columbia. A radu&te ot S 11 ;]
H.S.. he is !J projecr rna .. er wllh
(he {.unilv bllsiness, Rucker FlO{ r
TIl!' rroom-elect is the grand
on 01 Mrs. E! n tine Willinnlson
and the late Lewie Will!. mson
of Sandy Run. Mrs. Jean Hamm
of Early Bnmch and fhe IJle
Rev. Cyril Ha1l101 A gradu te of
Swansl" H"' ..
3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-1 Page 18 of 19
Moore-Ca 't/1man

bride, perfolmed the 7p.m.cere-
mony.Areceptionfollowed atthe
South CarolinaAquarium.
rs. G. ichael ghman of
rhe late Mr. and Mrs. C Clark
Mr. andMrs. HenryM. Caughman
ofWesrColumbia. hegraduated
from theColi geofCharlesrrco.. T',., '
May2006w'rhaBA "
and aBAin
The grr. '-

c> \\,\e \'(\e
\le{ t,eCe'V
-.l . p..
\" "",,0 -1

. t\'" '\.\\e \.
f'I; \l - eO'(i. et I\. \\S 0
e'()V-'('f,' )y..,t\o\e

,,,,- . . _,.:. 0 'fl-,O '.,,\
o CEBURG- Ms.Hlld PJzer
Whitesides and .LouisWhite-
theirdaughter. Dr. icely Rhea
\Vhitesid .andMr. KhehadiMhan
, (\tins, thofLexington.Heis
th son of Mr.Andrae Richmond
ofWaslungton, D.C., and thelat
Ms. BeverlyWatkillSHickmon;md
Mr Louis Hickmon (tep-father)
fColumbia \estmentGroup, liC,Lexington.
The bride-elect is {he grand- The bridegroom-elect is the
daughterofthe lateMr. andMrs. grandsonofthelateMr.and M-
reddie (Naomi) Washington Leroy (Beatrice) Watkins r.""
elzerof Ml. Vernon, N.Y.,and umbi,andM .AnnieRV
Ms. nossie Whitesides of Spar- of Greensboro. N. .,i\'
tanbur andthe late Mr Buford Rev. r.WalterMarvil.
Whltesi :.She isa1994 gradu- Sr.AgraduateofEau I:.
ateof rangeburgWdkinsonHigh School,heattendsMidlancb
School. a 1 98 graduate of the ni al College pursuingan
rUversityofSo thCarolinawith ate'sdegreeinhealing.verrtililti1!lw..r.
a Bachelor of clence in biol - and air conditioning (HVAC) .He
hemistry(minor) anda2002 is , \1\ HVAC cMcetechnicianwith
grad ale of the USC College of
Ph nnacywth aDoctor ofPhar- eHi torical
maey.Sheisapharmacymanager Ch rch
with Walgreen. orporation tlnd u'
is a)so<>wner ofWyndhursl In- ofColumbia.
3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-1 Page 19 of 19
KatherineBradac, )
TracieGoodwin, ) Civil ActionNo.:
Plaintiffs, )

v. )
NimrataRandhawaHaley,in her ) JUDICIALNOTICE
officialcapacityas Governorof )
SouthCarolina, ) ON 0
AlanM. Wilson,in his official ) DONBOYDMOTION :z G
capacityas AttorneyGeneralof ) TO


r- ,.., "'0
Chris Sevier, ) IN INTEREST
0 <
::J: Co

Defendants. ) ANDJOIN
, ':
Plaintiffasks Courttotakejudicialnoticeofthefollowingwell-knownor
(1) As shownin The State newspaperofSouthCarolina, SundayEdition,
September3,2006, mostweddingceremonies are heldonthesev-
enthday,the Sabbath-Fridaysundownthrough Saturdaysundown
(See attachedExhibitFFla-FFlf.)
I declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
In interestofJustice, Sincerely,
345 ClwTwood Drive
C/A#: 313-cv-02351;W-A TM-
3:13-cv-02351-JMC Date Filed 11/03/14 Entry Number 83-2 Page 1 of 1

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